
Vasily Lykshin funeral. Vasily Lykshin

The star of the young actor Vasily Lykshin quickly rose and flashed brightly in the horizon of Russian cinema. The artist had no acting education. His “universities” are a difficult childhood in a dysfunctional family, an orphanage and a juvenile colony. But those few roles that he managed to play showed that Lykshin has an innate talent. And who knows in which films we would have seen a nugget, if not for a sudden, ridiculous death.

Childhood and youth

The actor was born in January 1987 in the Moscow region, in the village of Gorki-2, in the Odintsovo district. Parents abused alcohol. According to Vasily, his father drank relentlessly, and his mother loaded sacks of potatoes at the state farm and also drank. Three children grew up on their own, often starving.

In 1994, after the Lykshins were deprived of their parental rights, 5-year-old Vasya, his brother and sister were assigned to an orphanage in Zaitsevo, Odintsovo district. Already there, the children learned about the birth of their younger brother.

For 10 years, Vasily Lykshin grew up in a circle of pupils of an orphanage with similar fates. Hooligan and fought, for which in 1999 he was registered with the police. Repeatedly, the behavior of a difficult teenager was discussed at meetings of commissions on juvenile affairs. In December 2001, the commission sent the guy to a special school: Vasily stole stationery from the class.

At the school, Lykshin again got into an unpleasant situation: together with classmates he climbed into the general's dacha. Later, Vasily admitted that they climbed into someone else's house not for the sake of theft, but to satisfy their hunger.

A police patrol quickly arrived at the dacha equipped with video cameras. The guys ran away, and Vasya was detained. This time, the punishment turned out to be more severe: the teenager was assigned to a closed Sebezh special school for a year and a half.

Who knows how the biography of the boy would have developed if it were not for the director Svetlana Stasenko. She was preparing for the filming of the crime drama "Angel on the Roadside", looked through four hundred guys at the casting, but found a suitable type when she saw a cassette with Vasya Lykshin. The director instantly determined that in front of her was a born artist.

“He had real artistic charisma,” the woman will say later.

Stasenko persuaded the head of the special school to let the ward go to shoot the film, vouched for the guy and soon took custody of him.


The drama Roadside Angel was released in 2004. The 15-year-old pupil of the orphanage played one of the main roles. His hero - 12-year-old Mishka - is like two drops of water similar to the actor himself: the same difficult teenager from a problem family who ended up in a colony.

Lykshin, who did not study acting, played brilliantly, becoming the favorite of the film crew. He never let the director down: he was disciplined and accommodating, grasping the wishes of the operator and senior colleagues on the fly.

After filming was over, Svetlana Stasenko adopted the young artist. For his work in the drama, he received a prestigious award - the American Young Artist Awards, which is called the children's "Oscar".

Vasily Lykshin's career developed rapidly. In 2006, the young actor was waiting for a triumph. He starred in the sensational drama, Alexander Atanesyan's military action movie "Bastards", on the set of which he met with the masters of Russian cinema and. The film became a landmark in the career of rising stars,.

In the same year, the premiere of the drama series "Gromovs" by Alexander Baranov took place. The producers of the tape were and. Vasily Lykshin played the main role - a hero named Sasha Gromov. The guy's family in the film became,.

The viewers liked the film so much that in 2007 a sequel called “Gromovs. House of Hope. And again, Vasily Lykshin was invited to the project. In 2008, the artist appeared in episode 4 of the detective series Postman, playing a drunk guy in the entrance.

2009 turned out to be more generous for Lykshin in the role. In the 6-episode melodrama House on Ozernaya, the audience saw their favorite actor in the title role - he played Yura Dedyukhin. And again, Vasily found himself in the company of Russian cinema stars:,.

The history of the family, with its joys, worries and turning points, also appealed to millions of viewers in the post-Soviet space. The series premiered in December 2009 on Channel One.

In the same year, a dramedy series by Vyacheslav Murugov about girls from the musical pop group of the same name was released. Vasily Lykshin got the role of the schoolboy hero Alexei Smirnov. As it turned out, this was the last work of the artist on the set.

Personal life

Vasily Lykshin, like many teenagers from dysfunctional families, dreamed of a better life. In an interview, he admitted that he was baptized twice: the first time as a child, and the second - in an orphanage, at a conscious age. After the rite of baptism, he let go of old grievances and forgave his parents.

At the age of 18, Lykshin returned to his family, to his mother, brothers and sister. Mom married a second time, but her stepfather, like his father before, drank. A family of seven huddled in three rooms of an old barrack. Svetlana Stasenko, who continued to take care of her adopted son, could not knock out a separate housing for the artist: she failed to break through the wall of bureaucracy.

Vasily Lykshin joked that after working at the Gromovs, his popularity was such that the fans did not let him pass. In a recent interview, the artist admitted that he was in love and happy.

Lykshin married a 5-year-old girl who worked in the editorial office of the capital's magazine. In January 2009, Elena gave birth to a daughter, Kira, to her 22-year-old husband. From her first marriage she had a son, Nikita, whom Lykshin adopted.


