
What does a wolf fang pendant mean? Wolf amulets: Fang, Paw, Claw, Hall - meaning, who is suitable for and how to wear

When thinking about wolves, an animal similar to a dog appears in the imagination - the same widespread representative of the fauna as many others, except that it lives in a wider range. But this is only at first glance. One has only to remember how many mystical names they have - werewolves, wolves, wolfhounds and others - and it becomes clear that not everything is so simple with this representative of the animal world.

Wolves have always been animals with some mystical overtones

Since ancient times, the wolf has been a symbol of the line between the ordinary world and the afterlife, between light and darkness. Images of these animals can be found in legends, myths and even religions of most peoples inhabiting our planet.

In literature, the wolf is endowed with very strong traits - strength, endurance, loyalty to his pack, never giving up in battle, always going to the bitter end or death. It is for these qualities that wolf fangs became amulets, revered by people in different countries. It is believed that the amulet wolf fang will transfer to its owner some of the character traits of this animal.

Mythology and the wolf

According to legend, wolves are very loyal animals

In myths and legends you can read that wolves have great devotion to the one they consider their master. Especially if the owner has strength and authority. Confirmation of this can be found in the literature and beliefs of various countries:

  • In Ancient Egypt, the god Ra himself had a wolf as a companion and comrade on his campaigns. The Egyptian god of war, Upuaut, had a gray or black wolf as a guard;
  • The ancient Greek goddess Hecate also preferred to take none other than wolves as her companions. Dog Cerberus, guarding afterlife from intrusions, in character and appearance was in no way inferior to this animal;
  • Among Christians, Gregory the Victorious (Geogory the Choroby), born in Palestine, also went on campaigns accompanied by a wolf;
  • Scandinavian myths tell of the close connection between the wolf and the Moon. If an animal under the care and protection of the Moon catches up and devours the Sun, then this marks the beginning of the end of the World;
  • The beliefs of the ancient Slavs regarding wolves were especially broad, which is not surprising, given that they are most often found in the European part. The ability of a person to turn into this animal was not questioned, and the Slavs endowed such creatures with special power. People believed: when a wolf cub (literally - in the skin of a wolf) absorbs the Sun or the Moon, a corresponding eclipse occurs. Another Slavic belief concerns wedding processions. It was believed that the cortege crossed a certain line, after which those present could turn into these animals. To protect against transformation, guests accompanying the cortege had amulets made of wolf fangs. Another belief is that one could escape from a wolf encountered in the forest by calling three names of deceased loved ones. The beast “remembered” the people he saw in the other world, and did not touch their relative. If a wolf harmed livestock in villages, the Slavs regarded this as a sacrifice to the gods.

A wolf's fang will protect against damage and the evil eye

In ancient times, warriors always painted images of wolves on their armor and clothes, considering them their ancestors and protectors. The symbols of this animal were supposed to ensure success and victory in battles. Hunters also used this symbolism. There was a belief that whoever defeated the beast would take over its strength and power. The tooth of a defeated beast was used to make an amulet from dark forces and the dangers that lurk. A person who constantly wore such an item was protected from damage and the evil eye. And in our time, the wolf fang amulet is of great importance for many nationalities.

The meaning of the amulet for men

The wolf's fang amulet makes a man a winner in any battle, not necessarily on the battlefield. In any struggle he is accompanied by success - both in battle and in work matters. Decoration enhances intuition, makes thinking flexible and allows you to always achieve positive result in undertakings.

Not everyone probably knows that wolves are monogamous. The male chooses a companion once and then protects her and the cubs from danger until the end of his life. A girl who gives a guy an amulet will find in it faithful companion for life and a wonderful father to his children. In addition, it increases male potency.

The meaning of the amulet for women

A wolf's fang amulet will convey all the grace to a girl wild beast and will make her very attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex. A woman wearing such jewelry is a wonderful mother and an ideal wife.

