
How much does it cost to change a health insurance policy? Where to get a new plastic medical policy

In everyday life, there are often cases when, for one reason or another, people change their last name. At the same time, they have to change certain types of documents, which include a medical insurance policy. In the city of Moscow, the procedure can be carried out through the operator of a multifunctional center, which greatly simplifies obtaining an insurance policy - compulsory medical insurance.

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General provisions

It is a codified legal act in the field of family relations that arise during the formation of a family, the rights and responsibilities of parents and theirs.

What is it

At its core, a medical policy is a personal document issued on an individual basis. It indicates the person’s personal data, his last name, first name and patronymic, if in the manner prescribed by the legislator.

The compulsory medical insurance policy is issued once and is assigned a unique identification number.

The compulsory medical insurance policy form is the same for all insurance companies operating in the Federation.

The replacement of a paper policy with a plastic card began more than 2 years ago, which is more convenient to use. The compulsory medical insurance policy changes to a new policy in certain situations.

These include:

  • change of permanent residence;
  • modifications of personal data;
  • change of insurance company;
  • loss due to the owner's fault;
  • deterioration of the document due to the passage of time naturally;
  • damage caused by external factors;
  • presence of spelling errors;
  • entering inaccurate information, including the numbers indicated in it.

The insurer pays, in accordance with the terms of the compulsory medical insurance program, the costs of treatment incurred by the insured person.

Who falls under the category

Every Russian citizen must have a compulsory medical insurance policy in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law. He must be insured in the manner prescribed by law with any insurance company.

A citizen has the right to independently choose an insurance company to receive a compulsory medical insurance policy, as stated in Federal Law No. 326-FZ.

The responsibility for issuing a compulsory medical insurance policy for minor children rests with their legal representatives, who are the parents or their substitutes. In some cases, on or.

The same applies to persons recognized as having limited legal capacity during a medical examination. In this case, the receipt of a compulsory medical insurance policy is carried out by the indicated persons on a general basis.

Where to contact

For many citizens, the question becomes urgent: where to change the insurance policy when changing their last name? The compulsory medical insurance policy is replaced by the insurance company that previously issued it.

It must be contacted within 30 days after the occurrence of the event leading to the procedure.

In addition to directly contacting the insurer, it is possible to submit an application to any branch of the MFC, medical insurance organization that carries out the activities of registering and issuing compulsory medical insurance policies. He is assigned a new identification number.

Where to change your compulsory medical insurance policy when changing your last name

The insurer is obliged to issue a new document if the policyholder applies to it with an application. For the provision of services for issuing a new document, he withdraws a certain amount of money from the applicant as a fee.

Its size is determined by the insurer depending on the insurance rules approved by it.

The compulsory medical insurance policy is subject to mandatory replacement when a citizen’s personal data changes, regardless of the reason.


The compulsory medical insurance policy acquired a unified form in 2011. The legislator has planned to exchange the old-style compulsory medical insurance policy for a new one over the course of several years.

A compulsory medical insurance policy received before the above law came into force belongs to the category of valid documents until it is replaced with a uniform policy.

Its exchange on the personal initiative of the policyholder is carried out at least once during the calendar year.

As for changing the surname, it is carried out by the civil registry office, which is authorized by the state. It is carried out on the basis of the Federal Law, the instructions of Articles 32 of the Family and Civil Codes.

Their provisions note the possibility of changing a surname on the grounds provided for in the regulations of legislative acts.

Pursued goals

The legislator has introduced the obligation to receive it for all Russian citizens, including minor children without exception.

It is used to receive free medical care, which is its main purpose.

The compulsory medical insurance policy provides its owner with the opportunity to receive medical care in any locality of the country, regardless of the occurrence of the insured event or place.

These include:

Indicators Description
Emergency treatment when certain events occur with serious consequences for human health and life
Outpatient care
Inpatient treatment in the presence of chronic or with the onset of sudden acute, including complicated, childbirth, abortive treatment
Planned treatment according to the schedule established by the attending physician
Rehabilitation after suffering from an illness, recovery from injuries received in an emergency and other adverse incidents

In addition, the policyholder has the right to choose the attending physician and medical institution.

