
What does a tram mean in a dream? Why do you dream about a tram? Unique dream book of Tatyana Radchenko

Its appearance means moving along the beaten path, routine, the emergence of new relationships and aspirations.

If you dream of a train on the eve of small, not necessarily drastic changes in life, then the tram indicates various events that will take place in a familiar environment.

If you want to understand what his appearance portends for you, pay attention to the location of the action, whether it is familiar to you or not, the route, stops and fellow travelers you will meet on your own journey.

This is how the dream book most often interprets a tram.


It indicates what will happen in your life in the near future and what problem will attract attention. Unfamiliar cities, places, even activities abroad mean changes in your dreams for the future and aspirations.

Any type of transport, being late for it indicate possible prospects and thoughts. And if you dreamed of a tram in your city, a place that actually exists, then the changes will be associated with the route where it was going.

If the tram was driving through an area past which you drive every day to work or college, then changes will affect business life. Was the transport heading to your acquaintances, friends or lovers?

This means that your relationship with these people will change very soon. What does the plot mean if you saw a tram in a dream on the way to a shopping center, store or market? The interpreter writes that soon you will be faced with the problem of choosing among some possibilities.

Often people see new places in their hometown or ones that don’t exist in reality. If you had to travel along such routes, there may be a surprise.

What it will be like, judge by the situation and your own feelings. What is also important is whether you liked it there or not. Weather and transport incidents play a huge role.

Driving directions

It indicates your thoughts, direction of thoughts, aspirations and desires. If you had to go on a tram to visit acquaintances or friends, then in the near future this person will remind you of himself or you will change your attitude towards him.

The reason may be disappointment, resentment, lack of common interests and affairs. The same thing means a dream in which you are trying to get to another place.

Getting to the final destination means realizing the plan. But sometimes such a dream indicates that the relationship has exhausted itself. If you didn't get where you wanted, then your plans won't come true.

Meeting and seeing off

Why do you dream about a tram that pulls up to your stop? This plot means an offer, a chance to prove yourself, a new job or acquaintance. Pay attention to where you were going at the stop, what tram you were waiting for. This indicates what exactly is occupying your thoughts. If a tram arrives at your stop, pay attention to its number.

Numerology can give you a more detailed interpretation, but a lot depends on where you are going. If the tram you want arrives, then you will have a chance to express yourself and do what you want.

Being late for it means a hidden reluctance to change. If you are standing at a stop and see that any trams are coming, but not the one you need, then in the near future there will be no happy occasion in your life.

Now pay attention to your fellow passengers, conductor, fare and more. The people with whom you were traveling in transport indicate your surroundings and where exactly new events will happen.

If you got off at the bus stop and they stayed and vice versa, then soon your paths with them will diverge. Many people dream of similar stories before being fired, breaking up a relationship (if the traveling companions are the family of the husband or wife, the parents of a lover or beloved), or graduating from school or college.

Elderly people may dream of such a plot as a sign of imminent death or separation from loved ones.

Voluntarily getting off at the bus stop - you will move from thoughts to actions and achieve some goal, an end result.

Dreaming of a tram in which a friend or girlfriend is leaving you, or you simply noticed a familiar person - means that your paths with this person will diverge. It is especially bad to see him off at a bus stop.

If you were thrown out of the tram or you were unable to travel due to lack of money for travel, it means that very soon circumstances will turn against you. It is possible that the business you have in mind will simply be too tough for you. Or the dreamer will not be accepted by some group of people.


If a tram in a dream did not take the route you are used to, surprises are possible. Most likely, everything will turn out completely differently than you originally planned.

Sometimes such a dream predicts dramatic and frightening events that will cause anxiety and a feeling of uncertainty. Seeing a tram on fire or an explosion occurring in it is a sign of illness.

For some people, such visions predict troubles and the collapse of rosy pictures of the future. If the dreamed tram stopped and everyone was forced to get off, the plan will not come true. It is possible that unfavorable circumstances or people will intervene.