The sudden death of a young and already famous actor shocked fans. Lykshin died in his sleep on an October night in 2009. He returned from filming tired and went to bed. My wife and daughter were visiting their parents. Dead Vasily was found by neighbors in the barracks.

Vasily Lykshin died at 22

The wife and relatives of the artist did not believe in the cause of death announced after the autopsy: cardiovascular failure, cardiac arrest. According to them, valuables and money were missing from the room. Vasily never complained of pain in his heart.

They buried the star of the "Gromovs" in Suzdal, at the Znamensky cemetery. Lykshin did not live to see his 23rd birthday for a couple of months.


  • 2004 - "Angel on the Road"
  • 2006 - Bastards
  • 2006 - "Gromovs"
  • 2008 - "Gromovs. House of Hope"
  • 2008 - Postman
  • 2009 - "House on Ozernaya"
  • 2009 - "Ranetki"

On the night of October 17-18, in the village of Gorki-2 near Moscow, at night, in a dream, one of the most famous young film actors in Russia, Vasily Lykshin, suddenly died. His acting life began in 2002, when he was selected from hundreds of orphans for filming in the film by Svetlana Stasenko under the working title "Bear" (at the box office "Angel on the Roadside"), while he was already sent for education in the Sebezh Special Professional school number 1 of a closed type. At the request of the school and the film group, Lykshin's stay at the special school was terminated ahead of schedule by the decision of the Sebezhsky District Court in December 2002. For his role in "Angel on the Roadside" Vasily Lykshin, the only Russian actor, was awarded the "Oscar" for young people in the USA - "Young Artist Awards".

It was the harbinger of an outstanding acting career. Then there were the roles of Sasha Gromov in the series "Gromovs" (2004) and later the continuation of "Gromovs. House of Hope "(2007), Lavrik in the tragic and scandalous film "Bastards" (2006), roles in the series "Postman", "House on Ozernaya" and the role of a student of Lekha's music class in the endless series "Ranetki" that made him extremely popular among young audiences ”on the STS channel (2008-2009), which will now be published according to a modified scenario.

The emblem of the Sebezh Special Vocational School is a swan. The swan that grew out of the ugly duckling in the famous fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen, thanks to which the school is now friendly with the Kingdom of Denmark and enjoys its patronage. Raised wings of a white swan carefully surround a small yellow duck with a key in its beak on the emblem of the school.

The key of fate is tragically difficult for almost all pupils of the school.

Vasily Lykshin as Mishka in the film "Angel on the Roadside" (2002)

Sergei Semyonov, who headed the school in 1995, was awarded the title "Andersen's Envoy in Russia" in Denmark in 2005, in the year of Andersen's 200th birthday, for the system of spiritual education of Russian difficult teenagers. The only winner of this award for many years, he does not belong to the world of art.

Vasily Lykshin arrived at the Sebezh Special School on March 15, 2002 by order of the Odintsovo City Court of the Moscow Region dated March 4, 2002, the text of the decision of which fit on one page: “On the night of January 3, 2002, Lykshin V.S. committed a socially dangerous act provided for Art. 213 part 1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, but initiation of a criminal case was refused due to the fact that he had not reached the age of criminal responsibility. Previously, Lykshin had repeatedly committed socially dangerous acts. Since December 1999, Lykshin has been registered with the GPPN for committing petty hooliganism;

Having considered at the court session the submitted materials on the placement of Lykshin in a special educational institution of a closed type, after listening to the minor Lykshin, his legal representative, the representative of the OPPN, the prosecutor and the lawyer, I believe that Lykshin, taking into account the nature of the offenses committed by him, his behavior, living conditions and education, as well as the educational measures taken, needs special conditions for education, training and requires a special pedagogical approach, in connection with which there are grounds for placing Lykshin in a special general education school of a closed type. There are no reasons that prevent Lykshin from being placed in the specified institution. ... Decided: to send the minor Lykshin Vasily Sergeevich to a special general education school of a closed type for a period of 1 year 6 months.

“All conversations and discussions at the place of study did not give any result ...”

Vasily Lykshin's parents Tatyana Vyacheslavovna and Sergey Vladimirovich Lykshin were deprived of parental rights in relation to the children of Anastasia (born in 1984), Pavel (born in 1985) and Vasily (born in 1987) by the decision of the Odintsovo City Court on May 20, 1994 . In August of the same year, local guardianship and guardianship authorities decided to send children from September 1 of the same year to an orphanage "for living and further education."

This orphanage was the Zaitsevsky orphanage, located in the same Odintsovo district of the Moscow region. The teenager was sent to study at the location of the orphanage in Likinskaya school.

The orphanage did not have any positive impact on the fate of Vasily. Escapes, thefts (including from the orphanage itself), hooliganism, refusals to initiate criminal proceedings due to not reaching the age of criminal responsibility ...

The first decision on the need to send Vasily Lykshin to a special school was made by the commission for minors and the protection of their rights in the Odintsovo district on December 19, 2001, after the theft of stationery from the orphanage class in the amount of 255 (two hundred and fifty five) rubles, which happened on November 27, 2001. On February 20, the decision was made a second time.

