
Girl sign of Pisces in the year of the dog. Pisces born in the year of the dog

These Pisces always doubt everything: they do not believe facts, but only their own feelings. Nature has endowed them with the ability to foresee future events, which only complicates the lives of these suspicious people. The trusting Dog completely falls under the influence of Pisces: it becomes even more restless and sometimes aggressive. The union of these two signs gives birth to a surprisingly sensitive, subtle and vulnerable personality. According to the combined horoscope, Pisces-Dogs are responsible, compassionate people, ready to help everyone around them. They are wise, insightful, able to give the right advice, and most importantly: they are not burdened by their obligations. They cannot refuse help to anyone, but they are no less persistent in defending their own interests.

Characteristics of Pisces Dogs

Soft, trusting Pisces-Dogs give the impression of harmless people. Although they are able to stand up for themselves: they are distinguished by special inner strength. They do not resort to rudeness, do not weave intrigues, but simply try to get their point across. The main feature of the Pisces-Dog sign is its extraordinary diplomatic abilities. A person of this combination easily reconciles warring parties. Not only does he make a compelling case, but he does it in a very tactful manner. Thanks to its intuitive sense, the Pisces Dog perfectly understands the feelings of others. He knows how to find an approach to each of his many acquaintances. People are drawn to this sensitive person; they can rely on him: he is attentive and caring towards others.

Tactful, polite Pisces-Dogs are the darlings of society: people like their courteous manners. They respect the opinions of others and often sacrifice themselves for their well-being. They don’t demand anything in return, but simply rejoice at someone else’s happiness. Selfless, honest Pisces-Dogs deserve respect, which is what happens most often. Although there are dishonest people who try to assert themselves at their expense. However, kind-hearted Pisces Dogs are not so simple and naive when it comes to issues that are fundamental to them. They are quite capable of fighting back, although they will experience embarrassment and awkwardness due to the need to raise their voice. They value not only their freedom, but also respect the feelings and opinions of other people.

Radiant, good-natured Pisces-Dogs try not to cause unnecessary problems for others. They hide their experiences, but this does not make their life better. They are prone to doubts: they delve too deeply into all the details, paying attention to insignificant details. Pisces dogs are insecure and shy. They will remain silent or pretend that everything is fine, but will not admit their weaknesses. They will be able to open up only to really close people, of whom there are not many in their environment. They expect participation and understanding, but most often they themselves find themselves in the role of comforters. They are responsive and kind-hearted: they cannot refuse help, despite their own problems. Usually Pisces-Dogs are in the shadow of more confident people, which does not bother them at all.

Pisces Dog Compatibility

Tender, sensitive to the needs of people, Pisces-Dogs are ready to dissolve in their partner. They are looking for a soul mate, they are afraid of making mistakes, so they are very careful in dating. They look closely at their future life partner for a long time, trying to understand how reliable he is. Shy Pisces-Dogs are in no hurry to declare their love: it is difficult for them to take the first step. But having made their choice, they will faithfully serve their soul mate all their lives. These people are determined to serious relationship- are having a hard time with the breakup.

The love horoscope gives a clear definition to Pisces-Dogs - ideal family men. These people are simply created for marriage: they absolutely cannot stand loneliness. Nature has endowed them with amazing sensitivity and kindness. Pisces dogs have pedagogical talent: they not only feel, but even predict the desires of children. Harmony and peace reign in their family, because they avoid conflicts in every possible way. They cannot allow discord among loved ones: they sacrifice themselves for the sake of maintaining common peace and tranquility.

Pisces Dog Career

Responsible, disciplined Pisces-Dogs are able to cope with any job. They don’t dream of a good career, they are even a little shy about high positions and prestigious titles. They behave modestly at work and are not afraid to be in the shadow of more lively employees. They are suspicious, subject to doubts and worries, so they often refuse lucrative offers. Pisces Dogs are diplomatic, patient and attentive to their colleagues. In turn, they need support, otherwise it will be difficult for them to succeed in their profession.

