
Quotes from famous people about fear. Aphorisms and quotes about fear

We are as young as our hopes and as old as our fears.
Vera Peiffer

If you want not to be afraid of anything, remember that you can be afraid of everything.

Anxiety is the interest we pay in advance to our troubles.
William Inge

We hope approximately, but we are definitely afraid.
Paul Valéry

Many had to be afraid because they could be afraid.

At night we are much more scared than the children.
Jules Renard

Separate confusion from its cause, look at the matter itself - and you will be convinced that there is nothing terrible in any of them, except fear itself.

We have nothing to fear but fear.
Franklin Roosevelt

Love does not live well with fear.

Perfect love casts out fear, because in fear there is torment; he who fears is not perfect in love.
Apostle John -
1 conciliar message, 4, 18

On your deathbed, you are relieved to see that almost all your fears were completely in vain.
Krzysztof Konkolewski

Fear takes away memory.

The fictional is more disturbing. The real has its own measure, and the fearful soul is free to make guesses about what comes from nowhere.

Those who live in the chamber of horrors are afraid to leave it.
Arkady Davidovich

Anyone who seems scary cannot be free from fear.

People confuse others so as not to be afraid themselves.
Titus Livy

The less fear, the less danger.
Titus Livy

I'm not afraid of anything more than scared people.
Robert Frost

A person who is not afraid of danger is not called a hero, but a psychopath.
George Maike

Fear is the only thing we should be afraid of.
F. Roosevelt

Fear is a feeling of exclusiveness.
K. Chukovsky

Fear is the deepest abyss in which people and nations perish.
Author unknown

Fear and hope can convince a person of anything.
L. Vauvenargues

The fear of an advanced cold is as much a goldmine for a doctor as the fear of purgatory is for a priest.
N. Chamfort

Fear of is the source of love for laws.
L. Vauvenargues

Fear either gives wings to the legs or chains them to the ground.
M. Montaigne

Our fear is a source of courage for our enemies.
T. Mann

Severity gives rise to fear, but rudeness gives rise to hatred.
F. Bacon

If you don't inspire fear first and foremost, no one will take you seriously enough to eventually love you.
F. Nietzsche

Sometimes courage comes from fear.
D. Byron

Ninety percent of our fears relate to what will never happen.
M. Thatcher

When everyone is fearless, it's already scary.
G. Laub

He who is terrible to many must be afraid of many.

The one whom many fear must be feared by many.
Publilius Syrus

If you are afraid to do something, then this is exactly what it is. what you need to do first.

The only way to overcome fear is to not run away.

Carlos Castaneda "The Teachings of Don Juan"

Don't let your fears kill your dreams.

Fear disappears when you start doing what you are afraid to do instead of thinking about it.

Eckhart Tolle

A person is able to overcome fear only by being face to face with it.

Carlos Castaneda. "The Teachings of Don Juan: The Way of Knowledge of the Yaqui Indians"

Fears teach you not to give up on your goal. Like cunning genies, they whisper in your ear: “Stop, give up, we are reality.” Don’t suppress your fears, look them in the eyes and say: “You are just thoughts, nothing more.” When they appear again, continue to disbelieve them and smile. Out of hopelessness, your fears will go away, and you will freely continue the path to your dream.

Elchin Safarli - Tell me about the sea

If you move in the direction in which your fear grows, then you are on the right path.

Pavic M.

If you can't get rid of your fears,

learn to live with them)

Fear exists simply because you do not live in Life, but only in your imagination. Your fear is related to what will Happen in the future, which means you are afraid of something that does not Exist. If you suffer because of something that does not exist, it is called madness. People always suffer, either because of what happened yesterday or because of what may happen tomorrow. So all suffering is based on what is not there. You are lost in your imagination, that is the root of fear. If you are always here, there will be no fear.

When hands are freed from fear, they become wings; hands free from fear touch most tenderly. And this is not a miracle, this is happiness.

