
Vladislav Mikhailovich Babenko biography. Healthy eating

A method for determining the photoperiodic sensitivity of winter wheat forms, including vernalization of seeds, germinating them in optimal conditions until seedlings are obtained, exposure to an artificially created photoperiod and measuring a biological indicator by which photoperiodic sensitivity is determined, characterized in that, in order to reduce labor intensity and speed up the determination process , germination is carried out until ten-day-old seedlings are obtained, an artificial photoperiod is created by darkening part of the seedlings for at least 10 hours, while additionally this part of the seedlings is exposed to a temperature of 2 - 3 o C, and the IAA content is measured as an indicator, and if IAA content in seedlings under darkening conditions compared to seedlings that were not subjected to darkening low temperature, does not change reliably, then the form is classified as photoperiodically neutral.


The invention relates to agriculture, in particular to the selection of winter wheat.
The purpose of the invention is to reduce labor intensity and speed up the determination process.
An example of the method.
Winter wheat seedlings of photoperiodically highly sensitive varieties: Odesskaya 16, Mironovskaya 808, and low-sensitive varieties: Bezostaya 1, Odesskaya 51, as well as varieties Odesskaya semi-dwarf, Ukrainka, after vernalization, are grown for 10 days in a sand culture at 20 o C and a 16-hour day length using a climate chamber.
The resulting seedlings are exposed once for 10 hours to complete darkness at a low temperature of 2-3 o C. The best results are obtained precisely with a 10-hour exposure of the seedlings in the dark. Longer exposure of seedlings to darkness is not advisable, since it does not cause a noticeable change in the results obtained. Reducing exposure does not allow differentiating varieties according to the degree of their photoperiodic sensitivity; a temperature of 2-3 o C was also found experimentally.
Control seedlings are not exposed to 10 hours of darkness at 2-3°C; they are grown at 20°C and a 16-hour day length.
An enzyme extract with IAA oxidase activity is obtained according to the Hamburg method from a 1 g sample of fresh tissue from the aerial parts of seedlings, which is ground in a chilled mortar with 10 ml of 0.02 M phosphate buffer, pH 6.1. After a 30-minute exposure in the refrigerator, the homogenate is centrifuged at 8 thousand rpm for 10 minutes. To separate the enzyme extract from inhibitors of endogenous origin, gel filtration is used on a column with Sephadex U-25. The first 2.5 ml of eluate is discarded, the next 6 ml is collected for determination of IAA oxidase activity.
For this purpose, prepare a reaction mixture (1 ml of 2,4-dichlorophenyl solution, 1 ml of MnCl 2 solution, 2 ml of IAA solution, 4 or 0.02 M phosphate buffer 6.1 and 2 ml of enzyme extract), pump it on a laboratory shaker in the dark at 26 o C. Then, after 10, 20, 30, 40 and 60 minutes, 1 ml of the reaction medium is taken and transferred to a test tube with 2 ml of Salkovsky’s reagent. The color develops within 1 hour. Before starting colorimetry, the tubes are centrifuged at 1000 rpm for 5 minutes.
Colorimetry is carried out on a photocolorimeter with a green filter. Based on the obtained readings, a curve of the dynamics of destruction of the ICU is constructed. To calculate the activity of the enzymatic extract, the entire straight section of the resulting curve is used, i.e., that period of time during which destruction occurs at a constant rate. Activity is calculated using the appropriate formula.
The studies carried out (see table) showed that at room temperature (control) no regular differences between varieties with different photoperiodic sensitivity appear. Only the exposure of experimental seedlings to a 10-hour period of darkness at 2-3 o C made it possible to reliably distinguish between varieties with unequal photoperiodic sensitivity and determine the degree of their photoperiodic neutrality. This determination is based on a comparison of the magnitude of the difference between control and experimental seedlings in the activity of the IAA oxidase enzyme extract.
From the results obtained, it follows that in the photoperiodically low-sensitive varieties Bezostaya 1 and Odesskaya 51, which are photoperiodically neutral, the activity of the IAA-oxidase enzyme extract practically did not change its value under the influence of treating the seedlings with darkness and cold, as a result of which endogenous IAA did not undergo any changes in them. significant quantitative changes. This, in turn, favored growth processes, although they may have occurred at a slower pace. The presence of growth in the Bezostaya 1 variety under conditions of a photoperiod unfavorable for most wheat genotypes - a short day - was established experimentally earlier.
At the same time, the decrease in endogenous IAA under the influence of an increase in the activity of enzymatic extract in the photoperiodically highly sensitive varieties Mironovskaya 808, and especially Odesskaya 16, when they were darkened under conditions of low temperature, turned out to be very significant. In the Odesskaya 16 variety, the content of this growth substance was halved, and growth processes were noticeably inhibited.
As for the other two winter wheat varieties under study, Odesskaya semi-dwarf, in terms of photoperiodic sensitivity, can be classified as a group of low-sensitive genotypes approaching photoperiodically neutral ones, while Ukrainka gravitates more toward the group of genotypes with moderate photoperiodic sensitivity.
To evaluate the selection material for photoperiodic neutrality, seedlings are selected in the experiment, in which, in comparison with control seedlings that were not subjected to darkening at a low temperature, the IAA content practically does not change. Forms for breeding photoperiodically neutral varieties of winter wheat were selected at the early stages of the selection process, for which latitudinal fluctuations in natural photoperiodic conditions cannot serve as a factor limiting the ranges of these varieties. (56) Maksimov N. A. Short course in plant physiology. M.: Selkhozgiz, 1958, p. 486.
The invention relates to agriculture, in particular to the selection of winter wheat. The purpose of the invention is to reduce labor intensity and speed up the determination process. To implement the method, ten-day-old seedlings obtained from vernalized seeds are darkened at 2 - 3C for at least 10 hours, the content of indoleacetic acid (IAA) in them is measured, and the form is classified as photoperiodically neutral if, under darkening conditions, compared with control shoots, not subjected to darkening at low temperatures, the IAA content does not change significantly. 1 table