These creatively gifted, intellectually developed individuals are the pride of any team. Pisces-Dogs do an excellent job with organizational work, but are not intended for leadership positions. Capable of succeeding in any field of activity: pedagogy, psychology, medicine, construction. What is surprising: despite being shy and reserved, Pisces-Dogs often choose creative professions. They feel the need to share their experiences with people, and they do it well.

The responsive Pisces-Dog man is always ready to help, not only friends, but even ill-wishers. He tries to understand the motives of the offenders’ actions, does not feel anger or hatred towards them, and forgives them very quickly. A sensitive person has a huge heart, full of compassion for everyone around him. His softness and indecisiveness are obstacles on the way to successful career. For all his talents, he is too cautious, prefers to think a lot rather than act actively. But he is hardworking and very responsible, so he is always in good standing with his superiors. Fears and doubts also cause trouble in his personal life; he is sensitive to any comments. Women should be sensitive and especially attentive to a man of this combination of signs.

The shy, trusting Pisces-Dog woman can be strong and decisive when necessary. But mostly he behaves quietly and unnoticed. She diligently avoids attention, but if it so happens that her profession is related to publicity, she behaves very dignified. He knows about his weaknesses, so he prefers to think through all actions in advance, calculate the risks in order to feel calm. Sometimes her thoughtfulness interferes with the implementation of plans. A woman of this combination of signs lacks energy and will be able to achieve success in an alliance with a strong partner. She is very devoted to her loved ones, but reacts impulsively to criticism; you can offend her with just a couple of careless words. But thanks to natural prudence, he finds the strength to maintain peace and tranquility in the family.

The characteristics and compatibility of the Pisces-Dog man are one of the most original.

Such a person is very responsive and gentle, he does not tolerate scandals and quarrels, therefore, in order to avoid them, he often agrees with other people’s opinions.


The gentle and friendly behavior of the Pisces-Dog man in society is often perceived as a weakness of character, but this is far from the case. In fact, representatives of this combination of signs are very strong personalities who are able to independently cope with all the difficulties and troubles occurring in their lives. The characteristics of the Pisces-Dog man have endowed these natures with a rich inner world and varied talents. In addition, they are incredibly sensitive and vulnerable, which is very unusual for this symbiosis of signs. It is these qualities that help them see through people, understanding at first glance who is who. They easily find an approach to their interlocutor, taking into account his mood and character. Pisces-Dogs are a real consolation for those who find themselves in a difficult life situation.

Their presence alone has a healing effect on anyone who is disappointed or upset. Despite the changeable mood of men of this type, they will withstand all obstacles and reach the end. However, they still feel most comfortable in an atmosphere of calm and tranquility. The sign of Pisces in their horoscope clearly expresses the desire for harmony. Numerous positive qualities help Pisces-Dog men cope with many life difficulties. In youth, fate may be unkind towards them, but with due persistence towards maturity, everything becomes more harmonious. By nature, representatives of this sign are hardworking, restrained and resilient.

They take life as a romantic journey in which they themselves take direct part. They happily accept everything that happens to them, so life for the Pisces-Dog is always full of bright colors. Meanwhile, owners of this zodiac combination cannot boast of self-confidence. They try to appear unshakable, but inside themselves they often feel awkward and embarrassed. Pisces-Dog always follows his principles and keeps his promises, so there are always many friends and like-minded people around him. Despite some uncertainty and shyness, they are not afraid to honestly and openly express their own opinions on any issue. Hypocrisy and arrogance are qualities that the Pisces-Dog man does not tolerate in the people around him.