He inquires from medical personnel about the course of treatment, its individual processes, and obtains advice on issues regarding his treatment from other specialists.

If the need arises, he is given all the medical documentation completed during his treatment.

What you need to have with you

A number of documents or their copies certified by a notary are attached to the application.

These include:

When exchanging a compulsory medical insurance policy belonging to a minor, his birth certificate is presented.

If you have reached the age of 14, then a passport must be submitted. In both cases, the child’s SNILS number is provided, if available.

Application procedure

Questions regarding the procedure for registration and issuance of a compulsory medical insurance policy are provided for in the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development, issued on February 28, 2011.

It contains a list of required documents that the policyholder must present to the insurance company, the insurance company.

To obtain it, you must submit an application to the selected insurer. It must be written by the applicant in his own hand and signed.

It should be noted that the legislator allows its submission through a proxy, provided that he has a notarized document.

It also replaces the document, for which an application is submitted with a request to replace the compulsory medical insurance policy in connection with a change of surname.

For the period of registration of a new compulsory medical insurance policy, a temporary certificate is issued. It confirms that an application has been submitted to the insurance company.

If the need arises, he will allow you to receive timely medical assistance. The norm is provided for by the rules set out in the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 158n.

Possible difficulties

Resolution of controversial situations regarding the receipt of a compulsory medical insurance policy and its replacement, the actions or inaction of the insurer and medical insurance organization, the decisions made by them can be made both during pre-trial regulation of the issue and in court proceedings.

In the first case, a claim is filed with the territorial or federal compulsory health insurance fund.

In the second, the policyholder applies for protection of violated rights and legitimate interests to a judicial body of general jurisdiction.

The procedure for applying to it is established by legal acts dealing with issues of civil proceedings.

As a rule, controversial situations may arise if the policyholder misses the established deadline, during which it is necessary to replace the compulsory medical insurance policy.

They are often the result of timely notification to the insurance company of changes in personal data, including last name.

The obligation to notify her is imposed by the requirements of Article 16 of the Federal Law, the instructions of the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 158n.

Video: effect of compulsory medical insurance policies

Important nuances

The civil registry office issues the primary document identifying a person - a birth certificate.

On its basis, the main document is issued - a passport, which allows one to identify the authenticity of a person’s identity, regardless of his social class or gender.

A passport determines a person’s citizenship and residence permit.

A compulsory medical insurance policy can only be issued by an insurance company participating in the compulsory health insurance program.

It must be accredited by the legislator and have a license to operate in the insurance market to provide insurance services of a certain kind.

Residents of the capital are wondering where to change their medical insurance when changing their last name in Moscow? The procedure for applying for a policy and receiving it in the capital does not differ from the procedure established in other localities of the country.

Its change is carried out on a general basis in an application form.

Residents of the capital can personally submit an application to the insurance company, without excluding the possibility of submitting it with the documents attached to it at one of the MFC offices. It was created to provide services to the population of the country.

It should be noted that in the city of Moscow it has become possible to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy in electronic form in the form of a plastic card with a chip built into it.

The front side contains the personal information of the owner, his photograph is depicted, and the reverse side contains information regarding the insurance company that issued the compulsory health insurance policy.

What is regulated

Federal Law:

Its regulations establish the procedure for registering acts of civil status of a person. All changes occurring in his life are recorded by the registry office in the registration book.

Established a norm for every Russian citizen to acquire rights and perform duties under his own name.

In accordance with the instructions of the Code, a personal name means:

In accordance with the instructions of the Civil Code, the authenticity of the personal name is certified by the person’s passport. It makes it possible to distinguish it from the general mass of the world population as a separate subject of social relations.

The fundamental legislative act regulating issues regarding compulsory health insurance is the Federal Law:

Number Description
It was published on November 29, 2010 under number 326-FZ

As for issues related to the exchange of a passport when changing personal data, they are regulated at the federal level. In this case, executive authorities are guided by the following regulations.

Issues regarding obtaining a passport are regulated by a number of legislative acts, the fundamental of which is.

