
The scenario of victory day in dow is modern. Material (senior group) on the topic: Victory Day in kindergarten

Holiday of peace in the country and spring.

On this day, we remember the soldiers

Those who did not return to their families from the war.

On this holiday we honor grandfathers,

Defended their native country

Giving people victory

And who returned peace and spring to us!


With these words one could begin each event, dedicated to the Day Great Victory.

Traditionally, on this significant day in our kindergarten children, together with the educator, recall those distant days when the fate of our country, the fate of all mankind, was decided.

How to tell our children about this Great War?

What words can be found to fully describe the suffering of people who lived through that time?

How to convey the essence of what was happening competently and evoke a feeling of pride, compassion, reverence, patriotism in a small soul?

Many words were said on the topic of Victory, many speeches were made, books, articles, songs, poems were written, films were made. Many more will be said, because this is a huge grief that we have no right to forget.

So we cannot remain silent and turn to the theme of the celebration of May 9th. We have been working on the topic “Socialization. Moral and patriotic education in preschool children. Every year our - educators of the senior - preparatory group with children we take part in a festive concert dedicated to Victory Day It is important to bring the child to the understanding that we won because we love our Motherland, the Motherland honors its heroes who gave their lives for the happiness of people. Their names are immortalized in the names of cities, streets, squares, monuments were erected in their honor.

It is sad to see that every year they become less and less. Years, illnesses, old wounds take their toll.

For a very long time and carefully, educators and pupils were preparing for the glorious Victory Day. Together with their educators: Gutchenko N.F., Chipulyaeva Yu.A., Belyaeva I.V., Tkachenko E.I. and musical director A.N. Melnik prepared a holiday.

At the holiday, children, with a feeling of special gratitude, read poetry, sang songs, ditties on military subjects, and danced.

Beautiful heartfelt music of military songs, inspired performance by preschoolers of songs: “Three Tankers”, “Katyusha”, “Smuglyanka”, “Victory Day”, were an enthusiastic component of the holiday, brought a bright note to this solemn event.

With a special feeling, the children sang the songs “Good Soldiers”, “Soldiers – Preschool Children”.

And the children of the preparatory group No. 10 performed in the Preschool Rainbow with the song "Katyusha"

In the senior group No. 5, together with parents and children, they prepared and conducted a project on the topic: "Children's literature about the Great Patriotic War"

In all groups, a creative workshop "Postcard for WWII veterans" was organized

Listening to songs of the war years.

In group No. 9 there is a girl Zhidkova Kira who came to us from Ukraine her mother wrote a poem “I will write a letter to God” with which Kira participated in the city competition Preschool Rainbow in the nomination “Expressive reading”. The poem evoked an emotional response.

It is clear that the parents of our pupils also help our work. They take an active part in all the activities of our kindergarten. We conducted a survey among the parents of the group “The need for moral and patriotic education among preschoolers”, in which it turned out that almost all parents support the desire of teachers to tell as much as possible about that great war.

Preparing for the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory, the entire team, parents and children of our kindergarten, brought photos and documents of their great-grandfathers and talked about their participation in the Second World War from the words of their parents, grandparents. On the basis of these documents, we created a “WALL OF MEMORY” in the preschool educational institution, and their parents became very interested in the past of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers.

Parents also noted that thanks to moral and patriotic education, children become more attentive to the elderly, kinder, more respectful.

Children are our future, they must pass on the memory of terrible events to their children so that they live in peace and harmony. Based on specific facts from the life of older family members (grandparents, participants in the Great Patriotic War, their front-line and labor exploits) it is necessary to instill in children such important concepts as “duty to the Motherland”, “love for the Fatherland”, “hatred of the enemy”, “labor feat”, etc.

Raising a patriot of one's Motherland is a responsible and difficult task, the solution of which is just beginning in preschool childhood. Planned, systematic work, the use of various means of education, the common efforts of the kindergarten and the family, the responsibility of adults for their words and deeds can give positive results and become the basis for further work on patriotic education

We are aware that we should not expect “adult forms” of manifestation of love for the Motherland from children. But if as a result pedagogical work, the child will have knowledge about the name of the country, its geography, nature, symbols, public holidays, including Victory Day. If he knows the names of one of those who glorified our homeland, our small homeland, if he shows interest in the acquired knowledge, read poetry, sing songs. Then we can assume that the task is completed within the limits available to preschool age.

