
Patience. Small quotes about patience

Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.

Hope and patience are the two softest pillows on which we can lay our heads in times of hardship.

Fear the wrath of a patient man.

It is better to endure evil than to cause it.

Not too much good character from one who is intolerant of the bad character of his neighbor.

If you are patient and diligent, then the sown seeds of knowledge will certainly bear fruit. The root of learning is bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

Patience is the art of hoping.

Just as warm clothes protect against cold, endurance protects against resentment. Increase patience and calmness of spirit, and resentment, no matter how bitter, will not touch you.

Small quotes about patience

All human skill is nothing but a mixture of patience and time.

It’s not a sin to endure for the sake of beauty.

It is easy to love beauty and perfection. In order to perceive a person in his touching imperfection, patience and love are needed.

He who has patience can achieve anything.

Interesting little quotes about patience

You cannot be called a politician if you do not have patience and the ability to control your anger.

We can achieve more with patience than with force.

Tolerance is another name for indifference.

A man who knows how to wait. He must have both great courage and considerable patience. Never rush or get excited. Learn to dominate yourself, then you will dominate others. To get to a favorable occasion, one has to travel long distances of time.

Tolerance is a virtue of people without convictions.

It takes angelic patience to be the father of all Christians.

The donkey is ready to endure all the hardships and sorrows. And anyone who himself lacks endurance and patience calls him stubborn.

Diligence combined with patience can teach you anything.

It takes a lot of patience to learn patience.

Intolerance should not be tolerated.

Be intolerant only of intolerance.

He who is able to endure is able to achieve whatever he wants.

Critical Little Quotes About Patience

There is a limit beyond which patience and tolerance cease to be a virtue.

God is the reliable guarantor of our patience. If you commit your grievance to Him, He will take revenge; if there is damage, it will compensate; if there is suffering, it will heal; if death - even resurrect.

To appreciate marital happiness requires patience; impatient natures prefer misfortune.

A patient and thrifty person will buy a second cow with what he milked from the first.

If people suffer about their vices - this best sign that they are being corrected.

Is it worth correcting a person whose vices are intolerable? Isn't it easier to cure those who suffer from weakness of spirit?

Genius is nothing other than the gift of enormous patience.

Is there a thief who would calmly tolerate a thief?

God knows we have a hard time in this life, and patience is the only way life is at least no worse.

Train your mind to doubt and your heart to tolerance.

Religious tolerance has only been achieved because we have ceased to attach as much importance to religion as before.

Patience is the weapon of the weakest and the strongest.

If someone does good to us, we are obliged to patiently endure the evil caused by this person.

Swift Little Quotes About Patience

Only a true friend can tolerate his friend's weaknesses.

By patience the elect are tested, like gold in a furnace, refined seven times.

While there is no war, you need to pacify your enemies with gifts, but if they take up arms against you, you cannot evade. Patience and humility are necessary for both peace and war.

Valiant hearts. It is just as fitting to be patient in times of adversity as it is to be joyful in times of prosperity.

Everyone has shortcomings - some have more, some have less. That is why friendship, help, and communication would be impossible if mutual tolerance did not exist between us.

It is difficult to decide what is more unpleasant - removing carbon deposits from a candle or convincing a woman with the help of arguments. Every two minutes you need to start working again. And if you lose patience, you will completely extinguish the small flame.

Happiness sells to impatient people a great many things that it gives freely to the patient.

Parent: A position that requires infinite patience to perform and requires no patience to obtain.

Genius is long impatience.

The paper will endure everything, but not the reader.

Be prepared not to do this or that, but to endure.

Be more tolerant of other people's mistakes. Perhaps you yourself were born by mistake.

Genius is the patience of thought concentrated in a certain direction.

While you hesitate wisely, future successes grow, secret plans mature. You will go further with the crutch of time than with the chained club of Hercules. God Himself punishes not with a club, but with a sword. It is wisely said: Time and I are against any enemy. Fortune itself rewards patience with its best gifts.

