
Where should the front door of the house look. The meaning of the location of the front door and its shape according to Feng Shui

Qi energy is collected in front of the front door and penetrates into the house through it. The Chinese interestingly called the front door the mouths or gates through which qi passes.

Dangers waiting outside

That is why pay attention to your front door from the outside: if secret arrows are directed at it, sending aggressive sha energy.A greater likelihood of such arrows in your direction is if you live in your own house, since outside the premises secret arrows are created by sharp corners and gabled roofs opposite your house, satellite dishes and power lines, lonely trees, etc.

More: The enemy must be known by sight: secret arrows

If you live in apartment building, then from the side of the entrance you may be in danger in the form of an elevator or stairs, which are directly opposite front door. To protect yourself from harmful energy, try slightly raising the threshold. This will make it harder for harmful energy to enter the house.

What color is suitable for the front door according to feng shui

For a door located on west or northwest, the colors of the elements of Metal are suitable: white, gray.

For a door located on southwest or northeast, the colors of the elements of the Earth are suitable: light yellow, beige, brown, sand shades.

If the door is in southern sector the colors are perfect for her fire element: red, orange, purple, rich yellow.

If the door is located on east or southeast, then it is good to use the colors of the Wood element: brown, green, light green.

For a door located in the north, the colors of the water element are suitable: blue, cyan, black.

Unfavorable location of the front door in the interior. Possible problems

Unfavorable cases are when:

  • bathroom and (or) toilet is located opposite the front door,
  • bathroom and (or) toilet located above the front door,
  • the indoor staircase is opposite the entrance,
  • a wall that is too close is located opposite the front door,
  • the other entrance door (rear exit) is opposite the front entrance door,
  • the mirror is located opposite the front door.

Let's consider all cases.

Bathroom and/or toilet located opposite the front door

Bathrooms don't have a very good reputation in Feng Shui. By their nature, bathrooms are stagnant, low energy and drain energy. Of course, this does not mean that good Feng Shui cannot be done in the bathroom, but protection should not be neglected either.

Why unfavorable : getting into the house, the qi energy first rushes forward and goes straight to the bathroom (bathroom), where it is safely washed off through the sewer.

How to correct the situation:

  • Keep the bathroom door always closed. And in the bathroom itself, monitor the condition of the taps and pipes (they should not leak or drip).

Bathroom and/or toilet located above the front door

Such a problem can be found in a private house.

Why unfavorable : the entrance door is symbolically flooded from above.

How to correct the situation :

  • Create a separation between two spaces - the bathroom and the front door area - with flooring or a rug desired color. The color is determined depending on the bagua sector in which the bathroom or toilet is located. However, if this is the northern sector, you should not use a lot of the element of Water, which, again, is capable of pouring from above. To weaken the Water, add the colors of the Wood element.
  • Keep the bathroom door always closed.
  • You can also strengthen the protection from the bathroom with the help of a lamp in the main entrance area. A crystal chandelier, for example, will do well with this.
  • To visually push the energy upwards and thus fight back, you can use wallpapers with predominantly vertical stripes or movement, as well as tall lamps.

The staircase inside the building is opposite the entrance

Why unfavorable : entering the house, the qi energy rushes up the stairs, leaving the first floor without energy.

Of course, the house is different to the house. And if the hallway is large, then it is likely that the energy gradually and harmoniously spreads through the rooms. This is more of a problem in small hallways when the stairs are opposite the entrance. In such cases, the energy is forced to rush up the stairs.

How to correct the situation:

You need to slow down the energy and focus it on other things.

  • Use a large plant or floor vase along the path of the energy if space permits.
  • On the side you can hang a mirror or a bright picture that distracts attention.
  • You can also use wind chimes or crystals.

The wall that is too close is located opposite the front door

Why unfavorable : A wall that is opposite and/or too close to the front door can block the flow of energy, thereby creating a stagnant space where nothing good happens.

How to correct the situation:

  • To retain energy, you can use beautiful paintings, bright wallpapers, live plants.

The rear exit is opposite the main front door

Why unfavorable : not having time to get into the house, the energy immediately goes out through another door.