Those who are confident in their abilities win. Anyone who is unable to overcome fear has not yet learned his first lesson in life.Emerson Ralph Waldo

People have to overcome obstacles and they produce fear. Our biggest enemy is fear. Fear makes us twisted, divided, insecure and neurotic. All problems in life are fear.
Yogi Bhajan

What you are afraid of and what you are running away from will definitely overtake you. Because I am called to be your Teacher. Therefore, don’t run away from him, if you don’t want to study forever, but look him straight in the eyes and say: “Hello, let’s get acquainted.”...

Don't close your doors to something before you've tried it yourself, don't do it. Otherwise, many things will remain unlived and unknown. They were accessible and you could walk through something beautiful; you could become richer with their help. Say yes to something new...

Freedom is looking your own fear in the face.

Freedom is freedom from worry. Once you understand that you cannot influence the results, ignore your desires and fears. Let them come and go. Don't feed them with interest and attention. In reality, things are done to you, not by you.

Nisargadatta Maharaj

To grow into your destiny, you need great courage, fearlessness. Fearlessness is the most religious quality.

People full of fear cannot move beyond the known. The known gives a kind of convenience, security, safety, because a person knows everything about it: he knows how to cope with the situation. He can continue to cope while remaining almost asleep - there is no need to wake up; this is the convenience of the known.

As soon as you cross the boundaries of the known, fear arises because now you don't know anything, now you don't know how to behave and what to do. Now you are not confident in yourself, now mistakes are possible; Misconceptions are now possible. It is this fear that keeps people attached to the known, and once attached to the known, a person is dead.

Life can only be lived dangerously - you cannot live any other way. Only through danger does life grow and come to maturity. One must be an adventurer, always ready to risk the known for the unknown. This is what it means to be a seeker. But, once having experienced the joys of freedom and fearlessness, a person never repents, because he knows what the optimum of life means. Now he knows what it means to light the torch of life on both sides. And a single moment of such intensity brings more fulfillment than an entire eternity of mediocre life.

Joseph Campbell

I look at people. They are very afraid, but I don’t see the reason, because they don’t risk anything. They are like a naked man who never washes in the river because he is afraid that there will be no place to dry his clothes.

Kabir ---

The reality of fear

Why ruin your life now? fear of the future?It's stupid (...) to feel unhappybecause somedayyou will become unhappy.Lucius Annaeus Seneca (younger)

Love is stronger than fear but it is the fear of losing love that strengthens it. Inessa Saint

All your fears have come to show you that place in you where Love has not been grown. Turn to your fear, listen to it, understand what it points to. Thank him. Grow Love where it has not yet grown. And fear will go away, having completed its mission.

All you need is 20 seconds of crazy courage and something great will happen!

Fear is a waste of time.

Most of human emotions a person replaces it with fear.

Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the awareness that something else can be much more important than fear.

A model of communicating with fear and healing from it: you need to find a wise and calm healing power, agree to complete a difficult task - to penetrate into the unknown area of ​​​​the soul, recognize delusions, calm your old ones intrusive thoughts and feelings, to gain confidence in the great compassionate Self, to realize the stormy side of the compassionate soul.


Fear. Who among us is not familiar with this chilling feeling? Often it is groundless, fictitious, however, we cannot get rid of it and remain in its tenacious embrace!

If you read, or better yet, memorize these inspiring quotes that are collected in this article, perhaps your life will become easier, and it will be easier for you to cope with yourself whenever you are ready to give up in the face of oncoming fear.

In the world of the sages of the past

“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when people are afraid of the light.” This is a saying of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato. And the ancient Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius left the world with this wisdom: “A person should not fear death, but the fact that he will never begin to live.” He spoke on this topic and ancient thinker Aristotle: “He who has overcome his fears will truly be free.”