After that, there were several more “acts”, including the events mentioned by the court on the night of January 2-3, 2002, when Vasily, in company with a girl who lived next door to his house, entered the change house of a local resident, where they “broke all the windows, broke the furniture , scattered all things, while taking nothing.

In preparing for the trial of references to Vasily Lykshin, the school and the department for juvenile affairs signed that they were not able to do anything.

The school principal said that over the two and a half years of study, Vasily “showed himself mainly on the negative side: a huge number of missed lessons, extreme imbalance and irascibility, smoking, obscene language ... “Chronic” poor progress in the 8th grade ... A large number of reports accumulated on the teenager about various violations of the school charter and rules of conduct for students: fights, broken glass, toilet bowls, appearing intoxicated ... The socio-pedagogical neglect of a teenager gave rise to his active protest to society; as he grew older, Vasily asserted himself in illegal activities: in thefts, fights.

Vasily is overly touchy, stubborn, loves increased attention to himself, is hyperactive, has no fear in risk situations.

He is easily taken out of balance, he often has a bad mood, but there is an excess of motives that find relaxation in conflict situations.

The accumulation of negatively colored emotional impressions led to an inadequate reaction to the teaching, made him a difficult student.

For the first quarter of the 2001-2002 academic year, Vasily Lykshin's record was mostly C, he was not certified in physics and labor, and in the second quarter he was not certified in the Russian language, literature, history, social science, biology and labor.

An amazing thing: for both quarters in the subject "World Artistic Culture" - the only one in the statement - Vasily has a "good" mark.

The juvenile affairs inspector of the Yudinsky police department, summarizing the “results of work” with Vasily Lykshin in a special certificate, wrote: “Since 1999, Vasya’s behavior has changed for the worse. Under the influence of his older brother and other adolescents from the orphanage, he began to systematically violate discipline, allow unauthorized departures ... A warning was issued ... A strict reprimand was issued ... He reacts aggressively, hot-tempered to comments ... All conversations and discussions at the place of study did not give any result ... Sent conditionally to a special school ... He arbitrarily left the orphanage ... He hid from the educators who came to pick him up at his mother's place of residence. By the measures taken, the teenager was returned to the orphanage ... It was re-discussed at the visiting meeting of the KDN ... The previous measure of punishment was left: a conditional transfer to a special school ... The ODN raised the question of isolating the teenager, but the head. He was taken on bail by the Department of Education of the Odintsovo district Bott G. A. ... Another fact of theft ... A decision was made: to petition the Odintsovo court to send the minor to a special vocational school ... He again arbitrarily left the orphanage ... Placed in the TsVINP for 30 days ... The material was sent to the Odintsovo court ... In view of the foregoing, the correction and re-education of Lykshin is possible only in a special vocational school.

Before the court session, a special commission, headed by an inspector of the juvenile affairs department, drew up an "Act of examining the material and living conditions of the family."

In the line “parents present” in this act, the deputy director of the orphanage for water resources management is indicated, in the column “Family” - Zaitsevsky orphanage, eight children are mentioned as family members, including Vasily and his older brother, “occupied living space” is described as follows: "72 sq. m. in a group consisting of 2 rooms: a playroom and a bedroom, where there are 11 beds and bedside tables, there is a place for classes.

The act states that for all children, “the parents either died or were deprived of parental rights ... There are 8 people in the group, all practically the same age, they study at the Likinskaya secondary school.” In the column "relationships with roommates" it is indicated that "relationships with classmates are satisfactory, friendly."

Vasily Lykshin on the set of the series "Ranetki" (2008).

The conclusion of the act is stated as follows: “Leisure employment is necessary, as well as increased control over their whereabouts in the evening and at night (by the Zaitsevsky orphanage).”

"Honest, smart, cheerful, cheerful and deeply decent person"

By this time, an event occurred in the life of Vasily Lykshin that radically changed his fate.

The Moscow film director, known by that time as a documentary filmmaker, Svetlana Stasenko was looking for an actor to play the role of the boy Misha in a film with the working title "Mishka" (came out as "Angel on the Roadside").

As Kommersant wrote on April 16, 2004 in the Weekend app, the protagonist of the film is a sixteen-year-old provincial Mishka, who earns his living by singing thieves' songs in a tavern. Mishka's mom and dad are not up to their son, hanging around the doorways and humming Beatles tunes to his only friend, the dog Ringo. But neither the dog nor the familiar angel who met the guy in the wasteland save Mishka from a gloomy future. After the death of a bandit friend who patronized him, having killed his killer with a pistol shot, he ends up in prison, from where he leaves only after seven years. During this time, everything has changed in the country: the political system, fashionable music, the way people dress and talk. But the angel who inspired Mishka to write poetry and songs meets him again. The matured musician gathers his own rock band and goes to conquer Moscow.

