
List of those killed in the 1st Chechen war. List of Russian heroes of the Chechen war

There is a term in the military lexicon - irretrievable losses. In operational reports, this is how killed servicemen are designated. No one counts the civilian deaths in the war. As a rule, during large-scale combat operations with the use of aviation and artillery, ten times more of them die than soldiers. However, the figures for military casualties in different reports sometimes differ like heaven and earth. An example of this is the tragedy that took place on April 16 at mountain road near the Chechen village of Yarysh-Mardy.


The rear column of the 245th consolidated motorized rifle regiment, which had been fighting in Chechnya for almost a year, was marching. It consisted of 199 people: 29 officers, 17 warrant officers and 153 soldiers and sergeants, mostly contract soldiers. The unit was headed by the deputy regiment commander for armaments, Major Terzovets.

Immediately after the tragedy, statements were heard in the Duma that the column was practically unarmed. This is wrong. All of Major Terzovets' subordinates had standard weapons. And there was enough ammunition. After all, in Khankala they were loaded to capacity with cartridges and shells, fuel and military equipment.

The vehicles were accompanied by tanks and infantry fighting vehicles.

On mountain serpentine ground reconnaissance is essentially useless. After all, a combat reconnaissance patrol can detect an ambush at commanding heights only by chance. You won’t be searching all the surrounding rocks on foot. Therefore, according to the experience of Afghanistan, “turntables” are always patrolling in the air at low altitude above the column. From above, especially when there is no greenery yet, everything is clearly visible. But at that time we had to go through the “peaceful” Shatoi region, with the administration of which a corresponding agreement had recently been signed.

According to the headquarters of the North Caucasus Military District, about 200 militants of Shamil Basayev were in the ambush at Yarysh-Marda. Other sources say that the men of the famous field commander Ruslan Gelayev acted. But everyone agrees on one thing: the Afghan Mujahideen led the operation. The tactics were typical of that war. The ambush site was chosen ideally from a tactical point of view. On one side there is a steep cliff and a mountain river. On the other hand, there are almost vertical cliffs.

Having missed the reconnaissance, at about 14.30 the militants detonated a guided landmine under the lead tank and immediately hit the headquarters vehicle with the radio station, as well as the trailing one, with grenade launchers. The column found itself clogged in a bag of fire. Moreover, without communication and control, Major Terzovets died after the first salvo.

The shooting of the column lasted almost three hours. Only 8 - 12 motorized riflemen emerged from that battle intact.

LOAD "200"

HOW MANY zinc coffins or bodies simply wrapped in foil (there are not enough coffins in Chechnya) will be brought home by the infamous “black tulips” after the massacre at Yarysh-Marda is still unclear. At first they reported 93 killed, then the figure dropped to 76. And Defense Minister Pavel Grachev said that on April 16 “only” 53 were killed and 52 wounded.

True, to the village of Mulino, Nizhny Novgorod region, where the 245th consolidated motorized rifle regiment was formed on the basis of the district training center, and to other places in Russia, the Grozny commandant’s office sent 163 “200” cargoes only after April 16 - this is how the dead are called in military jargon.


WHAT IS IT? full list dead in Chechnya? At a meeting of the State Duma on March 15, 1996, the First Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces Russian Federation Colonel General Viktor Barynkin named the number of killed servicemen of the Ministry of Defense during the entire period of hostilities in Chechnya - 2134 people. The losses of the militants are “within 15.5 thousand”, more than 1000 Dudayevites were captured.

The greatest losses in the federal troops were tragically New Year's Eve and until January 10 last year. Then, more than 1,300 Russian soldiers were ground in the Grozny “meat grinder.” Before this, according to some data, at the end of December 1994, over 800 Russian military personnel were killed.

IN lately The lion's share of losses falls on the Ministry of Internal Affairs. According to official data reported by the first deputy commander of the Internal Troops of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Lieutenant General Viktor Gafarov, in Chechnya as of March 15, 1996, 423 servicemen of the Internal Troops were killed and 157 people were missing. According to more recent information, Internal troops lost more than 650 of their comrades in the Chechen war.

Border guards now have fewer permanent losses. In 1995, the “green caps” lost 27 people in battles on the administrative border with Chechnya.

In Chechnya, unfortunately, representatives of almost all types and branches of the military are dying. Except, probably, rocket scientists and military personnel of the Military Space Forces. Children not only from worker-peasant families die. More than 10 sons of generals were killed in Chechnya. The last person to receive news of the death of his son, a senior lieutenant, was the corps commander, Lieutenant General Kulikovsky.

So, how many people died in Chechnya? Recently, retired General Alexander Lebed cited the following figures: 6-7 thousand federal troops died. Chechens, including civilians, number 70 - 80 thousand. The list of losses is constantly growing.

(list of military personnel, natives of the Penza region, who died in the first and second Chechen companies)


Born 1976, Shemysheysky district, village. Sliodskoe. Died on December 14, 1995 while on duty in the Chechen Republic. Buried in the village. Sliodskoe (source of information: questionnaire, Tatyana Vladimirovna Averyanova).

Born 1976, Pachelma district, village. Reshetino. Was on conscript service, driver of a jet battery. Killed in the Chechen Republic on June 12, 1995 as a result of small arms fire. Posthumously awarded the Order of Courage. Buried in the village. Reshetino (source of information: questionnaire, Agisheva Nurzhigan Ab-Kayumovna).

Born 1980, 7-133. Sergeant, squad commander, died in Chechnya on January 23, 2000 and was buried on February 7, 2000 in Penza (information source: personal list of the dead).

Born 1975, Vadinsky district, village. Kopovka. He graduated from the agricultural college on February 25, 1994, and on February 27 he was drafted into the army. 10 months later, on December 22, 1994, he died in Argun, being wounded, burned in a flaming BMD car, awarded the Order of Courage posthumously (source of information: questionnaire, Pyotr Fedorovich - the father writes in the questionnaire: “5 years, 7 months have passed. We, parents , fell apart from such grief, we taught him with our last money, gnawing on stale bread to survive, to learn. Now we have an agronomist diploma and an order book. This is all that is left of our son, and there is no help from anywhere! .. He was the only one from our region who died in Chechnya and during these almost six years he never came as a military commissar - at least on Paratrooper’s Day they put two flowers on his grave... He has flowers, his fellow villagers don’t forget, but he wants to at least a little attention!"

Born 1975, . Died on May 24, 1995 on the border of Dagestan and Chechnya near Khasavyurt. Buried at the Novo-Zapadnoe cemetery in Penza (source of information: questionnaire).

born 1976, p. Treskino, Komyshleysky district. He was drafted into the army on February 21, 1995, and died before serving even three months on May 18, 1995 in Chechnya. Posthumously awarded the Order of Courage. Buried on May 24, 1995 in the village. Treskino (source of information: questionnaire, Nina Fedorovna, Alexander Ivanovich - parents, Natalya - sister. “We will never come to terms with this huge grief,” Nikolai’s relatives write in the questionnaire, “We curse everyone involved in this crazy war, in the monstrous death our beloved boy - son and brother").

Born 1975, Komyshleysky district, village. Skripitsino. Died on February 27, 1995 while on duty in the Chechen Republic. He was buried at the Cherkassy cemetery in the Komyshlei district (source of information: questionnaire).

