
What kind of fortune telling for the old New Year. The best fortune telling for the old new year

  • Fortune telling at the table for the Old New Year
  • We entice good luck in the Old New Year!
  • Old New Year, or rather New Year By Julian calendar, celebrated not only in Russia and other countries former USSR, but also in Serbia and Montenegro, as well as in some German cantons of Switzerland. However, it became “old” for us quite recently, 100 years ago. And before it was just New Year, a cheerful and slightly mystical holiday, when everyone wanted to at least take a glimpse into the future. The peasants were interested in the future harvest, the girls were interested in grooms, the heads of families were interested in profit, and everyone, without exception, was interested in happiness!

    And what kind happy omens are you missing? Maybe it's time to tell your fortune a little?

    Weather for the Old New Year: a note for summer residents

    Previously, on New Year's Day, people followed... the wind!

      If the wind blew from the south at night, the summer will be hot and dry.

      From the west - that means there will be a lot of milk and fish.

      The east wind foreshadowed an abundance of fruits and vegetables.

    Relative to the north wind folk signs for some reason they remain ominously silent. Let's hope he just harvests everything at once!

      A clear starry sky foreshadows a berry year, and abundant frost in the morning - a record honey harvest.

      If it’s warm outside, then summer will be rainy; if it’s snowing, then you should expect a good harvest.

    Fortune telling for the groom for the Old New Year

    Probably, there was no one in Rus' more superstitious than girls of marriageable age. They guessed at their future marriage in so many ways, as if they were going to get married ten times a year. For example, did you know about fortune telling... using bulbs?

      Fortune telling on bulbs. On the night from 13 to 14, the girls put the bulbs in a bowl of water and watched them for several days. Whichever one puts out roots faster, the owner will be the first to get married!

      Fortune telling on a ring, bread and hook: these three items were placed in a bowl along with coals, pebbles, and any other debris and covered with a cloth. The girls, without looking, pulled out the first thing that came to hand from this bowl: the bread foreshadowed a rich marriage, the ring - a handsome husband, the hook - a poor or sick husband. Well, if you pulled out a pebble, don’t wait for a marriage proposal!

      Fortune telling by dog. The dog was let into the room where the girl was waiting for her. The behavior of the dog was used to judge the disposition of the future husband: caressing - and the husband will be affectionate; sniffing and walking around - the husband will be jealous and angry. And God forbid if it tries to bite!

      Fortune telling with a comb. Before going to bed, the girl puts a comb under her pillow with the words “Betrothed, mummer, come and comb my hair.” If in a dream she sees a man combing her hair, then this year she will be married to the person in the dream.

      Fortune telling with eavesdropping. The future bride, in the company of her girlfriends, slowly crept up to the neighbors' windows and listened to what was happening in the house. They swear - and the husband will swear, they laugh - there will be fun in the family, they drink - the husband will be caught as a drunkard.

    Celebrating the Old New Year in an exclusively female company is a bad omen: the year will be full of various troubles. So you better invite me into the house young man, preferably from large family. It was believed that if he became the first guest in your home, the year would be well-fed, rich and prosperous.

    Guessing at the table

    In addition to the traditional Fortune telling on dumplings or dumplings was very popular, the filling of which included various edible and inedible items. Frankly, it seems that anything small enough to be rolled into a dumpling ends up in there! Print out the list of meanings of “dumpling investments” in advance if you decide to treat guests - have a lot of fun! Just remember to warn that the dish may contain inedible solid objects... The list of predictions is under the spoiler.

    Old New Year's fortune telling using dumplings

    • Orange - for pleasure
    • Peanuts - for a love affair
    • Cherry - good luck
    • Peas - home peace
    • Walnut- health
    • Buckwheat - favorable and profitable news
    • Mushrooms - for a long and happy life
    • Big money - big win
    • Grain - to wealth
    • Raisins - to great temptation
    • Cabbage - for money
    • Caramel - for love
    • Potatoes - for a promotion at work
    • Cranberry - to unexpected changes in life
    • Ring - for the wedding
    • Red pepper - to chagrin
    • Dried apricots - to joy
    • Bay leaf- to glory ( career growth)
    • Honey - health
    • Coin - a prosperous year in material terms
    • Carrots - for new acquaintances
    • Meat - for well-being
    • White thread - long journey (long and long journey)
    • Green thread - the road abroad
    • Thread with knots - for a difficult year
    • Black thread - a short and not very long trip
    • Nut - immediately to two fans (admirers)
    • Pepper - thrill
    • Ground allspice - to “spicy”, i.e. an eventful life, major changes
    • Button - for a new thing
    • Millet - futile efforts
    • Rice - prosperity in the home
    • Sugar - sweet life (light, favorable year)
    • Seeds - to new fruitful plans
    • Salt - to quarrels and failures (tears)
    • Cheese - to win
    • Cottage cheese - to new friends
    • Dough, beans, or fish scales - to add to the family
    • Dill - to good health
    • Hazelnuts - for successful acquisitions
    • Bread - the year will be full and good
    • Chain - strengthening family ties
    • Black peppercorns - to friends (to new friendly relations)
    • Garlic - for a marriage of convenience
    • Apple - to a well-deserved reward

    We entice good luck in the Old New Year!