Sometimes tolerance reaches such a limit that it is more likely to be called stupidity than kindness or generosity. A person should be smart enough to hate his enemies.

It is not through patience, but through impatience that people achieve freedom.

Patience and time give more than strength or passion.

Legitimate little quotes about patience

Let us be more tolerant of man, remembering the primitive era in which he was created.

If we tolerated in others what we forgive ourselves, we would have to hang ourselves.

Your suffering is over if you are tired of enduring it: you are free if you have the courage to be free.

Tolerance is good if it extends to everyone - or if it extends to no one.

Tolerance in a state is a sign of balance of power.

A joke that is permitted is pleasant, but which joke someone will tolerate depends on the ability to tolerate it. Anyone who loses their temper from barbs gives a reason to barb again.

It is fitting for a person to have patience in his labors and suffering, and generosity towards human faults and mistakes.

The greatest composure is required to endure great passion.

Like all speakers who set themselves the goal of exhausting a topic, he exhausted the patience of his listeners.

Tolerance inevitably leads to...

Patience is absolutely necessary for a business person, because for many it is much more important not to conclude a deal with you, but to have a heart-to-heart talk.

There is nothing equal to patience. It is the queen of virtues, the foundation of perfections, a serene haven, peace during wars, silence during a storm, security amid evil intentions, it makes the one who possesses it stronger than adamant. John Chrysostom

A quick-tempered person stirs up strife, but a patient person calms strife. Solomon

If your father is kind, love him; if he is evil, endure him. Publius Syrus

The basis of all wisdom is . Plato

To be intolerant is an abyss!
To endure is an abyss... Nikolay Nekrasov

A man does not measure troubles
Copes with everything
No matter what, come.
A man who works doesn’t think
Which will strain your strength. Nikolay Nekrasov

“If you endure it, you will fall in love.” I love this phrase, but in reverse. Marina Tsvetaeva

Fear the wrath of a patient man. Philip Chesterfield

The golden rule of marriage is patience and forbearance. Samuel Smiles

Time is the best censor, and patience is the supreme teacher. Frederic Chopin

Years teach us patience. The less time we have left, the better we know how to wait. Elizabeth Taylor

A bad marriage is when the patience of both spouses is not enough for one, and a good marriage is when the patience of one spouse is enough for both. Baurzhan Toyshibekov

I learned silence from the eloquent, tolerance from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind, but, strangely enough, I do not feel the slightest gratitude to these teachers. Gibran Kahlil Gibran

Only a true friend can tolerate his friend's weaknesses. William Shakespeare

If you learn to tolerate your neighbors, it will become easier to tolerate yourself. Mikhail Litvak

If you are patient and diligent, the sown seeds will certainly bear fruit. The root of learning is bitter, but the fruit is sweet. Leonardo da Vinci

Just as warm clothes protect against cold, endurance protects against resentment. Increase patience and calmness of spirit, and resentment, no matter how bitter, will not touch you. Leonardo da Vinci

Patience is a type of devotion. John Irving

The most important thing is not to lose heart... when it becomes too much for you and everything gets mixed up, you can’t despair, lose patience and drag on at random. You need to unravel the problems slowly, one by one. Haruki Murakami

It is fitting for a person to have patience in his labors and suffering, and generosity towards human faults and mistakes. Catherine II

Diligence combined with patience can teach you anything. Fedor Glinka

If someone does something to us, we are obliged to patiently endure the evil caused by this person. Francois La Rochefoucauld

If you are truly patient, you may get tired, but you will never feel exhausted. Rinpoche Gehlek

Be prepared not to do this or that, but to endure. Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin

He who can do a lot can endure a lot! Lucius Seneca

A man is a creature that can wait three hours straight for a bite and is unable to wait fifteen minutes for his wife to get dressed. Robert Orben

By patience the elect are tested, like gold in a furnace, refined seven times. Fedor Karpov

