
Serpukhov Military Institute of Missile Forces. History of the Serpukhov Military Institute of Missile Forces

Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces named after Peter the Great (Serpukhov Branch)(unofficially, also from August 29, 1998 to July 15, 2009 Serpukhov Military Institute of Missile Forces listen)) is a Russian higher education institution that trains personnel for the Strategic Missile Forces. Located in the city of Serpukhov, Moscow region. It graduates 600 officers annually. [ ]

Branch of the Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces named after Peter the Great
(FVA Strategic Missile Forces)
Former name Serpukhov Military Institute of Missile Forces
Employees More than 800
Location Serpukhov, Moscow region
Legal address Moscow region, Serpukhov city, st. Brigadnaya, 17
  • since 2009 Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces named after Peter the Great (Serpukhov Branch).
  • since 1983 Serpukhov Higher Military Command and Engineering School of Missile Forces named after Lenin Komsomol.
  • since 1968 Serpukhov Higher Command and Engineering School named after Lenin Komsomol.
  • since 1962 Serpukhov Higher Command and Engineering School.
  • since December 1948 Serpukhov Military Aviation Technical School.
  • since February 1941 2nd Moscow Military Aviation School of Special Services Mechanics.

History of the university

It was founded on September 19, 1941, when, by Order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR No. 0323, separate schools for Air Force specialties were allocated from the 1st Moscow Red Banner Military Aviation Technical School of Communications. [ ] One of these schools, located in the city of Tushino, Moscow region, by order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR dated February 5, 1941 No. 049, received the name of the 2nd Moscow Military Aviation School of Air Force Special Services Mechanics and served as the beginning of the formation of the institute.

By order of the USSR Minister of Defense dated March 10, 1962 No. 0027, the Serpukhov Military Aviation Technical School of the USSR Air Force Special Services was transformed into the Serpukhov Higher Military Command and Engineering School, consisting of two faculties. In 1972, the third faculty was opened, and in 1977, the fourth.

By order of the USSR Minister of Defense dated June 13, 1983 No. 0143, the Serpukhov Higher Military Command and Engineering School was renamed the Serpukhov Higher Military Command and Engineering School of Missile Forces named after the Lenin Komsomol.

The basic missile system for study in the 80s was “Pioneer” (RSD-10), at the end of the 80s - “Topol” (RS-12M), and in the 90s also “Topol-M” ( RS-12M2).

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 29, 1998 No. 1009 and in accordance with Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of September 16, 1998 No. 417, the Serpukhov Higher Military Command and Engineering School of Missile Forces named after the Lenin Komsomol was transformed into the Serpukhov Military Institute of Missile Forces.

The Military Institute, as the leading higher military educational institution of the Strategic Missile Forces, made a significant contribution to the development of the military art of the Strategic Missile Forces - the tactics of units and subunits armed with the PGRK. At the departments of the military institute, together with the country's leading military scientists, the main provisions of the tactics of maneuverable actions of units and subunits armed with PGRK and methods of their combat use were developed. The scientific and pedagogical school of the military institute has become a leader in the formation and development of the tactics of the Missile Forces - an integral part of the tactics of the Russian Armed Forces, covering the theory and practice of preparing and conducting deterrent and combat operations by units and subunits of the Strategic Missile Forces. Scientists at the military institute made a significant contribution to the development of the theory of combat training and operation of missile weapons.

Since July 15, 2009, the Serpukhov Military Institute has been functioning as a branch of the Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces named after Peter the Great. The formation and development of the university is inextricably linked with the history of the country and its Armed Forces. The training system has always kept pace with the country's military-industrial complex. The basic missile system for study in the 80s was “Pioneer”, at the end of the 80s - “Topol”, and since the 90s also “Topol-M”. Since 2015, the branch’s faculties have begun training specialists for the promising mobile and stationary Yars missile systems.