4378333/13, 22.12.1987

All-Union Selection and Genetics Institute

Babenko V. I, Boyko S. N

IPC / Tags

Link code

Method c. And. Babenko determination of photoperiodic sensitivity of winter wheat forms

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Why were the press and other media silent about such wonderful, healing, safe, cheap sprouts? No, they were not silent! And you are even used to seeing on the front pages of newspapers and on television screens the smiling cancer winners from “Self-Survival”, smiling children in the midst of flu epidemics, turned into a scarecrow by the skill of television operators for the whole country: “They have brought the children to the point that they are already eating grass!” - footage very reminiscent of the old film “Dead Season”. How quickly our knowledge changes - before we had no doubt that only a madman could eat grass! In this regard, let us remember other “crazy people”: Chaadaev, Bernard Shaw, L.N. Tolstoy, P.K. Ivanov, B.V. Bolotov…. Who simply took the lead prematurely, “broke away from the masses”!!!

Therefore, for your “gradual adaptation” to our oddities (to put it mildly), we present ESTABLISHED, previously published texts:

1) Dissertation of the Doctor of Medical Sciences in pulmonology (14.00.43) and pharmacology (14.00.25) Alame Zuheira “Clinical and pharmacological substantiation of the treatment of patients bronchial asthma and in a state of pre-asthma using the method of fasting-dietary therapy in combination with wheat sprout (grass) juice,” May 1994. 2) CMN dissertation only pulmonology (14.00.43) Ivanova O.A. “Clinical and laboratory assessment of the effectiveness of treatment of patients with bronchial asthma using fasting and dietary therapy methods in combination with wheat sprout (grass) juice.” June 1996. Theses were defended at the Department of Hospital Therapy of St. Petersburg State Medical University and deposited in the library of the State Scientific Center for Pulmonology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (197089, St. Petersburg, Roentgena str., 12).