The same thing means a dream in which an accident or disaster occurs in which people die.

This plot is often frightening, but in reality it rarely predicts disaster. Most likely, your heart's desire will not be fulfilled, and your plan will not come true.

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The tram seen in a dream divided interpreters into two groups - optimists and pessimists. According to the forecast of the former, a vehicle on rails seen in a dream is always a wonderful sign. He promises good luck, an easy path towards your goal.

And yet - with a small caveat: do not count on luck to cope without your help. You also have to work, but, fortunately, not to exhaustion.

Pessimists have a different point of view, they believe that being on a tram means difficult times that you are going through. The logic of their reasoning is as follows: the tram is not the most convenient form of transport - it has little comfort compared to other means of transportation, and it is constrained by rails “hand and foot,” that is, it moves day after day along the same route. Without imagination, without inner freedom.

If you saw tram tracks in a dream, you should keep in mind the following: the tram is one of the oldest types of urban passenger transport; the rails were laid many years ago. This means that you are not embarrassed by a path that has long been tested, tested, and tested, and that in real life you are unlikely to agree to the role of a pioneer.

Besides, you are very unpretentious in life, since you chose such an uncomfortable transport, and you also don’t want to change anything in your way of life, because the “tram tracks” limit your right to choose. And you, most likely, are not eager for anything else.

Interpretation of the dream: “If you see a tram in a dream, it means you can easily complete the most difficult work. Because everything will go “like on rails” (“Esoteric Dream Book”).

If in a dream the tram covered its route according to schedule, without incident, it means that the business you started will be completed successfully. There will be no excesses, no misunderstandings, no showdowns. Moreover, based on the results of your work, you can be promoted and your financial remuneration increased.

If the trip was accompanied by unpleasant episodes, in reality you should not exclude the possibility of competitors interfering in your business.

A dream in which your friend happened to ride on a tram means that very soon he will turn to you for support. Don’t refuse him: there will be a situation in your life when you personally need help, and this person will be there in the right place and at the right time.

If a person having a dream first rides on one tram and then changes to another, it means that he will have to learn a new profession due to a change in his place of duty.

Interpretation of the dream: “The faster the tram goes, the faster you will achieve your goal in real life. (“Dream book for a bitch”).

Waiting for a tram means in real life calm in your affairs. Fortunately, it’s temporary. The tram itself in this case symbolizes the approach of some new business, a promising project that you can’t wait to take on. Dream interpreters suggest being bolder and believing in the success that will definitely come.

By the way, the longer the wait, the riskier the program of action you have chosen. Try to exclude from your social circle those who could put a spoke in your wheels.

Interpretation of the dream: “You are waiting for a tram in a dream - in reality someone is deciding your fate for you” (“Dream Book of Catherine the Great”).

A tram derailed in a dream will especially upset business people, as this is a sign that all the enormous preliminary work, negotiations with subcontractors and efforts to eliminate competitors were in vain. The most annoying thing is that even if you are ready to start everything from scratch, you I'll have to take a break, since what you do immediately will meet the same sad fate. Be patient and remember that this is just a temporary stop before the start of great fruitful work.

Interpretation of the dream: “A tram derailed in a dream speaks of the need to find new means to implement one’s plans” (“Universal Dream Book”).

ride in it

From dream interpreters no consensus about this dream. Here's what they think will happen to a person riding a tram:

  • he will successfully complete the work he started,
  • colleagues, relatives and friends will interfere with him,
  • will be disappointed in people
  • will participate in showdowns with unfamiliar people,
  • dreams of a beautiful life, but is very far from realizing it.

Interpretation of the dream: “If you are traveling on a tram, a dull reality awaits you in reality” (“Starry Dream Book”).

If in a dream you are standing at a stop waiting for a tram, it means that in reality you can count on meeting with old friends or for the arrival of guests from afar. If a tram arrives and stops at your stop, and passengers get off, this means that in reality you will meet new people, which will be significant in your life.

