
Russian Mordovian. Russian Erzya dictionary online

Mekshams M. hurry up, hurry up. Probably the basis of meksh(a) is an image. character, which can be indicated by pike- in E. pixterse quickly, mar. pise fast, vashkash, vashkash hurry, vysht - figuratively about fast movement, vash- in k. vashodny to drive. Wed. etc. M. bza fussy, bz- v bzordoms fuss; hurry up, hurry up.

Melchke M. gland (n., salivary). Probably depicted, cf. (?) E. white grains (and ‘extremely shabby clothes)’ and M. dial. mälhkya bead (m. b., mixing with Russian small, chalk, cf. M. dial. mälhkya clink beads from small beads, and also cf. E. chalk small money from Russian). Wed. udm. Molek tubercle, acorn, (??) malya: malyapu rosehip, veps, mull ’ bump (on the forehead).

Mentei E. hearty (n., lunch). Wed. ment wealth, mentse in abundance (n., to live). The connection with M. myandems fold is unclear. Wed. marG. myndyr contentment, abundance, marV. myndyr-myndyr blood with milk; well-fed. Wed. etc. (?) E. pandya enough, enough, stop, pondu plump (from ponda body, torso). Wed. (??) Mar. the motor is beautiful; good; plentiful (see also matarendams). Wed. (?) udm. mod-: modos stem; skeleton, (?) Sami, mountain komel; nen. myndey's satiety, myndey's pregnancy, (?) pana(s) to fill up, panda(s) to fill up. (?) ponzponzyada frequent, thick, continuous. Chuv. mantar ‘fatness, fatness; lush’, most likely from Mar. Wed. (??) rus. Voronezh. Mantulit the dish to lick.

Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book Etymological Dictionary of Mordovian (Erzyan and Moksha) Languages, Volume III, Vershinin V.I., 2005 -, fast and free download.

  • Etymological dictionary of Mordovian (Erzyan and Moksha) languages, Volume II, Vershinin V.I., 2005
  • State of mind, conversations about pedagogy as a science about ways to realize the functional capabilities of the brain, Vershinin B.I., Popov L.E., Postnikov S.N., Slobodskoy M.I., 2011

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You should know that Glosbe is not filled with words, but with ideas about what those words mean. Thanks to this, by adding one new translation, dozens of new translations are created! Help us develop Glosbe dictionaries and you will see how your knowledge helps people around the world. Mordovians speak two Mordovian languages: Moksha and Erzya. Both of these languages ​​belong to the Volga language group

Uralic language family.

Russian-Moksha-Erzya dictionary1500-1700 years ago, the Mordovian people, according to one scientific theory, had a single culture and spoke one common Mordovian language. Another theory says that in at that time there were various - but related! -

Mordovian tribes who spoke related dialects, which later formed the basis of the Erzya and Moksha languages.(In the common Mordovian languageor in related Mordovian dialects) notthere were complex sentences. Two types of simples were usedsentences: with one main member and with two main members. Order

the words in the sentence were not free.Approximately in the V-VI centuries. a single Mordovian language (or different but related Mordovian dialects) were divided into two closely related, but independentCurrently, newspapers, books, and magazines are published in both languages. Both languages ​​are studied in schools, universities, and used on television and radio. But in the public sphere, the use of languages ​​is constantly declining: if about thirty years ago Mordovian speech was quite common and heard on the streets of towns and cities, now Mordovian languages ​​are spoken mainly only in villages, in cities - only in families, on the streets Mordovian speech is heard extremely rarely.

The main lexical fund of the Moksha and Erzya languages ​​was inherited from the common Mordovian language (or from its various dialects): ( moksh. kyad "hand", kyal "tongue", selme "eye"- Erz. ked, kel, selme). However, in the Moksha and Erzyan languages ​​there are also words of different roots (there are more than a hundred of them): moksh. otsyu "big", ilyad "evening", shuzhar "straw"- Erz. poksh, chokshne, olgo. In the vocabulary of modern Mordovian languages there are borrowings from Iranian languages (moksh. syada "hundred", veroz "lamb", mirde "husband"- Erz. sito, virez, mirde; Baltic (Erz. cypo "millet", purtsoz "pig"- moksh. sura, purkhtso); Turkic (Erz. emezh "fruit", syukoro "flatbread", konak "guest"- moksh. imozh, tsyukor, konok). And a large number of Russian borrowings.

