
Competitions for the autumn ball. Scenario of the autumn ball for high school students

Autumn ball for high school

Author: Mikhailyuk Natalya Yakovlevna teacher in English Municipal educational institution "Novopetrovskaya secondary school" of Valuysky district, Belgorod region

Description of material: methodological development designed for entertaining events for high school students.
Target: development of aesthetic values ​​among high school students, development creativity students, development of communication abilities.
Objectives: fostering a love for beauty, nature, the Motherland, developing aesthetic taste.

Decor: Autumn flowers, garlands of yellow leaves, branches of autumn trees, bunches of rowan.

Progress of the event.

The participants of the Autumn Ball are smartly dressed. Everyone has some sign of autumn on their clothes, a piece of paper with a number on it. The music sounds - a calm, slightly sad melody " Autumn Waltz" Gradually it calms down.

The presenters come out.
Presenter: It's a sad time! Ouch charm!
I am pleased with your farewell beauty.
I love the lush decay of nature,
Forests dressed in scarlet and gold... -
This is how A.S. Pushkin once expressed his admiration for autumn nature. And I wanted to express my feelings in the words of the great poet
Host: And I would like to continue with the words of another famous Russian writer and poet Ivan Alekseevich Bunin:
The forest is like a painted tower,
Lilac, gold, crimson,
A cheerful, motley wall
Standing above a bright clearing.
Birch trees with yellow carving
Glisten in the blue azure,
Like towers, the fir trees are darkening,
And between the maples they turn blue
Here and there through the foliage
Clearances in the sky, like a window.
The forest smells of oak and pine,
Over the summer it dried out from the sun,
And autumn is a quiet widow
He enters his colorful mansion.
Presenter: Autumn... The golden time of the year, striking with the richness of flowers, fruits, and a fantastic combination of colors: from bright, eye-catching colors to blurry transparent halftones.
Host: But it’s true, look around, take a closer look: the foliage sparkles like forged gold, multi-colored lanterns of asters and chrysanthemums flash brightly, rowan berries are frozen on the trees with droplets of blood, and the bottomless autumn sky surprises with the abundance and brightness of the stars scattered across it.
Presenter: Sad October stretches out its business card, where the lines of the brilliant Russian poet are written in colorless ink of mists:
October has already arrived - the grove is already shaking off
The last leaves from their naked branches;
The autumn cold has blown in - the road is freezing...
And the pond has already frozen...
Host: It’s autumn outside now... We call it different things: cold, golden, generous, rainy, sad... But, be that as it may, autumn is a wonderful time of year, it’s the time of harvest, summing up the results of field work, it’s the beginning studying at school is preparation for a long and cold winter... And no matter how it is outside - cold or warm - the native land is always beautiful, attractive, charming! And popular wisdom says: “Autumn is sad, but life is fun.” So let wonderful music sound on this October day, let unbridled cheerful laughter flow like a river, your legs know no fatigue in dancing, let your fun never end!
All presenters: We are opening our festive Autumn Ball.
Presenter: The honorable right to cut the ribbon and open our Autumn Ball is granted... (the ribbon is cut, music sounds, everyone lines up)
Host: Now let's take an oath for the participants of the Autumn Ball.
All: We swear!
Host: Have fun from the heart!
All: We swear!
Host: Dance until you drop!
All: We swear!
Host: Laugh and joke!
All: We swear!
Presenter: Participate and win in all competitions.
All: We swear!
Presenter: Share the joy of victory and the prizes received with friends.
All: We swear! We swear! We swear!
Host: And now we begin competitive program. Today we have three teams. It will be easy to find out which team you are on from your leaflets that you received at the beginning of our evening.
Birch leaves -
Maple leaves-
Oak leaves -
Host: In this order, sit down at your tables.
1 competition. Cheerful greetings"
People usually greet each other differently: from nods to kisses. Let's focus on the middle option - a handshake. Why do people shake each other's hands? It's just a tradition. Which means everything could have been completely different. For example, Eskimos rub noses instead of kissing. So now we will greet each other with new ones, in unusual ways. Everyone participates in this competition!!! You will hear dance music and the children should start walking around the room (you can also jump and dance). When the music fades away, I will say the words: “One, two, three, find a friend!” At this time, everyone urgently needs to find a mate and stand next to her. Then you will hear - “Say hello...” - and then I name any part of the body. So, during the game, children learn that they can say hello with their ears, little fingers, and heels.
Do not forget! Each time during a musical break, you must stand next to the player with whom you have not yet greeted.
So! Let's start! Say hello
-little fingers
- heels