Some interpreters interpret the dream about a tram stop as your hope that the difficulties that have been complicating your life lately will be resolved “magically”, without your active participation.

Interpretation of the dream: “You are waiting at a stop for an approaching tram, which means you have decided to take on some very risky business” (“Miller’s Dream Book”).

If in a dream there is a tram, and this person is you, there is no need to panic, but you will have to think about it. A tram is a vehicle that transports several dozen people at the same time; in terms of your life situation, this is the team in which you work. Therefore, in the incident with the downed person we are talking about collective responsibility(something was wrong in the work you did together) and about several victims at once (all members of your team will have to roll up their sleeves and “work on the mistakes”).

The dream also speaks, of course, about risk. And this is a signal to you in real life - think carefully about all your steps and do not fall for the bait of dubious acquaintances.

Interpretation of the dream: “If a tram hits a person in a dream, get ready for” (“Dream Book of a Modern Woman”).

Run over a man

This is a warning dream. It is necessary, dream interpreters say, to be more picky about your business partners, not to take anyone’s word for it, but to calculate the risks yourself and consult with specialists.

This dream also has an intimate interpretation. Most likely on your horizon a serious rival has appeared, and your beloved may well be interested in him.

Get ahead of him if the girl is dear to you: surround her with attention, try to be more interesting than your possible opponent.

Interpretation of the dream: “A tram ran over a person in a dream - in reality you will face difficulties in achieving your goal” (“Dream Book of the World”).

Interpreters consider this dream to be very favorable; it means that in real life you will be nominated for the role of leader, and you will be able to do it.

You can also expect career growth and a new position. You can count on the fact that you will finally be able to open your own business, something you have long dreamed of. Just try to use all your trump cards (competence, professionalism, hard work) - and then you can count on an excellent result.

Interpretation of the dream: “You see yourself as a tram driver in a dream - there are no obstacles in reality that you cannot overcome” (“Akulina’s Dream Book”).


If you saw what happened with a tram in a dream, it means that there are people who want to harm you, ruin your plans. Be prepared for this and try to take the necessary “protective” measures.

Possible difficulties that this dream promises in real life are considered positive by interpreters: a person has an incentive to more fully reveal his capabilities and show off his professionalism. And as a warning against possible problems, they still advise a person who dreamed of a tram accident to beware of overly crowded events and not to make contact with dubious ones.

Interpretation of the dream: “A road accident in a dream means serious difficulties in real life” (“Women’s Dream Book”).

Dreams are a reflection of our thoughts and inner state. They can give hints on how to improve our lives, what irritates us and pulls us down, and what, on the contrary, pleases and elevates us. With the help of dream interpretation, you can better know yourself and your needs. Even such an ordinary image as a tram can reveal your future and state of mind.

Why do you dream about a tram: interpretations in different dream books

Most dream books associate a tram with the passage of time, changes, or the path of life:

  • according to Tsvetkov’s dream book, a tram in a dream speaks of an unpleasant and meaningless pastime with bad people;
  • according to Miller, this image indicates the presence of ill-wishers who do not like your current lifestyle;
  • Miss Hasse's dream book claims that this is a symbol of future vigorous activity;
  • the esoteric dream book says that in the near future everything will be easy, any activity will be simple;
  • the 21st century dream book claims that the dreamer will have to sort things out with unpleasant people;
  • Miss Hasse's dream book speaks of activities in the near future;
  • according to Vanga’s dream book, a tram can be interpreted as a path in life, and the exact interpretation of the dream will be prompted by surrounding circumstances.
A tram is not the most romantic image you can dream of, but it will allow you to penetrate the secrets of the subconscious

The tram is also often interpreted as an unimpeded movement. This interpretation is easily explained by simple associations - smooth rails along which transport moves without difficulty makes one think of a beaten track and simple tasks. Therefore, the most common interpretation of a dream about a tram is an easy solution to all problems, achieving a goal without difficulty.

However, some dream books, for example, the interpretation of Medea, claim that this is an image of a simplified, limited life. The dreamer needs to take responsibility for his life and begin to change the environment to suit his needs, and not follow some indisputable authority.

