
Allokin alpha ampoules instructions for use. Allokin Alpha: the use and effectiveness of injections for HPV

Those who read the annotations of drugs before using them become clear many points of their impact on health. So, in particular, about the drug Allokin-alpha, the instructions for use say that it is an inducer of interferon synthesis, that is, a drug that has an antiviral and immunomodulatory effect on the human body.

What is the composition and form of release of Allokin alpha?

The drug is available in the form of a white lyophilizate, it is a fine powder or a slightly porous hygroscopic mass, this substance does not have any special odor. A medicinal solution is prepared from it, which is administered as a subcutaneous injection.

One glass ampoule contains histidyl-glycyl-valyl-seryl-glycyl-histidyl-glycyl-glutaminyl-histidyl-glycyl-valyl-histidyl-glycine.

Glass ampoules are placed in blister packs, which are located in strong cardboard packs, on their end you can see the date of manufacture of the drug, and the expiration date of the drug.

This drug is released only on prescription. It is recommended to store it in a place protected from light, while the temperature regime can vary from 2 to 8 degrees. The shelf life of the medicine should not exceed two years; after the expiration date, the drug cannot be used, since it will not have the proper therapeutic effect on the body, and can only harm.

Pharmacological action of Allokin-alpha

Allokin-alpha is an oligopeptide, in its pharmacological action this drug is similar to interferon alfa. This drug is considered an inducer of interferon synthesis, stimulates the recognition of defective cells by lymphocytes.

In experiments, the high efficiency of this lyophilizate against infections caused by influenza, hepatitis B and C, as well as herpes and human papillomaviruses has been proven. This immunomodulatory agent does not have toxic, carcinogenic and embryotoxic effects, does not cause mutations and allergic reactions of the body.

The drug quickly enters the bloodstream, where it interacts with immunocompetent cells. An increase in the concentration of interferon begins to be noted already two hours after the administration of the drug and persists for up to eight hours.

Indications for use Allokin-alpha

The drug is indicated for use in patients with a history of chronic recurrent herpes. Allokin-alpha is part of the complex therapeutic measures for moderate and severe forms of hepatitis B.

What are the contraindications for Allokin-alpha?

This medicinal product should not be used if there is a history of autoimmune disease; in case of hypersensitivity to some components of this drug, it is also contraindicated to use it.

During pregnancy, as well as during lactation, Allokin-alpha is also contraindicated, and it is also not used in childhood.

Application of Allokin-alpha and dosage

The drug should be administered subcutaneously, while the lyophilizate is recommended to be dissolved in a milliliter of saline. The standard course of therapeutic measures aimed at preventing the recurrence of herpes includes injections of this drug at a dosage of 1 mg every other day, with only three injections required.

If the patient has a history of acute hepatitis B, the drug is administered at a dosage of 1 mg three times a week for a three-week period, so a total of nine injections are obtained.

drug overdose

As for the overdose of the drug, so far no such cases have been established. Otherwise, you should immediately seek medical help from a qualified doctor.

Drug interaction Allokin-alpha

When carrying out therapeutic measures for chronic recurrent genital herpes, Allokin-alpha can be prescribed together with acyclovir, or with its derivatives. In this case, the drugs complement each other in complex treatment. No interactions have been identified with any other medications.

What are the side effects of Allokin-alpha?

Among the manifested side effects, one can note the presence of slight weakness, headache and dizziness. In the presence of a herpes infection, new elements of the rash may appear on the skin. After discontinuation of this drug, the symptoms completely disappear.

Special instructions Allokin-alpha

The beginning of therapeutic measures should occur when the very initial symptoms of the disease appear; with hepatitis B, treatment should begin no later than the seventh day after the first signs of jaundice are detected.

Allokin-alpha is also used in monotherapy, it is recommended to use it if there is a history of human papillomavirus infection, which is provoked by oncogenic types of the virus, while there should be no lesions of the anogenital region, as well as the cervix.

The drug is included in the complex therapy in the presence of papillomavirus infection, when there is a lesion of the anogenital region and cervix caused by oncogenic types of the virus.

The ability to operate machinery and drive vehicles may be limited if the patient develops dizziness, in which case one should refrain from working with machinery.

What are Allokin-alpha analogues?

Allokin-alpha can be replaced by a drug with a similar effect called Alloferon, but only after consultation with a qualified doctor.


Before the direct use of this drug, treatment with Allokin alfa should be agreed with the attending qualified physician, and only with his approval can such therapeutic procedures be carried out. From the independent use of immunomodulatory drugs should refrain.

Instructions for use of the drug Allokin-alpha claims that it is an effective tool for the treatment of human papillomavirus infection. The fact is that the drug is an excellent immunomodulatory and antiviral agent.

The medicine is produced in Russia (Moscow and St. Petersburg).

Composition and form of release

Release form of the drug: white powder or white mass for the preparation of a solution. The consistency is colorless and odorless.

