
Setting up the nervous system. The mood for the stability of the nervous system G.N.

Titanic durability

My nervous system is pristinely resilient. My nervous system is titanically resilient. The entire neuro-brain apparatus that controls the life of my body is pristinely resistant, titanically resistant. The neuro-cerebral apparatus of the entire cardiovascular system is pristinely resistant, titanically resistant. Through all the difficulties, through all the adversity, with titanic fortitude, with titanic fortitude, the young, normal remains arterial pressure blood -120/80.

Young, normal blood pressure is pristinely stable, titanically stable. All systems of my body are pristinely resistant, titanically resistant. My heart is pristinely resilient, titanically resilient. Healthy, regular, rhythmic pulse - 72 beats per minute - pristinely stable, titanically resistant. I can steam for a long time in a hot steam room. With titanic endurance, a healthy, rhythmic pulse is maintained - 72 beats per minute.

God laid in my heredity the constant strengthening of all defense mechanisms my body - for many centuries. God has laid in my heredity constant strengthening and strengthening of health - for many centuries. My health is pristinely stable. My health is titanically stable. My health is titanically stable. In my life I am a young beauty, titanically resilient, titanically resilient. My excellent health is pristinely stable. My excellent health is titanically stable, titanically resilient. My joy of life is titanically persistent. Every moment I rejoice, glow with the happiness of a young, joyful, happy life. My excellent health is pristinely stable. My excellent health is titanically stable. My cheerful, cheerful mood is titanically persistent. The cheerful light in my eyes is titanically persistent. My joy of life is titanically persistent, titanically persistent. All mine internal organs pristinely persistent, healthy. All my internal organs are titanically healthy. All my internal organs are titanically healthy. All my internal organs are pristinely resistant, titanically resistant. The normal physiological processes in my body are pristinely stable, titanically stable.

With the brightness of lightning, I feel like a young beauty, titanically resistant in life, infinitely resistant - in spite of all the harmful influences of the external environment, in spite of all difficulties, all failures. With titanic fortitude, with endless fortitude, I maintain excellent health, a cheerful, cheerful mood. With titanic fortitude I live divinely healthy, young, cheerful, joyful, happy life. With titanic fortitude I feel like a young, cheerful, happy beauty, full of health and strength.

Resilience of the nervous system

God laid in my heredity constant strengthening and healing nervous system. The Lord pours gigantic Divine power into my nervous system from the Subtle World. My nervous system is getting healthier, stronger, stronger, and the stability of the nervous system is increasing.

I am becoming more and more resilient in life, more and more resilient. My excellent health is becoming more and more persistent. In defiance of all harmful influences external environment With titanic fortitude, I maintain excellent health and a cheerful, cheerful mood all day long. The nervous system strengthens, the nerves become healthier and stronger. With the brightness of lightning, I feel like a young, cheerful, beautiful beauty with nerves of steel. With the brightness of lightning I feel like a young beauty with nerves of steel. Titanically persistent, excellent well-being, titanically persistent joy of life. Every moment I rejoice, glow with Happiness. I enjoy the sun. I rejoice in the sky. I rejoice in every flower, every tree. I rejoice at the rustling of leaves, the singing of birds, the babbling of a brook. I rejoice in all the divinely beautiful, eternally youthful nature. With the brightness of lightning, I feel titanically resilient, titanically resilient, cheerful, wonderful beauty.

Healing from radiculitis

God himself pours holy Divine steel into the nerves of the spine. Along the entire spine there are gigantically strong, titanically resistant, nerves of steel. The entire spine is healthy and firmly calm.

The Lord God Almighty, dearly beloved, pours holy Divine steel into the lumbar nerves. God from the Subtle World pours gigantic Divine power into the lumbar nerves with a constant cosmic flow. God fills the entire lower back with young, healthy, energetic life. The entire lower back is born newborn-young, pristinely healthy, untouched by life. The entire lower back is light, light, absolutely weightless. The entire lower back of the newborn is firmly calm. All lumbar nerves of the newborn are healthy, strong, and steel. I can work bent over for hours on end. I can bend in all directions for hours on end. The newborn's lower back is firmly calm, absolutely calm. Strong, healthy, tireless lower back. All the nerves in the lower back of a newborn are healthy, titanically strong, like steel. The whole back, the whole lower back is firmly calm. All the nerves of the back and lower back of the newborn are healthy, strong, steel.

Get healthier, get stronger nerves

God pours gigantic Divine power from the Subtle World into my entire nervous system with a constant cosmic flow. The entire nervous system is physiologically strengthened, healthier and stronger. God laid in my heredity a constant strengthening and healing of the nervous system - for many centuries.

My entire nervous system is now developing comprehensively, becoming healthier, stronger, and physiologically stronger. Nerves become healthier and stronger. With the brightness of lightning I feel, I feel like a young, cheerful beauty with nerves of steel. With the brightness of lightning I see myself in future centuries as a young beauty with nerves of steel. And God pours into my entire young nervous system the great power of the life of the Universe. The entire nervous system is pristinely staunchly healthy, titanically staunchly healthy. Nerves are strong and steel.

Improvement of the entire nervous system

The Lord God Almighty, dearly beloved, infuses young, energetic, joyful life into all billions of nerve cells, into all structures of the nervous system, into the entire peripheral nervous system. God pours gigantic Divine power into all billions of nerve cells, into the entire nervous system from the Subtle World.

The entire nervous system is Divinely strengthened, reviving its 18-year-old, youthful, youthful, Divinely healthy structure. The entire nervous system revives its young, 18-year-old, energetic, fast functioning. All the young rhythms of the brain are now present, now exist. All billions of nerve cells revive a young, active, full-fledged biochemical composition, ensuring the increasingly rapid occurrence of all working physiological intracellular processes.