Federal Law:

Number Description
It was published on July 27, 2010 under number 210-FZ . By his instructions, the country introduced the obligation to pay a duty, which is included in the category of mandatory payments. They provide a definition of the wording “state duty” and explain the ways to pay it
The act was issued on December 27, 2009 under number 374-FZ. Its latest edition is currently in effect
intentional damage to a citizen’s identity document (passport), or loss of a citizen’s identity document (passport) due to negligence

Government Decree:

In accordance with the instructions of federal legislative acts, regulations issued by the FMS are in effect in order to fulfill the state tasks assigned to it.

A health insurance policy is issued to every Russian so that he has the opportunity to receive high-quality medical advice in any region.

However, if a person has changed his passport details or lost his policy, it must be urgently replaced with a new, similar document.

We will talk to you about the features of receipt, replacement and others in this article.

What is compulsory medical insurance?

The abbreviation compulsory medical insurance means compulsory health insurance; any citizen can receive this type of insurance, regardless of place of work, gender, age and social status.

On the day the application is submitted, the insurer issues the client a temporary certificate of health insurance. And in a month the citizen will receive a uniform policy.

Validity period

Previously, different regions issued policies for different validity periods. Since 2011, the government has initiated a gradual replacement of policies with policies of a single standard.

Modern compulsory medical insurance policies are a plastic card that does not expire. Only policies issued to foreign citizens have a validity period.

If a citizen is still using the old policy, which is now permitted, then you can see its validity period on the back of this document.

If the policy expires, the policy owner must replace it. Compulsory medical insurance policies are also subject to replacement in the following cases:

  • change of place of registration;
  • if the policy contains inaccurate information about the insured person;
  • poor condition of the policy card: damage, scuffs, etc.

When changing your last name or first name, you need to change many official documents, including a medical insurance policy. Moreover, the policy is subject to exchange, even if at least one letter in the last name, patronymic or first name in the passport changes.

If a person moves to live in another region of the Russian Federation, then the policy is also subject to exchange. Inaccuracies and errors made in the policy may not be immediately detected by the owner of the document.

If the insured citizen identifies such errors, he should immediately begin to replace the policy, as problems may arise when seeking medical help.

In short, in all cases when the data in the medical policy does not match the passport data, the policy must be replaced.

Old-style policies

If the policy was received before 2007, it should be changed to a uniform compulsory medical insurance policy.

The new type of insurance does not have an expiration date and is valid indefinitely; a replacement document will only be needed if the citizen’s data changes, the policy is damaged or theft.

Replacing the policy with a new option is necessary for the convenience of citizens. A uniform compulsory medical insurance policy allows a person to freely receive medical care in any subject of the Russian Federation.

How to change?

If there is a need to change your health insurance policy, you need to contact the insurance company that issued the policy. You can also go to the clinic at your place of residence or place of work.

To change the compulsory medical insurance policy, a citizen submits an old-style policy or a plastic policy that needs to be replaced. A citizen's passport is also presented.

If the client contacts the insurance company, but it turns out that its activities have been discontinued, the citizen must choose a new policyholder within 2 months.

The insurance company is required by law to notify its customers of the cessation of business in writing. If you cannot decide on the choice of a new insurance company, the territorial compulsory medical insurance fund will independently transfer your data to another insurance company.

Consequently, in the event of cancellation of the insurer’s activities, the citizen does not lose the right to receive medical care.

How to change in Moscow and St. Petersburg?

When choosing, before concluding a contract, it is advisable to carefully review the proposed list of services and make sure that the contract includes all medical services that must be provided by law.

The location of the clinic is also very important, especially for Moscow residents. If you intend to find a clinic that is located near your home, contact the selected clinic; the reception of the medical institution will provide you with a list of insurance companies with which they cooperate.

At special points created by insurance companies in various areas of the city.

It should also be noted that when changing the place of service, there is no need to change the compulsory medical insurance policy, since the policy is issued in the name of the citizen. There is no column with employer data in the insurance policy, so a person can change his place of work repeatedly without changing the insurance policy.

There is no need to change your policy in cases of temporary relocation to another region of the Russian Federation. In case of moving, the previously issued policy is valid throughout Russia. If you have an electronic policy, this will facilitate your identification in any medical institution.

