
Sofia Prokofieva Treasure under the old oak tree (collection). Sofya Prokofieva Treasure under the old oak (collection) The Tale of a Greedy Boy summary

who was Greed and who was the boy Seryozha

I want to tell you one amazing story.

Once upon a time there lived a boy, Seryozha.

No, I'd rather not start with that.

Once upon a time there lived Greed. Well, yes, the most ordinary Greed. And life was very bad for her

All the people around her were kind and generous, They shared everything they had with each other. If it was cold, they shared clothes. If they were hungry, they shared bread. And if it was fun, then they shared the joy.

Looking at them, Greed simply melted with anger and grief. And finally she became very small, the size of a matchbox.

She wandered around the city for days, but could not find a single greedy person anywhere.

And then one day she walked into a courtyard, climbed under a bench and thought: “Is there really not a single greedy person in the whole city? Can't be. Surely, some greedy old woman probably lives in some house. Or a girl who doesn't give her dolls to anyone. Or a boy

who doesn't lend his bike to anyone. I don’t understand what my secret spies are thinking? They’re probably running around somewhere with their tails in the air!..”

Kiss-kiss-kiss! - called Greed.

And at that same second, a whole dozen cats appeared in front of her.

Of course, you think that these were living cats, so warm and fluffy, that roll a ball of gray thread across the floor and think that it is a mouse?

Nothing of the kind.

These were clay piggy bank cats with round faces and stupid eyes. Each had a bow around her neck and a narrow black slit at the back of her head.

Well, have you finally found a greedy person? - Greed asked impatiently.

No... - the piggy bank cats meowed pitifully. - We searched, we searched... With feet of clay lost... Where will you find him now? Now a greedy person is worth his weight in gold. A greedy person would have taken us right away. And we approached no one - no one would take us. Do you know how offensive it is...

And the piggy bank cats blinked their stupid eyes with an offended look. They probably thought that Greed would take pity on them, but Greed stamped her feet in rage:

Clay lazy people! Empty bellies! I wish I could split you into pieces! Have you visited all the schools?

“Everything,” the piggy bank cats sighed. “They were on duty under the desks all day.” Nobody is taking us. All the guys are so kind! They help each other and give advice. And first-graders dangle their legs like that - it’s just terrible. Over there, Murka the cat's ear was knocked off.

Well, where else have you been?

I was at the zoo. There they feed all the animals with buns and sweets... Even the elephant...

And I ran to the market. I thought that I would find a greedy person there. I searched and searched and found no one.

But then all the piggy bank cats pricked up their clay ears and turned their round heads in one direction.

A little girl came out from around the corner of the house. She walked with her head down and cried bitterly. Round tears ran down her cheeks and dripped from her reddened nose, which looked like a small radish.

E-and-and,” the girl cried. “A-a-a...

Two round boyish heads appeared from behind the yellow fence. Another boy fell head over heels from a pile of wood. He had it on his knee yellow bruise, on the elbow it’s blue, and under the eye it’s either lilac or violet.

The entrance door opened. Two girls came out from there.

Well, Lucy, Lucy!

Well, why are you crying?

Have you lost anything again?

Oh, you bungler!

Shut up, Bruise. What have you lost, Lyuska?

A-ah-ah! Such a white one... And I... And my grandmother said: “If you lose anything else, I’ll send you away... I’ll send you away...”

No, Lyuska could not finish finishing this terrible word!

The guys surrounded Lyuska and began to console her. They all said something together and took turns stroking her head.

Then they all scattered around the yard and began looking for a Panama hat.

Found it! Found it! - one of the boys suddenly shouted.

Greed peeked out from under the bench and looked at him.

The boy was red. He had freckles on his nose and cheeks. They were cheerful and also red. It seemed as if a golden ray was coming from every freckle. And the boy’s ears were funny and stuck out in different directions.

All the guys rushed to him. Lyuska also ran up and trustingly grabbed his sleeve. The round tears that rolled down her cheeks instantly disappeared. You would have thought they would have rolled back into their eyes.

The red-haired boy extended his hand.

A silver coin flashed in his palm.

