
The Dark Knight is not that simple. The Dark Knight - not everything is so simple Psychology of the Joker

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Psychological portrait Joker

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Hello everyone, your beloved (no) and venerable (no) Joker is with you!

So, dear friends, would you like to brew yourself aromatic tea, sit back comfortably in a soft chair and read an article about what diseases have consumed Mr. Jay’s mind? No? Very in vain. After all, few people know what a psychopathic killer hides under his mask.

Since each disease has many consequences, syndromes and nuances, I will try to explain briefly and clearly.


°. Schizophrenia. °

Accompanied by auditory and visual hallucinations. Like a syndrome - shaky emotional state. Of course, how can one not notice such sudden mood swings of such a bright character? I very much doubt that he would have become a villain without his faithful invisible comrade at hand - the Voice of the Abnormal Mind. It’s not just that he comes up with all his villainous plans and schemes.


° .Manic-depressive psychosis. °

Accompanied by obsessive mania and subsequent depression. Each of us has manias, but they are mostly aimed at achieving goals such as success in work/study, overcoming our fears, changing our lives for the better. But Mr. Jay, like many psychopaths, has completely different desires. Kill, torture, maim - the motto in life, an eternal need.


° . Bipolar disorder. °

Accompanied by sudden mood swings. At fifteen o'clock in the afternoon the patient rejoices, laughs without stopping to breathe and admires every small butterfly. At fifteen o'clock and one minute of the same day he is already cutting his wrists to the sad songs of “Thirty Seconds to Mars”. In comics, as in films featuring the Joker character, one can observe sudden mood swings. Let's say, a small reference to schizophrenia, but with more tragic consequences.


° Hypophobia. °

No matter how strange it may sound, hypophobia is the absence of fear in a person or its insufficient expression. Mr. J is a ruthless and merciless villain. Perhaps deep down, in the deepest part of his soul, the Joker is afraid of something. But even if so, he always pushes his fear even further and boldly steps towards new achievements.


° .Sadism. °

As everyone has already understood from the film “Suicide Squad” alone, the Joker simply loves to hurt people very, very much. And cause suffering to those who talk too much. Almost every villain has a penchant for violence, 99 out of 100%. However, in my humble opinion, this deviation is most pronounced in the King of Gotham City.


° .Amnesia. °

No one knows what a psychopath's life was like before he became one. No one will be able to find out because the Joker himself does not remember this. Acid, you know, doesn’t bring back memories that easily.


° .Sociopathy. °

Laws, rules, moral principles? No, we haven't heard. Who needs them if you can do everything that the Voice of the Abnormal Mind whispers? It’s more fun and interesting to live this way. Today you blow up a bank full of people. Tomorrow - you escape from Arkham, picking up a cute little blonde. But it's never boring!


° .Misanthropy. °

Hatred or dislike of the human race. I don't think it's even worth arguing or explaining the Joker's behavior throughout all the comics and films. You can see for yourself how he treats us mere mortals.


° .Obsession. °

Obsessive desires, unpredictable actions and chaotic thoughts. In short, brief description our character. “Hmm, look what a suspicious person is walking down the same street with me. I really don't like him. We should remove it quietly...” Something like this. But the Joker doesn't consider people suspicious. He just hates them.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Ladies and Gentlemen... I see you are already in anxious anticipation... drum roll...


°. Madness. °

It manifests itself in completely different ways. We can say that this is a union of all mental disorders and diseases, divided into categories. Everything listed above is one of the subparagraphs of this disease.

Of course, this is only a small part that I was able to “explore”. There's no doubt that the beloved villain has a lot more aces up his sleeve. But he is such a mysterious, unpredictable and crazy person that it is simply impossible to list all his advantages!

I hope you liked the article. Remain as quiet and calm as you are. Well, of course, if you don’t want to repeat the exploits of Mr. Jay...

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Hello, dear friends. Today we will talk about the behavior of the Joker from Christopher Nolan's film The Dark Knight and see why not everything is so simple with this character.

The Joker villain is quite unusual and different from typical movie villains.

Even the goal that the Joker pursues is not money, like the mafia.

Joker: You're only interested in money. This city deserves better criminals...

He wants to get the "soul of Gotham." And to do this, he puts respectable citizens in situations in which it is difficult to remain respectable. By doing this, he seems to bring them down to his level, as he himself talks about in the film.

Take the Harvey Dent situation for example. Harvey is very important for Gotham, in the eyes of people he is a white knight.

