
How does the system of guaranteeing the purchase of an electronic insurance policy work? Registration of motor vehicle insurance through a single agent RSA How to conclude an agreement with RSA for sale

According to Central Bank statistics for the first half of 2018, the share of e-OSAGO in the total volume of sales of compulsory motor vehicle insurance was more than 25%, and the volume of premiums received through electronic sales channels increased to almost 290%. This was largely facilitated by the launch of the E-Garant RSA system. How can I buy an MTPL policy using the website of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers? How is registration in the system carried out? Who has access to the service? We will answer these and other questions in this article.

System for guaranteeing the conclusion of an electronic OSAGO contract

The guarantee system began operating in mid-July 2017, although the union of auto insurers announced the launch of the service on July 1. The start of work was delayed due to technical issues, testing the service and solving problems with documenting the procedure in terms of issuing payment receipts to policyholders who took out electronic insurance. E-guarantor OSAGO replaced the poorly proven replacement system, when, if a purchase on the website of one insurance company failed, the car owner was redirected to another.

The decision to launch the service was made on June 23, 2017 at a meeting of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers. The reason for the creation of the guarantor was numerous complaints about the inability to buy e-OSAGO.

The guarantee system is designed to facilitate quick and uninterrupted registration of electronic compulsory motor liability insurance. If, due to technical problems, the policyholder is unable to complete the purchase of insurance, he will be redirected to the closed section of the RSA, where he will be able to issue an e-MTPL. The insurance company is selected randomly, based on the vehicle owner’s title data. There are no risks of buying fake insurance on this site, since access to the section is closed to agents, brokers and other intermediaries.

Personal account - registration and login

Registration in the E-garant RSA personal account is not required for ordinary users. Only an employee of the union of auto insurers or insurance company who received this access from the union itself can enter the closed section using a login and password. The policyholder will not be able to immediately issue e-OSAGO on the union's website - this method of purchase is only possible in the event of a failure on the insurer's website, where the issue of OSAGO was originally planned. To register in the personal account of the insurance company, you must fill out the following fields with personal data:

  • Passport number and series;
  • Date of birth;
  • Phone number;
  • Login;
  • Login password.

That is, if the policyholder enters personal account on the insurer's website, begins the procedure for issuing an MTPL policy and a technical failure occurs, he is automatically redirected to the portal of the union of auto insurers in a closed section. And there, the registration of insurance continues according to the same scheme, but with a different insurance company.

Registration and purchase of an MTPL policy through the official website of RSA

After redirecting the policyholder from the insurance company's website to RSA, he will not have to re-enter all the data about himself or the car - the completed application will already be in the database. Using the PTS number, the guarantee service will identify a new insurance company and the car owner will be able to complete the registration by uploading electronic copies of documents. After this, he needs to pay for the MTPL policy, the cost of which was calculated by the service. The policy itself in pdf format will be sent to the email address specified in the application, and will also be posted in the policyholder’s personal account.

If after payment the insurance policy has not been received by mail, you need to check the messages in the Spam folder. If it is not there, you need to contact the insurance company and the union of auto insurers.

The Union of Auto Insurers will also send a message by email, which will contain the contract number, the validity period of the policy, the name of the insurance company and the period of use of the car. If the user does not want to buy an e-OSAGO guarantor on the RSA website, then he can refuse the procedure by clicking the appropriate button in the message that appears after a technical failure. To fix the problem, the car owner can refresh the page or try to apply for a policy later.

Purchasing electronic MTPL takes place in a matter of minutes: the user selects an insurer, opens a personal account on its website, sends an application, uploads documents and pays for insurance services. However, sometimes not everything is so simple: there are technical problems, or the insurance company simply refuses to cooperate with the motorist. One way or another, the policy is still necessary. You will learn further where to buy it and what a guaranteed conclusion of a compulsory motor liability insurance agreement in electronic form is.

Advantages of electronic MTPL

Drivers have already appreciated the benefits of electronic compulsory motor liability insurance. Soon the government plans to switch to this type of insurance document completely, which means that paper policies will go out of use. The Russian Union of Auto Insurers guarantees the issuance of e-OSAGO through the RSA website. Main amenities of e-OSAGO:

  • registration takes a minimum of time - the whole procedure takes no more than 15-20 minutes;
  • the purchase of a policy is carried out through an online platform, and this makes it possible to compare offers from different insurance companies and choose the most profitable option;
  • the policy is purchased remotely - there is no need to visit the insurance company’s office and wait until it’s your turn;
  • the document is freely available to the car owner in his personal account on the insurer’s website - it can always be duplicated in case of damage or loss;
  • You can simply take a photo of the policy on your phone - the main thing is that the series and number are clearly visible;
  • the ability to choose only the most necessary options when purchasing a policy, which allows you to save significantly.

