
What is an artichoke, beneficial properties and contraindications of the plant. Indications for use

Walking between the stalls at the market, you see a huge selection of all kinds of vegetables and fruits. Among them are the familiar apples, plums, cucumbers, etc. But there are also those that are difficult to give an exact name the first time. One of them is the artichoke. A beautiful vegetable that grows in Mediterranean countries will undoubtedly surprise you with its unique taste and aroma. Read more about what an artichoke is and what it is eaten with.

Vegetable or fruit?

Artichoke is most popular in Italy. It is there that it is grown for production and export to different countries of the world. Translated from Italian, the name of the plant means “pine cone.” This country reveres the artichoke so much that it holds a festival in its honor every year.

Despite the fact that the artichoke can be easily confused with a huge cone, in fact it is a flower. The closest relatives of this amazing flowering vegetable are daisies and dandelions. And as much as it is customary for us to consider them weeds, so it is customary for Australians to consider artichokes as weeds.

Australian weeds

Artichoke - with a straight long stem and wide leaves. At the base, closer to the root, the plant is densely dotted with white hairs. Under favorable conditions, the plant can grow up to one and a half meters in height. To better understand what an artichoke is, think of a thistle. This is what an artichoke looks like when it blooms. Only the overseas vegetable is much more massive, spreading and with more leaves.

The plant is quite sun-loving, and a dry climate is most suitable for it. Therefore, it prefers countries with minimal rainfall, such as Australia, Italy, France, Spain, etc. There are about 10 types of artichokes, but the Spanish variety is considered the most popular.

What's edible in it?

Many people are interested in the question: “How do they eat artichokes and which parts of the plant can be eaten?” The unblown flower, which looks like a basket, is mainly used in cooking. Externally, it is completely covered with fleshy scales. The average diameter of this basket is 10 cm. The color is light green and light green. In addition, in Vietnam, Romania and Mexico, it is customary to prepare tea from the leaves, stem and root of the artichoke. In Italy it is used to make liqueur.

Artichoke has a rather unique taste. You can’t answer right away what it looks like. But to a greater extent, gourmets tend to compare it with green peas.

Origin story

The first mentions of it as a vegetable go back to the 8th century BC. Records of artichoke consumption were also found among the ancient Romans and Greeks. They already knew well how to cook artichokes, and even managed to make preparations from them, using various additives and spices.

The peculiar taste of the artichoke was so exalted in those days that poems were written about it. In particular, these are the poets of the past Alcaeus and Hesiod. They used fresh or boiled artichokes, seasoned with various sauces. Surprisingly, only rich people could afford this weed flower for lunch for a long period of time.

The writer of Ancient Rome Pliny writes about what an artichoke is not only as a delicacy for gourmets, but also as a medicine. Medicine and science are also aware of its aphrodisiac qualities.

In the Middle Ages, the Arabs improved the cultivation of artichokes, thanks to which the product became widespread. They begin to grow it in almost every household plot. Later, the Dutch and Belgians took up the matter. They refined the plant so much that they even supplied it to the royal court.

Artichoke as medicine

The medicinal properties of the artichoke were first mentioned in the 16th century by a practicing physician and biologist from Italy, Pietro Mattioli. He claimed that by using the roots of the plant, one could get rid of unpleasant body odors. At that time this was a fairly pressing problem. Along with this, artichoke began to be used as an effective bile and diuretic. These properties have long been confirmed by scientists these days. All thanks to the presence of the chemical component cynarin. Most of it is found in the pulp of the leaves and stem, even if you use dried artichokes.

In addition, the plant contains bioactive flavonoids luteolin and apigenin, which can prevent cancer. The total antioxidant capacity of artichoke flower heads is the highest among vegetables.

For what diseases is it beneficial to eat artichoke?

  • Liver diseases.
  • Constipation.
  • Diabetes.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Psoriasis.
  • Eczema.
  • Pancreatic diseases.