Today, the branch of the academy successfully operates 5 faculties of higher education and a training battalion of secondary specialized education, which was formed in 2015. The cadets have at their disposal all the necessary equipment: laboratories, auditoriums, classrooms, reading rooms, a shooting range, an autodrome, engineering and chemical camps, a tactical field, training command posts, a stadium with artificial turf, and a swimming pool.

Over its long history, the university has trained more than 25,000 rocket officers, of which more than 50 became generals, more than 30 became doctors of science, and commanded formations and formations of the Strategic Missile Forces. Among the university graduates: 1 twice Hero of the Soviet Union, 3 Heroes of the Soviet Union, 2 Heroes of the Russian Federation.

Institute structure

A distinctive feature of a military institute in the 21st century is the presence of two components in its educational activities: command and engineering. Their mutual influence provides departments and faculties with an effective educational process and fruitful research work.

The institute includes:

Faculty No. 1 “Rocket launch and technical complexes”

Created in 1962. Initially, it was called Faculty No. 1 “Combat use of missiles and operation of engines and ground mechanical equipment.” In 1965, the first graduation of officers for the Strategic Missile Forces took place. The faculty trains military institute cadets in the following specialties: launch and technical complexes of missiles and spacecraft; cars and automotive industry. Faculty No. 2 “Missile control systems” Created in 1962. Faculty No. 3 “Nuclear Weapons” Created in 1971. Created in 1977, it trains specialists for the Strategic Missile Forces in the following specialties: “Automated systems for transmitting and processing information”, “Application and operation of automated control systems for missile systems”, “Application and operation of electronic warfare equipment”. Faculty No. 5 “Systems and communications of the Strategic Missile Forces” Created in 2010. Training battalion of secondary special education Created in 2015.


Branch of the Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces named after. Peter the Great (Serpukhov, Moscow region) prepares:

1) Officers with higher education (HE) in the following specialties (training period 5 years):

Faculty No. 1 “Rocket launch and technical complexes”:- 05.24.01 “Design, production and operation of rockets and rocket-space complexes” (specialization “Operation of launch and technical complexes and life support systems”); - 05.23.01 “Ground transport and technological means” (specialization “Cars and tractors”); - 05.24.06 “Aircraft control systems” (specialization “Missile control systems”); - 05.24.06 “Aircraft control systems” (specialization “Ground-based navigation and geodetic complexes for preparing initial data for aircraft control systems”); Faculty No. 3 “Nuclear Weapons”:- 05.14.04 “Electronics and automation of physical installations”; - 11.05.03 “Application and operation of special monitoring tools and systems”; Faculty No. 4 “Automated control systems”:- 05/09/01 “Application and operation of automated systems for special purposes” (specialization “Application and operation of automated process control systems”); - 11.05.02 “Special radio engineering systems” (specialization “Radio engineering systems and special-purpose complexes for collecting and processing information”); - 05/11/04 “Infocommunication technologies and special communication systems” (specialization “Switching systems and special-purpose communication networks”); - 11.05.02 “Special radio engineering systems” (specialization “Radio engineering systems and special-purpose complexes for collecting and processing information”);

2) Warrant officers with secondary vocational education (SVE) in the following specialties:

Faculty No. 2 “Missile control systems”:- 02/13/03 “Electric stations, networks and systems” (training period 2 years 10 months); Faculty No. 4 “Automated control systems”: - 10.02.05 “Ensuring information security of automated systems” (training period 2 years 10 months); Faculty No. 5 “Systems and communications of the Strategic Missile Forces”:- 02/11/09 “Multichannel telecommunication systems” (training period 2 years 6 months).


Head of the branch - Major General Morozov Andrey Evgenievich;

Deputy head of the branch - Colonel Semenov Sergey Aleksandrovich;

Deputy head of the branch for educational and scientific work - Colonel Kovalkov Denis Anatolyevich;

Deputy head of the branch for military-political work - Colonel Andrey Vladimirovich Kruglov;

Deputy head of the branch for logistics - Colonel Troshin Oleg Nikolaevich;

Many school-age children crowd at the entrance to the Strategic Missile Forces Institute in Serpukhov. They are distinguished from ordinary applicants by their athletic figures, the “that’s right!” slipping into conversations. and sometimes the military uniform worn by conscripts. Documents are submitted here in a hall with huge portraits of Suvorov and Zhukov.