2nd competition – literary. Now the lines of Russian poets will be heard, and you name their authors. Everyone who guesses correctly gets a forfeit.
a) Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous air
Invigorates tired forces,
Fragile ice on the icy river,
It lies like melting sugar.
Near the forest, like in a soft bed,
You can get a good night's sleep - peace and space!
The leaves have not yet faded,
Yellow and fresh, they lie like a carpet. (N. Nekrasov)
b) There is in the initial autumn
A short but wonderful time -
The whole day is like crystal
And the evenings are radiant. (F. Tyutchev)
c) The sky was already breathing in autumn,
The sun shone less often,
The day was getting shorter
Mysterious forest canopy
She stripped herself naked with a sad noise. (A. Pushkin)
d) Autumn. It showers our entire poor garden,
Yellowed leaves are flying in the wind,
Only in the distance they show off there, at the bottom of the valleys
Clusters of bright red withering rowan trees. (L. Tolstoy)
Autumn. Thicket of the forest.
Dry swamp moss.
Lake Beleso.
The sky is pale. (I.A. Bunin)

Leading: 3 competition
- "Who is the hungriest"
Two people per team are invited.
Your task is that the first participant must eat the apple lying on the plate without touching it with his hands.
Second participant - You must eat corn flakes at speed, but also without using your hands! Ready?

A moment of rest.
Guys! Let's have an impromptu theater! Who wants to become an artist? Please participate! I ask ____ person to come on stage to perform buffoonery.
You have postcards in your hands. The cards indicate what your role is.
I will read the script, name the characters, whoever hears their role, ask them to “get into character” and portray what they read. So: camera, motor, let's start!
Buffoonery: “A movie is being made!”
- One day, old Grandfather harnessed the Horse to the Sleigh and went into the forest to pick up a Christmas tree. I went into the forest. And it’s autumn in the Forest: The wind is rustling, the leaves are rustling, the wolves are howling, the eagle owl is screaming. Lonely Doe ran by. The Bunnies jumped out into the clearing and began drumming on Stump. Grandfather arrived in the clearing, the Hares got scared and ran away. Grandfather sat down on Stump and looked around. And all around - Christmas trees are growing. Grandfather approached the First Christmas Tree and touched it. He didn't like the Christmas tree. I went to another one. I touched it and liked it. I touched it again and really liked it. I touched it more carefully, and this is not a Christmas tree, but an oak tree! Grandfather spat and went to the third. I touched it, shook it - that’s right, Christmas tree! Grandfather swung his ax, and lo and behold, there was no ax! Then Grandfather swung just like that. The Christmas tree begged: “Don’t cut me down, elder, I won’t be of any use to you. Because everything, as it is, is sick: the trunk has scoliosis, the needles have fallen out, the legs are crooked.” Grandfather obeyed and went to the Fourth Christmas Tree. I touched the trunk - it was straight, I felt the needles - and the needles were good, I touched the legs - they were straight. Just right Christmas tree! Grandfather waved, and the Christmas tree asked him: “What are you waving, old man?” Pull by the roots!” Grandfather grabbed the Christmas tree, pulled and pulled, but couldn’t pull it out. He sat down on Stump again and thought. And he thought: “Why do I need a Christmas tree in October? I’ll go home, sharpen my ax, and then I’ll come back!” He got on the Sleigh and drove off. End of the first episode.
Wait for the continuation of the series!
I thank all the participants in the shooting, I present you with the titles of Honored Artists of the village of Novopetrovka as a souvenir. Applause!!!
Host: And we move on to next fourth competition, which smoothly emerges from the previous one. You don’t need to prove to anyone that watermelon is very healthy. tasty and beautiful. I invite you to take part in the next game. It's called "Bon Appetit." Two people per team are invited.
In front of you is a slice of watermelon. You must feed your partner, while carefully caring for him: placing a plate for seeds, while saying “Eat, baby!” Bon appetit to you! Condition: hands behind your back!
Leading: Competition number 5! It's called "North Pole" One person from the team is called up!
Today the whole team will be busy preparing their curious comrade for the North Pole. As you know, this place is not hot, and they have only five minutes to get ready. Therefore, the task of each team during this time is to have time to put on as many items of clothing as possible on the would-be explorer. Where can I get it? For such a case, you will have to “give away your last shirt,” that is, take off some items of clothing from yourself.