Prepared by:

caregiver the highest category

MBDOU №43 "Alyonushka"

Dadakhanova N.V.

Teacher Alekseenko I.N.

The script is interesting and detailed.

Scenario "Happy Victory Day!"

Veterans and guests invited to the celebration take their places in the festively decorated hall. The leader (teacher) enters.


Faces lit up with joy

On this bright May morning!

Birds are pouring outside the window

Sheds the leaves with mother-of-pearl.

We give carnations to veterans,

We remember the brave fighters

We will not forget the great feat

Our grandfathers and our fathers!

Solemn music sounds. Children run into the hall. They give veterans flowers or cards, congratulate them on the holiday. Music sounds. Children sing E Zaritskaya's song "Heirs of Victory".

Leading. Dear Guys! Today we are celebrating a wonderful, joyful holiday - the Victory Day of our people in the Great Patriotic War over Nazi Germany. The path to victory was difficult and long. Our entire vast country has risen to fight the enemy. Every day the echelons took the fighters to the front.

Music sounds. The girls wave their handkerchiefs, the boys perform rebuilding to marching music. Having lined up in a column, the participants walk along the walls of the hall behind the leader, then line up in several columns. At the end of the music, the children take their places.

Leading. In many families, soldiers' triangles have been preserved - letters that fathers and brothers sent from the front. They wrote that they would return home with a victory.

A boy comes to the center of the room. In his hands is a letter from the front, folded into a triangle. He unfolds and "reads" the letter.


Hello, dear Maxim!

Hello my beloved son!

I write from the front

Tomorrow morning - back to battle!

We will drive the Nazis.

Take care, son, mother,

Forget sadness and sadness -

I'll be back victorious!

I will hug you at last.


Your father

Two girls and two boys go to the center of the hall, read the “front-line letter” in turn.

My dear relatives!

Night. The flame of a candle flickers.

I remember not for the first time

How do you sleep on a warm stove.

In our little old hut,

What is lost in the deaf forests,

I remember the field, the river,

Again and again I remember you.

My brothers and sisters!

Tomorrow I'm going to fight again

For their Fatherland, for Russia,

That got into a dashing misfortune.

Gather my courage, strength,

I will beat the Germans without pity,

So that nothing threatens you,

So that you can learn and live!

Leading. Not only men fought in the war, but also women. They were nurses, doctors, nurses, intelligence officers, signalmen. Many soldiers were saved from death by gentle kind female hands.

A girl comes out, she has a scarf with a red cross on her head, a bag with medicines (cotton wool, bandages, a vial of iodine) on her side.


The guns are roaring

bullets whistle.

Wounded by a shell fragment

Sister whispers:

"Come on, I'll support

I will bandage your wound!" —

I forgot everything: weakness and fear,

Carried him out of the fight in my arms.

How much love and warmth was in her!

Sister saved many from death!

Music sounds. Children sing the song "Little Valenka"

Leading.(Indicates how many years) have passed since our valiant warriors defeated the enemy. The war took many lives. And every year on this day we remember all those who died in the battles for the Motherland, we bow low to those who defended a peaceful life and freedom for us. Nobody is forgotten! Nothing is forgotten!

Music sounds. Children perform a song by A. Filippenko"Eternal flame".

presenter. People did not lose faith in victory, even in the most difficult times. "The enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours" - these words sounded everywhere. And then the day came when the end of the war was announced on the radio. The country rejoiced! They sang and danced in the streets, strangers embraced each other, many wept for joy.

Music sounds. The boys dance "Apple". Then the children perform a folk dance.

Leading. On May 9, fireworks are lit in honor of the great Victory. The evening sky is lit up with bright holiday lights.

Three children go to the center of the hall and take turns reading the poem “Festive Fireworks”.

