
The specialty "innovation" is a direction for training high-class analysts. Where to work after graduating from "innovation"? What is innovation and who will work next?

In modern conditions, enterprises of all types of ownership are required to take action to transition to innovative development mechanisms. This requirement is dictated by the market and is subject to special control by the government of the Republic of Belarus.

However, there are practically no specialists who fully understand all aspects of such work. Experience shows that graduates of engineering and economics are not always sufficiently trained specialists in related fields: engineers in the field of management, and managers in engineering sciences. An exception is a bachelor's degree in Innovation.

A graduate of this educational direction will be trained as a specialist engineer and as a specialist manager, that is, both as a “technician” and as a “manager.” Its preparation “intersects” knowledge from different fields, forming, first of all, skills in solving engineering problems, as well as everything that is required to know for the commercialization and practical implementation of innovations and inventions in production.

He will be able to analyze the efficiency of the enterprise and identify problems that require solutions, search for possible solutions and generate new ideas, ensure the formation of optimal projects and manage their implementation in production, assess possible risks along the way of project implementation and minimize them, and thereby ensure economic growth of your enterprise.

It will be able to adapt to all types of activities based on system analysis, modeling, automated control and other types of information and computer technologies.

This amount of knowledge and skills is in great demand today in the labor market and provides special competitive advantages over other economic specialties.

Almost every organization, firm or enterprise in any industry and in any region of the country solves the problems of changes and improvements, which create a competitive advantage for them in the market and allow them to maintain a leading position in the economy. Assessing the attractiveness and merits of an idea, determining the optimal ways to implement it, attracting interested investors and, bypassing all kinds of risks, turning innovations into a successful business - this is the art and skill of an innovator!

Graduates of the specialty “Innovation” can work at manufacturing enterprises, business enterprises, research, design and design organizations, engineering centers, insurance companies, banks, and government agencies. In an industrial enterprise, these are one of the main assistants to the managers of the enterprise, and in the future - the main specialists or managers of the enterprise or company.

Assigned qualification

Qualification – Bachelor. Direction of training "Innovation"

Positions held

  • project manager;
  • business planner;
  • technical director;
  • supervisor

Universities that offer this specialty

  • Belarusian-Russian University (passing grades in , )

ATTENTION! When calculating passing scores, the score of the certificate is not taken into account (Russian admission rules)

Graduates of this specialty receive a diploma Russian model, since training is carried out at the expense of the Russian budget and according to Russian educational programs. Citizens of the Republic of Belarus can apply for this specialty on equal terms with citizens of Russia. Free training.

Starting this article, I don’t want to repeat the mantra “we are falling behind, we are falling behind!” Let others do this. We will try to rise to the level of perception at least one level higher and, by expanding the horizon, understand where the country is on the path to integration into the realities of the new economy. Therefore, first of all, we should turn our attention to such a concept as innovation - a very complex phenomenon of institutional science and the applied sphere of activity in economics.

The place of innovation in the general field of innovation concepts

A whole series of materials will be devoted to the history of the issue on our website. In this article we will focus on finding the definitions that are closest to the essence of the concept of innovation and clarifying the significance that this phenomenon has on the formation of a new technological structure.

The ending “atik” has a complex grammatical nature of ancient Greek origin. It is assumed that the ancestral word was “mathematics” as the queen of all sciences. Therefore, such an ending testifies in the modern world to involvement in science. In this regard, we can assume that innovation should be considered as a branch of scientific knowledge about innovation activity. Next, the question arises, in what conceptual field is the area of ​​knowledge under consideration located? Let us pay attention to a far from complete list of related concepts:

  • innovation (novation);
  • innovation (innovation);
  • innovation process;
  • innovation activity;
  • commercialization;
  • innovation infrastructure;
  • innovative potential of the company (region, industry, country);
  • innovative project;
  • innovation market;
  • intellectual labor market;
  • engineering;
  • technology transfer;
  • innovation and investment process.

In our reflections, I propose to consider innovation from three points of view, which in recent years have been consolidated in various literary sources. Of course, innovation is a very young and promising area of ​​scientific knowledge. In addition, innovation should be understood as a complex of systemic methodology for bringing an author’s idea through innovation into a market-accepted product. And this is its deep practical significance. Finally, we must definitely consider innovation as a specialty and as a profession that a professional who decides to devote himself to management in the field of innovation strives to master.

Based on the above, we can give a more complete description of the three aspects of the designated complex phenomenon.