And in scientific works:

1) Research Institute of Oncology named after. prof. N.N. Petrova – DMN Bespalov V.G. Study of the influence of seedlings “Self-Survival” No. 6 on the growth and metastasis of transplantable tumors in mice, 1999. Conclusion of the work: “Seedlings “Self-Survival” No. 6 did not stimulate tumor growth and metastasis, but, on the contrary, showed a tendency to have an antitumor and antimetastatic effect”; 2) Research Institute of Hygiene, Novosibirsk, 2003, conclusion of DBN Speransky S.V. “... significant changes in indicators in white mice feeding on seedlings “Self-Survival” No. 6: increased catabolism; increased appetite; increased muscle strength; memory improvement; improvement of antitoxic liver function.”, 2003.

The usefulness of the seedlings “Self-Survival” No. 6 is confirmed in books (we list only those books where it is clearly indicated in the text - “Self-Survival” No. 6 or “Babenko V.M.” And not in alphabetical order, but in chronological order, so that it is obvious, "who has whom..."):

1) Anne Wigmore Wheat sprouts on your table. St. Petersburg, IC "Komplekt", 1996, p. 100 – 104. 2) Anne Wigmore Sprouts are the food of life. St. Petersburg, IC “Komplekt”, 1996, pp. 49 – 50. 3) Travinka V.M. Blue healer clay. St. Petersburg, "Peter", 1996, p. 48-64. 4) Zernov N.M. Sprouts are the food of the 21st century. St. Petersburg, IC "Komplekt", 1997, p. 39 – 44. 5) Materials of the scientific forum of the 3rd Russian festival “Healthy World”, St. Petersburg, June 16 – 20, 1999, pages 31-32. 6) Bespalov V.G. Individual cancer prevention. St. Petersburg, "Peter", 2001, the whole book. 7) Zhvitashvili Yu.B. Cancer and nutrition. Moscow, “OLMA-PRESS”, 2001, p.192. 8) Vershinina S.F., Potyavina E.V. Oncological diseases. St. Petersburg, “Peter”, 2001, p.49-54. 9) Andreev Yu.A. What does a person need? St. Petersburg, “Baltic Sea print”, 2001, p. 127. 10) Bespalov V.G. Principles of healthy eating. St. Petersburg, "Reakon", 2002, p. 157. 11) Alexandrov N.P.; Alexandrov V.N.; Alexandrov A.N. Cancer: return of lost knowledge. St. Petersburg, “Ves”, 2002, pp. 91-92. 12) Vershinina S.F., Potyavina E.V. Oncological diseases: paths to healing. St. Petersburg, Nevsky Prospekt, 2003, pp. 105-107. 13) Andreev Yu.A. How to help a person restore health, or a specific book by a healer. St. Petersburg, "Peter", 2004, pp. 199-200. 14) Vershinina S.F., Potyavina E.V. Advice from oncologists: rehabilitation during treatment. St. Petersburg, Nevsky Prospekt, 2004, pp. 77-78. 15) Vershinina S.F., Potyavina E.V. Guide for patients with cancer. St. Petersburg, Nevsky Prospekt, 2004, pp. 56-57. 16) Yaremenko K.V. The path to the health zone. St. Petersburg, “Travnik”, 2004, p. 37. 17) Vershinina S.F., Potyavina E.V. To help cancer patients: guaranteeing quality of life. St. Petersburg, Nevsky Prospekt, 2004, p. 110-114 18) Kolos E. A. Cereal sprouts are the basis of an anti-cancer diet. St. Petersburg, IG “Ves”, 2005, pp. 23 and 61. 19) Taits B. S. Life without tumors. St. Petersburg, “Logos”, 2004, pp. 51-56. 20) Garbuzov G. A. Dysbacteriosis and dysbiosis are the cause of 1000 diseases. St. Petersburg, "Peter", 2005, p. 153. 21) Scientific and practical aspects of traditional medicine: Based on materials from the Sixth international congress“Folk medicine of Russia - past, present, future” (Under the general editorship of Professor Ya.G. Galperin), M., VNICTNM “ENIOM”, 2005, part 2, pp. 132 – 133. 22) Garbuzov G.A. Starters and enzymes for 1000 diseases. St. Petersburg, "Peter", 2006, p. 126. 23) Collection of proceedings of the scientific-practical conference of NSPU November 2-3, 2006, pp. 137 – 149. 24) Newspaper “Navigator” (Novosibirsk), No. 11 for March 23, 2007, page 28: “Health thanks to cancer.” 25) Current problems of ensuring the safety of the educational space. Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference April 24 – 25, 2007, pp. 129 – 133. 26) Collection of scientific papers of the Second Siberian scientific and practical conference on beekeeping “Honey Spas in Siberia”, August 14 – 17, 2007, pp. 28 – 33. All further publications on the Internet can be easily found by Yandex using “Texts of Vladislav Mikhailovich Babenko”.