The procedure for concluding an agreement through a single agent on the RSA website

The E-GARANT guaranteed insurance system has been launched on the RSA website. It is designed to provide an e-MTPL policy to every driver in the Russian Federation. The user can exercise his right under the system of guaranteed conclusion of a civil liability contract if:

  • issuing a policy through the website of the insurer that the motorist previously contacted is impossible for technical reasons;
  • the driver lives in a region where there are problems finding reliable insurance;
  • The motorist has a bad insurance history, and insurance companies do not want to cooperate with him.

If, when visiting the insurer’s website, the user has any problems with documents or the insurance company has reasons for terminating cooperation, it must notify him about this and post information on this issue. In this case, the user is immediately redirected to the website of another insurer, and is guaranteed to buy e-MTPL there.

The RSA website also has a Single Agent service, which selects insurance companies by random selection using the PTS number. However, its work is currently suspended due to insurance fraud. It was replaced by “E-GARANT” - a service for guaranteed conclusion of an MTPL agreement in electronic form.

Procedure for concluding an agreement

On our website you can extend your insurance or buy a new policy. With us, the policyholder is guaranteed to draw up a motor third party liability insurance contract. First, you should calculate the amount of the insurance premium using an online calculator. You will need to fill in the following information:

  • car make and model;
  • mileage and its approximate cost;
  • region of residence and length of service;
  • name and contact phone number.

Immediately after sending the data, an operator will contact you who will help you choose the most advantageous offer, taking into account the provided initial data.

After the choice of an insurance company for compulsory motor liability insurance and an insurance program is made, the user:

  • receives an invoice for payment;
  • makes a payment using a convenient method (bank card, e-wallet, etc.);
  • receives e-OSAGO by email;
  • prints out the policy and takes it with him.

If you want to receive the policy by mail, you can send it by courier - in this case you will need to pay additionally for delivery of the document.

Note! The cost of an electronic policy does not differ from the price for a paper document. The amount payable for compulsory motor insurance with restrictions without imposed additional services is always the same - it is formed by multiplying the base tariff by the coefficients.

What determines the cost of the policy?

Of course, the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance in each individual case will be different. Each insurer sets its own prices, including additional risks and services in its insurance programs, and the OSAGO guaranteed insurance program is no exception. Sometimes these imposed clauses can increase the cost of the policy by half - which is why you need to consider many different offers.

However, the price for insurance is formed very simply: the base rate is determined, which varies depending on the region, and multiplied by several. The value of each coefficient directly depends on a specific indicator: the driver’s overall and accident-free experience, his age, engine power, region, number of allowed drivers, policy validity period, availability of a trailer.

Important! The driver’s maneuverability and carefulness on the road has a significant impact on the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance, which is reflected by the value of the bonus-malus coefficient. If the driver is extremely careful and does not allow accidents due to his fault, the cost of the policy is reduced by 5% annually. If he causes several accidents a year, his insurance for the next period may cost two, or even two and a half times more.

What documents are required

The list of documents that will be needed to purchase a policy online is specified in Article 15 of the Law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance”. The package includes:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • PTS or STS (or other similar document);
  • diagnostic card;
  • driver's licenses of all approved drivers (this is not required for registration of compulsory motor vehicle liability insurance without restrictions);
  • registration certificate (for legal entities).

These documents (except for the diagnostic card) are provided to the insurer once, and subject to continued cooperation, they will no longer have to be scanned and uploaded on its official website. The convenience is obvious - the next time you issue a policy, the information will be partially filled in automatically.

Note! Regardless of the form in which the policy was purchased, it does not hurt to create a personal account on the insurer’s website. This will allow you not only to print out the purchased e-OSAGO, but also to monitor your insurance history.

Advantages of registration on our website

The key advantages of registering for compulsory motor liability insurance through our website are:

  1. The opportunity to compare offers from several insurance companies and choose the most profitable one.
  2. Consultation with a specialist who will help you choose the best option from a huge stream of offers.
  3. Easy to fill out the form for calculating compulsory motor liability insurance.
  4. Payment for the service by bank transfer.
  5. Protection against imposition of unnecessary services.
  6. Receive the policy immediately after payment by email.