And Panama? - Lyuska asked quietly.

Panama? - the red-haired boy repeated and laughed. “I’m not a Panama hat, I found a ten-kopeck piece.”

Lyuska began to roar again.

- “Found it! Found it!..” - mimicked Bruise. - Oh, Seryozhka! And you, Lyuska, don’t cry. Just think, Panama! We'll find your Panama hat.

Maybe it was blown away by the wind?

No, the Friend probably dragged her away. My dog ​​once stole a shoe from my galoshes. Honestly!

Or maybe you lost it on the street?

Guys, let's go outside!

Now, I’ll just wipe Lyuska’s nose.

The guys ran to the gate.

Seryozha was left alone. He stood and looked at the coin that lay in his palm.

Greed peeked out from under the bench.

Hey piggy banks! But did you approach this boy? - asked Greed, and her voice trembled.

The piggy bank cats became agitated and blinked their stupid eyes.

No, no, I didn't come. And you, clay Murka?

And I didn't come.

Maybe the clay Dashka was suitable?

What are you talking about? I was running to the market...

Shut up! - Greed shouted at them. “Come on, clay Dasha, run quickly to this boy!” Maybe he'll take you.

The clay cat, quickly moving its thick paws, ran to Seryozhka and pressed herself against his legs.

Seryozhka looked at her with great surprise. And who wouldn’t be surprised if a clay piggy bank cat suddenly ran up to him!

Seryozhka bent down and picked her up from the ground.

He took it! He took it! - Greed whispered beside herself with joy.

Seryozhka twirled the ten-kopeck piece in his fingers and thrust it into the black crack in the back of the clay cat’s head. The coin jumped merrily in her empty stomach, as if it was also happy about something. Seryozhka smiled and pressed his ear to the belly of the piggy bank cat.

Then Greed ran towards Seryozhka.

She almost drowned in a large puddle left over from yesterday's rain. And on the way, I ran my elbow into the side of some sparrow.

She ran up to Seryozhka and with trembling hands grabbed his shoe lace.

Serezhenka! - Greed screamed. “Dear!” Well, finally... And I was already thinking... Just take me to you! You won't regret it. I'll be useful to you.

Seryozha was terribly surprised. His eyes immediately became four times larger, and his mouth opened by itself.

He backed away. And Greed dragged himself along the wet ground, not letting go of his shoelace.

Wow!.. muttered Seryozhka. “Small as a beetle, but she knows how to talk.”

He bent down, carefully took Greed with two fingers and placed it on his palm.

Greed was like little man. On a very, very small man with long arms. The arms were so long that when Greed ran, they dragged along the ground.

How funny! - said Seryozhka. “We need to show grandma.”

No no! - she squeaked. “Don’t show me to grandma.” “I’m modest!” I don't like being looked at!

Seryozhka laughed, and Greed almost fell to the ground. It’s good that she managed to grab his little finger.

Seryozhenka, don’t leave me! - she screamed in a pleading voice. - Darling! Take me with you! You'll see! You won't regret it!

Okay,” said Seryozhka and put Greed in his pocket.

It was dark and stuffy in Seryozhka’s pocket. It smelled like gasoline, candy, rusty nails, ink, and a rubber bicycle tire.

But, in general, it was a completely ordinary pocket. If you look into a hundred pockets of a hundred different boys, almost all of them will be exactly like that.

“Well, finally,” thought Greed, breathless with joy. “Now my whole life will go differently.”

Chapter two

about two empty candy boxes that are no longer empty

If Seryozhka’s grandmother had been at home, everything would probably have turned out differently. Grandmother, of course, would have immediately guessed that it was Greed and would probably have said to Seryozha: “You are always bringing all sorts of nasty things from the yard. After all, this is Greed. Throw it away now."

But grandmother was not at home. And that's why this happened.

Seryozhka pulled Greed out of his pocket and put it on the table. He also placed the piggy bank on the table.

Then they all stared at each other in silence.

Seryozhka was silent from surprise and because he didn’t know what to talk about.

Greed was silent from excitement and because he did not know how to start a conversation.