Svetlana Stasenko looked through and set aside the cassettes with samples of about 400 children, until, finally, she came across Vasily Lykshin's recording made in the Zaitsev Orphanage. Later, Svetlana said: “The boy only said that his name was Vasya, that he loves the Russian language and football. When asked how he studies, he answered that he was average. And then he thought (it was evident that he was ashamed) and corrected himself: “No way.” Since then, I have loved him for the rest of my life."

Turning to the orphanage in search of a future actor, Svetlana found out that Lykshin was no longer there, he was in Sebezh, in a special school.

And they went to Sebezh, for their Vasily, with a petition handwritten on the letterhead of the Independent Experimental Center for Culture and Information (NETSKI) named after Savva Kulish: “To the Director of Sebezh SPU No. 1 of the closed type, Mr. Semenov S. G. Savva Kulish started shooting the full-length feature film "Bear", screenwriter and director Svetlana Stasenko. The film is about a boy who dreams of becoming a musician and eventually achieves his goal. We ask for your permission to involve Vasily Lykshin, a pupil of your school, born in 87, from 10.07.02 to 30.08.02 for the main role. Shooting is carried out in the city of Moscow and in Noginsk (Moscow region)."

Sergei Semenov was at first taken aback by the unexpected request, and then agreed to let Vasily Lykshin go on vacation (there is such a form of encouragement at the school) - to shoot in Moscow. Moreover, he gave an escort from the school, a social teacher (all expenses were paid by the film crew).

Svetlana Stasenko calls Sergei Semenov "an amazing person."

"Angel on the Roadside" turned the whole life of not only Vasily Lykshin, but also Svetlana Stasenko. She and her husband decided to establish guardianship over Vasily and take him into their home. A wise decision was implemented tactfully: the teenager's mother is alive, after the death of her first husband she remarried, gave birth to her son Valery and tried to start another life. But my stepfather suffered the same trouble - he drank.

However, from the very beginning of Vasily's stay in Sebezh, the school began to build bridges with the former family, knowing full well, of course, that the mother was deprived of parental rights. Social pedagogue Margarita Ivanova told Vasily's mother Tatyana in October 2002: “Vasya is in Moscow, lives in the family of the film director Svetlana Stasenko and studies at the physics and mathematics school at the institute. Tutors work with him. Vasya is making progress, fours have already appeared. Now the film studio is dubbing the film and there will be winter shooting ... The administration of the special school decided to release Vasily from the school ahead of schedule, to give him the opportunity to study and act in films.

The director of the film and the main director take a great part in the fate of Vasily, they want to help him get an education and a profession ...

The administration of the school must apply to the court with a petition. The film studio is ready to support our petition… Tatyana Vyacheslavovna, for a positive resolution of this issue, it is desirable that you apply to the court [with an application] for the restoration of parental rights… Discuss this issue in the family and inform the special school about the decision… You can call Vasya by phone:… The school can be contacted by phone:…”

The NETSKI studio saw in the fate of Vasily Lykshin the case when any person has the opportunity to fulfill the duty of mercy and participation. An official petition was sent to Sergei Semenov: “The NETSKI Studio supports the request of the film crew of the film “Mishka” and petitions for the early release of Vasily Lykshin, a pupil of the SPU… We are concerned about the fate of such a gifted boy. Already now, after viewing the footage, several film crews became interested in Vasily. We and our partners (Mosfilm Cinema Concern, R. Bykov Center for Children and Youth Cinema, Mirabel Studio) will support V. Lykshin in developing his talent.

The director of the film "Bear", laureate of international film festivals S. Stasenko, the film crew, the administration of the studio - everyone is ready to make every effort to return the boy to normal life."

The creative team of the film “The Bear” wrote in their petition and description: “Vasily Sergeevich Lykshin was invited to our creative team as the leading actor. During his work, he showed himself from the best side, turned out to be a very disciplined, responsible and hardworking worker, infecting even adult and experienced actors with his tirelessness ... He was calmly trusted with large material values ​​... Vasily is internally organized, collected, very sociable and charming in communication ... Vasily is not fell ill with "star disease", remained the same modest and unpretentious. Vasily is very honest, does not hide his mistakes and mistakes. We all fell in love with Vasily Sergeevich very much - an honest, intelligent, cheerful, cheerful and deeply decent person and are very worried about his future. I would like our Vasily Sergeevich to successfully complete 11 classes, get a higher education and be able to choose a profession that corresponds to his mind, talent and remarkable character ... For our part, we will try to do everything possible so that he does not repeat the stupid childhood "exploits", and you never regretted their decision to meet our request. We are sure that Vasily, with his great talent and diligence, has a great acting future."

Under the petition and the characteristic from the creative team were dozens of signatures.

In the final description of Vasily Lykshin, signed by the head teacher and director of the Sebezh school (in that order) on November 18, 2002 and sent to the court, it was written:

“Vasily is hardworking, responsible, not afraid of any work, he worked conscientiously in the link, cleaning up the territory, in the educational facility. You can always rely on him, he feels responsible for the honor of the team (when preparing a general school event, on the last day he himself prepared a performance for a sick comrade in addition to his own).