Scientists and politicians on the nature of fear

Enlightened people always have their own view and attitude towards everything, even if it is an inexplicable human fear. Marie Curie once said: “There is nothing more to be feared in life than the possibility of being misunderstood. Now is the time for greater understanding, so that we can fear less and fight fear less.”

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's memorable first inaugural address included this sentence: “First of all, let me stand by my firm conviction that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself—the nameless, unreasonable, unjustifiable terror that paralyzes the work we need to do.” to do in order to make progress from retreat.”

Writers about the primal feeling of fear

American mythologist Joseph Campbell once put it with his characteristic irony: “The cave you are afraid to enter contains the treasure you seek.”

The famous author of Treasure Island, Robert Louis Stevenson, echoed him: “Keep your fears to yourself, and share your courage with others.” And the American essayist, poet and philosopher spoke about the nature of fear in this way: “Always do what you are afraid to do ... so as not to lament before death.”

American writer and famous speaker Jack Canfield was also succinct: “Everything you want is on the other side of fear.”
“The worst liars in the world, unfortunately, are sometimes our own fears,” wrote Rudyard Kipling, beloved by several generations of readers.

Fear is known to all living things

This postulate has been confirmed by many wise people. You cannot take away a person’s right to his own feelings, as well as the desire to overcome fear. Moreover, this does not always depend on the person himself, in particular with regard to fear. Isn’t that what the famous Hollywood actor Andrew Clements wrote about: “Fear does not need doors and windows. It works from the inside." Of course, this does not mean that you cannot overcome your fears. But it is important to remember something else: to overcome your fear means to overcome yourself. And this is not the easiest thing in life. This is what another contemporary literary figure, Christopher Paolini, said: “Courage is not at all equivalent to the absence of fear; the former involves the consciousness of danger, the latter the result of ignorance.”

Fear is sometimes a friend, sometimes an enemy, but more often than not, in life it turns out that fear prevents us from achieving what we strive for and getting what we want. Fear is natural for humans, nature is smart enough not to deprive us of fear, our defense mechanism who cares about our safety. However, sometimes fear takes on too much and begins to protect us not only from danger, but also from everything new. This article will outline quotes and phrases about fear.

Quotes and phrases about fear:

