
Project (senior group) on the topic: Project of the role-playing game “Children's cafe. Summary of the role-playing game "Cafe" for children of the middle group of preschool educational institutions

Abstract role-playing game"Cafe"

Goal: to develop in children the ability to play the role-playing game “Children’s Cafe”

Develop and enrich the plot of the game in the “Cafe”;

Develop creative imagination, the ability to jointly develop the game, coordinating one’s own game plan with the plans of peers;

Develop initiative, organizational skills, lead to independent creation of game plans;

Develop the ability to negotiate, plan, and discuss the actions of all players. Strengthen children's knowledge of table manners and in public places;

To develop children’s ability to prepare the environment for play, select substitute items and attributes;

Cultivate a respectful attitude towards people of different professions.

Progress of the game.


Children, look how beautiful and elegant Vika is today. Vika, tell us, maybe you have some kind of holiday?

Yes, today is my birthday! I'm turning 6 years old!


Yes, a birthday is a real holiday. Please tell us, how do we celebrate a birthday? Where? (children's answers)


Well done. Let's celebrate Vika's birthday in a children's cafe today! Do you agree? (children's answers)


Let's remember who works in the cafe! (children's answers)


What should a chef do in a cafe? (children's answers)

What is the administrator responsible for? (children's answers)

What are the responsibilities of a waiter? (children's answers)

What does a cleaning lady do? (children's answers)

Well, it’s time for us to go to the cafe, which will be called “Victoria”. Let's determine who will be who in our cafe (distribution of roles).

Do you know how to behave at the table?

Away and at home for lunch

You can't talk to your neighbor

No need to slurp and sniffle,

And also turn your head,

Eat calmly and carefully

Everyone around will be pleased

Additional responses from children.


How should you behave in a cafe?

Children: (children's answers)


Well done, I see you know how to behave both at the table and in public places. Let’s send you to the cafe, but ours is not simple, but magical, and in order to get into it, I will have to say magic words (children stand in a circle, the teacher is in the center with a “magic” mirror):

Here's the magic glass

Reflects it all

To find yourself in a fairy tale,

Look at it, my friend,

Smile, turn over,

Slam, stomp - turn around.



How will we go there? (Children's answers)

Educator: Let's take the bus.

Children: Yes!

Educator: So we still need to distribute the professions of driver and conductor. (Next, children choose a driver and conductor).

Let us now take our playing places and prepare for our game.

Vika, take your guests to the cafe.

Educator: Well done guys, how great you are doing! Now let's go to the cafe. Vika, bring your guests.


Hello, welcome to Victoria Cafe. Take a free table, I'll send a waiter to you!


Thank you


Thank you!

At the end of the game, the children ask for the bill, pay and thank the cafe staff. They go to the stop and get on the bus. (Children play according to their own plans)


What did we do today? (children's answers)

Did you play well? (children's answers)

What did you like most and what did you not like?

Praise children who have excelled. Tell the children that everyone did their best, well done. If there were any shortcomings, indicate to the child what he should practice. Ask to remove all attributes for the game in their place.

Kryukova Tatyana Vladimirovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: JV kindergarten"Romashka" GBOU secondary school urban settlement. Mezhdurechensk
Locality: Samara region, Syzran district, urban settlement. Mezhdurechensk
Name of material: Methodological development
Subject: Designing a role-playing game for older children on the theme "Cafe"
Publication date: 11.12.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Designing a role-playing game with children

senior group on the topic "Cafe"