Today, every driver can be guaranteed to conclude an auto liability agreement online. If any problems arise when applying for a policy, he is redirected to another site, where he can resubmit the application and buy compulsory insurance.

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We are waiting for your questions and ask you to rate the post.

The E-GARANT guaranteed insurance system has been launched on the RSA website. It is designed to provide an e-MTPL policy to every driver in the Russian Federation. The user can exercise his right under the system of guaranteed conclusion of a civil liability contract if:

  • issuing a policy through the website of the insurer that the motorist previously contacted is impossible for technical reasons;
  • the driver lives in a region where there are problems finding reliable insurance;
  • The motorist has a bad insurance history, and insurance companies do not want to cooperate with him.

If, when visiting the insurer’s website, the user encounters any problems with documents or the insurance company has reasons to terminate cooperation, it must notify him about this and post information on this issue.

The RSA website also has a Single Agent service, which selects insurance companies by random selection using the PTS number. However, its work is currently suspended due to insurance fraud. It was replaced by “E-GARANT” - a service for guaranteed conclusion of an MTPL agreement in electronic form.

The key advantages of registering for compulsory motor liability insurance through our website are:

  1. The opportunity to compare offers from several insurance companies and choose the most profitable one.
  2. Consultation with a specialist who will help you choose the best option from a huge stream of offers.
  3. Easy to fill out the form for calculating compulsory motor liability insurance.
  4. Payment for the service by bank transfer.
  5. Protection against imposition of unnecessary services.
  6. Receive the policy immediately after payment by email.

Many car owners are faced with the impossibility of buying and obtaining compulsory motor liability insurance. Insurance companies do not want to sell policies in certain regions due to higher unprofitability. Since an agent does not have the right to refuse to conclude a public contract, insurers resort to various tricks.

All this leads to the fact that car owners cannot insure their liability and buy policies second-hand, which often turn out to be fake, or drive without insurance at all. The way out of this situation was the introduction of electronic compulsory motor liability insurance.

Since the beginning of this year, civil liability insurance for drivers has been provided online with the subsequent issuance of an electronic version of the MTPL policy.

It is sold by insurance companies licensed to carry out activities of this kind. A list of them with full details is posted on the official website of the RSA.


In the insurance market non-profit organization The Russian Union of Auto Insurers has been operating for more than ten years.

Its activities are based on the principle of compulsory membership of insurers engaged in auto insurance.

Each specific insured event must be analyzed individually, taking into account the circumstances that led to its occurrence.

Procedure for concluding an agreement

Starting this year, the car insurance service has become available to all policyholders, without exception, online.

Car owners can submit an application to the insurance company through the official website of RSA and issue an electronic MTPL policy without visiting it in a short time.

The information contained in the application is verified by checking with the data contained in the automated database information system RSA.

If they turn out to be unreliable or the data specified in the application is not included, the insurer sends a notification to the policyholder’s email address.

In addition to the application, the policyholder must submit electronic copies of documents approved by the regulations Federal Law No. 40-FZ.

They must fully reproduce the information contained in the original document. Its text must be readable, it must clearly display dates, details, inscriptions and seals.

The insurer has the right to recover from the policyholder the insurance amount paid to the injured person if he provides false information that entails an unreasonable reduction in the amount of the insurance premium.

The policyholder must pay for it by transferring funds to her account indicated on the website. The MTPL policy form is sent to the policyholder’s email address and to the personal account created by him.

He must print out the MTPL policy himself, which must be with him while driving the vehicle.

How is the cost calculated?

The cost of an MTPL policy is formed from tariffs and coefficients. Insurance companies are unable to change its value.

The state has established base rates that are assigned depending on the type of car and coefficients that increase or decrease it depending on the conditions of previously completed insurance.