The team that can dress their hero “warmer” will win (and it doesn’t matter if they decided to prepare him for the cold test by wearing an extra tie).
Let's start!

Leading: Competition No. 6 Our next competition is called “Water Breads.” Three people per team are invited.
You are invited to quickly drink the contents of 1.5 liter bottles from straws.” Let's drink everything at once! Which team will complete this task faster!

Host: Ah! How I want to go back to summer! I think it's not hard to fix."
Competition No. 7
Two participants per team are invited: a boy and a girl.
The competition is called “Summer Mood.” You, girls, are invited to help dress the boys who are going to the beach. But at the same time, everyone is blindfolded. Who's faster?
Leading: The next competition is called “Diehards”. Two people per team are invited. You are invited to touch your foreheads, placing a napkin between them. The task is to wipe the hole in the napkin without using your hands. May the best man win!

Presenter: For the next competition, two boys and one girl are invited from the team. The competition is called “New Dress”.
Boys: You receive five scarves and some clothespins. The task is to build a dress for a girl; you cannot tie the dress, you can only connect it with clothespins.
Let's start!
Now let's test your dress for strength, girls! You must dance, and whose dress will remain until the end of the dance is the winner!

Leading: Competition No. 10. Three people per team are invited. Our competition is called “Our Family”. Your family has a child and parents. Parents, your task is to swaddle your child, put on a cap and feed him lollipop.

Host: They say that autumn means sadness, continuous rains, cloudy weather... Don’t believe it, friends! Autumn is beautiful and attractive in its own way. It brings generosity to the soul, warmth from human communication to the heart, and brings unique beauty into our lives!

Host: Autumn has fully come into its own today and we will celebrate its arrival. We thank this autumn for bringing us all together for the autumn ball. Winter, spring, summer are ahead... And then autumn again. How many more of them there will be in our lives! We hope that the golden lights of the Autumn Ball will be lit for all of us at our school more than once. See you again! (Slow music plays)

Games and entertainment for children for the Autumn Ball

Games and entertainment for organizing autumn activities in elementary school

Tolstikova Tatyana Aleksandrovna, teacher at State Budgetary Educational Institution NJSC "NSHI", Naryan-Mar
Description: I bring to your attention games and competitions for organizing entertainment and game programs for the Autumn Ball and other events on an autumn theme. The material may be in demand by the organizers extracurricular activities, boarding school teachers, teachers primary school. Games and competitions are intended for primary school children, but can be used for both preschoolers and middle school children.
Target: use in organizing extra-curricular autumn events
Tasks: create a positive mood,
develop fantasy, imagination,
develop agility, reaction speed,
consolidate knowledge about trees, vegetables,
introduce poetic works about autumn.

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention a small selection of games, competitions and entertainment that can be held when organizing autumn events and discos.