Therefore, eating artichokes is so desirable in winter, when the body is most in need of microelements and vitamins.

You can brew tea from the plant. How to brew an artichoke? Pour dried leaves (1-1.5 tsp) into a glass of water at a temperature of 70-80 ° C, leave for 5 minutes, strain through a strainer if necessary.

How to choose a good artichoke?

You have already learned about what an artichoke is, now you just need to find out what to look for when choosing and how to cook it deliciously.

The first thing you should check when choosing an artichoke is the color. Good early vegetables should be green. Later ones have a purple tint. Choose buds that are heavier and fleshier, with scales that fit well to the core. As for the size, it does not play a special role. But this is only if you know how to prepare it.

The situation is different with the age of the fetus - the younger it is, the more tender and tastier it is. Artichokes ripen in Italy in February, and their harvesting ends in early April. Vegetables are harvested in several stages of ripening. So it turns out that the first harvest is the most delicious. This brings us to the question of how artichokes are eaten.

What tastes better with?

Young vegetables harvested in February are incredibly tender. The size of such plants is no larger than a chicken egg. You can eat them whole or even raw. But unfortunately, these fruits react poorly to transportation. Therefore, it is almost impossible to find young artichokes in the supermarket.

Canned artichokes also have a special taste. Medium and small buds are suitable for this. Italians marinate these vegetables in sea water or olive oil, seasoned with spices and herbs. For tourists and visiting guests, this dish is a real delicacy. Once you try it, it’s hard not to fall in love with artichokes for the rest of your life.

Large vegetables are eaten only after heat treatment. After the flower is cut, it immediately begins to lose its refined aroma and properties. Therefore, it is advisable to prepare it as soon as possible.

Artichokes in the country

It is believed that the shelf life of cut fruit in the refrigerator is about a week. That is why artichokes can increasingly be found in the beds of our summer residents. Although it will take a lot of effort to get the harvest, the result is worth it. After all, this is a perennial plant, and if successful, it will bear fruit for up to 10 years. On average, one vegetable bush produces up to 10 fruit cones. This means that only 6-7 artichoke bushes will be enough to provide the whole family with vegetables.

The undeniable arguments about whether it is worth growing fruits in the country are their beneficial properties. Moreover, most of them are contained in leaves and roots. Thus, the fruits can be safely used to prepare a variety of tasty and healthy dishes, and all other raw materials can be dried for use during illness. They do this during flowering. You can use a dryer, or you can lay it out in a draft.


The Italians certainly know how to cook artichokes. They are served both as a separate dish and as a side dish, cold or hot. Vegetables are used to prepare various salads, pies and pizza. They are added to add special flavor to stews and pastas. They even bake bread and prepare sweet dishes with this intricate flower-vegetable.

To attract the attention of tourists, restaurateurs display baskets of artichokes at the entrance to their establishments. This means that in a restaurant you can taste dishes with this exotic weed.

How to eat artichoke correctly

Having seen this marvelous vegetable for the first time, many are perplexed as to which way to approach it, and even more so, how to eat it correctly. However, everything is not as scary as it seems at first. Even the most well-mannered eat artichokes with their hands. Small buds can be placed entirely in the mouth, and larger ones can be divided into individual petals. Too large fruits are not served fresh, but are pre-boiled or prepared as a separate full-fledged dish. Let's talk separately about how to boil an artichoke.