The entire nervous system is divinely physiologically strengthened, healthier and stronger. With the brightness of lightning, I feel like a young beauty with nerves of steel. The entire neuro-brain apparatus that controls the life of the body is now Divinely born young, titanically healthy, physiologically gigantically strong. In all internal organs, in all structures of the body, newborn healthy, titanically resistant, nerves of steel are reborn. With the brightness of lightning I feel young: a beauty with nerves of steel and I continue to get healthier and stronger; And this fills me with the joy of life in God’s wonderful white light. I live cheerfully, joyfully, happily. Every moment I rejoice, glow with the happiness of life in God’s wonderful white light. And my life is truly so amazingly beautiful.

Healing from epilepsy

All the young rhythms of the brain are now present, now exist. All brain rhythms now have a young, large amplitude. The nervous system is now working with youthful energy. All brain rhythms now have a young, high frequency. My nervous system now has a high, young speed of operation.

In all the muscles of the newborn there are healthy, gigantically strong, titanically resistant, nerves of steel. The entire neuromuscular system works divinely correctly. The entire nervous system works perfectly correctly. The young, 18-year-old brain-spinal cord is now Divinely intact. All brain rhythms are now Divinely healthy, perfectly functioning. Now, with titanic resilience, the brain works divinely correctly, ideally correctly. I always maintain excellent health, a cheerful, cheerful mood. I look boldly into the future. I clearly see myself in future centuries as a young, 18-year-old, comprehensively developing, healthy beauty. I live a young, divinely healthy, joyful, happy life.

Healing from sciatica 2

Holy Divine steel flows into all the nerves of the spine. Holy Divine steel is poured into all the nerves of the back and lower back. A gigantic Divine power is poured into all the nerves in the muscles of the back and lower back, the holy Divine steel is poured. God pours gigantic Divine power from the Subtle World into all lumbar nerves.

Giant Divine power flows into all the lumbar nerves in a constant stream. All the nerves in the lower back become healthier and stronger. Now all the lumbar nerves are Divinely born newborn healthy, titanically resistant, steely, firmly calm. The entire lower back is filled with a very pleasant, lasting, healthy calm. Holy Divine steel is poured into the nerves of the muscles and lower back. God pours gigantic Divine energy of development from the Subtle World into all the muscles of the back and lower back. All the muscles of the back and lower back are now developing at a gigantic speed and increasing in volume. My core strength is increasing. The back becomes increasingly stronger. The lower back becomes more and more strong, tireless. I can freely bend in all directions.

The entire lower back is filled with a very pleasant, healthy calm. I can work bended over for hours on end. In the lower back area, a young, healthy calmness is maintained with titanic fortitude* The entire lower back is filled with young, cheerful, energetic life by God himself. The lower back is reborn young, cheerful, strong, tireless. The entire lower back is born exactly the same, 18-year-old, young, cheerful, Divinely healthy, untouched by life. I feel my hugeness with the brightness of lightning. performance. I can work all day long with fresh strength, with enormous energy, without knowing fatigue. A very pleasant, youthful, healthy calm is maintained in the lumbar region with titanic durability.

Healing from neurodermatitis

The neuro-cerebral apparatus of the skin is divinely strengthened, becoming titanically resistant and steel. All skin areas become healthier and stronger, and nerves become stronger. The neuro-cerebral apparatus of the skin with the brightness of lightning remembers a newborn-young, divinely beautiful healthy skin. Nerves in all skin areas become healthier and stronger, and the newborn dense network of collagen fibers is revived.

The skin divinely revives its youthful, 18-year-old structure. All skin now Divinely, at a gigantic speed they are filled with young structural intracellular and intercellular water, reviving their young, healthy thickness. And God pours holy Divine steel into all the nerves of the skin. All skin areas become healthier and stronger, and nerves become stronger. All the nerves of all the skin are born healthy, titanically strong and steel. The entire skin is filled with a very pleasant, healthy calm. Now all skin integuments are divinely born pristinely healthy. Now Divinely all skin is born titanically steadfastly healthy, indestructibly calm.

I love my nervous system

In my kind, angelic, Divine soul, the nervous system is dearly loved. I love my nervous system with great Divine love. In the rays of my Divine love, the entire nervous system comes to life, blossoms, physiologically strengthens, becomes healthier and stronger. In the rays of my great Divine love, the entire nervous system revives a young, active, full-fledged biochemical composition, ensuring the increasingly rapid flow of all working intracellular physiological processes.

the nervous system constantly revives its energetic, fast, girlish, youthful work. And the Almighty Lord God, with a constant cosmic flow from the Subtle World, pours gigantic Divine physiological power into my entire nervous system. The Almighty Lord God pours into my nervous system the great life force of the Universe with a constant cosmic flow. Filled with the great life force of the Universe, my nervous system is physiologically strengthened, reborn as a young, 18-year-old, newborn healthy, untouched by life.

And the Almighty, dearly beloved Lord God pours holy Divine steel into all my nerves. With the brightness of lightning, I feel like a young beauty with nerves of steel. God, with a constant cosmic flow from the Subtle World, pours into my nervous system a gigantic Divine energy of rapid, comprehensive development. My entire nervous system is constantly developing comprehensively. My entire nervous system is developing comprehensively and physiologically strengthening. Nerves become healthier and stronger. All my nerves are Divinely born newborn healthy, strong, steel, titanically resistant, untouched by life. With the brightness of lightning I feel that my nervous system is Divinely healthy, untouched by life. With the titanic power of my imagination, with the brightness of lightning, I feel like a young beauty with nerves of steel. And God laid in my heredity a divinely healthy, steel, developing, improving nervous system - for many centuries.