He who has patience can achieve anything. Francois Rabelais

Hope and patience... the two softest pillows we can lay our heads on in times of hardship. Robert Burton

God is the reliable guarantor of our patience. If you commit your grievance to Him, He will take revenge; if there is damage, it will compensate; if there is suffering, it will heal; if death - even resurrect. Tertullian

Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet. Jean-Jacques Rousseau

A patient person has a lot of intelligence, but an irritable person shows. Solomon

Often a person endures for several years, resigns himself, endures the most severe punishments, and suddenly breaks through for some small thing, for some trifle, for almost nothing. Fedor Dostoevsky

Patience and respect in family negotiations will “grind out” any conflicts. Oleg Roy

There are two main human sins from which all others flow: impatience and negligence. Because of impatience, people are expelled from paradise, because of negligence they do not return there. Or maybe there is only one cardinal sin: impatience. Because of impatience they were expelled, because of impatience they do not return. Franz Kafka

The real sign by which you can recognize a true sage is patience. Henrik Ibsen

Who wants everything at once
he is poor because he does not know how to wait. Evgeniy Yevtushenko

There is a remedy for every pain - patience. Publius Syrus

Once, even after receiving a kick, Socrates endured it, and when someone was surprised, he replied: “If a donkey kicked me, would I sue him?” Socrates

When you feel like giving up on your dream, force yourself to work one more day, one more week, one more month, and one more year.
You will be amazed at what will happen if you don't give up. Nick Vujicic

Strength also includes patience. Impatience shows weakness. Gerhart Hauptmann

Overcome with love, injustice with truth, violence with patience. Mahatma Gandhi

If you want a rainbow, you have to put up with the rain. Ernie Zielinski

He who is patient is better than the brave, and he who controls himself is better than the conqueror of a city. Solomon

When you know that everything will end well, you can be patient. Max Fry

Patience is a necessary property of genius! Alan Bradley

Patience is a virtue that will be richly rewarded. Michelle Faber

Patience and time give more than strength or passion. Jean de Lafontaine

It does not exist to make us happy. I think it was created to show how strong we are in suffering and patience. Hermann Hesse

Love is inseparable from tolerance, which gives it strength. Mark Levy

All human mistakes are impatience, a premature abandonment of method, an imaginary concentration on an imaginary task. Franz Kafka

Of course, the flames of the fire illuminate, but why not wait for the sun to rise? Victor Hugo

Only the ugly duckling is happy. He has time to think alone about the meaning of life, friendship, read a book, and help other people. So he becomes a swan. Just need patience! Marlene Dietrich

Anger is a state of mind in which we want to cause harm and offense. Patience is a state of mind in which we refrain from causing harm and offense. Anger is the hardest thing to control, patience is the hardest thing to develop. But only patience can overcome anger. Rinpoche Gehlek

IN family life the main thing is patience. Love cannot last long. Anton Chekhov

Never lose patience - this is the last key that unlocks the doors. Antoine de Saint-Exupery

You need to have a lot of patience to learn to be patient. Stanislav Lec

True love is not the kind of love that can steadfastly endure long years of separation and survive the most distant distance between lovers, but the kind that can withstand years of close proximity with dignity. Helen Rowland

Patience is considered one of the most important positive qualities a person who helps him achieve his goals and contribute to his well-being in life. Thanks to patience, a person, instead of giving up on any goal that requires a long time for its implementation, continues to wait until he achieves what he wants. Patience is akin to perseverance, and one can say they always go hand in hand, because in order to continue to make efforts day after day, showing persistence to fulfill your desire, which is in no hurry to come true, you need a lot of patience. Here is a short list of quotes about patience that will help you learn what historical figures thought about patience.

