
After drinking - nosebleeds, blood pressure, or what? Why does a nose bleed? Why does a hangover cause nosebleeds?


In this article, we look at the problem of nosebleeds after drinking strong drinks: why it occurs, how to deal with it, and when you can drink alcohol again.

The most common cause of nosebleeds is mechanical damage, for example during a fight. Also, nosebleeds can occur due to high blood pressure and diseases of the circulatory system. Alcohol has a strong effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and pathology appears in the form of expansion of the heart muscle. This problem is accompanied by high blood pressure.

Alcohol also tends to thin the blood, which can lead to nosebleeds.

Typically, such a reaction of the body manifests itself during a hangover, but with regular consumption of strong drinks it can also occur during drinking. The more often a person drinks alcohol, the greater the load on the cardiovascular system and increased blood pressure with unpleasant consequences.

Causes of nosebleeds

In addition to intoxicating drinks, bleeding can be affected by:

  1. Chronic lack of sleep and fatigue.
  2. Not getting enough sleep.
  3. Regular stress.
  4. The appearance of migraine.
  5. Low platelet counts in the blood.
  6. Poor blood clotting.

How to help with bleeding?

Many people mistakenly believe that the first step is to throw your head back and lie down. You can't do this. Blood begins to flow into the throat, which can lead to its entry into the respiratory tract or gastrointestinal tract. Foreign fluid in the respiratory tract can cause suffocation, and blood in the stomach can cause vomiting. After drinking alcohol, you can eliminate bleeding in the following way:

  1. First of all, you need to tilt your head forward. If possible, sit on a hard surface.
  2. You need to press a cold object to your nose; a handkerchief soaked in cool water is perfect. This will help narrow the blood vessels. You need to apply a cold object intermittently - hold it for three minutes, remove it from your nose for three minutes.
  3. To stop bleeding, you can use cotton wool or a cotton pad soaked in hydrogen peroxide. It must be inserted shallowly into the nostril.
  4. To quickly stop, you will need to use vasoconstrictor drops. In the absence of such a remedy, you can replace them with fresh lemon juice. The liquid should be instilled into the nasal passage using a pharmaceutical pipette.
  5. Firmly squeezing the bridge of the nose with your fingers also helps.

Rules for nosebleeds

These methods are suitable for eliminating mild bleeding; if the bleeding continues for more than fifteen minutes and you cannot stop it, you must resort to nasal tamponade. It is performed by doctors; it is difficult to cope with the procedure at home. For tamponade, long tourniquets are placed into the nose and, if necessary, soaked in an antibiotic solution. This treatment can last from one to five days depending on the body's reaction.

When can you drink alcohol after bleeding has stopped?

Drinking alcohol after bleeding has stopped is not recommended. Repeated drinking of alcohol can lead to bleeding, which cannot be eliminated on your own and you will have to seek qualified help from a clinic.

If you want to drink, you will have to wait at least two days after the previous drinking. During this time, the body will have time to recover, and a new portion of strong drinks will not lead to a recurrence of the problem. Doctors even advise abstaining from alcohol for a week for a complete reboot.

Although it is quite unpleasant, most nosebleeds are not dangerous. Nosebleeds occur more often than a person himself notices - sometimes they stop very quickly, not even a drop of blood has time to flow out. The tiny blood vessels in the nose are close to the surface, making them vulnerable. Rupture of these blood vessels can occur due to irritants or injury. Nosebleeds usually do not require medical attention.

Nosebleeds can be caused by a wide range of causes.

High blood pressure

Frequent nosebleeds may be associated with high blood pressure. The American Heart Association suggests getting your blood pressure checked if you have frequent nosebleeds without an obvious cause. Abnormally high blood pressure requires medical attention.

Dry air

Many sources indicate that dry air causes irritation of the nasal mucosa. Dry areas appear inside the nose - on the mucous membrane. This causes discomfort, a person begins to clear his nose, friction disrupts the integrity of the mucous membrane, causing bleeding. Nose bleeds often occur in winter because the indoor air is very dry.

Use of medications

Some medications, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and some others, thin the blood and may increase the risk of nosebleeds. If you are taking any medications, read the instructions. It is possible that nosebleeds are a side effect.


Smoking, like dry air, can dry out the nasal membranes, causing nosebleeds. Experts say second-hand smoke can also cause bleeding.

Alcohol consumption

Excessive alcohol consumption can cause nosebleeds. Alcohol dilates blood vessels, and the rate of blood clotting can also change - the number of platelets decreases. Moderate consumption of alcohol does not usually have such harmful effects on the body.


Allergies, colds, whooping cough and sinusitis, and sinus infections are common causes of nosebleeds. More serious conditions such as leukemia, hemophilia, rheumatism, arterial sclerosis, and nasal tumors can also cause bleeding. If the causes of the phenomenon are unclear and nosebleeds occur frequently, a visit to the doctor is recommended to rule out serious illnesses.


As we all know, an injury or blow to the nose often causes bleeding. This type of bleeding is usually not dangerous. It is recommended to consult a doctor if your nose becomes abnormally shaped or if bleeding does not stop within ten minutes.

Structural abnormalities

The cartilage that separates the two sides of the nose, the nasal septum, can become crooked. This can happen as a result of minor trauma at a young age. As the child grows, a deviated septum can worsen health conditions, sometimes leading to difficulty breathing and nosebleeds. Check the condition of the nasal septum.

Vitamin K deficiency

Vitamin K helps blood clots form, which stops bleeding. The human body produces vitamin K, but not in the amount required. You need to get this vitamin from food. Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, and lettuce are good sources of vitamin K. Children who do not eat green vegetables are likely to have a vitamin K deficiency, which can lead to frequent nosebleeds.

Among other things, alcohol also has a negative effect on the cardiovascular system. Those who drink heavily over a long period of time may even experience changes in their heart. Based on these changes, doctors can estimate the amount and duration of alcohol consumption. Typically, these pathologies manifest themselves in the form of excessive expansion of the heart muscle and its growth with fat. This phenomenon is known as a “beer” or “bull” heart - when its size becomes larger than normal. But usually, even before such problems arise as a result of drinking alcohol, a person begins to suffer from high blood pressure. At the initial stage, this can only happen during a hangover, but over time on an ongoing basis.