Prevention of vitamin deficiency, various diseases, including cancer, premature aging, etc. - all this in a wheat germination installation offered by the “Self-Survival” scientific program. The installation, which is very simple, is sold in grocery stores in Murmansk and is affordable for everyone. It can be installed on a windowsill in an apartment or in a ship’s cabin. The healing effect is achieved due to the composition of the soil and the variety of wheat. Greens grown in other soil at low temperatures and light levels lead to cancer through nitrates.

Such notes and TV programs helped the widespread introduction of the then “Self-Survival” No. 3 and No. 4 in schools in St. Petersburg and Murmansk. “Self-Survival” was especially often written and shown during regular, annual flu epidemics. After all, only 10 blades of grass in the morning and 10 in the evening (but daily, without kindergarten breaks on Saturday and Sunday - that’s why we now feed orphanage children - they don’t “rest” from the sprouts on weekends and therefore don’t get sick) with 240 blades of grass in each jar reduced the incidence of influenza 100 times!!! Wheat grass with a height of 120 - 140 millimeters, grown using the technology of American Ann Wigmore, reduced the incidence of influenza by only 2.5 - 2.8 times. It was very convenient to compare the effectiveness of St. Petersburg and American technologies - this was done by the same doctors in the same hospital wards.

We turn to the history of “Self-Survival” and quote newspapers that wrote about the effect of using “Self-Survival-3,4 and 6” sprouts as a prophylactic against influenza, accelerating recovery from influenza during past epidemics:

“St. Petersburg Gazette”, 6.01.97, No. 2, article by Tatyana Maryina “This wheat will not spike”:

And a year ago, wheat “plantations” appeared in schools in St. Petersburg. The goal here was the same as in Murmansk: prevention of vitamin deficiency. But then a flu epidemic struck. And while it was raging, out of 1,100 people who were fed wheat “vitamins”, only four fell ill...

“Komsomolskaya Pravda”, 01/22/97, article by Tatyana Maksimova “Winter crops have ripened in St. Petersburg schools”:

Seven St. Petersburg schools have introduced unusual breakfasts made from sprouted wheat. ... It was not by chance that the “Self-Survival” program in St. Petersburg began to be “rolled” in schools - a flu epidemic was predicted. ...the children received a set of vitamins. This means that dozens of different illnesses have been turned away.

Having learned about the healing properties of the “Self-Survival” No. 6 sprouts from the media, many townspeople rushed to the markets for state farm wheat, not even suspecting the diseases that it, unlike the “Self-Survival” that was worked out and tested in academic laboratories, could “give” them. . She pointed out the danger of germinating NON-SPECIAL, ORDINARY WHEAT in ordinary (garden, living) soil in her article in 1999: “Self-Survival-6” against the flu: the result of successful advertising or the real “light at the end of the tunnel”?” editor-in-chief of the newspaper “Be Healthy” Elena Borisovna Finogenova:

“After reading other people’s books, our people buy “grains for germination” at the market and... They do not receive healing, improvement in well-being... When checking these grains, the developers of “Self-Survival” No. 6 identified substances and diseases (wheat) that are dangerous to human health .