This year, the Institute of Rocket Forces of the Russian Federation in Serpukhov, a branch of the Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces named after Peter the Great, received a record number of applications for admission. They continue to come to this day.

In terms of the number of applicants, the academy has become the leader among technical universities in Russia. And the Faculty of Automated Systems received more applications than the recognized leaders - MSTU. Bauman and Moscow State University, reports the Russian Ministry of Defense. Institute staff explain the sky-high competition for a technical university for several reasons.

Until recently, military officials say, military service was not very popular. Reforms in recent years have changed the situation. Salaries have increased and at the very initial stage they amount to 50 thousand rubles. The prestige of military service and higher military education has soared, primarily due to popularization by the Ministry of Defense and the media.

Applicants admit that military education attracts them due to the combination of physical and engineering training and serious sports activities. On an area of ​​110 hectares, in addition to educational buildings and military equipment, there is a swimming pool, lakes, a football field, and a sports complex.

The most common question heard at the admissions committee is: will girls study here? The answer is they won’t; three years ago they were transferred to study in Voronezh.

Despite the common goals, each applicant has his own story. Someone decided to follow the example of their father and brothers and also become a military man in order to defend their homeland. Someone entered an art university, studied for a year, but realized that strategic troops were closer to blueprints and drawings. Someone, having served a year in compulsory service, was inspired by the idea of ​​connecting his life with the army forever. Some say that they deliberately did not buy a return ticket: there is nowhere to retreat.

“Many acquaintances and friends have already joined the military and are very happy, so I also decided to throw in my lot with the military profession and enter the Institute of the Strategic Missile Forces. I’m from a rural area, I mostly tinkered with technology, so engineering is closest to me,” says Evgeny Bukarev from the Krasnodar Territory.

“I wanted to go to a military school for quite a long time, but my parents did not entirely approve of this choice. At the same time, I drew well. They suggested that I purposefully enter an art academy to become an artist, architect or designer. I took their advice and went to the architectural academy. I studied there for six months, realized that it was not for me, and still dropped out,” says Ilya Yarusov, Udmurt Republic.

“I have friends who study here, who recommended this academy and said it was good. The best,” explains Timur Aldebregyanov, Orenburg region.

“All the equipment is right here, nearby. And our cadets constantly apply the acquired knowledge in practice. You need to shoot at dawn - they will shoot at dawn. We need to study the technology inside and out - we study it,” Lieutenant Colonel Sergei Kotlyar, head of the training and maintenance base for complexes at the Strategic Missile Forces Institute, told RT.

Until 2014, the academy in Serpukhov trained cadets only for the mobile group of the Strategic Missile Forces. Today they train here to work on silo launchers, and this is what distinguishes this institute from other military universities. Although the majority of military universities in the country have unusually high competition this year, many guys explain that they would like to connect their lives not just with the army, but with nuclear weapons, and that is what they came to Serpukhov for.

Deputy head of the Faculty of Automated Control Systems, the most popular among applicants, Colonel Vladimir Ershov told RT what kind of people enroll there, what the cadets do in their free time, and also expressed his point of view on the reasons for the growing popularity of strategic missile forces in Russia.

“I can briefly outline the portrait of the applicants. Every year it gets better and better. Due to what? The first is due to an increase in recruitment. It has doubled, in some areas the competition is up to 10 people per place. Cadets come well prepared both physically and mentally. Here the selection is very tough, strict, but good-natured.