How to correct the situation:

  • It is good to hang a curtain on the back door: it will divert attention from the door.
  • In addition, you can distract attention with the help of wind music and crystals suspended from the ceiling.

The mirror is located opposite the front door

Why unfavorable: as soon as the qi energy enters an apartment or house, the mirror instantly reflects it and sends it back.

How to correct the situation :

  • Under no circumstances hang a mirror in front of the front door!

Feng Shui front door: other aspects

In Feng Shui, the most favorable sector for the front door is considered northwest, since he is associated with the head of the family, the most senior and authoritative man in the house. However, the entrance is not always in this sector, but this is not a problem: the other sectors and directions are no worse.

southwestern the direction is associated with the mother, the oldest woman in the family. There is a possibility of disharmony in the family associated with the increasing dominance of the mother. To weaken this effect, add a Metal element to the sector.

Entrance door located in northern sector, helps to maintain a calm lifestyle. But given that the element of the sector is Water, the main thing is not to overdo it, because an excess of the element can lead to apathy, indecision and constant fatigue. To weaken the Water element, add some Wood.

Feng Shui does not help a person in material life- says Alexander Anishchenko, head Russian Academy Feng Shui. This teaching is part of the Taoism religion, and the task of any religion is to help a person grow spiritually. Feng Shui helps to organize space in such a way that it gives a person additional energy that can be directed, among other things, to obtaining material benefits.

in feng shui Vital energy called qi. There are thousands of rules in feng shui books on how to attract qi to your home. In this article, we will talk about how to choose from the point of view of this philosophy, because it is through them that qi enters the house.

Doors to the house and feng shui

The height of the opening should be sufficient for all family members. According to Feng Shui, the entrance steel door in the apartment should be larger than the interior doors. Choose a rectangular canvas, arched structures are best avoided.

What is in front of and behind the threshold also matters. Columns and pillars are undesirable in front of the entrance. This slows down and blocks the flow of qi. So that energy does not stop at the threshold, keep the hallway clean. Remove trash and excess furniture. Well, if the hallway is light. So, if there is no window, turn on the light more often.

These rules are clear even to a person far from Feng Shui. They are dictated by the comfort and safety of residents. The following recommendations cannot be explained rationally, but the followers of the teaching are sure that they work.

Feng Shui door energy for careerists

In Feng Shui encyclopedias, a lot of attention is paid to the choice of the location of the entrance group. These tips will be helpful if you decide to buy a new home.

  • If recognition in the professional field is important to you, pay attention to the southern direction. This option is also suitable for active, purposeful people.
  • Also for those whose aspirations are related to a career, the eastern location of the door is favorable.
  • For those who dream of financial well-being, the southeast direction is favorable.
  • If you strive to gain knowledge, the northeast direction will favor this. But such an arrangement of the entrance group is not always good for older people.

Favorable location of the front door for those who prioritize family and children

  • Good for families with children western direction. Feng Shui experts believe that the qi energy that enters the house from the west contributes to proper development children.
  • If you strive for harmony and happiness in the family, choose the southwestern direction.
  • Northwest is the direction of the head of the family. So the flow of energy will be directed in his direction. This location is suitable for families with a traditional way of life.
  • If you dream of a quiet measured life, choose an apartment facing north. But here there is a risk that the calm course of life will turn into indifference.

What to do for those who already live in an apartment whose door is located in the wrong direction? You cannot change its location. But the Feng Shui teaching is good because there are other ways to influence the flow of qi energy.

Front door color if facing south or north

According to Feng Shui, color can enhance positive factors and neutralize negative ones. Therefore, it is important to coordinate the color of the door with the direction:

South. patron of fire. Direction is associated with fame. To enhance the effect of positive energy, paint the canvas red, yellow, green or Brown color. This will contribute to recognition in the professional environment and growth in popularity.

North. Water protector. The direction is responsible for the career For a north-facing door, cold and contrasting shades are suitable: blue, white and black. Avoid yellows, greens and browns.

Door color if facing east or west

East or southeast. Patron tree. Responsible for financial well-being. Suitable colors are blue, black and green.