Served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, military unit N5594, died on August 6, 1996, delivery address of “cargo-200” for burial by relatives: 9-35 Bryukhina Nadezhda Nikolaevna (information source: list of military personnel who died in the Chechen Republic as of October 22, 1997. ).

Died December 6, 1996 (required additional information, in the list of dead military personnel in the Chechen Republic for 22. in the Penza region the surname is added by hand. Wife - Elena Fedorovna, Moscow. No address. - Ed.).

Lieutenant Colonel, place of residence of parents 0. Died in the Chechen Republic on April 1

Born 1976, Novo-Lomovsky district, village. New Pyatina. Private, died on August 15, 1996, while performing a combat mission, showing courage and bravery during combat operations in the village of Elistanzhi, Chechen Republic. Awarded the Order of Courage. Buried in the village of Novaya Pyatina (source of information: profile, Pavel Viktorovich - father).

Born 1976, 0-64. Killed in Chechnya on September 10, 1996, by a mine. He was buried in Penza at the Novo-Zapadnoe cemetery (source of information: questionnaire, Galina Petrovna - mother).

Born 1976, district village Shemysheyka, st. Lesnaya, 2. Killed by a sniper at the post on June 17, 1995. Buried in the village of Shemysheyka. They were recruited from the 3rd year of the Penza Higher Forestry School (source of information: questionnaire).

Born in 1978, Chaadaevka village, private. He died in Chechnya on January 23, 2000, and was buried in the village of Chaadaevka (information source: personal list of the dead).

Private, drafted into the army on December 25, 1994, p. Titovo Pachelinsky district, died on January 9, 1996 (information source: list of military personnel who died in the Chechen Republic on 22).

born 1980, p. Varvarovka, sergeant, commander of a sniper squad, died in Chechnya on February 6, 2000. Buried in the village. Varvarovka 20.g. (source of information: personal list of the dead).

Born 1975, M-Serdobinsky district, village. Colemass. Died on January 1, 1995, buried in the village. Colemass (source of information: questionnaire, mother).

Efarov Jafyas Jafyarovich, born in 1976, p. Tatar Kanadey, lieutenant, platoon commander. Died in Chechnya on March 6, 2000, buried in the village. Tatar Canaday 13/17/2000 (source of information: personal list of the dead).

Born 1976, 3. Died on December 28, 1994 in Chechnya. He was buried in Nikolsk (source of information: questionnaire, Nadezhda Aleksandrovna - the soldier’s mother writes: “We received a telegram about receiving “cargo 200” on January 2, 1995. We brought our son from the Rostov hospital at our own expense, buried him at our own expense. With the death of our son we lost everything - both hope and health, my father soon died of a heart attack, I live from ambulance to ambulance. They took him into the army at exactly 18 years old, he served for only six months and he was sent to Chechnya, to such a massacre. didn’t they know what they were sending them to? And how many of us, mothers, were blinded by tears! I want to wish all the parents of the victims that they can achieve compensation for material and moral damage. Although no amount of money can bring back their sons, there must be JUSTICE!”).

Private, military officer N 6556 Penza, called up in June 1993, 5-66. Died on October 5, 1995 (source of information: list of military personnel who died in the Chechen Republic as of October 22, 1997).

born 1976, p. Collapse of the Tamalinsky district. Died in Chechnya near the settlements of Bamut and Assinovskaya on November 10, 1995. He was carrying a wounded man out of battle and was blown up by a mine (information source: questionnaire, Yuri Nikolaevich - father writes: “We condemn this war and demand that the perpetrators be punished!”) .

Born in 1979, Serdobsk, Kolkhozny proezd, 15-15. Private Kalyapin was the driver of a reconnaissance company military units North Caucasus District. He died in hospital from severe wounds on August 31, 1999 - saving the life of the commander, he covered a grenade with his body. Posthumously nominated for the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (source of information: questionnaire, father).

Born 1947, Penza, Builders Avenue, 45-77. Died on August 9, 1996 in Grozny during the storming of the FSB dormitory (information source: questionnaire).

Born 1976, 68-2. Killed on January 25, 1996 when a convoy was shelled in the Alkhan-Kala area (information source: questionnaire). , drafted into the army on December 12, 1994, 4, private, military unit No. 3717. Died on September 30, 1995 (information source: list of military personnel who died in the Chechen Republic on 22).

Born 1980, Art. Salovka, Kondolsky district, private. Died on October 16, 1999 while performing his official duty in the territory of the North Caucasus Military District (information source: personal list of the dead).

Private, drafted into the army on February 2, 1995, p. Sytinka, Luninsky district. Died on January 25, 1996 (source of information: list of military personnel who died in the Chechen Republic as of October 22, 1997).

Served in Grozny, military unit. N11879, place of residence: Penza, Pobeda Ave., 86-143. Died on August 14, 1996 (source of information: list of military personnel killed in the Chechen Republic as of October 22, 1997).

born 1976, p. Malaya Serdoba, st. Sadovaya, 4. Died on September 26, 1995 in the village of Assinovskaya in Chechnya. He was awarded the Order of Courage posthumously (source of information: questionnaire, Olga Aleksandrovna - his mother writes in the questionnaire: “... Our Sasha studied excellently at the Buzuluk Financial and Economic College as a financier-lawyer. After serving in the army, he was going to serve in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Command of the Headquarters of the North -The Caucasian District of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia calls our son Sasha a Hero and thanks us, parents, for raising such a good son. And, nevertheless, we ask that this questionnaire be included in the court claims for compensation for material and moral damage and transferred to the State Duma for. preparation and adoption of the Law “On compensation for material and moral damage to victims of the Chechen war”).

born 1968, 2-6. Died on January 14, 1995. Buried in Penza (source of information: Tatyana Viktorovna - mother).

born 1979, p. Blagodatka Kuznetsk region, ml. Sergeant, BMP commander. Died on January 7, 2000 in Chechnya. Buried in the village. Blagodatka 02/12/2000 (source of information: personal list of victims).

Born 1976, Kamensky district, village. Nizovka, conscript soldier. Died on August 10 in Grozny. Buried in the village. Nizovka (source of information: questionnaire, parents - Nina Mikhailovna and Anatoly Dmitrievich).

, born in 1955, p. Novaya Stepanovka, captain 1st rank, correspondent for the magazine "Sea Collection". Died on December 17, 1999 in the North Caucasus region while performing official duties. in the village of Lunino (source of information: personal list of the dead).

Private, military unit No. 3309, Blagodarny, Stavropol Territory, drafted into the army in February 1993, p. We'll catch the Belinsky district. Died on December 24

Maksimov (name and patronymic must be clarified - Ed.), sailor, drafted into the navy by the Serbian regional military registration and enlistment office on December 21, 1993, p. Prigorodnoye, military unit No. 10656. Died on February 20-21, 1995 (source of information: list of military personnel who died in the Chechen Republic as of October 22, 1997).

Private, drafted into the army from the village. Sulak, Belinsky district in February 1993. Died on February 15, 1994 (source of information: list of military personnel who died in the Chechen Republic as of October 22, 1997).