This year's maximum enrollment can be explained by good preparation at the initial stage. There was good organization and campaigning through the media, Facebook, Odnoklassniki. This is all due to the growing popularity of the army. Firstly - social security, secondly - good salaries, thirdly - military prestige. In the 1990s it was embarrassing to wear a uniform, now we are proud of it.

I want you, enthusiastic parents, whose child enters this vocational school with the possibility of breaking his psyche and ruining his life, to OPEN YOUR EYES to what this vocational school is like.
I myself studied at the Federal Vocational School of the Strategic Missile Forces named after. Peter the Great in Serpukhov at the 4th faculty, which is solemnly headed by the disrespected Colonel Sergei Grigorievich Borodin. If you are not yet sure of the name of the faculty - Faculty of Automated Combat Control Systems and so on. Are you surprised by this introduction? Then the fun begins.
I entered this vocational school only because my parents had an apartment in Serpukhov - it was a big mistake.
I studied in the company of the valiant Major Denis Valerievich Kochergin. 43 Forever, Denis Valerievich. A wonderful person, a THIEF, an ALCOHOLIC who loves to boss around your child while drunk. At night. When should your son sleep? Yelling at him, and basically everyone, with obscenities is normal IN HIS UNDERSTANDING. Thus, he turns your, so far healthy son, into a REAL MAN AND A RIGHT OFFICER. To be honest, I don’t know how I saw him more often, drunk or sober. But the fish rots from the head and all of the above can and should be addressed to S.G. Borodin. Unfortunately, he has more power and more guys suffer because of him.
You and your child should forget what money is and how much it costs. Because there their value drops sharply. And you will have to give in everything. For example, for tracksuits 8 thousand rubles. in 2013. Or for the renovation of the dormitory where your son will have to live, 20 thousand rubles. Moreover, this money will not be enough (STRANGE), and you will have to buy everything additionally, quietly, at your own expense, otherwise your son will be released on vacation a couple of days later. I fell for this trick twice. Delay his departure on vacation for as long as it takes for your son to understand that it’s easier to pay off and make repairs at your own expense, or buy games for the officer’s console, or just throw money at him, but money is nothing to him, your son, they are not needed.
By the way, an interesting fact: with another, real company commander and officer, from another faculty, the cadets passed 6 thousand, and their repairs were many times better. Fortunately, there are very rare exceptions.
So that you have an understanding of the corruption of this institution, I will tell you what amazing indulgences the current command of the UNIVERSITY goes to.
Until 2015, it was actually prohibited for a cadet to study for a license, just as it was forbidden to have a license. But suddenly, oh my God, we allow everyone to get a license. Please, cadets. But only in a certain place. But only, ATTENTION, for 56 thousand rubles. TWO TIMES EXPENSIVE THE MARKET COST OF TUITION.
You still have doubts. Only one driving school enjoyed such a privilege. Well, what about the cadets, you can MILK them to INFINITY.
Next. Education. Getting an education. Shootings will take place once a semester. They will still give your real officer a couple of cartridges. Pieces 4-5. Enough.
There are both good and bad teachers. Training base = 0.
But this doesn’t matter, since whether your son passed the test or not can easily be decided by some officer. For example Kochergin, or Borodin, or someone else. Even if he writes excellently, if there is personal hostility towards him, he will probably be expelled at any moment. Otherwise this is a disgrace. He just doesn’t want to flatter or lick their ass. You can't force him to humiliate himself. I do such things. They don’t need real men like that.
Yes, tolerating this is an important quality when an officer wakes you up, such as drying your feet or jokingly hitting your kidneys with a hammer. This is not sarcasm. This really happened, including to me. Also, the door to your room can be knocked down if stupid officers have lost the key to it. By the way, we paid separately for the doors. It seems to be around 5 thousand. I could be wrong. You can also tear up linoleum for your son for 20 k. He'll buy more. Turn over and trample his bed and pillow (bed linen) changed once a week. Yes, and be sure, LISTEN, be sure to pass on the alcohol for your son’s company commander when he returns from vacation.
And, probably, your favorite, and this concerns you as well as your son. My case. Private. It turned out that my parents went to another region for several years. Just while I was studying. I didn’t see them for the first time for half a year, since they didn’t have the opportunity to come to me. But when they arrived, I went to Kochergin to ask permission to go to the checkpoint and see them. So, as soon as I opened the door, they sent me to ***. And unfortunately this is not the rank of senior lieutenant. So, I never saw my parents.
Your son will have to endure a lot.
BUT I HURRY TO MAKE YOU HAPPY. THIS IS NOT THE SAME IN OTHER UNIVERSITIES. I communicate and have communicated with guys from other academies. Those who were expelled study at other universities and are doing well. There is no such circus there. There they won’t just be expelled and ruin their lives.
Well, at the very end. I strongly advise you to draw your own conclusions. DO NOT SEND YOUR SON TO THIS TECHNIQUE!