  • 1) The greatest obstacle to success is the fear of failure.
    Sven Goran Eriksson
  • 2) The key to change is letting go of fear.
    Rosanne Cash
  • 3) Many of us trample between two thieves - regret about the past and fear of the future.
    Fulton Osler
  • 4) We find what we strive for, and what we run from catches up with us.
    Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • 5) Always do what you are afraid of.
    Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • 6) Fear always stems from ignorance.
    Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • 7) Fear is the instructor of great insight and the herald of all revolutions.
    Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • 8) You block your dreams when you allow your fears to grow larger than your faith.
    Mary Manin Morrissey
  • 9) Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.
    Ambrose Redmoon
  • 10) Fear makes a stranger of a person who could be a friend.
    Shirley MacLaine
  • 11) There is nothing to fear in life. That's the only thing you need to understand.
    Marie Curie
  • 12) Fears are nothing more than a state of mind.
    Napoleon Hill
  • 13) In the end, we are deeply convinced that the other side of all fear is freedom.
    Marilyn Ferguson
  • 14) I'm afraid to show you who I really am because if I show you who I really am, you might not like it and that's all I am.
    Sabrina Ward Harrison
  • 15) Fear of failure should never be the reason for our inaction.
    Frederick Smith
  • 16) Loneliness is one of the worst things.
    Joss Whedon
  • 17) Fear is thoughts of recognized inferiority.
    Elbert Hubbard
  • 18) The worst lie is the lie we tell ourselves. We live in denial of what we do and even what we think. We do this because we are afraid. We are afraid that we will not be able to find love, but if we find it, we are afraid that we will lose it. We are afraid that if we don't have love, we will be unhappy.
    Richard Bach
  • 19) Inaction, a kind of doubt and fear. Action, a kind of confidence and courage. If you want to overcome fear, don't sit at home and don't think about it. Get out there and get busy.
    Dale Carnegie
  • 20) Fear not those who argue, but those who evade.
    Dale Carnegie
  • 21) Do what you are afraid of and keep doing it…. This is the fastest and surest way of defeating fear.
    Dale Carnegie
  • 22) Fear is the mother of morality.
    Friedrich Nietzsche
  • 23) Fear has a large shadow, but in itself is small.
    Ruth Gendler
  • 24) My biggest fear in life is being forgotten.
    Evita Peron
  • 25) Let us not look back in anger, and forward in fear, but around, in full awareness.
    James Thurber
  • 26) No man, no crowd, no nation can be trusted to act humanely or think sensibly under the influence of great fear.
    Bertrand Russell
  • 27) Fear is the main source of superstition, and one of the main sources of cruelty. To overcome fear, become wiser.
    Bertrand Russell
  • 28) We fear what we want most.
    Dr. Robert Anthony
  • 29) To overcome fear, all you need to do is understand that fear exists and act anyway.
    Peter McWilliams
  • 30) Fear, I believe, is the most effective tool for destroying the soul of a person and the soul of an entire people.
    Anwar El-Sadat
  • 31) Who is more stupid, a child who is afraid of the dark, or an adult who is afraid of the light?
    Maurice Freehill
  • 32) According to most studies, the very first fear among people is fear public speaking. Number two is death. Death comes in second place. Is this correct? This means for ordinary person When you go to a funeral, you'd rather climb into a coffin than give a eulogy.
    Jerry Seinfield
  • 33) There is nothing that every man fears most than the knowledge of how extremely much he can do and become.
    Søren Kierkegaard
  • 34) Whenever we are afraid, it is because we do not know enough. If we understood enough, we would never be afraid.
    Earl Nightingale
  • 35) He who owns much fears much.
    Rabindranath Tagore
  • 36) If we allow things to frighten us, life will not be worth living.
  • 37) You are afraid that if you give up even for one second, your world will turn into chaos.
    Douglas Copeland
  • 38) Fear is a disease that corrodes logic and makes a person inhuman.
    Marian Anderson
  • 39) The fear of death increases in exact proportion with the increase in wealth.
    Ernest Hemingway
  • 40) Don't be afraid of change, embrace it.
    Anthony J. DiAngelo
  • 41) Fear is the mother of cruelty.
    James Anthony Froude
  • 42) Fear is static, it does not allow me to hear myself.
    Samuel Butler
  • 43) It seems that my worst fears have come true: we have made progress in everything, but nothing has changed.
    Derrick Bell
  • 44) Fear comes from uncertainty. When we are absolutely sure of our worth and worthlessness, we are almost impervious to fear.
    William Congreve
  • 45) Our fears are always greater than our dangers.
    Latin proverb
  • 46) The greater the fear, the closer the danger.
    Danish proverb
  • 47) Fear of something underlies hatred of other people, and hatred ultimately destroys a person.
    George Washington
  • 48) I feel very adventurous. There are so many unlocked doors in the world, and I'm not afraid to look through them.
    Elizabeth Taylor
