
How to open the wealth chakras? How to open money chakras.

Manipura- this is the third of the seven chakras, which is responsible for self-realization and financial well-being. Every person is endowed with chakras from birth, but for some these chakras work at full power, while for others they were never able to activate them, and they exist as if on their own. To correctly reveal the manipura and attract wealth into life, you need to learn as much as possible about it

For several centuries now, the teaching of chakras has been practiced in many countries. But this teaching found its most significant application among yogis. Each chakra governs certain areas human life, under their control are reason and intuition, creativity and love, money and health. Accordingly, each chakra is assigned its own color. Chakras interact with certain planets and Zodiac Signs.

Many people think that it is very difficult to understand all these connections. In fact, this is a simple, very exciting and useful activity that can bring you closer to harmony with yourself and the world around you.

In practice, it has been proven that a person cannot have absolutely all chakras closed, but only enlightened people have these energy centers completely open. To determine whether your chakra is active, analyze your current state and life path.

Chakras influence our character and luck in one area or another. As a rule, several chakras that are close in spirit are connected with each other, and if you start working on one of the problematic energy centers, the positive effect will be noticeable not only in this chakra, but also in related ones. For example, the lowest chakra, which is responsible for attracting a soul mate, closely interacts with the heart chakra, which is responsible for love. And if there are restrictions in any of them, then this is reflected in your personal life. Or do you dream of marrying a wealthy man, but on your life path there are not the most promising candidates.

Then you should pay attention to the heart and money chakras. Perhaps you are focused only on money and do not think at all about the feelings of a man, and because of this, both energy centers overlap.

You have a need to assert yourself (especially in small things),

You often feel guilty and angry towards someone,

You constantly complain about life and feel like a victim of circumstances,

Do you feel helplessness in your life?

Do you notice a greedy attitude towards money?

Get too jealous

Your conscience stops tormenting you,

you are in constant fear, and in most cases the fear is unreasonable,

You stop trusting people and often tell lies,

Become cruel in your words and actions towards others.

All these are signs that you need to develop your money chakra, because its non-normalized work affects both self-confidence and the vitality of your body.

Ways to develop manipura

There are many ways to reveal manipura, but we will focus only on the simplest and most effective.

Many people believe that with the help of certain meditations it is possible to achieve full opening of the chakras. But it has already been proven that without constant practice in spiritual development you cannot help yourself with meditation alone. Therefore, a good solution would be to work together with meditation and exercises at the physical level.

The simplest exercise is jumping. Yes, regular jumping can bring great benefit, because they literally break all muscle blocks and clamps, and the Earth’s energy begins to flow freely into your body. And without external energy supply, it can be quite difficult to cope with the opening of the chakras. Well, after you have jumped for fun, you can start meditating.

Meditation to attract money

Take a comfortable position. It is not necessary to sit in the lotus position - many people find it uncomfortable or even uncomfortable at first. It is enough just to sit in your usual position or lie down on the bed. The main thing is that no one distracts you from the process.

Once you are ready, take a couple of deep breaths in and out. Try to breathe from your stomach, because that is where the money chakra is located. Believe me, after performing physical activity (such as jumping), it will become much easier for you to breathe this way.

Once you feel as relaxed as possible, imagine a source of positive energy in the solar plexus area. Even a simple light bulb will do yellow. Many masters imagine an opening lotus, but this is not prerequisite. Not every one of us will be able to open a lotus flower in all its details on the first try. If it’s hard to even imagine a light bulb, mentally focus on a glowing yellow ball. This is your money chakra.

Afterwards, you need to feel how your whole body is filled with light, and the light bulb or ball glows brighter and brighter. When the yellow light fills your entire body, you need to track your sensations. Are you comfortable, or is something bothering you? What emotions does this light evoke in you? If you are in a state of comfort, joy and happiness, then you did everything right. Now it is this light that will attract luck and money to you, and you can open your eyes and go about your daily activities.

This meditation is best done at the beginning of the day, immediately after you wake up, to activate money energy and attract success in the morning.