"Mysterious Vegetable"

Before this entertainment, you can hold a competition to recognize vegetables by taste and touch. After this, the presenter says that everyone can guess this way, but he can guess what kind of vegetable the child is holding by turning his back to him. Then he asks one of his colleagues (assistant) for help to tell him when he can guess.
Any child comes up to the table with vegetables and picks up a vegetable he likes, for example, a radish.
The assistant says, addressing the leader (for example, me):
- Tatyana Alexandrovna, solve it.
-Tatyana Aleksandrovna, don’t you feel we are ready.
I answer:
If the child picks up a tomato, the assistant can say:
- Tatyana Alexandrovna, please call me.
-Tatyana Alexandrovna, it’s time to guess.
I can pretend to think and answer:
And so with all vegetables, and some can be raised twice.
Everyone is perplexed and delighted. Have you guessed what's going on?
Pay attention to the name of the vegetable and the word that the assistant says first after addressing the presenter?
Radishes - guess what?
Tomato - please, it's time.
These words begin with the same letter as the name of the vegetable. This is the whole secret. Naturally, the assistant is a previously prepared person.
After this, people will ask you how you did it, and not just children. Be silent, let this remain your little secret. Then you will also be able to guess fruits, berries, and animals - whatever your heart desires. But you must definitely take into account that there should be no vegetables whose names begin with the same letter. Potatoes and cabbage should not meet in this game.

"Leaf Fall"

This game can also be played with preschoolers.
To play, children must sit in a circle on chairs, but can simply stand in a circle. Everyone has a leaf of wood in their hands. It is enough to take 4-5 types, for example, leaves of oak, maple, birch, willow. One child without a leaf in his hands stands in the center of the circle. The presenter says: “The maple leaves are falling.” All the guys with maple leaves must quickly change places, and the child in the center of the circle must take someone else's place. The child who did not have time to stand up or sit in the circle gives him his leaf and stands in the center of the circle, the game continues. You can make the game more difficult by changing movements. For example, the leaves should switch places, hopping on one leg, walking on their heels, etc.
This game can be played while walking, you just need to cover the leaves with tape.

"Literary leaves"

The game involves 3-4 teams of 4 people. Each team member has a specific leaf. The presenter stands at a distance and a chair next to him.
The presenter reads lines from poems about autumn trees. As soon as the name of the tree is heard, the children who have a leaf from that tree must take a chair. Who will sit down first?

There is a green forest all around;
Autumn maples are already blushing,
And the spruce forest is green and shady...
(A. Maikov)

Wind in the field at dawn
I met a birch fashionista.
The wind blew on the birch tree -
And ruined her hair!

(A. Kulagina)

After all, until late autumn
It stands green.
So the oak is hardy,
It means hardened.

Slender trunk, dark bark,
It was green all summer.
Autumn time has come
I wore a purple maple outfit.
(E. Shendrik)

Yellow shower of leaves,
The sun is below the pines.
Willow whispers to willow:
"Autumn. Autumn soon!"
(A. Efimtsev)

The leaves are blown away by the wind -
Bare and dull.
Waiting for winter
Everything around was frozen.
But look: here they stand
Dark oak trees,
And there is noise on their branches
Dark leaves.

Rainy autumn
The birches were crying.
Dropped by the wind
golden tears.
(T. Tarasova)

Roofs and bushes get wet,
The yard and street are empty.
Rain since morning
It's drizzling absentmindedly...
The maple tree lost all its leaves
And he stands there, confused.
(A. Kulagina)

The wind was blowing in the city,
He tousled his willow braids.
Autumn found a ribbon,
She braided her braids to willow.
(M. Metelev)

You can also play many other games with these leaves. Here are some of them.

Scatter the leaves on the floor. The guys are divided into 4 teams. Each team must run to a chair, pick up a leaf of a certain tree as they run, put it on the chair, and return to the team. Then the next participant runs, etc. Whose team can handle it faster?

Place the leaves in a pile in the center of the room. Participants are blindfolded.
Everyone must find leaves from a certain tree by touch. You can agree on a certain number of leaves.