  • 49) Deep faith eliminates fear.
    Lech Wales
  • 50) Suicide sometimes comes from cowardice, but not always, for cowardice sometimes interferes with this, since many live because they are afraid to die, and some die because they are afraid to live.
    Charles Caleb Kilton
  • 51) The appeal of cinema lies in the fear of death.
    Jim Morrison
  • 52) A timid person is afraid before danger, a coward during it, and a courageous person after it.
    Jean Paul Richter
  • 53) Curiosity overcomes fear even more than a brave will.
    James Stevens
  • 54) Fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity.
    Sigmund Freud
  • 55) I grew up believing that the root of all fear is that we are forced to deny ourselves what we are.
    Francis Moore Lappe
  • 56) We must have deep, patient compassion for the fear of people and the irrational mania of those who hate or condemn us.
    Thomas Merton
  • 57) Fear is proof of the degeneration of the mind.
  • 58) People are not afraid of those who disagree with them, but of those who disagree with them and are too cowardly for them to know about it.
    Napoleon Bonaparte
  • 59) There are two levers of influence on people: interest and fear.
    Napoleon Bonaparte
  • 60) He doesn't know the meaning of the word fear, but then again, he doesn't know the meaning of most words.
    Bobby Bowden
  • 61) Fear is your best friend or your worst enemy. Fear is like fire. If you can control it, it can cook your food and heat your house. If you can't control it, it will burn everything around you and destroy you. If you can control fear, it makes you more alert, like a deer running across the lawn.
    Mike Tyson
  • 62) To be a slave to fear is worse than slavery.
    George Bernard Shaw
  • 63) Fear can make a donkey attack a lion.
    Arabic proverb
  • 64) Fear those who fear you.
    Arabic proverb
  • 65) Fear turns you on and makes you better.
    Donna Shalala
  • 66) I am full of fear and I do everything possible to avoid difficulties and any complications. I like everything around me that is clear as crystal and completely calm.
    Alfred Hitchcock
  • 67) Of two cowards, the one who finds the other first has the advantage.
    Italian proverb
  • 68) Face your fears and doubts and new worlds will open up for you.
    Robert Kiyosaki
  • 69) Let them hate, as long as they are afraid.
    Lucius Acius Telephus
  • 70) Many people are afraid to talk about what they want. That's why they don't get what they want.
  • 71) There is nothing to be afraid of except fear itself.
    Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • 72) I don’t hope for anything. I'm not afraid of anything. I'm free.
    Nikos Kaazndzakis
  • 73) The best remedy for those who are afraid of loneliness and unhappiness, it is to go outside, to where they can be calm, alone with the sky, nature and God. Because only then will they feel that everything should be exactly like this.
    Anne Frank
  • 74) A person who is not afraid of the truth will not be afraid of lies.
    Thomas Jefferson
  • 75) We must start teaching ourselves not to be afraid.
    William Faulkner
  • 76) The constant emotion to which a person succumbs is fear - fear of the unknown, complex, inexplicable. What he wants most is security.
    Henry Louis Mencken
  • 77) Healthy children will not be afraid of life if their ancestors have the integrity to not be afraid of death.
    Eric Ericson
  • 78) Evil people obey fear, good ones obey love.
  • 79) When we are afraid, we should not occupy ourselves with proving that there is no danger; instead, we should strengthen ourselves with action, despite the danger.
    Mark Rutherford
  • 80) The future is called “possibility”, this is the only possible name for the future. And the main thing is not to let it scare you.
    Tennessee Williams
  • 81) Fear is pain that grows from the expectation of evil.
  • 82) When we love, we are courageous, and courage has nothing to do with fearlessness, it means being ready to experience fear, and even horror, but do what we must, without a guarantee of result.
    Marcel Bonta
  • 83) A person is born with two basic fears. One of them is fear loud sounds. Another is the fear of falling. All other fears need to be learned.
    Ronald Rude
  • 84) It takes courage to know when you should be afraid.
    James A. Michener
  • 85) Fear is keen-sighted and can see things underground and even more in the sky.
    Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
  • 86) Let fear of danger be the incentive to eliminate it, he who is not afraid gives advantage to danger.
    Francis Quarles
  • 87) Without fear and illness, I could never do everything I have.
    Edvard Munch
  • 88) He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither one nor the other.
    Thomas Jefferson
  • 89) Don't be afraid of the future, don't cry about the past.
    Percy Bysshe Sheilly
  • 90) Only when we stop being afraid do we begin to live.
    Dorothy Thompson
  • 91) Constantly stating a belief is evidence of fear.
    Jiddu Krishnamurti
  • 92) When we begin to take our failures lightly, it means that we have stopped being afraid of them. It is infinitely important to learn to laugh at yourself.
    Katherine Mansfield
  • 93) Fear created the first gods in the world.
    Caecilius Statius