I. Management tasks:
1) Expand children’s understanding of the profession of a cook, pastry chef, waiter, administrator, cashier; systematize children’s knowledge about the work of the cafe, about the actions of the cafe workers (the administrator invites visitors to the tables, the cook prepares delicious food, the pastry chef creates cakes, pastries, desserts; the waiter takes orders and serves cafe visitors). 2) Formation of play activity in children: a) teach children to develop the plot of the game; b) teach children game actions (unification in the game, interaction during the game, implementation of the plan, distribution of roles, planning, selection of attributes, equipment of the play area); c) cultivate respect for the profession of a cook, pastry chef, or waiter. 3) Develop communication culture skills. Continue work on developing coherent and dialogic speech.
II. Preparing for the game:
1) Preparation plan for the game “Cafe” Date Making attributes Enrichment with impressions Teaching game techniques 01.03-08.03 Making uniforms for waiters (pocket apron and cap) - 2 copies, uniforms for the cook (white apron and cap) – 2 copies, forms for the administrator (tie) Conversation on the topic “Cafe”  Teach how to set the table beautifully;  take orders from visitors;  place an order in a polite manner;  use
cash register, issue a check;  follow the rules of etiquette at the table 09.03 Making a children's menu Excursion to the kitchen of a kindergarten, observing the cook preparing food 10.03 Making paper money Looking at pictures, etc. lustration depicting the work of a cook, pastry chef, waiter, cashier 11.03 Making cakes and cookies from waste material Didactic game “Cook a dish” 12.03 Collecting straws for cocktails , juice boxes, yoghurts Teach children to observe etiquette and follow the rules of behavior in public places. Practice table setting skills 13.03. A selection of food products: vegetables, fruits, berries, baked goods. Preparing children's tableware and teaware Invitation to the group of a pastry chef's mother, conversation about the profession of a pastry chef 2) Plots Roles Attributes Game actions Speech figures Child's birthday, family evening Adminis trator, waiter, cook, pastry chef, Uniform for waiters (pocket apron and cap) - 2 pcs each, uniform for the cook (white Invites visitors to take tables, study the menu, make an order, accepts “Hello, welcome to our cafe please!
cashier apron and cap) - 2 pcs each, uniform for administrator (tie and badge), menu, tea and tableware, stove, models of food, vegetables, fruits, menu, cash register, children's trays, cocktail straws, boxes of -for juices, yoghurts, toy money. orders, speaks politely with visitors, prepares delicious food, follows the rules of behavior in public places, tastes food, maintains the correct posture while eating, pays for the order. please sit down at the table”, “What will you order?”, “I can advise you”, “Come to us again”, “What will you order for dessert?”, “Please, your order”, “Thank you, the food was very tasty.” Related stories Purchase and delivery of necessary products Driver Car, steering wheel, headdress Purchases products ordered by the cafe cook, unloads them in the cafe, pays the cashier I need the following products..., How much does it cost... Bus Driver Controller Passengers Built layout and in Bus, steering wheel, keys, repair tools, passenger seats, travel tickets. The driver inspects the bus, passengers take their seats, and the conductor sells tickets to passengers. “Can I get to...?”, “Please, your ticket”, “Have a nice trip!”.
3) Layout of the playing space: game room, tablecloth-covered and beautifully served tables, chairs, “Kitchen” game module, counter.
III. Progress of the game

techniques for creating interest in the game.
The teacher tells the children that over the weekend she was with her family at the Sweet Tooth cafe and she really liked it there. To create interest in the game, the teacher describes the beauty of the cafe. The teacher offers to go to a cafe with the children too.

conspiracy to play:
The teacher agrees with the children where the cafe will be located and in this place they place game modules. Determine the place where the tables for visitors will be located. To make it beautiful and cozy, they set the tables with beautiful tablecloths, set the table, and arrange vases of flowers. The teacher suggests that the kitchen area should be fenced off with a screen. The teacher asks the children: “Who comes to the cafe?”, “Who works in the cafe?”, “What work does the waiter, cashier, cook, pastry chef do in the cafe?”, “What is the administrator responsible for in the cafe?” The teacher invites the children to independently assign roles as they wish.

methods of teaching game actions:
In the first game, the teacher becomes the waiter. The waiter politely offers visitors a menu, advises something, takes the order, and passes the order to the cook. Gradually, the teacher fades into the background in the game.

techniques for maintaining and developing the game:
The teacher stands nearby, as necessary, supports the dialogue between waiters and visitors, the dialogue between the cook and the pastry chef in the kitchen, introduces new speech patterns (“Will you order anything else?”, “Please, your bill”). The teacher shows new game actions (in the cafe you can communicate, tell a friend interesting story, listen to music).

techniques for forming relationships in the game:

During the game, the teacher reminds the children to treat each other politely and to be attentive to other participants in the game.
IV. End of the game
The teacher, in the role of a waiter, informs cafe visitors that the cafe is closing for a break. Employees need to clean up and put everything away neatly...
V. Game Evaluation
The teacher asks the children to come up to her. When assessing the game, the teacher asks the children the following questions: -What did we do today? -Did you like the game? -What was especially interesting to you? - What was difficult for you? - Do you think everyone coped with their roles? - Do you know why I smile at you? Because you were all real cafe workers, you all coped with your role. Sasha played the role of a waiter very well, Petya was a good cook who prepared very tasty food, Tanya was a cafe visitor who behaved very well in the cafe, Alena was a very polite administrator! Well done!