  1. Innovation is proposed to be understood as a separate area of ​​scientific activity. In this direction, the development and development of theoretical foundations is carried out, scientific methodology and methods of forecasting, creative search, design and implementation of innovations are created. The theory and methodology of innovation are based on methods from the latest achievements in the field of system analysis, called systemology. It is systemology that makes it possible to study phenomena and objects of knowledge holistically, to find and make the most informed sociotechnical decisions. Applied innovation naturally arises from the field of theoretical knowledge.
  2. By the applied aspect of innovative knowledge we understand a special direction of scientific practice in which theoretical and applied problems of planning, organizing infrastructure, processes and implementing innovative activities are developed.
  3. The essence of innovation is closely related to such a phenomenon as the intellectual labor market, that is, with the area in which supply and demand for the corresponding categories of personnel arises. And among such personnel, in addition to scientists, engineering specialists, and other workers in various fields of innovation, we distinguish a special group of professionals called innovators.

The importance of personnel in innovation

With the advent of a new economy in our lives, the role of human capital increases many times over. A direction such as innovation requires a serious rethinking of many management blocks: organizational culture, labor market relations, the functional composition of personnel management, especially its motivation and organizational behavior. There is an active formation of the intellectual labor market in the world, including on an international scale. A clear example of these events are the processes occurring in the field of information technology, including offshore programming. And the number of people employed in the IT sector indirectly indicates the level of development of the information economy as a certain infrastructural basis for mass innovation.

It is characteristic that in India, with its 1.3 billion population, the army of programmers is growing at an unprecedented pace. In 1999 there were about 300 thousand, in 2005 – 1.3 million, and in 2013 already 2.75 million. It is also planned that by 2018 there will already be 5 IT industry specialists in this country, 2 million. And this despite the fact that in the leading country on the planet, the USA, the number of IT specialists in 2013 was 3.6 million people. China is also actively progressing in this direction: it is predicted that by 2018 the number of programmers from the Middle Kingdom in the global labor market will approach 1.9 million people.

Competition in the labor market associated with the new economy is growing not only in the IT sector. The growing number of innovative projects in the world creates an unprecedented demand for scientists with a real authorship position, for specialists in other professions: designers, engineers, etc. Competition in national and international markets is increasing, and this is just the beginning. Today, a young man who begins to wonder what to work for can no longer ignore the realities that are happening in the world. At the same time, in the subject of the article we are interested, first of all, in the profession of an innovator.

By innovator we will understand a project manager engaged in innovative activities, who has chosen as his goal the successful implementation of projects for the commercialization of innovations. People who intend to master this profession must clearly understand what kind of work awaits them, what knowledge, skills and abilities they must acquire. And first of all, these are the competencies of the manager of investment and innovation projects.

In Russia, in the specialty 222000 “Innovation”, universities train innovator specialists of two qualifications: bachelors and masters. There are still few graduates, but the process is underway. At the same time, specialized courses for future economists, managers, engineers and engineering managers are also taught under the same name. The main objectives of the subject training of specialists are:

  • formation of a systemic vision of professional practice in creating innovations, their production on an industrial scale and further commercialization;
  • mastering the basic rules of work and related activities related to the transformation of innovations into a market product with high added value, which is the essence of innovations.

The history of our country demonstrates a lot of paradoxes associated with a special national culture. For example, the most significant innovative breakthroughs in the country’s economy took place in a mobilization mode. This is the most difficult and costly path, because it is accompanied by an unprecedented strain of human strength. Something suggests that the transition to the sixth technological structure will happen in a similar emergency mode. In this case, the country still needs to nurture a generation of innovators, which means it needs to train much more such specialists, giving them the maximum of what the university system is able to provide today.

The question that every student involved in innovation probably had to answer is: “What kind of profession is this and where is it in demand?” The term “innovation”, meaning innovation, is known to many. But not everyone knows that there is a specialty with a similar name on the labor market. The emergence of new professions in the field of innovative technologies is directly related to the development of science and technology.

What is innovation

The ultimate goal of each direction of research is the application of the achieved result. Applied science, developing unique technologies or inventing new ways to control the forces of nature, focuses on their practical application. People who choose the specialty “Innovation” implement newly acquired scientific achievements into life.

This requires serious theoretical knowledge:

  • Methods of searching, storing, processing and providing information.
  • Legislation protecting copyright.
  • Theories for solving inventive problems (TRIZ).
  • Methods for performing a patent search.
  • Digitizing and editing images.
  • Innovation management.

When applying scientific discoveries in practice in various sectors of life, an innovation specialist must have at least a basic understanding of the intellectual products that he is promoting.