... Vasya is a proud boy with a certain amount of stubbornness. He firmly defends his opinion ... He quickly adapted to the team of pupils.

Vasily is sociable, lively, likes to joke, his laughter is often heard, but he has comments on behavior, because he is unrestrained, not always neat.

The pupil is characterized by such traits as justice, striving for high performance, high demands on himself and others, perseverance in achieving the goal. Vasily has a strong will, this helps him in overcoming difficulties.

The young man is very warm towards his mother, relatives, who are in the Zaitsevsky orphanage. Corresponds with them, often remembers, talks about his life at home and in the orphanage.

Vasily, taking part in test shootings before arriving at the school, talked about it, did not boast, did not become conceited.

It is easy to get in touch with a teenager if you let him feel an interest in him as a person. Build relationships on the basis of respect ... "

Compare this document with the description from the Likinskaya school of the Yudinsky police department. Two worlds, two childhoods, two people.

On December 6, 2002, the director of the Sebezh special school, Sergei Semyonov, sent a submission to the Sebezh district court about the early release from Vasily Lykshin of the school, ending with the following argument: “In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 3 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in the interests of the pupil, the administration of the Sebezh Special Vocational School No. 1 of a closed type petitions for the release of Lykshin Vasily from the school.

The legal representative of Vasily's interests in court was the social pedagogue Margarita Ivanova.

On December 9, 2002, Lyubov Borisenko, a judge of the Sebezh District Court, granted the petition. The court ruled “to terminate the stay of Lykshin Vasily Sergeevich ... in the Sebezh special. PU No. 1 of a closed type according to the decision of the Odintsovo City Court of the Moscow Region dated March 4, 2002 ahead of schedule by 7 months 7 days.

For his role in "Angel on the Roadside" Vasily Lykshin, the only Russian actor, was awarded the "Oscar for the Young" - "Young Artist Awards" in the USA.

In the finale, Lykshin's hero dies. In one of the first interviews, the 15-year-old actor said: "Such people leave early, there's nothing to be done about it."

Life after school was not cloudless for Vasily Lykshin, but it was a movement forward.

It took courage and patience from Svetlana Stasenko. In an interview, Vasily Lykshin admitted, recalling with gratitude his foster family, in which he lived for several years until adulthood, that Svetlana "spoiled him very much", but old habits made themselves felt from time to time, and "she and her husband endured." However, there was no breakdown.

A farewell article in the Odintsovo newspaper tells how, having lived for three years in Moscow, in the family of Svetlana Stasenko, Vasily decided to return to his mother, in the village of Gorki-2. His first fee was 12 thousand dollars, and it seemed to him crazy, endless money. He wanted to immediately help his mother, his older sister and brother, and especially his younger one, Valerka, dreamed of making repairs in their three-room apartment in the barracks, and taking his mother abroad. But the money ran out quickly, his relatives did not stop drinking, and did not start working. Meanwhile, he got huge debts for housing - the family did not pay anything for the apartment and services for years.

When there were no film roles, he worked as a loader, set builder, security guard. He mostly gave money to his relatives.

But the main personal meeting in his life took place: he managed, he found Lena, who then worked as a journalist and lived in Kaluga. They merried. Daughter Kira was born.

After the death of his mother, Vasily took custody of his ten-year-old half-brother Valera. When it became known about the death of Vasily Lykshin, immediately after the funeral (!) Local guardianship authorities took Valery directly from school, from lessons, to be registered in an orphanage. Now Valera, as happens with all children who are taken to an orphanage, is in quarantine in the infectious disease department of the hospital. Having become a widow, Lena, not recovering from the death of her husband, hastily draws up documents for guardianship. Hope to be on time.

What, what can teach the Russian guardianship and guardianship authorities to treat people as human beings?

Svetlana Stasenko told Pskovskaya Gubernia that she and all her relatives were completely shocked by the sudden death of the actor and only a few weeks later they hope to receive a medical report. She recalls how at first she and her husband taught Vasily to “normal food”, how six months after the boy was accepted into the family, he underwent a complete medical examination in Moscow, which found nothing but flat feet, even chronic gastritis and bronchitis for such children were gone. . But on Friday, October 16th, he complained of fatigue and pain in his heart. Severe fatigue? In Gorki-2, the house where everything happened, according to Svetlana, "there is no medical support," the doctors who arrived simply stated death.

In one of the interviews, Vasily said that as a child, he "broken his nose eight times." Someone wrote on the Web that, looking at the photo of Lykshin, he drew attention to a severely curved nasal septum, which could be the cause of increased intracranial pressure, fraught with a stroke. Svetlana recalls that the operation to straighten the septum was in their plans, but Vasily was afraid of it and did not dare to carry it out.

Whether it was possible to save a person is still unknown. In any case, this knowledge will not fix anything now.