And the piggy bank cat was silent because in front of Seryozha she generally pretended that she couldn’t talk.

Chapter one

Who was Mrs. Greed and who was the boy Alyoshka

I want to tell you one amazing story.

There lived a boy Alyosha in one city.

No, I'd rather not start with that.

Once upon a time there lived a Lady Greed. Well, yes, the most ordinary Greed. And life was very bad for her.

Unfortunately for her, all the people she came across were kind and generous. They shared everything they had with each other. If it was cold, they shared clothes. If they were hungry, they shared bread. And if it was fun, then they shared the joy.

Looking at them, Mrs. Greed simply melted with anger and grief. And finally she became very small, well, just very small, like a mouse.

She wandered around the city for days, but could not find a single greedy person anywhere.

And then one day she walked into a courtyard, climbed under a bench and thought: “Is there really not a single greedy person in the whole city? Can't be. There must be a greedy old woman living in some house. Or a girl who doesn't give her dolls to anyone. Or a boy who won't let anyone ride his bike. I don’t understand what my secret clay spies are thinking? They’re probably running around somewhere with their tails in the air!..”

-Kiss-kiss-kiss! – called Mrs. Greed.

And at that same second, a whole dozen cats appeared in front of her.

Of course, you think that these were living cats, so warm and fluffy, rolling a ball of gray thread across the floor or sleeping comfortably, basking in the sun?

No no! Nothing of the kind.

These were clay piggy bank cats with round faces and stupid eyes. Each had a bow around her neck and a narrow black slit at the back of her head.

- Well, have you finally found a greedy person? – Mrs. Greed asked impatiently.

“No-no...” the piggy bank cats meowed pitifully. - They searched and searched... They searched so hard... They lost their feet of clay... They didn’t find anyone. A greedy person would have taken us right away. And we approached no one - no one would take us. Do you know how offensive it is...

And the piggy bank cats blinked their stupid eyes with an offended look. They probably thought that Mrs. Greed would take pity on them, but Mrs. Greed stamped her feet in rage:

- Clay lazy people! Empty bellies! I wish I could split you into pieces! Have you visited all the schools?

“But of course,” the piggy bank cats sighed sadly. - We ran under desks all day. Nobody takes us. The guys help each other and give advice. And the first-graders dangle their legs like that - it’s just terrible. Over there, Murka the cat's ear was knocked off.

- Well, where else have you been?

- And I ran to the market. I thought that I would find a greedy person there. I searched and searched and found no one.

- And I’m walking through the streets...

But then all the piggy bank cats pricked up their clay ears and turned their round heads in one direction.

A little girl came out from around the corner of the house. She walked with her head down and cried bitterly. Round tears ran down her cheeks and dripped from her reddened nose, which looked like a small radish.

“And-and-and,” the girl cried. - A-a-a...

A boy jumped over the fence. He had a yellow bruise on his knee, a green one on his elbow, and under his eye it was either lilac or violet. Another boy appeared from somewhere, holding him on a leash. furry dog. The entrance door opened. Two girls ran out from there.

- Well, Lucy, Lucy!

- Why are you crying?

– Have you lost anything again?

- Oh, you bungler!

- Shut up, Bruise. What have you lost, Lyuska?

“A-a-a!.. E-and-and!..” cried the little girl. - I lost my Panama... I lost my beret the day before yesterday. Beautiful... And today my grandmother bought me a Panama hat. White like that. And I... And my grandmother said: “If you lose anything else, I’ll send you away... I’ll send you away...”

No, Lyuska could not finish finishing this terrible word!

The guys surrounded Lyuska and began to console her. They all said something together and took turns stroking her head.

Then they all scattered around the yard and began looking for a Panama hat.

- Found it! Found it! – one of the boys suddenly shouted.

Lady Greed peeked out from under the bench and looked at him.

The boy was red. He had bright freckles on his nose and cheeks. They were cheerful and also red. It seemed as if a golden ray came from every freckle. And the boy’s ears were funny and stuck out in different directions.