Why might blood pressure increase after drinking alcohol?

Although a small amount of alcohol consumption has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and lowers blood pressure, if we slightly exceed this minimum, we immediately get the opposite effect. There are a number of different reasons why this happens:

  1. As a result of the toxic effects of ethanol on various parts of the nervous system that regulate vascular tone.
  2. Alcohol, which lingers in the body and enters the blood, leads to the destruction of red blood cells and clumps them into lumps, which thickens the blood. As a result, the body has to increase the pressure in the bloodstream.
  3. Drinking alcohol leads to a decrease in the amount of water in the body (dehydration). At the same time, the amount of water in the blood decreases, which also makes it thicker and provokes an increase in blood pressure.
  4. Alcohol leads to disruption of the adrenal glands and an increase in the level of adrenaline, which they are responsible for producing. This is especially evident in the first days after heavy alcohol consumption. Adrenaline leads to increased blood pressure.
  5. Those who drink for a long time often suffer from kidney health problems. And this paired organ is known to take a very active part in regulating arterial blood pressure.

Some of these factors can cause an increase in blood pressure in the short term, which is more pronounced during a hangover. And others lead to the development of hypertension as a permanent disease.

Hangovers or high blood pressure?

High blood pressure is not always observed after drinking alcohol, especially in a still healthy person. You can often confuse the symptoms of high blood pressure with the symptoms of a regular hangover. To do this, below is a table with a list of the main common symptoms of both phenomena.

Statistics tell us that approximately 60% of all people have had a nosebleed at least once in their lives. Since the mucous membrane in the nasal passages is very generously supplied with blood vessels, blood sometimes appears even from careless blowing of the nose. Moreover, there can be quite a lot of it, it looks very threatening and often causes panic. But there is no need to be afraid in such a situation; you need to try to stop the bleeding and find out its cause. To do this, you will need to consult a doctor, and we will tell you what to do in such situations and why they may arise.

Why do nosebleeds happen?

There are many reasons for nosebleeds, and not all of them are harmless:

  • Severe fatigue, stress and lack of fresh air for a long time.
  • Atrophic processes in the nose. They may be associated with frequent illness or harmful environmental influences, such as polluted dry air. Gradually, the nasal mucosa becomes thinner and becomes covered with hard crusts. If they are damaged, bleeding begins.
  • Severe increase in blood pressure. In such a situation, bleeding allows you to slightly reduce it and improve the patient’s condition.
  • Swelling of the mucous membrane and the vessels located in it during ARVI.
  • Overflow of blood into the inner lining of the nasal cavities with rhinitis and sinusitis.
  • Neoplasms in the nasal passages: for example, angiomas or specific granulomas.
  • Severe infectious diseases - for example, tuberculosis.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system: for example, vascular abnormalities, heart defects, atherosclerosis or hypertension.
  • Coagulopathies (blood clotting disorders), hypovitaminosis and hemorrhagic diathesis.
  • Overheating of the body, heatstroke or sunstroke.
  • A sharp drop in pressure outside - for example, when ascending in an airplane.
  • Hormonal imbalances that occur during puberty or pregnancy.

How to provide first aid for capillary bleeding:

What to do if you have a nosebleed? (Video)

Many of us, when nosebleeds appear, begin to fuss and do rash things. You just need to learn the correct algorithm of actions and do this:

  • Sit down and tilt your head forward.
  • Ensure the flow of fresh air, namely: open the window, loosen your tie, unbutton your clothes.
  • Apply cold, such as an ice pack, to your nose for about 3-5 minutes.
  • If the bleeding has not stopped during this time, then you need to press the nostril tightly against the internal septum for 5 minutes. Thus, the blood vessels are compressed and blood stops flowing.
  • If this does not help, you can take a cotton or gauze turunda, moisten it with any vasoconstrictor nasal drops - for example, Naphthyzin or Sanorin - and insert it into the nose.
  • If bleeding appears after an injury, and its consequences are noticeable on the face, it is better to apply ice and seek medical help as soon as possible.
  • For bleeding caused by a runny nose, you can insert a gauze turunda lubricated with Vaseline into the nasal cavity.
  • If problems appear after heatstroke, then it is necessary to use a cold compress on the nose area, and move the victim to a cool place.

What should you not do?

How to properly rinse your nose with sea salt solution:

Sometimes incorrectly provided assistance does more harm than failure to provide it. This is especially true in situations with nosebleeds. There is a whole list of actions that you should never do:

  • Lie down and raise your legs. This increases blood flow to the head and makes bleeding more intense, but does not stop it.
  • Throw your head back. This movement is partly a natural reflex - a person tries to stop the outflow of fluid. But you need to understand that this does not stop the bleeding, only its direction changes. Now everything will flow into the throat or windpipe, which can lead to vomiting and even pneumonia.
  • Blow your nose. You can clean your nasal passages in this way only 12 hours after the bleeding has stopped, so as not to provoke its resumption.
  • Drink strong coffee or tea. They can cause a rise in pressure, which threatens repeated bleeding.

When should you see a doctor?

In the vast majority of cases, nosebleeds pose virtually no danger to a person, so visits to a doctor in such a situation are extremely rare. But you shouldn’t neglect them, so as not to miss truly dangerous symptoms.

According to legend, it was nosebleeds that caused the death of the leader of the Huns, Attila. It is believed that alcohol abuse led to the appearance of profuse hemorrhage from the vessels of the nose. The Byzantine historian Priscus of Pania claims that Attila died the night after his own wedding, choking on blood, because, being dead drunk, he could not get up and stop her.

Sometimes it is not possible to cope with bleeding without the help of doctors

There are situations when seeking medical help should be immediate:

  • If, after an injury to the nose, deformation and swelling of its contours are noticeable;
  • If a foreign body has entered the nasal sinuses (removing it yourself is strictly prohibited);
  • If there is a suspicion that the cause of bleeding is a drop in blood pressure;
  • If the cause of the problem could be prolonged and uncontrolled use of medications that reduce blood clotting;
  • If the bleeding could not be stopped within 30 minutes, provided that the correct algorithm of actions was used;
  • If nosebleeds appear regularly and are also accompanied by diseases of the cardiovascular or hematopoietic system.

In addition, consulting a doctor will not be superfluous if bleeding occurs in a child, a pregnant woman, or an elderly person.

