
Dietary supplements for skin diseases. Bad pharmacore healthy skin plus Bad healthy skin

Tight, elastic and clean skin is not only the pride of any woman, but also a sensitive barometer of our well-being and inner state. The first way to improve the quality of the epidermis is daily cosmetic care. But sometimes the effectiveness of creams, balms and masks may not be enough to obtain the desired result. In this case, substances come to the rescue that can affect the dermis from the inside - these are organic compounds aimed at regeneration, activation of blood circulation, nutrition and hydration of skin cells.

Doctors recommend regularly drinking bioactive supplements containing a full range of vitamins. However, it is worth remembering that before using any pharmacy products, you should contact your therapist, who will be able to correctly draw up a course of treatment and prevention, based on your individual characteristics.

We invite you to get acquainted with the review of the best vitamin and mineral complexes for the skin. The top includes products of the most trusted and popular manufacturers. When compiling the rating, such important criteria as:

  • the composition of the drug;
  • ease of use;
  • price category;
  • assessments of professional cosmetologists and pharmacists;
  • real reviews of women.

There are contraindications. Check with your doctor.

Best Inexpensive Vitamins for Skin

The cost of vitamins, like most other products, consists of many factors. A variety of circumstances influence pricing, and the quality of the product itself is not always in the first place. If desired, in the pharmacy chains of our country, you can find quite effective biologically active additives without any frills in the form of multi-colored shells, sweet taste or flower-fruity aromas. We will tell you how to restore beauty and youth to your skin for little money.

5 Blagomin vitamin H

Fights peeling, redness, tired look
Country Russia
Average price: 207 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Blagomin Vitamin H offers the highest concentration of Biotin, known for its positive effect on the beauty and health of the skin. The drug regulates fat and protein metabolism, has a high activity. The manufacturer writes that with regular use, the digestive processes return to normal. Vitamins stabilize blood sugar levels, promote the release of energy from food. The drug is recommended to take with hair loss, peeling of the skin of the face and neck, neurological problems.

Women in the reviews warn about the dose in one capsule: as much as 153 mcg of biotin, this exceeds the daily allowance of an adult girl. Therefore, it is advised to drink vitamins with caution. A quick effect is noted: pimples and acne marks disappear, complexion evens out. The brand recommends taking breaks between courses, as vitamins accumulate in the body. One jar contains 90 capsules, which is enough for a whole year.

4 Multi B-complex Vitamir

All B vitamins in one tablet
Country Russia
Average price: 150 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Multi B-complex Vitamir is the best rating drug that compensates for the lack of B vitamins. They are involved in metabolic processes, promote the release of micro- and macronutrients. The drug affects the metabolism, normalizes the functions of the nervous and immune systems. Positive changes in the body are reflected in the beauty of the skin. According to the manufacturer, taking the complex is more effective than drinking vitamins one at a time. The tool goes well with other formulas, it is difficult to overdo it with the amount.

Pantothenic acid promotes tissue regeneration, slows down the aging of the epidermis. Pyridoxine is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin, helps the body stabilize sleep hormones. The formula improves the absorption of fatty acids that affect the health of nails and hair. A pleasant side effect is the regulation of the sweat glands. Vitamin B10 has powerful anti-allergic properties and protects against UV rays.

3 Aevit

All-in-One Beauty & Treatment Supplement
Country Russia
Average price: 175 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Aevit is an inexpensive domestic drug, which, nevertheless, has a number of indications for use. This is perhaps one of the most versatile dietary supplements recommended by doctors in the treatment of many skin diseases, vascular problems, physical and mental overstrain, stressful conditions and malnutrition.

The active ingredients that determine the effectiveness of the combined agent are tocopherol acetate (vitamin E) and retinol (vitamin A). These elements necessary for our body help to establish proper metabolism, nourish and regenerate the skin, due to which:

  • small wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • the spread of the inflammatory process is blocked;
  • the intensity of acne is significantly reduced;
  • the depth of the pores of the dermis decreases.

For the best effect, cosmetologists advise not only taking the capsules orally, but also making a face mask by mixing their contents with a small amount of cosmetic oil. Carrying out such a simple procedure 2 times a week for a month, you can achieve the same radiant and hydrated skin as after visiting an expensive beauty salon.

2 Nagipol 2

Brewer's yeast for acne
Country Russia
Average price: 134 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Acne or teenage acne is a disease that can bring a girl a lot of reasons for frustration. To return the skin to purity and velvety, an integrated approach to treatment is needed, consisting of cosmetic procedures, visits to narrow specialists (for example, an endocrinologist) and the intake of biologically active substances. They contribute to the rapid elimination of defects in the dermis and prevent the appearance of new formations.

The Nagipol 2 complex contains a complete set of B vitamins, which, in combination with selenium, tocopherol, chromium and zinc, will help to effectively fight the disease. When taken regularly, brewer's yeast can:

  • regulate the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • ensure a normal blood supply;
  • participate in cell regeneration;
  • reliably protect the skin from the influence of external factors.

The course of taking the drug is 1 month for 3-5 pcs. three times a day. In advanced cases of the disease, aggravated by living in environmentally hazardous areas, it is recommended to repeat the treatment 3 times a year.

1 Aekol

Best for getting rid of wounds, acne marks
Country Russia
Average price: 115 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

Aekol topical product contains fat-soluble vitamins that cope with external imperfections. The formula is able to accelerate cell regeneration, it affects the healing of wounds, cuts, acne marks. The drug quickly heals cracks that have arisen due to dryness of the epidermis. Vitamins regulate cellular metabolism, slow down the aging process. The solution is recommended to be applied immediately after damage is received. The basis is beta-carotene, which prevents environmental influences.