In the sound systemMokshalanguage 7 vowel phonemes: a, o, y, i(s), e, a", b, vErzya The language has 5 vowels: a, o, u, i(s), e. IN erzyans com language has 28 consonants, Moksha - 33: labial - Erz., moksh. 6, p, m, v, f; anterior lingual- Erz. t, t", d, d", c, c", s, s", z, z", n, n", l, l", p, r", h, w, g; moksh. t, t", d, d", c, c", s, s", z, z", n, n", l, lx, l", lx, p, px, p", px, h, w, w; middle language- Erz. th, moksh. y, yh; posterior lingual- Erz., moksh. g, k, x.V Moksha In the language there are voiceless “sonorants” рх, ръх, лх, лъх, йх. Mokshansky initial w in Erz Yangsky corresponds to h: shi "day", seam "foam"- Erz. chi, chow. At firstMoksha And Erzyawords, voiceless consonants predominate, voiced consonants are deafened in front of the voiceless ones: after all, “water” is “vet” of “water”, kuz “fir” is bush “fir”. In general, the phonetics of both languages ​​are similar.

Any noun inMordovian languages varies according to three declinations: basic (in moksh. 12 cases, in Erz. - eleven); index (in moksh. 3 cases, inErz. - 10); possessive (in moksh., Erz. - 10 cases). Demonstrative declension (using demonstrative suffixes to denote certain objects: kud "house"- where is "this house") of all Finno-Ugric languages characteristic only of Mordovians.

IN Mordovian languages The category of gender is not expressed grammatically: moksh. mazy tsera "handsome guy"- wash the ointments" beautiful girl", Erz. Vadrya Tsera- Vadrya teyter.

The verb in Mordovian languages ​​can be objectless (only person action is expressed V atelier) and object (both person and number of direct action are expressed:Erz.kundyze “he caught him”) conjugation, has 7 moods: indicative, subjunctive, desirable, imperative incentive, conditional, conditional subjunctive. All parts of speech can be complicated by formants of predicate change:moksh. mazyyan "I am beautiful" (mazy "handsome"),Erz. pokshtanok "we are big" (poksh "big").

Many foreign linguists consider the Moksha and Erzya languages ​​to be two dialects of one language.

Monuments of writing inMordovian languages ​​have been known since the 17th century. Mordovian writing is based on Russian graphics. The first "Mordovian grammar," compiled in the Mordovian-Moksha dialect by P. P. Ornatov, was published in 1838, the first primer (in the Erzyan language), prepared by A. F. Yurtov,- in 1884

Moksha- and Erzya- Mordovian languages Although related, they still differ from each other. Both languages ​​have 80% in common (vocabulary, phonetics, grammar, etc.), which gives some scientists grounds to justify the possibility of “bringing closer” both languages ​​to each other and even further transforming them into a single national language.

Based on materials from the book "Secrets of Mordovian names" by N. Mokshin

Sample phrases in Russian, Erzya and Moksha languages








Vastomazonok! Ulede


What is your name?

When should you fly?

Koda ton lemtse?

I want with you

Uli melem martot
tee-vems sodavixex.

Mon Yoran Marchtont Tiems

I love you.

Mon ton vechktyan.

Mon kelktadjaz tin.

How can I help you?

Kodamo lezks drowning

Messa teeny lezdoms?

Wish you happiness!

Arsyan tynenk utsyaska!

Arsyan teint pavaz!

I was born in Saransk, and
Now I live in Moscow.

Mon chachin Saran osh-so,
ney eryan Moskovso.

Mon Shachen
Saransky-sa, and pull eryan Moskus.

Mordovians speak two Mordovian languages: Moksha and Erzya. Both of these languages ​​belong to the Volga language group of the Ural language family.

Uralic language family.

Russian-Moksha-Erzya dictionary1500-1700 years ago, the Mordovian people, according to one scientific theory, had a single culture and spoke one common Mordovian language. Another theory says that in at that time there were various - but related! -

Mordovian tribes who spoke related dialects, which later formed the basis of the Erzya and Moksha languages.(In the common Mordovian languageor in related Mordovian dialects) notthere were complex sentences. Two types of simples were usedsentences: with one main member and with two main members. Order

the words in the sentence were not free.Approximately in the V-VI centuries. a single Mordovian language (or different but related Mordovian dialects) were divided into two closely related, but independentCurrently, newspapers, books, and magazines are published in both languages. Both languages ​​are studied in schools, universities, and used on television and radio. But in the public sphere, the use of languages ​​is constantly declining: if about thirty years ago Mordovian speech was quite common and heard on the streets of towns and cities, now Mordovian languages ​​are spoken mainly only in villages, in cities - only in families, on the streets Mordovian speech is heard extremely rarely.

