
Agnia Barto. Vovka is a kind soul


Yesterday I was walking along Sadovaya,

I was so surprised -

White-headed boy

He shouted to me from the window:

- Good morning!

Good morning!

I asked: “Is this for me?” —

He smiled at the window

He shouted to someone else:

- Good morning!

Good morning!

For kids and adults

The boy waved his hand

Let's get to know him now:

This is Vovka - there is one!


There is a young boy

His name is Volodenkoy

And they call her Vova.

He's a poor boy

He kicks the ball until dark,

And from the open window

Names are given out:

Volodya, Vovka, Vova! -

And he didn’t say a word in response.

Where did he go, finally?

Go to lunch, you tomboy! -

Auntie screams angrily.

And the mother sighs meekly.

And it rings out again:

Volodya, Vovka, Vova! -

They call him from all sides,

They shout at him through the window.

Vovka has several names,

But he doesn't want to answer

Not one yet!

Volodya, Vovka, Vova! -

But he doesn’t hear the call!

Finally, with great difficulty

They invite Vovka into the house.

Before he had time to drink his tea,

Someone shouted: “Help me!”

Vovka,” someone shouted, “

Defend the gate! -

If they call him to the house,

He doesn't hear the call

And into the yard - he’s right there:

Less than two minutes have passed

The ball is kicking again.

And from the open window

Names are given out:

Volodya! Vovka! Wow!

Volodya! Vovka! Wow! -

And he didn’t say a word in response.


They don't tell us to be indifferent

Treat the elderly.

I met an old lady -

A short old lady

Two bulldogs on the sides.

I decided that two bulldogs -

That's a lot for an old lady.

I asked: “Aren’t you tired?”

Do you need any help?

You have enough strength in your hands

Should they be led on leashes?

Then the bulldogs growled,

And she said sternly:

There was no more sadness

Move away for God's sake!

Pulled the leashes

And the two bulldogs became silent,

Like obedient puppies.


The neighbor's puppy has grown so much

His name is Malyutka

But he's a huge dog now

Has difficulty getting into the booth,

Baby sits on a chain.

What can you do? Be patient!

Such a job!

Will someone pass by?

Will the gates open?

He looks around -

Where are you going? To us?

Barks as expected

For every passerby.

Always yapping at the cat

Scares away chickens...

There's just one problem -

He sleeps too soundly.

Let someone drive into the yard,

Let the trucks rumble

Let them rush through the gate

Strange puppies

He won't get out of the booth

Forget about Little One.

Come on, get out! -

The hostess is angry.

He says: “I’ll sell you.”

You are lazy beyond your years

I'll take another puppy

Not such a quitter!

No, Vova doesn’t want it at all,

So that Baby is sold.

What will happen to the poor guy then?

Will they take you somewhere?..

Now he wakes up the dog

All she has to do is fall asleep.

The dog is sleeping on a chain,

He shouts: “Don’t sleep, don’t sleep!”

The cat appeared

Well, bark a little!

Well wake up

You're at work!

Bark quickly -

Two aunts are coming!

You bark to them!

Wave your tail quickly!

So he will pester Baby, -

The dog will jump out of the booth,

How he barks! And then

Wags his tail cheerfully.


- I have an older brother,

Very smart guy! —

Assures all the guys

Tanya on the boulevard.—

He wears a red tie

In pioneer uniform

Weeds in the garden


And fatty Valechka

He boasts about his older brother:

- If anyone offends me -

The older brother will see through the window.

If I cried -

He will teach everyone a lesson.

He's ready to save me

And from the fierce tiger.

He's almost ten years old

His name is Pavlik.

Katya in a red dress

How to pay:

“I am no one’s sister,”

The cat bit me yesterday.

Well, bite me, scratch me...

I'm alone with my mom and dad,

I have no brothers

Mom and dad are all relatives.

He approaches her slowly

Vovka is a kind soul.

He announces to the guys:

“I’ll be Katya’s older brother.”

Since Monday, in the morning,

You will be my sister.


This is what happened -

The turtle has lost weight!

- The head has become small,

The tail is too thin! —

That's what Vovka once said,

Made the girls laugh.