Each child receives a set of leaves: 1 leaf from each tree. Their task is to collect a set of leaves from one tree through exchange. At the command of the leader, they begin to exchange leaves with their comrades. The first one to assemble such a set is the winner.

Autumn joke questions.

There are so many joke questions that can be reformulated to give them an autumnal twist.
Here's what I got:

How do all the autumn months end? (Letter ь)
What is the time between September and November? (Letter i)
Why (why) do we wear rubber boots in the fall? (On the ground)
How many apples can fit into a ten-liter bucket? (None, they can't walk)
In which autumn month do people eat more than usual? (In October, because it has 31 days)
What do they start cooking in the fall, but don’t eat? (Lessons)
Where is October earlier than September? (In dictionary)
Can it rain for two days in a row in autumn? (No, the days are separated by night)
Why (why) do we eat vegetables and fruits in the fall? (At the table)
5 people stood under one umbrella on an autumn day and didn’t get wet. Why? (It didn't rain)
On September 1, one student was removed from the lesson. For what? (out the door)
What is under a person's feet when he walks through the autumn forest? (Sole)
When are the days shorter - in September or November? (The same)

"Mysterious Letters"

This game is more suitable for children in grades 3-4 and middle school. The presenter shows a card with 2 letters written on it. The guys need to try to guess a phrase on an autumn theme, where the first word is an adjective, the second is a noun. If the guys do not guess the encrypted phrase, the winner can be recognized as the one who was the last to offer his option, or for the most witty answer. After this, the lines with the hidden phrase are read out.
For example: using the letters BL, children can name phrases such as big puddle, white swan, brown leaf, etc.

BL - Indian summer
Indian summer has arrived -
Days of farewell warmth.
Warmed by the late sun,
In the crack the fly came to life.
(D. Kedrin)

GD - mushroom rain
They wheeze in the morning
The cockerels are young.
Rains lightly
Mushrooms fall out.
(A. Tvardovsky)

LZ – golden foliage
Golden leaves swirled
In the pinkish water of the pond,
Like a light flock of butterflies
Freezingly, he flies towards the star.
(S. Yesenin)

RD - red rain
Red rain falls from the sky,
The wind carries red leaves...
(V. Shulzhik)

OR - fire rowan
At the sad pines
And fiery rowan trees
Autumn comes and sows
Fragrant mushrooms!
(I. Demyanov)

SK is a boring picture
Boring picture!
Endless clouds
The rain keeps pouring down
Puddles by the porch...
(A. Pleshcheev)

RU – multi-colored headdress
Flocks of birds fly away
Away, beyond the blue sea.
All the trees are shining
In a multi-colored dress.
(K. Balmont)

SO - glorious autumn
Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous
The air invigorates tired forces;
Fragile ice on the icy river
It lies like melting sugar.
(N. Nekrasov)

KL – maple leaf
Empty in the swift's house -
He flew away, poor thing.
And like a hedgehog's umbrella
Yellow maple leaf.
(V. Stepanov)

HD - gloomy day
It gets dark early in the forest
On a gloomy autumn day,
And the stars in the meadows
They burn with colored fire.
(V. Stepanov)

UP - sad time
It's a sad time! Ouch charm!
I am pleased with your farewell beauty.
(A. Pushkin)

Have fun and have a positive mood!

The time has come for autumn balls in schools. Everyone prepares for them, but most of all, of course, high school students. They are the ones who are waiting for it, preparing for it, buying ballroom dresses. But any holiday is doomed to failure if there is no plan for the event. Therefore, we offer you our funny scenario for an autumn ball for high school students with competitions and games. It will be held in the form of a game and you will have to choose the main star of the autumn ball.

All game program will be in the form of competitions. Therefore, you need to select a jury that will evaluate the competition participants and give them marks.
When the jury is there and the participants are ready, we can begin.