Don’t risk your health and use “Self-Survival” - the only certified grain sprouting system in the country - from a manufacturer known to everyone (and controlled by everyone).

Quite often there are questions: “We read from Galina Sergeevna Shatalova that wheat should be germinated to a height of 1.5 - 2 millimeters, and “Self-Survival” No. 6 should germinate to a height of 120 millimeters. What's better?" Since April 17, 1999, Galina Sergeevna Shatalova has also been eating seedlings “Self-Survival” No. 6. And she complains that only specialists know about her work as a neurosurgeon in the early 50s with green seedlings (grass) of wheat 100 - 120 mm high. It’s just that in the early 50s there was no substrate for the safe germination of medicinal blades of grass up to a size of 100 - 120 mm in an ordinary apartment...”

Another note in the St. Petersburg newspaper of those years: “Since February 23, 1998, children of three orphanages in St. Petersburg have been eating 30 blades of grass from “Self-Survival” No. 6 every day. As of March 7, 1998, in orphanage 14, out of 88 children, there was not a single flu patient left (versus 17 ARVI patients out of 135 “home” children of the school where children from orphanage 14 study), 10.3.98 “Inform TV” was shown. In 18 orphanages, out of 81 children, 1 was sick. In 41 orphanages, out of 15 sick children, by February 22, 1998, only 2 remained sick. It was after the children of 14 orphanages did not eat sprouts on March 1 and 2 that on March 3, 8 children ended up in the isolation ward at once!” .

Article “We must think” for the publishing house “Nevsky Prospekt”:

You and I live in Russia in “difficult times”. Is this good or bad? Life expectancy and the population, especially of pensioners, are falling. And the number of centenarians in geographically, climatically and ecologically unfavorable St. Petersburg has increased one and a half times in recent years. Not at the expense of the rich (they haven’t even reached the age of 90 yet)! People know how to live! And what helps them do this is... Poverty! Yuri Andreevich Andreev teaches correctly: “Transform defeat into victory!” That is, the trams run poorly - I walk - physical education. Sausage is becoming more expensive - I eat cabbage, beets, and onions, thereby ridding myself of CARCINOGENS! I don't have enough pension - I work in the garden. And, the most beneficial thing for health, for increasing life expectancy - medicines are becoming more expensive, treatment is becoming more expensive! But it hurts! Just like before the price increase! Pain, especially unbearable pain, makes you think. Read. And mountains of cheap books appeared, promising the fastest and cheapest way to get rid of any completely fatal diseases. We read a lot... And one and a half percent began to live longer! Longer than 90 years! What about the rest? Yuri Andreevich Andreev: “The first pillar of health is spirit!” Andrey Alekseevich Levshinov: “Why do you need health?” Therefore, only for those readers who need health and whose spirit cries out is our book. This book will help others choose other books, because before it was much easier for you and me - we didn’t have to choose what to read! And oh, how this made life easier and increased its duration! The remarkable oncologist Yuri Borisovich Zhvitashvili in his book “Cancer and Nutrition” analyzed recommendations about therapeutic nutrition for cancer only... out of 750 books! Therefore, sleep well - even if you don’t have cancer yet, as long as you read to the two hundredth recommendation on the most reliable way to get rid of cancer... You will definitely die from it!

So, the main difficulty, the problem of our time, is the problem of INDEPENDENT choice. That’s why many people no longer go to the polls. But pain—it forces you to choose. From books and food.

And most of the food choices... That's right, Pepsi! And chips - potatoes (by definition - nightshade - not edible for humans even in the form of mashed potatoes) in the most sophisticated - carcinogenic form - baked in overcooked oil! That is, to the surprise of experts, we are accustomed to eating wheat in the most harmful form for our health - baked (carcinogenic). And even after yeast (carcinogenic) fermentation. Moreover, with the addition of oligosaccharides (sugars) to polysaccharides (starch), they hide from our body with their sweet taste that in order to digest - assimilate the unsweetened starch of wheat flour, the body must secrete special enzymes... The deception is successful, undigested starch “ferments” in the intestines, reducing our already short life. Why – described 15 years ago in “The Three Pillars of Health” by Yuri Andreevich Andreev – to accelerate the progress of civilization through an ACCELERATED change of generations.