Aekol reduces the risk of unwanted pigments. Judging by the reviews, he copes with puffiness on the face. Women with dull skin note the restoration of a healthy color. The formula stimulates the production of collagen, which restores elasticity. The drug is one of the best for quickly getting rid of symptoms. It begins to act in full force 60 minutes after application.

The best vitamins for the skin from Russian manufacturers

Domestic pharmacology produces many effective drugs and vitamin complexes, which are full-fledged analogues of foreign drugs, while differing in a more budgetary cost. Another advantage of Russian products is their availability - in any nearest pharmacy you can easily choose the necessary product, as well as extend the course of treatment without fear that the dietary supplement of this manufacturer will disappear from sale.

5 Alerana

The strength of 18 proven components
Country Russia
Average price: 528 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The Aleran vitamin-mineral complex contains 18 active substances, which most of our compatriots lack. The drug is divided into 2 parts: day and night. Tablets differ in colors, contain different vitamins. The daily capsule contains iron, folic acid, beta-carotene, etc. The manufacturer added calcium, zinc, cystine, vitamins B and D, and chromium to the nightly dose. Aleran must be taken twice a day for 1 month, the course is repeated 2-3 times a year.

Buyers note the convenience: one drug replaces many others. The package contains 60 tablets. They have a small size and streamlined shape, do not get stuck in the throat. Women are advised to drink the remedy only with meals, otherwise discomfort in the stomach may occur. Judging by the comments, vitamins improve the condition of the skin and hair. They will not be able to solve the problem, but they will relieve the symptoms. The undoubted advantage is the availability in most pharmacies.

4 Complivit Radiance

The best combination of affordable cost and effective result
Country Russia
Average price: 372 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The Russian pharmaceutical company Pharmstandard specializes in the production of inexpensive and high-quality medicines and food supplements. One of the examples of effective dietary supplements for women is the popular vitamin complex Complivit Radiance, aimed at maintaining health and visual attractiveness.

Each tablet contains a carefully balanced combination of nutrients:

  • vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B6, B12;
  • mineral elements - Cu, Se, Zn, Fe, Co;
  • lipoic acid.

The lack of these components in the body can lead to a significant deterioration in well-being, emotional decline, fatigue and, as a result, to the appearance of skin defects in the form of dryness, loss of elasticity, uneven color tone, etc. When taking one tablet of Complivit for a month, the likelihood of such problems is significantly reduced. This fact is confirmed by a large number of positive reviews from women who have undergone treatment, so we can call this drug the best in our rating in terms of price-result ratio.

3 Marine Collagen Powder

Maximum collagen content, no impurities
Country Russia
Average price: 1,817 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The domestic company offers pure collagen for the beauty of hair, skin and nails. Its main advantage is in compatibility with almost any other vitamins. The drug helps to smooth wrinkles, slows down the aging process, nourishes the epidermis. Long-term use relieves discomfort in the ligaments and joints, restores damaged tissues. Pure collagen is indicated after burns, injuries, wounds. It stimulates the synthesis of hyaluronic acid, another well-known beauty substance.

According to the manufacturer, it is this form of collagen that is absorbed by the body as much as possible. The substance was obtained in Japan under the strict control of Asian specialists. Since it is a powder and not a capsule, it is easy to change the dosage. It is enough to dissolve a few spoons in a warm drink. One course is at least a month, during which time the first results appear. The disadvantages include the high price and the lack of most pharmacies.

2 Femiwell source of beauty

The best replenishment of moisture in the epidermis
Country Russia
Average price: 1,722 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

It is not for nothing that the manufacturer called Femiwell a source of beauty: vitamins make up for the deficiency of collagen, which slows down the aging process. If you drink the drug regularly, the skin will become more elastic, elasticity will appear. The formula evens out small wrinkles, prevents the appearance of new ones. It is the best choice for anyone who doesn't want to take pills. It is enough to dissolve the sachet in water, the dosage is adjusted by the user. The manufacturer recommends adding vitamin C for maximum collagen absorption.

Buyers confirm the effectiveness of the drug. The skin begins to shine, the nails become stronger, the hair stops falling out. The range of application of the product is quite wide, so it has found a place both in first-aid kits of users and in our rating. Just be aware of the cumulative effect. Collagen takes time to show itself. The first results are noticeable after 2 weeks, significant changes come by the end of the course.

1 Laura Collagen

Delicious collagen drink to prolong skin youth
Country Russia
Average price: 1,288 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

Biologically active food supplement Laura Collagen is a powder that quickly dissolves in water, which is packaged in disposable sachets and brewed with boiled water at room temperature. The resulting drink is recommended for women with problematic dermis, prone to dryness and early wilting. You can drink the supplement regardless of the meal, at any time convenient for you.

This collagen cocktail produces a truly miraculous effect on women's skin - 7000 mg of pure connective protein that enters the body with each serving helps restore elastin fibers, restoring elasticity and density to the dermis. The tone of the face gradually evens out, fine wrinkles, redness and peeling disappear, the skin becomes moisturized and radiant. Due to its liquid consistency, the product is much easier and faster to digest. The solution has a pleasant taste and is chosen with pleasure by those women who can hardly tolerate oral medication.