As a rule, one time is not enough for millions to immediately fall on you. Opening the chakras is a rather lengthy process. Remember how many years you lived with your feelings and fears - sometimes you can’t deal with it all at once, but you can still make your life much easier. Do not stop there and repeat this simple meditation, since energy centers tend to become polluted.

One more in an effective way Belly dancing is a way to develop the money chakra. This method is more suitable for women, but it will also be effective for men. It's all about the dance movements, which activate and launch not only the third chakra, but also the first two, which are responsible for attracting good luck to the love sphere. After attending belly dancing, your life will flow smoothly and evenly. cash flow, which will also gradually increase.

Develop your chakras, develop yourself, and money will easily and quickly come into your life

Chakras and money– what is the connection between the first and second?

A person’s energy potential is extremely important for material well-being - like attracts like. If the energy is low, then neither attract nor retain enough or large number the money just won't work. The three lower energy centers are primarily responsible for material well-being; without their disclosure, it is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve success in the field of finance.

The first chakra is located in the coccyx area and is responsible for survival; it creates a force field that can attract money to complete this task. In addition, this chakra is responsible for wellness, physical strength, health, physical beauty. The opened first chakra gives a feeling of great joy and soaring.

The second chakra is located in the lower abdomen and is responsible for pleasure and enjoyment. This is like the next step - a person not only survives, but lives with pleasure, desires are born in him. The open second chakra corresponds to a state of delight. Poor balance of this chakra leads to sexual fantasies and illusions about money. Its negative manifestations can be jealousy and envy.

They awaken and open the second chakra of pleasure, sensual pleasures. The palm here belongs to sex. Sex at the level of vibrations of the second center differs from sex at the level of the first chakra, which comes down to animal mating. The energies of the second chakra make sex full of sensual pleasures that completely immerse a person in the vibrations of this center and help develop and strengthen the money aura, creating a bundle of sexuality, sensuality and attraction for money - the free-flowing energy of the second chakra is attractive to both people and money. The second chakra is also sensitive to everything beautiful: nature, art, tactile sensations, for example, massages. The open second chakra awakens desires and aspirations, and they can be realized with the help of vibrations of the third center, located in the solar plexus.

The third center answers for setting and achieving goals. The state of an open third center can be understood through the experience of a feeling of triumph. An undeveloped third chakra results in the inability to say “no,” living by someone else’s rules, ingratiation, and lack of will. The opened third chakra gives a person self-confidence and gives a feeling of strength emanating from him; charisma, the feeling that a person knows what he wants and imagines how to get it. This is the chakra of leaders striving for a high position in society, career, and financial wealth.

The balanced energy of the three lower centers rises higher into the fourth center, the heart chakra. The state of the open heart chakra is transmitted state of jubilation when a person feels close to the feelings of quiet joy, harmony, goodness, peace - and then the world seems to turn towards him, problems and obstacles go away, and creation begins at the level of thought easily and naturally. The struggle for a place in the Sun is no longer necessary, a person feels one with the Universe, and the Universe itself takes care of a person, embodying his desires. And this is quite natural, because a person in such a state is part of it.

A person’s material well-being is formed and attracted under the influence of the three lower energy centers, the energies of which go through the stages of ensuring survival, generating desires, setting and achieving goals. The next stage is the opening of the fourth center, after which everything begins to turn out easy and simple.

Thus connected to each other, the harmonious development of all chakras will ensure a balanced combination of the material and spiritual, will help you live with pleasure, determine and achieve your goals, including financial ones.

Some of us are unlucky with money, while others just fall into their laps. Some are reputed to be responsive people, while others are cold and “buttoned up.” It would seem like a common thing. But the chakras that every person has are responsible for these characteristics of ours. By learning to activate them, we can change a lot in ourselves for the better.

According to the teachings of yoga, the human body is divided into five bodies - koshas. Physical is only one of them. Chakras belong to the energetic, or subtle, body. But they all have projections onto the physical body: they are responsible for specific areas of it.