The first competition is, as always, a performance. But our performance will not be quite ordinary, but theatrical! That is, when a participant goes on stage, he takes out one card from the bag, on which is written the task that must be completed. But you can’t talk about what’s written. After the show, the presenter himself announces what it was, and the jury decides whether it looks similar or not, fun or not, bright or not, theatrical or not.
Examples of tasks in cards:
1. Walk as if your shoes are pinching you;
2. Walk as if you were carrying heavy bags;
3. Walk as if you were walking through a swamp and jumping from hummock to hummock;
4. Walk as if you were on the red carpet;
5. Walk as if you just got off a roller coaster;
And so on. Come up with other funny situations.

Second competition.
The ball involves dancing. And since this is an autumn ball, it might rain. That's why we organize dances with umbrellas. First we start the dance with a closed umbrella, and during the dance we open it, but effectively. And towards the end of the dance we close the umbrella again, and also do it effectively.

Third competition.
The ball also means beautiful outfits and costumes. Therefore, in this competition, participants will have to come up with some zest for the outfit of any volunteer from the audience. And the highlight will have to be made of paper. Therefore, each participant in the competition calls any volunteer and goes backstage with him for five minutes. And when the time is up, they come out and the participant explains what he did and why it is the highlight.

Fourth competition.
And again we return to the theater competition. Everyone knows that it is in the fall that animals and birds begin to prepare for winter. So our participants will show how they do it. They can choose from the following:
1. The bear is preparing for hibernation and is looking for a female bear for the whole winter;
2. A mouse or hamster runs into the forest and fills its cheeks full of supplies, and then drags them into its hole;
3. The crane dances a farewell dance before flying away to warmer lands;
And so on.

Fifth competition.
And the final competition, after which the winner of the autumn ball will be announced.
Autumn is harvest time. And when the harvest is harvested, it must be sold. How to do this so that they buy it and also pay good money? That's right - we need good advertising. Therefore, our competitors will have to advertise the autumn harvest. Everyone gets one thing: an apple, potatoes, cabbage. Beets and so on. Three to five minutes to prepare. And the funnier and more original the advertisement, the higher the jury's score. And most importantly, don’t forget to come up with an advertising slogan for your crop. For example:
Beets are very healthy!
Eat it everywhere, always,
And you will be slim
As I!
I eat it in the evening.
And I fall asleep peacefully!
Fried potatoes are the best sleeping pill!

After all competitions, the jury adds up the scores and announces the winner.

(autumn melody)

Leading: Autumn has already arrived in New Port.
Cold evil winds are blowing,
The chilled flocks are carried away to the south,
It's time for winter to come!
But, despite even common sense,
We shout after him: “Autumn, stop, wait!
We are holding an autumn competition, hear us,
How we have fun and celebrate!

Leading: We invite you to the autumn ball. (music)

Leading: Today, high school couples will compete in ingenuity, song and poetry skills, athleticism, and dancing skills. And we will choose the best pair -"Miss and Mister Autumn 2014."We present to you the esteemed jury:

Leading: And the time has come to meet the participants of our competition: we invite our contestants to the stage:

Leading: May each of you today be blessed with good luck, inspiration and the warmest support from your fans. We are starting our competition program. We welcome once again our contestants for the titles “Miss – Autumn 2014” and “Mr. – Autumn 2014”.

Leading: So, the contestants can prepare for the first GREETING competition, but first we draw lots for who should start first.

Leading: So let's begin our show.
from a competition that, at first glance, is very simple.
Let's evaluate how the contestants will start their performance -
What discovery will be shown? Over to you!
Leading: Here beforeeveryone's homework
The time has come to show you.
This task is already real!
Did they draw lots? Who's first, friends?

The jury gives the floor to evaluate the greeting

Leading: Let's check cohesion and friendly actions
Each of all the supporting teams.
Who, acting harmoniously in this competition,
What's your favorite?
Fans of contenders for the title of “Miss and Mister Autumn 2014” are invited to the stage.
Competition for the most sports team(do exercises, but not simple ones, but thematic ones, come up with a set of exercises that would be called: “Sea exercises”, “Kitchen exercises”, “Construction exercises”). All guests and fans of other teams perform exercises together.