The best vitamins for the skin of foreign brands

Vitamins from foreign pharmaceutical companies enjoy steady popularity and demand among Russian buyers. Often their high demand is based on visual appeal - imported brands usually pack their drugs in bright, colorful packages, issue brochures with illustrations and constantly play commercials on TV. We have collected the best brands from the most famous, based not on external factors, but on the real effectiveness of each dietary supplement.

5 Nature Made

The best fruit taste without dyes and flavors
Country: USA
Average price: 1,740 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Nature Made Chewable Tablets are the most refined remedy in our ranking, as they are made in the form of soft marmalade lozenges with a pleasant berry flavor and aroma. In their composition, there are no artificial colors, flavors, thickeners and preservatives at all, so the drug is not only safe, but also very sensitive to high temperatures. Because of this feature, ordering a Nature Made supplement in the summer can be problematic - a natural product simply cannot withstand transportation in hot conditions and will turn into one sticky mass.

The active components of the complex are:

  • ascorbic acid - activates the production of its own collagen;
  • beta-carotene - is involved in antioxidant protection;
  • biotin - regulates the process of cell growth and division;
  • sodium citrate - controls the pH level, softens and eliminates dry skin.

Additional elements are corn syrup, natural gelatin, carnauba wax, coconut oil, lactic acid, sugar and water. As you can see, there really is no chemistry. However, women diagnosed with diabetes should strictly control their glucose levels when taking sugary vitamins to prevent symptoms of hyperglycemia. Daily dose - 2 tablets during the day.

4 Doppelgerz Beauty Anti-acne

Suitable for taking during the period of hormonal changes in the body
Country: Germany
Average price: 713 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The dietary supplement of the German manufacturer Queisser Pharma is recommended for girls with problem skin - oily, combination, prone to frequent acne and inflammation. The drug is allowed from the age of 14, so it is ideal for the period of teenage changes. The constituent brewer's yeast, zinc, biotin and silicon are combined in such a proportion that they work together to minimize problems. When taking dietary supplements:

  • metabolism is normalized;
  • the work of the sebaceous glands is regulated;
  • existing acne decreases and disappears;
  • the development of new inflammations is blocked.

Regular use of Doppelherz Beauty Anti-acne not only has a powerful effect on the epidermis, stimulating the appearance of new cells, but also significantly increases immune forces, making a woman's body more resistant to attacks by viruses and infections. The optimal duration of the course is 1 month, the dose is 1 table. 1 per day. Treatment can be repeated throughout the year, alternating with monthly breaks. The package contains 30 tablets.

3 Solgar Skin, Nails & Hair

Vegetarian choice. Kosher product
Country: USA
Average price: 1,830 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The American brand Solgar is one of the oldest and most reputable businesses for the production of premium natural dietary supplements. The company offers for sale more than 500 types of vitamins, minerals and herbal products aimed at maintaining the proper functioning of human systems and organs. The Skin, Nails & Hair complex from this manufacturer is considered one of the most effective for adults to take care of their health and visual attractiveness. The composition of the dietary supplement does not contain gluten, traces of wheat, dairy products and animal fat, so it is not only hypoallergenic, but also suitable for a vegetarian diet.

  • 120 mg of ascorbic acid;
  • 1000 mg methylsulfonylmethane;
  • 50 g red algae extract.

The complex is completely natural - no artificial flavors, dyes or preservatives are added during production. This is a very high-quality bioproduct that helps to improve well-being and, with the right regimen, makes it possible to stabilize the good condition of the skin, hair and nails for a long time.

2 Famvital

Better protection and nourishment from within
Country: France
Average price: 2,613 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Food supplement Famvital ranks among the best thanks to well-chosen components that affect the health of the skin, hair and nails. If you drink the drug regularly, the appetite normalizes. The formula acts on the body from the inside, penetrating into the cells. Grape seed and green tea extracts protect the epidermis from oxidative stress. Vitamin C promotes the absorption of zinc and selenium. Beta-carotene and gamma-linolenic acid have a beneficial effect on the beauty of the face.

The manufacturer promises not only a visible effect, but also a general improvement in well-being. Chromium, vitamins C and B reduce fatigue and stress levels. It is enough to take the drug 2 times a day, the tablets are divided into morning and evening. Their composition takes into account the effect on the body at a certain time of the day. Judging by the reviews, buyers notice the result after a few weeks. The first effects appear on the nails, they grow faster. Then the skin becomes more elastic, saturated with moisture.

1 Lady's formula Ageless skin

The best biocomplex for active residents of megacities
Country: USA
Average price: 1,064 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

The Lady's formula product line was developed taking into account the needs of modern women living in a big city. The series includes anti-aging, restorative, anti-stress and caring preparations. To maintain the beauty and elasticity of the skin of the face and body, PharmaMed offers to use the unique Lady's product formula. Taking one capsule three times a day, you can get rid of pigmentation, reduce the volume of wrinkles, visually and qualitatively improve the overall tone.

Russian consumers are well acquainted with this dietary supplement and have managed to evaluate the degree of its effectiveness. According to a popular review site, Lady's formula Ageless Skin earned high marks from most testers in terms of results, safety and availability. More than 85% of customers were satisfied with the result of taking the complex and recommend it as an effective dietary supplement for older women 25 years.

The best vitamins with nicotinic acid

Niacin, known as niacin, vitamin B3 and PP, is an indispensable tool for advanced skin problems. It cleanses the epidermis from traces of acne, evens out complexion, fights diseases at the cellular level. In small doses, it is indicated for prevention, maintenance of beauty and health.