Private, drafted into the army in December 1993, Zametchino village, . Died on February 23, 1995 (source of information: list of military personnel killed in the Chechen Republic as of October 22, 1997)

born 1980, p. Belokamenka, Komyshleysky district, sergeant. Died on December 18, 1999 in Chechnya. Buried on December 27, 1999 in the village. Belokamenka (source of information: personal list of the dead).

Military unit No. 21617, was drafted into the army from the village. Kanaevka City district. Died on August 10, 1996 (source of information: list of military personnel who died in the Chechen Republic as of October 22, 1997).

Born 1977, b. Bashmakovo village, Chapaeva St., 18, warrant officer, platoon commander. Killed in the line of duty military service February 22, 2000 on the territory of the Chechen Republic. Buried in the river. Bashmakovo village (source of information: questionnaire, Valentina Timofeevna - mother).

Born 1977, Bessonovsky district, village. Chemodanovka, st. Factory, 13-18. Private, driver mechanic. Died on August 10, 1996 in Grozny. He was killed by a sniper and burned in a BMP vehicle. The body was delivered from Rostov to the burial place in the Penza region, with. Suitcase, November 28, 1996 (source of information: questionnaire, Nadezhda Alekseevna - mother).

Born 1976, 2-1. Conscript soldier, died in Grozny, Chernorechye district, on September 3, 1995 from a sniper bullet. Buried in the city of Gorodishche (source of information: questionnaire).

Born 1975, . Died on January 16, 1995 near the village. Bamut of the Chechen Republic from a shot from a grenade launcher during special operation, covering his comrades from the BTR-80 weapons (source of information: questionnaire, Nikolai Petrovich - father).

Military unit No. 11879, drafted into the army in -49. Died on August 14, 1996 (source of information: Lists of military personnel killed in the Chechen Republic as of October 22, 1997).

Born 1974, Mokshan village, st. Kalinina, 101. Died in Chechnya on January 4, 1995 (contusion of both lungs with massive hemorrhage from the consequences of the blast wave). Buried on January 25, 1995 in the Mokshan cemetery (source of information: questionnaire).

born 1974, 4-6. Junior sergeant, intelligence officer, died on June 1, 1995 in Chechnya from a gunshot wound. Posthumously awarded the Order of Courage, award certificate N100245. He was buried in Kamenka (source of information: questionnaire, Lyubov Nikolaevna - mother).

Senior sergeant, drafted into the 4th in September 1994. Died on November 2, 1995 (source of information: list of military personnel who died in the Chechen Republic as of October 22, 1997).

Born 1979, Kamenka, private, mortar commander. Died on December 12, 1999 in the North Caucasus region while performing a combat mission. Buried in Kamenka (source of information: personal list of the dead).

Born 1980, Norilsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory, corporal. Died in Chechnya on December 29, 1999. Buried in the city of Serdobsk, Penza region, on January 20, 2000 (source of information: personal list of the dead).

Born 1975, N-Lomovsky district, village. Sheep. Died while performing compulsory military service in the Chechen Republic on July 17, 1995 near the town of Bamut. Buried in the village. Ovcharnoe (source of information: questionnaire, Ivan Fedorovich - father).

Born in 1980, worker, Shemysheysk village, Montazhnaya st., 23-14. Drafted into the army on July 15, 1998, died in Grozny on January 2, 2000 (source of information: questionnaire, Valentina Vasilievna is the mother of a soldier. She reports in the questionnaire that she and their family suffered irreparable moral damage as a result of the death of their son. Since the day of his son’s death, he has been constantly ill, asking the Russian Ministry of Defense to pay the family deceased war daily allowance for special business trips of 90 days in the amount of 75 thousand rubles and compensation for moral damage in the amount of 300 thousand rubles. She asks the Government of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Defense to improve the living conditions of the family of the deceased. She lives in a dormitory).

Born August 19, 1980, 47-47. Died at the age of 19 - September 13, 1999 between the villages of Kara-Makhi and Gabay-Makhi. Posthumously awarded the Order of Courage. Buried in the city cemetery of Serdobsk (source of information: questionnaire, Vladimir Konstantinovich - the father writes: “The military unit did not provide any details about the death of our son. We contacted the Penza Military Prosecutor’s Office and they did not answer us.”).

Born 1973, city of Kamenka, . He died on May 15, 1995 while on duty in the Chechen Republic, showing bravery and courage in the battles near Bamut. He was buried in Kamenka (source of information: questionnaire, mother).

Born 1980, Tamalinsky district, village. Kulikovka. A conscript soldier, died on October 4, 1999 while performing a government assignment in the village of Chervlenaya, Chechen Republic. Buried in the village. Kulikovka (source of information: questionnaire).

Born 1975, Belinsky district, village. Sulak. Died while performing a combat mission in the Chechen Republic on December 15, 1994, through a wound to the chest. He died while being transported to the hospital (source of information: questionnaire, Valentina Ivanovna - mother. Reports that after the death of her son, her health and the health of her husband deteriorated sharply. Her husband is disabled from Chernobyl. They demand: to assign pensions from the day of his son’s death, to install a monument on his grave, compensate for moral damage in the amount of 500 thousand rubles).

137.Soskovets Alexey Gennadievich 61931

died in early April
1996 (
03/31/1997, Novaya Gazeta)
Koltasheva Yulia Petrovna , ensign, military unit 61931

born in 1976

Nurse. Prepared documents for the contract service in the Berezovsky military registration and enlistment office.

Arrived at service in 324 MSP, which was stationed under Old Atagami. After the withdrawal from Chechnya of 324 SMEs, voluntarily remained in 276 SMEs. Performed military duty on the territory of the Chechen Republic as part of military unit 69771 Ural Military District. Died on August 11, 1996. Awarded the Order of Courage. She was buried in the city of Berezovsky, Sverdlovsk region, at the city cemetery.

more details:


MUKHAMETOV OLEG VIKTOROVICH Private contract service, military unit 61931

03.10.1975 - 04.04.1996

November 24, 1993 by the Central RVC of Chelyabinsk

was drafted into the ranks of the Russian Armed Forces.

On May 28, 1995 he was transferred to the reserve. December 19, 1995

year was called up to serve under a contract. From December 21

1995 - Chechnya (infantry fighting vehicle driver (military unit 61931).

On April 4, 1996, during the fighting against

bandit formations near the village of Goyskoye

Mukhametov O.V. went missing.

By the decision of the Central District Court of Chelyabinsk

dated March 24, 1999 Mukhametov O.V. recognized

killed during the fighting.

Oleg's mother lives in Chelyabinsk.

140. Gorbunov Andrey Georgievich , sergeant, military unit 61931, 324th motorized rifle regiment

born 1975 Missing on April 4, 1996. s/s Gorbunov Andrey Georgievich - military unit 61931, registered
missing, body found on the battlefield by search association "Trizna" in the spring of 2006, identified in the fall of 2006
Kataev Vyacheslav Viktorovich,row. counter. 61951


Graduated from 8 classes of Miass high school № 30.
Contract service private Armed Forces RF.