The main lexical fund of the Moksha and Erzya languages ​​was inherited from the common Mordovian language (or from its various dialects): ( moksh. kyad "hand", kyal "tongue", selme "eye"- Erz. ked, kel, selme). However, in the Moksha and Erzyan languages ​​there are also words of different roots (there are more than a hundred of them): moksh. otsyu "big", ilyad "evening", shuzhar "straw"- Erz. poksh, chokshne, olgo. In the vocabulary of modern Mordovian languages there are borrowings from Iranian languages (moksh. syada "hundred", veroz "lamb", mirde "husband"- Erz. sito, virez, mirde; Baltic (Erz. cypo "millet", purtsoz "pig"- moksh. sura, purkhtso); Turkic (Erz. emezh "fruit", syukoro "flatbread", konak "guest"- moksh. imozh, tsyukor, konok). And also a large number of Russian borrowings.

In the sound systemMokshalanguage 7 vowel phonemes: a, o, y, i(s), e, a", b, vErzya The language has 5 vowels: a, o, u, i(s), e. IN erzyans com language has 28 consonants, Moksha - 33: labial - Erz., moksh. 6, p, m, v, f; anterior lingual- Erz. t, t", d, d", c, c", s, s", z, z", n, n", l, l", p, r", h, w, g; moksh. t, t", d, d", c, c", s, s", z, z", n, n", l, lx, l", lx, p, px, p", px, h, w, w; middle language- Erz. th, moksh. y, yh; posterior lingual- Erz., moksh. g, k, x.V Moksha In the language there are voiceless “sonorants” рх, ръх, лх, лъх, йх. Mokshansky initial w in Erz Yangsky corresponds to h: shi "day", seam "foam"- Erz. chi, chow. At firstMoksha And Erzyawords, voiceless consonants predominate, voiced consonants are deafened in front of the voiceless ones: after all, “water” is “vet” of “water”, kuz “fir” is bush “fir”. In general, the phonetics of both languages ​​are similar.

Any noun inMordovian languages varies according to three declinations: basic (in moksh. 12 cases, in Erz. - eleven); index (in moksh. 3 cases, inErz. - 10); possessive (in moksh., Erz. - 10 cases). Demonstrative declension (using demonstrative suffixes to denote certain objects: kud "house"- where is "this house") of all Finno-Ugric languages characteristic only of Mordovians.

IN Mordovian languages The category of gender is not expressed grammatically: moksh. mazy tsera "handsome guy"- mazy wash "beautiful girl" Erz. Vadrya Tsera- Vadrya teyter.

The verb in Mordovian languages ​​can be objectless (only person action is expressed V atelier) and object (both person and number of direct action are expressed:Erz.kundyze “he caught him”) conjugation, has 7 moods: indicative, subjunctive, desirable, imperative incentive, conditional, conditional subjunctive. All parts of speech can be complicated by formants of predicate change:moksh. mazyyan "I am beautiful" (mazy "handsome"),Erz. pokshtanok "we are big" (poksh "big").

Many foreign linguists consider the Moksha and Erzya languages ​​to be two dialects of one language.

Monuments of writing inMordovian languages ​​have been known since the 17th century. Mordovian writing is based on Russian graphics. The first "Mordovian grammar," compiled in the Mordovian-Moksha dialect by P. P. Ornatov, was published in 1838, the first primer (in the Erzyan language), prepared by A. F. Yurtov,- in 1884

Moksha and Erzya Mordovian languages, being related, still differ from each other. Both languages ​​have 80% in common (vocabulary, phonetics, grammar, etc.), which gives some scientists grounds to justify the possibility of “bringing closer” both languages ​​to each other and even further transforming them into a single national language.

Based on materials from the book "Secrets of Mordovian names" by N. Mokshin

Sample phrases in Russian, Erzya and Moksha languages








Vastomazonok! Ulede


What is your name?

When should you fly?

Koda ton lemtse?

I want with you

Uli melem martot
tee-vems sodavixex.

Mon Yoran Marchtont Tiems

I love you.

Mon ton vechktyan.

Mon kelktadjaz tin.

How can I help you?

Kodamo lezks drowning

Messa teeny lezdoms?

Wish you happiness!

Arsyan tynenk utsyaska!

Arsyan teint pavaz!

I was born in Saransk, and
Now I live in Moscow.

Mon chachin Saran osh-so,
ney eryan Moskovso.

Mon Shachen
Saransky-sa, and pull eryan Moskus.