Details of a dream about a tram

Usually a dream is interpreted based on several symbols and their interaction. Therefore, you need to try to remember other details: the plot of the dream, your actions, accompanying images.

Description of the tram

The image of the tram itself can suggest some details:

  • a large tram, according to Stepanova’s dream book, speaks of impending danger. Miller makes the same point, especially with reference to the high ceilings;
  • a low tram, according to Miller, indicates the imminent successful completion of the plan;
  • if there is a number on the tram, this number is important to you - be sure to remember it;
  • an empty tram, according to most dream books, indicates that you are alone in achieving your goal and act relying only on yourself;
  • if there are other people on the tram, then, according to Loff’s dream book, they can be your allies. Most likely, the companions who are in the same carriage with you share your interests. If the tram is crowded, then, according to the 21st century dream book, you will have a quarrel with unpleasant people;
  • if the tram is moving quickly, this indicates a quick and successful achievement of the goal, according to the ladies' dream book;
  • the steps of the tram are located too high in a dream - this means that in real life danger awaits you, and you vaguely feel it.

The dreamer's actions

The actions performed by the dreamer can provide the most information.


Most often, this image is interpreted as movement along one’s own path in life. According to Vanga’s dream book, your environment will tell you what your current situation is. If the tram is empty, you are alone. If the situation causes you anxiety for no reason, it means that unwanted changes are now taking place in your life. Transport is moving slowly - your business has come to a standstill. Fast - you don’t have time to adapt to all the changes.

It is very easy to interpret such an image if you send your intuition into flight and allow it to interpret the surrounding symbols.

Stepanova's dream book interprets such a dream in its own way. Ride calmly on the tram - to the successful completion of the work started. And according to Medea’s dream book, traveling on a tram symbolizes an existence full of restrictions, in which the dreamer is unable to change anything.
A dream about traveling on a tram can be interpreted very differently depending on other circumstances

Wait at the bus stop

According to Stepanova’s dream book, if you are standing at a bus stop and waiting for a tram, then you are planning a risky business that is better to refuse. The sorceress Medea interprets such a dream as infantilism, a subconscious desire for restrictions. You want someone in your life who will be responsible for you and set the rules by which you can exist safely and calmly. And the ladies’ dream book warns that a certain person will torment you, without giving an answer to your question for a long time.
A dream about waiting for a tram always has a negative connotation

Get into an accident

If the tram on which the dreamer is traveling gets into an accident, this indicates impending difficulties in business. The dream books of Miller and Stepanova claim that it will not be possible to overcome difficulties, so it is better to abandon the plan now. According to Vanga, such a dream can predict a serious illness or even death. Medea's dream book, on the contrary, indicates that if a tram derails, this indicates successful overcoming of limited thinking. Such a dream can be interpreted as an expansion of the boundaries of consciousness, an exit from the “safe shell” into the real world and a readiness to interact with it.
A tram getting into an accident is a clear sign of trouble to come.

Take the tram

If you clearly remember the moment you climb the steps and get on the tram, this is a favorable sign. According to the esoteric dream book, such an image indicates an easy resolution of all difficulties. And Medea interprets such a dream as simplifying life, getting rid of complex concepts and tasks. Such an action in a dream indicates the dreamer’s excessive gullibility.

The dream of boarding a tram is very favorable

Get off the tram

Medea's dream book interprets such an action as an improvement in the situation in reality. The dreamer will soon break off the oppressive relationship and take his life into his own hands. The image of getting off the tram suggests that soon someone will promise you mountains of gold, but you shouldn’t take his words seriously.

argue with someone

If you dream that you had a quarrel with someone on a tram, then serious quarrels await you at work or at home. This interpretation of sleep is offered by the ladies' dream book.
The opponent in a dream is usually the controller


A dream that different people have had must be interpreted differently:

  • a tram in a man’s dream indicates shallow feelings for his partner, according to Freud’s dream book. The dreamer experiences only erotic attraction, but is not truly attached to her. According to the ladies' dream book, such a dream may also indicate that the beloved to whom the man wants to propose will be slow to respond;
  • a married woman’s dream about a tram indicates the presence of an enemy, according to Stepanova’s dream book. Someone clearly wants to annoy the dreamer;
  • if a young girl dreams of a tram, then, according to Medea’s dream book, this indicates her unwillingness to enter adulthood;
  • the dream of a pregnant woman can be interpreted as constant uncontrolled movement, which will ultimately lead to where it needs to be. The pregnancy and the child are not in danger, but at the moment the expectant mother is unable to influence the circumstances.

A tram in a dream is a very polysemantic symbol. It must be interpreted based on other details of the dream. Then such a dream will be able to tell you how to get out of the situation as a winner.

Find out from the online dream book what the Tram is dreaming of by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpretive authors.

Why do you dream about a tram in a dream?

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about Tram and what does it mean:

Tram - Seeing yourself in a tram in a dream means disappointment or a showdown with people you don’t like.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about a tram in a dream?

Tram – a dream about a tram speaks of someone’s strong interest in annoying you. If in a dream you are standing at a bus stop, waiting for an approaching tram, the dream foretells that you will soon begin an extremely dangerous business.

If your tram ride is calm, then you will successfully complete what you started. An accident on the way portends serious complications in reality. If it seems to you that the tram is very high, then serious danger awaits you ahead.

If in a dream you are standing in a low, fast-moving tram, you will successfully achieve your goal.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation:

Tram - You will be very active.

Unique dream book of Tatyana Radchenko


Tram - Frustration, spending time with unpleasant people.

Astrological dream book

What does it mean to see a tram?

Tram - See or ride on it - a harsh reality awaits you. 3rd house of the horoscope.

World of images: Antonio Meneghetti

We analyze the vision in which the City Train was dreamed

Tram - Close to the image of a bus, but the situation can be considered as a situation of empty eroticism.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Why does the dreamer dream about the Tram?

I dreamed about a tram - you are not afraid of any obstacles. You will overcome everything. Imagine that you are a tram driver. You are driving on a completely free road with smooth rails.

Modern dream book for 365 days

Why do you dream about Tram by day of the week?

Tram - Getting on a tram means showing excessive gullibility. Seeing yourself getting off a tram means that they will promise mountains of gold, but these promises should not be given much importance.

Esoteric dream book

Mystery of sleep:

To see is to easily solve complex issues, cope with a difficult task, and go “as if on rails.” Getting on a tram, driving - all the obstacles and obstacles on the way are not scary and will be easily overcome. You just need to find a way, a means.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

I dream about a tram, what does it mean?

Tram - Symbolizes the dreamer’s movement through life. The features of this type of transport (movement on rails and minimal amenities) reflect a life full of restrictions and deprivations. Riding on a tram means experiencing difficult times. Enter the tram - simplify your life. Getting off the tram is a change for the better.

Great modern dream book

Tram - why does the dreamer dream?

Tram - You see a tram in a dream - someone is angry with you and only dreams of how to annoy you. It’s as if you are waiting for a tram - someone will hesitate, deciding your fate; you are facing serious experiences. You are calmly riding on a tram - the work you started will be successfully completed. It’s like you have a conflict with the controller on the tram - trouble awaits you at work and at home.

New family dream book of Nadezhda Soboleva

How to understand what a tram is in a dream?

The tram is a problem. Standing at a stop, waiting for an approaching tram, means waiting for the difficulties that have arisen to be resolved on their own; make a risky decision; the trip goes smoothly - find a way out of the current situation; accident on the way - serious complications; the steps in the tram are located very high - a premonition of danger; a fast-moving tram means a quick and successful achievement of your goal.

Everyday dream book

Everyday interpretation of a dream about a tram

If you dreamed of a tram, it means that someone is trying hard to annoy you, and, given his interest, he may succeed.