Boil the vegetable

  1. Take a larger pan if you have several fruits, and a medium-sized one if there is only one bud. The artichokes will become very soft as they cook. To ensure that the finished vegetables do not lose their appetizing appearance, you will need to carefully remove them. Therefore, it is better to give them more cooking space.
  2. Pour in water and cook for about 45 minutes. To check readiness, use a knife - it should enter the flower without resistance.
  3. Place the finished vegetable in cold water, then drain in a colander. It is necessary to get rid of excess liquid.
  4. Transfer the cooked artichokes to a deep plate and serve with the sauce.
  1. The artichoke was first prepared by French chefs, after which the product became known throughout the world as something amazing and very tasty.
  2. In ancient times in Rome, there was an opinion that this flower, being a powerful aphrodisiac, could somehow influence the sexual characteristics of unborn children.
  3. Scientists from Spain have figured out how to extract energy from artichokes. In the future, they plan to build power plants for processing weed. To provide electricity to a population of 60,000 people, about 100,000 tons of artichokes will be needed.
  4. Festivals are held in different countries of the world in honor of this miracle of nature. During the celebration, show participants dance, sing, participate in various competitions and, of course, taste artichoke dishes.

Artichoke is a real delicacy with which you can surprise guests and be known as a wonderful hostess. Its taste will be remembered for a lifetime. By growing this amazing vegetable in your garden, you will not only become the owner of an overseas delicacy. You can use it according to nature’s intended purpose and surprise those present with an original bouquet.

The main cultural events of Italy in 2019 - a detailed overview for tourists.

January- Fashion shows Florence. Hotel prices are rising.

June 16-17- Festival of Saint Ranieri, in Pisa. Light show, fireworks, regatta. Saint Ranieri is the patron saint of the city of Pisa. The entire coast of the Anro River is illuminated with festive illumination; on June 17, a festive regatta takes place, the battle on the Gjoko del Ponte Bridge and a festive parade.

June 20- Holiday Corpus Christi - festival of puppets. Corpus Christi. This Catholic holiday is dedicated to the sacrament of the Eucharist (Holy Communion): the miracle of the transubstantiation of bread and wine into the true Body and Blood of Christ. For the Catholic world, Corpus Christi is the third most important holiday after Christmas and Easter.

June 24- Day of John the Baptist in Rome, Florence and other cities. The holiday is celebrated with parades, dances, and boat races. Since in Florence this day is celebrated on a special scale. After all, the Day of John the Baptist is the day of the city of Florence. Every year there is a procession through the city to the Baptistery of St. John. There is also a Calcio Storico costume football match in Piazza Santa Croce. The feast of St. John the Baptist ends with fireworks in Piazzale Michelangelo in the evening after 22:00. The fireworks are called "Fuochi di San Giovanni", translated - the lights of San Giovanni, in the local dialect they are simply called "I Fohi".

November 21– Feast of Our Lady of Good Health in Venice. The celebration takes place in the 17th-century Cathedral of Santa Maria della Salute. The cathedral was built as gratitude to the Mother of God for saving us from the plague epidemic. On the day of the holiday, the Grand Canal near the cathedral is blocked by a pontoon bridge made of ships. A procession of pilgrims led by the Archbishop of Venice solemnly follows it from St. Mark's Basilica to take part in a thanksgiving mass in honor of the Madonna the Physician. After the ancient ritual, you can refresh yourself with light snacks and sweets at the fair near the entrance to the cathedral. Among other things, they offer a special holiday dish - “kastradina” stew made from stewed cabbage and lamb.

December 25- Christmas. Shepherd bagpipers (pifferai) walk through the streets, play festive melodies and gather at the Aracoeli Church. The city is decorated with garlands and lights. Nativity scenes are held in churches. The windows of houses, cafes, restaurants, shops and hotels are decorated with the words Buon Natale, which means Merry Christmas. Children are not given gifts in the morning; they receive them on the feast of Epiphany. You won't see Santa Claus either. Italy's version of Santa Claus is Babbo Natale. Wooden figures of Jesus and the Madonna are also placed in the central square of Rome - Piazza Navona. Fairs with treats and goods from artisans are held in the squares. The holiday is celebrated with family. The solemn celebration takes place in the Vatican. Every year in the Vatican, a huge Christmas tree is erected in St. Peter's Square. According to tradition, different countries send it to the Pope.