    You don't have to rely solely on lucky signs; A number of rituals have been developed to ensure that the new year is better than the previous one.

    It is advisable to prepare dishes from pork, chicken or hare. Pork promised wealth, rooster dishes promised freedom, and hare meat promised success in all endeavors. If you are not ready to look for hare meat or do not like pork, then replace the meat with symbols of these animals - cookies or crackers in the form of little animals.

    On the table did not serve game or fish so that happiness does not “fly away” and “float away” from home. Crayfish and other animals that backed away or moved sideways were also undesirable - they promised the return of old problems in the new year.

    Finally, on the Internet there was a description of “the surest and most reliable way to attract money into the house for the Old New Year.” So: take two candles, one white wax and the other yellow. White will symbolize you, and yellow will symbolize gold, which will be attracted to your home. Light them at the festive table, placing them on a platter 10 centimeters from each other. Close your eyes and mentally imagine how a yellow candle is attracted to a white one. Put them out and repeat the ritual the next day, placing the candles a little closer. Continue this way until Epiphany, when the candles should burn out completely. Wrap the cinders in silk cloth and hide them in a secluded place. Keep them until you have money in the house (and this, of course, will happen very soon!)

    Happy new (now definitely new) year to you!

    Prepared by Alena Novikova

    Features of fortune telling on this night
    To get more accurate information from predictions, you should adhere to several rules of fortune-telling that your ancestors strictly followed:
    - you should start performing a magical sacrament only after sunset, and preferably at midnight;
    - you should remove all jewelry, belts and straps, and also let your hair down;
    - during any fortune-telling, there should be no pets in the room;
    — candles used during rituals must be purchased only in a church or from a clergyman.
    Several interesting fortune telling options
    2018 can be varied. But it is better to use those that were most often used by great-grandmothers, since they are considered the most reliable ways to lift the curtain of the other world.

    1. Fortune telling for marriage

    Only unmarried people should participate. To carry out such a ritual, you will need threads of the same length. Each girl holds the thread by one end and lowers the other down. Then all participants simultaneously set fire to their lowered end. And the girl whose thread burns out faster will be the first to become a wife. But the one whose thread goes out immediately will have to wait a long time for her betrothed.
    2. Fortune telling for the Old New Year on January 13, 2018 for the future or events in the coming year

    You will need four glass glasses half filled with water. You need to put a spoonful of sugar in the first, salt in the second, a gold ring in the third, and nothing in the fourth. The girl who wants to know the prediction turns her back to the glasses, and the other one first rearranges them, and then begins to point at each glass until the one standing with her back stops her. If the choice fell on a vessel with salt water, then the year will be colored with sadness and sadness. If the water is sweet, then you should expect happiness and joy. Fresh water indicates that the year will not be remarkable, but a glass with a ring announces an imminent meeting with one’s destiny.

    3.Fortune telling with a chain

    Another interesting fortune telling with a chain, which is best done alone just after midnight. The chain can be either gold or silver, the main thing is that it is not made of ordinary metal. You need to hold this decoration in the fist of your right hand and ask fate what to expect in the coming year. Then throw the chain on the table or floor. The decoration will definitely take on some kind of shape, which will become a kind of prediction. If it looks like a circle, then you will have to go through difficulties, which will take a lot of effort to overcome. If the figure resembles a triangle or a rectangle, or the chain simply lies in a straight line, then the year is good for all sorts of undertakings and the girl will have good luck. The oval and the snake are intrigues that colleagues and acquaintances will build around. If the chain takes the form of a bow, then we're talking about about love and even marriage. And if the shape resembles a letter, then the betrothed’s name will begin with it. A chain tied in a knot means problems in your personal life.
    Whatever fortune-telling is chosen for divination on the night of January 13-14, one must understand that much depends only on the person himself. And if the prediction is not very good, do not be upset, but treat it as entertainment.

    Whether you believe it or not, custom says that every unmarried girl I have to tell fortunes for the Old New Year. In order not to break traditions, well, in case this is true, here are 5 types of fortune telling for the Old New Year.