To form in children realistic ideas about the work of people of different professions.


1. Teach children to develop creative imagination, the ability to develop a game together, coordinating their own game plans with the plans of their peers.

2 Develop the ability to negotiate, plan and discuss the actions of all players.

Strengthen children's knowledge about the rules of behavior in public places;

Develop initiative and organizational skills.

3. Cultivate a respectful attitude towards people of different professions.

Vocabulary work:

Continue to enrich your vocabulary with verbal politeness formulas

(greetings, farewells, requests, apologies).

Preliminary work:

Introducing children to various professions, looking at pictures, reading fiction, excursion to the kitchen, getting to know the work of the chefs.


Tables, chairs, tablecloth, dishes, tray, counter, cash register, money, stove, steering wheel, tickets, menu.

Progress of the game:

Educator: Guys, today is Alena's birthday. And she invites us to celebrate this wonderful day. But he just doesn’t know where and how to celebrate.

Guys, where can you celebrate your birthday? (Children's answers).

Educator: Recently in our city I visited a cafe called

"Gourmand." Let's go to this cafe and arrange a holiday for Vika there.

Do you want to visit this cafe? (Children's answers).

Educator: Who works in the cafe? (Children's answers). (Cook, waiter, administrator, etc.).

Educator: What does a cook do? (Children's answers) (Cook - prepares food);

What does the waiter do? (Children's answers) (Waiter - serves the menu, takes orders, delivers orders to visitors);

What does an administrator do? (Children's answers) (Administrator - greets visitors);

Educator: Guys, who knows how to behave in public places? (Children's answers).

When visiting and at home during dinner, you can’t talk to your neighbor, you don’t need to slurp and sniffle, and you don’t need to turn your head.

When you are offered a treat: Fruit cake, sweets and cookies - Eat calmly, carefully,

Everyone around will be pleased.

Educator: Well done! You know how to behave when visiting and in public places. And now I’ll tell you riddles about what we’ll see in the cafe. Can you guess the riddles? (Children's answers)

We don’t eat ourselves

And we feed people. (Plate, fork and spoon).

They tore, beat, spun, weaved,

The pattern was embroidered and placed on the table. (Tablecloth).

Four brothers stand under one roof. (Table).

Educator: Children, who will be the visitor, driver, conductor, administrator, cook, waiter?

Children independently distribute responsibilities, who will work in the cafe, and who will be a visitor.

Educator: Guys, please take your playing places. (Visitors, cook, administrator, waiter).

Educator: Children, how will you and I get to the cafe, by what?

(Children's answers). (By car, by taxi, by bus, etc.). Educator: Then we get on the bus and go to the cafe. Children build a bus from chairs and a steering wheel.

Chauffeur: Dear passengers, please board the bus and

buy tickets.

A bus ride is being reenacted.

Educator: Guys, we arrived at the Lakomka cafe.

Alena, take us to the cafe - we will celebrate your birthday . Administrator: Hello, welcome to our cafe! Please take a seat at the table, your order has been completed.

Children: Hello. (They sit down at the table and celebrate their birthday (by

own design)).

Customers enter the cafe.

Cafe administrator: Hello, welcome to our cafe! Please take a seat at a free table.

Waiter: Hello.

Children: Hello. We'd like to see the menu.

Waiter: Take it please.

Children get acquainted with menu.

Waiter: What will you order? Have you already chosen?

Children: Yes, we will have ice cream and juice. And please bring us some cakes.

Waiter: This is all?

Children: Perhaps that's all.

Waiter: Bon appetit.

Children: Thank you.

Dialogue between cafe visitors (according to the children’s idea) Waiter: Will you be ordering anything else?

Children: No thanks.

Waiter: From you 22 rubles.

Children: Take it please.

Waiter: Wait, I'll bring the change now. (Punches the check at the cash register)

Waiter: I hope you liked it with us?

Children: Yes very.

Waiter: Come to us again. We will be very happy!

Children: Thank you, definitely.

Game summary:


Where did we go? (children's answers)

What is the name of the cafe? (children's answers)

Who met us? (children's answers)

What can you order in a cafe? (children's answers)

Appendix 23.