His last name, first name, patronymic are listed on the marble Memorial plaque of the Glory Memorial at the "Grieving Mother" monument in the city of Miass.
Information about it is contained in “Book of Memory “Let’s remember everyone by name...”, Volume II, Chechnya, 1994-1996”, published in 1999 by the Department for Military and Cossack Affairs of the Administration of the Chelyabinsk Region, the Committee for Youth Affairs of the Administration of the Chelyabinsk Region, the Chelyabinsk Regional Association public associations reserve officers.
Information about it is posted on the stand "Let's remember everyone by name" in the building of the Miass city military commissariat.
Died in a combat operation on the territory of the Chechen Republic.

142. Smirnov Stanislav Mikhailovich, 61931, row. counter.

serviceman, 9 were listed as missing. On August 10, the regiment's units were already loading into trains to return home when they received new order: enter Grozny in three consolidated columns and clear several blocks in the city center from militants. By the end of the day on August 11, the battalions completed their task, taking control of all the indicated neighborhoods. This cost the regiment another 39 dead and over a hundred wounded. After this, the regiment remained in Grozny for another 2 weeks.

Boris Tsekhanovich:

Now for the losses. In the first war, over a year and a half of hostilities, four and a half thousand soldiers and officers died on our side. These are official data and they are real. So in mine 324 SME in a year and a half died181 people, seven hundred and fifty were wounded and shell-shocked, 1 person missing