The minority, to the surprise, misunderstanding, and irritation of the majority, chooses sprouts. The seedlings were chosen in 1995 by the scientific program “Self-Survival”, founded in 1991. I chose, rejecting the ginseng, papaya, stevia that we had already worked out... We rejected a lot of things as being inferior in their healing properties to wheat sprouts. Inferior in terms of reliability, security, availability, time and money spent, and prospects for further improvement. It was in wheat sprouts that it was possible to completely balance the needs of the human body for the tirelessly advertised macro- and microelements. Chelated, digestible, safe from overdose. It is the “Self-Survival” seedlings that are most easily adapted to the ages and types of diseases of people in terms of germination. Why do our users choose Self-Survival seedlings? To our irritation and regret, not from great intelligence, but from great poverty and unbearable pain. This book is for information about the healing and economic aspects of our choices. “Self-Survival” has a huge choice of twenty-nine research institutes throughout our vast country. Therefore, the range of proven healing methods is also immense.

The success, correctness, and certainty of our choice of seedlings from the whole variety of systems and methods of healing have only been confirmed, including by CANCER, for the second decade.

Since we have already remembered the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks, let us also remember the “Three Sources and Three Components” of modern seedlings.

The first source and component is academic, fundamental science about living things IN GENERAL, not medicine. In the person of Natalya Sergeevna Mamushina, candidate of BIOLOGICAL sciences, leading photosyntheticist of the Union from the Botanical Institute. Natalya Sergeevna’s mother and children are doctors, and Natalya Sergeevna herself is a “physiologist in in a broad sense words", theorist himself high level generalizations. It was Natalya Sergeevna on October 3, 1995, relying on world scientific experience, who suggested that we abandon Ginseng, papaya, stevia, ... in favor of wheat sprouts. Precisely because many of the developers of “Self-Survival” are not doctors, but biologists, breeders, soil scientists, plant growers, physicists..., they managed to provide in the sprouts a complete safe edible set of microelements, the toxicity of which OUR doctors are so afraid of.

The second source is pharmacology, not dietetics, represented by PHARMACOLOGIST, creator of herbal medicine, famous classic, Professor Leonid Vasilyevich Pastushenkov. Pharmacology purposefully selects substances that affect our health and ANALYZES them. Professor Pastushenkov managed to carry out SYNTHESIS - to bring together in living seedlings both growth and germ substances, and enzymes... And those healing substances that are not yet known to science. We balance the known ones by changing the composition of the germination substrate, adding selenium and chromium directly to the wheat field, changing wheat varieties. And unknown substances based on the results of treatment with sprouts are taken into account by clinicians (by the size of the blades of grass, dosages, frequency of administration):

The third source and component is the clinic, Clinic and Department of Hospital Therapy of the St. Petersburg State Medical University named after I.P. Pavlov, represented by the Chief Allergist of St. Petersburg, President of the Society of Therapists of St. Petersburg, Professor Gleb Borisovich Fedoseev. It was Gleb Borisovich who was the first to achieve CLINICAL application sprouts, it was under his leadership that the first dissertations were defended. That is, the level of responsibility is different - either it is literary activity, or it is hopelessly ill LIVING people, in the treatment of which it is necessary to obtain reliable, repeatable results in the future. On December 5, 2003, Gleb Borisovich gave the following definition to the seedlings “Self-Survival” No. 6: “Naturopathic non-drug remedy.” And he explained that the idea of ​​sprouts is still gradually taking hold of the masses, although pharmaceutical companies with their expensive advertising are preventing the widespread introduction of sprouts. And since cancer is advertised as incurable, most of the sprout eaters “Self-Survival” No. 6 are cancer patients.