The concept of "chakra" comes from the ancient Vedic teaching of Tantra. It states that in the subtle body of a person there are centers of power and consciousness. These are the chakras. Vital energy flows through the body through them, with their help we communicate with the world, and the quality of this communication depends on how “opened” the chakra is. Moreover, for a particular person, some of them may be “revealed” better than others. Let’s say a boss earns a lot of money, but at the same time behaves extremely badly with his subordinates. This means that the lower chakras, which are responsible for material wealth, work perfectly for him, but with Anahata, which gives warmth, there are big problems.

Weakened chakras give us signals, and by learning to recognize them, we can help ourselves. To activate the chakras, it is best to practice yoga. But there are other ways: doing exercises, applying crystals to the chakra, lighting sticks with certain aromas. But remember, all these actions must be accompanied by concentration on the selected chakra or its color. Ancient knowledge can also help those who have problems with others. After all, relationships are a constant circulation of energy, and if we want them to be strong, we need to establish a connection with the person along at least three chakras. For example, in a relationship with a man, it is important to do housework together (the Muladhara chakra is activated), have sex (Svadhisthana) and communicate on topics close to both of them (Vishuddha).

Physiology and chakras

Japanese physiologist Hiroshi Motoyama made interesting conclusions after his experiments (1960s). He asked yoga practitioners to concentrate on individual chakras and measured the electromagnetic field of the body with an electrode before, during and after concentration on a chakra. At the moment of concentration, the scientist recorded an increased signal from the device. In addition, he revealed the connection between chakras and acupuncture meridians. For example, the activity of the Manipura chakra causes deviations from the norm in the meridians of the stomach and pancreas. As soon as a person stops concentrating on it, the state of the meridians returns to normal.

1 chakra. Muladhara

To be more practical and make money.

Chakra color: red.

Where is: in men this center is located in the perineum, and in women in the cervix.

Responsible for organs: reproductive and excretory systems, intestines.

Muladhara (Sanskrit - root) is the foundation of the entire chakra system. Lower center. It is responsible for basic human instincts and needs: reproduction, nutrition, self-preservation. All our “lower” passions, complexes and desires also pass through this chakra. When Muladhara is “opened”, a person stands firmly on the ground, he is full of inner strength.

Weakened chakra

Problems: with money and work, fatigue, apathy, feeling of instability.

Diseases: constipation, hemorrhoids, blood diseases, back tension, joint and bone pain.

How to activate


Crystals: garnet, black tourmaline, red jasper, ruby.

Fragrances: patchouli, cedar, vetiver.

Exercises: for legs - lifts, squats, etc.

Connect with people through: physical work, sports

2 chakra. Svadhisthana

To find love.

Chakra color: orange.

Where is: between the upper edge of the pubic bone and the navel.

Responsible for organs: appendix, genitals.

Svadhisthana (Sanskrit - dwelling). If such gross manifestations of feelings as greed and anger are attributed to the Muladhara chakra, then more subtle subconscious manifestations are specifically referred to as Svadhisthana. Our mind is always full of desires, so this chakra is responsible for both the love between a man and a woman and the desire to enjoy sex. For sexual functions to work, the Muladhara chakra must be activated, and for desires to appear, Svadhisthana must be activated. If it is “opened”, a person is independent and knows how to enjoy life.

Weakened chakra

Problems: in the sexual sphere, suppression of desires.

Diseases: muscle spasms, allergies, physical fragility, sexual imbalance or lack of libido.

How to activate

Sound:"to you".

Crystals: carnelian, amber.

Fragrances: rose, ylang-ylang, juniper, sandalwood.

Exercises: bending forward.

Connect with people through: sex.

3 chakra. Manipura

To become more energetic.

Chakra color: yellow.

Where is: in the solar plexus.

Responsible for organs: stomach, pancreas, kidneys.

Manipura (Sanskrit - city of jewels) is the center of will. If this chakra is "opened", people are full of vitality. If not, a person can phlegmatically sit from morning to night at the computer.

Weakened chakra

Problems: lack of optimism, depression, bad luck.