Compatibility in love

The life of such a man is thoroughly permeated love relationships, which give him food for emotions. Without feelings, the life of the Pisces-Dog seems boring and monotonous. It is important for him to love and, what is especially necessary, to be loved. This man’s romanticism is captivating, so his partner rarely wants to change anything in her relationship with him. It is worth noting that Pisces-Dog men are not only gallant and romantic gentlemen, but also the most devoted partners. They are attracted by the prospect of starting a family, fleeting romance novels they are not interested. The Pisces-Dog man's compatibility is ideal with a woman who holds the same views. It is in the family that a representative of this combination of signs is able to find true happiness and harmony with himself. Outside of this, he feels deprived and alone.

A woman whose soul is also full of nobility and generosity can win the vulnerable and noble heart of the Pisces-Dog. Since representatives of this type are introverts, you should not rush to get close to him right away - he may not like it. When the time comes, the man himself will reveal his soul and this will mean that he trusts his chosen one. In a relationship with a Pisces-Dog, it is important for a woman to remain sincere and sensitive, since he senses falsehood immediately and will never forgive it.

The purpose of the Pisces-Dog

People of this type are indispensable in areas such as politics, diplomacy and science. They are able to establish business contacts, find like-minded people and negotiate with partners. The Pisces-Dog man’s sociability allows him to feel comfortable in a team, and his diligence and responsibility help in solving various kinds of problems. If desired, representatives of this sign can achieve the best results, but most often they are satisfied with modest achievements that are useful for society.

Nata Karlin

People born in a combination of the signs of Pisces and Dog are very insecure, anxious, doubtful and suspicious. They often have low self-esteem, excellent instincts and intuition. They good friends and advisors, wonderful partners and colleagues. These are inquisitive and creative people who adore nature and can find true beauty in everything. They are popular among others for their intuition, so people often turn to them for advice in order to predict the outcome of a situation.

Zodiac Pisces-Dogs are very friendly to everyone around them, they love meeting new people, love to be at the center of events and up to date with world news. They are interested in popular science programs and smart books. They find it very easy to complete any task precisely because they are well-read and broad-minded.

When speaking and communicating with people, horoscopic Pisces-Dogs are very tactful, they respect the feelings of others and try not to offend a person under any circumstances

For Pisces-Dogs, any person in their life is very important; they value everyone. It is easy for them to understand their own feelings and the emotions of other people, so they can always channel them into the right direction. People of this combination of signs will always come to the aid of a friend. They excellent psychologists, diplomats and can resolve any conflict.

Pisces-Dogs love to be in the center of events

Characteristics of a Pisces-Dog man

The Pisces guy in the year of the Dog is a wonderful person. There are so many positive qualities in his character that it is difficult to find anything bad. However, over the years, a man of this combination of signs begins to doubt that he kindness and comprehensive understanding of others sometimes they work against him. He just needs to understand that it is not only possible to be kind, but also necessary. If you have principles, then you need to uphold and defend them.

The zodiac Pisces-Dog man is very calm, hardy, hardworking, and purposeful. This man's whole life a complete romantic adventure. Everyone around him is simply sure that he has his head in the clouds.

He has a fine mental organization, he is a dreamer and an idealist. He always has a goal that he wants to achieve, but as a rule, it is so unsteady and unattainable that it stops a person halfway.

The Pisces-Dog man is sensitive and compassionate; he will always take the side of the offended and will selflessly defend his interests. If you have a friend with a person of this combination of signs, you will never be left without help and sympathy. Living in an illusory world created only in his head, he absolutely not practical and even if he earns money, he doesn’t know how to spend it.

The Pisces-Dog man is very calm, resilient and hardworking.

Disadvantages of the sign

The weakness of men of this combination of signs is that they cannot correctly assess the reality of events and relationships. This prevents them from drawing the right conclusions and finding the right solutions from current situations.

Characteristics of Pisces-Dog women

The Pisces girl, born in the year of the Dog, is distinguished by her ability to assess any situation from different angles. She never makes decisions spontaneously, therefore she does not participate in intrigues, conflicts and gossip. This is how rational behavior allows a Pisces-Dog woman always achieve success in your endeavors.