1st child.

Lush bouquets

Blooming in the sky

Sparks of light

Petals sparkle.

2nd child.

Flashing asters

blue, red,

Blue, purple -

Every time new!

3rd child.

And then the river

Golden flow.

What it is?

Children (in chorus). Holiday fireworks!!!

Children perform exercises with balls.

Ball exercises. Children stand scattered facing the audience. Each child holds a balloon by a thread (thread length 15 cm) in his right lowered hand. Introduction.

Bars 1-4. The children stand still.

Bars 5-8. Slowly raise your arms with the ball forward to chest level.

From the beginning of the song and up to the 24th measure, the children sway from foot to foot (left-right) for each measure, smoothly moving the hand with the ball in the same direction.

Bars 24-27. Children take the ball with both hands. On the “one” of the 25th measure, they throw it up and then, following the falling ball, they themselves go down on one knee (or squat down), spreading their arms to the sides and down.

On the 28th measure, the children, having taken the ball, stand up, on the 29th measure, they again throw the ball up; then, on bars 30-31, they are lowered simultaneously with the ball.

This is repeated four more times. Having tossed the ball for the sixth time and, kneeling down, the children take it in their hands for the last two measures and slowly stand up.

At the end of the music, they alternately read the poem “Let there be no war ever!”

May there never be a war!

Let peaceful cities sleep.

Let the sirens howl

Doesn't sound over my head.

Let not a single shell burst,

None of them scribbles an automatic.

Let our forests announce

And let the years pass peacefully

May there never be a war!

The song "Victory Day" sounds, music. D. Tukhmanova, sl. Kharitonov. Children give balloons to guests. The holiday ends.

May 9 is a holiday with tears in our eyes, but it is a holiday of joy, happiness. This is the memory of those terrible years when trouble came to every family, this is the memory of war veterans who returned from the war. Thanks to them, we, our children, live now. This memory must live on, and for preschoolers, this is one of the first lessons of our history, which we must preserve in the hearts of our children.

One of the variants of the scenario for the "Victory Day" was held in the preschool educational institution No. 98 "Fairy Tale", Petrozavodsk.

The teachers of the preparatory group Anfimova.E.I., Smirnova.M.A., the head of music Artamonova.S.P. took an active part in its preparation. and physio instructor Fofanova.R.V.

Target: Contribute to the education of citizens and patriots of their country.


Raising love and respect for their homeland - Russia,

To instill in children a sense of respect for war and labor veterans.

Equipment: music center, handkerchiefs, guises, video for Victory Day, potato peelings, a piece rye bread.

Previous work:Conversations about the Second World War, reading fiction, looking at photographs of the war years, talking about children during the war.

The course of the holiday.

Children enter the music hall to the song of Tukhmanov"Victory Day ", perform rebuilding. Into a column one at a time, through the center into a column one at a time, to the right, to the left, change places in 2 lines.

Leading : May 9 is an unusual holiday. Every holiday is first of all joy, fun, laughter. The unusualness of May 9th is that joy is intertwined with grief, laughter with tears.

Child: It seemed cold to the flowers,

And they faded a little from the dew.

The dawn that walked through the grasses and bushes,

They searched with German binoculars.

Child: A flower, all in dewdrops, clung to the flowers,

And the border guard stretched out his hands to them,

And the Germans, having finished drinking coffee at that moment

They climbed into the tanks, closed the hatches.

Child: Everything breathed such silence,

That the whole earth was still asleep, it seemed

Who knew that between peace and war

There are only five minutes left.

Leading : The Nazis attacked our country, as only cowards attack at night. It happened on June 22, 1941, Sunday. All the people slept peacefully. Nothing foreshadowed trouble.

Child: And suddenly from the loudspeakers came the terrible news that Nazi Germany attacked our country. The threat of loss of independence and freedom hangs over our Motherland.

A recording of Y. Levitan's text sounds: “Attention! Moscow is speaking!