3501. SOTNIKOV Sergei Sergeevich private military unit 86923
3502. SOTSKOV Alexander Viktorovich private military unit 62892 245 MSP
3503. SOSHELIN Andrey Anatolyevich senior sailor of military unit 10735 165 PMP Quiet. Navy (died in captivity)
3504. SOSHNIKOV Boris Viktorovich Corporal of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3505. SPASOV Andrey Aleksandrovich Corporal, military unit 74268 76 Airborne Division (Pskov)
3506. SPESIVTSEV Alexander Mikhailovich senior sergeant, military unit 74923 205 Omsbr
3507. SPEKHOV Vladimir Yurievich junior sergeant, military unit 91060
3508. SPESHILOV Mikhail Viktorovich junior sergeant, military unit 34605 255 MSP
3509. STAGNEY Grigory Sergeevich Private Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3510. STANKIN Vyacheslav Mikhailovich junior sergeant, military unit 52324
3511. STARIKOV Dmitry Vasilievich Corporal VV Ministry of Internal Affairs
3512. STAROVEROV Roman Vladimirovich Private Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3513. STARODUBKIN Vladimir Viktorovich private military unit 62892 245 MSP
3514. STARODUBTSEV Alexander Petrovich lieutenant colonel military unit 01860 429 msp
3515. STAROSTIN Dmitry Borisovich private military unit 65349 81st MSP
3516. STASOV Yuri Aleksandrovich junior sergeant of military unit 61931 324 MSP
3517. STATSENKO Andrey Vasilievich Major, military unit 21617 506th MSP
3518. STATSINA Alexander Mikhailovich Colonel of military unit 47084 58 OA SKVO
3519. STELYIAKHOV Sergey Vitalievich lieutenant of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3520. STEPANOV Alexey Alekseevich junior sergeant, military unit 66431 693 MSP
3521. STEPANOV Alexey Pavlovich private military unit 22033 166 Omsbr
3522. STEPANOV Vitaly Vladimirovich Guards. junior sergeant, military unit 81280 879 odshb Balt. fleet
3523. STEPANOV Ivan Glebovich private military unit 74819 205 Omsbr
3524. STEPANOV Pavel Ivanovich senior lieutenant of military unit 65349 81st MSP
3525. STEPANCHENKO Nikolay Anatolyevich senior warrant officer of military unit 29483 503 MSP
3526. STERLYAGOV Roman Vladimirovich private military unit 21311
3527. STETSENKO Evgeniy Yuryevich captain of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3528. STETSENKO Ilya Olegovich private military unit 62892 245 MSP
3529. STOBETSKY Sergey Anatolyevich senior lieutenant of military unit 51212 879 odshb Balt. fleet
3530. STOLMATSKY Alexey Vladimirovich private military unit 01860 429 MSP military unit 67636 129 MSP
3531. STOLOVIN Evgeniy Fedorovich Corporal, military unit 66431 693 MSP
3532. STOYAN Vladimir Vladimirovich senior sergeant of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3533. STRAKULIN Igor Vladimirovich private military unit 62892 245 MSP
3534. STRASHNOV Andrey Alexandrovich private military unit 18577
3535. *STREKALOVSKY Mikhail Yurievich private
3536. STRELYNIKOV Vladislav Anatolyevich senior lieutenant of military unit 31226
3537. STRELIDOV Alexander Vitalievich junior sergeant, military unit 47487 204 MSP
3538. STREMOUKHOV Sergei Igorevich junior sergeant, military unit 59236 106 airborne division (Tula)
3539. STRIGIN Mikhail Vladimirovich private military unit 23562 68 orb 20 motorized rifle division
3540. STRIZHKOV Vyacheslav Nikolaevich Lieutenant Colonel, military unit 21555
3541. STROGANOV Viktor Nikolaevich private military unit 29483 503 MSP
3542. STROKOV Igor Vladimirovich junior sergeant, military unit 73864
3543. STROMKIN Andrey Gennadievich private military unit 29483 503 MSP
3544. STRUKALIN Ilya Nikolaevich private military unit 62892 245 MSP
3545. STRUCOV Dmitry Sergeevich private military unit 21617 506 MSP
3546. STRUCOV Oleg Viktorovich Private Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3547. STUKOV Sergey Aleksandrovich Corporal of military unit 3654 Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3548. STRUCOV Yuri Valerievich Senior Lieutenant of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3549. STRUNKIN Andrey Gennadievich private military unit 64415
3550. STRUPOV Dmitry Vasilyevich senior sergeant, military unit 64201 135 Omsbr
3551. *STUKOV Alexey (?) military unit 65349 81 MSP
3552. STULNIKOV Petr Vladimirovich private military unit 63354 136 Omsbr
3553. STYSHOV Oleg Geraldovich private military unit 65349 81st MSP
3554. STYUKOV Vyacheslav Valerianovich private military unit 62295
3555. SUBBOTIN Sergey Petrovich ensign military unit 01860 429 MSP
3556. SUBBOTIN Sergey Fedorovich private military unit 96565
3557. SUBKHANKULOV Vadim Sharifovich private military unit 3723 8th defense department of the North Military District of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3558. SUVOROV Konstantin Nikolaevich Corporal, military unit 73597 104 Airborne Division (Ulyanovsk)
3559. *SUDAEV V. G. junior sergeant
3560. SUDAKOV Sergey Ivanovich private military unit 32515 76 airborne division (Pskov)
3561. SULAKO Alexey Vladimirovich private military unit 92141 possible. SHULIKHA A.V.
3562. SULEIMANOV Asim Ayub-ogly senior warrant officer of military unit 54801 21st airborne brigade (Stavropol)
3563. SULTANOV/SALTANOV Daniil Vladimirovich private military unit 69771 276 MSP
3564. SUMKIN Roman Ivanovich sailor of military unit 36085
3565. SUNTSOV Vasily Arkadyevich junior sergeant, military unit 62892 245 MSP
3566. SURGHIKOV Dmitry Vasilyevich junior sergeant, military unit 64201 135 OMSBR
3567. SURIKOV Evgeniy Borisovich Private Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3568. SURIN Vyacheslav Vladimirovich sailor of military unit 10735 165th infantry regiment Quiet. fleet Source: St. relatives; also referred to erroneously as V. V. SHURIN
3569. SURKOV Nikolay Anatolyevich Private Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3570. SURKOV Sergey Anatolyevich senior lieutenant of military unit 73600
3571. SUROVETS Vladimir Vladimirovich Private Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3572. SUROVTSEV Vladimir senior sergeant of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3573. SUSAREV Alexey Viktorovich/Vladimirovich private military unit 96160
3574. SUSLOV Alexander Viktorovich foreman of military unit 09332 131 Omsbr
3575. SUSLOV Vladimir Ilyich private military unit 69771 276 MSP
3576. SUTORMIN Viktor Anatolyevich private military unit 29483 503 MSP
3577. SUTYAGIN Sergey Simonovich private military unit 21005 74th Omsbr
3578. SUFIYANOV Ikhlam Khakimovich captain of military unit 22114
3579. SUFIYANOV Ruslan Failovich private military unit 62892 245 MSP
3580. SUKHANOV Alexey Anatolyevich private military unit 32515 76 airborne division (Pskov) military unit 74268
3581. SUKHANOV Andrey Gennadievich junior sergeant, military unit 21005 74th Omsbr
3582. SUKHANOV Evgeniy Evgenievich private (junior sergeant) military unit 52800 133 detachment from military unit 67672
3583. SUKHAREV Dmitry Mikhailovich junior sergeant, military unit 07008
3584. SUKHARIN Evgeniy Yuryevich junior police sergeant
3585. SUKHININ Viktor Viktorovich Private Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3586. SUKHIKH Vadim Anatolyevich police lieutenant
3587. SUKHOV Alexander Viktorovich Sergeant of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3588. SUKHOV Alexander Nikolaevich private military unit 92141
3589. *SUKHOVERKHOV Alexander Nikolaevich private military unit 32515 76th Airborne Division (Pskov)
3590. SUKHORUKOV Dmitry Alexandrovich lieutenant of military unit 34605 255 msp
3591. SUKHORUKOV Yuri Anatolyevich sailor of military unit 10735 165 infantry fighting service Quiet. fleet
3592. SUCHKOV Evgeniy Gennadievich private military unit 73596 104 airborne division (Ulyanovsk)
3593. SYEDIN Sergey Nikolaevich Private Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3594. SYROMYATNIKOV Mikhail Prokopyevich Private Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3595. SYRCHIN Sergey Yurievich private military unit 92656
3596. SYRYKH Dmitry Yurievich private military unit 21005 74th Omsbr
3597. SYSOEV Eduard Anatolyevich private military unit 42091
3598. SYCH Alexander Ivanovich private military unit 11879
3599. SYCHEV Andrey Vasilievich sergeant of military unit 22033 166 Omsbr
