
How to make a pickled spider eye in Minecraft.

It’s hard to imagine Minecraft without the chemical “industry” - potion making. “Science,” which arose at the intersection of two others, chemistry and magic, attracts the attention of many crafters who cannot get enough of the miraculous transformations of substances and effects that appear as if out of nowhere. Everyone knows that alchemy does not work with emptiness; it requires material components that, when combined with each other, form new potions that have the properties players need.

How to Make Cooked Spider Eye

Marinated (aka cooked) spider eye is one of the most sought after ingredients in Minecraft. It is used in many drugs with negative effects. If you are determined to become a potions master, this not very pleasant component will be your ally for many years. To make it, you need a spider eye, a mushroom (brown) and sugar. The order of the “products” in the grid does not matter.

Before you pickle the spider's eye, you need to get it in Minecraft. For a long time it dropped from killed spiders, but not so long ago (with v. 1.4.2) it became possible to drop it from witches. Eight-legged creatures must be killed with their hands, otherwise they refuse to give up their beautiful eyes. Death from falling, drowning, lava, etc. does not lead to the drop the alchemist needs. By the way, the eye, not yet completely cooked, or rather, quite fresh, is also one of the main ingredients in this matter. And it also satisfies hunger. But the pickled spider organ of vision is not recommended in Minecraft, because it simply doesn’t work.

And so you got the eye, and now it’s already pickled. What can you do with it?

  • Taking a flask of water in addition to it, you can brew a potion of weakness in Minecraft. It causes the one to whom it was applied to inflict damage to the enemy at fifty percent of normal for a certain time.
  • A cooked organ plus a poison potion equals a damage potion that deals six health damage.
  • The same “compote” can be cooked if you add a healing potion to the eye in Minecraft.
  • Pickled Eye, when combined with Fire Resistance or Haste Liquid, results in a Slow Potion. Within one and a half minutes, the player who tasted it will move significantly slower.
  • In addition to potions with negative effects, the prepared spider eye helps in Minecraft to brew a liquid that makes the crafter’s body invisible. It is the body, since it does not affect armor and weapons. The effect lasts three minutes. To get such an interesting liquid, you need to add a night vision drug to the main component.
Well, now we are starting the hunt for spiders and witches in Minecraft.

Welcome, dear gamers! Here and now I will tell you how to pickle a spider's eye in the online game Minecraft. In addition, you will gain knowledge about what potions can be brewed using the spider's eye and what privileges you can get thanks to these same potions.

Of course, you can immediately eat the fresh, delicious spider eye you get. But patience and intelligence can add strength to you in the fight against enemies, so read on to learn how to make a spider eye.

Pickled spider eye

The spider's eye is marinated with sugar and brown mushroom, that is, these are two more required components besides the spider's eye itself.

Sugar + Spider Eye + Brown Mushroom = Pickled Spider Eye

Potion 1: Potion of Weakness

Alchemy knows how to put the spider's eye to good use. It is used as a potion of weakness and is intended to have a negative effect on the person it is applied to.

You will need a flask of water, a ready-made spider eye and that’s it.

Pickled ready-made spider eye + Flask with water = Potion of weakness

This potion works in such a way that the attack power becomes less on the “heart”, and when strengthened, the damage penalty doubles.

By the way, Zombie villagers can be cured of it with the help of a golden apple.

Potion 2: Damage Potion

This potion can be obtained in two ways:

  • Ready Spider Eye + Potion of Poison = Potion of Damage.
  • Ready Spider Eye + Healing Potion = Damage Potion

Deals 3 “hearts” of damage, but the Undead are cured the other way around. It also doubles damage per level.

Potion 3: Slow Potion

Ready Spider Eye + Haste Potion = Slow Potion

The field of view becomes smaller and walking becomes slower.

Potion 4: Invisibility Potion

Ready Spider Eye + Night Vision Potion = Invisibility Potion

The player himself becomes invisible, but invisibility does not affect armor.

Wandering around the world of Minecraft at night, you have probably met and killed spiders more than once, who are so capable of annoying with senseless attacks on the houses of residents. After killing this enemy, a spider eye drops out. At first glance, it cannot be used in any way and therefore the eye is often simply thrown away. But this is a big mistake, because you can brew many interesting potions from a pickled spider eye. In this article we will tell you how to make a pickled spider eye in Minecraft.

Instructions for pickling spider eyes

To pickle a spider's eye you will need a simple brown mushroom, a workbench and sugar, which can be obtained from cane. Then, in the panel of the workbench, place a spider's eye, sugar and cane on the bottom row.

That's it, the pickling of the spider's eye is done, now you can brew potions from it. For example, mixing a pickled eye and a potion of night vision can create a flask with an invisibility agent for three minutes.

Now you know how to make a pickled spider eye in Minecraft. In total, you can brew about ten potions using a pickled spider eye. Therefore, wait until night and go hunting, but be careful, spiders are not the easiest opponents, and you can easily die from them.

Good evening, dear guests and users of the portal. Editor Sailor is with you and today I will tell you how to make pickled spider eye in minecraft.

How to make a pickled spider eye in Minecraft

The spider's eye is an important part in potion brewing. Without it, you won't be able to turn a zombie into a villager. You won't be able to make a potion of weakness to easily defeat an enemy in a PVP duel. But that’s not what we’re talking about now. Today we will talk about pickled spider eye. In order to make it, you will of course need the spider eye itself. You can get it by killing a spider. To make it easier to kill him, craft a sword. It will do much more damage than other tools.

After you have the spider's eye, we can marinate it. We need mushroom and sugar. Crafting is very simple. We put eyes in the second slot, sugar in the fifth, and a mushroom in the eighth. We get our ingredient.

If you have questions or are interested in brewing a potion, I advise you to go to our forum. There you can find an answer to any topic and ask your question, which our editors will be happy to answer. I also advise you to visit our store, because there are a lot of goods at low prices!

Anyone who has been playing Minecraft for quite some time has probably reached a stage where it becomes increasingly difficult to deal with monsters using conventional methods. Then potion making comes to our aid. With potions you can become invisible, heal, increase your defense and deal damage. One of the main ingredients is the item we are considering. How to make pickled spider eye?


As you understand, nothing in the game is taken out of thin air. Before making the pickled spider eye, we will need to gather some materials:

  1. Sugar. To get it, we need to either find or grow reed ourselves. It is from this that sugar is crafted on a workbench. One unit of cane produces one handful of sugar.
  2. Brown mushroom. We look for it in the swamp or in caves, or carefully grow it in the shade.
  3. The actual eye. Spider. As you might guess, you need to find the spider and tear out its “blinkers”. Of course, he will not give up without a fight, but spiders are not such difficult opponents. Real spiders have many eyes. Much more than what drops when killed in the game, but we are not surprised and try to pick up everything.

By the way, the pickled spider eye in Minecraft may have a different name due to translation difficulties. In some versions of the client you may come across the concept of "cooked spider eye". It's the same thing. So don't be scared.


Crafting pickled spider eyes, like collecting the ingredients, is not difficult. We need a workbench and just one click of a button. We go into the crafting interface and see nine cells in front of us. Now you need to put all the collected materials in any order in the central column. We will have a prepared spider eye. It is only used when brewing potions. And it cannot be eaten, unlike a regular spider eye.

By the way, there is another way to make pickled spider eye. Or not quite do it. There is a chance that when you kill a witch, it will drop from her corpse. Of course, finding and killing a witch is much more difficult than doing everything according to the instructions suggested above, but suddenly someone will find this useful!


It’s not enough to know how to make pickled spider eye. In Minecraft, it is important to be able to apply your knowledge and found/made objects. There are several potion recipes that use this eye:

  1. Potion of weakness. Prepared from a cooked spider eye and a flask of water. Throw a potion at an enemy to weaken their attack. In addition, the Potion of Weakness is an ingredient for many other recipes in Minecraft.
  2. A damage potion is obtained by adding an eye to a poison potion. Allows you to cause instant damage to the enemy. Additionally, you can add pickled spider eye to your healing potion. This will allow you to get a result with the same effect.
  3. You can create a slow potion by adding an eye to a haste potion.
  4. And a potion of night vision with this ingredient turns into a potion of invisibility.

As you can see, the question of how to make a pickled spider eye is not that difficult. Much more interesting application of this product in the game. After all, he is, in fact, able to change the effects of potions!