Southwest or northeast. The direction is patronized by the earth. Responsible for relationships. Use all shades of yellow, brown, orange.

West or northwest. Here the element is metal, so all shades of metal are suitable: bronze, silver, gold. The direction contributes to the development of creative abilities.

In the pursuit of happiness and fortune, all methods are good. Try putting these tips into practice. Moreover, the rules of Feng Shui do not contradict common sense.

Today, all developers have the opportunity to purchase metal entrance doors in accordance with their requests, opting for one or another "stuffing" and on the design they like.

But it turns out that it is not enough to buy and install a high-quality front door, it still needs to be correctly oriented in space.

Entrance door orientation

There is a common belief that the front door should face east or south, but not northeast or "tiger side".

However, not everyone knows the reasons why this orientation is recommended. Here are the explanations that are usually given in this regard.

The orientation of the door to the EAST is explained by the fact that the morning ultraviolet radiation the sun is favorable, and daytime and evening - too intense.

The location of the door on the SOUTH side of the house is due to the fact that the south wind is usually even and steady, while a sudden gust of wind or a squall disrupts the flow of qi in the house.

If the door faces the NORTH-EAST, this makes it easier for evil spirits, in other words, negative qi, to enter the home.

The prohibition against placing a door on the "side of the tiger" is based on the rule that the "mouth of the tiger" must be closed. Opening and closing the door is tantamount to the movements of the "jaws of the tiger", leading to health problems and failure in business.

Requirements for the placement of the front door

Feng Shui has the following eight requirements for the placement of the front door:
    1. The door of the house should not be located opposite the gate leading to the territory of the land plot.

    2. There should not be a tree or a pillar in front of the door.

    3. The door should not go to the corner of the neighbor's house, the chimney or the water tank.

    4. The door should not face the Y-shaped road.

    5. The door should not face the T-road.

    6. The door should not be placed in front of a church, funeral home or police station.

    7. The door must not be opposite the gate, front door, or driveway to the neighbor's garage.

    8. The door should not lead to the toxic waste tank.

Entrance door interior

Certain requirements are also imposed on the interior of the front door:
    1. The door should not be located opposite the stairs leading to the second floor of the dwelling.

    2. The door should not face a corner inside the house.

    3. There should not be a pillar or column in front of the door inside the house.

    4. The door should not be blocked by a wall so as not to restrict the flow of auspicious qi.

    5. The front door should not be located opposite the back door.

    7. The front door should not be located opposite the bedroom door.

    8. When entering the door, the toilet, stove and fireplace must remain out of sight.

Additional instructions regarding the front door are as follows:
    1. The back door must be smaller than the front door.

    2. The front door should be flush with the wall, not protruding from it and not going deep into.

    3. The dimensions of the front door should be consulted with an experienced geomancer.

    4. The dimensions of the front door should be proportional to the overall dimensions of the house.

    5. Lanterns at the front door should be in harmony with the overall design of the home.

    6. Do not place three doors on the same line on the facade of the house.

    7. The front door should not be placed opposite the living room door.

    8. If the front door consists of two leaves, both leaves must be the same size.

    10. It is undesirable to decorate the front door with too many details.

feng shui front door

One of the most important aspects in creating favorable atmosphere for your house or apartment, is feng shui front door. The importance of this door is that it acts as the main conductor of energy entering your living space. From where the door to the house is located, what color and shape it has, what material it is made of, where it opens, it depends on what energy will enter your house - negative or positive, and further distributed in it.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, it is believed that any energy is accumulated and distributed right in front of the house, and its flows are activated by people who enter or leave the house. To prevent the entry of negative sha into the house and create conditions for good qi, let's figure out what should be feng shui front door?

Unfavorable feng shui front door

bad feng shui front door

Firstly should not be aimed at your front door. It can be the corners of buildings, lampposts, power lines, satellite dishes and any other sharp and straight objects. Even lonely standing tree on the contrary, it is considered a "secret arrow", especially bad if it is dry or rotting. You can cut down a tree, if not possible, paint it red. However, it should be noted that several trees in front of the outer door are allowed in Feng Shui.