Quotes and phrases about patience:

  • 1) Patience makes women beautiful in middle age.
    Elliot Paul
  • 2) Patience is the support of weakness, impatience is a ruined strength.
    Charles Caleb Colton
  • 3) If you practice the qualities of patience, punctuality, sincerity and caring, you will have a better appreciation of the world around you.
    Grenville Kleiser
  • 4) One minute of patience, ten years of peace.
    Greek proverb
  • 5) Patience serves as protection from injustice, just as clothing protects from cold. For if you put on clothes when the cold becomes stronger, it loses its power over you. Likewise, you must grow in patience when you encounter great injustice.
    Leonardo da Vinci
  • 6) Patience is the companion of wisdom.
    Saint Augustine
  • 7) Patience is a necessary ingredient of genius.
    Benjamin Disraeli
  • 8) Let nothing bother you. Let nothing disturb you. Everything passes. God never changes. Patience achieves everything it strives for. He who finds God loses nothing. God alone is enough.
    Saint Teresa of Avila
  • 9) Patience cannot be acquired overnight. It's like building up muscle mass. Every day you have to work on it.
    Eknath Isveran
  • 10) The key to patience is acceptance and faith. Accept everything as it is, and really look at the world around you. Have faith in yourself and in the direction you have chosen.
    Ralph Marston
  • 11) The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.
    Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy
  • 12) Patience is the courage of a conqueror, the strength of man against fate.
    J. Edward Boudwer-Lytton
  • 13) Patience is bitter, but its fruits are sweet.
    Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  • 14) Our patience will achieve more than our strength.
    Edmund Burke
  • 15) God gives genius to one person without patience, and to another person patience without genius. The relative achievements of both are surprising.
    Walter K. Klein
  • 16) If we are on the right path, all we have to do is keep moving.
    Buddhist saying
  • 17) Patience and time will do more than strength or passion.
    Jean de Lafontaine
  • 18) Have patience with all things, and especially have patience with yourself.
    Saint Francis de Sales
  • 19) The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness and self-control. There is no law against such things. (Gal. 5:22).
  • 20) Patience is friendship with time.
    Bath Bonta
  • 21) Patience is not passive, but on the contrary, active, it is a concentrated force.
    Edward J. Bulwer-Lytton
  • 22) Everyone appreciates patience, but no one can tolerate suffering.
    Thomas Fuller
  • 23) Never trim what you can untie.
    Joseph Joubert
  • 24) An essential part of faith is patience.
    George MacDonald
  • 25) He who can have patience can have everything he strives for.
    Benjamin Franklin
  • 26) He preaches patience, which has never known pain.
    H. G. Bohn
  • 27) Patience is the mother of will.
  • 28) Patience is required quality in business, many people would rather you hear their story than grant their request.
    Lord Chesterfield
  • 29) Patience is a tamed passion.
    Lyman Abbott
  • 30) Patience and courage conquer everything.
    Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • 31) Patience can defeat fate.
    Irish proverb
  • 32) Who can be patient in extremes?
    William Shakespeare
  • 33) First of all, you need to have a lot of patience in order to learn to have patience.
    Stanislav Jerzy Lec
  • 34) Patience comes to those who wait.
    Terry Ballard
  • 35) All human wisdom lies in two words - expectation and hope.
    Alexandr Duma
  • 36) Usually you have to wait for something that is worth the wait.
    Craig Bruce
  • 37) There are three secrets of management. The first secret is to have patience. The second is to be patient. And the third, most main secret, this is patience.
    Chuck Tanner

Patience is a wonderful quality, but life is too short to endure for long.


Restraint the more necessary who hears bad things about himself, rather than those at whom they throw stones.

Oren Arnold

Lord, grant me patience! Now! This very minute!

Pierre Buast

You need to have high virtues or a lot of intelligence in order to be tolerant in society without having politeness.


Any adversity should be overcome with patience.

Whatever happens, we will overcome everything with patience and will.


Patience is the art of hoping.

Francesco Guicciardini

Everyone has shortcomings - some have more, some have less. That is why friendship, help, and communication would be impossible if mutual tolerance did not exist between us.

