
The procedure for obtaining a VMP by citizens of the Russian Federation. VMP under compulsory medical insurance: what is it, how much funds are allocated, quotas, how to get and check the status of the coupon, VMP portal Check voucher for VMP by last name

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Quotas for treatment in Moscow

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The treatment of some diseases is so complex and expensive that citizens are not able to pay for it and organize it themselves. But every citizen Russian Federation has guarantees from the state written in the Basic Law. They are ensured by quotas for specialized medical services.

You just need to know how to get a quota for treatment in 2020. This is a complex process regulated by law.

What is a quota and who is eligible for it?

Do you need information on this issue? and our lawyers will contact you shortly.

Diseases subject to quotas

The state does not issue money to relieve a citizen of any illness. To obtain a quota, compelling reasons are required.

The Ministry of Health issues a document containing a list of diseases that can be treated at public expense. The list is extensive, it contains up to 140 ailments.

Here are some of them:

  1. Heart diseases for which it is indicated surgery(including repeated).
  2. Internal organ transplantation.
  3. Joint replacement, if endoprosthesis replacement is necessary.
  4. Neurosurgical intervention.
  5. In vitro fertilization (IVF).
  6. Treatment hereditary diseases in severe form, including leukemia.
  7. A surgical intervention requiring specialized equipment, that is, high-tech medical care(VMP):
    • before our eyes;
    • on the spine and so on.
The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation determines the number of quotas for each institution that has the appropriate license. This means that the relevant clinic can only accept a certain number of patients for treatment at the expense of the budget.

The procedure for obtaining a preferential place in the clinic

The path to a medical facility that can cure is not easy. The patient will have to wait for a positive decision from three commissions. This procedure for obtaining a quota was established by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

There is a workaround. We'll describe it a little later. Any application for a quota should begin with the attending physician.

To receive preferential treatment, you must confirm the diagnosis. This may require paid tests and examinations. The patient will have to do them at his own expense.

The first commission is at the patient’s place of observation

The sequence for initiating receiving a quota is as follows:

  1. Contact your doctor and describe your intention.
  2. Get a referral from him if you need to undergo additional testing. Failure to do so will result in non-receipt of the quota.
  3. The doctor draws up a certificate indicating the following information:
    • about the diagnosis;
    • about treatment;
    • about diagnostic measures;
    • about general condition sick.
  4. The certificate is reviewed by a commission responsible for resolving quota issues created at the given medical institution.
  5. This body has three days to make a decision.
The attending doctor is responsible for the “candidate” for the quota. He cannot recommend to the commission a citizen who can do without VMP.

Decision of the first commission

If the patient needs specialized services, the hospital commission decides to forward the documents to the next authority - the regional health department. At this stage, a package of documents is formed, which includes:

  1. An extract from the minutes of the meeting with the rationale for the positive decision;
  2. Photocopy of passport (or birth certificate, if we're talking about about a child under 14 years old);
  3. A statement that must include:
    • registration address;
    • passport details;
    • citizenship;
    • contact information;
  4. A copy of the OM C policy;
  5. Pension insurance policy;
  6. Insurance account information (in some cases);
  7. Data on examinations and analyzes (originals);
  8. An extract from the medical record with a detailed diagnosis (prepared by the doctor).
Consent required medical organization for the processing of personal data. For this purpose, another statement is being written.

Second stage of decision making

The regional-level commission includes five specialists. Its activities are supervised by the head of the relevant department. This body is given ten days to make a decision.

If a positive decision is made, this commission:

  • determines the medical institution in which treatment will be carried out;
  • sends a package of documents there;
  • informs the applicant.
It is customary to choose a clinic located near the patient’s place of residence. However, not all hospitals have licenses to conduct specialized operations. Consequently, a citizen may well be given a referral to another region or to a metropolitan institution.

The work of this body is recorded. The paper reflects the following data:

  • basis for creating a commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;
  • specific composition of the sitting persons;
  • information about the patient whose application has been reviewed;
  • conclusion, which deciphers:
    • complete data on the indications for the provision of a quota;
    • diagnosis, including its code;
    • reasons for referral to the clinic;
    • the need for additional examination;
    • grounds for refusal upon receipt of VMP.

The following are sent to the medical institution where the patient will receive VMP:

  • voucher for the provision of medical treatment;
  • copy of the protocol;
  • medical information about human health.