Indicators Description
Driver's experience, age By age limit There are no driver restrictions. But if the driver’s age is less than 22 years and his experience is less than three years, then he is assigned an increasing factor of 1.7, while for a more experienced driver its value will be equal to one
Vehicle registration area each district is assigned an individual territorial coefficient, for example, for Moscow, where the probability of an accident is high, a coefficient with high rate– 2, for residents of the Moscow region it is equal to 1.7
Car power engine power, expressed in horsepower, also affects the coefficient, which varies from 0.6 to 1.6
Number of persons entitled to drive a car if the car is driven by several people, then the coefficient is assumed to be 1.8; for a specific number of people driving the car, the coefficient will not exceed one
Driving without creating emergency situations the numerical value of the “bonus-malus” coefficient is directly dependent on the insured events that occurred previously, since with its help it encourages driving without causing accidents. Its minimum value is 0.5, and its maximum value is 2.4




Insurers have launched a “system for guaranteeing the conclusion of an MTPL agreement in electronic form.” What is it and how does it work?

“E-Guarantee” is a system for guaranteeing the conclusion of an MTPL agreement in electronic form. The system began to operate in full in the fall of 2017. Now about 16% of all e-MTPL policies are sold through it.

The guarantee system was developed and launched by the Russian Union of Automobile Insurers (RUA) in response to numerous complaints from car owners about the inability to buy an MTPL policy on the websites of insurance companies - due to technical failures that began when the load on the websites increased exponentially. This happened after, from January 1, 2017, all insurers licensed to insure the liability of car owners were required to sell policies electronically. In February 2018, already 42% of all motor vehicle policies were sold via the Internet (in 2017, 7.7 million electronic OSAGO policies were sold, a year earlier - only 331 thousand).

Now, if technical problems arise on the website of the company you contacted (including if you run out of “forms”, that is, policy numbers), you are automatically “redirected” to the closed part of the RSA website. Where the contract is drawn up, after which the policy is sent to you by email.

What is the difference between an electronic MTPL policy issued on the insurance company’s website and a policy issued on the RSA website?

Nothing. Both are issued directly by the insurance company. It’s just that in the first case, you receive a policy from the company whose website you initially visited. And in the second - a policy from another insurer.

How is the company from which the policy will be issued through the E-Garantia system determined?

The system selects an insurance company randomly - by passport number vehicle(PTS) of your car.

Will I have to fill out the application again on the RSA website and enter all the data that I have already entered on the company’s website?

No, you won't have to. When you go to the RSA website, all entered data and the completed application are saved. The company that will issue your policy “sees” all the data that you entered on the competitor’s website.

Do I need to attach scanned documents when applying for a policy through the RSA website?

Scans of documents may need to be attached if the data you entered does not correspond to those available in the RSA database (that is, they have not been verified in the AIS OSAGO) or if you have never taken out an OSAGO policy before. If you have a valid MTPL policy, your data is in the system. The main thing is to enter them correctly when filling out the application.

How are the documents (scans) sent by me or the data entered checked?

The data specified in the application is checked automatically by the AIS OSAGO itself. The scans are not checked by the system, but directly by the insurer. Now there is a process of integrating AIS OSAGO with the databases of the traffic police and federal executive authorities for information exchange. This is necessary in order to eliminate document fraud when applying for a policy - it will be impossible to buy a policy if the policyholder enters incorrect data on the region, vehicle power, etc. (including in order to reduce the insurance premium by using, for example, incorrect territorial coefficient). The system is currently operating in test mode. After debugging processes and eliminating shortcomings, all data will be checked automatically. Once the interaction is fully established, scans of documents will not be needed - the verification will be completely automatic.

Is it safe to pay for compulsory motor liability insurance directly on the RSA website?

When connecting to E-Guarantees, payment occurs directly in the closed part of the RSA website, which is completely safe. In this case, your money goes directly to the insurer, with whom an electronic MTPL agreement will be concluded.

When will my policy be entered into the RSA database and begin to operate?

The policy you paid for is entered into the RSA database automatically immediately after payment. It begins to operate from the date indicated in it, that is, from the beginning of the contract period that you indicated in the application, but not earlier than the payment of the insurance premium. As confirmation of the conclusion of the electronic MTPL agreement, the AIS MTPL will send you a message with information about the concluded electronic MTPL agreement and the electronic MTPL agreement itself, signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature of the insurer. Earlier, representatives of the Bank of Russia announced their intention to introduce a temporary franchise - a delay in the start of the policy in order to exclude the conclusion of an insurance contract after a road accident in which cars were damaged. However, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation has not yet issued such orders.

Is it possible to buy a policy directly on the RCA website so as not to have to worry about choosing an insurance company?

No, such a possibility is not provided - the electronic policy in any case issues insurance company. The Russian Union of Insurers is not a subject of the insurance business.