That is, clinicians and treatment specialists are looking for individual, special MEANS to overcome diseases. But even as a means of “Self-Survival” No. 6 turned out to be universal. The most obvious, widespread, understandable results are cancer, flu, tuberculosis... Indeed, a panacea!!! But this doesn’t happen... But! Cancer is only 400 varieties, influenza is as many as 300 different pathogens, and tuberculosis is pathogens that manage to adapt to drugs during treatment! That is, while they were selecting a “pill” against the pathogen, it became non-lethal for him!!! And therefore, many patients die before a SPECIFIC, INDIVIDUAL medicine is selected. Since almost any medicine, especially antibiotics, suppresses our immunity - the system for overcoming ANY diseases, even those that (and their causative agents) science does not even know about! Let's remember the story of gastric ulcer - Leonid Vasilyevich Pastushenkov treated it with sprouts long before the discovery of its causative agent! Seedlings - an immunomodulator - supplement (not stimulate, but feed!) all parts, blocks of the immune system and the immune system recognizes any foreign genetic information(cancer is a modified cell, a new type of virus...) and from the amino acids that moved to the tops and roots of the seedlings, so that from them the seedlings were “completed” to become an adult plant, it builds “te” and “be” lymphocytes precisely against the unique one that attacked me the unique individuality of the microbe, degenerated into cancer cells... The disease was defeated even before I knew about it!!! And cancer is simply more than other diseases, advertised in its incurability by oncologists themselves! And now tuberculosis patients, heart patients, and cancer patients unanimously refuse sprouts: “Such expensive MEDICINES didn’t help us, so cheap sprouts won’t help us any more!” Sprouts are not medicine! Sprouts - no cure! Sprouts are an element of a healthy lifestyle, LIVING food! Human food, which allows our body to humanly survive ITSELF, find pathogens ITSELF with its own immune system and destroy them SELF!

You have already forgotten about our victories over influenza epidemics - in December 1995, at the height of the epidemic, the incidence of “Self-chewing” schoolchildren was 100 times less than all the others. That is, “Self-Survival” sprouts are the best immunomodulator. In May 1997, children ate “Self-Survival” No. 4 sprouts in 117 schools in St. Petersburg and 3 schools in Murmansk. The best are fifth graders, the worst are ninth graders. Quote “from Professor Pastushenkov - father”: Seedlings “Self-Survival” No. 6 eliminate deficiencies of vitamins, microelements, amino acids and enzymes in the body of the feeder, and remove poisons from the body. We quote from the doctoral dissertation of a non-graduate doctor from Beirut, Alame Zuhair - 1994. And we know what poisons remove from the body from the results of hair analyzes of our regular users (how else would we balance the needs of our bodies in all thirty-nine microelements). So, our hair contains one third less mercury, lead, and nickel than normal union members.

Why the stupid Soviet pilot Babenko and not the doctors? The activity approach of our wonderful psychologist Rubinstein. Most clear example activity of a doctor - you give a person anesthesia (that is, you deprive him of consciousness, make him a laboratory mouse) and you calmly cut him. The medical work was successful - you woke up and gradually, for a long time, not completely regained your human appearance. Under anesthesia, metastases grow faster - this is the opposite of adaptogens. Therefore, sambo and karate trainers Andreev, Levshinov and Norbekov did more for health than doctors - trainers motivated, mobilized the essential forces of a person for SELF-SURVIVAL.

Why don’t our sprouts sell in pharmacies? Yes, because you, dear pharmacologists and doctors, went into medicine because you were already sick! And the pills, leeches and sprouts that you prescribe to other people have not improved your health!!! That is, when selling – prescribing pills, you are lying!!! And your conscience reduces your already unenviable health. Shake it up! After all, you are reading these lines at 60–70 years old! How long are you supposed to live? Different scientists from different countries found themselves in the range of 31 – 41 years! And you are 60!!! Thanks to modern medicine! So, dear doctors, you can! You can positively influence both health and life expectancy! Go for it!