5 Merz special pills №60

Combination long-acting drug
Country: Germany
Average price: 804 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Dragee from the German company Merz contains a complex of vitamins for healthy skin, hair and nails. The amount of nicotinic acid is relatively small, which reduces the risk of overdose. The drug is easy to combine with other means, it compensates for the lack of vitamins B, C, A, E, iron, zinc and biotin. Dragees stabilize the fat metabolism of cells, act from the inside. Pyridoxine and pantothenic acid affect the water balance. The result is noticeable after a few weeks: the face looks rested, elasticity returns.

The reviews note a long shelf life - as much as 3 years, you can take breaks in the course. The dragees are small and easy to swallow. Judging by the comments of women, vitamins help to cope with problem skin. Gradually, the pores are cleared, excessive shine disappears. The drug has a cumulative effect that continues at the end of the course.

4 Floradix Multivital N

Additional source of all essential vitamins
Country: Germany
Average price: 1,090 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Floradix Multivital contains all the main vitamins to combat the main skin problems: dryness, loss of elasticity, acne, gray complexion. It serves as an additional source of nicotinic acid, has the state registration of the EAC. The drug is indicated not only for the epidermis, but also for the growth and development of bones. According to the manufacturer, vitamins contain the best form of calcium, it is completely absorbed. The balance of extracts of anise seeds, chamomile and coriander fruits supports digestion, regulates pH levels.

Floradix Multivital is one of the few rating drugs approved for children. It fights the effects of hormonal changes in adolescents, removes traces of acne, cleanses pores. Contains the main B vitamins for complex assistance to the nervous system. Powerful antioxidants increase the resistance of the epidermis to the external environment. Equally suitable for adults with skin problems, digestion.

3 Arnebia Multivitamin

Best budget epidermal support
Country: Germany
Average price: 85 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Multivitamin from Arnebia is the best proof that a quality drug should not be expensive. Vitamins have a strong antioxidant effect on the skin, help maintain health. They block free radicals that cause aging and wilting, and in rare cases lead to disease. The manufacturer advises taking the tablets before physical activity to avoid overwork. Stress greatly affects the beauty of the face, it is with him that the drug successfully fights.

Nicotinic acid supports the functioning of cells, the effect persists at the end of the course. It takes part in the metabolism of fats, affects digestion. Proper functioning of the digestive tract is best reflected in the skin. B3 helps with memory problems. In the reviews, buyers praise the simple use: it is enough to dissolve the sachet in water, it has an orange flavor. The dosage depends on the amount of liquid, each determines it independently.

2 Perfectil Skin Hair Nails

Protects the skin from UV rays, reduces the risk of eczema
Country: UK (produced in Russia)
Average price: 550 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

A worthy place in the ranking is occupied by the domestic drug Perfectil. It is designed for healthy skin, hair and nails. The basis is made up of B vitamins, including nicotinic acid. She takes care of the beauty of the face, fills the epidermis with energy. The formula is supplemented with zinc and selenium, which make the cells stronger. Beta-carotene helps the skin cope with UV rays. Biotin reduces the risk of dermatitis and eczema. Magnesium and zinc are excellent prevention of facial aging.

In the reviews, women note a visible effect on the skin, dryness disappears especially quickly. The drug has a rich set of antioxidants that form a natural protective barrier. The manufacturer recommends taking vitamins 3 months before sun exposure to minimize UV ​​exposure. At first, the effect appears on the nails, then on the hair, only then the skin on the face is tightened. Buyers are advised to be patient, drink the full course.

1 Now Foods Niacin

The best one-component drug
Country: USA
Average price: 720 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

Now Foods Niacin is manufactured to high American standards and effectively replenishes one of the most important nutrients. According to the manufacturer, the drug balances blood glucose, and the correct formula is fully absorbed. It provides cells with energy, which is immediately reflected on the face. The drug affects the condition of problem skin, it becomes silky. Contains no gluten or animal residues. It can be taken by vegans.

Now Foods Niacin is very easy to drink: just one capsule per day with meals. Pleased with the absence of side effects when following the instructions. The reviews include comments from women who have been taking this drug for many years. He copes with rashes on the face, has no negative consequences. The skin retains its beauty at the end of the course, the effect accumulates in the body, the metabolism returns to normal. For problems with the gastrointestinal tract, buyers are advised to reduce the concentration.

Pharmacological action

  • Not specified. See instructions

Description of the pharmacological action

It has an antioxidant, regenerating, tonic effect. A specially selected composition of vitamins, amino acids, minerals and trace elements necessary for the protection and normal functioning of the skin. The active ingredients of the drug protect the cellular and extracellular structures of the skin from the damaging effects of free radicals, stimulate metabolic and regenerative processes in the skin, improve venous outflow, increase the tone of the venous wall, reduce its permeability, increase blood supply to the skin, serve as a building material in collagen synthesis reactions, have anti-inflammatory , wound-healing and anti-allergic effect, help cleanse and moisturize the skin, maintain its firmness and elasticity, prevent dryness and flaking, cracks in the corners of the mouth, reduce swelling of the face, improve skin color.


Dandelion extract, burdock root extract, grape seed extract, calcium stearate, lactose.

Indications for use

Release form

capsules 0.34 g; bottle 30 pcs.

Contraindications for use

Individual intolerance to the components, pregnancy, lactation.

Side effects

Allergic reactions.

Dosage and administration

Inside, 1 caps. per day with meals. Duration of admission - 1.5 months.

Special instructions for admission

Storage conditions

Store in a dry, dark place and out of the reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 25°C.