And with the titanic power of my imagination, with the brightness of lightning, I see my nervous system in future centuries as young, physiologically gigantically strong, Divinely healthy, untouched by life. With the titanic power of my imagination, with the brightness of lightning, I see myself in future centuries as a young beauty with nerves of steel. And this fills me with a victorious, triumphant joy of life. A cheerful light shines brightly in my eyes. The whole soul sings with happiness, with the joy of life.

All nerve cells of the brain are included in a young, joyful life

The dearly beloved God pours gigantic Divine energy of development into all the billions of nerve cells of the brain with a constant cosmic flow from the Subtle World. God pours the great life force of the Universe into the brain. God pours gigantically energetic, young, joyful life into the brain.

All the nerves of the brain cell, every single one, are included in a young, joyful life. Will develops. The ability for volitional efforts develops. Thought speeds up. Memory is enhanced. The creative imagination becomes more and more vivid, more and more powerful. Attention becomes more and more stable. All brain centers of the brain are born with a Divinely ideally healthy, young, 18-year-old structure.

All brain centers are born anatomically young, divinely intact, untouched. all abilities are developed. With the brightness of lightning, I feel more capable, more and more efficient. I can work with fresh strength, with great energy all day long, without knowing fatigue. and after a whole day of work I feel even fresher, even more energetic young beauty than I was in the morning when waking up from a night's sleep.

Biochemical structures of nerve cells in the brain

Now all the billions of nerve cells, all the structures of the brain are divinely reviving the 18-year-old, young, active, full-fledged biochemical composition, reviving and improving the young, 18-year-old biochemical structures, which ensure the increasingly rapid flow of all working intracellular physiological processes.

The brain performs all its many functions divinely correctly, ideally correctly, just as it did at the young age of 18. The entire brain is now Divinely reborn young, 18 years old, physiologically gigantically strong, Divinely healthy, Divinely healthy.

And the Lord God pours gigantic energy of rapid all-round development into all billions of nerve cells from the Subtle World. All nerve cells are developing. All brain centers are strengthened. The entire brain Divinely revives its young, 18-year-old biochemical structures, revives its young, 18-year-old, energetic, fast work. With the brightness of lightning I feel: my head is Divinely healthy, ideally healthy. With the brightness of lightning I feel like a young beauty with nerves of steel.

Recovery after a stroke 2

All the blood vessels inside the brain are divinely expanding, expanding infinitely along their entire length. Blood flows through all the blood vessels inside the brain. And in a cheerful, joyful, rapid flow it washes away the hematoma in the brain. The hematoma is melting, melting, shrinking, and the blood is eroding the hematoma faster and faster. The hematoma melts, melts, shrinks, and disappears without a trace.

Whole brain nerve tissue revives its newborn integrity, revives its 18-year-old youthful structure. The brain performs all its many functions divinely correctly, ideally correctly. The brain Divinely correctly controls its internal organs, Divinely correctly controls the speech organs, Divinely correctly controls all movements.

All functions of the body are divinely reborn. With the brightness of lightning, I feel healthier and stronger. With the brightness of lightning I feel like a young, healthy, cheerful beauty with nerves of steel. With the brightness of lightning I see myself in the future tense, in future centuries, as a young, cheerful, comprehensively developing beauty, full of health and strength.

Improvement of the neuro-brain apparatus of movements

God pours the great life force of the Universe into all the motor centers of the brain, into all the nerves in the muscles. The Lord God Almighty fills the entire neuro-cerebral apparatus of movements with gigantic Divine power. The entire neuro-cerebral apparatus of movements is now born divinely physiologically gigantically strong, titanically resistant, steel. All muscles become healthier and stronger, and nerves become stronger.

All muscles develop at a gigantic speed and increase in volume. The entire musculature divinely revives its 18-year-old youthful structure, possessing enormous physical strength. The entire neuro-cerebral apparatus of movements is born as a newborn healthy, physiologically gigantically strong. The entire neuro-cerebral apparatus of movements is born exactly the same as he was at 18 years old - young, divinely healthy, untouched by life.

With the brightness of lightning, I feel like a divinely healthy young beauty. With the brightness of lightning, I feel able to perform smooth, precise movements. With the brightness of lightning I feel an increase in strength. All the muscles revive a young structure with enormous physical strength, and from this my physical strength increases many times over. With the brightness of lightning I feel an increase in physical strength. All the muscles revive a young structure with enormous physical strength, and from this my physical strength increases many times over. With the brightness of lightning I feel young, physically strong, absolutely healthy and beautiful, full of health and strength.

Divine Healing for Meniere's Disease

God pours gigantic Divine power into all the nerves of the head, coming out from the lower back part of the brain. Into all the nerves of the head, the beloved God pours in a constant stream the great power of the life of the Universe. With a special flow, God pours the great life force of the Universe into the eighth pair of cranial nerves, pours holy Divine steel.

The eighth pair of cranial nerves is getting healthier and stronger, healthier and stronger. The eighth pair of cranial nerves is born newborn healthy, titanically healthy. All the nerves of the head are filled with holy Divine steel. The whole head is filled with a young, healthy, pleasant calmness. The whole head is Divinely born newborn, firmly healthy. The entire head is born titanically resilient and healthy.

The head is all brightly bright through and through, all through and through Divinely calm. The head is light-light, absolutely weightless. With the brightness of lightning, I feel my head as a newborn, firmly healthy, perfectly healthy, untouched by life. With the brightness of lightning I feel like a young, healthy beauty with nerves of steel.

Strengthening the nerve center of the perineum

A gigantic Divine physiological force flows into the nerve centers of the perineum. The nerve center of the perineum is divinely physiologically strengthened. A gigantic Divine young force flows into the nerves of the uterus and ovaries. The uterus and ovaries become healthier and stronger, and the nerves become stronger. The ovaries and uterus are divinely reborn, reviving their 18-year-old, young, healthy structure. The gigantic Divine great life force of the Universe flows into the ovaries and the uterus.