Seeing a tram in a dream foretells a very active period in life, during which you will have to solve a lot of issues and cope with complex tasks.

If you dreamed of a tram approaching you, while you were standing at a tram stop, then such a dream means that you are preparing to get involved in an extremely risky event, you will take great risks, exposing yourself to serious dangers. This dream definitely requires continuation - whether the tram ride is good or not.

So, if you, after waiting for the tram, ride it calmly, without any special incidents, your business will end in success. Troubles along the way are a very dangerous harbinger.

Seeing a tram in a dream, the height of which is too high, means problems and difficulties, even dangers. If you travel without obstacles on a low, fast tram that glides along the rails without problems, then unexpectedly for everyone your undertakings will turn out to be very successful, you will easily bypass all the “pitfalls” and success will await you, and quite quickly at that.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Tram - For the arrival of guests living near you.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Tram - Small worries will appear, fatigue will come.

For those born in September, October, November, December

Tram - You are tormented by periodic nervous attacks.

Such a familiar and painfully familiar vehicle like a tram can quite naturally migrate into our night life: after all, so many real scenes can be connected with it - we are in a hurry, we are waiting, we are going in, we are going... And the spirits of sleep can also create some kind of fantastic picture. How to figure it all out?

A tram was walking down the street...

Miller's dream book considers a tram a sign that someone shows a strong but somewhat negative interest in you, doing everything to cause trouble and harm. Interpreter's advice: the provocations of an ill-wisher will not resist the calmness of the one seeing such a dream.

The modern dream book suggests that simply seeing this vehicle in a dream, but not trying to get into it, means that the dreamer will be able to successfully avoid the skillfully constructed machinations of ill-wishers.

It would be even better if he still tried to get into the carriage, but this was prevented by the large number of passengers already traveling in it.

According to the interpretation of the Esoteric Dream Book, seeing a tram means easy solutions to complex issues and difficult matters.

The same Miller attaches importance to the appearance of the vehicle. So, if the carriage is new, spacious, high, then before achieving the desired result, the dreamer will have to overcome many difficulties. A small and low trailer promises a quick solution to emerging problems.

If you see in a dream that a lonely tram is passing by, it makes sense to analyze your life and take a closer look at your surroundings.

It is possible that someone or something is holding back your development, keeping you in place. Such a dream signals the coming of a time of change.

If the tram is just standing on the tracks, such a dream has the opposite meaning - you should wait with the changes, they will come at a favorable time.

Is the tram moving very fast in a dream? This promises the dreamer that the goals he has set will be achieved and success in his professional field awaits him.

Let's wait at the bus stop

A tram ride is usually preceded by waiting at a stop.

The universal dream book sees this as a risky business conceived by the dreamer. How successfully it will be completed will depend only on the person’s self-control and how he will be able to behave in ambiguous situations.

According to another interpreter, the dreamer should not be afraid of new beginnings at all, since everything will certainly happen.

If, while waiting for a tram at a stop, it approaches and passengers get off, this indicates new acquaintances and interesting events.

The picture depicting boarding a tram speaks of the dreamer’s subconscious desire not only to simplify his life, but also to make fundamental changes in it. Another interpretation predicts career growth for a person who sees himself getting on a tram.

According to the Esoteric Dream Book, getting on a tram and riding in it means that all life’s obstacles are completely surmountable, the main thing is to find the right way to overcome them.

We rode on a tram...

Many actions can be associated with the image of a tram in a dream, and one of the most common is to ride in it. Why do you dream of riding a tram? This is a good symbol - for the speedy and successful completion of an important enterprise.

If you believe the Modern Dream Book, the calm process of driving in this type of transport promises a serious new position that will bring the dreamer not only moral, but also material satisfaction. And if at this time some excesses occur, it is possible that a competitor will intervene and try to harm you.

A trip in a new comfortable carriage promises in reality the acquisition of good housing, which will become a haven of warmth and comfort.

But Tsvetkov’s dream book does not see anything good in the fact that the dreamer is in a tram car - disappointment, spending time surrounded by unpleasant people.