Wolves are family animals

There is a story in literature about the devotion of a she-wolf to her cubs. The story tells how people from a nearby village carried away little wolf cubs while the mother was getting food. They wanted to tame them and make them excellent watchdogs. However, from that time on, livestock began to disappear in the village, and this happened every night. A desperate howl could be heard from the forest. Soon the number of livestock in the village practically disappeared. Residents began to live in poverty. The raids on the village stopped only when the wolf cubs were taken to their original place.

She-wolves have no problems with childbirth; they give birth to up to thirteen puppies and, as a rule, all of them are absolutely healthy. If a woman cannot get pregnant, then the amulet will help her become the mother of a healthy and strong child.

The meaning of the amulet for children

A wolf's fang will protect a child from bad company and negative inclinations. This amulet was used to protect children from witchcraft and negative energy by hanging it over the crib. Adult children with such an amulet become physically developed, often grow up to be athletes, and they do not have any problems studying at school.

How to wear a wolf fang amulet

It is usually worn as a bracelet or simply hung around the neck. The talisman is energetically very strong, it attracts attention and is quite elegant in appearance. As a decoration, the amulet looks harmonious with almost any style of clothing, but it is better to wear it so that it comes into contact with the skin of the owner or mistress; this greatly enhances its energy potential.

The amulet begins to transfer its power to the wearer literally within a few hours, rarely days. A sharp improvement in well-being and sense of self is the initial work of the wolf fang amulet. Some people wearing it note special condition security and support, gaining confidence that was not previously characteristic of them.

Some may want to maintain a “personal relationship” with this thing and not show it off to others; in this case, it can be carried in secret pockets or in a purse - the length of a wolf fang does not exceed five centimeters. If your amulet is made from a natural fang, then it will require special attention from you, since it is quite fragile and may be subject to deformation under the influence external influences. Natural amulet must be protected from:

  • objects that can deform it;
  • overheating in the sun (for example, on the beach) or near the stove;
  • prolonged exposure to moisture (the tooth will crack after drying).

Sometimes, in order to enhance the potential of the amulet, images of runes are applied to it. Moreover, specific runes are selected depending on the owner’s goals.

In stores, including on the Internet, you can see numerous offers of these amulets. However, very often they are made from materials that have nothing in common with wolf fangs - metal, plastic, sometimes even dog teeth are used. You shouldn't expect magical powers from such fakes.

Are you earning enough?

Check if this applies to you:

  • there is enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • the salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take away everything that is obtained with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

Perhaps your money has been damaged. This amulet will help relieve lack of money

Since ancient times, the wolf image has been compared to the solar deity and was considered a mediator between the worlds. The wolf is a conductor between the living and the dead. He is the patron of warriors and, as the warriors believed, his ancestor. The wolf tooth is a real male talisman.

The wolf fang amulet is very strong talisman. IN ancient mythology he was considered a satellite of the sun and the other world.

The Slavic peoples believed that in order not to be touched by a wolf in the forest, you need to say out loud the three names of deceased relatives. And then the wolf will retreat from you and never touch you again.

Eclipses of the sun, moon, and full moon evoke associations with wolves in many people.

Shamans and sorcerers different nations the world attach great importance to the wolf talisman. They quite often use a wolf tooth or claw in their rituals. They have the opinion that the wolf talisman is capable of devouring demons.

One way or another, a wolf’s claw and tooth can drive away evil spirits and protect against the evil eye, damage and other illnesses. Such a talisman will help its owner achieve his goals; it is a symbol of masculinity. For women, such a talisman is suitable only for protection against the evil eye, damage and disease. It can be given to young parents, and it will protect their baby from various troubles.

What is wolf claw used for?

  1. Wolf's claw reliable protection for small children from the evil eye and damage
  2. It protects its owner and protects him from various misfortunes
  3. The talisman can scare away evil spirits
  4. Strengthens the witchcraft spells of sorcerers and shamans
  5. He is able to help his owner in any difficult moment
  6. Wolf tooth – great helper in any matters at work and business,

How Slavic peoples used wolf fang

Slavic men often carried the wolf fang amulet with them; they revered this animal. This talisman added a lot of strength to them in war and hunting. They hung a wolf's claw or its fang around their necks and wore it without taking it off. They nailed the skull of the killed wolf to the wall and buried it in the foundation of the house under construction. Thus, their home was under reliable protection.