What can doctors do?

During a hypertensive crisis, blood from the nose is a kind of protective mechanism that allows you to reduce blood pressure and avoid serious consequences. Unfortunately, this fuse does not work for everyone.

Treatment for bleeding can vary greatly depending on the cause.

To achieve these goals, different ways can be used:

  • Tamponade of the nasal cavity involves the introduction of a gauze turunda treated with Vaseline or a drug that improves blood clotting. It is carried out in two ways: with anterior tamponade, the turunda is inserted from the side of the nostril, and with posterior tamponade, from the nasopharynx.
  • If all else fails, they resort to surgery. It consists of ligating the arteries that deliver blood to the nose, and some other manipulations. Most often it is performed after injuries.

After the bleeding has stopped, the doctor may prescribe additional examinations to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

The causes of nosebleeds in men are often associated with mechanical injuries (sometimes they are a direct consequence of teenage fights), as well as blood pressure and alcohol intoxication. This distinguishes them from women's and children's nosebleeds, which are regularly caused by pregnancy and various diseases. Nevertheless, one should not immediately exclude variants of diseases and the influence of external factors: it is necessary to monitor the characteristics of bleeding in order to draw conclusions.

Causes and types of nosebleeds

When determining why an adult man bleeds from the nose, it is important to take into account the characteristics of the bleeding:

  • duration;
  • abundance;
  • regularity;
  • the time of day at which they usually begin.

Also keep in mind:

  • features of a man’s lifestyle;
  • features of his teenage habits;
  • the presence of hereditary diseases.

All characteristic causes of nosebleeds are divided into 2 types:

  1. Dependent on external influences.
  2. Dependent on internal pathological changes.
External reasons Internal reasons




physical stress

emotional stress

being in a too dry room

being in the cold

excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages

taking certain medications

blood pressure

intracranial pressure

consequences of previous injuries

inflammatory processes caused by bacterial and viral diseases

proliferation of nasal polyps and papillomas caused by viral diseases

atherosclerotic changes

adrenal diseases

the development of cancer, also characterized by the appearance of small ulcers and changes in the shape of the nose


diseases that cause decreased blood clotting

problems with the amount of vitamin C

Some reasons from these lists are more characteristic of men, so you should pay attention to them first:

  1. Injuries and consequences of injuries resulting from youthful fights.
  2. A sharp increase in blood pressure.
  3. Emotional stress.
  4. Alcohol consumption, which, with relatively equal volumes drunk, more often causes nosebleeds in men.

In addition, only men suffer from hemophilia, so when the causes of their nosebleeds are analyzed, it does not rank low.

Types of bleeding are characterized as follows:

Nosebleeds are also divided into two types:

  1. Local – arising from local damage to the nose.
  2. General – occurring without the presence of such damage.

Locally, nosebleeds refer to:

Necessary indicators for contacting a doctor are posterior bleeding, which, as a rule, is massive or profuse. General bleeding is more often dangerous than local bleeding, unless the nasal injury is accompanied by a larger head injury.

If there is such an injury, or the patient suffers from kidney and liver diseases, you should immediately consult a doctor.

First aid for nosebleeds

When your nose starts to bleed, you need to know what you can and cannot do to combat the bleeding.

You can help with nosebleeds in the following ways:

  1. Provide the patient with the opportunity to breathe deeply and calm him down. This will bring your pulse and blood pressure back to normal.
  2. He should sit with his head slightly tilted forward. For dripping blood, place something underneath so as not to stain your clothes and room.
  3. Common methods of stopping bleeding include using tampons and pressing on the bridge of the nose. Often the blood stops flowing on its own.
  4. Nasal drops with a vasoconstrictor effect and ice compresses will also help.

When the bleeding stops, a salt imbalance may be observed in the body. The patient can cope with it by drinking a glass of water in which a teaspoon of salt was previously diluted.

If you have a nosebleed, you should absolutely not:

  • blowing your nose, this injures blood vessels and increases bleeding;
  • throwing your head back, this may cause vomiting;
  • tilting your head forward too much, this can cause the formation of a blood clot;
  • position the head horizontally; if the patient is unconscious or on the verge of losing consciousness, it should be turned to the side.

If these rules are followed, bleeding in most cases can be stopped quickly and without consequences.

Prevention and treatment methods

The best methods for preventing nosebleeds are:

  • adding foods containing vitamin C to the diet or taking it in vitamin complexes;
  • rinsing the nose (soda, sea water, chamomile are great for this);
  • maintaining normal indoor humidity.

Children should be supervised to ensure they do not put anything up their nose or stay in the heat or cold for too long. If bleeding problems occur, you should contact an otolaryngologist.

After determining the causes of nosebleeds, the appropriate type of therapy will be prescribed:

  1. Freezing with liquid nitrogen.
  2. Laser cauterization.
  3. Ultrasound treatment.
  4. Use of medicinal solutions.

If the bleeding was a sign of another, more serious illness, it will stop when the underlying illness is treated.

In most cases, blood comes from the nose due to mechanical damage to the integrity of blood vessels in the mucous membranes. This occurs due to injuries, diseases of the circulatory system or increased blood pressure. Children often suffer from the problem, so any good mother should know how to stop nosebleeds as soon as possible and provide the baby with the necessary help. And for adults, such knowledge will not be superfluous.

Why does my nose bleed?

In addition to those already listed, the following reasons for this pathology can be noted:

  • low levels of platelets and blood clotting;
  • cold dry air in a living or working area;
  • long stay outside in winter;
  • ascorbic acid deficiency;
  • sun, heatstroke;
  • overwork and lack of sleep;
  • constant stress;
  • severe headaches, migraines.

There are also completely harmless factors that provoke the problem under consideration. For example, nosebleeds when blowing your nose appears due to an artificial increase in local pressure, especially with prolonged unsuccessful attempts to clear the sinuses. The pressure of biological fluid increases, which stretches the walls of blood vessels and, after overload, they simply burst.

For the same reason, nosebleeds are observed. after alcohol . Alcoholic drinks tend to increase not only arterial, but also local pressure in the mucous membranes. Moreover, ethyl alcohol significantly thins the blood immediately after consumption.