The main skills acquired during study and practical work are the ability to guess what products are in demand on the innovation market, find promotion methods, sources of financing, calculate expected liquidity and assess possible risks.

Social innovation

In the public sphere, problems regularly arise that cannot be dealt with by traditional methods. They give impetus to the search for more advanced forms of organizing the social system of the state. Relatively recently, a new scientific direction has emerged - social innovation.

She is engaged in applying the latest algorithms to solve real problems in all areas of the social system: medicine, education, pensions and social security. Examples include centers that work with people with disabilities using unique techniques or the creation of a non-state pension fund that uses non-standard schemes for paying lifelong maintenance to clients.

Economic innovation

Unlike social innovation, where managers often carry out non-profit projects, economic innovation promotes scientific and technological developments that should:

  • Possess fundamental novelty.
  • Be in demand on the market.
  • Bring profit to the manufacturer.

Specialists in the field of economic innovation are engaged in:

  • Introduction of new products.
  • Modernization of existing production using the latest technologies.
  • Reducing costs by promoting new management methods.

The main goal of economic innovation is to accelerate industrial development, create new markets, and strengthen beneficial competition.

Profession of innovation manager: requirements, advantages, problems

The professional standard for innovation managers approved in 2004 lists the main tasks of these employees:

  • Planning and implementation of activities to promote a new product.
  • Collection of patent and legal information.
  • Interaction with partners in the investment market.

The advantage of the new profession is that investment projects are usually launched by large, steadily growing companies. Working there is highly paid, prestigious and provides opportunities for career growth. By gaining experience, you can become a serious expert in the field of innovative technologies.

The disadvantages that need to be taken into account during the career guidance process include the presence of risks that create psychological stress. The need to constantly come up with new ideas and develop non-standard solutions can lead to professional burnout.

Innovation managers in Russia are not in great demand right now.

This is explained by the fact that there are few enterprises in the country capable of financing serious development areas. During an economic downturn, when cutting costs, managers of enterprises and organizations begin, unfortunately, by curtailing innovative projects.

Who and where can graduates of the specialty “Innovation” work?

Innovation managers can work in their chosen specialty in government agencies, research institutes, business incubators, technology parks, and scientific communities. In the commercial sphere, they are required by consulting firms, design bureaus, venture funds and associations.

Innovation specialists are engaged in the implementation of advanced achievements in many areas. At universities they receive basic training in various professions in order to have a good understanding of the sector of the economy in which they will conduct innovative work. Here is a partial list of positions for which such graduates can apply:

  • Marketer.
  • Logistician
  • Production Manager.
  • Engineer-economist.
  • Financial controller.
  • Patent specialist
  • Entrepreneur.

After completing a bachelor's degree in Innovation, graduates receive diplomas in 65 professions.

Possible career growth and prospects

An innovation manager can eventually rise to the position of leader or become a project manager. An innovation specialist who has practical experience and is the author of several successful projects is highly valued on the labor market. He may be offered the positions of department head, development director, or executive director.

Working in government agencies, you can become the head of the relevant department dealing with innovation and solve issues of development of a city, region or entire country.

Salary level in innovation

The average salary in Russia for the specialty “Innovation Project Manager” has halved over the past 12 months from 100 thousand rubles. in January 2017 up to 50 thousand rubles. by the beginning of 2018. This is due to the curtailment of innovative projects due to the crisis in the economy.

Vacancies are unevenly distributed throughout Russia.

Moscow and the Moscow region offer 40% of the available unoccupied places in the country, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region - 14.5%, followed by the Yaroslavl, Tula, Samara regions.

In Moscow, specialists in the field of innovation are offered from 40 to 150 thousand rubles, depending on experience and qualifications. per month. The average for Russia is from 25 to 120 thousand rubles. In terms of salary level, the professions that are closest to each other are web project manager (on average 50 thousand rubles), assistant project manager (35 thousand rubles), and project support manager (30 thousand rubles).

Where to get a specialty: largest universities, main disciplines

Good preparation for conducting innovative projects in the field of technology and exact sciences is obtained in the following educational institutions:

  • Moscow State University named after Lomonosov.
  • MSTU.
  • MIPT – Faculty of Innovation and High Technologies.

To work in the field of management of government agencies and business, specialists are trained at the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation and the Institute of Innovation and Logistics at the State University of Management. In total, sixty-six universities across the country train innovators in many cities.