Best before date

The description of Vitamin Healthy Plus is for informational purposes only. Before using any drug, it is recommended to consult a doctor and read the instructions for use. For more information, please refer to the manufacturer's annotation. Do not self-medicate; EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of the information posted on the portal. Any information on the project does not replace the advice of a specialist and cannot be a guarantee of the positive effect of the drug you are using. The opinion of EUROLAB portal users may not coincide with the opinion of the Site Administration.

Interested in Vitamin Healthy Skin Plus? Do you want to know more detailed information or do you need a medical examination? Or do you need an inspection? You can book an appointment with a doctor– clinic Eurolaboratory always at your service! The best doctors will examine you, advise you, provide the necessary assistance and make a diagnosis. you also can call a doctor at home. Clinic Eurolaboratory open for you around the clock.

Attention! The information provided in the vitamins and dietary supplements section is for informational purposes only and should not be used as a basis for self-treatment. Some of the drugs have a number of contraindications. Patients need specialist advice!

If you are interested in any other vitamins, vitamin-mineral complexes or dietary supplements, their descriptions and instructions for use, their analogues, information on the composition and form of release, indications for use and side effects, methods of application, dosages and contraindications, notes about prescribing the drug for children, newborns and pregnant women, the price and consumer reviews, or if you have any other questions and suggestions - write to us, we will definitely try to help you.

External beauty is unimaginable without firm and elastic skin, strong nails and healthy hair. Alas, modern ecology (especially in megacities) regularly tests these components of beauty for strength, and food is not always able to fully provide the body with nutrient material that ensures their long-term preservation in impeccable integrity and safety. Therefore, one of the ways of nutritional maintenance of the proper condition of the skin and its appendages is the enrichment of food with dietary supplements containing balanced combinations of the most important nutrients.

Dietary supplements for beauty and health, often combined with the marketing term "beauty from within" ("beauty from within"), include drugs that, by normalizing various aspects of metabolism, help strengthen hair and nails, improve the plastic properties of the skin, and prevent its premature fading.


One of the main biochemical causes of violations in women of elasticity and density of the skin (these changes, as a rule, are most noticeable during menopause) is a decrease in the production of estrogens involved in the synthesis of collagen. The use of hormonal drugs to correct this disorder implies the severity of dosing, doctor's control and, in addition, with a high probability entails adverse reactions from various organs and their systems.

The safest way to maintain a beautiful and healthy appearance of the skin for a long time is to enrich the diet with dietary supplements based on phytoestrogens. Recall that these biologically active substances (BAS) are plant components that exhibit estrogen-like properties. They are 100-1000 times less active than endogenous hormones and have a very high safety margin when taken orally. Normalization of the hormonal background, activation of collagen synthesis, an increase in the level of hyaluronic acid in the transdermal fluid - these are the main directions of the effect of phytohormones on the body, which are externally manifested by an increase in skin moisture, smoothing of small folds and wrinkles, stimulation of hair growth on the head while simultaneously suppressing their growth on the face and body.

In dietary supplements, the following plant sources of phytoestrogens are found: extracts of soybeans, cimicifuga roots, sacred vitex fruits, red clover flowers, wild yam roots, nettle leaves, some cruciferous (sources of indole-3-carbinol) and a number of others.


Of course, maintaining the skin, hair and nails in good shape is impossible without constant replenishment of the body with vitamins and micro- (macro) elements.

Vitamin A participates in maintaining the functional optimum of skin cells, improves metabolism in the dermis and epidermis, normalizes the functioning of the excretory (sebaceous and sweat) glands. With a deficiency of retinol, the skin dries out, fades and coarsens, the protective (barrier) functions of the epithelium decrease, which is fraught with the development of skin diseases - in particular, acne. It should also be noted that vitamin A, having antioxidant properties, inhibits free-radical reactions in the cells of the dermis and epidermis and thereby prevents the formation of peroxides that damage cellular and subcellular membranes. The antioxidant activity of the provitamin precursor is especially pronounced. retinol - beta-carotene.

It is also involved in protecting skin cells from the aggression of free radicals. vitamin E; at the same time, it also contributes to the realization of the antioxidant potential of vitamin A, protecting the latter from oxidation. In addition, tocopherol optimizes tissue respiration, stimulates the synthesis of a number of structural proteins (in particular, collagen), thereby helping to maintain the morphological and functional integrity of the skin, hair and nails.

Antioxidant protection of cells and regulation of collagen formation are part of the biochemical spectrum of another vital vitamin C, whose positive effect on the skin is also expressed as an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect. Failure vitamin C in the diet is fraught with dryness, pallor of the skin, pigmentation disorders, subcutaneous hemorrhages, which are caused by an increase in capillary fragility.

A colossal role in ensuring the normal condition of the skin, hair and nails is played by B vitamins. They are involved in the formation of hemoglobin, improve blood circulation, transport nutrients to the skin, and accelerate regeneration processes. deficit vitamin B2 leads to such "cosmetic" disorders as dry skin, the appearance of cracks in the mucous membrane of the lips and in the corners of the mouth, seizures, the development of seborrheic dermatitis, and a lack of vitamin B6- one of the causes of hair loss. Concluding the story about vitamins, we note that, along with the above compounds, it is important to adequately consume other substances from this group of nutraceutical biologically active substances. For example, nicotinic acid (vitamin PP) is responsible for normal blood flow in the superficial capillaries of the skin. With a lack of this vitamin, peeling of the skin is observed, its elasticity decreases. But biotin (vitamin H) absolutely necessary for the body with increased fragility and fragility of nails, a tendency to aloception, as well as folic acid (vitamin B9)- an indispensable component for the division and growth of hair cells.