First aid methods

Reflexively throwing the head back or adopting a horizontal position are unacceptable measures. After such actions, blood from the vessels will begin to flow into the pharynx and may enter the respiratory tract and stomach. Subsequently, the person will either choke or vomit.

Correct methods to stop nosebleeds:

  1. Tilt your head forward, pressing your chin to your chest. It is advisable to sit down.
  2. Apply something cold to your nose (a wet handkerchief, a piece of ice, or a product from the freezer in a napkin). This will quickly constrict the blood vessels.
  3. Pinch the bridge of your nose with your thumb and index finger.
  4. Soak a thin cotton swab in hydrogen peroxide (3%) and insert shallowly into the nasal passage.
  5. Apply existing vasoconstrictor drops or a little freshly squeezed pure lemon juice.
  6. At the level of approximately the middle of the thumbnail of either hand, tighten the rope or elastic band tightly (su-jok method).

After the problem has been eliminated, it is not advisable to blow your nose or drink strong coffee or tea. It is also recommended to refrain from physical activity for a couple of days.

It is important to remember that if this situation occurs frequently and bleeding lasts longer than 15 minutes, the cause of the pathology may be serious illnesses and you must contact the clinic.

Why do you experience nosebleeds during pregnancy and how to avoid it?

Expectant mothers very often suffer from the described illness due to the fact that bearing a child changes hormonal levels and the balance between estrogen and progesterone.

A side effect of this restructuring of the body is an increase in the filling of blood vessels in the mucous membranes of the nasal sinuses. In addition, in the last stages of pregnancy, the load on the cardiovascular system increases, which means that blood flow becomes more intense. The thin walls of the vessels simply cannot withstand the pressure and periodically burst at the slightest damage.

But do not forget about possible serious causes of bleeding:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • deviated septum in the nose;
  • infectious diseases accompanied by high fever;
  • insufficient amounts of vitamins and calcium.

Therefore, even if such a problem rarely occurs, you should play it safe and get examined. This will help avoid consequences for both the expectant mother and the child.

How to stop a nosebleed in a pregnant woman and prevent it from happening again:

  1. Tilt your head towards your chest and briefly place a small piece of ice in a clean cloth on the bridge of your nose.
  2. Place a piece of cotton wool soaked in a weak (3%) solution of hydrogen peroxide to the nostril.
  3. Ventilate rooms more often.
  4. Use a humidifier.
  5. Avoid irritants to the mucous membrane (tobacco smoke, strong-smelling hygiene products, detergents, chemical compounds).
  6. Moisten the nasal passages with Vaseline or nasal sprays based on sea water (Aquamaris, Salin).
  7. Increase the amount of liquid you drink per day, to at least one and a half liters.
  8. Take vitamin and mineral complexes.

By following these simple rules, you can prevent nosebleeds for a long time and prevent their occurrence.

In cases where nosebleeds occur quite often, you should immediately undergo a medical examination to identify the true cause or disease.

Such symptoms can signal a disease of various internal organs - liver, kidneys, and blood. In addition, nosebleeds can be caused by cardiovascular diseases, rheumatism and various infectious diseases.


The volume of blood leaking from the nose can range from several milliliters to half a liter.

  1. Blood loss of a few milliliters is considered insignificant. Such bleeding is not dangerous to health and does not lead to any consequences. The only negative point may be fear, hysteria or fainting in young children.
  2. Blood loss is assessed as moderate if its volume does not exceed 200 ml. Such blood loss causes slight weakness, dizziness, rapid pulse and flickering of spots before the eyes. Visible mucous membranes and skin may become pale.
  3. We are talking about massive blood loss in cases where up to 300 ml of blood flows out in total or simultaneously. It is accompanied by more severe symptoms compared to mild ones: weakness, tinnitus, dizziness, headache, thirst, shortness of breath.
  4. Profuse bleeding is characterized by a large volume - 500 ml and above. Massive blood loss leads to hemorrhagic shock, expressed in a sharp drop in blood pressure, lethargy, various disturbances of consciousness up to its loss, and insufficient blood circulation in the internal organs.

Also, nosebleeds can be divided into local and general. Local are those that cause bleeding when the nose is damaged locally, and general are those that cause bleeding in general.

Why does an adult have nosebleeds: reasons

Drops or streams of blood appearing from the nasal passages are a consequence of vascular damage. This happens as a result of either mechanical impact (trauma to the nose) or internal processes in the body.

Let's take a closer look at the main reasons why an adult may have a nosebleed, and what to do in this case:

  1. Trauma - most often, various blows to the face area lead to injury to the nose, which may be accompanied by a fracture of its septum with the development of severe bleeding. In childhood, injuries to the nasal mucosa are caused by the habit of picking the nose with a finger or other objects (pencil, pen).
  2. Impact of external conditions. Long exposure to the sun, overwork, physical activity are factors that can cause spontaneous nosebleeds. This is an isolated phenomenon, it is not a reason to go to the doctor, the bleeding quickly stops, and the incident is forgotten.
  3. Sunstroke and overheating are one of the main factors for nosebleeds, especially in the summer. Due to high temperatures, the nasal cavity becomes dry and the vessels become fragile. They burst easily and cause nosebleeds. To protect yourself from heatstroke, you need to wear a Panama hat or a hat and stay in a shady place as much as possible.
  4. Drying of the mucous membranes can also cause nosebleeds, as the capillaries become fragile. Drying of the nasal mucosa can be the result of prolonged exposure to dry air or frost.