In addition to the basic blocks of subjects, general professional training is provided in the following disciplines:

  • Introduction to innovation.
  • System analysis and decision making.
  • Business Basics.
  • Creative thinking and algorithms for solving non-standard problems.
  • Marketing of innovations.
  • Other disciplines in accordance with the specifics of the university.

Many engineers and managers working in production enroll in master's programs to receive additional higher education in the innovation field. This will allow them to professionally implement scientific achievements in their organizations.

The concept of “innovation” is more popular than ever around the world. Every day we learn about innovative discoveries and technologies from television screens and media pages. Following the demands of the time, new educational programs are opening in universities. GlavSprav visited the Institute of International Business and Law of the National Research University ITMO to find out what and how future “innovative” specialists are taught.

What is “innovation”?

Bogdanova Elena Leonardovna, director of IMBIP:

There are many definitions of the word “innovation”, including scientific ones. But if we speak, without using scientific terms, in an understandable language, this is all that is new that has been invented, designed and used in work.

Our country has relied on the introduction of new achievements of science and technology into production, services and other sectors of the economy. In this regard, such a field of knowledge as “Innovation” was opened, and personnel training has been conducted in it for several years now. These personnel are in demand by the economy; they work in various fields. In production, this is a technical specialty: engineers must understand how inventions are registered, intellectual property, and how it can be commercialized.

Economists, I mean the next stage of education - master's degree, must understand what to do next with this invention, how to attract businessmen, how it can be sold, how to advertise it.

“Innovation” is a technical specialty divided into 2 levels: bachelor’s (4 years) and master’s (2 years). Considering that those who already have another higher education can study in a master’s program, we can talk about a bachelor’s degree as the first higher education, and separately about continuing education.

Murashova Svetlana Vitalievna, head of master's and professional retraining and second higher education areas:

In itself, “innovation” is perceived differently by economists and technical specialists. For the former, this is an abbreviation for the concept of “investment in innovation,” i.e. investing money in some innovation with the aim of making a profit. And “techies” mean an approach to creating an innovative product as such.

In any case, we focus on classical technical engineering education. Our graduates - both bachelors and masters - will not necessarily become inventors, but they should understand innovation and its effectiveness.

Our bachelor's degree program is now licensed: these are engineers who are closely familiar with the theory of solving inventive problems. These people must be well versed in technical issues, in addition, they must be creative thinkers, be able to do patent research, and understand how innovative this innovation is. The concept of “innovation” is so broad that it is impossible to produce just an engineer with a narrow profile, in the field of electromechanics, for example. This is an interdisciplinary direction. The federal educational standard determines the subjects that must be included in the so-called federal component of the curriculum for preparing bachelors in this area. And we, for our part, supplement it with universal disciplines.

An important guideline is the interests of employers

Bogdanova Elena Leonardovna:

IMBIP in the development of training programs went “from top to bottom”: from the master’s level to the bachelor’s, and not vice versa. And in this regard, it was easier for us, because those students who once came to the master’s program recommended to us how to expand and supplement the training programs and gave advice. But among them were company managers, specialists, engineers who have been working in this direction for a long time. In this sense, it was easier for us: after graduating several master’s programs, we collected the opinions of people working in this direction in order to put together a curriculum for future bachelors.

The main criterion for selecting disciplines is future employment, because we must prepare those guys who will open the door to the future and will be in demand. Already graduating from our institute, they should know where they will go to work. And, of course, it is important to train specialists who will receive higher salaries in the future.

Murashova Svetlana Vitalievna:

We have been cooperating with the Stroytekhtsentr enterprise, which works in the field of construction of large industrial facilities, for several years now. We also interact with the company Aquapatent, which is engaged in patent development and protection of research in the field of ecology and protection of the aquatic environment. One of the university’s partners is the President of the College of Patent Attorneys of St. Petersburg, Vyacheslav Vladimirovich Turenko, who gives our students advice on which direction to conduct patent research, what is most popular now, and where problems exist.

Our future bachelor's graduates can work as apprentices and assistant directors of enterprises. But it's not all about management. These could be programmers or assistant IT managers of the company. If we take construction, these are development departments that are now being created in all large companies. If this is administrative work, then, for example, the innovation committee in the government. If you see yourself exclusively as an inventor and want to do only that, please take a position as an engineer in a design bureau or any other company. There are many possibilities and paths.

“Innovation” is an interdisciplinary program in its content. But it is part of the enlarged group of specialties “Automation and Control”, and this is a purely technical, engineering education. And therefore our task is to provide fundamental technical knowledge that can be adapted to the employer’s needs in the shortest possible time. We use employers and experts for many of our student and school projects.