The third stage is the final one

The medical institution chosen for treatment also has a quota commission. Having received the documents, she holds her own meeting, in which at least three people must take part.

This body:

  1. Examines the information provided to determine the possibility of providing the treatment necessary for the patient.
  2. Makes a decision on its provision.
  3. Defines specific deadlines.
  4. He is given ten days for this work.
The coupon, if used, is stored in this clinic. It is the basis for budgetary financing of treatment.

Thus, the decision to include a person in the quota program takes at least 23 days (the time for sending documentation should also be taken into account).

Features of quota services

For public funds only those are provided medical services, which cannot be obtained at your local hospital.

Their types are:

  • surgical intervention;
  • treatment.
Each type of assistance requires specialized equipment and appropriate training of specialists. That is, ordinary diseases are not subject to quotas.


This type of support is provided to people whose diagnosis matches the list of the Ministry of Health. They are sent to a clinic capable of performing the necessary manipulation. All treatment is provided to them free of charge.

Some citizens are also paid for travel to the place of assistance.


This type of service involves using it to get rid of an illness. high technology. This is an expensive procedure. All necessary expenses are covered by the budget.

However, to provide VMP, compelling medical reasons are necessary.


This type of government support involves the purchase of expensive drugs that the patient himself is not able to pay for. Its order is determined Federal law No. 323 (Article 34). The Government of the Russian Federation specifies the implementation of the provisions of this regulatory act into practice through its regulations.


Women diagnosed with infertility are referred for this operation. In vitro fertilization is a high-cost and lengthy procedure.

Many women are unable to experience the joy of motherhood without such an operation. But referrals for IVF are given only to patients who have gone through a difficult preliminary period of examination and treatment.

Not all types of assistance in restoring health and preserving the life of a citizen of the Russian Federation are described. There are many ailments, almost all of them fall under one of the described areas of medical technology. But there are also exceptions.

How to reduce the time it takes to receive support

Often people do not have the opportunity to wait. Help is needed urgently.

It is not easy to speed up the decision-making process of three commissions.

In the first case, you can put “pressure” on the people responsible for allocating quotas:

  • call them to find out about the progress of resolving the issue;
  • go to meetings with managers;
  • write letters and so on.
The effectiveness of this method is questionable. Only experienced specialists take part in the work of the commissions. These people themselves understand that delay is unacceptable.

The second option is to contact the clinic directly that provides the required services. To do this you need:

  • collect a package of documents (described above);
  • bring it to the hospital and write a statement on the spot.

Documents from the local hospital where the patient was initially diagnosed must be certified by:

  • attending doctor;
  • chief physician;
  • seal of the organization.

Unfortunately, without complying with formalities, a clinic operating under quotas will not be able to provide assistance. This medical institution has yet to account for the use of budget funds.

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How to get a quota for treatment online

March 2, 2017, 12:15 Oct 5, 2019 23:07

Author Kot asked a question in the section Doctors, Clinics, Insurance

Quota! Hello, can you tell me how to get a quota for treatment? waiting times? and got the best answer

Answer from STOM.RU[guru]
my answer

Reply from Irima[guru]
The attending physician at the place of residence has identified a disease in the patient, for the treatment of which, as he believes, the patient needs high-tech medical care according to the profile (what have you). More often full examination cannot be carried out in a clinic.
The doctor refers the patient to the institution where he will undergo in-depth studies in order to clarify the diagnosis and correctly navigate the scope of the operation.
When the final diagnosis is established, the attending physician prepares documents - an extract from the medical history, results of tests and studies. This package, signed by the chief physician of the health care facility, is submitted for consideration to a special commission at the OHA (Health Administration Authority) of your region or region
Next, the documents are reviewed by the Commission of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation for the provision of high medical care. The commission meeting takes place, as a rule, without the participation of the patient, although, if necessary, the Chief Freelance Specialist can invite him to an in-person consultation. As a result of the Commission's consideration of the patient's package of documents, a decision is made on the presence or absence of indications for providing him with VMP.
If a positive decision is made, then the health department of your region issues a special accounting form for the patient “Coupon for the provision of medical treatment” in electronic form.
The “Voucher for the provision of VMP” is electronic: all stages of receiving VMP by the patient, copies of extracts and examination results are recorded in an electronic account, and the stages of receiving VMP can be tracked on the Internet, knowing the number of the “Voucher for the provision of VMP”.
After making a positive decision and issuing a “Coupon for the provision of high medical care”, the Commission of the OHC of the region or region sends medical documents patient to a specialized clinic that has the right to provide high-tech medical care in this profile. Further, these documents are considered by a special Commission for the selection of patients for the provision of medical care for this medical institution, The commission of the medical institution decides whether the patient has or does not have medical indications for hospitalization and provision of emergency medical care based on the provision of a “Voucher for the provision of emergency medical care” and an extract from medical documentation patient. The period for making a decision by the Commission of a medical institution should not exceed 10 days from the date of registration of the Voucher for the provision of medical treatment, and in case of a face-to-face consultation of the patient - no more than three days.
If the Commission makes a positive decision, then it sets a date for the patient’s hospitalization and informs the health authority of the region where the patient lives.
The patient is notified of the commission's decision, usually through the institution that referred him for further treatment, and is given a referral to a specific clinic indicating the date of hospitalization. If the patient belongs to preferential category, and did not refuse the package social services, he also has the right to free travel to the clinic and back at the expense of the Foundation social insurance. The patient is given a coupon for receiving VMP with the signature of an official.
On average, between the diagnosis by the attending physician and the hospitalization of the patient for surgery, it can take from several days to several months, depending on the need for urgent high-tech medical care, the queue on the waiting list, and the availability of available places in the medical institution where the region issues the referral.