The second group of nosebleeds is usually caused by much more serious reasons, including systemic disorders. In this case, nosebleeds are not a separate pathological condition, but a manifestation of symptoms of diseases of any organs and physiological systems, most often the respiratory and circulatory systems. This group includes diseases such as:

  1. Hypertension. Increased blood pressure or intracranial pressure can also cause nosebleeds. But this is more of a blessing than a disaster, because it is better to lose a little blood and lower blood pressure than to have a stroke. By the way, most often pressure changes occur from 4 to 6 am. This fact explains why some people have nosebleeds in the morning.
  2. Inflammatory process of the nasal mucosa (rhinitis) or its sinuses (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis) - inflammation weakens the walls of blood vessels, making them more brittle. Acute respiratory viral infection, allergic rhinitis, bacteria (streptococci, staphylococci, E. coli) can lead to the development of the inflammatory process.
  3. Papillomas in the nose are growths on the mucous membrane. They are the result of a viral infection and are dangerous due to mutations into malignant formations. Polyps put pressure on blood vessels, make breathing difficult, and cause frequent bleeding in the morning.
  4. Vegetative-vascular dystonia - accompanied by weak, fragile vessels, often causes nosebleeds in an adult or child diagnosed with VSD. Additional symptoms are watery blood discharge, headache, tinnitus.
  5. Atherosclerosis - changes in blood vessels, loss of their elasticity, frequent damage with the occurrence of various bleedings (internal and external).
  6. Pheochromocytoma is a tumor of the adrenal glands that causes increased levels of stress hormones. Because of this, the pressure rises sharply and the nose bleeds constantly. Signs of this tumor are frequent nosebleeds and dry nose. If you have such symptoms, you should contact the clinic.
  7. Taking medications. Bleeding is usually caused by drugs that prevent blood clotting. These include heparin, aspirin and others. Blood from the nose can flow with prolonged and uncontrolled use of nasal sprays that dry out the mucous membrane.
  8. Oncological diseases. Epistaxis occurs with malignant and benign tumors in the nose. In addition to bleeding, there may be an ulcer on the nasal mucosa, swelling of the nose, and a change in its shape.
  9. Diseases involving bleeding disorders, such as hemophilia.
  10. Vitamin C deficiency. As you know, vitamin C strengthens the walls of blood vessels. If it is not enough, the vascular walls become loose and brittle. This fact may be the answer to the question why nosebleeds often occur.

In adults, the most common cause of nosebleeds is damage to the vessels of the anterior nasal septum (Kiesselbach's place), which is densely penetrated by a network of small arterioles and capillaries. Such bleeding, as a rule, does not pose a threat to human health. Blood from the nose flows out in drops or a thin stream and, with normal clotting, quickly stops on its own.

The situation is worse when the vessels of the upper and posterior sections of the nasal cavity are damaged. The arteries here are noticeably larger than in the anterior section, and therefore the bleeding is stronger, can cause significant harm to health and even lead to death due to very severe blood loss. In this case, the blood flows in a bright red, non-foamy stream, may appear from the mouth, and practically does not stop on its own.

What to do when your nose is bleeding?

There is no point in treating symptoms exclusively, since the underlying disease must be eliminated. The causes of frequent nosebleeds are determined by your doctor. It is necessary to visit a therapist or pediatrician and otolaryngologist. For diagnosis, you will need to take a general blood test and check blood clotting indicators.

Nosebleeds may not be so harmless. Many people do not pay enough attention to this. If blood from the nose bothers you in rare cases and then due to mechanical action, then there is no need to worry.

If the bleeding from the nose bothers you often, spurts out, or the bleeding is profuse and prolonged, all this is a signal to seek help from a specialist as soon as possible.

How to stop nosebleeds?

If blood flows from the nose as a result of mechanical damage and there is little blood, and apart from a slight headache, there are no signs of serious illness, you can deal with the problem yourself. The order of tasks is as follows: first we stop the bleeding, then with the help of analgesics you can reduce the intensity of pain.

Take a sitting position and tilt your head back slightly. Loosen your tie and unbutton your collar. Do not tilt your head forward - this will cause a rush of blood to the nose area and increased bleeding. It is also impossible to throw your head back - blood will enter the nasopharynx and lead to vomiting.

You can put a piece of ice or a towel soaked in cold water on the bridge of your nose - for a short time, about ten minutes. A napkin moistened with cold water can also be applied to the back of the neck. It is advisable to press the nostril from which the blood is coming from for 5-10 minutes until the bleeding stops. If the bleeding is intense or does not stop, use tampons. For this, cotton swabs soaked in hydrogen peroxide are suitable; they need to be inserted into the nose, but not too deep, and sit for 10-15 minutes.

If there is no tampon and hydrogen peroxide, then insert a bandage into the nostril from which the blood is coming, leaving at least 10 centimeters outside so that it can be freely removed from the nostril. This is done to prevent blood from coming out of the nose. Also, if you have vasoconstrictor medications for nasal instillation, then apply a few drops to a tampon and insert it into your nose. These drops will help close the damaged vessel, which caused the bleeding. Then place the person in a cool, quiet, dark room. It happens that these measures are already sufficient.

If the bleeding is profuse and cannot be stopped quickly enough at home, the headache is severe, speech, vision or consciousness in general are impaired - urgently call an ambulance.

Good to know:

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Causes of nasal bleeding in children and adults - first aid and treatment at home

There are different reasons why nosebleeds occur in an adult and in a child, with frequent or rare manifestations. Even a few drops make you worry. Heavy nosebleeds can cause panic in the most cold-blooded person. To provide first aid, you need to remain calm and find out what is causing your nosebleed.

What is nosebleed

In medicine, bleeding from the nasal cavity is called epistaxis. This phenomenon often occurs unexpectedly, being a symptom of many pathologies. Before analyzing the reasons why blood flows, you should study the types of this condition. This symptom of many diseases has a local manifestation, in which blood is released from local damage to the mucous membrane, and a general manifestation - arising as a result of systemic problems of the body. Pathologies that cause damage to the vessels of the mucous membrane can be dangerous to health, but sometimes bleeding is considered a harmless symptom.

Based on the volume of fluid lost, the following are distinguished:

  • Minor losses - blood flows out in drops. They do not cause any complications and are not hazardous to health. The negative aspect of the phenomenon is that a person may get scared.
  • Moderate – the volume of released blood is about 200 ml. A person may feel dizzy, weak, and the mucous membranes and visible areas of the skin may turn a little pale.
  • Massive losses - in this case, more than 300 ml of liquid is released. Associated symptoms of the disease: weakness, severe headache, loss of consciousness, shortness of breath.
  • Profuse - with them acute blood loss develops. In a serious condition, hemorrhagic shock, a strong drop in pressure, lethargy, fainting, and circulatory disorders are possible.

Causes in an adult

The main causes of nosebleeds are divided into mechanical damage to the mucous membranes and natural pathological processes affecting weak blood vessels. Mechanical circumstances for nosebleeds:

  • Serious injuries to the blood vessels of the mucous membrane - frequent injuries occur from blows to the face.
  • External factors - physical activity, overwork, prolonged exposure to the sun.
  • Sunstroke - due to overheating, the surface of the nasal sinuses and passages dries out, and the smallest vessels burst.
  • Dry air in the room - mechanical injuries to blood vessels often occur during heating in winter due to dry mucous membranes.