The composition of the agent for 1 ampoule includes histidyl-glycyl-valyl-seryl-glycyl-histidyl-glycyl-glutaminyl-histidyl-glycyl-valyl-histidyl-glycine.

Important! Allokin-alpha will be sold only after a prescription is presented, which will be certified by the signature and seal of the attending physician.

Indications for use

Allokin-alfa injections are prescribed to treat conditions such as;

  • papillomavirus infection (HPV or PVI);
  • Genital herpes;
  • Chronic form of hepatitis "B" and "C";
  • Dysplasia of the uterus (erosion);
  • labial herpes;
  • herpetic infection;
  • SARS, influenza;
  • Warts, papillomas, condylomas.

Drug Interactions

It is necessary to take Allokin-Alfa with other immunomodulatory drugs with caution. It is necessary to regularly conduct a blood test if it is impossible to refuse to take one of the drugs.

Simultaneous reception of Allokin-Alpha with Acyclovir as part of complex therapy is not allowed, because. due to the different mechanism of action of both drugs, there is a mutual enhancement of antiviral efficacy.


In no case can Allokin-alfa injections be used in such cases as:

  • Autoimmune diseases (scleroderma);
  • Allergy to components;
  • The patient's age is less than 18 years.

Side effects

The drug Allokin-alpha does not affect a person at the time of driving a car.

As a result of admission, the patient may experience such manifestations as:

  • muscle weakness;
  • The appearance of rashes, itching at the injection site;
  • Dizziness or pain in the head.

These conditions occur with incorrectly formulated treatment. Such reactions can lead to conditions such as:

  • Wrong combination of drugs;
  • Exceeding the dosage of the drug;
  • Failure to comply with contraindications;
  • Violation of breaks between injections;
  • Violation of body hygiene.

No data have been reported on the development of an overdose, but doctors do not exclude the risk of its occurrence. In the case of the introduction of the drug in large dosages, you should immediately call an ambulance for further advice.

Mode of application

The drug must be administered every two days.

The total dosage to be administered for conditions that are in progression is 6 injections. With a herpetic infection, which is at the stage of progression, Allokin-alpha is prescribed at a dosage of 1 mg.

The total dosage of Allokin-Alpha is 3 injections. For patients with acute hepatitis "B" of moderate severity, Allokin is prescribed 3 times a week.

Based on the patient's condition and the severity of the disease, after a while the doctor can decide on the advisability of re-administering the drug.

Allokin-alpha and alcohol

How to prick Allokin-alpha

The drug must be administered subcutaneously. The drug itself is painful, so you have to be patient.

To administer Allokin-alpha, it is necessary to collect the skin in a fold and insert a needle at an angle of 45 degrees into its base.

Photo instruction:

The drug Allokin-alpha is used to prepare a solution. To do this, the contents of the ampoules must be dissolved in 1 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution. Do not use other drugs as a solvent. It is not recommended to mix other parenteral drugs in one syringe. It is recommended to apply the solution immediately after its preparation.


Allokin-alpha for HPV

For lesions caused by oncogenic types of human papillomavirus, the administration of 1 mg of the drug every 48 hours is prescribed.

Allocoin-alpha during pregnancy

During pregnancy, you must stop taking this medication.

Substances included in the preparation may have a negative effect on the fetus.

During breastfeeding, the use of the drug is also not allowed. In case of non-compliance with the recommended requirements, the child begins to develop serious diseases that turn into a chronic stage. If it is not possible to replace the agent with a safe analogue, then the medication may be allowed, but this can solve it.

During menstruation, the use of the drug Allokin-alpha is allowed. If destruction is shown (on the 6-7th day of treatment), then therapy is started from the first day of the cycle. If the process of destruction is not observed, then treatment can be started on any of the days.

Storage conditions

Allokin-alpha medicine should be stored at a temperature of 2 to 8 degrees. The drug must be stored indoors, where in no case will the sun's rays fall. Do not give the drug into the hands of young children, because. if taken consciously, negative consequences can occur.


When forming the cost of a drug, a number of factors are taken into account, which include the cost of transportation, which is borne by the company, the pharmacy mark-up, the purchase price, and the place of sale.

Important! For pricing information, please contact your nearest pharmacy.

For 3 ampoules of Allokin-alpha, on average, you will have to pay 3,750 rubles. For 6 ampoules, you need to pay 7890 rubles.

In Ukraine, 3 ampoules of Allcokin-alpha injections cost an average of 1667 UAH, the price for 6 ampoules is 3298 UAH.


Among the Russian analogues of the drug Allokin-alpha, one can distinguish such drugs as:

A drugDescription
GerpevirThis product is available in the form of capsules. They contain excellent substances, namely indole-3-carbinol, lecithin, lactose. You do not need to show a doctor's prescription to buy this drug. Yes, and at a price the tool is much lower than the original (1420 rubles).
PanavirThe agent is presented in the form of a solution for the preparation of injections, gel, rectal suppositories. The composition includes an excellent active substance, namely hexose glycoside. The onset of an overdose after taking the drug was not recorded. In order to purchase a product, there is no need to show a prescription from the attending physician. The cost of the drug is several times lower than the original (its price ranges from 1869 to 3750 rubles).