High-tech medical care involves the use of complex, knowledge-intensive, expensive medical technologies to diagnose diseases and treat patients.

List of types of high-tech medical care determined by the Order of the Russian Ministry of Health dated December 29, 2014.
No. 930n “On approval of the Procedure for organizing the provision of high-tech medical care using specialized information system" (Full version of the order)

"National Medical research center surgery named after A.V. Vishnevsky" provides high-tech medical care in the following areas:

  • Abdominal surgery
  • Arrhythmology
  • Combustiology
  • Oncology
  • X-ray endovascular surgery
  • Cardiovascular surgery
  • Thoracic surgery
  • Traumatology and arthrology (endoprosthetics)
  • Urology
  • Endocrinology

The procedure for referring patients from regions of the Russian Federation to receive high-tech medical care is determined by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 1689n dated December 28, 2011 -

To obtain a referral coupon (quota) to receive high-tech medical care at the FBGU National Medical Research Center for Surgery named after. A.V. Vishnevsky, the patient must contact the regional health authority with the following documents:

  • extract from the protocol of the decision of the medical commission
  • a written statement from the patient (his legal representative, proxy), containing the following information about the patient:
    1. last name, first name, patronymic
    2. information about place of residence and/or place of stay
    3. details of the document proving identity and citizenship
    4. mailing address for sending written responses and notifications
    5. contact phone number
    6. email address (if available)
  • consent to the processing of personal data of a citizen (patient)
  • copies of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation; compulsory policy health insurance patient (if available); certificates of state pension insurance (if available).
  • An extract from the patient’s medical records must contain information about the state of his health, the examination and treatment performed, recommendations on the need to provide medical treatment, and the results of clinical diagnostic studies on the profile of the disease.

In case the region of the Russian Federation does not have quotas for referring patients for treatment to the National Medical Research Center for Surgery named after. A.V. Vishnevsky, a citizen has the right to contact the Ministry of Health of Russia (Moscow, Rakhmanovsky lane, 3, Department of High-Tech Medical Care).

Residents of Moscow should apply for a quota to the city Department of Health (Moscow, 2nd Shchemilovsky lane, 4 A, building 4). Opening hours: Monday-Thursday from 9.00 to 17.30, Friday from 9.00 to 16.30 (lunch break from 13.30 to 14.30).

You must have the following documents with you:

  • conclusion of the commission of the medical institution
  • passport of the person for whom the referral coupon is issued
  • photocopy of passport (2.3 pages + registration)
  • photocopy of the compulsory health insurance policy
  • photocopy of the state pension insurance certificate
  • a photocopy of the disability certificate (if any).

What is included in it The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation determines the number of quotas for each medical institution that has a license, which means that the clinic can accept a strictly limited number of citizens. The legal right to a quota, and what is included in it, is regulated by Order of the Ministry of Health No. 930н dated December 29, 2014, as well as Government Decree No. 1273 dated November 28, 2014. You can view these documents here:

  • Order -;
  • Resolution -

List of eligible diseases There is a list of eligible diseases, which includes about 140 diseases that are eligible for the quota.

Coupon - portal for patients who have received a coupon for VMP

Then enter the coupon number in the blue box and click the “Find” button.


Wait while the system searches. If the system reports that the document was not found, check that you entered the numeric values ​​correctly.

Conclusion A quota is a kind of “ticket to life”, and any person suffering from an illness can count on support from the state.


We reviewed diseases that give the right to receive funding from the state, the procedure for registration and receipt, a list necessary documents, and also learned how to check your position in the queue online.

The procedure for obtaining VMP for treatment in Russia

It should be borne in mind that some types of treatment, namely operations, can only be provided in an institution where:

  • highly qualified specialists work;
  • the necessary equipment is available.

It is worth noting: the development of such hospitals is provided from the country’s budget.
Unfortunately, there are not many such hospitals in the Russian Federation; for example, most of them are concentrated in Moscow.

Quotas are within the competence of government agencies, and in order to get the long-awaited “start in life”, it is necessary to fulfill all legal requirements.

So, a quota is the provision of patients who need speedy treatment, state support.
It is necessary for expensive operations that, due to a lack of medical equipment and insufficient experience of doctors, cannot be carried out in the city, region, or village where citizens live.

Coupon Rosminzdrav ru: portal for patients who received a coupon for VMP

GET A FREE LEGAL CONSULTATION BY PHONE: MOSCOW AND MOSCOW REGION: ST. PETERSBURG AND LENIGRADS REGION: REGIONS, FEDERAL NUMBER: In this article you will learn where and how to get a quota for an operation in 2018 and what is included in it.


Other issues related to quotas will also be considered.

Treatment of some diseases can be so complex and expensive that a person cannot organize and pay for it himself.
However, any citizen of the Russian Federation receives a guarantee from the state, which is written down in the Basic Law.

It is ensured by quotas for special medical services.

You just need to know how the quota for treatment in 2018 is obtained. This is a complex process that is regulated by law.

Diseases giving the right to receive a quota

And this can be explained because the person put a lot of effort and patience into getting necessary documentation. And in the end, he often faces a fiasco. The refusal of a quota for surgery must be explained to the patient. And this is not always associated with an insufficiently critical health condition, although this is exactly what many people think about.

Among the reasons for refusing a quota for an operation is the lack of quotas in this period time, complete conviction of the futility of using VMP, or the lack of the ability of a particular clinic to perform complex operations.

Please note that a patient who is denied a quota due to its absence has the right to take a turn for the next year.

However, each case is considered individually, and much depends on the type of disease.

How do I find out what number I am in the queue to receive VMP?

Another 10 days may be required to determine a medical facility;

  • If the answer is positive, the patient is given a voucher for treatment, with which the patient must arrive at the medical facility where he will undergo the operation; Please note: if the patient has serious illness, and he may not have 20 days to wait for a decision; when sending documents, a special note is attached to the package of documents, and such materials must be considered as a priority.
  • Upon arrival at the institution, the patient will have to go through a commission again, based on the results of which it will be known for sure whether the patient can be cured at the expense of the state.

    The decision period is also 10 days.

How to speed up the queue for high-tech medical care

The first is to agree to have the operation performed not at the Traumatology Research Institute, but at another medical institution in the city. Contact the mentioned information and analytical center on Shkapina, and I am sure they will offer you other options.

No long wait! Believe me, all doctors performing high tech operations, have the required certificates.

Operations are carried out efficiently. If you fundamentally want to undergo surgery at the Research Institute of Traumatology, then there is another way. The institute itself must decide to expedite the operation for life-saving reasons. This conclusion may give medical commission Institute after a thorough study of the situation. (

The above rule applies to any other medical institution, for which there is a queue based on quotas.) I’ll say right away: decisions to speed up the operation are very responsible and they are not given just like that.

Quote simon writes: Hello! I have a question next plan: On July 10, 2014, I was put on the waiting list for an operation under a quota at a medical institution; at the beginning of October, a refusal came from this medical institution, because they cannot perform the operation I need and redirected me to another

MU. As far as I know, the waiting period for VMP is up to 6 months, from when should I now count these 6 months, from July 10 or October 10 (when I submitted documents to another medical institution)? If we are talking about VMP, then a single deadline expectations are not defined.

If you have been issued a Voucher for the provision of VMP, then its form is now electronic, which means that by entering its number, you can see the stages of obtaining VMP at the link