Svetlana Stasenko and her friends performed a feat of mercy and accepted someone else's child, a difficult child, as their own, dear. They gave him eight years of a full life - a bright, rare one that a boy from a dysfunctional family could not even count on. And the tragedy that took place, which cut short the life of Vasily Lykshin at its very beginning, now coexists forever with the triumph of philanthropy, which is not interrupted by the death of a young man. Perhaps Vasily's death makes the perfect unfamiliar, strangers to him until a certain moment, people, especially significant.

Vasily Lykshin became a living symbol of the school for the Sebezh special school - the "ugly duckling" that turned into a swan.

We are sitting late Sunday evening with Sergei Semyonov in his office. He recalls how Vasily Lykshin came to Sebezh for the 40th anniversary of the school in 2004 and suddenly said that he misses the school very much.

They closely followed his human and acting fate. Remembering his pupil well, Sergei Semenov is trying to understand what could have happened and recalls that in Ranetki Vasily is not very similar to himself, sunny and cheerful, "as if something is oppressing him."

Here, in the school, the fate of these "wounded animals" is known by heart. Hundreds, thousands of destinies. A lot of tragedy. A family destroyed in childhood, shaken, often undermined life roots. It is very difficult to get back on your feet, to return to a stable, fulfilling life. Few succeed in this. But everyone is trying to "put on the wing" here.

On the memorial line at the school, Sergei Semyonov spoke with difficulty, barely holding back tears.

When, after the funeral (and the first reports of the death of Vasily Lykshin on the Web are dated October 20), the sad news reached the school in Sebezh, mourning was declared.

On Friday, October 23, all pupils and staff, led by Sergei Semenov, went to a summer camp located on the shore of Lake Bolshoye Olbito, 30 km from Sebezh, where they installed a large cross on a natural hill. In a neighboring quarry, each of the pupils chose a stone - a symbol of their life problems. Pupil Artyom Razumov, whom Sergei Semenov calls "God's man", was instructed to find a stone for Vasily Lykshin. He searched for a long time and finally chose a large, heavy black pebble stone. The stones were carried up to the hill in their hands and there they laid them at the foot of the cross.

Where did this black stone fall from, where did this black stone return to the life of Vasily Lykshin?

What did the dark news about the death of a young man bring to the young minds of the pupils of the Sebezh Special School? What did she say, what did she explain, what did she make me think?

In the dormitory building of the school in the foyer of the first floor there is a large bright poster of the film "Angel on the Roadside" with the young Vasily Lykshin. No mourning tape. He applauds. So the actors leave - to applause. Sometimes - as it happens with people - very early, suddenly and inexplicably.

Looking at this photo, I thought that Vasily was applauding those who, despite everything, were able to see him as a person and give him another bright life, impossible by any rational logic.

This life was terribly, unfairly short.

But she didn't pass by.

Sebezh - Pskov

1 See: M. Kuzmina. Pushkin met Andersen // "PG", No. 43 (412) of October 29 - November 4, 2008

2 Commission on juvenile affairs.

3 Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted by the UN on November 20, 1989, paragraph 1 of Art. 3: “In all actions concerning children, whether undertaken by public or private welfare agencies, courts, administrative or legislative bodies, the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration.”

Vasily Lykshin is a young Russian actor who, according to film experts, was expected to have incredible success in Hollywood. He was one of those nuggets who, as they say, "got a lucky lottery ticket." But, apparently, fate decreed differently, and in 2009 the guy died. This event shocked millions of people, since no one even suspected that this could happen.


Vasily Lykshin, whose biography is filled with both positive and negative events, was born in 1987 on January 27. The boy's family was, to put it mildly, dysfunctional. Vasya's parents were deprived of parental rights in 1997 due to constant drunkenness, and the boy was sent to the orphanage where he lived and studied. Together with him, his brother and sister were left without parental care; in the orphanage, the children learned that their mother had given birth to another child.

A year later, Lykshin's dad passed away, and my mother decided to start a new life, got married and took her children. The life of the family has not changed much, except that the stepfather did not drink so often.

Wrong turn

Vasily Lykshin, whose photo you see in this article, fully corresponded to the image of a child from Already at the age of 7, the guy smoked and drank, broke the law more than once, but because of his small age he was always released. At school, the guy studied very poorly, while he was constantly rude to teachers and did not find a common language with his peers. One fine day of such a slovenly life, the boy ended up in prison.

Together with their friends, they decided to sneak into the dacha of a certain general. Their goal was not the desire to steal something, the guys just really wanted to eat. Vasily and his friends could not even imagine that numerous cameras were located on the territory. The police took the guys right from the crime scene. The verdict was not in favor of Vasya, and he ended up in

Chance given by fate

The famous director Svetlana Stasenko held another casting for her film "Angel on the Roadside", but not one child did not meet her requirements. Quite by chance, she had a film in her hands, which she once shot in an orphanage, and suddenly Vasily Lykshin appeared on the screen ... Svetlana was sure that this particular guy should play the main role in her film.

The director's assistants found the boy in the colony, and they managed to persuade the head of the institution to let the guy go for the duration of the filming. Vasya set his conditions to the director that he would act in the film only if this time is counted in his term.