The numerous genus of this plant, numbering over 140 species, belongs to the Astrov family. And it grows only in the Mediterranean region and the Canary Islands.

Artichoke is the name of a field plant that has now been naturalized and 40 species of this genus are grown specifically on plantations and used for food and as a vegetable.

Unopened young inflorescences - baskets, which have been famous for their beneficial properties since the times of Ancient Rome, are popular among gourmets.

To this day, the vegetable is used not only as a dietary product, but also as a medicinal plant that helps cope with various ailments. And now, in more detail: what kind of plant is this vegetable and what beneficial properties does it have?

Artichoke: what is it

This is a perennial herbaceous plant with a straight stem, sometimes reaching up to two meters in height. In Latin, the artichoke is called Cynara, which is also the name of the numerous genus to which it belongs, and the genus Cynara is included in the Asteraceae family. Therefore, many plants of this family have some similarities in appearance.

It reminds me of the medicinal plant Leuzea safflower growing in Southern Siberia, but others think that the plant looks like a thistle. Their flower baskets are really similar, only different in size and this can be clearly seen in the photo:

Biological description of the plant: The leaves of the plant are large and wide, feathery in shape and they are collected in a rosette. The flower baskets are multi-flowered, located at the crown of the stem, large in diameter up to 8 cm.

At the beginning of flowering, the involucral scales of the basket are tender, soft and juicy. When flowering, it forms a beautiful bluish-purple corolla. After flowering, the involucre becomes coarser, changes its color from green to brown and becomes hard and prickly. The plant blooms from July to October, and fruits ripen in them - achenes, which have an obovate shape.

Spreading. The plant in the wild loves warm and arid climates; the Mediterranean is considered its homeland. Today it is grown in South America and Australia, some Asian countries (Ceylon, Vietnam, Japan, India), central and southern Europe. Many of its species are among the malicious weeds that quickly take over the territory.

In Russia, the artichoke has been grown since the time of Peter the Great; in the southern regions it is cultivated as a perennial, and in the middle zone as an annual, with preliminary cultivation of seedlings.

When to collect inflorescences

They are collected at different stages of development, it all depends on the purpose for which the baskets are collected. If you need to preserve or marinate artichokes, then small and medium-sized inflorescences, which are rolled into jars with olive oil and the addition of herbs, are better suited.

Young inflorescences, the size of a chicken egg, are added to salads raw or slightly steamed; many people like to enjoy them simply raw.

The baskets are large, at the stage of opening, when they reach the size of an orange, they already have harsh wrapping scales, which are cut off before use. During the same period, seed rudiments are already forming inside the basket, which are also removed.

The opened baskets are no longer suitable for food.

In Vietnam, delicious tea is brewed from the plant, using all the plant organs (stem, leaves, roots) as raw materials, which is used as a tonic drink.

Artichoke beneficial properties and contraindications

Ancient healers of Egypt, Greece and Rome treated the gallbladder and liver with a drug prepared from Cynara baskets. The plant has long been considered a strong aphrodisiac, which was attributed to the property of promoting the birth of boys in the family. And at one time in France, it was prohibited for use by females, for the same reasons.

What is the chemical composition of a plant?

What is an artichoke? This is a whole pharmacy in one inflorescence basket. In addition to high taste, the inflorescences contain a rich composition of nutritional elements. They contain up to 3% proteins, 15% carbohydrates and 0.1% fats. Carbohydrates are 80% represented by inulin, a substance useful for feeding bacteria living in the large intestine.

In all terrestrial organs of the plant, young shoots and leaves, baskets, the presence of iron, calcium salts, phosphates, carotene and the glycoside cynarin was detected. Lots of potassium - up to 240 mg.