— Have you lost weight? Well, hardly! —

The girls laugh.—

We gave her milk

I drank the entire saucer.

The turtle wears a shell!

You see, she stuck her nose out

And two pairs of legs!

The turtle wears a shell

Can't lose weight.

— The turtle has lost weight!—

Vova assures.—

We need to find out what's wrong

Maybe she's unwell?

Vovka looks from the window,

He sees a cat sneaking,

She came up and licked the saucer...

What a cheat!

No, the girls are laughing in vain!

“Here,” Vovka shouts to them, “

Look, the cat ate

Breakfast is turtle!

The turtle has lost weight

Because of your cat!


Andryusha - what a cunning one -

Not a step without tricks!

He threw the ball onto the roof

One morning.

They shout to him: “Do you hear,

End this game!

And he is cunning: “I don’t hear.”

And again - the ball hits the roof.

He tripped the cat

Pushed her furtively

Said he was teaching the cat

Be an acrobat cat.

He's covered in soot and soot,

Cunning: - You clap for me,

I go out on calls

I'm a clown on TV.

Andryusha - what a cunning one -

Not a step without tricks!

- I'll go to sleep on the grass,

The bed is not good...

Angry at the sly guy

Vovka is a kind soul.

All the neighbors came running,

They say: - This is a rare case -

Vovka waves his fist!

What happened to the good guy?

He took Andryusha by the shoulders

And let's shake it like a pear!

- You need these tricks

Shake it out of Andryusha!..


This is Vovka, what an eccentric!

He sits gloomy

He tells himself this:

“Think, Vovka, think!”

Will climb into the attic

Or rushes, what an eccentric,

To the far corner of the garden;

He tells himself this:

“You have to think, you have to think!”

He believes that from thoughts

His mind matures.

And Marusya, she is five years old,

Asks Vovka for advice

And say: in how many days

Is the mind getting smarter?

The cycle of poems by Agnia Barto “Vovka the Good Soul,” which was written in 1962, actually includes quite large number poems. And oddly enough, most often books with poems from the series “Vovka the Good Soul” were published in a “truncated” version. The cycle includes 18 poems, and usually 8-9 were published in various combinations. And some poems - for example, “How Vovka became an adult” - were almost never included in collections. Nevertheless, many poems from this cycle have become loved by more than one generation of children, and the name Vovka has since become a household name. Here we publish the second part of a selection with wonderful poems by Agnia Barto from the series “Vovka the Good Soul”. Now, if you have already seen the collections, you can read all 18 poems about Vovka to your kids.


Hurray, today is good weather for snowballs!

Winter, winter in Zagorsk.

Winter has come to visit.

Houses shine from whiteness,

Ancient chapels.

Winter, winter! Winter has come!

Zagorsk is as good as new.

Walked through the streets and courtyards

Winter, winter is beautiful.

No, to the best painters

You can't handle whitewash like that!

And Vovka is a kind soul

Calls his friends.

Snowballs are flying, snowballs are flying,

Friends are screaming.

One in the snow, the other in the snow,

Nobody wants to be in debt.

This is how they warm up in winter,

It's like the month of May.

And the boy will come home -

At least squeeze it!

Vova has a well-aimed hand,

Vovka has a true eye.

Threw a snowball from afar

And on top of the head - once!

And Petya, such a hulk,

He leaned down slowly

Threw the snowball with the wrong hand.

Everyone laughs: left-handed.

Petya has a left hand

Wants to be in charge

There's no way he can handle her

He can't get along with her at all.

And now - ridicule and giggles,

At least don't go play in the snow.

Well, there is such a country,

There is such a city

Where you can eat in peace

Left hand?

Where at dinner they don’t say:

“Smirnov, which hand do you eat with?”

Snowballs are flying, snowballs are flying...

Lefty! - the boys laugh.

It got dark. The lights are on in the windows.

Do you want, - Vovka says, -

If you want, I'll bring it tomorrow

An invisible cat?

The boys are going home

Slowly, in an embrace.

Do you want me to bring the cat?

Just keep in mind...

And Vovka, a great inventor,

Whispering about something with the left-handed man.


There is a kindergarten in Zagorsk

(Leninskaya, 30),

There have been miracles recently

Things started to happen.