All the guys rushed to him. Lyuska also ran up and trustingly grabbed his sleeve. The round tears that rolled down her cheeks instantly disappeared. You would have thought they would have rolled back into their eyes.

The red-haired boy extended his hand.

A silver coin flashed in his palm.

- And Panama? – Lyuska asked quietly.

- Panama? – the red-haired boy repeated and laughed. - I’m not a Panama hat, I found a coin.

Lyuska began to roar again.

- “Found it! Found it!..” – Bruise mimicked. - Oh, Alyosha! And you, Lyuska, don’t cry. Just think, Panama! We'll find your Panama hat.

- Maybe it was blown away by the wind?

- No, Buddy probably dragged her away. My dog ​​once stole my shoe. She took it away, and no one knows where.

- Or maybe you lost it on the street?

- Guys, run to the gate!

- No, first to the old oak tree behind the house!

- Exactly! To the old oak! Yesterday I found my notebooks and geography under it...

Alyosha was left alone. He stood and looked at the coin that glittered in his palm.

Mistress Greed peeked out from under the bench.

- Hey, piggy bank cats! But did you approach this boy? – asked Mrs. Greed, and her voice trembled.

The piggy bank cats became agitated and blinked their stupid eyes.

- No, no, I didn’t come. And you, clay Murka?

– And I didn’t come.

- Maybe clay Dasha?

-What are you talking about? I was running to the market...

- Shut up! – Mrs. Greed shouted at them. - Come on, clay Murka, quickly run to this boy! Maybe he'll take you. Caress him, purr sweeter.

The clay cat, quickly moving its thick paws, ran up to Alyosha and pressed herself to his feet.

Alyoshka looked at her with great surprise. And who wouldn’t be surprised if a clay piggy bank cat suddenly ran up to him!

Alyoshka bent down and picked her up from the ground.

- He took it! He took it! – Mrs. Greed whispered beside herself with excitement.

Alyoshka twirled the coin, thought for a moment and put it into the black slot on the back of the clay cat’s head. The coin jumped merrily in her empty stomach, as if it was also happy about something. Alyoshka smiled and pressed his ear to the belly of the piggy bank cat.

Then Mrs. Greed ran towards Alyosha.

She almost drowned in a large puddle left over from yesterday's rain. And on the way, I ran my elbow into the side of some sparrow.

She ran up to Alyosha and with trembling hands grabbed his shoe lace.

- Alyoshenka! - Mrs. Greed screamed. - Darling! How nice you are! How cute are your freckles! Well, finally... And I was already thinking... Just take me to your place! You'll see, dear! I'll be useful to you! I'll be so handy!

Alyosha was terribly surprised. His eyes became four times larger, and his mouth opened by itself.

He backed away. And Mrs. Greed dragged herself along the wet ground, not letting go of his shoelace.

“Wow!” muttered Alyoshka. “She’s quite small, but she knows how to talk.”

In one city there lived a boy, he was so greedy that everyone had long ago nicknamed him Greedy and no one remembered his real name. Soon the people around him stopped noticing him altogether. He had a lot of toys and sweets, but not a single friend. He thought it was even better. He kept all his toys and sweets on the roof of the house so that no one could get to them.

One day, after a warm summer rain, when a rainbow sparkled in the sky, Greedy climbed onto the roof in order to hide another toy and admire his treasures. The staircase that led to the roof of the house shook and fell. At first, he was not very scared, because he had his favorite sweets and toys with him. He thought that nothing terrible had happened, now no one would get to his valuables.

After he ate the fifth chocolate bar, he became very thirsty. He began to shout to the children who were playing below in the courtyard after the rain, but the children did not hear or see him. He really wanted the children to hear him and pay attention to him. But no one heard him. He got scared and cried.

Suddenly a pink cloud stopped above him and a rope ladder fell out of it. Someone began to descend the rope ladder. Greedy's breath was taken away from fear that someone would be able to touch his treasures. As the man descended, Greedy was able to see him. The stranger's hair was curly, pink color. They touched his shoulders and resembled a dandelion. But such lush hair couldn't cover his huge ears. They were burgundy in color and shaped like a snail. His yellow face was covered with blue freckles. The nose resembled a spring with a ball at the end. He was wearing a peach-colored jumpsuit that was covered in many pockets. His boots resembled the shape of an old steam locomotive. When he came down, small cunning eyes with pupils like those of a cat looked at Greedy.