The ovaries are born physiologically strong and energetic. The uterus is born with a Divinely healthy, God-created structure. The entire lower abdomen is filled with a very pleasant, healthy calm. And with the brightness of lightning I feel, I feel like a Divinely healthy, beautiful beauty, capable of giving birth to healthy, strong children, and this fills me with a victorious, triumphant joy of life. Every moment I rejoice, glow with happiness. I rejoice in the sun, I rejoice in the sky, I rejoice in all the Divinely beautiful, eternally youthful Nature.

Persistent nervous system

The dearly beloved Lord God Almighty pours the great force of life of the Universe into all billions of nerve cells, into all structures of the nervous system with a constant cosmic flow. My entire nervous system is filled with the great life force of the Universe. The entire nervous system is getting healthier and stronger. I feel more and more like a young beauty with nerves of steel. The nervous system is physiologically strengthened. Her resilience increases. Now the nervous system is born pristinely resistant, divinely healthy, newborn resistant, healthy. My entire nervous system is now, now being born titanically resistant, divinely healthy.

The Lord God has laid in my hereditary mechanisms constant healing, strengthening, strengthening of the nervous system for many centuries. Now, with the brightness of lightning, I see myself in future centuries as a young, cheerful, healthy beauty with nerves of steel, stanically stable, and a healthy nervous system. The entire nervous system is now healthier and stronger. Nerves become healthier and stronger. The entire neuro-brain apparatus that controls the life of my body is divinely strengthened, becoming more and more stable, more and more robustly healthy. in all structures of the body, in all internal organs, all nerves are now born pristinely healthy, newborn healthy, divinely resistant, steel. With the brightness of lightning, I feel like a young beauty, titanically resilient in life.

Neuromuscular system

God himself pours gigantic Divine energy of development from the Subtle World into the neuro-cerebral apparatus of the muscles. The entire neuromuscular system develops. The neuro-cerebral apparatus of the muscles is physiologically strengthened and is born titanically resistant and steely. All over the muscles become healthier and stronger, and the nerves become stronger. All motor brain centers are physiologically strengthened and revive their youthful, divinely healthy structure.

All muscles become healthier and stronger, and nerves become stronger. The neuro-cerebral apparatus of the muscles is physiologically strengthened, it is born titanically resistant, gigantically strong, steel. With my volitional efforts, I can turn on muscle fibers immediately, simultaneously, and due to this my strength increases many times over. All muscles develop, increase in volume, revive their youthful, 18-year-old structure, which has enormous physical strength, and due to this my physical strength increases many times over.

All muscles begin to develop, increase in volume, revive their 18-year-old structure, which has enormous physical strength. The entire neuromuscular system becomes more resilient, more and more resilient. With the brightness of lightning, I feel able to make precise, fluid movements. I have a titanically resistant neuromuscular system. The neuro-cerebral apparatus of the muscles is gigantically strong, titanically resistant, strong, steel. In all the muscles of the newborn there are healthy, strong, strong, nerves of steel.

Young brain rhythms

My nervous system is now just as young, 18 years old. All the young, 18-year-old brain rhythms are now present, now existing. All brain rhythms now have the same huge, young amplitude, such a young, high frequency.

The functioning of the nervous system is exactly the same now - 18 years old, young, energetic, fast. All brain rhythms are now exactly the same as young, 18-year-olds. Now there is the same huge amplitude of all brain rhythms. The nervous system is the same now, 18 years old, gigantically strong and energetic. The nervous system is now of the same high, youthful purity. The nervous system now works just as quickly and energetically. With the brightness of lightning, I feel like a young, energetic, fast beauty, full of health and strength.

To relieve tension

I completely calmed down. The entire nervous system was filled with a very pleasant, healthy calm. My heart felt so light and good like it had never been before.

The whole soul calmed down. I am absolutely calm through and through, serenely calm. Holy Divine steel flows into all nerves. With the brightness of lightning I feel like a young beauty with nerves of steel. The whole soul calmed down. My soul is so light, it’s good. A cheerful light shines brightly in my eyes. The face is divinely calm. All the wrinkles on the face and neck smoothed out and disappeared. I am absolutely calm through and through, serenely calm.

A new, new, healthy, cheerful newborn life is pouring into my head. A new, new healthy newborn life is pouring into my whole body, into all my internal organs. A new, new healthy newborn life is pouring into the brain-spinal cord, into all my nerves, into all my nerves. Great, huge energy of ever faster, more joyful development is pouring into my entire nervous system. With every second, the nervous system is born more and more strong, more and more healthy, more and more robust.

A healthy steel strength is pouring into all my nerves, a healthy steel strength is pouring into all my nerves. Get healthy and get stronger, get healthier and get stronger. I am born a man of steel nerves. I am born a man of steel nerves. A steel strength, a steel strength pours into all the nerves. From the crown to the tips of the fingers of both hands, both legs, the nerves become healthier and stronger.

A new, new healthy newborn life is pouring into my head, into my entire cardiovascular system. A huge, colossal energy of an ever-faster, ever-faster flow is pouring into my entire cardiovascular system. happy development.

The energy of ever-faster, ever-faster, more cheerful development flows into the heart, into the heart. Enormous, colossal energy of ever faster, ever more cheerful development flows into the heart. With every second, a faster, more rapidly developing heart is born. With every second the heart is born stronger and more powerful. With every second, a stronger, more powerful heart is born. A new healthy newborn life fills the heart all the way through, all the way through. A healthy, healthy, ideally healthy strong heart is born. A new healthy, increasingly rapidly developing newborn life fills the heart all through, all through.