Who else should receive compulsory medical insurance?

Refugees who have entered the territory of the Russian Federation have the right to receive compulsory medical insurance. For citizens of the Russian Federation, the compulsory medical insurance policy is issued for an unlimited period, but for refugees it will be valid only for the duration of their stay in Russia.

A person who has received refugee status must contact the insurance company with a passport and a document that confirms his temporary registration.

A new type of compulsory health insurance (CHI) policy, in the form of a card with an electronic storage medium, is available for receipt throughout Moscow in 2019.

Why do you need a compulsory medical insurance policy?

To present to medical workers when receiving free medical care.

The policy is valid throughout the Russian Federation. Therefore, if you go traveling around the country, it is better to take it with you.

If you do not have a policy, you will only be able to receive emergency care.

Who can use compulsory health insurance services

All citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as foreign citizens and stateless persons living in the Russian Federation.

The “residing” status for foreigners is confirmed:

  • residence permit
  • temporary residence permit - compulsory medical insurance is issued for the period of the permit

What services can be obtained under compulsory medical insurance?

There is no single list of services that can be provided under the compulsory health insurance program. There are only classes of diseases for which assistance is provided through compulsory medical insurance funds.

The range of services will be determined in accordance with the diagnosis, according to the standards approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

What services are provided free of charge?

Any treatment or diagnostic procedures prescribed by a doctor must be performed free of charge.

In addition to what the doctor prescribed, he can also “advise”, so whether to follow the advice and pay extra money is up to you.

In any case, no one forbids calling the insurance company and asking whether such treatment will be covered.

Is it necessary to replace the old one with a new one?

Paper forms of a uniform type issued earlier are valid on a par with new electronic cards, as well as old plastic cards without a chip of the 1998 model. There is no need to replace the old one with a new one.

What are the benefits of the new 2015 compulsory medical insurance policy?

  • Compact size - easy to carry
  • Availability of a photograph and sample signature - no need to present your passport at the hospital or clinic
  • Support for all functions of infomats - electronic terminals installed at the entrance to medical institutions

Where to get a medical policy

In Moscow, there are about a dozen insurance companies:

  • JSC MSK UralSib
  • JSC SG Spasskie Vorota-M
  • JSC Insurance Company SOGAZ-Med
  • VTB Medical Insurance LLC
  • JSC "MAKS-M"
  • LLC "Rosgosstrakh-Medicine"
  • LLC "SMK RESO-MED" (Moscow branch)
  • LLC SK "Ingosstrakh-M"

The choice will depend rather on the location of the offices and the availability of a telephone number where you can get advice around the clock. Having a competent support service will help you sort out a controversial situation with a medical institution.

How to get a compulsory medical insurance policy in Moscow

You need to submit an application to the selected insurance company, most likely you won’t have to fill it out, the operator will do it for you. You need to have a passport and an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (SNILS) with you, if available. For children under 14 years old - birth certificate.

The policy will be issued to you in 30 days, but in the meantime you will have a temporary certificate that can be used during this period of time. The insurance company will notify you when it is ready.

What does a newborn need to get a policy?

To apply for a policy for a newborn, you must provide:

Birth certificate;

Identity document of the child’s legal representative;

SNILS (if available).

If the child is a foreign citizen, then in addition to the above list of documents, you will also need a temporary residence permit (TRP) or a residence permit for the child.

Can I replace the compulsory medical insurance policy for my grandmother without her presence? What is needed for this?

Yes, you can order compulsory medical insurance policies for your loved ones. You need to contact MEDSTRACH with your grandmother’s passport and SNILS. In addition, you need to provide a power of attorney from her in simple written form or your passport.

The new insurance policy has been lost. How many days will it take to recover? Is a temporary policy issued before a new one is issued?

When you contact MEDSTRA about the loss of your compulsory health insurance policy, you will receive a temporary certificate that completely replaces the policy at the time of its production. The duplicate policy will be ready in 45 working days. The policy number is saved. When applying, you must have your passport and SNILS with you.

Do I need to change my policy when I change jobs? Previously worked in Moscow, now I work in the Moscow region, registered in the Moscow region? I received the policy in 2013.