3600. SYCHEV Yuri Evgenievich Sergeant of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3601. SYCHEVSKY Konstantin Aleksandrovich Corporal, military unit 22033 166 Omsbr
3602. TABALIN Igor Ivanovich lieutenant of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3603. TABACHKOV Vitaly Alexandrovich Private Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3604. TABULDINOV Ermek Kapkenovich private military unit 61931 324 MSP
3605. TAGUNOV Sergei Petrovich private military unit 71432 1st brigade rcbz
3606. TAIKESHEV Lev Urutbasarovich lieutenant of military unit 55703
3607. TAIKOV Alexey Lvovich Guards. Sergeant of military unit 81280 879 odshb Balt. fleet
3608. *TAYREKOV Verziko private military unit 01860 429 MSP
3609. TAMINKIN Alexander Andreevich, junior sergeant, military unit 65451 98 airborne division
3610. TANAEV Vasily Aleksandrovich sergeant of military unit 31226
3611. TANATOV Sultaniyar Gabdrashitovich Major of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3612. TANCHUK Sergey Mironovich major, military unit 74821 205 Omsbr
3613. TARABANOVSKY Sergey Aleksandrovich senior sergeant of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3614. TARABRIN Evgeniy Vladimirovich Private Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3615. TARABUPKIN Dmitry Olegovich private military unit 11879
3616. TARAKSHIN Vladimir Yuryevich junior sergeant of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3617. TARANETS Andrey Vladimirovich Senior Lieutenant of military unit 52467 245 MSP
3618. TARANTAEV Timofey Valerievich private military unit 74819 205 Omsbr
3619. TARAPA Vladimir Aleksandrovich private police officer
3620. TARASENKO Andrey Evgenievich captain of military unit 29483 503 msp
3621. TARASENKO Sergey Vladimirovich Sergeant of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3622. TARASOV Valentin Vasilievich private military unit 59236 106 airborne division (Tula)
3623. TARASOV Denis Viktorovich junior sergeant, military unit 67636 129 MSP, military unit 59380
3624. TARASOV Dmitry Ivanovich private military unit 09332 131 omsbr
3625. TARASOV Evgeniy Borisovich private military unit 22033 166 Omsbr
3626. TARASOV Mikhail Vasilyevich sergeant of military unit 74814 205 Omsbr
3627. TARASOV Oleg Nikolaevich private military unit 61931 324 MSP
3628. TARASOV Pavel Borisovich private military unit 42091
3629. TARTYSHNY Oleg Petrovich senior lieutenant of military unit 09332 131 omsbr
3630. TARUNTAYEV Gennady Viktorovich private military unit 6556 599 regiment of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Penza)
3631. TASIMENOV Serik Ramazanovich Private Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3632. TATALYUK Igor Vasilievich junior sergeant, military unit 01860 429 MSP
3633. TATARNIKOVP "ATARIKOV Vyacheslav Viktorovich sergeant of military unit 74821 205 Omsbr
3634. TATAUROV Alexander Sergeevich Private Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3635. TATISHCHEV Dmitry Romanovich ensign of military unit 19880
3636. TATISHCHEV Stepan Vladimirovich private military unit 74819 205 Omsbr
3637. TASHLANOV Evgeniy Vasilievich private military unit 73596 104 airborne division (Ulyanovsk)
3638. TASHCHYAN Sergey Anatolyevich private military unit 66431 693 MSP
3639. TVERSKOV Nikolay Vladimirovich private military unit 62892 245 MSP
3640. TEDEEV Vitaly Rutenovich senior lieutenant of military unit 83481
3641. TEZIKOV Mikhail Lvovich Lieutenant of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3642. TELNOV Alexander Sergeevich private military unit 34605 255 MSP
3643. TELYATNIKOV Andrey Nikolaevich Corporal VV Ministry of Internal Affairs
3644. TELYATNIKOV Valery Fedorovich Guards. sailor of military unit 49258 879 odshb Balt. fleet
3645. TEMCHYSHIN Sergey Vasilievich private military unit 20634
3646. TEPLOV Anton Viktorovich military unit 5594 101 defense department of the North Caucasian Military District of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3647. TEPLOV Maxim Viktorovich police sergeant
3648. TEPLYAKOV Dmitry Vladimirovich Private Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3649. * TEREKHOV Valery Vladimirovich private military unit 65349 81 MSP no accurate information, see app. 2
3650. TEREKHOV Vasily Aleksandrovich lieutenant of military unit 67636 129 MSP
3651. TEREKHOV Eduard Leonidovich private military unit 62892 245 MSP
3652. TEREKHOVSKY Anatoly Aleksandrovich ensign of military unit 66431 693 MSP
3653. TERESHKIN Vladislav Viktorovich private military unit 32515 76 airborne division (Pskov)
3654. TERESHKIN Oleg Viktorovich ensign of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3655. TERESHKIN Oleg Dmitrievich ensign of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3656. TERZOVETS Petr Dmitrievich Major, military unit 62892 245 MSP
3657. TERLEEVYAARLEEV Oleg Vladimirovich private military unit 61931 324 MSP
3658. TERLETSKY Oleg Dmitrievich private military unit 22033 166 Omsbr
3659. TERYAEV Sergey Vasilievich Major, military unit 62892 245th MSP
3660. TESELKIN Vladimir Petrovich private military unit 3723 8th Defense District North Military District of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3661. TESLIN Sergey Aleksandrovich Corporal of military unit 3641 21st defense (Sofrinskaya) Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3662. TETENOK Mikhail Sergeevich private military unit 62295
3663. TETEREVNIKOV Vyacheslav Sergeevich private Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3664. TEKHOV Elbrus Nikolaevich foreman of military unit 66431 693 MSP
3665. TIENARV Alexey Sergeevich junior sergeant, military unit 74819 205 Omsbr
3666. TIMONIN Vadim Vyacheslavovich private military unit 42746 33 MSP
3667. TIMONOV Alexander Vladimirovich junior sergeant, military unit 07008
3668. TIMOFEEV Alexander Nikolaevich private military unit 65349 81st MSP
3669. TIMOFEEV V. Private FPS
3670. TIMOFEEV Igor Nikolaevich lieutenant
3671. TIMOFEEV Igor Yurievich. private soldier of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3672. TIMOFEEV Nikolay Vyacheslavovich junior sergeant, military unit 21617 506 MSP
3673. *TIMOFEEV Sergey Vladimirovich (?). 02/27/95
3674. TIMOSHIN Mark Nikolaevich private military unit 42746 33 MSP
3675. TIMOSHCHENKOV Vladimir Viktorovich private military unit 62892 245 MSP
3676. TINIKASHVILI Eduard Vasilievich Major, military unit 66431 693 MSP
3677. TINKOV Valery Anatolyevich police major
3678. TIPUNKOV Andrey Igorevich ensign of military unit 32515 76 airborne division (Pskov)
3679. TITOV Viktor Grigorievich Sergeant of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3680. TITOV Dmitry Mikhailovich private military unit 05837
3681. TITOV Yuri Aleksandrovich private military unit 09332 131 Omsbr
3682. TITOMIROV Alexander Borisovich Major, military unit 66431 693 MSP
3683. TIKHOV Valery Vladimirovich Lieutenant of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3684. TIKHOIVANOV Sergey Viktorovich sergeant of military unit 74814 205 Omsbr
3685. TIKHOMIROV Alexander Pavlovich captain of military unit 21209
3686. TIKHONOV Andrey Alekseevich sergeant of military unit 74814 205 Omsbr
3687. TIKHONOV Maxim Vladimirovich junior sergeant, military unit 21617 506 msp
3688. TIKHONOV Pavel Nikolaevich private military unit 01860 429 MSP
3689. TIKHONOV Pavel Olegovich private military unit 01860 429 MSP
3690. TISHKIN Evgeniy Nikolaevich private military unit 21617 506 MSP
3691. TISHCHENKO Sergey Viktorovich Private Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3692. TKACH Vasily Vladimirovich (?) military unit 40961 “Shot” courses, military unit 35732
3693. TKACHEV Dmitry Valerievich private military unit 67636 129 MSP
3694. TKACHEV Evgeniy Valerievich Private Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3695. TKACHEV Yuri Georgievich captain of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3696. TKACHENKO Dmitry Nikolaevich captain (?)
3697. TKACHENKO Oleg Vladimirovich lieutenant of military unit 37271 292 glanders 19 motorized rifle division
3698. TKACHENKO Roman Valerievich junior sergeant, military unit 29483 503 MSP
3699. TKACHENKO Sergey Aleksandrovich Private Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3700. TLUPOV Murad Borisovich private military unit 09332 131 Omsbr