The plant contains organic acids, of which they are released:

  • phenolcarboxylic acids (quinic and caffeic, chlorogenic and neochlorogenic, 1-o-caffeyl-D-quinic);
  • glycolic and glyceric acids;
  • flavonoid glycosides (scolymoside, cinoroside, cinarotriside - luteolin derivatives);

The wrapping scales of the basket contain essential oils, which give the inflorescences a special, refined taste. B vitamins of which the predominant amount is up to 18 mcg/per 100 g of product. Vitamin C - up to 5 mcg, A - up to 20 mcg.

The calorie content of the vegetable is as follows: only about 47 kcal is contained in 100 g of product.

What you need to know about growing

In Russia, the plant is cultivated as a vegetable using the seedling method. For seedlings, seeds are soaked in early March and germinated at temperatures up to 30 degrees.

As soon as the sprouts begin to appear, they are transferred to the snow and hardened for 15 days. This stimulation of seeds causes the plant to become active and throw out inflorescences in the first year of life.

Activated seeds are planted in a sowing box, and after a month, they are planted in pots. At the end of May, seedlings are planted in the ground, maintaining a distance between plants of 70x70x70 cm.

Caring for Cynara is not difficult; you need to loosen the soil and water it, weed out weeds and fight pests. The resulting baskets, without waiting for them to open, are cut off and used for food.

Useful properties

All organs of the plant are used for treatment. Decoctions, tinctures and infusions are prepared from the roots, young shoots, and leaves, and the juice is squeezed out. The drugs help reduce the concentration of uric acid and bring the cholesterol ratio to normal, but only with regular use.

It is believed that the plant is a good preventive remedy not only for heart disease, but also for cancer. It contains antioxidants (rutin and quercetin), which help destroy free radicals, which are the cause of the formation of malignant cells.

Reducing bad cholesterol in the blood helps reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack, and the development of hypertension. Due to the potassium content in its composition, it supports the heart and blood vessels and normalizes blood pressure.

Modern science has proven that the substances contained in the plant have powerful choleretic and diuretic properties; it is no coincidence that in ancient times it was used to treat jaundice and gout.

In addition, it is believed that Cynara preparations are capable of draining the liver and kidneys, which has a beneficial effect on cleansing these organs of toxins and waste. Therefore, the plant is used to treat cholelithiasis.

Potassium and sodium salts, having an alkaline reaction, are useful for people with high acidity of gastric juice; dishes with artichoke provide good support for the gastric tract.

The juice of the plant has antiseptic properties, so it is used to heal cracks in the mouth of children, with stomatitis and thrush, to freshen breath, and reduce the smell of sweat.

A large amount of fiber helps the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes peristalsis, prevents constipation, and relieves mild inflammatory processes.

The presence of phosphorus activates the activity of the central nervous system, helps the functioning of brain cells, and vitamin K helps prolong the life of neurons, preventing their destruction. Therefore, artichoke baskets are recommended for all elderly people, and especially those who suffer from atherosclerosis and Alzheimer's disease.

Regular consumption of artichoke dishes helps strengthen the skeletal system, teeth, and improves metabolism. The juice of inflorescences and leaves relieves hangover; in ancient times it was used for alkaloid poisoning.

Benefits for women and men

It is believed that this vegetable is more beneficial for women. Being an aphrodisiac, it has a stimulating effect, activates blood circulation in the pelvic organs, which contributes to the likelihood of conceiving a child. And in ancient times it was believed that with prolonged use of the vegetable, the likelihood of conceiving a boy increases.

The presence of a huge amount of antioxidant - vitamin C, prevents the risk of breast cancer. Folic acid is useful not only for pregnant women, it is useful for all people to strengthen the nervous system.

Watch the video: Artichoke - a royal delicacy

And for men, as the ancient Aesculapians believed, the artichoke helps to avoid prostate diseases and preserves male strength for a long time. It was recommended to increase sexual activity.

The presence of a large composition of vitamins, macro and microelements allows the plant juice to be used to prepare homemade masks and skin creams that rejuvenate the skin, relieve inflammatory processes, and promote rapid cell renewal.