Our program is scientific, so we absolutely do not care about your health. We are interested in numbers, facts, digitization of these facts, bringing facts into a system in order to put forward hypotheses... And objectivity and repeatability are the most important features of science. And for this we conduct experiments on people with complete impunity. Thus, in St. Petersburg - Leningrad over 5 years there were more than 100 radio broadcasts about the benefits of “Self-Survival” sprouts, at least ten television programs, dozens of articles in city (and all-Russian!) newspapers and magazines... There is always a sign of the next flu epidemic in St. Petersburg it was possible to agitate at least 50,000 sprout eaters... And in February 2001, another influenza epidemic was prevented in the city by mass eating of “Self-Survival”. But the director of the Federal Influenza Center from the Influenza Research Institute, Professor Ivan Grigorievich Marinich, tracked - he had already calculated more than 25 epidemics, and was never mistaken... And from April 1, 2001, we abruptly stopped radio broadcasts and began to count how many sprout eaters would remain without annoying advertising and who will stay and how long they will stay. The first reliable figure is that in a civilized science city, exactly one percent of the population eats sprouts, with regular radio broadcasts. For St. Petersburg it is 50,000, for Omsk – 11,000, for Novosibirsk – 14,000, for Yekaterinburg – 13,000, for Voronezh – 9,000, for Krasnodar – 8,000. Accurate to tenths!

Who remained in St. Petersburg 4 years after the cessation of radio broadcasts? The majority are cancer patients. They really can’t escape the seedlings. Without cancer - busy people over 65 years old who do not have enough time for either TV or reading. And, first of all, those who for several years regularly ate our sprouts under the pressure of annoying advertising - after several years of regularly eating sprouts, they became younger and got used to making good money, the enzymes of sprouts reliably “fit” into their metabolism and now they immediately feel (more difficult to work) the cessation eating sprouts. And they say: “We bought the sprouts at the central homeopathic pharmacy on Nevsky.” And this is 1997 - 1998, after which we got our own basement on Pyatiletok Avenue, where our old users regularly go without any radio broadcasts. Sometimes they express surprise at the constancy of our prices.

How do sick people differ from healthy people? First of all, self-doubt and the desire to shift responsibility for one’s health to others. After listening to radio broadcasts in which they heard the names of their diseases, they come to the market for a cure for their disease. And they see other people there who came for a miracle cure for OTHER diseases, they see me speaking without a white coat from an improvised dais... And they begin to doubt. And since patients do not take responsibility for making decisions (quackery or panacea), they invite the competent authorities to DECIDE for themselves. Most often these turn out to be illiterate market policemen. And since people go to the police for power, which is available even without education, the police have still not heard anything about the sprouts. And they, poor things, begin to read our documents... After 10 minutes it becomes clear to them that everything is not clear and they have never heard or seen anything like this... And the police take us away to find out our identity. This is normal, this is natural. Another thing is surprising. Only sufficiently educated people with higher education, often medical education, come to meetings with us. And these literate people entrust the decision on the medicinal effectiveness of the “Self-Survival” sprouts to the police (this is always no higher than a police sergeant - a guarantee of the absence of any education). Only in Smolensk did doubtful buyers turn to the Consumer Rights Protection Department - they were familiar with both the certificates and the sprouts, so everything was easily resolved without our explanations.

You can, of course, follow the lead of those who doubt it, move your sprouts into the halls of mirrors from dirty vegetable markets... But this will be more expensive for everyone, which means many people will find themselves without the freshest and healthiest living food. After all, the function of the sprouts “Self-Survival” No. 6 - eliminating deficiencies of vitamins, enzymes, microelements, electrolytes and removing toxins from the body - is a function of FOOD, not a medicine or a food additive. And sprouts are recognized by pharmacologists to be 20–25 times healthier than other vegetables, herbs and fruits. And since 50% of our health depends on food (only 8-10% of health depends on the quality of medicines and medical care), then ARTIFICIALLY balanced seedlings for humans “Self-Survival” No. 6 are more effective for healing than any medications. That’s why we present them in vegetable markets among food, and not in pharmacies among medicines.