Leading : The Nazis burned houses, killed people. Men left to fight, to defend their land. Our soldiers blocked the road to the enemy and spared no effort went to the Victory! And those who were not taken to the front served the Motherland in the rear. Women, old people and children replaced the men who had gone to war - they made tanks, planes, shells, and grew bread.Everything for the front! Everything for the Victory!- the slogan of the war years. The war went on for a long, terrible four years.

Child : The longest day of the year

With its cloudless weather

He gave us a common misfortune

For all for all four years.

She made such a mark

And laid so many on the ground,

What 20 years old 30 years old

The living can't believe they're alive.

The girls of the preparatory group dance a dance to the song "Blue Handkerchief".

Leading: The war became the hardest test for our country. Only the people themselves, with their steadfastness, selflessness, and readiness to give their lives for their Motherland, could save her.

Child: The war brought a lot of grief, people shed many tears over the years.

City of Leningrad ( Saint Petersburg) the Nazis surrounded on all sides. The enemies could not break into the city, but they did not let anyone into Leningrad either. Soon all the food in the city ended and people began to die of hunger. Take a look, what is it? - cleaning. What do we do with them? Throw them away. And in a city dying of hunger, these cleanings were cooked and eaten. Such small pieces of rye bread were given to children. (SHOWING). And that was all the food for the whole day. Do you think you can get enough of such a small piece of course not!

Child: Time is a healer and it has experienced this role over everyone.

But there is human pain, over which time has no power.

Here again, after so many years, my grandmother on Victory Day

Not flowers, not a wreath, but brought bread to the grave of my grandfather.

Leading: Some small towns and villages were completely burned by the Nazis. Not a single house, not a single person remained. Many soldiers, women and children died.

An excerpt from the song “Get up a huge country” sounds.

Leading : War is terrible, they kill in war. Those who passed this test learned to hate the enemy, but remained human. As before, they were friends, fell in love, every moment they were ready for self-sacrifice.

Children of the preparatory group sing military medley. The song "Front-line driver", "Katyusha", "Smuglyanka", "Heavenly slug", "Three tankmen".

Leading: Sailors, gunners, border guards, signalmen.

To everyone who protects our world and guards the borders

Glory and praise for great deeds.

Leading: But finally, our warriors-defenders managed to defeat the enemies. They began to drive them out of our land. And kicked out to their main city of Berlin. And on this very day they announced the Victory over the enemy.

Child: All the streets are dressed in flowers,

And ringing songs are heard

Today is Victory Day

Happy, bright day of spring!

Child : That morning became famous-

The news spread all over the world

The vile fascists are defeated

Praise to the Russian Army.

Child : Inhaled full chest People

End of the war! End of the war!

And colorful fireworks

Glittered for a long time in the sky.

Child : Thunder of triumph by a mighty shaft

Rolled along the edges of the native

Fatherland saluted

To their brave warriors.

Leading : And since then, every year on this day, May 9, our people celebrate Victory Day. Congratulate each other for not more war on our land. Remember those who died fighting the Nazis. Thanks to the soldiers who defeated the Nazis and liberated our land from enemies. These warriors are now very old people, but on this Victory Day, they put on their orders and medals, received for the heroic struggle against the enemy, and go to the Victory parade.


When fireworks rumbled from end to end.

Soldiers gave the whole planet

Great May, victorious May.

Child: More then we were not in the world

When you come home with a victory.

Soldiers of May, glory to you forever

From all the earth, from all the earth!

Child: Even then we were not in the world

When war was declared

And adults and children stood nearby,

To defend ourselves against the enemy.

Leading: Seventy years have passed since the end of the Great Patriotic War. But we must not forget this terrible lesson of history.

Child : Very scary to become,

If you hear a terrible word - war.

Over the planet, over the whole world

She holds out her black hands.

Does anyone need it

To burn the fire of the city,

For the children to hide in fear

And forgot about the world forever.

I want the sun to shine

But not only over our country,

So that children all over the planet

Smiled with me

To wake them up in the morning

And saw the sun through the window

And not the black smoke of conflagrations,

crawling on the ground.

Don't dream of such a dream

And only my mother will dream

Or golden sun

Spring day, native land.