If the dreamer was riding in a crowded tram, this is a warning: in the immediate environment there is a person who is preventing growth and advancement. It would be necessary to “calculate” him and deprive him of the opportunity to somehow influence the situation.

Passenger or driver?

A favorable sign that promises quick relief from all current problems is leaving this type of transport. Medea's dream book predicts changes for the better.

Azar's biblical dream book believes that a dreamer who saw himself getting off a tram should not trust generous promises.

According to the Dream Book online, a plot depicting a person jumping out of a tram car while moving warns of a sharp change of plans, a change in life directions, both professionally and personally.

There is another interpretation of such a dream: the sleeper will be able to reveal the insidious plans of his enemies and avoid troubles.

Did you have to run after a tram in a dream? This is a symbol of the dreamer’s fear of not being able to do something. The dream book advises: it is better not to rush, so as not to lose a significant chance. And Tsvetkov’s interpreter predicts failure in personal matters.

If a person is late for the tram in a dream, Felomena’s dream book suggests, this is a sign that you cannot put off the implementation of your plan “for later”; there may not be another more successful moment. And the lack of punctuality can be the decisive factor in the failure to fulfill plans.

Being late symbolizes the inability to take advantage of a tempting offer. However, the dream book is optimistic: there is no need to be upset, because whatever happens, as you know, is for the better.

Seeing yourself in the role of a carriage driver means that the dreamer has leadership qualities, which will be appreciated at work with corresponding promotion up the career ladder.

The Italian dream book Meneghetti believes that the dreamer in childhood was “programmed” with a certain stereotype, according to which his life proceeds. And if in a dream he drives a tram, it means that he follows this stereotype quite consciously.

According to the Christian dream book, this is a good sign, foreshadowing movement along a flat, straight road.

If a woman sees herself as a carriage driver, financial problems may await her, as well as low-paid or simply hard work.

What if there is an accident?

The plot showing how the dreamer gets hit by a tram has different interpretations.

So, according to Grishina’s dream book, this is a business warning: before starting a new business, you should carefully calculate everything.

But the Wanderer’s Dream Book interprets such a dream with a bias towards personal life, also warning: your soulmate is capable of finding a new object of adoration and getting seriously carried away.

In reality, this can be avoided if you surround your loved one with double attention.

There was an accident and a tram hit a person - such a sad story. And the interpretation is also far from rosy; it predicts some kind of betrayal on the part of relatives. The dream book advises you to take a closer look at your immediate surroundings.

The healer Evdokia in her dream book claims that such a dream means serious life complications, perhaps even trouble.

To see a tram hitting a person, according to Grishina’s dream book, is a warning that before starting cooperation with a new partner, you need to carefully think and analyze everything.

Tram rails

Seeing tram rails in a dream is a sign that the dreamer prefers to move along a proven road, and not pave the way yourself.

The rails on which the tram moves, according to another interpreter, indicate that soon all important matters will be completed successfully.

There is also such a point of view: seeing the rails of this urban mode of transport means meeting an enemy.

What does this dream mean: the tram went off the rails? An accident in a dream, depicting such a moment, hints to the dreamer not to make useless plans- they still won’t come true.

The universal dream book looks at such a plot more loyally: you can make plans, but only after first adjusting your actions and choosing other means to achieve them.

Miller's dream book connects a tram accident with the professional sphere, believing that this threatens serious complications in work.

This same dream book immediately stipulates: you shouldn’t, they say, give up, it’s better to concentrate all your knowledge and skills, and then success is guaranteed to you.

Another interpretation threatens the collapse of hopes.

“Tram” dreams are noticeably “aimed” with their decoding more at the professional and official sphere. They warn of failure in business or, conversely, promise career growth, talk about relationships with colleagues or others - in short, they are closely related to real life events.

Most often, the tram prophesies changes, Therefore, you should be more attentive to possible “tips” in real life, so as not to miss a possible opportunity or avoid danger.