If you changed your job, but did not change your actual residence address and clinic, then you do not need to re-register your policy. When changing your place of residence, you must contact an insurance company that operates in this region. Since you have a uniform policy in your hands, you do not need to change it. On the back of the policy they will put the seal of the insurance organization about re-registration, and the information about the owner of the policy will be entered into the compulsory medical insurance database.

Am I required to change my old MEDSTRAKH policy? For how long is it valid?

On May 1, 2011, new compulsory medical insurance policies of a single standard were introduced by Federal Law dated November 29, 2010 N 326-FZ. Old-style policies are valid until they are replaced by new-style policies. For citizens of the Russian Federation, the validity period of the policy is unlimited.

At the clinic where I went, the information machine does not read the barcode of my policy. I can't make an appointment with a doctor. What to do?

If your uniform policy is not read by the terminal and you cannot make an appointment with a doctor, then you need to contact the receptionist or the clinic staff. Also, you need to check the validity of your policy by contacting the contact center number of your insurance company.

My mother, a citizen of Ukraine, who is 76 years old, has been issued a temporary residence permit. The issue of issuing a residence permit is being resolved. It is registered in Moscow. Can she receive free medical care at the clinic at her place of registration?

Federal Law No. 326-FZ of November 29, 2010 established that foreign citizens temporarily residing in the Russian Federation (having a temporary residence permit) have the right to compulsory health insurance. To apply for a policy, you must provide to MEDSTRAKH a passport of a foreign citizen or another document certifying the identity of a foreign citizen, with a note indicating permission for temporary residence in the Russian Federation. According to the Compulsory Medical Insurance Rules, a paper policy is issued with a validity period until the end of the calendar year, but not longer than the validity period of the temporary residence permit.

To issue a policy, a representative of the insured person must provide the insurance company with original documents, the representative’s passport and a power of attorney.

I have a 1995 policy in my hands. Is it still valid?

Compulsory medical insurance policies are valid until they are replaced with policies of a single standard.

I live in Golyanovo, I have an old policy issued by MEDSTRAKH. Can I replace the policy only with your company? How are insurance companies different?

You can change your compulsory medical insurance policy at any insurance company. Contact the selected company with your passport and SNILS card. The tasks of insurance companies are to protect the rights and interests of the insured when receiving medical care. We recommend paying attention to the company’s experience and the presence of qualified experts on the company’s staff.

Can I apply for a policy for my husband if I have a photocopy of his passport?

You can contact MEDSTRAKH to apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy in your husband’s name. When applying, you must have your passport, a simple written power of attorney from your husband, a passport or a certified copy of your husband’s passport, and a SNILS card.

Do I need to exchange a MGFIF card issued before May 1, 2011? If necessary, what is the exchange procedure?

It is advisable to replace compulsory medical insurance policies issued before May 1, 2011 with policies of a single standard. To replace the policy, you must contact MEDSTRAKH with your passport and SNILS.

What documents are needed to obtain a Moscow compulsory medical insurance policy if your permanent registration is in the Nizhny Novgorod region, but I live and work in Moscow?

From May 1, 2011, any citizen of the Russian Federation can choose an insurance company himself once a year. To obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy at your place of actual residence, you need to select an insurance company and contact one of its offices in person. You must have your passport and SNILS with you.

I have your compulsory medical insurance policy. I got married and changed my last name, do I need to order a new policy?

When changing your last name, you need to get a new compulsory medical insurance policy. If you previously had a uniform policy, its number will not change.

To replace your policy, contact MEDSTRAK in person. Indicate the reason “change of name” and the policy number that you have in your hands.

I have lost my insurance policy, how can I restore it?

You need to contact your insurance company. You need to have your passport and SNILS with you.

My mother lives with me and is not registered in Moscow. Can I get a policy for her and what documents should I take with me?

Lack of registration at your place of permanent residence cannot be an obstacle to obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy. You can apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy in your mother’s name at our insurance company. To apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy, you need to have your passport, mother’s passport, power of attorney and SNILS with you.

Can I get a policy for a relative who now lives in the country and cannot pick it up?