INo second, there should be no obstacles in front of the main door, otherwise the energy will have nowhere to accumulate. You can fix this by making good lighting in front of the front door and changing the color of the door to the color of its direction.

Third, if the door is at the bottom or opens to the elevator, this is also unfavorable feng shui. You can improve the situation by raising the threshold one or two centimeters higher so that you have to step over this barrier when entering the house.

Fourth, if the front door is at the top of the stairs, then just as bad feng shui. Due to this location of the stairs and doors, the money of the owners of the house will “fly away” from them without stopping.

Deal with such an unfavorable feng shui front door, correction tools, in particular mirrors, will help you. Either octagonal or

Feng Shui front door, what it should be

good feng shui front door

  • In Feng Shui, it is believed that the outer door of the house should be solid, massive and strong enough. It should not be made of glass, there should not be glass inserts in the door and all kinds of windows on the sides of the door. Otherwise, good energy will not linger in the house. In order to prevent it, hang curtains on such windows or place potted flowers on the windowsill.
  • Good Feng Shui is considered when the front door opens inside the house into a well-lit hall or spacious hallway. If this happens and your door opens outward, then try to outweigh the hinges so that it opens into the inside of the house. It is not very good when the main door of the house opens towards a toilet, stairs (especially if the stairs are double), a solid wall or a small dark room.
  • As for the dimensions of the outer door, it should not be too large or small. The best option- the average door, but more than and have such a height that the tallest member of the family can easily pass through the doorway. So all the conditions for the unhindered penetration of good energy into the room will be met.

Which direction is the front door facing?

Entrance door location according to compass directions plays important role in the lives of the inhabitants of the house. For example:

The northwest direction is well suited for the father of the family or the eldest man in the family. Such an arrangement of the front door will bring him honor and respect in the family.

The north direction of the door will bring peace and a measured lifestyle. You just need to pay attention to the fact that this does not turn into apathy and indifference to each other. If you suddenly began to notice this, then you can hang a crystal in the hallway or paint the door in brown or its shades.

northeastern direction front door according to Feng Shui, exposes the inhabitants of the house to external forces. This arrangement is more suitable for young people who are educated and striving for self-improvement.

The eastern direction is very successful for young people who are engaged in career advancement and the realization of their desires. Good for business people too.

If the front door is facing southeast, this will contribute to peace and harmony in the family, as well as financial well-being. Not immediately, but gradually. Stock up on patience.

The "southern" door will help people who seek recognition or fame. Only here you need to be careful, as this can lead to turmoil in the family. You can "dim out" the energy of this fiery direction by adding the symbols of Water.

yellow front door

The most favorable direction front door for mother in Feng Shui considered southwest. This direction will bring harmony to the relations of the residents of the house. However, care must be taken to ensure that the mother does not become the head of the family. To neutralize this situation, you can add symbols or colors of the Wood element.

The western direction is great for a family with small children. They will be creative. Also this direction for the front door is associated with romance and pleasure. In order not to overdo it here, you can bring a little stability using the elements of the Earth.

The color and shape of the front door according to the teachings of Feng Shui

Color feng shui front door plays an important role in creating a favorable environment in the house. To create this most harmonious atmosphere, you need to choose a shade for the outer door in accordance with its direction relative to the cardinal points.

West and northwest. Main color: white, gold, silver. Additional: Yellow, brown. Not suitable: red, blue, black.

the shape of the front door in accordance with the elements and cardinal points

North. Main color: blue, black, white. Not suitable: brown, yellow, green.

Northeast or southwest. Main color: brown, yellow. Additional: red, orange. Not suitable: green, white.

East or southeast. Main color: green, black, blue. Not suitable: white.

South. Main color: Red Green. Additional: yellow, brown. Not suitable: blue, black.

form doors are best chosen according to the five elements. See in the picture the correspondence of the shape of the door, the cardinal points and the five elements.