Diseases: diseases digestive system, diabetes, ulcers.

How to activate


Crystals: citrine, topaz.

Fragrances: lavender, bergamot.

Exercises: on the press

Connect with people through: transactions.

4 chakra. Anahata

To accept yourself and the world as you are.

Chakra color: green.

Where is: in the center of the chest at the level of the heart.

Responsible for organs: cardiovascular system, lungs.

Anahata (Sanskrit - invincible) is associated with the heart. This is where the human soul is located, and the center of consciousness is located not in the head, but in the heart. As soon as thoughts stop, the center will blend into its place (this is achieved through meditation). Anahata is the container of divine love. But the love that flows through it is not tied to a specific person, like the love that flows through Svadhisthana.

Weakened chakra

Problems: rejection of the world, insomnia and tension.

Diseases: cardiovascular diseases, asthma.

How to activate


Crystals: aventurine, emerald.

Fragrances: sandalwood, rose, cedar.

Exercises: for disclosure thoracic and shoulders, deflections.

Connect with people through: art.

5th chakra. Vishuddha

To learn to communicate.

Chakra color: blue.

Where is: in the throat, between the collarbones and chin.

Vishuddha (Sanskrit - to purify) is the center of duality. A person begins to think in terms of “good - bad”, “I - the world”. And where separation begins, interaction appears, and therefore communication. When it is “opened”, a person knows how to express himself and listen to others.

Weakened chakra

Problems: difficulties in communication.

Diseases: diseases of the throat and ear, sore throat, pain in the neck and shoulders.

How to activate


Crystals: turquoise, sapphire.

Fragrances: lavender, patchouli.

Exercises: to the cervical region.

Connect with people through: communication.

6th chakra. Ajna

To anticipate events.

Chakra color: blue.

Where is: between the eyebrows, in the “third eye” area.

Responsible for organs: central nervous system, eyes, nose.

Ajna (Sanskrit - to know) is the center of the psyche, in addition, it is responsible for intuition. Interestingly, in women this chakra (and with it intuition) is more active than in men. Ajna is the center of awareness, so if we are aware of, for example, talking, sitting or walking, the chakra is activated.

Weakened chakra

Problems: limitations, nightmares.

Diseases: mental illness, migraines, eye diseases.

How to activate


Crystals: amethyst, lapis lazuli.

Fragrances: mint, lavender, geranium.

Exercises: concentration, headstand.

Contact with people: philosophy lessons.

7th chakra. Sahasrara

To receive divine nourishment.

Chakra color: violet.

Where is: over the top of the head.

Sahasrara (Sanskrit - thousand) is no longer quite a chakra in the usual sense; it is not located in the human body, but slightly above it. Here individual consciousness dies and universal consciousness is born. But as soon as we start talking about this chakra, we frame it with words that it is not. Sahasrara is the totality of everything, and totality can only be experienced, but cannot be explained.

How to activate


Crystals: diamond, transparent quartz diamond.

Fragrances: jasmine, incense.

Which chakras are responsible for attracting and retaining money?

Of course, money is important in our lives

And in order to have more of them, you need to think about them more often.

Just scrolling: “Money, money, money” is not it.

You need to come up with (or find) positive money signs and other interesting things.

Of course, lying on the stove and just thinking is not enough. To have money, you need to act.

I came across this interesting information in one of the mailings. from Albina Sadykova: “Which chakras are responsible for attracting and retaining money?”

Agree, this in itself is interesting.

I haven’t practiced it myself yet - I’m saving it for a free moment.

All chakras are responsible for money and its possession, but first of all they are muladhara, manipura and ajna. Energy cannot stand still; its level either rises or falls. It is necessary to raise energy to the upper centers. Muladhara is the base, it is responsible for physical layer, people who earn money by muladhara alone are usually not very rich. The level of business, retention and management is the manipura chakra. For most people, only muladhara and swadhisthana work. Manipura begins to work, a person becomes a businessman or politician. And ajna allows you to see the goal and concentrate on it.