Pathological processes in the body manifested by this symptom:

  • hypertension;
  • sinusitis, runny nose, acute rhinitis and other inflammations of the mucous membrane;
  • cancerous tumors;
  • benign neoplasms;
  • atherosclerosis, in which blood vessels are damaged;
  • clotting disorder;
  • vitamin deficiency.

Frequent nosebleeds

If a person is worried about frequent sudden bleeding that does not stop for a long period, then he should consult a doctor for help. This pathological condition, due to the large volume of blood loss, can lead to the development of anemia. A complete examination of patients will determine the cause of this symptom: poor coagulation, high blood pressure, conditions in which the vessels of the anterior nasal cavity become thinner, or other circumstances.

Fever and nosebleeds

If heavy, prolonged bleeding develops, which is accompanied by a high temperature, you should quickly call a doctor. This condition can be life-threatening not only for a child, but also for an adult, because it signals health problems. An increase in body temperature occurs in many infectious diseases. If the necessary treatment is not prescribed on time, the patient may develop serious complications: pneumonia, meningitis.

In the morning

What can cause a nosebleed in the morning, immediately after waking up? The reasons for this phenomenon are the same as why it occurs during the day. More often, constant blood loss in the morning occurs in patients suffering from hypertension and diabetes. Both of these diseases lead to thinning and fragility of the capillary walls. If you have high blood pressure, the fluid may escape in a strong stream, so measures to stop it should be taken immediately.

The blood doesn't stop

Why does my nose bleed for a long time? In most cases, bleeding from the internal cavity occurs due to injury to the Kisselbach plexus, located on the wall of the nasopharynx. If a person has pathologies of the liver or hematopoietic system, then the loss can continue for a long time. It will be difficult to stop the bleeding on your own in this situation, so at the first signs of illness you need to call an ambulance.

At what pressure does a nose bleed?

Bleeding in the nasal cavity can occur at any pressure. Due to hypertension, the flow of fluid to the head occurs under pressure, and the walls of the vessels of the thin mucous membrane burst as a result of pathological effects. At low pressure, the capillaries gradually shrink, and the integument of the body turns pale. After some time, bleeding may also begin. Sudden changes in pressure are especially dangerous because they contribute to premature wear of blood vessels.

Nose bleeds for no reason

This frightening symptom always occurs unexpectedly. Why does my nose bleed if there is no apparent reason for it? In children and adults leading an active lifestyle, this symptom occurs more often than in quieter people. Experts note, contrary to the established opinion, that bleeding never occurs on its own. As a rule, a person has an undiagnosed disease or has suffered a nose injury.

Reasons for women

In addition to the general causes of blood loss listed earlier, in women under certain conditions additional circumstances arise that can cause this pathological condition. These include:

  • adherence to various illiterate diets that cause a deficiency of proteins, fats and vitamins;
  • diseases in which hormonal system disturbances are observed;
  • the use of drugs for the treatment of thrombophlebitis with varicose veins, which thin the blood.

During pregnancy

During the period of bearing a child, many women’s health problems can manifest themselves with this symptom. If a few drops are released, this is not a cause for concern, but the observing doctor should be told about it. Constant manifestations are dangerous for the health of the expectant mother. Causes of blood discharge from the respiratory tract in pregnant women:

  • hormonal changes in the body;
  • calcium deficiency;
  • hypertension;
  • severe toxicosis;
  • infection;
  • heatstroke;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun.

Reasons for men

Circumstances that cause this symptom in men are often associated with severe injuries to the nose. In most cases, bleeding is considered a direct consequence of active games in childhood or adolescence. In addition, the health of the nasopharynx is affected by smoking, alcohol consumption and hypertension, which is more common in men than in women. This distinguishes them from other patient groups. If the discharge is abundant, repeated, accompanied by a feeling of pain, then you need to undergo an examination.

Why does a child have nosebleeds?

This symptom occurs more often in children than in adults. This is explained by the fact that their mucous membrane is thinner and their vessels are fragile. Causes include diseases of internal organs and disruption of body systems, as well as mechanical injuries. In most cases, this is damage to the mucous membranes of the internal nasal cavity, which occurs when foreign objects enter. Young children have a habit of inserting pencils, small toys or fingers into their airways. To prevent injuries to the back wall of the cavity from appearing, you need to monitor the baby.

What to do if you are bleeding

When this symptom occurs, you should not throw your head back, because swallowing of blood clots that flow down the back of the nose may occur. Correct actions:

  1. Sit with your chin touching your chest.
  2. Place any cold object on the bridge of your nose.
  3. Then instill vasoconstrictor drugs into both respiratory passages.
  4. Squeeze the wings of your nose with your fingers while breathing through your mouth.
  5. If there is no improvement, place a cotton swab soaked in a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution in the nostril.

To prevent damage to the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract during the heating season, use a humidifier to prevent it from drying out. In addition, drip rosehip or sea buckthorn oil every day. After placing the product into the passage, press your nostril to prevent it from flowing out quickly. If you experience constant bleeding that does not stop for a long time, consult a doctor for help. Based on the test results, he will prescribe the necessary treatment.


The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

Why does the nose bleed: all possible reasons

From this article you will learn: all the possible causes of nosebleeds in adults and children.

There are many causes of nosebleeds. It is important to determine the cause of bleeding in an individual to prevent recurrent episodes.

In children, blood flows from the nose due to polyps or adenoids, age-related immaturity of blood vessels, the presence of a foreign body in the nasal passage, anemia, prolonged use of a vasoconstrictor spray, etc.

If your nose bleeds repeatedly, this cannot be ignored. This may be a sign of a serious disease of the blood, internal organs, or a manifestation of oncology. First, you need to try to understand for yourself why the nose may bleed, whether there is a periodicity, notice whether the bleeding is tied to a certain time of day or not, what intensity it is, how often it occurs, whether there are clots or scarlet liquid blood flows.