You can get a policy for a relative. You need to have your passports, power of attorney and temporary certificate with you.

Replacing a compulsory medical insurance policy when changing your last nameis the same mandatory measure as replacing a passport or driver’s license. However, how it is carried outchange of medical policy when changing surname, is not said as often as it happens with other documents. In this article we will discuss how the policy is replaced in situations of this kind.

Do I need to change my medical insurance policy when changing my last name? Is it necessary to replace it?

Let's start with the fact that since May 2011, this type of insurance document has a single form, and since the beginning of 2014, the widespread replacement of paper policies with plastic cards began. But in any case, without it, one cannot count on the provision of free medical care since 2010.

The document is personal, because it indicates the full name and other personal data of the insured person. However, it often happens that a person changes his last name - for example, as a result of:

  • marriage;
  • divorce;
  • changes in information on children’s birth certificates, etc.

Is it possible to change the policy when changing your last name? The answer is clear: it is just as necessary to do this as it is to replace all other registered documents. However, it should be taken into account that when applying for a new policy, you will need to present “new versions” of some of them (for example, a passport). The only exception is SNILS: although its replacement is provided, when receiving the policy it is allowed to present the old one, because the number in the new version will remain the same.

Where can I change my compulsory medical insurance policy when changing my last name?

So, we found out that when changing your last name, changing the policy is mandatory. Where should I go to get this document replaced?

It all depends on the specific situation. If no changes (besides the last name) are planned, you will contact your insurance company with a corresponding application. If replacing a policy when changing your last name is accompanied by a move or change of place of residence, then there may be several options for further actions.

For example, if the insurance company is satisfied with the insured person and the services it provides extend to the territories where the citizen will subsequently live, then its actions will be similar to the previous case. That is, he applies to the insurer’s office with an application to replace the policy due to a change in personal data and a change in the service territory (of course, presenting the necessary documents).

Don't know your rights?

If you intend to change the insurance company (for example, due to the banal absence of its branches at the new place of residence), you should choose the insurer of your choice, and then also contact him with an application and a set of necessary documents.

How to change your compulsory medical insurance policy when changing your last name?

So, we figured out where to replace the document, it’s time to figure out how to change the compulsory medical insurance policy when changing your last name.

When visiting the insurance company, an application is filled out in the prescribed form and the required package of documents is presented. In addition to the passport, you will need to provide documents in accordance with which the personal data has changed (this could be, for example, a certificate of marriage/divorce). After which all personal information about the citizen is entered into the existing insurance database.

In case of replacement of the insurance policy when changing the surname with a simultaneous change of company, the citizen is issued a temporary document, the validity of which is limited to 30 days. Then, at the appointed time, all that remains is to visit the insurer’s office again to obtain a permanent policy.

If a citizen has a uniform medical insurance policy, there is no need to change it - it is enough to conclude an agreement with a new company that provides the necessary services in a particular Russian region. After concluding the contract, the name of the new insurer and its telephone number will be indicated on the back of the document.

Important! Persons wishing to change their insurer should remember that they can immediately switch to another insurance company only if you submitted an application before November 1 of the current year. If this is done after the specified date, then the rights and obligations of the insurer will transfer to the new insurance company only from January 1 of the year following the year of application. This rule does not apply only to cases where a change of insurer is associated with a move to another location or the liquidation of an insurance company.

What else do you need to know when replacing honey? policy when changing your last name?

After we told you how to change your insurance policy when changing your last name, there are a few more points to pay attention to.

At the legislative level, it is established that if you change your last name, you must change your policy within a month from the date of the changes (Federal Law No. 326 of November 29, 2010).

If we are talking about changing the medical policies of children, then this should be done by their parents/guardians. The algorithm of actions remains similar to that mentioned earlier; The following documents must be presented to the insurer for re-registration:

  • passport of the legal representative (parent/guardian);
  • child’s passport (if the minor has reached the age of 14) or birth certificate;
  • SNILS number of the child (if available).

Replacing a medical policy with a legal representative is possible not only in relation to children, but also in the case of any other citizens. In this case, the representative must have a power of attorney and a certain package of documents. The power of attorney does not require notarization—one executed in one’s own hand will do just fine.