Hello, dear Sergey Kuzhugetovich!
The mother of an applicant from the branch of the Strategic Missile Forces Academy in Serpukhov, Miroslav Evgenievich Malyshkin, born on February 25, 1998, who was unfairly expelled on July 25, 2016, is writing to you. Previously, I sent appeals to the Strategic Missile Forces Academy to the head of V.A. Fedorov (Balashikha), the head of the branch A.E. Morozov. (Serpukhov), as well as to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Request No. 161487 dated July 28, 2016).
My son, who dreamed of becoming a military man from early childhood, who at the age of eleven saved his brother and sister during an accident from a smoking car (which he doesn’t like to remember because he doesn’t consider it a heroic act, unlike eyewitnesses of the incident!), was preparing to enroll. for a very long time and purposefully. I came with fairly high Unified State Exam scores of 172, passed all the standards 83, and ended up with a passing score of 255. I let myself down a little, though at the professional selection, I scored category 3. I was very worried about this. But he had advantages in relation to the guys who entered with him (higher overall score). He could track all these judgments based on the results of the applicants’ achievements in the lists posted on the common stand for incoming students.
From the very first days, Miroslav told me that he really likes everything, that the ever-increasing loads every day do not frighten him at all and he is ready for them, that the fighting spirit is already “burning” in him, which he will prove in further studies, showing only excellent results that our family will definitely be proud of their son, a future officer!
But these turned out to be dreams, crossed out by the injustice that reigns in the academy!