Leading: And now the jury will sum up the results of the competition “ Homework».

Leading: We invite all contestants to the stage. A press conference awaits them.
Do you often have to change your appearance while hiding from the school principal?
Would you like to sit in the director's chair?
Is it true that in the evenings you dance the lambada alone?
Is it true that you are a secret agent of Chinese intelligence?
Is it true that you can move your ears, nose and eyebrows at the same time?
They say that you are writing a message on the topic “Usage problems cell phones while taking exams?
They say you are allergic to banknotes. This is true?
Is it true that you are afraid of the school bell?
Rumor has it that your favorite food is chocolate-covered lard. Is it so?
They say that you know where Barmaley is hiding. This is true?
They say that you talk loudly in your sleep. This is true?
Do you often fall out of bed?
Do you like to eat?
Legends are made about your beauty and your kindness. What do you think about it?
They say you can't sleep against the wall, your knees get stuck. This is true?
You are a very smart person, well, just a genius. Do you agree with this?
Tell me now something most important, the most intimate!
Leading: Well done, they showed their wit, and now the jury gives the floor to sum up the results of the fan competition.

Leading: Our theme for tonight is autumn! Ball – what is it? That's right, these are dances in pairs: the gentlemen invite the ladies and spin in a waltz! What is a girl without a boyfriend? That's right - it's a unit. What's a guy without a girl? This is zero. Zero without a stick. Therefore, a deadly competition for the contestants is now being announced - “Magnificent Couple”. Maestro! Music! (waltz)

Leading : Today beauty rules the roost here.
She, having entered in all her greatness
This stage will illuminate the whole hall
Wonderful smiles available.

Leading : Word from the jury for the “Autumn Press Conference” competition.

Leading : Next competition "Autumn Intellectuals". Make up poems from the suggested rhymes:maple, new, gold, wait .

Leading : Word from the jury to sum up the “Gorgeous Couple” competition

Girls and boys!

Autumn masquerade,

Or rather, for fun

Autumn fashion parade.

We invite couples to present their outfits.

Leading : Word from the jury to sum up the “Autumn Intellectuals” competition

Leading: So, our tests are over. The contestants showed themselves in all their glory. And I will ask the distinguished jury to sum up the results of all competitions for “Miss and Mister Fall 2014”

Leading: In the meantime, the jury is summing up the results of our competition, let's play a little.

GAME WITH SPECTATORS Competition “Get the candy” (bowl, flour, candy)
Flour is poured into a bowl in a heap. The candy is inserted into it so that the tip sticks out, by which it can be pulled out. If your nose and cheeks are not stained with flour, you can take the candy as a prize

Leading: The jury's word.

(Summing up, awarding).
Leading: Autumn days bring only sadness,But I don’t want to be depressed because of them at all.I'm not afraid of autumn and rain,I am happy in my soul, I give joy to everyone.And I wish you not to think about bad things,It’s not just given to us, autumn time,Let us start every new day with smilesAnd we won’t care about the cold winds.

Leading: Once again, congratulations to the winners, and I invite you to the autumn disco!

1 Leading
Leaves are letters of summer,
What remained unanswered
That they fly without an addressee
To nowhere, to nowhere...

2 Leading
I love this time of year!
Holiday of gold and crimson.
Blue noisy freedom,
The clarity of the inevitable end.
But how it tossed and whipped!
It rained and the wind blew it.
Nature coped and it came
This precious time

1 Presenter. Hello, dear guests. We are pleased to welcome you to our evening dedicated to “Golden Autumn”.

2 Presenter. And today we offer to your attention the game “7th Sense”, in which our participants will fight for the queen.

1 Presenter. We invite participants to the game. Meet: participant No. 1, etc. ...we ask participants to take their places.