“I can help you,” he said. My name is Kloroz. I'll tell you a riddle, if you guess it, you can go down to earth. But I have one condition. For an incorrect answer, you will give me part of your treasures. Greedy turned all red from indignation and indignation and wanted to say no. But after thinking, he agreed.

Kloroz chose Greedy's favorite chocolates and said:

Your mother liked these sweets. Can you give them to her? Without thinking, Greedy shouted:

No! No! They are my favorite! Kloroz raised his hands up and part of the treasure rose up and disappeared into a pink cloud. Greedy tears flowed from her eyes.

“You have a chance to think,” Kloroz said. Greedy shouted loudly.

I will share my favorite candies with mom.

Kloroz once again raised his hands up. Another part of the treasure rose up and disappeared into the cloud. Greedy no longer cried. It seemed to him that there was no one more unhappy in the world.

“You have one last chance to think,” said Kloroz.

Suddenly one chocolate bar rolled across the roof and fell onto the playground. She was picked up by a little girl named Masha. She raised her head and saw Greedy, smiled at him and waved her hand. She did not understand what Greedy wanted to tell her. But the kids who were playing in the yard of the house heard and realized that he needed help. The guys raised the ladder and Greedy went down.

When Greedy went downstairs, he said to the children:

I will never be greedy! Let's be friends! My name is Misha.

The children extended their hands to him, and they all ran together towards the rainbow.

Sasha Luzhaikin had no friends. Maybe because he was considered greedy? A friend for Sasha was found in an unexpected way. It was thanks to a friend that Sasha’s character began to change.

A tale of greed

Once upon a time there lived a boy, Sasha Luzhaikin. Sasha was a good boy, but greedy. He never shared treats with friends and did not let him play with his toys.

- Here’s another idea - to treat someone! – Sasha was angry to himself. – And why is this necessary? They treat each other, smile and laugh at the same time. What kind of joy? It’s much nicer: you took it yourself and ate it yourself. You'll get more for yourself.

But then one day something incredible happened. Mom and dad went to a concert. Grandmother sat down in a chair and began to knit, but quickly dozed off. And at this time it began to rain heavily. And suddenly Sasha saw some small strange creature outside the window, getting wet from the rain. Sasha's curiosity awoke and he opened the window. The creature ended up in the boy's room.

- Who are you? – asked Sasha.

- I am Veselinka, and who are you?

- And I'm Sasha.

- Do you have a friend? – the guest asked.

“No,” said Sasha. “Everyone says that I’m greedy, and that’s why I don’t have a friend.”

“You’re not greedy at all,” said Veselinka. “Such a nice boy can’t be greedy.” I know that the greedy are the wolf and the fox. They will never share their prey with anyone.

Sasha thought about it.

He was interested in Veselinka. She was bright and cheerful. She could become a good friend.

In the evening, Sasha put a handful of sweets in his trouser pocket. He decided to treat the guys tomorrow. It’s not his time to be greedy!

The treat was accepted with joy. The children thanked Sasha, and only one boy, Dima Kopeikin, asked:

- What happened to you? Why did you suddenly become so generous?

- First of all, I made a friend. And secondly, I'm tired of being greedy.

Dima said:

- We want to meet your new friend.

In the evening, a noisy company ended up visiting Sasha. Everyone liked Veselinka, because she had a kind, cheerful disposition.

- She will teach you a lot of good things! - the guys exclaimed. – Because she looks at the world from a kind, sunny side!

Questions and tasks for the fairy tale

How did Sasha's greed manifest itself?

Did Sasha have a friend?

How did Vasilinka end up in Sasha’s house?

For what reason did the guys come to Sasha’s house?

Draw how you see Veselinka.

What proverbs fit the fairy tale?

Whoever you hang out with, that's how you'll gain.
Greed is the beginning of all vices.