But, of course, all chakras are responsible for the growth of well-being; let's look at all levels, starting from the bottom up.

  1. Muladhara chakra - is responsible for the physical body and health. Agree, without health, you won’t earn much. This chakra is also responsible for stability and self-confidence.
  2. Svadhisthana chakra - responsible for communication, communication, external beauty. Success is unthinkable without the ability to communicate with people and the ability to get along with them. Also, everyone knows what they are meeting by their clothes.
  3. Manipura chakra - gives the ability to manage and the ability to maintain power. Ability to organize people and direct their efforts to the right direction. This chakra also allows you to hold money and skillfully manage it.
  4. Anahata chakra - allows you to give. First of all, give positive emotions. One businessman said this about his business: we don’t sell goods, we sell the mood that people get when buying our goods. Positive emotions are what everyone wants to receive, no matter if you are hired or have your own business.
  5. Vishuddha chakra is responsible for creativity and creative approach. Without a creative approach and the ability to come up with something new, you won’t earn a lot of money. Creativity is the key to big money.
  6. Ajna chakra - is responsible for will and concentration. Without the work of this chakra, nothing happens. Just as a simple person, going to the store, can waste all his money, so a large businessman can deviate from the goal, carried away by the fight with competitors or something similar.
  7. Sahasrara chakra - responsible for divine guidance. This chakra allows you to receive insights and intuitive discoveries.

Everyone can put an end to financial instability and the “black streak” of troubles: just find out how to open a money channel and attract good luck. Even a beginner can master financial magic, but to achieve visible results and maintain them in the future, you will need complete updating of thinking stereotypes, inexhaustible faith in one’s own strength and strict fulfillment of the necessary rituals.

What is a money channel?

Everything that exists participates in a continuous exchange of energies, and money is no exception. On the one hand, they have a familiar material (tangible and visible) embodiment, on the other hand, with their help, a person interacts with the world. This energy exists in the mental sphere in the form of a money egregor. It embodies all the diversity of words, thoughts, motives and desires related to financial issues.

The money egregor often exists independently of a person’s will and does not have a tangible influence on him, no matter how hard he tries to get rich. Therefore, without special synchronization with its subtle energies, it is so difficult to attract wealth into your life. With the correct attunement to wealth, this egregor comes into contact with the biofield more often, more stably and with greater readiness. A special energy flow is formed between him and the person, which is called the money channel.

To establish interaction with the money egregor, it is necessary to fully and clearly understand the principles of its operation.

Signs of disturbances in the functioning of the money channel

The narrowing or complete blocking of the financial energy flow can be judged not only by the impoverishment of the family budget, but also by physical manifestations. The body signals an imbalance in the money channel as follows:

  • Frequent headaches indicate problems in communicating with others, which can bring significant costs and losses;
  • Unpleasant sensations in the throat area may mean that your aggression and anger are freely poured out on others, bringing conflicts with debtors and colleagues on whom your income depends;
  • Toothache signals excessive expenses associated with relatives, which does not allow maintaining wealth in the house;
  • Diseases of the limbs may indicate the presence of ill-wishers who harm work, business and other sources of income;
  • Problems with the spine may indicate that you have undertaken to fulfill other people's karmic tasks without working on yourself, and in such conditions there is no longer any strength left to earn money.

Even if the above troubles bypassed you, this does not mean the absence of financial problems, but only indicates low sensitivity. Regardless of the presence of manifestations of problems at the bodily level, it is possible to find the cause of material difficulties only while working with your consciousness.

What prevents you from attracting wealth and good luck?

The reasons for failure when trying to attract money into your life can be external and internal:

  • External influence is not necessarily associated with the machinations of ill-wishers who committed the evil eye, damage, or otherwise prevented one from getting rich. Relatives can also “try”, causing a disruption in your energy field with careless words and actions. A separate case is the implementation of ancestral karma, which brings financial trouble.
  • The internal reasons for the instability of the money channel are incorrect attitudes and neglectful attitude towards material issues.