Entering the 5th faculty, the son, based on his scores and professional selection results, was in the top thirty from the list of candidates (with an approved intake of 70 people). All the guys met, communicated confidentially and shared their results. Next, he called and said that this faculty was divided into two departments: regular (55 people were supposed to be recruited here) and special (15 people were supposed to be recruited here). That he was required to decide where he intended to apply. Based on his high final scores, compared to other guys in his department, I spent a very long time trying to persuade him to write a report to the special department (now I really blame myself for this!). He finally agreed.
What happens next...
5 days before the credentials committee, applicants from other faculties begin to arrive at their department. Moreover, persistent rumors began to spread about the method allegedly used at the academy - the so-called “Mazanstvo”. I will not explain to you the meaning of this word. Everything is clear!
I continued to reassure and encouraged my child to continue to maintain his fighting spirit, motivating him to pay attention to fairly high results, I repeat, in comparison with other applicants of this faculty, based on the results of the competitive lists.
At the same time, the cadet mentors confirmed the facts of “fussing”, and in relation to themselves. I repeat, I again explained to my son that he had nothing to worry about, because... He has good results and he passes them in any case.
Literally on Sunday, when I arrived to see my son, I learned that there were rumors again about the transfer of 15 people from other faculties. And this is on the day the credentials committee meets!! There was only one explanation in the department - these were the so-called “smeared” comrades who were having fun and were firmly confident in their admission. After all, they had rich parents behind them! Moreover, these guys had no special desire to become officers (and their professional selection category was 2!) An applicant boy, whose father is an officer, is periodically in the medical unit and even while performing physical exercises. loads, refuses to carry them out, citing the prohibition of dignity. parts. My son also managed to get sick. Moreover, I constantly sent him to the military unit. He refused, citing the fact that he had come to a military university and was in no way fit to lie down while his colleagues were doing physical exercises. loads!
In response to all of the above, I explained to my son that children from large families (like him) also come here and without any “fucking around,” having good results.
On Monday, when the admission results were announced, it turned out that all transferred applicants from other faculties (and most of them were transferred to the special department where Miroslav wrote the report) were admitted! Nobody, nobody! from the guys who wrote the report together with Miroslav on special. department 5 of the faculty did not pass the competitive selection! All of them were expelled (probably to make room for applicants transferred from other faculties, who originally came for completely different specialties)
My son was listed on two lists: as one who entered and as one who did not. He rushed to clarify the situation in hopes. To which, after some time, I received an order to pack my things. Having approached the company senior several times asking for a chance, I was refused several times!
Having learned about what had happened, I urgently left Moscow for my unit, hoping to clarify the situation. Having expressed a desire to meet with one of the leaders, I received an incomprehensible answer from the cadets standing at the entrance that everything had already been decided, that it was useless to talk to anyone. I stood at the entrance to the headquarters for an hour in the hope that at least one of the bosses would come out to me. In vain. They didn't think it was necessary. Although through the open door one could see the active work of the officers in the selection committee of the headquarters. I was advised to return home. The cadets told me that every applicant already knew whether he would get in, because... On the wall hangs a list with the results of all applicants for each faculty. They say that each applicant knew whether he would enter his faculty and had the opportunity to transfer to another, where he passed according to his scores. But it was in our faculty that not all of the lists were posted. This is not a coincidence of concealing the facts of the results of all applicants (including those transferred from other faculties)? Is it fair to keep kids in the dark and not give them a chance to also transfer to a place where their results will meet the passing grade?
Why was this possible in other faculties, but in ours it became a mystery, shrouded in darkness?
It turns out that the guys even passed the 1st faculty with 210 points! And in our 5th faculty of the general department, guys with 220 points passed. If only I knew that the special department of the 5th faculty is prepared for special education. applicants transferred from other faculties would never have insisted that her son write a report here! The 4th year cadets were surprised why my son did not transfer, because he had a sufficient final score (255). That’s why I didn’t transfer because I was in the dark. And he was not the only one who faced such a fate. The guys were upset and left, each with an established opinion about the “fussiness” that flourishes in this academy.
For about six months I have been in touch with the mother of a cadet at your university, who is the leader of the Strategic Missile Forces Academy group on social media. networks. Every time I shared my son’s achievements with her, because... I have heard only positive things about the academy from her words. Every day she was interested in our results and was also sure that Miroslav would definitely do the same, that these are the guys who make worthy officers (of which I have no doubt!). After the latest events, she also confirmed cases of thriving “fussiness” in the academy and advised not to simply leave this egregious situation. Our grandfather is still crying bitterly over the unfair expulsion of his grandson!!