The role was given to the guy very easily, since, in fact, he played himself - a boy from a dysfunctional family who ended up in prison. Lykshin behaved very responsibly, like a true professional, and soon the entire film crew fell in love with the boy. The film was appreciated not only by ordinary viewers, but also by specialists. Young Vasily Lykshin received the Young Artist Awards, which is given exclusively to

New family

Filming is over, awards have been handed out, and there is only one question left: “What to do with the little prisoner?” Svetlana could not refuse such a talented and sincere boy and return him to prison again, the director decided to adopt Vasya. This is how the boy's life has changed dramatically, now he is popular and lives in a good family. A year later, Vasily Lykshin, an actor who achieved everything only with his work and talent, took part in the filming of the sensational film "Bastards" and in the TV series "Gromovs".

According to the guy, it was difficult for him to get used to the new family and its rules, since for a long time he lived according to the laws of the colony and the orphanage. In one of his interviews, Vasya told how he drank a lot, skipped his fees, even brought the girls home. For such behavior, he is very ashamed in front of Sveta and her children, but he had such a period. As soon as Lykshin turned 18, he thanked his foster mother and decided to return to his family. Acting positively influenced the guy and dramatically changed his character. He became more responsible, responsive and stopped going downhill. In 2008, Vasya married a girl, Lena, who at that time already had a son, Nikita, 6 years old. She worked as a journalist, and fate brought them together with Vasya. The following year, the couple had a common daughter, who was named Kira.

An unexpected tragedy

Vasily never suffered and he accepted each new role with gratitude. Then the guy received an excellent offer - to take part in the filming of the popular series "Ranetki". This series was his last. Vasily Lykshin, whose cause of death was a shock to many, arrived at the site on October 16, 2009 to film in several scenes. The group claims that everything was as always, the guy felt fine. On the 17th, Vasya returned home and went to bed, at night his heart stopped beating. The reason for what happened is completely incomprehensible, since the young man felt good and did not complain about anything.

Vasya had a severely deviated nasal septum, as his nose was broken about 8 times. It was this that could provoke a sharp increase in intracranial pressure, which caused a stroke. This is one version of what happened. The widow of the guy does not believe in chance and says that her husband was killed.

Unfulfilled dreams

Vasily Lykshin dreamed of playing many more roles, especially he wanted to try to bring to life the image of a negative hero. In addition, he had a goal to buy himself a small but cozy house on the seashore, where he would live with his family. Fate decided differently, and the guy left, leaving a loving wife and little daughter, who on the day of his death said the word "dad" for the first time.

LYKSHIN Vasily Alexandrovich

01/27/1987, Gorki-2, Odintsovo district, Moscow region - 10/18/2009, Moscow

Laureate of the Young Artist Awards (USA, 2004)

Difficult childhood
Vasya Lykshin was born into a dysfunctional family. His parents, ordinary hard workers, drank heavily, which ultimately led to the fact that they were deprived of parental rights. As a result, Vasily, along with his brother Pavlik and sister Nastya, ended up in an orphanage. Already, while in the orphanage, the guys learned that they had another brother, Valera.

Some time later, Vasya's father died, and his mother remarried. Deciding to start a new life, she took the children from the orphanage. The stepfather drank much less frequently than the late father, but they still lived very poorly. Maybe this is what pushed the boy to steal one day.

Once Vasily and his friends climbed into the general's dacha. The guys had only one desire - to eat their fill. Naturally, they did not even imagine that the dacha had a video surveillance system. The police detained the guys at the scene of the crime, and Vasily was sent to a juvenile colony ...

From the colony to the screen
Preparing for the filming of the film "Angel on the Roadside", director Svetlana Stasenko reviewed almost four hundred children, but not one of them was suitable for the main role of Mishka. When she was already completely desperate, a cassette with Vasya Lykshin fell into her hands. She recorded that cassette when she was once in an orphanage. The director immediately understood: this is what you need: “He had real artistic charisma.”

Vasily Lykshin in the film Angel on the RoadsThe boy was found in a juvenile colony. The filmmakers were able to persuade the administration to let Vasily go to shoot, and the boy himself agreed to film on the condition that this time would be credited to him on time.

In the film, the fifteen-year-old boy had a chance to play almost himself. His hero Mishka is a boy from the same dysfunctional family who ends up in a colony at an early age. Vasily easily entered the role, demonstrating outstanding acting qualities. A handsome, charming and disciplined boy immediately became the favorite of the entire film crew.

The film was highly appreciated by both the audience and specialists, and Vasily received his first award. And what! The young actor was awarded the American Young Artist Awards, a kind of children's Oscar!

Turn in life
When the shooting was over, the question arose - what to do with the boy next? Svetlana Stasenko could not leave Vasily. She decided to… adopt him! So the guy suddenly had a new family, two sisters and good prospects for a future career.

A year later, he starred in the role of Lavrik in Alexander Atanesyan's sensational film "Bastards", which tells about the creation of a suicide camp for recidivist teenage saboteurs during the war years. And in 2006, Vasily Lykshin played the role of Sasha in the television series Gromovy.