The character of these women combines hard work, responsiveness, and initiative. They have great developed intuition, That's why always know the outcome of an event. For most people around, these plans seem to be failures, but in reality it always turns out that the lady of this combination of signs was absolutely right.

The Pisces-Dog woman always achieves success in any endeavor

If a Pisces-Dog woman finds her life’s work, she will definitely achieve success. It is better for her to choose those areas of life that involve learning new things, training or mentoring. Reaches financial well-being by adulthood.

Money and status in society are not just a fait accompli for her, it is a way through which she can enjoy all the benefits of civilization

Disadvantages of the sign

The weakness of Pisces-Dog women is that it is difficult for their partner to understand them and at the same time they do not want to understand the person who is nearby. This is a big minus family relationships because this behavior causes a lot of controversy and misunderstanding.

Love compatibility of Pisces in the year of the Dog

The Pisces man in the year of the Dog simply cannot imagine his existence without being in love. In his youth, he changes partners, rarely focusing his attention on just one. A constant state of delight fuels it emotional state. A man of this combination of signs tries to love himself and does not look for crazy love, he tries to find reciprocity in the feelings of his other half. He a desperate romantic who will never remain silent about his feelings and emotions. He fascinates with his sweet speeches, envelops him with his courtship, and it is unlikely that any woman will be able to resist such pressure. In relationships with the opposite sex, he is a dreamer, inventing an image for himself ideal woman and endowing his partner with non-existent qualities.

Pisces-Dog will never be silent about his feelings and emotions

This man will approach the issue of marriage for a long time, until he understands that this is the woman in front of him who should be by his side for the rest of his life. In the family, the man of this combination of signs calm, attentive, caring. He will become a wonderful father-friend for his children, who will simply adore their dad, who is involved in all their endeavors.

Pisces-Dog women in love can be impulsive, bright, emotional, but do not lose the ability to think sensibly and rationally. This allows them to choose the most suitable partner and get married successfully. To find mutual understanding, the partner must remember that the Pisces-Dog woman needs to very clearly outline all the requirements and wishes, otherwise she will act according to the principle “what is not prohibited is clearly permitted”.

A lady of this combination of signs can choose a life partner for a very long time, evaluating all the pros and cons and weeding out unwanted applicants. Therefore, one can only get married in adulthood.

In a family, this is a zealous and practical housewife who will conduct all affairs with the lion's share of rationalism and skill.

After a certain period of adaptation between partners, their lives will flow at a measured and calm pace.

Pisces-Dog love compatibility is not possible with all zodiac signs. Dreamy and sensual men For this combination, you need to choose partners with similar horoscopic characteristics as partners. For rational and calm women Men with the same temperament and outlook on life are also suitable.

Full characteristics of a Pisces child born in the year of the Dog

A girl and a boy Pisces in the year of the Dog are very sickly and weak children from birth. Since childhood, they have given parents a lot of trouble both regarding their appetite and health. You cannot speak to them in a raised tone or insist on your own, pressing with authority. Excessive impressionability and suspiciousness can play a cruel joke - children of Pisces-Dogs just keep to themselves and then you are unlikely to understand what is going on in their souls.

Excessive impressionability and suspiciousness are the disadvantages of Pisces-Dog children

At school, these are good students, distinguished by perseverance and diligence. Teachers can only praise these kids, so parents will never have to blush at parent meetings. Costs pay attention to the children's social circle, because their calm disposition and easy-going character make them leaders in any team. Therefore, the company surrounding children can greatly influence their worldview and behavior.

24 May 2018, 19:18

The Pisces-Dog man is gentle, responsive and friendly. He loves communication and tries to build trusting and warm relationships with everyone. He does not like scandals and quarrels, therefore, in order to avoid them, he can easily give in to others. Many people perceive this behavior as weakness, but this is far from true. This is a very strong personality who alone can cope with all the adversities in his life.