... Let them teach me!

Murashova Svetlana Vitalievna:

We would like guys with a good knowledge of physics to come. Unfortunately, as practice shows, schoolchildren do not pass the Unified State Examination in Physics well enough. The requirements at our university for a passing score are at least 210 points in 3 subjects. The problem is that curricula vary greatly from school to school. So we are ready to “pull up” those who are slightly below the required level and give them equal opportunities to develop further. We are waiting for guys who want and love to learn, and we will try to orient them to their future trajectory.

I would especially like to say something about foreign languages. Nowadays the process of integration and globalization of all types of science is so advanced that it will be difficult to do patent research - the main area of ​​work - only in your own country. And knowledge of foreign languages ​​is necessary at a fairly high level, moreover, business, technical language, in your industry. We have a linguistic center at ITMO that will deal with such training.

“School Patent” as a trip to Geneva

Bogdanova Elena Leonardovna:

Most of the work with our future applicants is school competitions, incl. international. I can name two forums in which students who are planning to enroll with us or are already our students participate.

This is the third year that the School Patent competition has been held. Talented guys take part in it, and we provide the winners with preferences when applying to us. For example, a discount on tuition when applying for a non-budget place.

The second forum is “The Future of the World”. It has a “Golden Thousand of the World” rating, and the guys participating in this forum with their business plans also receive prizes and preferences for admission. Our students also take part in organizing such events - this is good practical experience for them. We are very happy about the good results of the competition, because after it the guys really want to continue working in an innovative direction: invent, formalize their inventions, move on, become famous... And it is important for us that we helped to do this.

Murashova Svetlana Vitalievna:

Our institute is also a supporting organization of Rospatent, which means that winners of school competitions are provided with free consultations from patent attorneys for the registration and protection of their intellectual property. We have specialists who deal with the registration of intellectual property, and if our students come up with something, we advise them and formalize the invention, giving them the opportunity to obtain their own patents.

IMBIP student inventors also get the opportunity to undergo foreign internships. One of them is in the UN European Commission, in the innovation group, where a lot of research is carried out. Thanks to such internships, we have the opportunity to give the children an idea of ​​what is happening in the world now. And when we leave Geneva, the guys say that their world has turned upside down.

And if we talk about our university, of course, it’s worth talking about innovative small enterprises. If one of our students wants to take a risk and is confident that his invention will be in commercial demand, he can create his own small enterprise at ITMO. Such initiatives are now in great demand, which means they hold all the cards!

In Ekaterinburg universities, a new specialty for applicants called “Innovation” is rapidly gaining momentum. The “graduate” tried to figure out what kind of specialty this is and what they teach there. Innovation as a direction concerns, first of all, the promotion of modern technologies in production. Those who have received this specialty are engaged in the modernization of production in various industries (aerospace sector, biomedical production, etc.). It is interesting that the interpretation of this specialty also turns out to be different in different universities. UrFU, USUE and USPU associate it with the physics and technology direction, but in some universities in the Urals it is understood as a socially oriented specialization, so the training has a “humanitarian” component, in particular working with people. St. Petersburg is still the leader in the development of innovation , St. Petersburg State University already has a whole faculty of innovation. In Yekaterinburg this specialty is actively developing UrFU(the department of innovative technologies has become a good base for this), innovation can also be studied in USPU And USUE Of course, there is still little data on how successfully graduates of this specialty find jobs, since innovation is a new phenomenon in higher education. Supporters of the new direction say the opposite: there are many areas where you can express yourself. According to rough estimates by the creators of innovation programs, people who have received a similar specialty may be in demand in the following professions: 1. Directors and development managers, creative directors of companies; 2. Project managers; 3. Heads of developing companies; 4. Heads of new and developing production areas; 5. Specialists in narrow high-tech industries; 6. Business consultants for promotion, marketing and development; 7. Supervisory authorities specialists (quality control, etc.); 8. IT specialists in the field of new developments. The only problem is that for any manager, especially the head of a responsible production or serious technical field, not only knowledge is needed, but also a lot of experience, which, alas, does not come with a higher education diploma . This means that before acting as a director to modernize and introduce everything new and progressive, an innovation specialist will have to work in production for a long time. However, interest in innovation is growing among future students. In one of the universities in Yekaterinburg, the competition for this specialty was 7 people per seat. Innovation is part of progress; some time must pass before one becomes “accustomed” to it. Who knows, maybe very soon the competition for this specialty will soar to sky-high numbers, and leading enterprises will fight for graduates?