Petya drew the rails,

The white sheet was lined,

And the girls, five friends,

Dressed dolls.

Marusya suddenly says:

Someone meowed?!

Where is the cat? Not visible.

Well, let's see.

Where is the cat? Where is she

Invisible cat?

As our Petka heard -

Someone meowed

Petka immediately pencil

Once - in the other hand.

This morning it happened like this:

Gave Petya some tea,

He uses the spoon with the wrong hand

I took it without noticing.

Close again, close

How the pussy meows!

Where is the cat? Not visible.

Well, let's see

Where is the cat? Where is she

Invisible cat?

At noon it happened like this:

Petya out of habit

He jerked his left hand

Katya by the pigtails.

As soon as the cat meows,

Like when you hear a cat,

Boy in the other hand

Carrying the spoon.

Oh, reproaches and reproaches

Tired of Petka,

Tired of Petka

Worse than bitter radish.

But it's a completely different matter

If the cat wanted

Let me help you a little.

But where did the cat go?

Where is this cat?

No, this cat

Not four legs.

Vovka is a kind soul -

That's who this cat is.

About Vovka and the dog Malyutka

The neighbor's puppy has grown so much
His name is Malyutka
But he's a huge dog now
Has difficulty getting into the booth,

What can you do? Be patient!
Such a job!

Will someone pass by?
Will the gates open?
He looks around -
Where are you going? To us?
Barks as expected
For every passerby.

Always yapping at the cat
Scares away chickens...
There's just one problem -
He sleeps too soundly.

Let someone drive into the yard,
Let the trucks rumble
Let them rush through the gate
Strange puppies
He won't get out of the booth
Forget about Little One.

- Come on, get out! —
The hostess is angry.
He says: “I’ll sell you.”
You are lazy beyond your years
I'll take another puppy
Not such a quitter!

No, Vova doesn’t want it at all,
So that Baby is sold.
What will happen to the poor guy then?
Will they take you somewhere?..

Now he wakes up the dog
All she has to do is fall asleep.
The dog is sleeping on a chain,
He shouts: “Don’t sleep, don’t sleep!”

The cat appeared
Well, bark a little!

Well wake up
You're at work!
Bark quickly -
Two aunts are coming!
You bark to them!
And then
Wave your tail quickly!

So he will pester the Little One, -
The dog will jump out of the booth,
How he barks! And then
Wags his tail cheerfully.


This is Vovka, what an eccentric!

He sits gloomy

He tells himself this:

“Think, Vovka, think!”

Will climb into the attic

Or rushes, what an eccentric,

To the far corner of the garden;

He tells himself this:

“You have to think, you have to think!”

He believes that from thoughts

His mind matures.

And Marusya, she is five years old,

Asks Vovka for advice

And say: in how many days

Is the mind getting smarter?


The boys are growing before our eyes!

Lived in my poems once

Vovka is a kind soul.

(That's the baby's nickname!)

And now he's a grown-up little guy,

Looks about twelve years old

And readers, perhaps

Adult Vovka will surprise you.

Vovka ended with kindness,

He decided he was embarrassed

In adulthood such

Be some kind person!

He blushed at this word,

I began to feel ashamed of kindness,

To look more stern, he

He pulled cats by their tails.

Pulling cats' tails

And after waiting for darkness,

He asked them for forgiveness

For mistreatment.

Know everything that he is unkind,

Angrier than a wolf! Angrier than a cobra!

- Be careful, or I’ll kill you! —

He threatened the sparrow.

I walked around with a slingshot for a whole hour,

But then I got upset

I buried her on the sly

In the garden under a bush.

He's sitting on the roof now

Hiding, not breathing,

Just not to hear:

“Vovka is a kind soul!”


There is a young boy

His name is Volodenkoy

And they call her Vova.

He's a poor boy
He kicks the ball until dark,
And from the open window
Names are given out:

- Volodya, Vovka, Vova! –
And he didn’t say a word in response.

- Where did he go, finally?
Go to lunch, you tomboy! –
Auntie screams angrily.
And the mother sighs meekly.
And it rings out again:
- Volodya, Vovka, Vova! –

They call him from all sides,
They shout at him through the window.
Vovka has several names,
But he doesn't want to answer
Not one yet!