We should not forget about the positive impact on the texture of the skin of a number of vitamin-like substances. The "cosmetic" role of beta-carotene is mentioned above, the value methionine (sometimes called vitamin U) - below. Here we also note the role of flavonoids (conditionally united by the name of vitamin P), which ensure the strength of collagen bonds in the connective tissue and, very importantly, reduce the production of enzymes that destroy collagen.

Minerals and other nutraceuticals

Maintaining the strength of nails implies a regular and sufficient intake of structure-forming macro- and microelements into the body, such as calcium(recall that for optimal assimilation, it should be “coexistent” in the diet with vitamin D), phosphorus, chromium, selenium, zinc, silicon. In addition, the hardness of the nail plate, as well as the strength of the hair shaft and the elasticity of the skin, are impossible without sulfur, part of the alpha-keratin protein. In this regard, the enrichment of food with sulfur-containing amino acids, from which this protein is built, is of great importance. These amino acids are primarily L-cysteine, methionine and taurine. L-cysteine ​​is also valuable for its antioxidant activity, which is enhanced by the simultaneous intake of this non-essential amino acid with vitamin C and selenium.

Of the other "cosmetic" amino acids, it should be distinguished lysine, proline and glycine, which take part in the synthesis of connective tissue collagen and, as a result, with sufficient content in the diet, have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.

Mentioned chromium, silicon, selenium, zinc necessary to ensure the normal condition of the hairline. The last two trace elements at the same time have excellent antioxidant properties, which is beneficially reflected, incl. and on the condition of the skin: in particular, selenium helps maintain youthful elasticity in tissues, helps eliminate dandruff. Beneficial effect on the dermis silicon, magnesium and boron involved in the synthesis of collagen, elastin, preventing hair loss. Not the last role in the formation of connective tissue is also played by manganese, iron, copper. The last of these trace elements is involved in hair pigmentation, since it is part of melanin; its lack in the body can result in hair depigmentation (graying).

Concluding the story about vitamins and minerals, it is impossible not to add that, in addition to these substances, other nutrients from these groups also contribute to maintaining health and beauty. If only simply because they are an indispensable element in the regulation of metabolism, the nature of which determines the state of the body as a whole, and hence the skin, hair, nails - parts of this whole.

As we noted above, the positive effect of a number of vitamins and minerals on the skin is due, incl. and their antioxidant properties. The great role of antioxidants is due to the fact that the skin, perhaps more than any other component of our body, is exposed to external stimuli that initiate a cascade of free-radical oxidation reactions (UV radiation, environmentally harmful environmental factors, etc.).

One of the most popular nutraceutical ingredients is coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinone), which is of great importance in the oxygen respiration of skin cells. It should be remembered that the body's ability to synthesize ubiquinone decreases with age, so in this case its intake from the outside acquires a special role.

Among the strong plant antioxidants found in the formulation of dietary supplements for beauty and health, one can note lycopene(substance from the group of carotenoids, contained, in particular, in tomato extract), catechins(green tea extract, etc.), grape seed procyanidins, etc.

Regular use Omega-3 PUFAs the most positive effect on the condition of the skin, because PUFAs are necessary for the synthesis of skin cell membranes, for normal transport of nutrients through these membranes. As a rule, PUFAs have a beneficial effect on the body in case of any skin diseases, reduce the manifestation of allergies, and accelerate the healing of wounds and scars.

Main indications:

Deterioration of the appearance of the skin, hair, increased fragility of nails.

Protection of skin, hair and nails from the effects of adverse environmental factors.

Peculiarities: The health of skin, hair and nails largely depends on the balance of vitamins and minerals in our body. Replenishing the deficiency of vitamin A, biotin, iron, zinc and a number of other biologically active substances that we need, we support our body as a whole and at the same time improve our appearance.

Main contraindications: individual intolerance.

Important information for the patient:

Dietary supplements to improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails can contain quite high doses of vitamins, so the recommended daily dosage should not be exceeded.

Despite the fact that the hair and skin of pregnant women and nursing mothers often suffer, dietary supplements "for beauty" are contraindicated for them during these periods. It will be enough to take vitamins for pregnant and lactating women.

Name of dietary supplement Price range (Russia, rub.) Peculiarities
Compound: Beta-carotene, vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, E, niacinamide, biotin, L‑cystine,
Calcium d-pantothenate, yeast extract, ferrous fumarate
Merz special dragee(Merz) Vitamin complex for the health and beauty of skin, hair and nails. The antioxidant complex of vitamins A, C, E slows down the aging process and promotes skin cell renewal.
Biotin is essential for the growth and improvement of the structure of weak and brittle nails. Beta-carotene, B vitamins and L‑cystine promote hair growth and strength. Yeast extract maintains the normal condition of the skin, hair, nails and epithelium of the mucous membranes.
It is recommended for adults 1 tablet 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening.
Compound: Vitamins C, PP, E, B1, B2, B6, B5, B12, A, folic acid, biotin, calcium,
magnesium, iron, silicon, zinc, copper, selenium, cobalt,
catechins (green tea dry extract), lipoic acid