Therefore, decoctions and infusions of the plant are used to treat skin diseases such as urticaria, eczema and psoriasis. The ancient Greeks rubbed the juice of the plant into their heads to combat baldness.

Harm and contraindications for use

Like all medicinal plants, Cynara has contraindications. It is not recommended to include this vegetable in food for people with high blood pressure, gastritis with low acidity, serious liver diseases, or the presence of gallstones.

Pregnant and lactating women and children under 12 years of age should avoid eating artichoke dishes. Failure to comply with recommendations may cause harm to the body.

Traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of certain diseases

Infusion of leaves and inflorescences used to improve the functioning of the nervous system, reduce uric acid and cholesterol levels. It is prepared from two tablespoons of raw materials per liter of boiling water. After 40-50 minutes of infusion, the infusion is taken 400 ml in the morning and evening.

Plant juice to increase libido and enhance sexual activity. Young shoots and leaves of the plant are used, from which the juice must be squeezed. You can first pass it through a meat grinder or juicer. Drink 50 ml of juice twice a day.

The same recipe is used for alkaloid poisoning, to treat dropsy and diseases associated with urination. The juice is rubbed into the skin to relieve excessive sweating and baldness.

A mixture of plant juice and honey in equal proportions, used to lubricate the mucous membrane during seizures, stomatitis, and cracks in the oral cavity. Lubrication is repeated up to five times a day.

Artichoke tea helps relieve inflammation of the gastric and intestinal mucosa. It is enough to add 1/4 of a teaspoon of crushed plant leaves to a cup of tea. Tea is good for gastritis with high acidity.

Inflorescence decoction helps with constipation. Boil one chopped basket in a liter of water. After cooling, beat the raw yolk of a chicken egg into the broth, divide into three parts and drink in three doses.

Decoction for skin diseases cook for 15 minutes over low heat using 3 tablespoons of plant leaves. Moisten a cloth with the decoction and apply compresses for psoriasis, eczema, and urticaria.

Use of vegetables in cooking

Fresh Cynara baskets are stored for about a week, but they lose their flavor earlier, so people try to eat them freshly cut. Recipes for cooking dishes with this vegetable are novel and varied.

Artichokes are good as an independent dish or as a side dish for main courses. They make delicious salads, desserts and breads. Inflorescences are added when preparing pizza and pasta, stews, pies and buns are baked with them. They are eaten cold or hot.

Apple salad recipe

You can quickly and easily prepare a salad with apples, although you can add any fruits, herbs, and vegetables to the vegetable.

Preparation: Artichokes in salads are used only fresh. If it is large, then the upper hard scales are removed and the vegetable is chopped. An apple is chopped or grated, Parmesan cheese. Add a mixture of separately mixed: olive oil, juice of half a lemon and pepper. Add salt. You can sprinkle green onions on top.

Stewed artichokes as a side dish

The vegetable is well suited as a side dish for fish or meat. The side dish turns out delicious if you simmer it on the stove. For this dish, large inflorescences are used. You will need:

How to cook: rinse the inflorescences well, remove hard scales, if any, and cut them into halves. Place them in heated oil in a saucepan and add chopped garlic. Fry over low heat for up to 5 minutes. Add wine and evaporate it.

After this, add chopped herbs and pour in the broth, not forgetting to add pepper and salt, simmer the dish for about 10 minutes. After removing the lid, keep it on the fire until the broth evaporates slightly. Serve with steamed fish or meat.

From mid-March to June in Italy it is artichoke season. In April, all restaurants serve many dishes with them - the fruits are the healthiest and freshest at this time. And in the second week of April in small Ladispoli near Rome there is a three-day celebration, a large artichoke festival. To show this tradition of Italians as it is in their homeland, Piccolino for the second year in a row, at the height of the harvest, is holding an artichoke festival with a full menu in Kyiv, so that we too can fall in love with them once and for all.