After I sent appeals to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, as well as to the heads of the Strategic Missile Forces academies (Serpukhov and Balashikha, A.E. Morozov and V.A. Fedorov), I was invited to the Serpukhov branch of the Strategic Missile Forces Academy for an appointment with the deputy. the head of the head of the branch for educational and scientific work, Colonel Lyudogovsky A.S. I was provided with lists of applicants and their results. It turns out that, indeed, the guys could write a report and voluntarily transfer to another faculty, based on their results in the competitive list. But applicants from our 5th faculty were not aware of the possibility of transferring to other faculties! The officers only asked them to decide on the direction in two specialties of this faculty: general and special! Otherwise, reports of transfer to other faculties from the children with the lowest scores would naturally follow. But we are talking about my child. My son, at my insistence, transferred to the special department of this 5th faculty (again, I repeat, based on the data from the competitive lists of their faculty). It turns out that, according to Colonel Lyudogovsky, my son, if he had remained in the general department of this faculty, he would have easily entered, based on his high results of 255 points (“the guys with the lowest scores passed here too”). And it turns out that the guys with the highest scores were transferred to the special department. Let me ask, what is the point of transferring with the highest scores from the initially chosen faculty, where there was already an opportunity to pass the competition, to another faculty?
It turns out that on July 18, all applicants could write a report on transfer to other faculties
(although our son only heard about the possibility of choosing from the specialties of his department: general and special). Why is it that in some faculties there is complete awareness, while in others there is a “mystery shrouded in darkness”?
Okay, let's say he didn't hear this information. Yes, she was of no use to him. After all, he was guided by his own strength, based on the results of the competition lists. Every day he looked through the lists of his faculty and compared the results of his own and other guys. But, for unknown reasons, the results of the children transferred from other faculties to his department were not reflected in the competitive lists of his department. The names of these transferred guys remained reflected in the lists of those faculties for which they were originally applied. And my son learned from the officers’ lips about the transfer of 15 people to his specialty on the day the results of the credentials commission were announced on July 25! The day before, on Sunday July 24, rumors were spreading among the guys about the alleged transfer of 15 people. I reassured the child (“Don’t believe the rumors!”). These guys have not yet been included in the competition lists for his specialty. Their names, it turns out, continued to exist in the lists of faculties they had previously elected. The colonel assured of the “transparency” of the results. Excuse me, where is the so-called fair awareness of applicants? How can you compare your results with the results of those who are on the lists of completely different faculties? The son was guided by the results of those who were listed in the competitive lists of his specialty. He had no way of knowing that there were 15 other people competing with him who were not included in the competitive lists of his specialty.
I forgot to say, the colonel assured that the reports were written on July 18 and after this date the translation was impossible. How can we explain the fact that on the eve of the credentials committee, namely on Sunday, an applicant was called out of the ranks to write a report on transfer to another faculty. Double standards, Comrade Colonel! Let us assume that the colonel was not aware of the actions carried out by the officers under his command. And this is the “forge” of our future valiant officers!
The colonel tried to explain the situation regarding “fussing” at the academy. Like, the so-called thieves are everywhere, but there are very few of them! Sorry! Why should my son give up his place to them? Yes, he is motivated by the results of prof. selection, shown to me by the academy psychologist, is the highest! He clearly understood where he was going to serve and how his life would turn out next! And then someone’s paid children needed a place. God! I can’t wrap my head around: paid places in a military academy, subordinate to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Moreover, if this department is headed by such a worthy person, a Man with a capital M - Shoigu S.K.! To be honest, I am losing the sense of understanding where I live and whether this is my Motherland, which my sons, whom I have always instilled in patriotism, must defend! And in general, what kind of patriotism can we talk about if future officers are paid children of rich parents and acquaintances of the academy officers who have “appropriate” motivation? Initially, the son planned to enter the famous Mozhaisk Academy of Space Forces. But as soon as I found out what disgrace and bribery was going on there, I categorically dissuaded my son from this idea and at that time found, in my opinion, a worthy academy for the Strategic Missile Forces, where order reigns. That's what I thought just six months ago.
Let me sum it up. What I understand and realize for the rest of my life. I have two sons and a daughter, who are instilled with patriotism for their homeland, for their roots, from childhood. As a result, I have undermined the authority of my sons. Where the eldest no longer wants to serve in the army (“Mom, there is “fussiness” everywhere, the leadership is the sons and acquaintances of officers and rich parents. Who will teach me to love the Motherland is the one who disappears in the medical unit, shirking physical activity or the one who already knows that by assignment he will end up in a cushy place? “) But the middle son is also growing up, who exactly copies his brother and his life values ​​in everything. I understand that in the army, as in life, there are “not without their freaks”, that normal guys with appropriate motivation and performance do the same. But there are fewer and fewer places for them. The so-called “smeared comrades” are being forced out. Our Motherland does not need worthy officers raised by their mothers on patriotism and love for their homeland.
My son is categorically against my appeals to higher authorities. He said that you need to maintain your dignity! The colonel's advice to enroll again next year, unfortunately or fortunately, is not applicable in our family. I believed that my sons would be worthy officers. She gave them appropriate names: Miroslav and Yaroslav. Now I understand that our Motherland does not need them! It's a pity!
I ask you to pay attention to the fair legal status of the actions of the branch’s credentials (admissions) committee and to review the procedure for informing applicants in the future in order to protect our children from the blatant practices flourishing in the military academy that discredit the honor and dignity of the Russian army. And the most important thing is that our children never see such arbitrariness in military universities, so that their patriotism does not dry out!