Fear arises due to the powerlessness of the spirit.
Benedict Spinoza

Fear is the expectation of evil.
Zeno of Elea

Fear is a disease that relaxes the soul, just as a physical illness relaxes the body.
Daniel Defoe

Fear either gives wings to the legs or chains them to the ground.
Michel Montaigne

Fear and hope can convince a person of anything.
Luc Vauvenargues

Fear makes the smart foolish and the strong weak.
Fenimore Cooper

To be a slave to fear is the worst kind of slavery.
Bernard Shaw

The fear of death is worse than death itself.

Fear of death stems from fear of life. The man who lives life to the fullest, ready to die at any moment.
Mark Twain

Fear is the main source of prejudice and one of the main sources of cruelty.
Bertrand Russell

There is nothing worse than fear itself.
Francis Bacon

He who is terrible to many must be afraid of many.

Fear is the harshest corrector.
Pliny the Younger

Fear takes away memory.

We are as young as our hopes and as old as our fears.
Vera Peiffer

Love does not live well with fear.

Fear is a constant companion of untruth.
William Shakespeare

Our fear is a source of courage for our enemies.
Thomas Mann

Fear makes people think.

He who lives in fear dies from fear.
Leonardo da Vinci

Fear interprets everything for the worse.
Titus Livy

Fear of the possibility of error should not deter us from seeking the truth.
Claude Helvetius

Fear gives courage.
Latin proverb

Common fear unites even the worst enemies.

If you want not to be afraid of anything, remember that you can be afraid of everything.

Fear has always been and will be the surest means of deceiving and enslaving people.
Paul Holbach

In fear and danger, we are more likely to believe in miracles.

Love is stronger than the fear of death.
William Shakespeare

Fear breeds flattery.

Only mutual fear makes the union reliable.

He who despises fear is too proud.
Corneille Pierre

Fear weakens even experienced eloquence.
Publius Cornelius Tacitus

There is more evil in fear than in the thing that is feared.

Fear is not in danger, it is in us.

Anxiety is the interest we pay in advance to our troubles.
William Inge

Fear tends to exaggerate true meaning fact.
Victor Hugo

There is a limit for sadness, but not for fear.
Pliny the Younger

Many had to be afraid because they could be afraid.

Fear of a low and unworthy offense is courage.
Benjamin Johnson

Anyone who seems scary cannot be free from fear.

We hope approximately, but we are definitely afraid.
Paul Valéry

Separate confusion from its cause, look at the matter itself - and you will be convinced that there is nothing terrible in any of them, except fear itself.

At night we are much more scared than the children.
Jules Renard

Strong life shocks heal minor fears.
Honore de Balzac

We have nothing to fear but fear.
Franklin Roosevelt

Fear is a painful awareness of one's own exclusivity.
Korney Chukovsky

Perfect love casts out fear, because in fear there is torment; he who fears is not perfect in love.
Apostle John - 1st Council Epistle, 4, 18

It's scary not to fall - it's scary not to get up...
German proverb

Severity gives rise to fear, but rudeness gives rise to hatred.
Francis Bacon

The source of fear is in your heart, not in the hands of the fearsome.
Gibran Kahlil Gibran

On your deathbed, you are relieved to see that almost all your fears were completely in vain.
Krzysztof Konkolewski

Man's first duty is to overcome fear. As long as a person's veins are shaking, his actions will remain slavish.
Thomas Carlyle

Better a terrible ending than endless fear.
Friedrich von Schiller

Fear is the most abundant source of vices.
Konstantin Ushinsky

Fear should not give advice.
Alighieri Dante

Those who are fed up with fear are not hungry for impressions.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec