
Sergienko's correspondence. “Hacking” of Olga Buzova, Ksenia Sobchak and other high-profile hacker attacks on stars

Everything secret sooner or later becomes clear, especially in the era of “cloud” services.

So, recently the personal correspondence of Ksenia Sobchak became available to the Internet public - the journalist’s phone was hacked, and the most piquant details of both her personal life and the behind-the-scenes intrigues of the TV presenter and her sworn friends were freely available. Ksenia’s conversations on sensitive topics regarding famous representatives from her inner circle - the so-called glamorous crowd - caused a particular resonance. Yana Raskovalova, Ksenia Sobchak, Ulyana Sergeenko and Polina Kitsenko It was not difficult to guess Sobchak’s interlocutors in a personal chat; they turned out to be mainly Ulyana Sergeenko, Oksana Lavrentieva, Elena Perminova, Veronika Belotserkovskaya and several other comrades on the secular front. If we summarize the contents of the correspondence, it talks about who is more influential, who is friends with whom against whom, who is invited to status events and how, and, of course, about the victories of star gossips on the personal front (by the way, we're talking about about novels and secret connections of the highest flight). The names of her own ex-boyfriends also appeared during the TV presenter’s communication with her friends: in particular, Shusterovich, Savits, Kapkov, whom Ksenia allegedly still remembers. Ulyana Sergeenko and Ksenia Sobchak Despite the fact that screenshots of correspondence online are instantly cleared, on some sites there is an active discussion of Ksenia’s correspondence in the comments. In particular, one is surprised by Sobchak’s surprisingly obsequious attitude towards her friend Ulyana Sergeenko, who is extremely painful about the success of both competitors in the professional industry (Anastasia Romantsova, Alena Akhmadullina) and secular girls who are successful with men (Victoria Bonya). For every mention of enemies, Ulyana gave Ksenia severe reprimands; Sobchak calls Ulyana nothing more than “darling,” every now and then he makes excuses, tries to appeal to his friend’s prudence, strokes her pride, saying that these people are not on her level, but Sergeenko rather unceremoniously reprimands her friend. The correspondence includes information about Sergeenko’s marriage with the oligarch Khachaturov, which she calls a deception, comments about “girlfriends” (Polina Kitsenko got it for not wearing Sergeenko’s dress to go out, Miroslava Duma, Oksana Lavrentieva and others - for local conflicts ). Ulyana Sergeenko and Ksenia Sobchak It is assumed that the leak of information was organized on someone’s order, and, of course, all traces of the scandalous correspondence were deleted as soon as possible, and its participants chose not to publicly react to what happened. The only one who decided to speak out on this matter was one of the heroines of the discussion, Sobchak, Victoria Bonya (Ksenia discussed her quite a lot, accusing her of wearing handicrafts). Bonya commented on the incident with a post on Instagram: “Now it’s clear who “didn’t let” me into shows and other events. Hold on! Good luck to you in this difficult task! They opened Ksenia Anatolyevna’s phone, and I managed to read all their correspondence about me... That’s what happened! But I FORGIVE! Let them be ashamed and embarrassed for their actions.” However, she soon deleted the publication, allegedly at Sobchak’s request. Victoria Bonya and Ksenia Sobchak The property of the Internet community has become not only the feuds between representatives of Russian glamor, but also the touching love messages of Ksenia Sobchak's husband Maxim Vitorgan, some of which have been preserved on the Internet.

Our next process dedicated to another very famous personality.

It just so happens that my previous and current clients are colleagues. They are united not only by their active citizenship, but also by their place of work. Today the defendant will be a well-known specialist in international relations, Ksenia Anatolyevna Sobchak.

All of us, friends of the accused, know her as an irreconcilable fighter for goodness and justice, a democratic journalist and a fashionable presenter. My client’s credo: intelligence, beauty and hard work.

Consider the serenade over! The balalaikas, harps and gilded harps fell silent. I have a stack weighing three to four gigabytes. I will not sell it, I will give it away for free in the name of great justice.

Ksenia Anatolyevna Sobchak was born... but, however, let’s leave it out, because at that blue time little Ksyusha was not yet a socialite and TV presenter. We will also skip the rosy adolescence, although even then Ksenia, as we remember, lived with a young man and did not sit on her parents’ necks. Since then, the defendant has tried many different professions. In the interests of the investigation, let us first focus on what Ksenia herself calls her main and favorite - liberal journalism.

Many people accuse Ksyusha of not being the conscience of the elite, but quite the opposite: a professional opposition mediocrity, a cantankerous slacker and a grabber who, with her poisonous and scathing publications, denigrates the bright image of the Party. These claims are stupid and groundless, and I will prove it to you like twice as many.

Let’s ignore the fact that citizen Sobchak writes in an extremely illiterate manner for a professional and intellectual. Don't go down to the smallest detail! What matters is WHAT she writes.

True, during the investigation it turned out that Ksenia herself did not write anything. For her biting articles and spirited pen, we have to thank several people at once: this is the chief editor of “Snob” Alexey Aleksenko (bow, cornet!) and his colleague from the L’Officiel Russia magazine Eduard Dorozhkin. And Ksenia’s assistant, Irina Mateikovich, is completely irreplaceable in the difficult life of Professor Sobchak’s daughter. About these interesting facts They will tell us two folders: this and this.

Fans of talent, stop screaming, leave the hall! I propose to withdraw this charge as unfounded.

In the end, Ksenia herself did not write a single work - why judge her? This would be akin to accusing the sign of selling bad trousers underneath. Ksenia is not an oppositionist and, characteristically, not a journalist at all - she is just a brand on which her friends hang opposition tchotchkes.

In order for transcripts of conversations at social events and in ice cream parlors to be signed with her name, the client takes 350 thousand Russian rubles in the magazine “Snob”, and on the conscientious two-kopeck channel “Dozhd” Ksenia works for nothing - from 2.5 to 10 thousand North American dollars, depending on the number of transfers. Everything is fair, according to conscience.

Let's take a look at the defendant's income from her democratic activities.


02/05/15 – VTB received $10,000 (500,000 rubles at the rate of 50 rubles/$). - JANUARY

03/10/15 – VTB received $10,000 (500,000 rubles at the rate of 50 rubles/$). - FEBRUARY

04/15/15 – VTB received $5,000 (250,000 rubles at the rate of 50 rubles/$). - MARCH

05/26/15 – $4,000 received (200,000 rubles at the rate of 50 rubles/$). – APRIL partially

01/07/15 – $2,500 received (125,000 rubles at the rate of 50 rubles/$). – APRIL partially

07/08/15 – $2,500 received (125,000 rubles at the rate of 50 rubles/$). – APRIL partially

07/14/15 – $1,000 received (50,000 rubles at the rate of 50 rubles/$). – APRIL final

07/22/15 – $4,000 received (200,000 rubles at the rate of 50 rubles/$). – MAY

04/08/15 – $6,000 received (300,000 rubles at the rate of 50 rubles/$). – MAY

08/17/15 – $4,000 received (200,000 rubles at the rate of 50 rubles/$). - JUNE

08/25/15 – $6,000 received (300,000 rubles at the rate of 50 rubles/$). - JUNE

08/31/15 – $2,500 received (125,000 rubles at the rate of 50 rubles/$). – AUGUST

02/17/15 – 350,000 rubles received. clean + 45,000 rub. compensation for tickets to Sochi (RUB 420,671.93) Salary for JANUARY

10/03/15 – 350,000 rubles received. net (RUB 372,340.00) salary for FEBRUARY

04/14/15 – 350,000 rubles received. net (RUB 372,340.00) salary for MARCH

05/19/15 – 350,000 rubles received. net (RUB 372,340.00) salary for APRIL

06/11/15 – 350,000 rubles received. net (RUB 372,340.00) salary for MAY

10/07/15 – 350,000 rubles received. net (RUB 372,340.00) salary for JUNE

04/09/15 – 350,000 rubles received. net (RUB 372,340.00) salary for JULY

10/09/15 – 350,000 rubles received. net (RUB 372,340.00) salary for AUGUST"

I am enclosing letters from the clerk of the accused, Fräulein Frolova, to the file.

Was Ksenia able to save up for anything given the current high prices? Gentlemen of the jury, I did.

How much money does citizen Sobchak have hidden in her stocking?

She stores them not in the Savings Bank, but in the Russian banks VTB and Alfa, and sends a little to Monaco for a rainy day. In total, the banner of the revolution has accumulated more than 400 thousand in rubles, about 700 thousand in euros and about two million dollars. Not much, given the current Fed rate.

"In VTB on deposit:

Rubles - 144,278 rubles.

Dollars - $10,000 - non-reducible balance.

Euro - no.

Rubles - 198756


Alpha deposit:

Dollars - 87075

Transferred to Monaco:

Dollars - 1 million 742 thousand 335 dollars

But you shouldn’t think that the defendant accumulated these pennies only by talking to interesting interlocutors. Money is given to her through sweat and blood. She is in a slave position to her concert director, the famous basmach Tabriz Shahidi, who suppresses with a whip any of Ksenia’s attempts at freedom, forcing her to perform practically for grub. To avoid misunderstandings, we present the quotation in full.

1) I and only I always sell you and all information should come to me. Let me explain (one example). Very often people organize a tender, many tender participants once worked with you and they give the price WITHOUT double-checking with me the old, or “friendly” price (which, by the way, sometimes breaks the market). And when push comes to shove, they end up in trouble. It’s not the agency that suffers. Our reputation suffers: mine as a director, and yours as an artist. Or vice versa: an agency once took you through third parties at a higher price, in a tender they set a high price and you don’t pass. Moreover, do you remember my correspondence with the agency, when someone offered you for 50 and didn’t even want to hear anything. There may be hundreds of them and you need to re-build relationships with them. And that's just my job. Because those who call you or Natalya now go to me and I’m sure there won’t be any problems.

2) Charity and for friends. You need to understand one simple thing: if you work for a certain category of friends at a lower rate or for free, I should know about this as soon as you agree and from that very moment continue to negotiate with them (administration). People must understand that it is impossible to push the artist on issues of the rider and script, as well as any other issues. I protect the artist’s time by concentrating on providing only the information THE ARTIST NEEDS. I can discuss everything else with a client, friend, etc. - myself.

3) About the principles of my work. I have repeatedly encountered the fact that after talking to me, the client called Natalya back and said some nonsense about me, that I was giving a price that was 10,000 euros more expensive. So: with ANY client, event agency, I ALWAYS have correspondence (and even last time I showed Natalya the scan and she inserted it to that asshole). I ALWAYS keep all correspondence. My phone contains correspondence with any potential client or agency for the last 6 years (as soon as I started using iPhones). Where there is all the information from fees and agency fees to advance payment and thanks for excellent work. Sometimes I even clarify who was hired instead of my artist to understand: because of the price or for another reason. Here's another example: one agency calls me and asks for Vernik. I declare 15 euros and roll back 10%. A day later another person calls and says they can pay 10 dollars. I'm tense, I say, let's at least 12/1000 agent. Then some friend of Wernick calls Wernick personally and says that the client only has $5,000. Wernick is shocked and gives me this information. In 10 minutes I find a client via the Internet and the CLIENT tells me that HE APPROVED the first amount announced by me!

4) TRADE. I and only I can lower the cost by agreeing and approving the amount with you (exceptions are your friends, such as July 17, the day after tomorrow).

That is, if they really want it, they persuade it, but there is less money than the rate of 25, I give a discount. AND ONLY IF THIS IS A DIRECT CLIENT WHO ONLY WANTS TO SEE YOU AS THE LEAD. But if they have on the list: URGANT, YARMOLNIK, VOLIA, REVVA, SOBCHAK, etc., then I will not omit the amount, because everyone listed is more expensive than you!

There is NO point in lowering your fee if on the list of contenders next to you are Tutta Larsen, Vika Lopyreva, Vernik and other presenters who are obviously cheaper than you and will choose the one who is cheaper. But even in these cases, I always communicate flexibly.

5) PRICES. Example: they called from the agency and asked about the cost for December 25, in St. Petersburg. Obviously, the cost of departure, New Year, the most expensive Friday of 2015 - the cost will be 35,000 euros for departure (starting). The agency receives the information and sends it to the client. The client who ordered you on the recommendation of another client for whom you worked on July 17 said that your cost was 20,000 euros. The first client is confused. No one explained to him that it was Moscow, the cost for his own people, that on December 25 the price for leaving was different. Here's the parsley. SUMMARY: never listen to people who, taking the price from somewhere, decided that I was outrageously overcharging.

6) MARKET: you must understand that 95% of weddings and anniversaries take place with a TOTAL budget equal to AURORA’s fee. But 400 star presenters of our stage want to fit into 5%. Therefore, we will tear it up, the market!! ;)

I agree with everything, but I think the price should be lowered to be in the niche of Lera, Lopyreva and Aurora, but a little more expensive. I consider 25 on the road and 20 in Moscow to be a normal price. Otherwise, there are no corporate events. Lera and Aurora cost the same 20 and then we will remove it with our proposal."

Everyone offends Ksenia, it’s easy to offend Ksenia. Don't offend Ksenia!

As soon as I’m done, I’ll attach to the case materials the client’s correspondence from WhatsApp, which those curious can read for themselves. Recommended reading: dialogues with Germanika, Anya Shuster and Ulechka.

What do we have in the bottom line? Ksenia is a well-meaning girl who earns her daily bread through advertising, corporate events and her connections. Is she an intellectual, a journalist, the conscience of the nation or, God forbid, who in essence is not, a revolutionary? No, citizens! The defendant is not and cannot be any of the above. Rather, our liberal thinker works as a kind of Christmas tree. She is a textbook example of a Russian intellectual in the worst sense. To denounce the regime, being close to the imperial family, to teach, without knowing how to do anything, to work as a market barker at a vanity fair. Apparently, this is the great homespun truth.

But does citizen Sobchak deserve our condemnation?

I think, gentlemen of the jury, the answer is obvious. The defendant has a mother, she has a dacha; The client has a husband, and, as we remember, he has lice in his comments.

She is doing her little gamble, but which of us is holy? I only hope for your leniency, that her husband knows about her savings and that she pays income taxes.

Well, or the fact that when the great friend of A. Navalny’s children has another criminal record, Ksenia will not skimp on alms to the former future president.

See you again in our Themis tavern. Orevoir.

P.S. For those who read to the end, I have prepared a small gift. This is the evidence folder. The gentlemen of the jury are waiting for: Ksenia Sobchak and her august nipple, naked Maxim Vitorgan, who is her client’s husband, his letters with dried roses, some photographs from the personal archive of the professor’s daughter, as well as several funny videos from the holidays socialite. Bon apetit. See you again!

former MP

client's husband

Hackers leaked Ksenia S.’s correspondence online. I saw this leak. I waited.

What if, despite the recognition of those involved in the correspondence and the writing style that is quite suitable for Ksenia, all these “scribbles” are fake?

Doubts were dispelled when information began to disappear from the resources where screenshots of the correspondence were posted, as well as links to download it.

Someone was very diligently cleaning the tails. Someone really didn’t want the contents of the correspondence to become public knowledge. Someone whose name is most likely Ksyusha.

What is it about this correspondence that makes it necessary to delete it?

And there is dirt, gossip, throwing slop at those with whom Ksenia kisses on the gums at events.

A certain Polina (I assume, by the name of Kitsenko) Ksenia and her friend are called in their correspondence “a cut-off horse”, “a rude, ugly, butch boor with huge demands and claims.”


“This little Armenian girl with huge complexes really wanted to be loved too,” the supposed Ksenia writes to the supposed Ulyana about the one who, I think, was the latter’s husband.


But most of all in the correspondence I was touched by the reverent attitude of the one whom I think is called Ksyusha towards the one whom I think is called Alexander Shusterovich.

Shusterovich and Sobchak met many years ago. He, unlike Maxim Vitorgan, is not an entertainer. Shusterovich, albeit a miniature one, is an oligarch whom Ksenia probably really wanted to marry, but couldn’t: she didn’t marry him.


“You are my master for these days,” the participant in the correspondence calls out to the one who, I think, bears the name Shusterovich, licking his ego in every possible way and offering herself.

The same participant in the correspondence, discussing men with a friend, declares: “But your “Kapkov” is rich. For the sake of 500 a month, I could also endure it for a while.”

And it’s okay that Ksenia S. is a little married, right?

In general, the Russian elite of the 21st century is in all its glory: dirt, abomination, duplicity, corruption, prostitution.

I’ll probably never get tired of repeating: the red-bellied ones hung our entire world on poles back in 1917.

What we are seeing now is a non-squeamish riffraff, ready for anything, who founded a secular society straight from VIP saunas.

Photo: youtube

You can find the screenshots of the correspondence yourself if you are interested. They cleaned it diligently, but they didn’t clean it everywhere.

In May last year, singer Katy Perry became a victim of hacking. Suddenly, insults began to pour in on her Twitter account towards herself and her relatives. At all unexpected turn was a message for Taylor Swift, with whom Katy has a long-standing feud. “Miss you baby,” Perry allegedly wrote. Of course, fans couldn't believe it and recognized the hack. Fortunately, the singer was able to regain control of her account and delete all the tweets posted by the hackers.

Sony Pictures vs. Angelina Jolie

What could be worse for a star: the theft of personal photos by hackers or the betrayal of colleagues and partners? Angelina Jolie has been in both situations. So, in June 2014, the British website Daily Mail published a video made in 1999. The dealer brought Angie another dose and at the same time filmed the actress talking on the phone with her father. Jolie, who was using heroin at the time, did not look her best. Although Jolie never denied her drug past, she felt that bringing this old tape to light was a cynical invasion of her privacy.


That same year, the actress suffered another blow: hackers published emails film producers with harsh criticism of Angelina Jolie. Due to the irresponsibility of Sony Pictures studio managers, who are accustomed to storing passwords for important accounts in unprotected text documents, the correspondence of producers, directors, managers and other Hollywood bigwigs has become available. In the correspondence, among other things, Angelina’s creativity and personality were discussed. Thus, producer Scott Rudin, without mincing words at all, called the famous actress untalented and spoiled. The messages refer to the film “Cleopatra,” which has been talked about for a long time, but production has still not started - and now it’s clear why. “I have absolutely no interest in doing a $180 million project to please Jolie, because such a film would destroy our careers. “I’m not going to suffer because of a minimally gifted and spoiled child,” says Rudin. “I will not work with her or with those whom she chooses.” She’s just a star, nothing more, and because of such a project, you shouldn’t become everyone’s laughing stock.”

Hack Blac Chyna's Instagram

Things are rarely calm in the Kardashian family: robbery, nervous breakdowns, gender reassignment... In December, another incident occurred: hackers hacked the Instagram of model Blac Chyna and made part of her personal correspondence publicly available. It turned out that China does not like Rob Kardashian, the younger brother of Kim Kardashian, with whom she gave birth to a daughter a couple of months ago. Chyna calls him "lazy" and "fat." While talking with a friend, Black directly called the relationship with Rob a PR and a way to get the Kardashian surname!

In addition, the burglars discovered that Blac Chyna also corresponded with other men.

Rob himself confirmed that what happened was true. All this shocked him: “I loved everything about this woman. I gave everything to her. I didn't know that I was just part of the plan. I believed that she loved me as much as I loved her.”

Hacking Ksenia Sobchak's WhatsApp

In 2016, correspondence from Ksenia Sobchak’s WhatsApp was leaked onto the Internet. Ksenia mainly talked with her friends Ulyana Sergeenko, Nika Belotserkovskaya, and her ex-fiancé Alexander Shusterovich. One of the objects of discussion was Victoria Bonya. In correspondence, socialite friends accused Bonya of wearing counterfeits. It must be said that Victoria reacted quite calmly to this event and wrote on Instagram that she does not hold a grudge and forgives her offenders. However, Victoria later deleted the post. According to her subscribers, this was caused by fear of bullying from Ksenia.

Hacking Olga Buzova's phone

At the end of 2016, hackers gained access to Olga Buzova’s phone. In addition to quite ordinary correspondence, the attackers found and posted materials of a very personal nature on the Internet. Among other things, explicit photos and videos that Olga allegedly sent to Dmitry Nagiyev appeared on the Internet. However, the actor denied that the scandalous recordings reached him. Olga’s correspondence with her mother was also made public. In a conversation with her daughter, the woman calls for cleanliness and order: “We must understand that you and I are rubbish and very messy. But for the sake of your loved one, you can become better - it’s little things like making the bed, putting away the trash, rinsing the sink after yourself.”

The TV presenter herself responded to the hack with humor and joked about the leak on the air of the show “Dancing,” where she is a judge.

Theft of the century: leaking intimate photos of hundreds of Hollywood stars

August 31, 2014 - this day will be special in the history of the Internet. Candid photos of actresses, singers, and TV presenters appeared on the Internet, including: Jennifer Lawrence, Kaley Cuoco, Kate Upton, Ariana Grande, Kirsten Dunst, Lea Michele, Selena Gomez and about a hundred other celebrities. The main blow fell on The Hunger Games star Jennifer Lawrence. The hackers had at their disposal not only a huge archive of her very explicit photos, but also a series of videos made by Jen at home.

Earlier this year, the hacker - 29-year-old Edward Majerczyk from Chicago - was found and sentenced to 9 months in prison. It turned out that iCloud accounts were hacked through account confirmation: Maerchik sent letters asking to confirm logins and passwords for iCloud and Gmail accounts. The link in this letter led to a phishing site, thanks to which he gained access to the personal information of celebrities who provided personal information.

It's not just about the stars

It seems that hackers only target the rich and famous, but this is not true. Today, anyone can become a victim of hacking or blackmail. But sticking to just a few simple rules from the provider, you can avoid the fate of the stars:

1. Forget about passwords qwerty, 321 or 12345678. Create complex passwords for your accounts from 8 characters and above, which contain both numbers and letters.

2. Don’t store passwords in your browser in full form and don’t be lazy to enter them again each time.

3. Use the two-factor authentication function (account password plus a code sent to your phone). This will help you maintain access to your accounts even if the attackers managed to “hack” you.

4. Practice digital hygiene. Be careful about your actions on the Internet, the sites you visit, and do not click on unfamiliar links. Hacking involves not only the use of clever viruses, but also social engineering. Just thanks to the data specified in your profile and your posts on VKontakte or Facebook, an attacker can find out enough personal information about you and, by comparing the facts, plan a crime.

Everything secret sooner or later becomes clear, especially in the era of cloud services. So, recently the personal correspondence of Ksenia Sobchak became available to the Internet public - the journalist’s phone was hacked, and the most piquant details of both her personal life and the behind-the-scenes intrigues of the TV presenter and her sworn friends were freely available. Ksenia’s conversations on sensitive topics regarding famous representatives from her inner circle - the so-called glamorous crowd - caused a particular resonance.

It was not difficult to guess Sobchak’s interlocutors in a personal chat; they turned out to be mainly Ulyana Sergeenko, Oksana Lavrentieva, Elena Perminova, Veronika Belotserkovskaya and several other comrades on the secular front. If we summarize the contents of the correspondence, it talks about who is more influential, who is friends with whom against whom, who is invited to status events and how, and, of course, about the victories of star gossips on the personal front (by the way, we are talking about novels and secret connections of the highest order). The names of her own ex-boyfriends also appeared during the TV presenter’s communication with her friends: in particular, Shusterovich, Savits, Kapkov, whom Ksenia allegedly still remembers.

Despite the fact that screenshots of online correspondence are instantly cleared, on some sites there is an active discussion of Ksenia’s correspondence in the comments. In particular, one is surprised by Sobchak’s surprisingly obsequious attitude towards her friend Ulyana Sergeenko, who is extremely painful about the success of both competitors in the professional industry (Anastasia Romantsova, Alena Akhmadullina) and secular girls who are successful with men (Victoria Bonya). For every mention of enemies, Ulyana gave Ksenia severe reprimands; Sobchak calls Ulyana nothing more than “darling,” every now and then he makes excuses, tries to appeal to his friend’s prudence, strokes her pride, saying that these people are not on her level, but Sergeenko rather unceremoniously reprimands her friend. The correspondence includes information about Sergeenko’s marriage with the oligarch Khachaturov, which she calls a deception, comments about “girlfriends” (Polina Kitsenko got it for not wearing Sergeenko’s dress to go out, Miroslava Duma, Oksana Lavrentieva and others - for local conflicts ).

It is assumed that the leak of information was organized by someone's order, and, of course, all traces of the scandalous correspondence were deleted as soon as possible, and its participants chose not to publicly react to what happened. The only one who decided to speak out on this matter was one of the heroines of the discussion, Sobchak, Victoria Bonya (Ksenia discussed her quite a lot, accusing her of wearing handicrafts). Bonya commented on the incident with a post on Instagram: “Now it’s clear who “didn’t let” me into shows and other events. Hold on! Good luck to you in this difficult task! They opened Ksenia Anatolyevna’s phone, and I managed to read all their correspondence about me... That’s what happened! But I FORGIVE! Let them be ashamed and embarrassed for their actions.” However, she soon deleted the publication, allegedly at Sobchak’s request.

Victoria Bonya and Ksenia Sobchak