All heart mechanisms are born serviceable, perfectly serviceable, absolutely serviceable. A healthy, regular rhythmic pulse is born - 72 beats per minute. An energetic and strong blood pressure is born - 120/80. A rhythmic-rhythmic healthy heart is born. A rhythmic, rhythmic healthy heart is born. The heart vividly and firmly remembers the most pleasant, most pleasant pace of life - 72 pulse beats per minute. The heart clearly and firmly remembers a healthy, regular rhythmic pulse - 72 beats per minute. All time intervals between pulse beats are the same, all pulse beats are of the same, normal strength of a healthy heart.

And the blood, in a cheerful, joyful, rapid flow, carries the heart in abundance with excellent, nutritious nutrition. Everything that the heart needs for faster and faster development, everything the blood brings to it in abundance. In complete contentment, in complete contentment, the heart develops faster and faster. Every second a stronger, more powerful healthy heart is born.

A new healthy newborn life completely fills the cardiovascular system. A new healthy newborn life is poured into the heart and into all blood vessels. In all cardiovascular system get healthier and get stronger, get healthier and get stronger.

Strong, healthy nerves of steel are born in the area of ​​the heart. A steel fortress is poured into the nerves of the heart, a steel fortress gives birth to an indestructibly strong, indestructibly strong healthy heart. An indestructibly strong healthy heart is born.

/ Life-giving power G.N. Sytin

Chapter 2. Healing Attitudes

The spirit of the mood is life-giving.
Attitudes are the essence of spirit and life.
Moods are stronger than omnipotent fate.
Moods are stronger than all the elements of nature!

G.N. Sytin

2.1. On the stability of the nervous system (first option)

When I develop my abilities, this development continues faster and more energetically, continuously day and night, and will continue for many decades, up to a hundred years and more, throughout the entire future time of my life that I can imagine. Now I will strengthen the nervous system. I will increase the stability of the entire nervous system. This process of strengthening the nervous system, increasing the stability of the nervous system will continue continuously, day and night. With every second, the brain-spinal cord will accumulate more and more youthful energy, will increase its energy resources with every second, and with every moment the stability of the entire nervous system will increase. This process will continue constantly and continuously. By this evening the nervous system will become even more stable than it was this morning, and tomorrow morning the nervous system will become even more stable than it will be this evening. And this will continue constantly and continuously. The brain-spinal cord will increase its energy resources and the stability of the nervous system will increase continuously day and night for many decades to a hundred years and more, throughout the entire future time that I can imagine.

Now the entire body will mobilize all its strength, all its practically limitless reserves to increase the stability of the nervous system. Now all the nerve cells head- spinal cord They are increasing their energy resources faster and faster. With every second, with every moment, the stability of the nervous system increases, my nerves become healthier and stronger. The brain-spinal cord more and more steadily and correctly controls the life of the entire body.

I try to imagine as clearly as possible what it's about we're talking about. The brain-spinal cord controls the life of my body more and more steadily and correctly. Each nerve cell in the brain and spinal cord increases its energy reserves. All nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord continuously increase their energy reserves and increase their energy resources. It increases with every second, with every moment, the stability of the nervous system increases faster and faster, everyone gets healthier faster - my nerves get stronger. I am becoming an increasingly resilient person in life.

As I get healthier, my nerves get stronger. All the nerves and muscles throughout the body become more and more firmly calm. And during physical stress, all the nerves and muscles in the whole body are stable, healthy, firmly calm.

I try to imagine as clearly as possible what we are talking about. The safety margin of calmness of all nerves and muscles throughout the body is continuously increasing. With every second, with every moment, the safety margin of calm of all nerves and muscles throughout the body increases. Even with prolonged physical stress, all nerves and muscles are firmly calm. I am absolutely calm through and through, like the mirror surface of a lake.

I try to understand as deeply as possible what is being said. I can hold a stretched rubber band for a long time and at the same time remain absolutely calm, like the mirror surface of a lake, and all the nerves and muscles in my whole body are firmly calm. And all the nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord continue to increase their energy reserves faster and faster. All nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord accumulate youthful energy faster and faster. Each nerve cell of the brain and spinal cord accumulates youthful energy. The entire brain-spinal cord accumulates youthful energy faster and faster and increases energy reserves.

All blood vessels inside the brain-spinal cord are always, constantly, completely open along their entire length. Inside the brain-spinal cord there is always free, absolutely free blood circulation. And my ever-rejuvenating-young-healthy blood constantly-eternally cleanses the brain-spinal cord and carries it in abundance good nutrition all nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord. Blood rejuvenates, constantly rejuvenates the brain-spinal cord and increases the energy resources of all nerve cells of the brain-spinal cord. The brain-spinal cord more and more powerfully and energetically correctly controls the life of the whole body. The brain-spinal cord is increasingly and more energetically preventing any harmful influences from the external environment or any disturbances from entering the body. The whole body lives easily and freely under the eternal protection of the brain.

The energy reserves of the brain and spinal cord are constantly increasing. The brain controls the life of the body more and more powerfully and energetically. I try to understand as deeply as possible what is being said. My ever-rejuvenating young-energetic-healthy blood flows in an eternal-fast-free flow through all the blood vessels inside the brain-spinal cord and constantly-eternally cleanses the brain-spinal cord and carries in abundance complete nutrition to every nerve cell of the brain-spinal cord. Eternally rejuvenating blood continuously rejuvenates the brain-spinal cord, restores the pristine youthful freshness of the brain-spinal cord and fills it with more and more youthful energy.

The energy resources of the brain and spinal cord are constantly increasing. The brain-spinal cord works more and more steadily. Every day my cheerful, cheerful mood and my excellent health become more and more stable. Every day my cheerful mood becomes more and more stable. Through all the difficulties, through any troubles, I unshakably maintain a cheerful, cheerful mood and excellent health. In life I am becoming a more and more stable person, and all the opposing forces of life are absolutely powerless against me.

