
Games for girls doctor. Doctor games Virtual clinic doctor games

In order to become a first-class doctor, you need to study a lot: graduate from college, enter residency, undergo an internship, and only after that you will be able to apply your knowledge on patients. But if you don’t have the patience to wait, then we suggest downloading doctor games into your browser, which will lift the curtain for you amazing world medicine.

Exciting and original games about doctors are perfect for a child who dreams of connecting his future with medical practice. They have certain specifics, clear specialization and develop skills that are necessary for a future surgeon or otolaryngologist. These games will teach you how to accept patients, give them correct diagnoses, carry out successful operations and even invent cures for incurable diseases. And your patients will be your favorite cartoon characters and adored fairy-tale princesses.

Doctor games for girls will teach you how to deal not only with people, but also with animals, who also regularly need help. You will bandage ears, pull splinters out of paws and perform other actions that will make your pets feel absolutely healthy.

We offer you a unique opportunity not to drag home all the medical plastic rubbish from children's stores, but to approach the healing process consciously, using the latest achievements of technological progress - for example, your computer. With its help you will find our website, where they can’t wait exciting games for girls Doctor. They can do everything: from a banal injection to surgery eyeball. Exciting toys for girls will show you all the facets of the medical profession. And perhaps they will even help you decide what you want to become when you grow up.

The good doctor Aibolit will heal everyone!

The variety of flash entertainment that can be classified as toys about doctors is amazing in variety. You always have a choice of who to play today: a veterinarian whose clinic is located on a cozy forest edge and is waiting for hares and squirrels to visit, a pediatrician who treats babies, a surgeon for adults or a nurse busy with injections and bandages. Or maybe you still want to remain a little girl and deal exclusively with taking care of soft toys, like everyone else famous doctor Plusheva? Choose any field of activity that interests you, benefit, category online games for girls about doctors and everything connected with them allows you to do this. Rest assured, there are game variations on medical topic There are so many that you can play them for a very, very long time. So we advise you to stop wasting time, choose any one and get started.

Doctors, like girls, are different

If you still think that the profession of a doctor is a kind of universal set of knowledge and skills, the same for all its representatives, our games for girls will have to disappoint you.

But thanks to them, you will learn that this type of activity has a huge number of specializations: pediatrics, cosmetology, surgery, dermatology, cardiology, immunology, neurology and many others. When you grow up, you can choose one of them, study it as deeply as possible and become an excellent specialist in this field. In the meantime, our exciting Doctor games will give you general concept about each of the listed areas. With their help, you will be able to play the role of different specialists and choose for yourself the one you like more than others.

At first glance, it may seem that the plot of any Doctor game is no different from others: in front of you is a patient in need of urgent treatment. If you can save him from sores, you will win, if not, alas. In fact, the actions of a cardiologist and a dentist in caring for a patient will be radically different. What exactly? But you can find out this by playing enough of the toys in this section.

If you dream of saving people's lives, then first practice on virtual patients. Surgery games are a great trainer for your surgical skills! Operation games for girls are an opportunity to look at your dream profession from the inside. If you want to prove to everyone that not only men can become a good surgeon, then start with the operation game. Having acquired basic skills, you will be able to master the medical school program much easier in the future!

Dreams high

When we hear from someone that he “wants to become a doctor,” we can be sure that this can be perceived as “I want to save people.” And if you really dream of achieving a high goal, of serving humanity, then you definitely have a direct path to becoming a surgeon.

Of course, therapists or, say, ophthalmologists are also very necessary. After all, who without these doctors will treat our colds or check our eyesight? But if in the practice of a local therapist only once or twice during a career some out of the ordinary case can happen, then for a surgeon the struggle between the life and death of a patient is routine everyday work.

It is not without reason that prizes and awards in the field of medicine are most often received by surgeons who have worked on incredibly complex and delicate operations. After all, every mistake by a surgeon can be very costly, and success can turn into a real triumph for all medical science. Therefore, before you decide to master this profession, you need to answer yourself the question: is this your place? Are you ready for such responsibility?

From expectations to reality

You can fully feel the importance and severity of this work only when you find yourself in the operating room - preferably in the surgeon's place. But who would let a schoolgirl with a scalpel in her hand operate on a living person?.. However, there is a way out. Operation games are a real chance to get a glimpse, but still look at the life of a surgeon, see the operation through his eyes and feel whether the sight of a sick person gives you more fear or a desire to help, at all costs.

The next step, when the operation games for girls have already been completed, will be for you to go to the anatomical museum. There you can see it live various organs human body, preserved in glass tanks. And if even their appearance does not lead you astray and does not make you run away into the open air in fear, then this will mean only one thing: it’s time for you to attend a real operation - at least as a spectator!