    The Old New Year is celebrated only by Slavic peoples. It is believed that it is on the night of January 13-14 that mystical time begins when spirits can show girls their destiny. In general, this is - best time for fortune telling.

    Fortune telling on grains

    Pour any cereal into a jar, ask a question, then take out a handful of cereal with your left hand and count the grains. An even number means a positive answer, an odd number means a negative answer.

    Fortune telling for kings

    On the night before the Old New Year, from January 13 to 14, before going to bed, you can put it under your pillow playing cards with the image of 4 kings. In the morning, without looking, you need to pull out one of the cards. Whichever king falls out, so will the husband. The king of spades - the betrothed will be older than you and jealous, the clubs - a military man, the king of hearts - young, handsome and rich, and the king of diamonds - a desirable man.

    Fortune telling on paper

    Take a regular piece of paper and crumple it up. Place it on the bottom of an inverted plate and set it on fire. After this, bring the plate to the wall and carefully turn it until some shadow appears on it. The shape of the shadow is used to judge the near future.

    Fortune telling with a comb

    All you need to do is go to bed with your hair down and put a comb under your pillow. Before going to bed, say: “My betrothed, comb my braids.” And go to bed. Whoever you dream about will be your destiny.

    Fortune telling with a chain

    When everyone is asleep, take gold chain, rub between your palms, hold in right hand, shake and throw on the table. A circle has formed - trouble awaits you; streak - luck; node - to diseases; triangle - love success; bow - wedding; heart - love.

    Only the Slavs have such a common concept as “old New Year”. Well, we love to celebrate holidays, what can you do! So why not carry out old year with all honors - dress up, set the table, have a blast! And if you know how to tell fortunes for the old New Year, then this unusual holiday will also lift the curtain on the future for you.

    The best time for fortune telling

    The period from January 8 to January 19 is called Christmastide. Since ancient times, it was believed that it was on these days that evil spirits descended to the earth, which means that all predictions would definitely come true. If you don’t know when to tell fortunes for the old New Year, keep in mind that this holiday falls during the Christmastide period, and you can tell fortunes on the night of January 13-14.

    Preparing for fortune telling

    Before the fortune telling process, you need to remove your pectoral cross, as well as remove icons and other items related to religion from the room. It is not necessary to go to an abandoned house, barn, attic, or especially to a cemetery, as they did in the old days. But it is still worth taking basic precautions. Now let’s move on directly to the fortune telling itself.

    Potty, predict!

    Remember the Brothers Grimm fairy tale about misuse household appliances? Let's not repeat the bitter experience of fairy-tale characters and use the magic pot for its intended purpose.

    You will need:

    • kitchen pot;
    • buttons;
    • ring;
    • slices of bread;
    • coals;
    • hook;
    • pebbles;
    • towel.

    This fortune telling is especially interesting to do in a large company of girlfriends. Sit around the table and place a pot with all of the above items on it. Cover the magic device with a towel and, taking turns, extract the future from it. One can only envy the girl who pulled out the ring: her husband will be a real handsome man. A slice of bread promises a wealthy and generous betrothed. Well, the girl who took the hook out of the pot will be less lucky - her husband will be from a poor family.

    What's in a name?

    In general, it’s not good for young girls to go out in the middle of the night, but what can’t you do out of curiosity! Everything is for you, damned betrothed-mummer!

    You will need:

    • Night time;
    • Street;
    • male passerby.

    So, go outside in the dark and wait for the late traveler. Ask the name of the man you meet. This is what your future spouse will be called!

    Mustachioed friend

    One of the simplest, but nevertheless quite effective fortune telling.

    You will need:

    • cat with healthy limbs.

    Concentrate as much as possible on your desire and call your pet. The cat crossed the threshold of the room with its left paw - rejoice, your wish is destined to come true! If it’s right – alas, not this year. In general, observation plays a decisive role in this fortune telling. A photo finish wouldn't hurt, right?

    My king

    Cards are well-known companions of all kinds of fortune telling. Use them in the old New Year too.

    You will need:

    • king of hearts;
    • king of clubs;
    • king of diamonds;
    • king of spades

    Before going to bed, place kings of different stripes under your pillow and say: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, I will dream about him in my dreams.” A heart indicates a young and rich husband, a peak indicates an old jealous man, and a club indicates a businessman or military man. It is most favorable to see the suit of diamonds - it promises the desired spouse.

    Dumplings with a surprise

    Are you still not going to make dumplings? Well, here's a great reason for you - the flour delicacy can be used as an exciting fortune telling!