Child: What is needed for life?

Sun! Sun!

What is needed for friendship?

Heart! Heart!

What does the heart need?

Happiness! happiness!

What is needed for happiness?


Child :Peace in every home, in every country!

The world is life on the planet.

The world is the sun on our Earth!

the world is needed by adults and children!

Children of the preparatory group sing the song "Solar Circle".

Leading : Our holiday does not end. On May 9, with moms and dads, go to the monument to our fellow countrymen who died for the Motherland. Lay flowers.

To the music of Tukhmanov" Victory Day The children leave the music hall.

Victory Day

Senior group

Eternal flame, fireworks, flowers on the central wall

To the marching music “Farewell of the Slav”, children enter the hall, march and rebuild from column to circle, facing the audience

Children: Bright day in the morning, wonderful,

It bloomed all over with flowers,

I hear the sound of songs

The holiday has come to my city!

Today is a holiday - Victory Day!

Happy holiday - spring day,

All the streets are dressed in flowers,

And sonorous songs are heard.

I know from dad, I know from grandfather -

On the ninth of May Victory came to us,

All the people were waiting for that day,

That day was the happiest!

Let the Victory salute thunder

This light warms the world.

Our great-grandfathers and grandfathers...

All: We wish you all many more years!

Song Great Grandfather

  1. I recently live in the world
    And I know the story from books,
    But about the big war
    I hear live stories.

    There is one person in the world
    He always tells me the truth.
    And a trace remains in the soul, -
    My great-grandfather stays with me!

    From the Volga to Berlin itself.

    He protected his wife and son


    And so that I could be born into the world!

    2. He went to war so early,
    He was like me during the war years,
    Had a chance to be in captivity
    And go through fire and water.

    He became the defender of the Motherland,

    And won the victory
    And with a victory went home!


sit down

Leading: Summer night, at dawn,

When the children were sleeping peacefully

Hitler ordered the troops

And sent German soldiers

Against the Russians, against us!

Children: "Get up, people!" - Hearing the call of the Earth,

Soldiers-heroes went to the front,

Courageously and boldly they rushed into battle,

Fought for the Motherland, for you and me!

Wanted to take revenge on the enemy as soon as possible

For the elderly, for women, for children!

Leading: During the war, the whole country stood up to defend their homeland! And young girls aspired to the front - many were nurses, scouts, even pilots. And the artists and musicians helped the fighters to maintain morale.

Boy: Not to the face of a fighter kruchina,

Don't let the place burn

Even if there is a reason - never lose heart,

Play with spoons!

Spoon Orchestra, under. r.s.m. "In the forge"

Girls: My great-grandmother didn't fight

She brought Victory closer in the rear,

Factories worked in our rear,

For the front, tanks, planes were made there ...

Shells were made and bullets were cast,

Clothes, boots were made,

Bombs for airplanes, guns for soldiers,

And guns, and, of course, provisions.

Today we have a break

Tomorrow we fight again

My fighting friend

Waltz dance with me!

Dance of girls with scarves "Blue handkerchief"

Leading: Our soldiers were distinguished not only by their daring, cheerful character, but also by their immense courage, heroism and ingenuity. What were their grandchildren like? The same dexterous and savvy?

Games "Carry the ammo", "Drag the rope", "Line up"

And how brave and fearless the nurses were, carrying the wounded right from the battlefield, when explosions rumbled and bullets whistled overhead. They were bold and courageous.

Game "Help the Wounded"

Children: Soldiers! Thank you

For childhood, for spring, for life,

For silence, for a peaceful home,

For the world we live in!

And though many years have passed

But we will never forget

Those hard-to-give victories

Heroes will always be remembered!

Leading: We honor the memory of the heroes who died for the Motherland with a moment of silence.

A minute of silence, then a slide show about the war to the music “Let's bow to those great years”

Children: May there never be a war!

Let the cities sleep peacefully

Let the sirens howl

Doesn't sound over my head.

Let not a single shell burst,

None of them scribbles an automatic.

Let our forests announce

May the years pass in peace.