Abdurrahman Jami

The patience of that sorceress is like
That she can turn water into pearls.

Benjamin Disraeli

Everything comes to the one who knows how to wait.

John Dryden

Fear the wrath of a patient man.

Leszek Kumor

Angelic patience requires devilish strength.

Leonardo da Vinci

Increase patience and calmness of spirit, and resentment, no matter how bitter, will not touch you.

Alisher Navoi

Those who have patience are able to create silk from leaves and honey from rose petals.

Faina Ranevskaya

The main thing is to restrain yourself - either I or someone else decided so, but this is the truth. I would enthusiastically punch all the hacks in the face, but I endure it. I tolerate ignorance, I tolerate lies, I tolerate the miserable existence of a half-beggar, I tolerate and will endure until the end of my days. I even tolerate Zavadsky.

Frederic Chopin

Time is the best censor, and patience is the supreme teacher.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Never lose patience - this is the last key that opens doors.

Japanese proverbs and sayings

True patience is the kind of patience when you cannot bear it.

The long-suffering is better than the brave.
Proverbs of Solomon, 16:32

Everything comes on time to those who know how to wait.
Francois Rabelais

Patience turns grass into milk.

The impatient waits twice.
Mac McGinnis

You learn to wait calmly only when there is nothing left to wait for.
Maria Ebner-Eschenbach

Our people are patient, but our people are dissolute.
Anatoly Ras

There is a limit beyond which patience ceases to be a virtue.
Edmund Burke

He who endures much will wait for what he cannot endure.
Publilius Syrus

Patience is a wonderful quality, but life is too short to endure for long.
Abul Faraj

No one becomes wise without being patient.

Restraint is more necessary for those who hear bad things about themselves than for those at whom stones are thrown.

The biggest bankrupt in this world is a man who has lost his enthusiasm for life.
M. Arnold

Self-control is the key to mastery.
X. Benzel-Sternau

Patience is a weakened form of despair disguised as a virtue.
A. Beers

To become patient, people must first learn to doubt; to be able to respect the opinions of opponents, they must first recognize the possibility of errors in their own opinions.
G. Buckle

Modesty and propriety in conversation are worth more than eloquence, and the ability to apply one's words to the character and way of thinking of the hearers is a talent that should be given preference to grace and methodical speech.
F. Bacon

Restraint should be in the arts what modesty is in love.
K. Vatle

He who is able to endure everything is given the power to dare anything.
L. Vauvenargues

Patience is the art of nourishing hope.
L. Vauvenargues

The patience of that sorceress is like
That she can turn water into pearls.
A. Jami

Self-control, restraint, patience are moral brakes that allow you to avoid an accident at sharp turns in life.
V. Zubkov

By patience the elect are tested, like gold in a furnace, refined seven times.
F. Karpov

He who patiently prepares for the journey will certainly reach his goal.
J. Labruiere

Just as warm clothes protect against cold, endurance protects against resentment. Increase patience and calmness of spirit, and resentment, no matter how bitter, will not touch you.
Leonardo da Vinci

Patience is a wonderful quality, but over time it makes us indifferent.
M. Martin du Gard

Restraint is an artificial quality that most of us develop only as a result of countless misfires.
S. Maugham

Patience is endurance in sorrow for the sake of beauty, endurance in labor for the sake of beauty.
Unknown Platonist

One of the highest earthly possessions is self-control.
D. Prentice

There is a remedy for every pain - patience.
Publilius Syrus

And the heat of the day will not scorch you
The one who is tempered in proud patience.
D. Rumi

Patience is the knowledge of what needs to be endured and what not to be endured, or a virtue that puts us above what seems difficult to bear.
Sextus Empiricus

It is as fitting for valiant hearts to be patient in times of distress as they are to be joyful in times of prosperity.
M. Cervantes

He who is able to endure is able to achieve whatever he wants.
B. Franklin

The more impetuous and ardent a person is, the greater the skill of self-control he should have.
N. Shelgunov