Sincerely, Malyshkina Elena Aleksandrovna, mother of raised, never-fulfilled future officers of the Russian Army.

  • Plots in the village
  • Plots in rural areas
  • Cottage villages
  • Serpukhov Military School is a prestigious military university of all-Russian significance, training personnel for the Strategic Missile Forces


    The military academy branch buildings are located on the southern outskirts of Serpukhov, in a picturesque pine forest, not far from the Oka River. The history of the branch is inextricably linked with the life of our country and the development of the Armed Forces.


    It dates back to 1941, when, by Order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR No. 0323, separate schools for Air Force specialties were allocated from the 1st Moscow Red Banner Military Aviation Technical School of Communications. One of these schools received the name of the 2nd Moscow Military Aviation School of Mechanics of the Air Force Special Services and was initially located in the city of Tushino, Moscow Region. In 1943, the school of aircraft mechanics was transferred to Serpukhov. Subsequently, in 1948, due to the need to train technical officers, the Serpukhov Military Aviation School of Aircraft Mechanics was transformed into the Serpukhov Military Aviation Technical School of the USSR Air Force Special Services.

    On March 15, 1960, the Serpukhov School was included in the Strategic Missile Forces.

    Further renamings:

    1962 - Serpukhov Higher Command and Engineering School.

    1983 - Serpukhov Higher Military Command and Engineering School of Missile Forces named after Lenin Komsomol.

    1998 - Serpukhov Military Institute of Missile Forces.

    2009 - Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces named after Peter the Great of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Serpukhov Branch)


    On the basis of 5 faculties, the academy trains officers with full military special training in military specializations (training period is 5 years) and warrant officers with secondary military special training in military specialties corresponding to the following specialties of secondary vocational education (training period is 2 years 10 months).

    The branch's cadets are on active military service and are provided with all types of allowances in the manner prescribed by legislative and other legal acts of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Education, accommodation, food, provision of established types of allowances are provided free of charge. In addition, cadets are paid a monthly allowance.

    The time spent studying in the branch is counted towards the total period of military service. Junior year cadets (1-2 years) are accommodated in the barracks, senior students (3-5 years) - in a comfortable dormitory. Cadets are annually granted winter (15 days) and summer (30 days) vacation leave.

    Those who graduate from the Academy under higher education programs are issued a state-standard specialist diploma and are awarded the military rank of “lieutenant”; for secondary vocational education programs, they are issued a state-issued diploma of secondary vocational education and are awarded the military rank of “ensign”. For those who wish, it is possible to obtain additional higher education - “Translator in the field of professional communication”.

    Despite the fact that a strict professional selection is carried out among applicants in all respects, starting from entrance examinations and meeting the requirements for physical fitness, health, psychological stability, competitions for admission are growing every year. Applicants come to the academy from all over Russia: career officers prefer to send their children here for the honor; purposeful young people who are not afraid of the harsh learning conditions, strict discipline and subordination, regulated routine and regime strive to get here.

    The university has created a powerful sports base that allows you to engage in various sports and train top-level athletes. The institute has a stadium equipped to international standards with an artificial football field and stands for 4 thousand people.

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