Together: May there never be a war!

Dance "White Birds"

Child: Victory Day! Long-awaited holiday!
Peaceful blue skies.

Peoples, countries remember on Earth -

On this day the war ended!

In honor of the Victory Day

We'll sing a song

And we congratulate everyone

Happy spring day!

Song "Big Holiday", N. Solomykina

  1. May blooms green again
    And the trees rustle with leaves.
    Lighting up the sky solemnly,

He became dear to me and to you.

Our grandfathers defended in battles

  1. And the kids are always laughing.


Children: Then we were not yet in the world,

When fireworks rumbled from end to end.

Soldiers, you gave the planet

Great May, victorious May.

Then we were not yet in the world,

When you come home with a victory.

Soldiers of May, glory to you forever

From the whole earth, from the whole earth.

"Salute" (with ribbons)

In honor of our army

In honor of our army

Leading: On a joyful, spring and wonderful day

About the Motherland, about the world were our songs.

May there never be another war!

And let the flowers bloom for the joy of people!
Thank you! Happy holiday!

Exit the hall to the song "Victory Day"

Dear parents, let's learn songs together)))

Song "Grandfather"

  1. I recently live in the world
    And I know the story from books,
    But about the big war
    I hear live stories.

    There is one person in the world
    He always tells me the truth.
    And a trace remains in the soul, -
    My great-grandfather stays with me!

    Chorus: Great-grandfather, great-grandfather, he went through the whole war,
    From the Volga to Berlin itself.
    Great-grandfather, great-grandfather, he defended the country,
    He protected his wife and son


    Great-grandfather, great-grandfather, he risked his life,
    So that the birds sing in the sky again,
    And the sky turned blue, and the laughter did not fade away,
    And so that I can be born into the world,
    And so that I could be born into the world!

  1. He left for the war so early.
    He was like me, he was in the war years.
    Had a chance to be in captivity
    And go through fire and water.

    He became the defender of the Motherland,
    Even though he was just a boy,
    And won the victory
    And with a victory went home!


Song "Big Holiday"

  1. May blooms green again
    And the trees rustle with leaves.
    Lighting up the sky solemnly,
    In honor of the Victory salutes thunder.

Chorus: This is a big holiday - Victory Day.

He became dear to me and to you.

Our grandfathers defended in battles

Peace and happiness in our land.

  1. Let there be peace on our planet,
    And the kids are always laughing.
    So let's get together and loud
    In honor of the Victory, we all shout: "Hurrah!"


"Salute" (with ribbons)

  1. Above Red Square, Under the sky of the Kremlin

Flowers bloom like the dawn.

Above Red Square - Colored lights,

They fly to the shoulder straps of the military ... (2 times)

Chorus: On the square of the Red gun they beat:

Salute in honor of our army today!

In honor of our army

In honor of our army

Today, today fireworks! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

  1. A blue flower descends from the sky.

For our pilots, he is the most dear.

Green petals are burning in the sky,

They are close to our border guards. (2 times)

A blue flower descends from the clouds,

Like the waves of the sea for all sailors.

Descends yellow, crimson color ...

Above the homeland of a peaceful spring bouquet. (2 times)

Matinee "We must remember and honor everything ..."

Leading. This year, on Victory Day, we are opening a museum of memory: it contains illustrations, books about the war, wartime newspapers, relics that have been preserved in the families of our pupils (bowler hats, caps, tablets, compasses, wartime photographs, etc.).

The museum is open not only for children, but also for parents. It has a cinema hall where you can watch films, slides about the Great Patriotic War, listen to the story of the guide-educator.

After visiting the museum, a matinee will begin dedicated to a very solemn date - ...-anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Dressed-up children enter the hall, in their hands are fireworks, ribbons, flowers.

Leading. Today we are celebrating a very solemn day - the anniversary of the Victory. Veterans of the Great Patriotic War came to visit us, meet them. (Everyone greets the guests.)

May 9 - Victory Day! The path to victory was long and hard. A deep bow to the soldiers who honorably fulfilled their duty to the Motherland: both those who returned home and those who did not live to see the great day.