Adapting to a new family was not easy for the young man. Accustomed to the orphanage freemen, he hardly absorbed new orders for himself. In one of the interviews, Vasily said: “They treated me like their own son. But I almost couldn't live there. I was shy all the time. I was even ashamed to admit that I was hungry. And with their daughter Masha, we fought all the time. She was then 11 years old. Now we are very friendly with her ... "

Time and work in the cinema changed the character of Vasily. He became more responsible, collected, disciplined. Vasily lived in a new family for three and a half years. He was very grateful to his adoptive parents, but upon reaching the age of majority, the young man considered it necessary to return to his own family. By that time, my mother had remarried and started a new life. The situation with the stepfather was much better than with the heavily drinking father.

tragic ending
Vasily Lykshin in the TV series Ranetki Each new role brought the young actor more and more fans. A big success for Vasily Lykshin was an invitation to the super-popular youth series Ranetki, where he played a charming guy named Lech. These shootings were the last for him in his life ...

October 16, 2009 Vasily, as usual, arrived at the set of the series "Ranetki". That day, he was involved in two scenes, which took a total of an hour to shoot. Actors Maxim Amelchenko, Alexei Chernomordikov, Arseniy Guryanov, Artem Bogucharsky and Natalya Ungard appeared on the set with him. The guys remember that it was an unremarkable working day. Vasily felt well and did not complain about his health. On October 17, after filming, he returned home, went to bed and did not wake up. On the night of the 17th to the 18th, his heart stopped...

In his few interviews, Vasily admitted that he wants to act in films, play some kind of negative role - after all, all his characters are positive. He also wanted to buy a house on the seashore, where he would live with his beloved girlfriend Lena, his mother and younger brother. Did not work out…

Vasily Lykshin the viewer quickly liked him, they predicted a great acting future for him, but a sudden ridiculous death put an end to all expectations ...

The future actor was born in January 1987 in the suburbs. Vasily himself said that his father drank deeply, and his mother worked at a state farm and also periodically applied to a glass. The three children grew up with little or no supervision and often went hungry.

When Vasya was 5 years old, his father and mother were deprived of parental rights, and he, along with his brother and sister, were sent to an orphanage. Later, the guys found out that they had another younger brother.

For 10 years, Lykshin lived in a circle of the same as himself, pupils of the orphanage. A bully grew up from a guy who constantly got into fights and was registered with the police. In 2001, when Vasya stole stationery from the classroom, the juvenile commission placed him in a special school.

At the new place, Lykshin's troubles did not end. Together with the guys, he made his way to the general's dacha. Later, the actor said that they were not going to take anything of value, they just wanted to satisfy their hunger. When the police arrived, all the guys, except for Vasya, managed to escape. After that, he was placed in a closed Sebezh special school for 1.5 years.

The director managed to abruptly turn the fate of Lykshin Svetlana Stasenko, who was looking for an actor for a role in her film Roadside Angel. The woman looked at the samples more than 400 boys, but no one came up. She saw the desired type only in Vasya, a cassette with a performance of which accidentally fell into her hands.

The director managed to convince the head of the school to let the boy go to the shooting. In the film, Lykshin played almost himself. His hero was the same difficult child from a dysfunctional family who ended up in a colony.

It turned out that Vasily has an innate talent for acting. He quickly grasped all the wishes of senior colleagues and operators. The guy never let the director down, who, after filming, adopted the young actor. For this role, Lykshin even received an American award. young artist awards, which is also called the "Oscar" for children.

After that, Lykshin's career began to develop rapidly. He starred in the sensational film "Bastards", where his partners on the set were the venerable Andrey Panin and Andrey Krasko, as well as rising stars Kirill Emelyanov and Alexander Golovin.

Also, viewers can remember Lykshin from the series "Gromovs" and "Ranetki". Unfortunately, the role in the latter was the final in Vasily's career ...

Like many children from dysfunctional families, Lykshin always dreamed of a better life. He said that he was baptized twice, the second time in an orphanage, when he decided to forgive all the insults to his parents.

At the age of 18, Vasya returned to his mother, brothers and sister. By that time, my mother had remarried, but my stepfather also drank. A family of 7 huddled in an old barracks. Stasenko tried to knock out housing for Lykshin, but the bureaucratic obstacles could not be overcome.

At 22, Lykshin married an employee of the publication, who was 5 years older than him. The young family had a daughter, Kira. Lykshin also adopted a boy, Nikita, the son of his wife from his first marriage.

It seemed that life should get better, but everything was interrupted by the sudden death of Vasily. According to the official version, he returned tired from filming and went to bed. The actor was found dead by neighbors in the barracks (his wife and children were visiting their parents at that time).

According to the official version, the cause of death is cardiovascular insufficiency. But Lykshin's relatives do not believe in this version: he never complained of heart problems, in addition, money and valuables disappeared from the house ...

We will probably never know the whole truth. It remains only to state that the family was left without a father, and Russian cinema lost a young promising actor.