
Painful and deadly points. Fifth point What is the 5th point

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There is a 5 point, and other points say 3 and 8 exist?

There are several theories as to why the butt is called the butt.

According to one of them, the term “fifth point” arose among climbers. The fact is that when moving along rocks, a climber must have exactly three points of support: for example, two legs and an arm, a leg and two arms, or an arm, a leg and... the fifth point (butt).

According to the second “theory,” the expression “fifth point” has been used in dance theory since the 16th century and denoted a place located below the back.

The third theory, which enjoys great support among the people, states that a person has five points of support: two main ones - the legs, two additional ones - the arms, and the fifth - the butt. This is especially noticeable when falling - when a person finds himself on the ground, he touches it with five points - arms, legs and butt.

Another fairly plausible theory was discovered during research human body. If a person is leaned with his back against a wall, he will touch it with just five points: shoulder blades, back of the head, buttocks, heels and calves. Of all these points, only the buttocks caused some embarrassment at all times, which is why they were designated by the expression “fifth point.”

As we see, depending on one theory or another, a person may or may not have a sixth, seventh, eighth... point. You can come up with whatever theories and names you want. And regardless of whether other people recognize this classification of yours or not, you will be right. In the end, all these are just words and sounds that mean nothing to the Universe :)

Fifth point

Almost all people know what the fifth point is. However, some know a little better than others! Before using this or that clever word or expression, it would not hurt to find out the exact meaning of this word, as well as its etymology.

So, the fifth point is the butt, butt, ass, or simply aphedron. Choose what you like best.

Why is the fifth point called the fifth? Where are the previous four? If you use logic, you can guess it yourself. But, since we are writing this note for you, then here is the origin of the term.

The fifth point is named as a continuation of the first four points of support for a person. Of course, these are two main ones, that is, legs, and two auxiliary ones, that is, arms. It is our precious butt that acts as the fifth.

A long time ago, when there was just talk about the animal origin of man, people thought (some still think so) that in prehistoric times we walked on all fours. Because of this, calling our seat the fifth point is quite reasonable and consistent.

Moreover, in mountaineering there is a rule of three reference points: two arms and a leg, or two legs and an arm. That is, for them the phrase “fifth point” is quite a technical term, and not a figurative designation of aphedrone.

Now you know why the fifth point is called this way and not otherwise.


I admit honestly, I have heard this kind of sayings many times and, moreover, I often thought: “Why exactly the fifth? How many similar points can be found on our body? Which one and where is the first, second or third?” But, unfortunately, either there was no time for reasoning, or there was no strong desire to understand this and other questions that arose in me in more detail.

Most likely, I was distracted by my computer science teacher, who once taught the basics of programming at my school. Since the phrase: “You can put your butt back on the chair” successfully replaced many similar phrases for him. The computer science teacher, of course, distracted me from my thoughts about various points in our body, but, apparently, to no avail. Either he was a handsome man and in the prime of his years, or I just didn’t like computer science. In general, since then my knowledge of this, undoubtedly, useful science have not increased particularly. But that’s not about that now.

Let's return to the points and their location on the human body.

If you follow the result of my few minutes of reasoning, it becomes obvious that there are five main points on our body: the head, two arms and two legs. As you can see, sorry, we are not talking about the butt here, which means this reasoning is not entirely correct.

If you look at this issue from the point of view of gender relations, then we all, of course, understand that when looking at female body, men first of all pay attention to the eyes, chest and butt. As a result of simple calculations, the butt occupies fifth position on this list. If this were so, then expressions about the fifth point would apply only to the female sex, but this is not so. This means that the reasoning has again reached a dead end.

Let's try again. To do this, let's delve into the basics of evolution. We all, as is known, descended from monkeys, although I personally am somewhat humiliated by this statement, since these animals are not entirely sympathetic to me. And monkeys move on four legs and only in the process of evolution did they become upright creatures. In other words, this process of getting on their feet can be called the emergence of the fifth support point of their body. And that means, accordingly, ours. This reasoning is more like the truth.

But still, let’s try to think again, but we won’t delve into such a complex evolutionary process and use logical thinking.

Just imagine, you are standing calmly, as they say, not touching anyone, and suddenly a person pushes you from behind, let’s not label him in any way, so as not to turn into insults. You will group your body in a completely natural way and end up on all fours. More precisely, you will rest on the floor with your palms or elbows and knees. The position of your butt in such a pose does not matter, since in this case it is not considered a support point. But what will we see if this person, not designated by us, becomes insolent at the end and pushes you from the front. You will find yourself in a position slightly reminiscent of a beetle, or more precisely, you will lean on your arms stretched back and on your legs, and, of course, you will have a fifth point of support - your butt.

Actually, thanks to very simple reasoning, which did not take me much time, you and I figured out the notorious fifth point of our body and its origin.

There is a 5th point (butt), and other points, say 3 and 8, exist? And if they exist, what are they called?


There are several theories as to why the butt is called the butt.