What does the Joker do? Destroys his positive image by turning him into a villain who wants revenge and takes revenge. But how does he do this? Again, it creates conditions in which the prosecutor loses self-control.

So, the Joker manages to win without physically killing someone, without stealing money from a bank, but by destroying the main thing - everything positive that a person had inside, turning him into a monster.

This determines Batman's decision to take the blame on himself at the end of the film, and leave Harvey untarnished in the eyes of the inhabitants of Gotham. After all, otherwise the Joker would have been able to destroy Dent as a symbol of hope for a bright future.

Predictability of behavior

There is also another very non-standard thing shown in the film that also makes the Joker an unusual villain and, one might say, even shallow.

For the Joker, police behavior is predictable and linear. He knows the psychology of the police and how they behave in a given situation.

This predictability gives the Joker the opportunity to lure law enforcement into a trap, forcing them to take actions that benefit him. We see this many times in the film. So at one point Batman says:

Batman: It's never easy with the Joker.

Let's look at this moment, by the way, what does Batman mean?

When the Joker took hostages, he wanted nothing less force the police themselves to shoot civilians.

The hostages were tied up and dressed in terrorist clothing, with weapons taped to their hands. The special forces immediately rushed to neutralize the pseudo-terrorists (acting as they were prescribed in such situations), because everything is clear and obvious.

And they (the police), thinking that they are doing the right thing, are actually dancing to the tune of the villain. This is the linearity we talked about above.

And this is not the only moment when the Joker forces the police think they won. After all, when you think that you have won, you begin to lose your vigilance.

So, in Christopher Nolan's film "The Dark Knight" we see quite unusual behavior patterns of the main anti-hero and the motives that drive him.

The first is that the Joker strives to turn respectable citizens into villains, putting them in situations that provoke them to commit certain actions.

The second point is to use stereotypical behavior of people in certain situations.

Addendum 1: How to make Batman do something he doesn't want to do

Here's another interesting moment from the film. Batman doesn't show his face. How does the Joker get the Dark Knight to do this?

It just makes him look bad in the eyes of others. After all, the very essence of Batman's existence is to protect the people of Gotham and, accordingly, their lives.

And in the situation created by the Joker, it turns out that it is Batman who is to blame for the death of people. Although in reality the fault lies with the Joker.

So, the villain puts the main character in a very difficult situation, in which his reluctance to reveal his identity brings suffering to ordinary people.

It turns out that the Joker gains power over Batman, forcing him to do what he himself does not want to do.

Addendum 2: Sometimes the truth is not good enough

This is another interesting idea that runs like a red thread throughout the entire film.

And these words can express not only the situation with Harvey Dent (whom we already mentioned above), but also what happened between Bruce Wayne and Rachel.

This is also a moment that you don’t immediately notice in the film.

The fact is that Rachel told Bruce that she would be with him if he stopped being Batman.

However, later, before her death, she wrote a letter in which she admitted that she had chosen Harvey Dent.

After the tragedy that happened to Rachel, Bruce says the following:

Bruce: She wanted to wait for me. Dent doesn't know this...And he won't find out.

So he thinks Rachel wanted to be with him and not Harvey, which is not true. And Alfred could have given the letter to Bruce to read, but he doesn’t, perhaps so as not to upset him even more.

In the next film about the Dark Knight, we see that the billionaire suffered the brunt of his loss for a long time (years).

So it turns out that the truth is sometimes not good enough.

So, in my opinion, the film The Dark Knight by Christopher Nolan is quite deep, despite the presence of many action scenes, and contains a lot of things that you won’t notice from the first (and maybe even from the second) viewing.

Usually the word "joker" brings to mind an image playing card. Well, or generally associated with a card game.

Another association is the “Jester” card from the Tarot deck.

For wizards who practice Simoron, the Joker symbolizes the very essence of the Simoron idea - to gain experience through play, connecting opposites, emerging from the captivity of playful duality (good-bad, black-white, etc.). Another association with the Joker and Simoron: “And hit the bull’s eye, almost without aiming.”

However, it is worth adding to this that the very idea of ​​the Joker is very deep and dates back to the teachings of medieval alchemists and magicians.
That is why working with the Archetypal image and plots of the Joker opens up incredible opportunities for us in life.

Nowadays, the image of the Joker is very often perceived negatively. Since the first association that “pops up” in this context is the image of the Joker from the film adaptation of the Batman comics “The Dark Knight”. In this film, the Joker is the personification of evil and the sworn enemy of the main character. This image can also be considered, but from the position of the “inverted” Joker.