The mysterious artichoke is neither a vegetable nor a fruit. This is a real flower. And it is so beautiful that before you eat it, you want to hold it in a vase, like a bouquet. This, by the way, is correct if you are not going to cook it in the near future. The plant needs moisture, otherwise it will darken and dry out.

The Artichoke Festival at Piccolino consists of 8 dishes that showcase its taste from different angles. Fresh, lightly pickled, fried, boiled, solo or as an accompaniment in a more complex dish.

For an appetizer - bruschetta with an airy artichoke dip, with the addition of Parmesan, shallots and garlic. It’s spicy, but exactly as much as you want. If you wish, you can order more without bread, so you can just eat it with a spoon.

Bruschetta with fresh artichoke pesto – 100 gr, 84 UAH

There are about 140 types of artichokes, 40 of which are edible.

And they are all different too: Italian ones are meaty and juicy, French ones are tough and empty inside. Raw artichokes are an acquired taste. In order not to spoil the fruit, you need to know how to properly handle it. After peeling the artichoke like a sweet apple, you need to sprinkle or dip it in lemon juice, otherwise it will oxidize and darken. Fresh artichoke carpaccio is served with Parmesan, for contrast, and young Ukrainian arugula from a fresh harvest - doubly pleasant.

Carpaccio of fresh artichokes, arugula, with Parmesan – 110 gr, 185 UAH

It is an honor to be called an artichoke in Roman style. This dish is perhaps the most classic and beloved in Italy: flowers are pickled in lemon, olive oil and spices. In just three hours it becomes tender - from the stem to the leaves. Served chilled or vice versa – warmed up; as an independent dish or accompaniment.

Artichoke Roman style – 130 gr, 162 UAH

The artichoke should weigh up to 120 grams. and medium size - this is the key to perfect taste.

During the operation of the artichoke menu, on average, up to 1200 pieces are eaten.

Another variation with whole fruits is deep-fried artichoke. Not to be confused with batter, although such a recipe also exists. But in this case, the artichoke itself is steamed and soaked in a layer of dough. At Piccolino they fry it in olive oil – it’s thin and dry, it’s crunchy, so you need to eat it as soon as possible. These artichoke “chips” are also called artichokes in Hebrew.

Deep-fried artichoke – 75 gr, 162 UAH

Dishes are light to medium-heavy behind. Those left are serious. In them, a light artichoke cannot be the main one; it shades and complements. There is creamy risotto, pasta and lasagna made in-house. In the pasta, the artichoke was highlighted by oregano, in the lasagna it is again fresh and in large chunks, and in the risotto it is almost invisible, it is not distracting, but you can feel it.

Every year the city of Castroville (California) hosts an artichoke festival. This year was the fiftieth anniversary.

The artichoke was brought to California by the Spaniards, and now the product grown here is 100% grown in the United States, of which about 75% grows in the fields around Castroville. This is probably why the residents decided to call their city the artichoke capital of the world (for reference, little Italy produces 100 times more artichokes for export than the whole of California).

Castroville is also famous for the fact that there is a figure of the world's largest artichoke (about 6 meters). It was built in 1963 as part of a restaurant complex.

In Castroville in 1947, Marilyn Monroe became the first artichoke queen, although at that time she was still just Norma Mortensen and no one knew about her yet.

To be honest, I don’t like artichokes. It’s quite possible, because I’ve never tried it well and properly prepared. But even today the desire to correct this mistake has not arisen. I listened to recipes for artichoke dishes - I was not impressed - almost everywhere they add either garlic or pepper (at least the chef who taught the seminarian how to cook).

What I liked was an exhibition of sculptures made from vegetables.

Bee over flowers

It’s already clear to everyone who

You could still admire the old cars

And even this rust still travels along the roads.

The new king and queen of artichokes. Who knows what will be known about them in 50 years.

But the children were happy, because they rode the slides and ate ice cream. The eldest climbed walls, shot at the shooting range, and did somersaults in the air.