Behind a professional

A trip to a real hospital differs from a game operation in that everything will be serious here. Yes, you won’t be able to influence events in any way (probably for the better for now), and the outcome of the case will in no way depend on you; but you will see everything in the smallest detail and detail.

Because learning from an experienced surgeon is an integral part of educational process future doctor, there are observation facilities in almost every operating room. If we are talking about a large-scale abdominal operation, then it is usually suggested to observe it from above, through thick glass on the ceiling of the operating room. If you happen to have an eye operation, then for observation you will be given your own optical installation eyepiece - similar to those used by the surgeon and assistant during the operation.

Try it yourself

Only towards the end of training in medical school you will receive the right to participate in the operation - not yet as a surgeon, but only as an assistant. But this position is also important and honorable! In each operation game, you, as a virtual surgeon, will have your own assistant, and you will be able to understand what invaluable help this person provides during the operation.

When it comes to surgical intervention, everything should be done as quickly as possible, and the doctor should be completely focused on his patient. Is it imaginable to get distracted! These are not games for you, surgery is a serious stress for the body, and if you leave the patient to the mercy of fate for even a couple of seconds, everything can end very sadly. The assistant's task is to provide the surgeon with the most comfortable working conditions, in which he will not have to think about anything other than the operation itself. Need scissors? Scalpel? Bandage? All this should be in the hands of the surgeon at the first request - or even a second before he has time to voice it.

...and don't try to repeat it!

I hope there is no need to say that the skills acquired in games need to be carefully preserved until the time when medical school remains a passed stage, and “surgeon” turns from a dream into your profession. Surgery games for girls are just games, and successfully completing any of them (even several times!) in no way makes you a professional doctor. You will need many more years of hard study to earn the right to actually pick up a scalpel.

Therefore, you should not try out the “skills” you just learned on your younger sister, or even on your cat - unfortunately, such failure to comply with safety precautions can have worse consequences than just a scolding from your mother! If you really can’t wait to work not only with the mouse, but also with your hands, use a doll or other old toy as an exhibit - but only if you really don’t mind throwing it in the trash after that.

Have patience, study hard, and one day your dream will definitely come true - you just have to wait. All, even the greatest, surgeons once started small, which means that with due diligence, a wonderful path awaits you. And your task is to walk through it with dignity, without losing kindness and love for your patients.

Bright and exciting operation games will open doors for you to completely new world- world modern medicine. Learn new things and strive for your dreams more and more confidently every day - this is the key to success! During the game, performing an operation is an opportunity that the great doctors of the past were deprived of. But we collect best games so that you have this opportunity. Check out our website - we will keep our collection as complete and fresh as possible!

All doctors took the Hippocratic oath that they would not cause harm, would help those suffering from illnesses and pain, and be sensitive.

Virtual clinic game doctor

Now you yourself are in a white coat and free to conduct your experiments on patients. Once at the hospital, you will receive patients who are lined up. There are too many of them, the epidemic has probably woken up again. Well, that’s okay, now we’ll quickly make a diagnosis and figure out who should be hospitalized, and who wouldn’t mind returning to study. We have to work quickly, since there are few doctors in the clinic, and people keep coming. Look, some of them are already holding on to their last breath - their health scale has dangerously dropped to the red mark.

Romantic relationships among medical staff

Doctors and nurses are people just like you and me. They live ordinary lives, and nothing human passes them by. Certainly, romance novels It’s not recommended to start it up at work, but what to do if the feeling hits you unexpectedly and mercilessly? If you have already decided to office romance, then do it less openly. Do you want patients and bosses to see it too? Be more modest and take a break from your loved one, at least for a little while.

Come up with your own medicine

You will go to the laboratory where you can create your own cure for all diseases. And if it is also a delicacy, then you will make a scientific breakthrough and the world will fall at your feet. In the same laboratory, you can study viruses under a microscope and determine what kind of disease it is. Microbiology is one of the leading areas in medicine and now you have joined it.

Virtual operating room

Pills, injections - it's all quite simple. Here is a surgeon - yes, this is power! He is a true professional and helps people regain their health. Want to practice? Then you are welcome to perform operations in games.

First, try something simpler:

  • eye microsurgery;
  • heart transplant;
  • plastic.

Of course we were joking. It’s easier to treat a fractured limb and stitch up the wound.

Veterinary medicine is also medicine

In general, surgery is not for the faint of heart, and if you are afraid of blood, it is better to treat rabbits, birds, puppies and hamsters. They also need help, and why not become a veterinarian and benefit our smaller brothers? This is also honorable and interesting.