Game theme: “Cafe role-playing game”

Program content:


  • Educational: consolidate previously acquired knowledge and expand children’s understanding of the work of cafe workers; continue to introduce rules of behavior in public places
  • Educational: to form correct relationships between children in the team. Cultivate goodwill, willingness to help. Form friendly relationships in the game, a sense of humanism, activity, responsibility, friendliness;
  • Educational: to develop in children the ability to play according to their own plans, to stimulate children’s creative activity in play;

Subject-game environment. Equipment:

Signs with the inscriptions: "Cafe administrator", "waiter" (2 pieces), "cashier"; uniform for waiters (apron and cap) and security guard (dark T-shirt with the inscription “security” and cap); tablecloths for tables; distributions; folders-menus with pictures; module "kitchen"; cash register; plastic and salt dough models of cakes, buns, pies, fruits, berries, ice cream, vegetables, etc.; toy tableware and kitchen utensils; paper and textile napkins; small vases with flowers for table decoration; toy phones; chef's cap and apron; wallets; bags; money and checks; pens and notepads for writing down orders; broom, dustpan, mop, cloths for cleaning tables and floors; cleaning robe; radio tape recorder

Previous work:

Making cakes, pastries, ice cream, sweets, various fruits, etc.

Drawing your group's money.

Conversations with children: What is a cafe? What are they doing there? What do they eat? Who works in the cafe? What is the menu?

Didactic games: “Visit the bear”, “Set the table”, “Polite words”...

Excursion of parents with children to a cafe.

Vocabulary work:Administrator, coffee utensils, mixer, coffee maker, bowls, menu folders, ordering, etc.

Progress of the game.

Educator: Guys, what children's cafes did you visit with your parents? “Jungle”, “Gourmand”, “McDonald’s”…….

Let's remember who works in the cafe!(children's answers)


What should a chef do in a cafe?(children's answers)

What is the administrator responsible for?(children's answers)

What are the responsibilities of a waiter?(children's answers)

- What does a cleaning lady do?(children's answers)

- Organizers of holidays can also work in cafes to entertain children, play with them, and organize various competitions.

Why do people visit cafes?

Children: They eat, spend holidays, meet with friends, relax with family......

Educator : Do you know how to behave at the table?


Away and at home for lunch

You can't talk to your neighbor

No need to slurp and sniffle,

And also turn your head,

Eat calmly and carefully

Everyone around will be pleased

Additional responses from children.


How should you behave in a cafe?

Children: (children's answers)


Well done, I see you know how to behave both at the table and in public places. Let’s send you to the cafe, but ours is not simple, but magical, and in order to get into it, I will have to say magic words (children stand in a circle, the teacher is in the center with a “magic” mirror):

Here's the magic glass

Reflects it all

To find yourself in a fairy tale,

Look at it, my friend,

Smile, turn over,

Slam, stomp - turn around.




Educator: I see people who want to play the game “Cafe” a lot, we choose players using a counting rhyme.

Educator: The roles have been chosen, do not forget that the most important thing is to behave civilly and politely. Choose the necessary attributes and start the game.

Dialogue between administrator and visitors.

P. Hello.

A. Good afternoon, please come in. Make yourself comfortable, you can give your baby to our teacher, they will play with him and feed him.

Our waiter will come to you now.

(P. sit down. It is important that the boy lets the girl go forward, pulls up a chair, etc. B. Takes the child from them, plays with him)

Dialogue between waiter and visitors:

O. Good afternoon.

P. Hello, good afternoon.

ABOUT. What will you order? (Hands out menu)

P. Juice and fruit.

ABOUT. Take the cakes, they are fresh and very tasty.

P. We will definitely take cakes, only later with tea if possible.

ABOUT. As you wish. (Schematically sketches the order in a notepad)

Relax, your order will be ready soon.

(Places everything ordered on a tray, carefully serves it, arranges it beautifully on the table)

Bon appetit.

P. Thank you very much. (P. eat, communicate with each other. O. at this time calculates the amount of the order)

P. Please count for us.

ABOUT. You will be charged 2 forget-me-nots for juice, 3 forget-me-nots for fruit, 3 for cakes, 1 for tea. (P. count out the required amount as you go).

P. Thank you, everything was delicious.

ABOUT. Come to us again.

Suitable A. Did you like it with us?

P. Yes, everything was wonderful.

A. Come to us again. Bring your friends.

Should you call a taxi?