Through any intense mental and physical work, I maintain a strong calm and all the nerves and muscles in the whole body are firmly calm. I try to imagine as clearly as possible what we are talking about. Through prolonged strenuous physical work, I unshakably maintain a strong calm. Through prolonged physical stress, I remain unshakably calm. With prolonged physical stress, all the nerves and muscles throughout the body are stable and healthy, firmly calm. Young young nerves are healthy, firmly calm. All the nerves throughout the body are firmly calm. In life I am unshakably calm, in life I am always unshakably calm. My spiritual strength is getting stronger, my nerves are getting healthier. My nerves are strong and steel, my heart is healthy and heroic. I have enormous physical endurance. I can perform very strenuous physical work for hours on end and still maintain an unshakable calm. During prolonged hard physical work throughout the body, all the nerves and muscles are firmly calm, and I myself am absolutely calm through and through, like the mirror surface of a lake.

I will now try to completely suppress absolutely all my doubts that now with every second, with every moment the stability of the nervous system is increasing, and I am becoming an increasingly stable person in life. All nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord accumulate energy faster and faster and increase their energy reserves. The brain-spinal cord increases its energy reserves faster and faster. With every moment the stability of the nervous system increases, the nerves become healthier and stronger. All nerves and muscles throughout the body become more and more firmly calm. And when holding the stretched rubber, all nerves and muscles are firmly calm. When holding the stretched rubber, I myself am absolutely calm through and through, like the mirror surface of a lake. And under prolonged extreme physical stress, I maintain lasting calm. I try to understand as deeply as possible what is being said. With extremely large, prolonged physical stress, all nerves and muscles are firmly calm. Under prolonged extreme physical stress, I am firmly calm, absolutely calm, like the mirror surface of a lake. My spiritual strength is strengthening, my nerves are becoming healthier, all my nerves and muscles are becoming more and more firmly calm. With prolonged, extremely large physical stress, all the nerves and muscles in the whole body are firmly calm; with extremely large, prolonged physical stress, I am firmly calm, absolutely calm, like the mirror surface of a lake. Young, youthful nerves are consistently healthy and firmly calm. Throughout the body, young-youthful nerves and muscles are stable, healthy, firmly calm. Throughout the body, young-youthful nerves and muscles are stable, healthy, firmly calm. The healthiest, the most strong nerves in the head area, the healthiest, strongest nerves in the head area, the healthiest, strongest nerves in the head area. Healthy, calm eyes. Young, beautiful, healthy, calm eyes. Young eyes are strong-willed and intelligent. Young eyes are smart, strong-willed, strong-willed, smart young eyes. The eyes are radiant and shiny. Healthy, calm eyes. Young eyes are healthy and calm. All nerves in the head area are stable and healthy, firmly calm. The young nerves in the head area are stable and healthy, firmly calm. The healthiest, strongest nerves are in the head area.

All nerve cells of the brain-spinal cord continue to increase their energy resources. All my nerves continue to get healthier and stronger. The stability of my nervous system continues to increase. Each nerve cell of the brain and spinal cord continues to accumulate more and more youthful energy and increase its energy reserves. And if necessary, the nervous system can work with enormous power and completely overcome everything. harmful influences external environment and continue to properly manage the life of the whole body. If necessary, I will be able to perform intense mental work for days on end without signs of fatigue.

All nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord continuously, every second, every moment, continue to accumulate energy and increase energy reserves. Continuously, day and night, the stability of the nervous system increases, the nerves become healthier and become stronger. Even under the greatest, even the greatest physical stress, I unshakably maintain strong calm. With prolonged, extremely high physical stress, all the nerves and muscles in the whole body are firmly calm, and I myself am absolutely calm through and through, like the mirror surface of a lake.

My spiritual strength is getting stronger, my nerves are getting healthier. The stability of the nervous system is constantly increasing. I am becoming an increasingly stable person in life. There are no forces in the whole world that could shake my boundless self-confidence.

My self-confidence becomes stronger than any material in the whole world. There is no force that can shake my self-confidence. My self-confidence is the strongest in the whole world. Nerves are strong and steel. A young, young, healthy, heroic heart easily, jokingly, with brave prowess copes with the work and with great strength drives blood throughout the body, filling me with more and more young energy. Energy is in full swing, I always want to do something, work. The gait is light and fast, I walk as if I were flying on wings, without feeling the weight of my body. I feel more and more clearly how I am filled with more and more energy and strength. Every day I become a healthier, more resilient person and continue to get healthier and stronger. My spiritual strength is getting stronger, my nerves are getting healthier. Nerves are strong like steel, a heart is strong and heroic.

I have strong will and strong character. All nerves and muscles are consistently healthy and firmly calm. In the area of ​​the heart, all the nerves are stably healthy and firmly calm. There is a pleasant lightness and calmness in the heart area. In the area of ​​the heart, the young nerves are healthy and firmly calm. In the region of the heart, the young, youthful nerves are stable and healthy, firmly calm. A young, healthy, heroic heart with valiant prowess copes with the work. A young, tireless, healthy, heroic heart.

All blood vessels inside the heart itself are fully open along their entire length. Inside the heart there is free, absolutely free, absolutely free blood circulation. The heart is always light. There is a pleasant lightness and calmness in the heart area. All nerves in the heart area are consistently healthy and firmly calm. A young, heroic, healthy heart, strong nerves of steel. Throughout the body, all the nerves and muscles are consistently healthy and firmly calm. During prolonged, extremely intense physical labor, when holding tight rubber for a long time, I am absolutely calm, and all the nerves and muscles in the whole body are firmly calm. Nerves are strong - steel, young - strong muscles. Every day I become physically stronger, more resilient person. Every day my mental and physical performance. During the work itself, all nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord continue to increase their energy resources. During the most intense mental and physical work all nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord continue to increase their energy reserves. And that’s why I have almost unlimited productivity. I can work for days on end without feeling tired. During the work itself, the entire body continues to restore its strength, as usual in people during a good night's sleep.