These men have numerous positive qualities. And these qualities are necessary for them, since they have to constantly overcome difficulties and difficulties. Fate may be unfavorable to them at a young age, but by the mature period everything becomes balanced. You cannot trample on your own ideals, even if it seems profitable. Sincerity and purity of thoughts can lead them to positive results.

By nature, these are hardworking, hardy and self-possessed men. Thanks to these three qualities, they manage to achieve their goals. They perceive life as a romantic journey in which they directly participate. They love everything that happens to them so much that life is always painted with bright colors. Loyalty to themselves and principles makes them unshakable.

Characteristics of a Pisces-Dog man in Love

Since, in love, he acts as an affectionate, attentive and incredibly devoted partner. He will always be on the side of his beloved, protecting her from various attacks. Despite the apparent gentleness, he puts forward quite significant demands to his partner. He can often be sarcastic and overly critical. But this can be easily avoided by using the right approach - affection, attention and love.

Pisces Man, born in the year of the Dog, in Bed

He is incredibly emotional. He likes to make love, because this is the only way he can talk about his feelings and special attitude. Unlike other men, he likes it better preparatory process when he can lure a woman, excite her and indulge in long caresses. Here he does not prefer to dominate his partner, completely following her instructions and relying on her experience.

It is impossible not to note his special sensitivity, thanks to which he can easily predict the mood of his partner. He always tries to adapt to her and give her maximum pleasure. But at the same time, he does not forget about himself, also following his needs and requirements. Sometimes he can have serious mood swings where he can suddenly become cold and unavailable, but it's worth getting used to.

Horoscope of the Pisces-Dog man in Family and Marriage

Having married, he is ready to devote all his time to his wife, even forgetting about his hobbies, career, and so on. This is a very sensitive and attentive partner, for whom family becomes the most important thing in life. He is a wonderful owner who can manage all his household chores well. He establishes good communication with all his new relatives, maintaining good relations with them.

But, despite all his gentleness, getting along with him under the same roof will not be such an easy task. He is emotional and does not want to hide his indignation on any issue. However, for this it will need to be completed. He has great patience, but it also has its limits. It is impossible not to note his particular vulnerability, so he can perceive any uttered word or remark addressed to him quite painfully.

The Fish-Dog is always faithful in love and, especially, in sex. But, if this fish is not appreciated or understood, it leaves without looking back, in search of those with whom it will be calmer and more comfortable.

Representatives of this zodiac tandem can be very critical, demanding, emotional and even sarcastic towards their partners. And at the same time, if those whose horoscope is Pisces-Dog find like-minded people, they can be quite happy sexually.

Sexual horoscope Pisces - Dog for women

If these women agree to sexual contact, this can only mean one thing: she is in love... Well, or she was possessed in a special way at some specific moment “ sexy horoscope dog". These women are especially sensitive and strive to ensure that their personal life is combined with their family life.

Despite the contradictions that are inherent in all Pisces, these Pisces do not accept betrayal and do everything possible to preserve their sexual partner, who most often has long been their legal spouse.

It is extremely difficult to build relationships with representatives of this zodiac tandem, although they themselves do not always think so. But the way they can express themselves in sex with a loved one has kept more than one man married to a woman whose horoscope is Pisces-Dog.

Sexual horoscope Pisces - Dog for men

The rich inner world and many abilities that these men are gifted with often become objects of desire for very passionate and powerful natures. Provided that this man is influenced not only by the “sexual horoscope of Pisces”, but also by the temperamental characteristics of the dog, these men may well correspond to the sexual preferences of such women.

Representatives of the fair sex are captivated by the Pisces-Dog man’s ability to show his care, his desire to give the woman even more pleasure than he receives himself.

And somewhere deep in the soul of a Pisces man, who is accompanied by the sign of the dog, he is a “collector” who does not always consciously seek to satisfy his curiosity and sexual passion.