According to one of them, the term “fifth point” arose among climbers. The fact is that when moving along rocks, a climber must have exactly three points of support: for example, two legs and an arm, a leg and two arms, or an arm, a leg and... the fifth point (butt).

According to the second “theory,” the expression “fifth point” has been used in dance theory since the 16th century and denoted a place located below the back.

The third theory, which enjoys great support among the people, states that a person has five points of support: two main ones are the legs, two additional ones are the arms, and the fifth is the butt. This is especially noticeable when falling - when a person finds himself on the ground, he touches it with five points - arms, legs and butt.

Another fairly plausible theory was discovered during studies of the human body. If a person is leaned with his back against a wall, he will touch it with just five points: shoulder blades, back of the head, buttocks, heels and calves. Of all these points, only the buttocks caused some embarrassment at all times, which is why they were designated by the expression “fifth point.”

The notorious fifth point was formed in humans in ancient times - the muscles of the buttocks arose approximately 3-4 million years ago, when primitive man got up from all fours and began to walk, as he does now, on two legs.

Despite this, the buttocks are one of the “youngest” parts of our body. Since those ancient times, humanity has not acquired anything else in its structure besides a developed brain.

Based on the above, we come to the conclusion that reliable knowledge about why our buttocks are called the “fifth point” is hidden for centuries...

But seriously, we managed to find several theories of the origin of this stable phraseological unit.

The first theory states that the term “fifth point” has been used in dance theory since the 16th century and denoted a place located below the back. The second theory, which enjoys the greatest support among the people, states that a person has five points of support: two main ones - the legs, two additional ones - the arms, and the fifth - the butt.

The latter is used by us for sitting, as a support, and also becomes the fifth point when falling: when a person finds himself on the ground, he touches it with five points - arms, legs and butt.

The second theory, it should be noted, is also supported by mountaineers and rock climbers, who use the rule of “three points of support” in the mountains. Its meaning is simple - when moving in the mountains along a dangerous slope, a person should always have exactly three points of support: two legs and an arm, a leg and two arms, an arm, a leg and the fifth point - the butt.

Conquerors of peaks claim that the idiom “fifth point” was born precisely in the mountains, since the rule of “three points” was written in the blood of those who did not follow it. In the mountains, everyone knows that “neither stone, nor ice, nor rock is reliable,” and if you used only two points for support, and suddenly one failed you, most likely you will no longer be able to hold on to the remaining one...

Another, in our opinion, quite plausible theory comes from body research: if a person’s back is leaned against a wall, then he will touch it with just five points: shoulder blades, back of the head, buttocks, heels and calves. Of all these points, only the buttocks have always caused some embarrassment, which is why in everyday life they were designated by the correct expression “fifth point.”

On April 10, 1901, an unusual experiment was conducted in Dorchester, Massachusetts. Dr. Duncan McDougall set out to prove that the human soul has mass and can be measured.

To conduct the experiment, the doctor chose six of his patients who were closest to death. Special ultra-precise scales were prepared for them, on which they were placed immediately before death. Magdougall's idea was to compare the weight shortly before and immediately after death.

First patient

In the company of four other doctors, McDougall carefully measured the weight of his first patient. But as soon as he died, something strange happened - the arrow of the scale deviated and never returned to its original position. The weight lost was 21 grams.

The experiment continued. The next patient showed the same results. McDougall felt extraordinary excitement!

The arrows of the scales deviated at the same instant as soon as life ceased. It was as if something was suddenly bursting out of the body.

Five doctors took their own measurements and compared the results. Not all patients lost the same amount of weight, but the fact that they were losing him could not be explained in any way. Unfortunately, we were only able to get 4 out of 6 results. In other cases, the patient died before the testing equipment was brought to the site.

But still, what to do with this mysterious weight loss? After all, everything was taken into account - from the air in the lungs to physiological fluids.

An interesting incident occurred with the third patient. After death, his weight remained unchanged. After about 60 seconds it was 28 grams lighter. The doctor connected this with the temperament of the deceased. In his opinion, the soul in the body of a phlegmatic person could linger a little longer.

After experimentation and discussion with other doctors, it was found that the average weight loss was 21 grams. McDougall came to the conclusion that this is how much the human soul weighs.

The doctor then conducted the same experiment on 15 dogs. As it turned out, after death their weight did not change at all. For McDougall, this became another argument in favor of the fact that a person has a soul that is unique to him.

In 1917, a physics teacher at the Polytechnic high school Los Angeles, tried to conduct the same experiment on mice. He came to the same conclusion as Dr. McDougall. When the mice died, there was no difference in weight.

Dr. McDougall was a respected Haverhill physician, but his experiment is still subject to criticism, ranging from methodology to moral and ethical considerations.

The doctor himself admitted that more research needed to be done on this topic, but his attention switched to another activity. He began to look for an opportunity to photograph the soul at the moment when it left the human body. Unfortunately, no breakthroughs were made in this area, and in 1920 Dr. Duncan McDougall died.