(Pharm standard)
It has an antioxidant effect, helps to improve the condition of the skin, nails and hair, especially in conditions of unfavorable urban ecology.
It is recommended for adults inside 1 tablet 1 time per day with meals.
Compound: Wheat germ oil, dry extract of millet (sorghum), vitamin B5, B6, zinc, biotin
Doppelgerz active Vitamins for healthy hair and nails
(Kweisser Pharma)
Vitamins, minerals and plant components optimize metabolism, nourish the skin, promote the growth and strengthening of hair and nails, restore their structure, and help resist the aggressive effects of the external environment.
It is recommended for adults 1 capsule 1 time per day during meals with water.
Ingredients: Vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B3, D, E, B6, B5, B4, B8, B12, para-aminobenzoic acid, folic acid, biotin, calcium, iron, phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, zinc, selenium, manganese , copper, ribonucleic acid, citrus bioflavonoids, rutin, betaine, L-cysteine, burdock root extract
Formula For Hair, Skin & Nails Reinforced

Replenishes the deficiency of macro- and microelements. Recommended:
with hypovitaminosis occurring with hair loss, peeling of the skin, brittle nails, as well as for the prevention of such hypovitaminosis;
hair loss due to stress, past illnesses and operations, skin diseases, dietary restrictions, sudden weight loss, use of aggressive or poor-quality hair care products;
with a deterioration in the condition of the skin, hair and nails after pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding;
with thinning and thinning hair during menopause and postmenopause;
in the complex treatment of diseases of hair, nails and skin: dermatitis, erosion, cracks;
in combination therapy of burns and frostbite;
with long-term low-calorie diets, therapeutic starvation.
Recommended for adults: 1 tablet 3 times a day with meals.
Compound: Vitamins B12, D3, H, K, folic acid, calcium pantothenate, calcium, silicon, chromium, green tea and nettle leaf extracts (green tablet).
Para-aminobenzoic acid, vitamins C, PP, E, B2, B6, beta-carotene, magnesium, manganese, selenium, zinc, iodine, extracts of aloe vera leaves, horsetail grass, chamomile flowers, birch leaves,
quercetin (yellow tablet).
Vitamins C, B1, A, coenzyme Q10, folic acid, iron, copper, inulin (orange tablet)

Contains components necessary for the health and beauty of the skin, hair and nails: vitamins, minerals and plant extracts. Dividing the daily dose into 3 tablets eliminates the negative interactions of the components.
Recommended during meals with food, 1 tablet with an interval between doses of 4-8 hours. First take the green, then the yellow, and then the orange pill.
Compound: Amino acids, hydrolyzed collagen, vitamin B6,
silicon, mucopolysaccharides, biotin
Lady's formula
Hair and Nails
Contains the main "building material" for strong and beautiful hair and nails - natural amino acids, including hydrolyzed collagen. It is used for hair loss and deterioration of their condition, destruction and delamination of the nail plates, in the complex treatment of beriberi, with various diets, with violations of protein metabolism. Recommended for climate change, life in ecologically unfavorable areas.
Adults take 1 capsule 3 times daily with meals.
Compound: Green tea and grape seed extracts, taurine, zinc
Inneov Hair Density(Inneov Laboratories) Contains substances that slow down hair loss and increase their volume. It has a tonic effect, protects the hair follicle.
It is recommended to take 2 tablets 1 time per day with food and water.
Compound: Brewer's yeast autolysate, horsetail herb, taurine, cystine, zinc
hair expert(Evalar) Contains targeted active ingredients to reduce hair loss and improve hair condition. Helps to increase volume and appearance of healthy shine of hair.
Recommended for adults: 1 tablet 2 times a day with meals.
Compound: Medical yeast, L‑cystine, vitamins B5, B1, B2, B6, B12, biotin,
folic acid, iron, zinc, copper
It is used to restore damaged, depleted hair, strengthen the roots and structure of the hair, as well as for preventive care of healthy hair.
It is recommended to take 1 capsule per day.
Compound: Wild yam extract, vitamins C and E, hyaluronic acid
The active components of dietary supplements increase skin elasticity, increasing the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, help reduce the depth and severity of wrinkles, improve complexion.
Recommended for adults: 1 tablet daily with meals.
Compound: Extracts from seafood, tomatoes, grape seeds,
acerola (barbados cherry)
Imedin Time of Perfection(Ferrosan) The supplement contains a powerful antioxidant complex. Designed to restore, moisturize the skin, prevent and combat signs of photoaging, including wrinkles and age spots. Allows not only to restore aging skin, but also actively protect it from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation and other harmful environmental factors.
Recommended 2 tablets per day.
Compound: Inneov Formula, Magnesium Sulfate, Vitamins B6 & C, White Grape Polyphenols
Clean skin
Eliminates micro-inflammation, blackheads, dull complexion. Helps improve blood microcirculation and skin renewal.
It is recommended to take 2 tablets daily with meals for 3 months.
Compound: Vitamin C, lycopene, isoflavones (soy extract), milk protein
and glowing skin
Increases skin elasticity, reduces the appearance of wrinkles and improves complexion.
Recommended for adults: 2 tablets daily with meals.
Compound: Seafood extract, vitamin C, zinc gluconate

Seafood extract is rich in proteins and polysaccharides, similar in composition to the components of human skin. Zinc and vitamin C are essential for skin health and collagen synthesis. Improves the quality of the skin and its structure, increases skin hydration.
It is recommended to take 2 tablets daily with meals and a small amount of water.
Compound: Collagen type II, chondroitin sulfate, hyaluronic acid