3701. TLYASTORNY Arkady Vladimirovich private military unit 74818 205 Omsbr
3702. TOVMIN Vitaly Vladimirovich private military unit 92141
3703. TOVSTOCHUK Sergey Nikolaevich Lieutenant of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3704. TOKAEV Valentin Aleksandrovich junior sergeant, military unit 74268 76 airborne division (Pskov)
3705. TOKAREV Alexander Nikolaevich ensign of military unit 74814 205 Omsbr
3706. TOKAREV Andrey Davydovich junior sergeant of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3707. TOKBAEV Mukhamed Mukhamadievmch private military unit 09332 131 Omsbr
3708. TOLBONEN Alexander Alexandrovich Private Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3709. TOLOCHKO Alexey Viktorovich Private Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3710. TOLPAROV Vitaly Mairbekovich senior sergeant of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3711. TOLSTONOZHENKO Sergey Viktorovich Private Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3712. TOMAZ Alexey Valerievich private military unit 29483 503 MSP military unit 43162
3713. TOMILKO Alexey Anatolyevich private military unit 31601
3714. TOPORKOV Andrey Aleksandrovich captain of military unit 22033 166 Omsbr
3715. TOPORKOV Sergey Ivanovich private military unit 69771 276 MSP
3716. TORGASHEV Viktor Yuryevich senior warrant officer of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3717. TORKOV Andrey Anatolyevich sergeant of military unit 74814 205 Omsbr
3718. TOROPKIN Oleg Alexandrovich. captain of military unit 09332 131 omsbr
3719. TRETINA Yakov Aleksandrovich private military unit 46027
3720. TRETYAKOV Anton Gennadievich private military unit 74980
3721. TRETYAKOV Vladimir Grigorievich private military unit 69771 276 MSP
3722. TRETYAKOV Dmitry Vladimirovich military unit 69771 276 MSP Presumably identified. Poss. also that this is TRETYAKOV V.G. Registered in 124 LSU in Rostov No. 320
3723. TRETYAKOV Sergey Aleksandrovich senior sergeant of military unit 31226
3724. TRIFONOV Alexey Ivanovich Private Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3725. TRIFONOV Vladimir Vyacheslavovich Private Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3726. TRIFONOV Vyacheslav Vasilievich private military unit 89593
3727. TRIFONOV Evgeniy Yuryevich Private Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3728. TRISHIN Viktor Nikolaevich Lieutenant of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3729. TROFIMOV Alexander Mikhailovich senior sergeant of military unit 29483 503 MSP
3730. TROFIMOV Viktor Alexandrovich. Private military unit 47487 204 MSP
3731. TROFIMOV Vitaly Valerievich Lieutenant of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3732. TROFIMOV Mikhail Yurievich private military unit 21005 74th Omsbr
3733. TROFIMOV Yuri Alekseevich private military unit 62892 245 MSP
3734. *TROSHIN Alexander Vitalievich (Vladimirovich?) Private
3735. TROSHIN Alexander Vladimirovich Private Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3736. TRUBANOV Vladimir Evgenievich private military unit 5427 SibO VV Ministry of Internal Affairs
3737. TRUBACHEV Alexander Anatolyevich private military unit 42746 33rd MSP
3738. TRUBOCHKIN Alexander Nikolaevich private military unit 62892 245 MSP
3739. TRUBOCHKIN Vladimir Yurievich Senior Lieutenant Military unit 24269
3740. TRUNIN Oleg Vladimirovich Corporal of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3741. TRUNOV Mikhail Petrovich junior sergeant, military unit 64201 135th Omsbr
3742. TRUSOV Andrey Nikolaevich private military unit 3807 FPS (no exact information, see appendix 2)
3743. TRUKHACHEV Sergey Vladimirovich junior sergeant, military unit 22033 166 Omsbr
3744. TRUKHIN Vladimir Evgenievich. Private military unit 22033 166th Omsbr
3745. TRUSHNIKOV Yaroslav Anatolyevich senior sergeant, military unit 63969 Navy
3746. TUDIYAROV Anatoly Mikhailovich private military unit 21353 military unit 21208
3747. TUKTAMYSHEV Vladimir Petrovich junior police sergeant
3748. TULIN Roman Petrovich junior sergeant, military unit 09332 131 omsbr
3749. TUMANTSEV Andrey Viktorovich junior sergeant, military unit 18442
3750. TUPCHY Evgeniy Anatolyevich private military unit 62892 245 MSP
3751. TURAPIN Sergey Nikolaevich Private Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3752. TURBIN Dmitry Nikolaevich Private Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3753. TURKOV Andrey Anatolyevich sergeant of military unit 74930 205 Omsbr
3754. TURLOV Sergey Igorevich (?) FSB Directorate
3755. TURSINOV Bakhtiyar Aleksandrovich Private Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3756. *TURSKY Roman Aleksandrovich sergeant of military unit 11879
3757. TURUSHEV Farid Hadalovich VV Ministry of Internal Affairs
3758. TURCHENKO Vitaly Valerievich private military unit 09332 131 Omsbr
3759. TURCHINSKY Sergey Vyacheslavovich private military unit 62892 245 MSP
3760. TUCHKOV Stepan Ivanovich. Private military unit 74854
3761. TUSHIN Anatoly Aleksandrovich private military unit 41450 137th Guards. PDP 106th Guards. Airborne Forces
3762. TUSHIN Sergey Viktorovich Guards. senior sailor military unit 81280 879 odshb Balt. fleet
3763. TYMCHENKO/PIMCHENKO Vitaly Vladimirovich private military unit 62892 245 MSP
3764. TIRKOV Alexander Iosifovich (?) Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3765. *TYRYKIN Sergei Leonidovich private (?). Kirov region
3766. TYSHKO Alexander Vladimirovich private military unit 42746 33 MSP military unit 09332 131 OMSBR
3767. TYUKAEV Sergey Viktorovich private military unit 65349 81st MSP
3768. TYULEBAEV Erzhan Akhmetzhanovich private military unit 74821 205 Omsbr
3769. TYULKIN Sergey Nikolaevich private Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3770. TYUMENEV Mikhail Yurievich private military unit 62892 245 MSP
3771. TYUPYSHEV Andrey Ivanovich junior sergeant of military unit 21617 506 msp
3772. TYURIN Alexander Anatolyevich captain of military unit 11580
3773. TYURIN Dmitry Nikolaevich private military unit 21617 506 MSP
3774. UBUSHAYEV Nikolay Vladimirovich private military unit 11879
3775. UBUSHIEV Sergey Badmaevich private military unit 62892 245 MSP
3776. UVAROV Alexander Valerievich private military unit 21617 506 MSP
3777. UVAROV Dmitry Alexandrovich Private Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3778. UVAROV Sergey Valerievich private (?)
3779. UGOLKOV Sergey Viktorovich private military unit 65349 81st MSP
3780. UGOLNIKOV Sergei Viktorovich private military unit 44820
3781. UDALOV Yuri Valentinovich private military unit 21311
3782. UDARTSEV Sergey Aleksandrovich lieutenant of military unit 52800 133 detachment of military unit 67636 129 msp
3783. *UDIRYAKOV Evgeniy Gennadievich private (?)
3784. UDVKIN Vladimir Petrovich private military unit 63354 136 Omsbr
3785. UZDYAEV Alexander Anatolyevich private military unit 22033 166 Omsbr
3786. UZENKOV Oleg Vladimirovich Private Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3787. UZERINOV Daniil Nikolaevich private military unit 32515 76 airborne division (Pskov)
3788. UKUBAEV Nurlan Nurmukhalidovich Private Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3789. ULANIN Vladimir Vladimirovich private military unit 21617 506 MSP
3790. UMRIKHIN Nikolay Aleksandrovich Private Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3791. UMURZAKOV Marat Murzabekovich private Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3792. UNAKAGOV Sergey Alexandrovich sailor of military unit 81285 876 ​​odshb Northern. Fleet
3793. *UOSINSKY (?) warrant officer of military unit 62892 245 MSP Source: Book of Memory “ Komsomolskaya Pravda»
3794. URAZOV Rinat Fazikhovich senior lieutenant of military unit 52380 Air Force
3795. *URVANTSEV Alexey Andreevich private military unit 07264 76 airborne division (Pskov)
3796. URVANTSEV Yuri Alexandrovich private military unit 74980
3797. URICH Andrey Erikhovich Sergeant of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3798. URUSOV Sergey Nikolaevich private military unit 21005 74th Omsbr
3799. URUKHPAEV Alexey Borisovich police lieutenant