Child. Salute to our defenders!

Children. Firework! Firework! Firework!

The song “Victory Day” sounds (in the recording) (music by D. Tukhmanov, lyrics by V. Kharitonov). For the introduction, everyone is rebuilt in three concentric circles. Children in the outer circle hold ribbons in their hands, in the middle - flowers, in the inner circle - fireworks. For the first verse, the children go in counter-movement in three circles. Children with ribbons raise their hands. Lowered. Children with flowers raise their hands. Lowered. Children with fireworks raise their hands. Lowered. All children raise their hands, lower them. Everyone sings the chorus.

On the second verse, the children line up in three lines facing the audience. Children with ribbons in their hands go forward to the audience. Behind them are children with flowers. Then comes a line of children with fireworks. On the chorus, the movements are repeated. On the third verse, the children go freely around the hall. On the chorus, the movements are repeated.

1st child.

Victory! Victory! Victory!

The news is brought across the country,

End of trials and tribulations

End of the long war.

2nd child.

Victory won in blood

You are a hundred times more precious to my heart.

You were with us in the suburbs,

Do you remember the Caucasus, Leningrad.


You walked with us in columns,

She led us into a decisive battle.

Today on our banners

You eclipsed the sun.

I. Vasilevsky

Leading. Victory and peace - these two words are inseparable.

1st child.

We need peace: you and me

And to all the children in the world.

And the dawn should be peaceful

which we will meet tomorrow.

2nd child.

We need peace, grass in the dew,

Smiling childhood;

We need a world, a beautiful world


3rd child.

We need to run, jump, sing

And talk to each other.

4th child.

Anything to talk about

About games and fun

About motorcycles, about movies

And about the brave cowboys.

5th child.

Who interfered with this world -

With flowers on the edge?

6th child.

Who in this world, wonderful world,

Aimed with a cannon?

7th child. I'll be happy.

8th child. I'll be happy.

9th child. And we will all be happy...

All. When all bullets and shells disappear on Earth. Children sing the song "About the world."

Leading.... years ago, our grandfathers defended peace on earth. Our people know the value of peace and peaceful life. What is needed for adults and children to live happily in the world?

Children. World.

Leading. What do you think "peace" is?

1st child. The world is a sunny morning.

2nd child. The world is when the day is full of worries.

3rd child. The world is golden fields and blooming gardens.

4th child. The world is when the doors of schools and kindergartens are open.

5th child. The world is when the spring thunder rumbles and the guns do not rumble.

6th child. The world is when dad, mom and I are around.

All. The world is life!

Children sing the song "Let there always be sunshine." The light goes out.

Leading. Our people endured a terrible and difficult war and emerged victorious. All the people rose up to fight the enemy, young and old... Women and children worked in the rear: fired shells, sewed clothes, treated the wounded. "Everything for the front" - the slogan of the war years sounded!

As the facilitator talks, there is a slide show.

Fierce battles were fought on the seas, rivers, on land and in the sky, in forests and swamps. Many did not return from the war, but the memory of them lives forever in our hearts. (Slide show - Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Lights on.) We always remember them. Let's honor their memory with a moment of silence.

1st child.

The whole globe under the feet,

I live, I breathe, I sing.

But always in my memory

Killed in battle.

2nd child.

What I owe them, I know.

And let not only a verse,

My life will be worthy

Their soldier's death.

S. Schipachev

Adults and children sing the song "Eternal Flame" (music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by D. Chibisov). Sat. Holidays in Kindergarten. - M., 1976.

The host gives the floor to a war veteran who talks about his military path. Children ask the veteran questions. For example: Where did you celebrate Victory Day? What did you feel when you heard "Victory!"? Do you meet with fellow soldiers now? The veteran wishes the children to love the Motherland, to be friends, to grow up as worthy people.

Children sing the song "Heirs of Victory" (music by E. Zaritskaya, lyrics by V. Shumilin). Sat. Holidays in Kindergarten. - M, 1990. Fresh flowers are given to veterans.