The Joker distortion of a manipulative person is quite common. However, it is worth remembering that this plot is a classic distortion of the Joker.

However, first things first.

WHAT IS AN ARCHETYPE? (from Wikipedia)

  • Archetype (psychology) - universal, initially innate mental structures, constituting the content of the collective unconscious, recognizable in our experience and found, as a rule, in the images and motifs of dreams.
  • Archetype (philosophy) - prototype, idea in late antique philosophy.

The term archetype in psychology was first used by Jung and now this term is used with pleasure in psychology and esotericism.


We often use archetypal images and plots in resource theaters and in work with requests, because sometimes this opens up completely new resource meanings and new layers of energy. Of course, this phenomenon is immensely useful from the point of view of expanding the capabilities of the human Creator and the realization of plans, desires, and dreams.

As for the Joker Archetype, the main, basic meaning is to gain experience through the Game, and a joyful, open, honest and sincere experience, coming from deep wisdom and Clarity of Consciousness.

Read more…


Playing cards. In most decks consisting of 54 cards, there is one special one, which is called the “joker”. Traditionally, it depicts a court jester. The joker is used in different ways in different card games. In some he - the defining card that contains the whole point of the game, in others, the joker is simply not involved. In general, the joker is most often used instead of any card when composing the desired combination, or as the “strongest” card that can “beat” any other.

The very origin of the word “joker” is usually associated with the English “joker” (joker). However, many sources write that in fact it appeared due to the incorrect pronunciation of the name of the German game Juker (juker). It was in this game that at the end of the 19th century the joker appeared, which designated the highest trump card.

Another version says that the Joker is associated with French Tarot cards. However, it is not at all a fact that the Fool from the Tarot is the prototype of the joker, since the classic Tarot deck arose in the Middle Ages, and the appearance of the joker, by historical standards, occurred relatively recently. But visually these images are very similar.

One way or another, the history of the joker is confusing and ambiguous, so we’ll leave this question to the researchers...


Let me quote:

“If we rely on the correspondence between the Joker and the Jester in a deck of Tarot cards, we will get a very strong fusion of ancient knowledge, occultism and alchemy. And also deep wisdom and clarity of consciousness in the context of the connection of everything with everything. Therefore, this card is easily associated with “secret knowledge” and is considered mystical.

In the Tarot, the card called the Fool is considered one of the most difficult. It depicts a man dressed as a jester.

And, as you know, the court jesters were smart, insightful and comprehensively gifted people... Under the pretext of jokes and entertainment, they were allowed to say and do with impunity what could entail extremely severe punishment even for the highest nobility. Therefore, the jester had to be able at any moment to take on the image that would allow him to tell the truth, remain unharmed, and often achieve his goal.

Like the Fool from the Tarot deck, the joker is a combination of opposites. It carries within itself both white and black, truth and lies, good and evil. Thanks to his receptivity to everything new, he learns and accepts the world around us unbiased. His goal is to receive joy and pleasure from life, and to accumulate experience “playfully.”

Another side of the symbolism of the joker lies in its connection with the principle of original and constant movement. He is enterprising and trusts instinct, inquisitive and open-minded. To experience everything for yourself is one of the basic principles of its existence. And therefore the joker is free to choose the direction himself, go anywhere and do whatever he wants, because all his actions are subordinated to a single hidden plan.

The Joker is walking along a road that he cannot turn off - fate itself is leading him along it. And you need to continue on your way, relying on your intuition, luck and patronage Higher powers. The divine genius guiding him is capable of creating and destroying the Universe with the hands of a joker, and the absolute freedom of this formation and its potential contain all existing possibilities.

We can say that the Joker is an expressive symbol of healthy optimism and a creative approach to any situation. He is a master of Aesopian language and a desperate fighter for justice and truth, which in no way conflicts with his expressed instinct of self-preservation. The Joker contains and combines seemingly contradictory properties, which only confirms the versatility of his nature.

Excellent command of an endless variety of innate and developed qualities and skills, as well as extensive knowledge of various areas endow it with special symbolic significance, speaking of great human capabilities and success in all endeavors..."

So, let me emphasize. The image of the Joker is archetypal. This means that this model of behavior, these possibilities, hidden in the depths of the collective unconscious, can be activated and unleashed in real life.
After all, any Archetype is information and energy. The only question is to be in tune with this information and have access to energy...

How to do this?
The simplest way is Simoron practices (there are many of them on the site!) plus inversion and interweaving of meanings and cause-and-effect relationships, plus allowing your deep wisdom to control the processes of life...