  • East, southeast- tree
  • North - water
  • South is fire
  • Southwest, northeast- Earth
  • northwest, west- metal
Where the front door should not face

green front door

  • To places with predominant Yin energy, places of pain and sorrow (church, temple, monastery, hospital, cemetery, prison, and so on). You can neutralize negative energy by painting the outer door red. If such buildings or objects are located on the side of your house, then you can paint the wall “looking” towards such an object red.
  • Towards the fork in the road. This can lead to strife between households. In this case, it is better to move the main entrance.
  • It is not desirable that the outer door "look" at the mountain or hill. This usually leads to financial problems. In this case, only the transfer of the entrance will also help, and it is better so that these objects are behind you and provide assistance and support.
  • It is impossible for the front door to be directed to the turn of the road or the edge of the flyover. This is a very dangerous "secret arrow" that can lead to money and health problems for the residents of the house.
  • It is bad when the main entrance "looks" towards the narrow passage between the buildings. This will threaten the accumulation of finances in the household and may lead to loss of health.
  • It is also unfavorable when in front of your front door, according to Feng Shui, there is a garbage dump or your garbage is piled in front of the front door. This also leads to financial and career problems. It is better to keep garbage away from the eyes and as far as possible from the main entrance.

The front door in Feng Shui determines what quality the Qi energy will enter the house, whether it will be favorable or unfavorable. This is very important factor, one of the most important, because if a place to live is initially filled with unfavorable energy, then in the future it will be quite difficult to improve anything in such feng shui at home. So what should be the "correct" feng shui front door

feng shui front door location

The main door leading to the house should be on the facade of the building, should be solid looking, massive, in a word, be the largest door in the dwelling. feng shui front door must be sure to bring good luck to the one who is the main breadwinner of the family, that is, to the one who brings more money to the family budget. If everything goes well for him, then other family members should not experience material need.

If the main door and window are in a straight line and "look" at each other, then this arrangement is very unsuccessfully in terms of feng shui at home. Then in the house the favorable energy Qi, and therefore good luck, will not linger for a long time. The same is true when the front door and the doors - to the toilet, living room, bedroom are opposite each other on opposite walls.

Then, to improve the situation, install a screen or some kind of barrier between them. This will allow the rectilinearly moving flow of energy to slow down somewhat, become smoother and more favorable. Hanging windchime chimes can also help with this.

Nevertheless, the means of correction only soften, but do not completely eliminate the unfavorable set. When windows and other doors are placed on the wall, perpendicular to the front door, feng shui is much better. Then the Qi energy will settle, collect and flow smoothly through your home.

The influence of the external environment on the feng shui of the house and the front door

In addition to the direction of the door, the surrounding environment also matters. feng shui front door should not look towards the church, cemetery or hospital. In these places, a pronounced Yin dominates, and this creates a very strong Yin-Yang imbalance. If it is not possible to change the place for the door, then paint it in red and add illumination- this will strengthen the yang component and help to balance the yin-yang.

If you want to achieve a harmonious flow of life and good feng shui, the front door should not be cluttered with cabinets and boxes, and in no case should it open towards the bathroom, a blank wall or stairs. Especially if the staircase is double, one part of it leads up and the other down to the basement. All this will prevent the flow of Qi energy to flow harmoniously, which can cause interference in your life path, difficulties in implementing plans. The inhabitants of such a house will feel uncertainty and insecurity.

To compensate for this, add lighting to the hall. Bright light, representing the energy of Yang, compensates for the Yin energy of indecision.

One of the main recommendations is protect entry from poisoned arrows. If they are aimed at the front door, feng shui at home, no matter how wonderful it may be, can come to naught because of this one factor. What about "poisoned arrows"? This is all that turns the favorable Chi energy into dangerous Sha-chi, everything is sharp and straightforward, under whose "shelling" is the front door.

For example, a standing lonely tree or pole can lead your life to loneliness, cause childlessness (but if there are several trees, then they do not represent anything terrible).

Other examples of poisoned arrows: aimed ridge of the roof of a neighboring house, a cross, a sharp turn in the road, the edge of an overpass. Feng Shui at home, under the threat of such objects that emit deadly energy, can be subject to a whole bunch of troubles - failures, quarrels, illnesses, and financial losses.