The Slavic peoples believed that if a gray predator stole some animal from their herd, then this was a so-called sacrifice to God. This animal seems to stand on the border of darkness and light. It is capable of crossing this border, both in one direction and in the other. Peasants under New Year sacrificed their domestic animals to wolves. It was believed that if a wolf ate their gift, then all a year will pass successful. Thus, it was possible to order success, fertility and health from this animal.

A wolf's claw, fang or tooth was often used for various magical rituals aimed at protecting livestock from harm. They were placed in the stove along with the iron, stuck into the tabletop, or covered with a clay pot and sentenced like this:

My little cow, my outhouse nurse, sit under the pot from the wolf, and you, wolf, gnaw at your sides.

When taking cattle from the yard to pasture, you had to buy a padlock and imitate locking the cattle from wolves with a padlock. And when they entered the forest, they asked the devil for mercy. It was believed that the goblin was the leader of the wolf pack. If encounters with wolves were still unavoidable, then they tried to be as quiet as possible, read prayers, remained completely calm, or pretended to be dead. Some, on the contrary, twisted cookies to the wolves, fell to their knees, begging for mercy, or bowed as if to a sacred animal.

Folk signs

By folk beliefs, a predator who ran past the yard or village or crossed your path outside the settlement is a happy and successful sign. And if the animal ends up in the village or in your yard, don’t good sign, which means there will be a lean year. If wolves howl, it means there will be poverty and hunger. Among the Tatar peoples this was a sign of calm and success.

Mages and sorcerers prefer to use various parts of the predator’s body in their magic: claw, fang, tooth, skull, tail, paws, as well as the vagina of she-wolves. Runes and various magic signs. The skin of a forest orderly is as valuable as the rest of its parts. It was worn by shamans at various magical rites. To ward off sickness and disease, shamans and healers carried wolf tails in their pockets.

Currently, a claw of a gray predator or its tooth can not only be purchased in a store, from sorcerers and healers, but also ordered in an online store, as well as ordered from experienced hunters.

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Since ancient times, people have revered wolves. There are many beliefs and legends associated with these animals. An amulet made of wolf teeth was considered a powerful talisman that endowed its owner with courage, courage and fortitude. Buy it - and you will receive not only a beautiful decoration, but also protection from ill-wishers.

What powers does a wolf's fang give to its owner?

A wolf fang is not only a powerful amulet, but also a stylish decoration. A wolf's fang can become a great gift to your beloved man, because it strengthens both physical and masculine strength.

The wolf is a strong, cunning, very intelligent and hardy animal. The wolf's fang enhances these qualities in its owner. The person who bought the amulet stands firmly on his feet and achieves his goal, despite any obstacle. The amulet helps to develop strength of character and gives confidence in one's own abilities.

The Wolf Fang is perfect as an amulet for a true leader. Those who strive to become more successful and occupy a high position will find it useful to acquire it. This thing will help you achieve career growth in almost any area.

Wolf fang - a strong amulet

Wolf fang - traditional Slavic amulet. Our ancestors used it to protect themselves from evil forces. In ancient times, warriors always carried a wolf tooth with them - it helped them survive and win the battle. With a wolf's fang, a man emerged victorious from the most difficult battles. The hunters did not part with him either.

It was not without reason that shamans and wise men decorated their clothes with wolf teeth: the protection of the Wolf prevents evil spirits from interfering in life. This talisman is a reliable, powerful protector of its owner.

The power of wolf fang for women

This amulet helps not only men. In the old days, the Wolf Fang was used as a love spell by girls: they gave it to their chosen ones as a decoration, thereby tying them to themselves. The owners of such a talisman did not have to worry about their husband’s marital fidelity.