Then be sure to contact an otolaryngologist. All these observations will help him quickly understand why your nose is bleeding. Of course, additional examination will be required. The doctor will select a list of diagnostic methods in accordance with the suspected cause. It is possible that after receiving the research results, you will need consultation or treatment from another specialist - a cardiologist, endocrinologist, surgeon, oncologist. If there is a facial injury with damage to the nasal passages, the cause of the bleeding is obvious; in this case, you should immediately contact a traumatologist.

Only by eliminating the provoking factor will you get rid of bleeding.

Causes in adults

Two groups of causes of bleeding:

  1. local (local) - affects only the nose;
  2. systemic (general) - arise due to internal effects of the body, for example, in various diseases.

Local provoking factors

  • Nose injuries. They often occur during a fight due to blows to the face or during serious accidents.
  • Allergy. The walls of blood vessels rupture due to an allergic reaction and blood flow.
  • Dry hot room air. Often the cause of night bleeding is drying out of the mucous membrane due to inhalation of too dry air currents during hot radiators in winter.
  • Polyp in the nose or deformation of the nasal septum. This makes nasal breathing difficult, causing the load to be improperly distributed between the nostrils. The polyp compresses the blood vessels, due to which red liquid often flows from the nose, especially in the morning.
  • Atrophy of the mucous membrane. Develops in various inflammatory diseases, for example, chronic rhinitis. It may be a consequence of a hereditary disease or occupational hazard - dusty premises, dry air, working in the cold. Insufficient mucus secretion, drying out and thinning of the mucous membrane causes fragility of blood vessels, and ultimately nosebleeds.
  • Inflammation of the nasal mucosa (rhinitis) may be accompanied by minor nosebleeds. Blood clots are visible along with the mucus that appears during a runny nose.
  • Long-term use of hormonal or vasoconstrictor spray (drops).
  • Sunstroke is one of the main factors in the occurrence of nosebleeds in hot summers. Often, general overheating of the body, which occurs due to prolonged exposure to the scorching rays of the sun, is accompanied by nosebleeds. The vessels of the mucous membrane become fragile and burst.
  • Snorting cocaine. It has long been noted that drug addicts who use cocaine through the nose have thinning mucous membranes, loss of smell, and nosebleeds.

General pathologies of the body

  • Hypertension is the most common cause of nosebleeds in adults, especially older people. This “natural bloodletting” reduces the risk of cerebral stroke. Usually after it the person’s condition does not worsen, but improves. Develops against the background of tinnitus, cephalgia (headache) and other symptoms of crisis. The blood vessels burst, unable to withstand the pressure, causing blood from the nose to flow in a thin stream without clots.
  • Acute infections affecting the mucous membrane of the nasal passages. These are sinusitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, rhinitis, ARVI and others. Inflamed vessels are more fragile and more likely to burst, causing blood to flow through the nose. Similar changes in the vascular walls occur with allergic rhinitis.
  • Blood diseases or other pathologies accompanied by impaired blood clotting. What causes nosebleeds in this case? For example, in hemophilia, a deficiency of blood plasma coagulation factors leads not only to nosebleeds and other heavy external bleeding, but also to serious internal bleeding. Other pathologies include hemorrhagic diathesis, vasculitis, coagulopathies, hypo- and vitamin deficiency with vitamin deficiency. K, S.
  • Hormonal changes or disruptions during puberty, menopause or pregnancy.
  • Taking blood thinning medications. Heparin, warfarin, and aspirin can cause nosebleeds.
  • Pheochromocytoma is a hormone-dependent tumor of the adrenal gland of a malignant or benign nature. Its main symptom is arterial hypertension with frequent crises, during which nosebleeds are possible. The stable form of the disease is characterized by a persistent increase in blood pressure and, accordingly, frequent episodes of nosebleeds.
  • Malignant neoplasm in the nasal cavity. Various cancerous tumors lead to ulceration of the mucous membrane, impaired nasal breathing, and bleeding.
  • Barometric pressure difference. This is what divers, climbers or pilots encounter.

Why does the nose bleed - for other reasons:

  • Inhalation of chemical irritants.
  • Air travel.
  • Intense sneezing.

Causes in children

Why do babies have nosebleeds? There are many factors, just like in adults. Very common:

  1. Foreign body in the nasal passage.
  2. Fall with damage to the nose.
  3. Mechanical injury with a slimy toy or finger.

The cause of nosebleeds in children at night may be increased pressure or dry air in the room. If this is an isolated case, the bleeding is easy to stop, and there are no other symptoms, then there is no cause for concern. If bleeding occurs repeatedly, does not stop well, the child complains of weakness, various pains, then you should definitely contact a pediatrician and be examined. In such cases, nosebleeds may be due to a serious illness, such as anemia, leukemia, hemophilia, or another disease associated with poor blood clotting.

When is nosebleed one-time and when is it periodic?

Single nosebleed

  1. Injury to the mucous membrane by a foreign object, which is especially typical for young children.
  2. Severe fatigue or stress.
  3. Fever due to acute respiratory infection or other infection.
  4. Overheating of the body during a visit to a bathhouse, sauna, or prolonged exposure to the sun.

If a child develops nosebleeds after using drops with a vasoconstrictor effect, you should stop using them. The mucous membrane is so dry that the nasal capillaries burst.

Single bleeding without massive blood loss is usually not dangerous. But if the episodes are repeated many times, you should be wary and be sure to consult a specialist.

Signal bleeding deserves special attention. It begins suddenly and ends quickly, but the blood loss is significant, and the color of the blood may be unusual - dark, coagulated with flakes and large clots, or red foamy. This may indicate an aneurysm, rupture of a large vessel, disintegration of a malignant neoplasm, pulmonary, gastric bleeding, etc.

Causes of periodic nosebleeds

If blood flows systematically and is accompanied by other symptoms - uterine bleeding, bleeding gums, bruising, fever, joint pain, you should be wary and be sure to first consult with an ENT doctor or therapist. You may have a systemic or malignant disease, such as anemia, pheochromocytoma, thrombocytopenic purpura, leukemia, etc.

Hypertensive patients prone to nosebleeds usually themselves note that blood flows from the nose during a hypertensive crisis. After the pressure normalizes, it stops.

If you cannot stop the child’s bleeding on your own, and there are bruises in different parts of the body, then you should immediately call an ambulance, and then undergo an examination to rule out hemophilia.