- Volodya, Vovka, Vova! –
But he doesn’t hear the call!

Finally, with great difficulty
They invite Vovka into the house.

Before he had time to drink his tea,
Someone shouted: “Help me!”
Vovka,” someone shouted, “
Defend the gate! –

If they call him to the house,
He doesn't hear the call
And into the yard - he’s right there:
Less than two minutes have passed
The ball is kicking again.

And from the open window
Names are given out:
- Volodya! Vovka! Wow!
Volodya! Vovka! Wow! –

And he didn’t say a word in response.


Having been in repair,

Uncle's shoes

They creaked and squeaked.

There was no more sadness!

No matter how hard he tried,

Sneaked on tiptoes

And stood on his heels,

The boots were not silent.

The neighbor moans: - God,

My peace is lost!

I'm covered in goosebumps

From such music!

So much creaking, so much squeaking!

Only Vovka is delighted.

Uncle Vasya, go for a walk! -

Every now and then he asks.

Everyone gives advice to uncle.

Everyone sympathizes in trouble:

You need to soak your soles,

Take a walk in the rain!

On a day off, riding in a boat,

Put your feet in the water

And soak your soles

Their uncle lowered them into the water,

I wore them in bad weather

Wet from head to toe,

And the shoes keep squeaking.

Uncle Vasya oiled them,

The creaking started again...

Everyone said:

Take off your shoes!

No more patience!


They don't tell us to be indifferent
Treat the elderly.
I met an old lady -
A short old lady
Two bulldogs on the sides.

I decided that two bulldogs -
That's a lot for an old lady.
I asked: “Aren’t you tired?”
Do you need any help?
You have enough strength in your hands
Should they be led on leashes?

Then the bulldogs growled,
And she said sternly:
-There was no more sadness,
Move away for God's sake!

Pulled the leashes
And the two bulldogs became silent,
Like obedient puppies.

A friend reminded me yesterday

A friend reminded me yesterday

How much good he did to me:

He once gave me a pencil

(I forgot my pencil case that day)

In the wall newspaper, almost every one,

He mentioned me.

I fell and got wet

It helped me dry out.

It's for a dear friend

I didn’t spare even the pie -

He once gave me a bite,

And now I put it into account.

Doesn't appeal to me guys

More to a friend. Doesn't attract.


We look at the boy -

He doesn't take the ball, he's about to cry

He's kind of unsociable!
He frowns, sulks,
It was like drinking vinegar.

Vovochka comes out into the garden,

Gloomy, as if sleepy.
“I don’t want to say hello,”
Hides his hand behind his back.

We are sitting on a bench
Sat aside unsociable,
He doesn't take the ball
He's about to cry.

We thought, we thought
We thought and came up with:
We will be like Vovochka,
Gloomy, gloomy.

We went out into the street -
They also began to frown.

Even little Lyuba -
She's only two years old -
She also stuck out her lips
And she pouted like an owl.

Look! - we shout to Vova.
Okay, are we frowning?

He looked at our faces

Was about to get angry
Suddenly he burst out laughing.
He doesn't want to, but he laughs
Sounds like a bell.

He waved his hand at us:
- Am I really like that?

You are like that! - we shout to Vova,
We frown more and more.

He asked for mercy:
- Oh, I don’t have the strength to laugh!

He is now unrecognizable.
We sit on the bench with him,
And we call it:
Vova is a former renegade.

He wants to frown
He will remember us and laugh.

Stranger cat

We still don't understand:
What was the dispute about?
We have a stranger cat
Yesterday I came to the yard.
And the mothers from the windows
They scold us because of cats:
- Don't come close to her
Your pussy will scratch you!
- There are different cats walking here...
What if they are contagious?

And it went, as they say,
The whole entrance was noisy,
And mothers have such faces,
It's like a tigress came to us
And it's about to eat someone!

Grandma screams from the balcony,
Old lady in a dark shawl:
- Well, what, please tell me
Did the cats bother you?

– But we don’t drive her away! —
Everyone was chattering here. —
Let him sit there day and night
On our territory.
You misunderstood us
We don't wish her harm...
But the cat is a stranger
I got offended and left.