Leading. Our soldiers fought bravely on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. Look at the scene "We are military" by S. Mikhalkov. It shows how our defenders fought.

Children come out, in their costumes elements of a military uniform.

telephone operator(with phone).

Hello, hello, Jupiter, I am Diamond.

You are almost completely inaudible.

We occupied the village with a fight,

And how are you, hello, hello.

Sailor(looks through binoculars).

On the horizon, the plane.

Full speed ahead, forward!

Get ready for battle crew

Set aside, our fighter.

Submachine gunner.

So I went up to the attic.

Maybe the enemy is here.

We clean the house behind the house,

We will find the enemy everywhere.

Pilot(with map).

The infantry is here, and the tanks are here.

Seven minutes left to fly.

Clear order of battle.

All. The enemy will not leave us.

Private(in a cap, with an order).

I am a young infantryman.

He fought with a fascist near Moscow.

I went to reconnaissance more than once,

The colonel rewarded me.

Children perform rebuilding "Good Soldiers" (music by A. Filippenko).

Leading. Only strong, skillful, dexterous warriors were able to win this war.

Rides "Who is the most accurate shooter?" (knock down the skittle with a ball); "Pull the rope."


Who is the strongest of the guys?

Well, let's get on the ropes!

The one who pulls

It will become the strongest.

The host shows four envelopes, explains that these reports must be delivered to the headquarters (the table at which war veterans sit).

The game “Walk through the swamp and deliver reports” is being played (four children, rearranging the planks, move forward. They bring envelopes to veterans). The host offers to open the reports.

Veteran (reads the riddle).

A turtle is crawling, a steel shirt,

The enemy is in the ravine, and she, where is the enemy.

Knows neither sorrow nor fear.

What is this turtle?


The song “Three Tankmen” sounds (in the recording) (music by Dm. and Dan. Pokrassov, lyrics by B. Laskin). Three boys in helmets, with rudders, go around the hall.

The adult opens the second envelope. Reading the riddle:

Like never-before-seen wonderful flowers,

Umbrellas flew from the sky.


Leading.And here are the paratroopers.

Parachutes are flying. (The dome is made of corrugated paper or light nylon fabric; at the end of the connected threads is a plasticine ball.) The girls perform a song and dance with parachutes (words by T. Spendiarova, music by L. Levina).

One of the guests opens the third envelope and reads the riddle:

Iron fish swims underwater

The enemy is threatened with fire and misfortune.

Iron fish dives to the bottom.

She guards the native seas.


Boy (in capless).

Sailors are marching in formation, anchors are flashing.

And we dream about the seas in our sailor suits.

G. Boyko

The boys perform the "Apple" dance.

The teacher opens the fourth envelope, reads: “In the war, the soldiers put together many proverbs and sayings. Do you know them?

Children (in turn).

A skilled fighter is well done everywhere.

Good in the ranks - strong in battle.

The soldier's business is to fight bravely and skillfully.

The Russian soldier knows no barriers.

The girl is red with braids, and the soldier with orders.

Gain wisdom in learning, courage in battle.

Stand up for each other and you will win the battle.

Leading. During the war, poets and composers composed many good soulful songs that the soldiers liked to sing during their rest hours, remembering their father's house and relatives.

Educators, children and guests sing familiar songs, for example, “Dark Night (music by N. Bogoslovsky, lyrics by V. Agatov), ​​“Katyusha” (music by M. Blanter, lyrics by M. Isakovsky), “In the Dugout” (music by K. Listov , lyrics by A. Surkov).

Girl (in Russian costume).

I sing Russian songs, even if I am not Ruslanova.

Sings Russian folk song "I went up the hill." Children lead a round dance to the Russian folk melody "And I am in the meadow."

Leading (brings the globe to the center of the hall). Look at how small the globe is (children come up, look at the globe), and there is a place for everyone on it: for people, and animals, and water, and fish, and forests, and fields. We need to take care of this fragile planet, it is our home. And for this, all people on earth need to live in peace.

1st child. Let's save the planet

There is nothing like it in the entire universe.

All alone in the universe