Corrects metabolism in bone and connective tissue. Recommended for dry, dull and aging skin. It can be used in the complex treatment of vitreous body destruction, retinal dystrophy and some other ophthalmic diseases, in degenerative and inflammatory diseases of the joints and spine.
Recommended for adults with meals, 2 tablets 3 times a day.
Compound: Borage seed oil, horsetail herb dry extract,
L-ascorbic acid, RRR-alpha tocopherol concentrate, zinc sulfate, carotenoids
Doppelhertz Beauty
(Kweisser Pharma)
Improves blood circulation and metabolism, restores firmness and elasticity of the skin, helps to reduce the effect of "orange peel", slows down the aging process.
Recommended for adults and children over 14 years old, 1-2 capsules daily with meals.
Compound: Vitamins B12, A, E, C, zinc, calcium, selenium, horsetail, silicon,
milk thistle extract, fructooligosaccharides (from chicory), mucopolysaccharides,
citrus bioflavonoid complex, hesperidin
Lady's Ageless Skin Formula
It slows down the formation of new wrinkles, neutralizes the effect of ultraviolet radiation, protecting the skin from premature aging. Restores the integrity and elasticity of capillaries, provides neutralization of toxins in skin cells, activates cell renewal.
It is used to prevent premature skin aging, as well as hypovitaminosis A, long-term or low-calorie diets.
Recommended for adults: 1 capsule 3 times a day with meals.
Compound: Emblic extract,
vitamin E
Perfect tan
(Inneov Laboratories)

Compound: Skin-Probiotic System, Lycopene, Beta Carotene
(Inneov Laboratories)
Preparations for preparing the skin for sun exposure. Helps neutralize free radicals. Helps to achieve an even, long-lasting tan and long-term protection from the harmful effects of the sun's rays.
Recommended 1 capsule daily with food. Start 2-4 weeks before active sun exposure and continue during and after sun exposure for a longer duration of action.
Compound: Coenzyme Q10, Vitamin E
Contains 100% of the daily norm of coenzyme Q10, which slows down the aging process, improves skin elasticity and tone, reduces the number and depth of wrinkles, enhances the effectiveness of external cosmetics.
Recommended for adults: 1 capsule daily with meals.
Compound: Coenzyme Q10, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Natural Vitamin E
Coenzyme Beauty(Ecomir) Components of dietary supplements take part in the production of energy in the cells of our body, preventing energy hunger and premature aging. The additive is a powerful antioxidant that prevents oxygen starvation of cells and tissues.
Recommended for adults, 1 capsule per day with meals.
Compound: Horsetail extract, vitamins PP, B5, B12, B6, B2, B1, D‑biotin
For hair
and nails

Strengthens and restores the structure of hair and nails, provides effective prevention of thinning and hair loss when exposed to negative factors on the body. It helps to strengthen nails in case of their increased fragility, thinning and delamination. Helps to stop hair loss caused by stress, accelerate hair growth, give them shine and strength.
Recommended for adults: 1 tablet daily with meals.
Compound: Extracts of green tea, red grape seeds, Phyllanthus emblica,
Schisandra chinensis fruit, horsetail herb, rosemary leaves
intensive update
A balanced combination of plant extracts that promote the launch of cleansing and rejuvenation processes in the body. Helps to increase adaptive abilities under various types of stress.
Recommended for adults: 1 tablet 2 times a day with meals.

Remember, self-medication is life-threatening, consult a doctor for advice on the use of any medications.

Saw only recently this Bud. She looked and turned away skeptically, then remembered again and decided to check the composition.

dandelion root extract 100 mg, burdock root extract 100 mg, grape seed extract 30 mg.

It seems that they are not vitamins, there is nothing intelligible in them, but they cost 227 rubles for 60 capsules, which are enough for 20 days, and the course is 30 days. I put aside my thoughts about this Bud again. I was looking for others, but still decided to buy, try as a blood purifier. Maybe I'll get lucky and they will fit me? When I bought it, I started reading the instructions. And I realized, well, even if there are three herbs, but what kind !!! Dandelion extract has anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antiallergic, diaphoretic, antipyretic, choleretic, antisclerotic, antihypoxic, general tonic, antiandrogenic, antitumor, expectorant, antitoxic, wound healing effects. Grape seed extract is a powerful antioxidant, reduces skin flabbiness, stimulates cell renewal and skin regeneration, enriches the skin with vitamins, micro- and macro-elements. Burdock extract also has anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties.
My skin became very bad, there were always small pimples, but this was not the case. Subcutaneous pimples began to appear, which simply itched and it was impossible to squeeze them out without serious wounds. In general, I'm tired of walking with such wounds on my face. A pimple is more likely due to a hormonal failure. But even here the drug helped me, although I didn’t really count on it. Already after the first days, internal pimples stopped appearing, and the former ones began to dry out and disappear, the skin became smoother and the color improved.
I recommend! he helped me a lot!!!


Phytocomplex "HEALTHY SKIN plus" is a natural remedy for maintaining excellent skin condition.

Complex of active ingredients:

improves digestion
has a choleretic, blood-purifying, anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effect
stimulates the regeneration of collagen and elastin in the skin
provides antioxidant protection of the skin from the action of damaging environmental factors (ultraviolet radiation, etc.)
improves the quality and appearance of the skin
The formula was enriched with grape seed extract, a strong antioxidant, which enhanced the anti-inflammatory and cosmetic effect on the skin.
Indications for use:

skin diseases: furunculosis, acne, eczema, "liver spots", psoriasis;
chronic diseases of the liver and gallbladder (cholecystitis, cholangitis, hepatitis);
digestive disorders (flatulence, constipation);
elevated cholesterol levels;
disorders of uric acid metabolism (gout).
Mode of application:

adults 1 capsule 3 times a day with meals. Duration of admission - 1 month.

individual intolerance to the components, pregnancy, breastfeeding. Before use, it is recommended to consult a doctor.