If cases of nosebleeds recur, last longer than 20 minutes, or if there are accompanying symptoms, you should definitely visit a specialist to find out and eliminate the cause of the pathological condition.

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Magazine headings

Nasal bleeding is a pathological condition that can occur for various reasons in people of different ages. The most common factor that leads to nosebleeds is increased blood pressure.

Often everything ends successfully for the patient, without going to the ambulance, but in certain conditions it is impossible to do without the intervention of a doctor.

The main causes of nosebleeds - symptoms of what diseases can be caused by nosebleeds?

The phenomenon in question can occur spontaneously, regardless of certain diseases.

  • Staying in direct sunlight for a long time.
  • Stressful condition.
  • Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. Alcohol favors the expansion of blood vessels, which affects the permeability of their walls.
  • Negative reaction of the body to taking certain medications.
  • Hormonal imbalance in the body due to age-related changes (in teenagers), as well as during pregnancy.

This risk group includes pilots, climbers, etc.

  • Injury to the nose from the outside or from the mucous membrane.
  • Pathological neoplasms in the nasal cavity/sinuses, at the base of the skull.
  • Fracture of the skull. In such incidents, cerebrospinal fluid may also leak from the nose, which is white in color.
  • Violation of the integrity of the internal carotid artery by fragments of skull bones.
  • Inflammatory phenomena in the adenoids, sinusitis.
  • Dystrophic changes in the nasal mucosa. Such transformations can occur against the background of atrophic rhinitis or a deviated nasal septum.
  1. Malfunctions of the cardiovascular system: hypertension, atherosclerosis of blood vessels, various heart pathologies.
  2. Pathologies associated with the ability of blood to clot: platelet deficiency (thrombocytopenia), hemophilia, blood cancer, anemia. A lack of hemoglobin, a certain group of vitamins, causes blood thinning, and this negatively affects its clotting. This group also includes Randu-Osler syndrome, a congenital vascular pathology.
  3. Serious defects in the functioning of the spleen, liver, kidneys.
  4. Vegetovascular dystonia.
  5. Infection of the body, which is accompanied by an increase in body temperature and intoxication: influenza, ARVI, scarlet fever, sepsis. Under the influence of harmful microorganisms, the walls of blood vessels become thin and fragile: they are able to allow blood components to pass through, which prevents its rapid clotting.
  6. Pathologies of the thyroid gland.

Types of nosebleeds according to medical classification

Based on location, nosebleeds are of two types:

  1. Front. They do not lead to significant blood loss and can often be easily eliminated without medical intervention. The source of this type of nosebleed is the Kisselbach region, in which small blood vessels are concentrated.
  2. Rear. Such bleeding occurs due to rupture of the walls of large vessels, which are located deep in the mucous layers of the nasal cavity. These bleedings cannot be stopped on your own: the help of a doctor is required. Otherwise, significant blood loss may occur.

Depending on the amount of blood lost, these bleedings are divided into three groups:

  • Mild severity. Compared to the other two types of nosebleeds, this group is very common. In this case, the blood flows out in small drops, and can be stopped by pressing the wings of the nose. Such bleeding does not pose any danger to life, however, if it lasts for a long period of time, the patient will complain of loss of strength and slight dizziness.
  • Moderate (moderate) nosebleeds. Due to considerable volumes of blood loss (300 ml), the patient’s systolic blood pressure decreases, the heart rate increases, and the skin turns pale.
  • Heavy bleeding. The amount of blood lost can exceed 1 liter, and if qualified assistance is not provided in time, the patient may die. The patient's general condition deteriorates sharply: systolic pressure drops to 80 mm, heart rate increases (up to 120 beats per minute), loss of consciousness, nausea, and vomiting are possible. A blood test confirms a decrease in hemoglobin levels.

What to do in case of nosebleeds in an adult or child, how to stop the bleeding - first aid and actions for bleeding

If a nosebleed occurs, the following steps should be taken:

  1. The victim needs, first of all, to calm down. To do this, you should monitor your breathing: it should be deep and slow. This will help minimize psycho-emotional stress and lower your heart rate.
  2. Monitor the correct position of the patient's body. It's better if he sits. However, if this is not possible, you need to slightly raise your head, but not tilt it back. Strong tilting of the head can lead to blood entering the stomach or respiratory tract. Such phenomena can provoke, respectively, vomiting or breathing problems. In addition, it is better if the blood flows into a certain container: this will help determine the amount of blood loss.

To stop mild nosebleeds, resort to the following measures:

  • Use your fingertips to press the wings of your nose to the bridge of your nose. This ensures mechanical compression of the blood vessels.
  • Instill the nasal cavity with drops that promote vasoconstriction (pharmazolin, naphthyzin, etc.). Before this manipulation, the victim needs to blow his nose to get rid of blood clots that have formed in the nasal cavity.
  • Apply 3% hydrogen peroxide solution to your nose. With a weak blood flow, a blood clot forms quickly enough and the bleeding stops.

If the nose is injured, the first aid algorithm is as follows:

  1. Cold should be applied to the damaged area: this will help constrict the blood vessels. A similar effect will be achieved if you put your hands in cold water. When using ice, you need to take short breaks every 10 minutes to avoid frostbite.
  2. Place your feet in a bowl of warm water. Such manipulation will provoke dilation of blood vessels in this part of the body, ensuring blood flow to the lower extremities and unloading the vessels of the nasal cavity.

If the application of the above described methods of stopping bleeding is ineffective, as well as in case of severe nosebleeds, it is necessary to make a gauze turunda.

Before administration, it must be moistened generously in hydrogen peroxide or aminocaproic acid.

Since this process is very painful, the victim can first lubricate both halves of the nose with Lidocaine.

After introducing the turunda, you should firmly press the wings of the nose to the bridge of the nose for several minutes.

You should call an ambulance in the following conditions:

  • Injury to the bones of the skull and nose.
  • The ineffectiveness of procedures to stop light bleeding at home.
  • Moderate to severe nosebleeds.
  • Deterioration of general condition: nausea, vomiting, dizziness, loss of consciousness, tachycardia, etc.
  • A combination of nosebleeds with infectious diseases or pathologies of internal organs.

If the nosebleed was stopped at home, and the patient feels generally well, he should be given sweet tea and taken out into the fresh air.

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