P. Yes, please.

A . (picks up the phone) Hello, taxi service?

T. Yes, this is a taxi service, hello.

A. Please come to the Forget-Me-Not cafe.

T. I'll be there soon.

A. (addressing P.) The taxi will arrive soon, you can pick up the baby and go out. All the best.

P. Goodbye!

Ending the game. Teacher: - What did we do today? (children's answers)

Did you play well? (children's answers)

What did you like most and what did you not like?

Praise children who have excelled. Tell the children that everyone did their best, well done. If there were any shortcomings, indicate to the child what he should practice. Ask to remove all attributes for the game in their place.


  1. Expand children's understanding of the work of cafe workers, continue to familiarize them with the rules of behavior in public places.
  2. Develop the ability to independently develop the plot of the game, prepare the place and attributes.
  3. Develop the ability to conceive a plan and bring it to completion.
  4. Cultivate goodwill, willingness to help each other, and the ability to interact.

Preliminary work:

The task for parents is to visit a cafe with their child; children's stories about how they spent time in a cafe; game “Name the profession”; game "Mom's Helpers"; plot - role-playing games to the family, taxi, shop.

Material for the game: signs with the inscriptions “administrator”, “waiter” - 2 pieces, “cashier”, tablecloths on tables, flowers in vases, delivery - 2, menu - 2, aprons for waiters and cooks, money, wallets, pens and notepads, cloth for table, broom, dustpan, radio.

Progress of the game:

Children play at tables in Board games. In the toy corner, the teacher's assistant is doing her daughter's hair. The teacher approaches.

Educator:— Hello Nadezhda Semyonovna. What a beautiful hairstyle your daughter has. Are you going to visit? Or is it your holiday?

Assistant teacher:— It’s my daughter Anya’s birthday, she’s 5 years old today.

Educator:- How great, I congratulate you Anechka. So, are you expecting guests?

Assistant teacher:- No, we didn’t invite guests, we want to go to a cafe.

Educator:— Which cafe do you want to go to?

Assistant teacher:- We haven't chosen yet.

Educator:- And you know, today I’m opening my cafe “Caramelka”, we have an opening in the evening, I invite you to join us.

Assistant teacher:- Thank you, we are interested in your proposal, we will definitely come.

The teacher puts on the sign “administrator” and approaches the children.

Educator:— Guys, I’m the administrator of the “Caramelka” cafe, I need to open the cafe, but the workers didn’t show up. The guests will come soon, I promised one girl to have a party. What to do?

(discuss with children)

Educator:- So, you will replace my workers and help organize a holiday?

Educator:— I suggest remembering who works in the cafe and choosing roles for yourself.

Educator:— Who agreed to be a waiter?

Educator:- Katya and Anya, prepare yours workplace(girls put on aprons and hats, set the tables)

Educator:— Who will cook? Tasty dinner? I suggest that they also prepare a workplace.

Educator:— To ensure that our cafe is always clean and cozy, who agrees to clean it?

Educator:— Who chose the role of cashier?

After the place for the game is organized, the teacher turns to the children.

Educator:— Dear employees of the “Caramelka” cafe, are you ready to work?

I congratulate you on the opening of our cafe, I wish you success in your work and a great mood. Meet our guests.

Music is playing and the cafe is decorated with balloons. The game begins.

A mother and daughter enter. I meet guests.

Educator:- Oh, here’s our birthday girl, let’s congratulate her on her birthday.

Children clap their hands and say: - Happy birthday!

Educator:— Show our guests to the table and serve them.

In a few minutes I suggest playing with the birthday girl.

Game: “Take the Musical Chair”

Educator:- And now, children's disco. Everybody dance.

After the disco, the girl’s mother comes up.

— Can I order a taxi from you?

Educator:- Of course, I’ll order now (the administrator calls a taxi, mother and daughter are leaving for home)

Educator:— Dear guests, we were pleased to spend this wonderful evening, but, unfortunately, the time has come to close the cafe. Come visit us again, we will be glad to see you. Goodbye. The guests leave, the administrator addresses the employees.

Educator:— Dear workers! Thank you for your excellent work. Waiters, do you have any comments?

Educator:- What about you, the cook? Did you cope with the job? (we analyze each role)

Educator:“I’m very pleased with you all.” It’s a pleasure to work with you, rest today, and tomorrow, I’ll wait for you again. Goodbye.