Buy the Wolf Fang amulet and it will help a woman in the fight against infertility and allow her to reveal her sexuality. IN love affairs the amulet is a good helper, it helps to become more self-confident and more attractive to the opposite sex.

The Slavs tied a wolf's fang over a child's cradle as protection against evil influences and diseases. When the child's first teeth erupted, the mother let him hold a wolf fang in his mouth for a while. It was believed that then the son would grow up to be the protector of his family.

It is best to wear this amulet on a cord, in the chest area. However, you can hide it in your bag or chest pocket. In plain sight, it also becomes a stylish decoration, and when hidden from prying eyes, it accumulates its magical powers. Buy this amulet, it will give you fortitude and good luck, do not forget to press the buttons and

05.08.2015 09:45

A red thread tied around the wrist is one of the most effective amulets that can protect against energy...

One of the most powerful amulets is a red thread, which is tied on the wrist and will help protect against troubles and illnesses. Properly tied...

The beast of death, he is a guide to the kingdom of death. Magi and shamans used a variety of parts of the wolf's body to perform their rituals, especially in necromancy. An amulet in the form of a wolf was considered an assistant for sending to another world; for the same purpose, shamans pulled wolf skin over themselves.

Ancient people

Amulets made from bones, fangs and claws of animals appeared in the Stone Age. They threaded long strong hair from the wool of killed animals through them and wore them on themselves, believing that this would help them not to fall during the hunt and return with prey. On the walls of their homes they painted battles with successful completion. Necklaces made of small bones and claws were hung on children to protect them from wild animals. Most often, the remains of wolves and saber-toothed tigers - the most powerful and terrible animals - were used in such amulets.

Over time, people learned to process bones and give them shape, therefore, in addition to necklaces and amulets, bone rings and bracelets began to appear. However, at archaeological excavations, it is wolf fangs that are most often found in front of people.

Pagan Rus' and Scandinavia

In pre-Christian times, polytheism reigned in Rus'. The Slavs worshiped idols made of wood, and each god was assigned an animal and/or plant. For example, the god of cattle Veles. He could appear in the form of a bear. Therefore, if a bear was killed while hunting, the hunter would put his claw on himself as a talisman against the wrath of God. The wolf fang amulet was used for good luck in hunting. It was also used by magicians and shamans to protect against evil spirits. A wolf could give up its fang only after a fight, so sometimes these animals were sacrificed to the gods to replenish the power of the egregor, which was used in appealing to the forces of nature, and the fangs and claws were taken for amulets. This ritual still exists in neo-paganism, also known as Rodnoverie.

The wolf's fang is also common as an amulet. Centuries ago, paganism reigned, and in those lands the northern peoples had other gods. Scandinavians consider the wolf to be the most important animal.

Wolf fang (amulet): meaning in magic

Many magicians use the fang in their rituals. Its main purpose for witchcraft is protection. This is a powerful amulet against curses and damage. There are many ancient conspiracies for it that are activated to protect the wearer.

The simplest, non-charmable amulet is 9 fangs collected on one thread. If you wear such an amulet around your neck, then you are not afraid of any curses. The wolf filled his fang with bestial strength, soaked it with the blood of other animals. Therefore, in a physical collision, with the right conspiracy, it can protect its bearer. IN Ancient Rus' There was a belief: for a successful battle, you need to take a wolf's fang in your hand, whisper a spell on it and keep it with you throughout the battle. The Slavs believed that the energy of the beast would give a person courage, strength and dexterity.

In addition to the fact that the wolf endowed his fang with incredible power, his veins, tail, and skull also had enormous energy. The veins were used to punish a thief. They were twisted and thrown onto a hot surface, often onto a hot iron. At this moment, the thief’s hands began to cramp, as if they were being broken or twisted. With their tail, warlock magicians destroyed traces of their work after carrying out it so that they could not be calculated magically and so that there was no rollback. The skull was used to protect the home from enemies.

In addition to combat abilities, the fang can remove toothache. A charmed amulet of this kind, applied to an aching tooth, helps to relieve it. They also gave the fang to children to bite, then their teeth grew strong and healthy.

And such an amulet, given to a loved one, will keep him on the path of fidelity, since wolves themselves are devoted to death to their mates. In addition, such a talisman activates sexual charm, which is suitable for single people looking for their soulmate. Wear an amulet in the form of a wolf's fang, and people will appear around you, ready to fight for your attention.

It can also help those who are unable to conceive a child. One of its properties is the awakening of parental energy.

Folk signs

Among other things, a wolf’s fang is capable of protecting livestock from all kinds of misfortunes. But sometimes villagers deliberately gave their cows to wolves. It was believed that this was a gift to the gods, and if the predators accepted the gift, then the year would be fruitful and calm.

In villages and hamlets there are many beliefs associated with the gray beast. For example, if a wolf passed by a settlement or crossed your path, then this is good, lucky sign, and if he entered a residential area, then it will be a lean year.

If a wolf howl is heard, it is a sign of approaching trouble. However, among the Tatar peoples, on the contrary, it is a symbol of calm and prosperity.

Wolf skin is used by shamans; they put it on themselves during rituals in order to become closer to the world of animals and the dead.

It was also believed that wolves obey the devil, therefore, when people entered the forest, they be sure to ask him to be merciful, but if a meeting with predators did occur, they pretended to be dead. Others began to pray or bow to the wolves, begging for mercy.

Wolf fang for business

Nowadays, many rich people resort to the help of magicians and esotericists, order rituals to protect their health, business success, increase profits, buy rabbit feet and wolf fangs. The latter helps the owner gain self-confidence, the desire to win, and helps to reveal leadership qualities. And as many people know, it attracts good luck.

A talisman made from a wolf's claw, fang or tooth can protect against damage, the evil eye, and helps its owner achieve his goal. It gives men more masculinity, and protects girls from the evil eye. If you bring it as a gift to young parents, it will become strong protection for the baby.

Where to buy a talisman?

Today you can get a wolf fang in a store, from magicians and shamans, in online stores or from hunters. A natural tooth of an animal can be replaced by one carved from stone, but its strength will be noticeably weaker.


Now you know what a wolf's fang is. There is not just one meaning to this talisman, there are many. The amulet is used for various purposes.

Kiryanova Olga Viktorovna

Specialist in working with amulets and amulets. Expert of the Ancients Slavic symbols. Has extensive experience in selecting individual amulets. She independently charges amulets and provides free consultations to readers of our resource.

Articles written

Images of totem animals have long been popular among the Slavs. Among many peoples, the wolf is rightfully recognized as a sacred animal, which was worshiped by people on a par with deities. The Slavs had many signs associated with the teeth of predators: the wolf - they were usually worn as a talisman that could protect against many different misfortunes. Also, such an amulet provides protection to the home from evil spirits.

The meaning of the amulet

The wolf is a freedom-loving animal that cannot be trained. In a wolf pack, the hierarchy of power matters. If someone disobeys the leader, he can easily be expelled from the pack. Wolves are distinguished by their devotion, reverent attitude towards their offspring, loyalty and nobility, and courage. People have long admired all these qualities, so they wanted to attract them into their lives.

In addition, the wolf has always been considered a strong animal, capable of protecting against the attacks of evil spirits, as well as imparting wisdom and prudence.

The ancient Slavs used all kinds of wolf amulets:

  • wolf claw;
  • amulet “wolf fang”;
  • even animal organs (the heart was especially valued).

Each amulet had its own purpose and features of use. Feedback from everyone who has already experienced the effect has always been positive - such an amulet is truly endowed with special power.

Purpose of the talisman

The meaning of the wolf amulet is very wide. It was believed that the talisman could help at the same time various fields and directions: to endow a man with masculine strength, improve his agility, physical abilities, give him attractiveness, special charm, wisdom and skills in various fields. The talisman also improves health, financial well-being, protects against the evil eye and misfortunes, gives self-confidence, and helps achieve any goals.

All these possibilities of the talisman were revealed by the ancient Slavs. At the same time, they note the duality of the abilities of a wolf fang: if the symbol falls into good hands, then it reveals itself fully and helps in all good endeavors. But if he starts using it angry man, then his essence deepens even more into darkness. Therefore, wolf fangs and claws are actively used in dark magical rituals.

The Magi used ground fangs and claws when making potions, medicines, rubbing, so the medical purpose of the paraphernalia is also of great importance.

Benefits for children

Most often, the “wolf fang” talisman is purchased for men. But there are options for women and even children. The she-wolf is a naturally excellent mother. This means that her energy can easily protect the baby from diseases and misfortunes.
It has long been customary to hang wolf fangs over the cradle of a newborn to protect him from the evil eye and illnesses. Also, children were even given wolf fangs to gnaw when they started teething - it was believed that in this way the baby could be provided with healthy, strong teeth and their painless growth.

It was believed that the amulet of the wolf family could instill discipline in a child, making him more obedient and calm.

Help in love affairs

The Slavs believed that the “wolf chamber” amulet could improve male strength. It was customary for a girl to make an amulet and then give it to her man. It was believed that after such a gift the wife would always be loved and desired. Wolf loyalty aroused the admiration of people, and therefore the amulet symbolizes unity in the family forever. As a rule, women wore such amulets less often. Often the jewelry belonged to a man. Talismans were hung at the entrance to the house to protect it from evil forces.

Terms of use

Amulet " wolf pack"has an important distinctive feature in comparison with many other talismans: it does not necessarily need to be hidden from prying eyes. It is perfectly acceptable to wear it around your neck in the form of a pendant or as a pendant on a bracelet. Attracting admiring glances is one of the primary tasks of decoration, especially if a person wants to attract his love.

Often, if they still wanted to hide the amulet from prying eyes, they kept it in an inside pocket or fastened it to a belt. IN lately There are also a number of modified ways to store a talisman: if you want to protect your car or home from harm with the help of a wolf’s fang, then you can hang a wolf’s tooth on a keychain.

The meaning of the “wolf’s chamber” amulet is so multifaceted that it can even be used to decorate women’s combs and hairpins. But still, it was more common for girls to use claws. In this case, finishing should be present, since in their pure form such details may look too rough for a girl.

Where to buy

Before purchasing any “wolf fang” amulet, you need to verify its authenticity. It is impossible to bring positive changes into your life with fake claws and fangs (made, for example, from plastic). To do this, you need to find out more about the seller, read reviews about the amulets of those who have already purchased them before.

You also need to immediately understand how much such a thing costs - products made from wolf fang cannot be too cheap. Prices up to 500 rubles indicate that this is an ordinary fake. Average price is from 1500 rubles.

You can make the “wolf fang” amulet yourself. Ideally, if among your loved ones there is a hunter who can give a wolf amulet. You can simply buy fangs or wolf claws, and make the talisman yourself. There are no difficulties in making such a talisman. To do this, simply leave the fang or claw in a salted solution overnight, and then, after drilling a small hole, hang it on a thread in the form of a pendant. You can simply carry the “wolf fang” amulet in your pocket or velvet bag.

The Slavic wolf amulet is best worn on a leather cord or simple rope. You should not use any precious chains.

You can make other talismans:

  • amulet "Kolovrat wolf". Often made of metal in the shape of a round pendant;
  • amulet “wolf head” - there are such talismans in private collections of hunters;
  • amulet "wolf's paw". Made from fur, threads, skins.

Such talismans are made only by professionals who have the necessary skills, who can then carry out the ritual of charging the amulet. But it is possible to simply engrave these symbols - just take a pendant -
blank and give the master a photo of the selected design. The effect is usually no less, but the pendant still looks less original than a life-size paw or a real wolf claw.

A wolf fang framed in silver looks most advantageous - it is a real work of art that can become a wonderful accessory for any person.