The main condition for financial well-being

To attract money into your life, the main thing is to ensure harmonious interaction with the financial egregor. When the money channel operates at its maximum potential, and the flow of energy circulates in it unhindered, you won’t have to wait long for its material embodiment. To do this, you need to free it from all interference - open it. After this, it will be enough to maintain the right mood with the help of magical rituals.

How to open a money channel yourself: visualization

This method requires significant willpower, unshakable faith in one’s capabilities and developed imagination. Opening a money channel without outside help is possible if you have the right mindset.

The visualization ritual is performed before dawn as follows:

It is better to begin the ritual of visualizing the independent opening of a money channel on the waxing moon and then carry out it daily.

How to open a money channel yourself: working with chakras

Attracting good luck and wealth cannot be started without preparing the way for their arrival. Interaction with the money channel occurs through chakras - special formations in the human energy field. You can independently manage their work thanks to the universal law of similarity. When performing magical actions that correspond to the nature of the chakra, the flow of energy through it becomes more powerful and stable, and this is a condition for prosperity and luck.

To attract big money into your life, give special attention Manipura, Muladhara and Ajna as the chakras most associated with issues of wealth and luck.


Influences determination and entrepreneurship. To stimulate it, exercises for the abdominal and chest muscles are useful. Try to go beyond your habits: try new activities, experiment with comfortable living conditions, expand and diversify your social circle. Eat yellow-colored foods; clothing or accessories in the same color scheme will not hurt.


Responsible for persistent pursuit of chosen goals, stimulates patience and adaptive potential. Sports and movement in general, red colors in the diet and clothing are favorable for her.


Corresponds to the mental sphere, affects the functioning of the intellect and intuition. Useful for its development breathing exercises, as well as activities that require focus and concentration. Its stimulating color is indigo.

For the best functioning of the chakras, meditation, introspection and awareness of one’s traits, and honesty with oneself are favorable. In addition to simple physical activity It wouldn't hurt to take up yoga as well.

Support money channel stability

It is not enough to open a money channel once and just wait for countless riches to fall on your head. It is necessary to maintain intensive and free energy exchange within it constantly in order to attract and retain wealth in your life for a long time. Magical actions aimed at preserving and increasing your assets will help you do this. To strengthen them, the verbal component is important - spells and prayers act as a tool for materializing your thoughts and motives. They cannot simply be thoughtlessly memorized; any magic must be approached sincerely, with pure faith.

Rituals to strengthen the money channel and attract good luck

If you are haunted by bad luck, and financial difficulties follow one after another, radically reconsider your attitude to the issue. Show love for money literally: count it with joy and pleasure, admire it, hold coins and bills in your hands for as long as possible. Indulge in dreams about what purchase you will please yourself with, think of yourself as a prosperous and rich person. Make this your ritual, akin to magical meditation, to attract money into your home.

Do not think, say or do anything that could show your disdain for wealth, this will immediately affect your impact with the financial egregor, and for the worse. Do not show a derogatory attitude towards money, do not call it evil and do not consider other aspects of life higher than the material.

If possible, try not to spend what you earn on people who are unworthy of it: alcoholics and spendthrifts. Let their karmic debts affect their income, and not fall on your shoulders. Avoid lending whenever possible unless you are borrowing with interest. Money should multiply while working for you.

Prayers and spells

In case of severe financial difficulties, a sincere request in the form of prayer will not be considered a sinful aspiration. In these cases, it is allowed to appeal to the saints: Matrona of Moscow, Spyridon of Trimifuntsky and Nicholas the Wonderworker.

To open a money channel on your own, it won’t hurt to turn to conspiracies. It is better to perform them during the period from new moon to full moon; only the waxing moon brings profit. So, on the fourth lunar day you can use the following plot. Wait for the crescent moon to appear in your window, show it the money from all sides, rustle the bills, jingle the coins and say: “It’s a month for you to look young, but there’s no money in my wallet.”

As you can see, learning to manage the financial side of life with the help of magic is not particularly difficult. Now that you know how to open a money channel and attract good luck, open yourself to success and wait for joyful changes to come.