2 Presenter. And now I will tell you about the rules of the game. You will participate in competitions that will be closely watched by our queen, who is behind the scenes, closely watching the game. At the end of the game she will choose the most worthy one. Therefore, after each competition we will say goodbye to one of you, these are the rules of the game.

1 Presenter. 1 competition - “My business card” and a musical gift to the queen.

2 Presenter. While the queen is making her choice, a musical number plays for you.

1 Presenter. I announce the queen’s choice and participant number ... leaves us, because ... (the queen explains why, and the presenter reads out). We send the participant off with consoling applause.

2 Presenter. Meanwhile, I am announcing the 2nd competition - “The best declaration of love.” Participants must come up with a declaration of love in 4 minutes and voice it. And so that the fans don’t get bored, you are holding a competition.

1. The swallows have disappeared
And yesterday the dawn
All the rooks were flying
Yes, like a network, they flashed
Over there over that mountain.
(A. A. Fet)

2. The sky was already breathing in autumn,
The day became less frequent,
Mysterious forest canopy
With a sad noise she was naked...
(A.S. Pushkin)

3. Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous
The air invigorates tired forces,
Fragile ice on the icy river,
It lies like melting sugar...
(N. A. Nekrasov)

4. Autumn! Our whole poor garden is crumbling,
Yellowed leaves are flying in the wind;
They only show off in the distance, there at the bottom of the valleys,
Brushes of bright red withering rowan trees.
(A.K. Tolstoy)

5. A golden leaf is already covering
Wet soil in the forest...
I boldly trample my foot
The beauty of the spring forest.
(A. Maikov).

So, the contestants are ready. Participants perform. An answer came from the queen. Participant No. leaves us... Because... We send the participant off with consoling applause.

1 Presenter. We have 4 participants left, passions are running high and I’m announcing the 3rd competition “Best Autumn Bouquet”

You must make a bouquet in 2 minutes, which will be handed over to the queen for evaluation.

2 Presenter. While the queen chooses the best bouquet, Nastya will sing for you.

1 Presenter. We received a response from the queen, participant numbered is leaving us... Because...

2 Presenter. Meanwhile, I’m announcing the 4th competition “ Best gift" Gifts are presented to your attention (TV, ladle, basin, glass, car, cow, star, pig). You must choose 1 gift, and then you must explain why you chose it. While the contestants are preparing, the fans will have a little rest.

Questions for fans.

1. Do you believe that “marshmallow” is related to the wind? (Yes, among the Greeks Zephyr is the god of the west wind).

2. Not a bumblebee, not a bee, but stings? (nettle).

3. Grows and breathes, but can’t walk? (plant)

4. When it grows, then it turns green. If it falls, it will turn yellow. Will it lie there and turn black all over? (sheet).

5. Youth of the day? (morning).

6. What kind of tree is standing, there is no wind, but the leaf is trembling? (aspen).

7. In the evening - with water, at night - with water, and during the day - to heaven? (water).

8. A type of transport whose passengers can wish a happy flight and at the same time a happy sailing? (hydroplane).

So, the participants are ready.

An answer came from the queen. She didn’t like the gift from participant No. ...Because... Participant No. is leaving us... We give consoling applause.

1 Presenter. I am announcing the final competition: you have 4 words written on a piece of paper, use these words to make a quatrain.

While the contestants create a poetic masterpiece, a musical number plays for you.

Participants are ready and read out their works.

The Queen chooses the best poem. We say goodbye to participant No. ... Because... And we have one participant left, No. ..., who will have to pass the last test. Throughout the game, the queen’s difficult character was evident. How do you imagine her? Create the image of a queen.

2 Presenter. It's time to meet the queen of autumn. Go up to the queen and present her to us.

You have been chosen and are therefore declared the “King of Autumn”. (the king's coronation takes place).

1 Presenter. And I invite the king and queen, as well as our guests to the disco to continue the fun.