I try to understand as deeply as possible what is being said. During work, my body continues to restore its strength, as people usually do during a good night's sleep. And that’s why my productivity is practically limitless. I can work for days on end without knowing fatigue, without feeling tired. All nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord continue to increase their energy reserves during operation. And through the working day, the stability of the nervous system continues to increase. By the end of the working day, the nervous system becomes more and more stable. And all the nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord accumulate energy even more and increase their energy reserves. And therefore, at the end of the working day, I feel as fresh, not tired, as when I woke up in the morning, as if I had been resting and gaining strength all day.

I accidentally discovered a book on a shelf.

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When I develop my abilities, this development continues faster and more energetically, continuously day and night, and will continue for many decades, up to a hundred years and more, throughout the entire future time of my life that I can imagine. Now I will strengthen the nervous system. I will increase the stability of the entire nervous system. This process of strengthening the nervous system, increasing the stability of the nervous system will continue continuously, day and night. With every second, the brain-spinal cord will accumulate more and more youthful energy, will increase its energy resources with every second, and with every moment the stability of the entire nervous system will increase. This process will continue constantly and continuously. By this evening the nervous system will become even more stable than it was this morning, and tomorrow morning the nervous system will become even more stable than it will be this evening. And this will continue constantly and continuously. The brain-spinal cord will increase its energy resources and the stability of the nervous system will increase continuously day and night for many decades to a hundred years and more, throughout the entire future time that I can imagine.

Now the entire body will mobilize all its strength, all its practically limitless reserves to increase the stability of the nervous system. Now all the nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord are increasing their energy resources faster and faster. With every second, with every moment, the stability of the nervous system increases, my nerves become healthier and stronger. The brain-spinal cord more and more steadily and correctly controls the life of the entire body.

I try to imagine as clearly as possible what we are talking about. The brain-spinal cord controls the life of my body more and more steadily and correctly. Each nerve cell in the brain and spinal cord increases its energy reserves. All nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord continuously increase their energy reserves and increase their energy resources. It increases with every second, with every moment, the stability of the nervous system increases faster and faster, everyone gets healthier faster - my nerves get stronger. I am becoming an increasingly resilient person in life.

As I get healthier, my nerves get stronger. All the nerves and muscles throughout the body become more and more firmly calm. And during physical stress, all the nerves and muscles in the whole body are stable, healthy, firmly calm.

I try to imagine as clearly as possible what we are talking about. The safety margin of calmness of all nerves and muscles throughout the body is continuously increasing. With every second, with every moment, the safety margin of calm of all nerves and muscles throughout the body increases. Even with prolonged physical stress, all nerves and muscles are firmly calm. I am absolutely calm through and through, like the mirror surface of a lake.

I try to understand as deeply as possible what is being said. I can hold a stretched rubber band for a long time and at the same time remain absolutely calm, like the mirror surface of a lake, and all the nerves and muscles in my whole body are firmly calm. And all the nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord continue to increase their energy reserves faster and faster. All nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord accumulate youthful energy faster and faster. Every nerve cell head-dorsal the brain accumulates youthful energy. The entire brain-spinal cord accumulates youthful energy faster and faster and increases energy reserves.

All blood vessels inside the brain-spinal cord are always, constantly, completely open along their entire length. Inside the brain-spinal cord there is always free, absolutely free blood circulation. And my forever-young-young-healthy blood constantly, forever cleanses the brain-spinal cord and brings an abundance of good nutrition to all the nerve cells of the brain-spinal cord. Blood rejuvenates, constantly rejuvenates the brain-spinal cord and increases the energy resources of all nerve cells of the brain-spinal cord. The brain-spinal cord more and more powerfully and energetically correctly controls the life of the whole body. The brain-spinal cord is increasingly and more energetically preventing any harmful influences from the external environment or any disturbances from entering the body. The whole body lives easily and freely under the eternal protection of the brain.

The energy reserves of the brain and spinal cord are constantly increasing. The brain controls the life of the body more and more powerfully and energetically. I try to understand as deeply as possible what is being said. My ever-rejuvenating young-energetic-healthy blood flows in an eternal-fast-free flow through all the blood vessels inside the brain-spinal cord and constantly-eternally cleanses the brain-spinal cord and carries in abundance complete nutrition to every nerve cell of the brain-spinal cord. Eternally rejuvenating blood continuously rejuvenates the brain-spinal cord, restores the pristine youthful freshness of the brain-spinal cord and fills it with more and more youthful energy.

The energy resources of the brain and spinal cord are constantly increasing. The brain-spinal cord works more and more steadily. Every day my cheerful, cheerful mood and my excellent health become more and more stable. Every day my cheerful mood becomes more and more stable. Through all the difficulties, through any troubles, I unshakably maintain a cheerful, cheerful mood and excellent health. In life I am becoming a more and more stable person, and all the opposing forces of life are absolutely powerless against me.

Through any intense mental and physical work, I maintain a strong calm and all the nerves and muscles in the whole body are firmly calm. I try to imagine as clearly as possible what we are talking about. Through prolonged strenuous physical work, I unshakably maintain a strong calm. Through prolonged physical stress, I remain unshakably calm. With prolonged physical stress, all the nerves and muscles throughout the body are stable and healthy, firmly calm. Young young nerves are healthy, firmly calm. All the nerves throughout the body are firmly calm. In life I am unshakably calm, in life I am always unshakably calm. My spiritual strength is getting stronger, my nerves are getting healthier. My nerves are strong and steel, my heart is healthy and heroic. I have enormous physical endurance. I can perform very strenuous physical work for hours on end and still maintain an unshakable calm. During prolonged hard physical work throughout the body, all the nerves and muscles are firmly calm, and I myself am absolutely calm through and through, like the mirror surface of a lake.