    You will need:

    • vareniki;
    • sweets;
    • coins;
    • decorations;
    • seasonings

    Let’s make a reservation right away that you won’t be able to cheat – you need to make the dumplings yourself. Choose your favorite filling, such as potato, and add various symbolic things to it. During dinner, serve food and keep a close eye on who gets what. A slice of other food, say, a bun or cabbage, portends prosperity, a cherry pit - a new addition to the family, a ring - a wedding, a coin - financial well-being, a sweet filling predicts joy, too salty - tears, etc.

    Let fortune telling for the old New Year bring you only good predictions! But don’t believe in bad ones, because your fate is only in your hands!

    Some argue that there are days when we can learn about what awaits us in the future. One of them is the evening and night of January 13th. This is one of the Scary Evenings, just like the evening on St. Andrew's and Rozhdestvensky. On January 13, the evening before the old New Year, girls traditionally tell fortunes. We have collected the 10 most, according to experts, reliable ways fortune telling, which make it possible to find out what the future holds.

    1. Fortune telling on grains

    This fortune telling allows you to get answers to the most exciting questions. Any cereal is poured into the jar, a question is asked, after which a handful of cereal is taken out with the left hand and the grains are counted. An even number means a positive answer to the question posed, an odd number means a negative answer.

    2. Fortune telling for kings

    On the night before the Old New Year, before going to bed, put playing cards with images of kings on the pillow. In the morning, pull out one card without looking. Whichever king you get, so will the husband: spades - the betrothed will be old and jealous, clubs - military, the king of hearts - young and rich, and the king of diamonds - desired.

    3. Fortune telling by ring

    The players take turns rolling the ring on the floor. If it rolls towards the door, this girl will soon get married.

    4. How to find out the name of your future husband

    Finding out the name of your future husband is easy. All you have to do is go out into the street and ask the first man you meet to tell you his name.

    5. Fortune telling on mirrors

    This fortune telling is relevant not only for the Old New Year, but also on the night before Christmas and Epiphany. Fortune telling on mirrors is considered very dangerous, so not every girl agrees to tempt fate like that. Take two mirrors (large and preferably equal in size), place them opposite each other, and illuminate them with two candles; It is best to hold the mirror opposite the illuminated wall mirror so that a long corridor illuminated with lights is formed from the directional mirror in the wall mirror.

    The fortune-telling girl must remove cats, dogs, birds and strangers from the room, except for one or two close friends. At the same time, friends are strictly forbidden to look in the mirror, approach the fortuneteller or talk to her. And at the end of this mirror corridor the narrowed one should appear; True, sometimes you have to look for a very long time, and you can see not only your betrothed... but also all sorts of evil spirits.

    6. Fortune telling with wax and milk

    For this fortune telling, you need to pour milk into a saucer and leave it on the doorstep. Take some cinders wax candles and melt on the stove in a metal bowl. At the same time, you need to say: “Brownie, my master, come to the threshold to drink milk and eat wax.” Say the last word from the spell - and pour the wax into the milk, carefully examine the resulting figures.

    7. Fortune telling for a love dream

    Another classic simple fortune telling for the Old New Year, which modern young ladies will also enjoy. Before going to bed, eat something salty and never drink it with water. When going to bed, say: “Betrothed, mummer, come to me and give me something to drink!” Whoever comes to give you a drink is the one you will marry.

    8. Fortune telling by threads for marriage

    A simple fortune telling that is still popular today. The girls gathered for divination cut the threads of the same length and at the same time set them on fire together. Whichever girl's thread burns out faster will be the first to be married. The order in which the threads burn in the hands of the girls will show the order in which they get married.

    9. Fortune telling by barking dogs

    At midnight you need to pluck up courage, take a knife, go outside, go to a snowdrift and start cutting the snow with a knife. At the same time, don’t be shy to say the spell: “Damn, damn, don’t be silent, damn, damn, tell me what kind of husband I’ll get? Do you have to laugh or cry? After saying these words, shut up and listen carefully for dogs barking nearby. If an angry, abrupt bark is heard, it means future husband He will be strict and gloomy.

    If the dogs bark cheerfully and loudly, then the husband will be cheerful and kind. It is very bad if you hear a dog howling during fortune telling. This suggests that the marriage will not last long and very quickly the young wife will become a widow. If the dogs don’t bark at all, this means that you won’t have to wait for marriage this year.

    10. Fortune telling the gender of the unborn child

    You need to thread the thread through the ring and slowly lower it into a glass of water. Then just as slowly pull it out and bring it to your girlfriend’s palm. If the ring makes circular movements- a girl will be born. If it starts swinging like a pendulum, then it’s a boy.

    Anyone interested in history will be interested to see what it is like. Very bright work.