3800. USATOV Sergey Viktorovich sergeant of military unit 62892 245 MSP
3801. USACHEV Alexander Pavlovich private military unit 6681 Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3802. USACHEV Igor Evgenievich sergeant of military unit 62892 245 MSP
3803. USKOV Vyacheslav Anatolyevich private military unit 21617 506 MSP
3804. USKOV Igor Oktaevich Guards. sailor of military unit 81280 879 odshb Balt. fleet
3805. USMANOV Nail Abasovich private military unit 21617 506 MSP
3806. *USTINOV Vladimir Leonidovich private (?)
3807. USTINOV Evgeniy Aleksandrovich private military unit 69771 276 MSP
3808. USTINOV Sergey Anatolyevich captain of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3809. USTYUZHANIN Anatoly Alexandrovich private military unit 61931 324 MSP
3810. UTESHEV Adylbek Dulatovich private military unit 74930 205 Omsbr
3811. Utkin Dmitry Nikolaevich ensign of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3812. UTYUGANOV Valery Nikolaevich. private soldier of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3813. UTYUGANOV Dmitry Alekseevich private Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3814. UTYUZHNIKOV Dmitry Viktorovich private military unit 74268 76 airborne division (Pskov)
3815. UKHARSKY Evgeniy Lvovich corporal of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was in military unit 74268 - 76 airborne division (Pskov)
3816. UKHATKIN Alexey Ivanovich junior sergeant of military unit 69771 276 MSP
3817. USHAKOV Anton Borisovich foreman of military unit 21208 military unit 31601 Samara
3818. USHAKOV Vladimir Aleksandrovich sergeant of military unit 61931 324 MSP
3819. FADEEV Sergey Aleksandrovich Corporal, military unit 62892 245 MSP
3820. FAIZOV Shamil Nailovich junior sergeant, military unit 21617 506 msp
3821. FAYZRAKHMANOV Aidar Ravilyevich private military unit 21617 506 MSP
3822. FAYZULIN Zinur Mezgarovich private military unit 74814 205 Omsbr
3823. FAYZULIN Fedus Fakrislamovich junior sergeant of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3824. FALIN/FAVIN Boris Valerievich private military unit 66431 693 MSP
3825. FARRAT/FORRAT Vasily Fedorovich sergeant (sailor) military unit 10735 165 infantry fighting unit Quiet. fleet military unit 31226 Kirov
3826. FATKULOV Alexander Iosifovich junior sergeant, driver of military unit 66431 693 MSP
3827. FATYKHOV Rishat Failovich private military unit 01860 429 MSP
3828. * FAKHRUTDINOV Ilshat Fayzylgayanovich private military unit 29483 503 MSP
3829. FAYUSTOV Sergey Aleksandrovich private military unit 21617 506 MSP
3830. FEDORENKO Vladimir Nikolaevich senior lieutenant of military unit 30656 47th Guards. tank. div. N. Novgorod
3831. FEDORENKO Gennady Konstantinovich (?). Registered in 124 LSU in Rostov No. 544
3832. FEDORISCHEV Vitaly Yurievich (?) police sergeant
3833. FEDORISCHENKO Vitaly Yurievich (?) private police officer
3834. FEDOROV Alexey Anatolyevich private military unit 34605 255 MSP
3835. FEDOROV Andrey Anatolyevich private Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3836. FEDOROV Andrey Vladimirovich. junior police sergeant
3837. FEDOROV Vladimir Petrovich Sergeant of military unit 40515 7th Airborne Division military unit 22191
3838. FEDOROV Konstantin Viktorovich junior sergeant, military unit 73979
3839. FEDOROV Mikhail Anatolyevich sailor of military unit 42746 33rd infantry regiment, military unit 90419
3840. FYODOROV Nikolai Nikolaevich Private Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3841. FEDOROV Sergey Gennadievich senior sergeant, military unit 63354 136 Omsbr
3842. FEDORCHUK Alexander Fedorovich private military unit 42746 33rd MSP (died in captivity)
3843. FEDORYUK Alexander Sergeevich junior sergeant, military unit 21005 74th Omsbr
3844. *FEDOTOV Alexey junior sergeant (?)
3845. FEDOTOV Vladimir Anatolyevich Guards. sailor of military unit 59057 879 odshb Balt. fleet
3846. FEDOTOV Vladimir Petrovich junior sergeant, military unit 40515 7th airborne division
3847. FEDULOV Vyacheslav Anatolyevich private military unit 73598
3848. FEDKIN Yuri Semenovich Private Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3849. FEDYUKOV Sergey Vladimirovich junior sergeant, military unit 03842 131 Omsbr detachment
3850. FEDYUKOV Sergey Vladimirovich private military unit 03842 131 Omsbr detachment
3851. FESENKO Ivan Valerievich private military unit 28337
3852. FETISKIN Oleg Pavlovich ensign of military unit 61931 324 MSP
3853. FETISCHEV Alexander Valerievich Sergeant of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3854. FILATOV Alexey Stepanovich captain of military unit 54607 Airborne Forces
3855. FILATOV Vladimir Anatolyevich private Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3856. FILATOV Vladimir Ivanovich Private Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3857. FILATOV Igor Ivanovich junior sergeant, military unit 22033 166 omsbr
3858. FILATOV Oleg Yurievich senior sergeant of military unit 6556 599 regiment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Penza)
3859. FILEV Sergey Aleksandrovich private military unit 3641 21st defense (Sofrinskaya) Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3860. FILIMONOV Konstantin Nikolaevich sergeant of military unit 92141
3861. FILIPENOK Evgeniy Anatolyevich senior lieutenant of military unit 06652
3862. FILIPOV Vitaly Vyacheslavovich Private military unit 5594 101 Defense Department of the Military District of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3863. FILIPOV Vladlen Anatolyevich junior sergeant, military unit 29483 503 MSP
3864. FILIPOV Egor Viktorovich Corporal of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3865. FILIPCHEV Maxim Vasilievich private military unit 57264 Airborne Forces
3866. FILKOV Sergey Georgievich senior lieutenant of military unit 73596 104 airborne division (Ulyanovsk) military unit 73587
3867. *PHILLIPOV Nikolai Mikhailovich private (?)
3868. FILONOV Evgeniy Sergeevich private military unit 41450 137th Guards. PDP 106th Guards. Airborne Forces
3869. FILYAEV Ruslan Viktorovich Private Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3870. FINAEV Stanislav Borisovich captain of military unit 21617 506 msp
3871. FINOGIN Pavel Anatolyevich private military unit 21617 506 MSP
3872. FIRSOV Vladimir Petrovich private military unit 21617 506 MSP
3873. FIRSOV Sergey Aleksandrovich Senior Lieutenant of military unit 10735 165th PMP Quiet. fleet
3874. FISENKOV Evgeniy Ivanovich senior warrant officer of military unit 62892 245 MSP
3875. FIC Igor Petrovich senior sergeant of military unit 62892 245 MSP
3876. FLAT Eduard Vladimirovich ensign of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3877. FOKIN Alexander V. private FPS
3878. FOKIN Vitaly Nikolaevich sailor military unit 81285 876 ​​odshb Northern. Fleet
3879. FOMENKO Andrey Viktorovich private military unit 09332 131 Omsbr
3880. FOMENKO Valery Nikolaevich Lieutenant Colonel, military unit 21617 506 MSP
3881. FOMENKO Vladimir Grigorievich private Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3882. FOMENKO Grigory Vladimirovich private military unit 57264 Airborne Forces
3883. FOMENKOV Vladimir Vladimirovich junior sergeant, military unit 67636 129 MSP
3884. FOMIN Alexander Viktorovich junior sergeant of military unit 11879
3885. FOMIN Alexey Nikolaevich Private Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3886. FOMIN Sergey Pavlovich warrant officer (senior warrant officer) military unit 40961 “Shot” courses
3887. FOFANOV Alexander Yurievich private military unit 21617 506 MSP
3888. FROLKO Y. A private FPS
3889. FROLOV Alexander Vladimirovich Major, military unit 54607 Airborne Forces
3890. FROLOV Alexander Ilyich major, military unit 52849
3891. FROLOV Alexander Nikolaevich Lieutenant Colonel, military unit 05837
3892. FROLOV Alexander Yuryevich sailor of military unit 31226
3893. FROLOV Evgeniy Nikolaevich sergeant of military unit 62892 245 MSP
3894. FROLOV Nikolai Petrovich Colonel of military unit 55599 106 Airborne Division (Tula)
3895. FROLOV Sergey Anatolyevich. junior sergeant of military unit 74980
3896. FROLOV Yuri Vladimirovich senior sergeant of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
3897. *FUKTOV Alexander (?).