I will now try to completely suppress absolutely all my doubts that now with every second, with every moment the stability of the nervous system is increasing, and I am becoming an increasingly stable person in life. All nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord accumulate energy faster and faster and increase their energy reserves. The brain-spinal cord increases its energy reserves faster and faster. With every moment the stability of the nervous system increases, the nerves become healthier and stronger. All nerves and muscles throughout the body become more and more firmly calm. And when holding the stretched rubber, all nerves and muscles are firmly calm. When holding the stretched rubber, I myself am absolutely calm through and through, like the mirror surface of a lake. And under prolonged extreme physical stress, I maintain lasting calm. I try to understand as deeply as possible what is being said. With extremely large, prolonged physical stress, all nerves and muscles are firmly calm. Under prolonged extreme physical stress, I am firmly calm, absolutely calm, like the mirror surface of a lake. My spiritual strength is strengthening, my nerves are becoming healthier, all my nerves and muscles are becoming more and more firmly calm. With prolonged, extremely large physical stress, all the nerves and muscles in the whole body are firmly calm; with extremely large, prolonged physical stress, I am firmly calm, absolutely calm, like the mirror surface of a lake. Young, youthful nerves are consistently healthy and firmly calm. Throughout the body, young-youthful nerves and muscles are stable, healthy, firmly calm. Throughout the body, young-youthful nerves and muscles are stable, healthy, firmly calm. The healthiest, strongest nerves in the head area, the healthiest, strongest nerves in the head area, the healthiest, strongest nerves in the head area. Healthy, calm eyes. Young, beautiful, healthy, calm eyes. Young eyes are strong-willed and intelligent. Young eyes are smart, strong-willed, strong-willed, smart young eyes. The eyes are radiant and shiny. Healthy, calm eyes. Young eyes are healthy and calm. All nerves in the head area are stable and healthy, firmly calm. The young nerves in the head area are stable and healthy, firmly calm. The healthiest, strongest nerves are in the head area.

All nerve cells of the brain-spinal cord continue to increase their energy resources. All my nerves continue to get healthier and stronger. The stability of my nervous system continues to increase. Each nerve cell of the brain and spinal cord continues to accumulate more and more youthful energy and increase its energy reserves. And if necessary, the nervous system can work with enormous power and completely overcome all the harmful influences of the external environment and continue to correctly manage the life of the entire body. If necessary, I will be able to perform intense mental work for days on end without signs of fatigue.

All nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord continuously, every second, every moment, continue to accumulate energy and increase energy reserves. Continuously, day and night, the stability of the nervous system increases, the nerves become healthier and become stronger. Even under the greatest, even the greatest physical stress, I unshakably maintain strong calm. With prolonged, extremely high physical stress, all the nerves and muscles in the whole body are firmly calm, and I myself am absolutely calm through and through, like the mirror surface of a lake.

My spiritual strength is getting stronger, my nerves are getting healthier. The stability of the nervous system is constantly increasing. I am becoming an increasingly stable person in life. There are no forces in the whole world that could shake my boundless self-confidence.

My self-confidence becomes stronger than any material in the whole world. There is no force that can shake my self-confidence. My self-confidence is the strongest in the whole world. Nerves are strong and steel. A young, young, healthy, heroic heart easily, jokingly, with brave prowess copes with the work and with great strength drives blood throughout the body, filling me with more and more young energy. Energy is in full swing, I always want to do something, work. The gait is light and fast, I walk as if I were flying on wings, without feeling the weight of my body. I feel more and more clearly how I am filled with more and more energy and strength. Every day I become a healthier, more resilient person and continue to get healthier and stronger. My spiritual strength is getting stronger, my nerves are getting healthier. Nerves are strong like steel, a heart is strong and heroic.

I have a strong will and strong character. All nerves and muscles are consistently healthy and firmly calm. In the area of ​​the heart, all the nerves are stably healthy and firmly calm. There is a pleasant lightness and calmness in the heart area. In the area of ​​the heart, the young nerves are healthy and firmly calm. In the region of the heart, the young, youthful nerves are stable and healthy, firmly calm. A young, healthy, heroic heart with valiant prowess copes with the work. A young, tireless, healthy, heroic heart.

All blood vessels inside the heart itself are fully open along their entire length. Inside the heart there is free, absolutely free, absolutely free blood circulation. The heart is always light. There is a pleasant lightness and calmness in the heart area. All nerves in the heart area are consistently healthy and firmly calm. A young, heroic, healthy heart, strong nerves of steel. Throughout the body, all the nerves and muscles are consistently healthy and firmly calm. During prolonged, extremely intense physical labor, when holding tight rubber for a long time, I am absolutely calm, and all the nerves and muscles in the whole body are firmly calm. Nerves are strong - like steel, young - strong muscles. Every day I become physically stronger, more resilient person. Every day my mental and physical performance increases. During the work itself, all nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord continue to increase their energy resources. During the most intense mental and physical work, all nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord continue to increase their energy reserves. And that’s why I have almost unlimited productivity. I can work for days on end without feeling tired. During the work itself, the entire body continues to restore its strength, as usual in people during a good night's sleep.

I try to understand as deeply as possible what is being said. During work, my body continues to restore its strength, as people usually do during a good night's sleep. And that’s why my productivity is practically limitless. I can work for days on end without knowing fatigue, without feeling tired. All nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord continue to increase their energy reserves during operation. And through the working day, the stability of the nervous system continues to increase. By the end of the working day, the nervous system becomes more and more stable. And all the nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord accumulate energy even more and increase their energy reserves. And therefore, at the end of the working day, I feel as fresh, not tired, as when I woke up in the morning, as if I had been resting and gaining strength all day.