A wonderful antiviral and immunomodulatory drug that can heal a person from various diseases is the Allokin-Alpha remedy. Ampoules with this medication are expensive, but the effect is worth these funds. Today we will find out under what diagnoses doctors can prescribe a medicine, how to properly give injections with it, as well as patient reviews about it.

Release form

The drug "Allokin-Alpha" is a white powder, odorless, placed in 1 mg ampoules. There can be 1, 2, 3, 5 or 10 of them in a carton package. A solution for subcutaneous administration is subsequently prepared from this agent.

In what cases is it prescribed?

The drug "Allokin-Alpha", reviews of which can be read below, doctors prescribe to patients with the following problems:

  • Papillomavirus, herpes infection, genital herpes.
  • Chronic hepatitis C and B of viral origin.
  • Cervical erosion.
  • The presence of warts, warts, papillomas.
  • Mixed urogenital infections.
  • Flu and SARS.

Based on the diagnoses in which the Allokin-Alpha drug is applicable, it is easy to conclude that the remedy is prescribed with a sharp decrease in immunity and an outbreak of a viral infection against this background.

How to use?

First, the powder should be diluted, for this you need to dissolve it in 1 ml of physiological sodium chloride solution. Then close the lid and shake well the resulting Allokin-Alpha solution. The drug is injected subcutaneously, and no other way.

With papillomavirus, herpetic infections, the doctor, as a rule, prescribes the introduction of 1 mg of the agent every 48 hours. In general, the standard course of treatment in these cases is 6 injections.

Patients with hepatitis C and B are prescribed the introduction of 1 mg of the drug 3 times a week. In this case, the course of therapy is often 9 injections. In the future, the specialist may prescribe repeated injections if the result is not very good.

  • Important! It is not recommended to use other means as a solvent, except for sodium chloride. Use the prepared mixture immediately, you do not need to prepare the medicine in advance. The duration of therapy and the scheme of application is determined only by the doctor, therefore, any attempts at self-treatment are unacceptable in relation to the drug "Allokin-Alpha". Only the medical staff knows how to inject the drug correctly, so you should trust the hospital workers. However, we will describe the general sequence of actions.

Proper manipulation by a healthcare worker

To be sure that the nurse is doing everything right, the patient himself must know theoretically how to inject. To do this, you need to follow these points:

  1. Treat your hands: wash them thoroughly with laundry soap, wipe dry with a clean towel.
  2. Assist the patient in a comfortable position.
  3. Put on sterile gloves, treat them with a cotton ball with 70% alcohol.
  4. Apply a cotton swab to the skin area where the injection will be made.
  5. Take a fold of the skin at the injection site.
  6. Insert the syringe at a 45 degree angle. The needle should be inserted shallowly - by about 15 mm, this will come out 2/3 of its entire length.
  7. The cannula of the needle should be fixed with the index finger.
  8. Don't rush to administer the medicine.
  9. Remove the needle by holding it by the cannula.
  10. Cotton wool soaked in alcohol should cover the injection site.

This is the whole algorithm of actions. Where to inject is determined by the nurse, who, in fact, performs the manipulation. Usually, subcutaneous injections are made in the subscapular region of the back, the lateral surface of the abdomen, in the thigh, the outer surface of the shoulder.


The medication must not be used in the following situations:

  • During pregnancy and while breastfeeding.
  • Children up to 18 years old.
  • With hypersensitivity to the components of the remedy.
  • If there are autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, diffuse toxic goiter.

special instructions

  • The drug "Allokin-Alpha" and alcohol are two incompatible concepts. Therefore, during treatment with this medication, you should stop taking any strong drinks.
  • During treatment, care must be taken when driving a car or engaging in any hazardous activities that require increased concentration. After all, some patients may experience dizziness during therapy with this remedy.

Unwanted Effects

The drug "Allokin-Alpha", the price of which depends on various factors, is usually well tolerated. In rare cases, the drug can cause side effects such as:

  • dizziness;
  • muscle weakness;
  • aggravation of the situation - the appearance of new foci of herpetic rash.

The following symptoms may appear in such cases:

  1. With an incorrectly drawn up treatment regimen.
  2. With the wrong combination of drugs with the Allokin-Alpha solution.
  3. If a person does not observe body hygiene.
  4. If the order of administration of the drug was violated, that is, there were no breaks between injections.
  5. If an incorrect manipulation was performed.

How and where to store?

The medication should be stored at a temperature of 2 to 8 degrees. Therefore, it is advisable to keep it in the refrigerator. The medicine should be stored for no more than 2 years from the date of its release. It is forbidden to save the made solution, only in the form of a powder, undiluted.

Means "Allokin-Alpha": price

The cost of this medication is influenced by several factors: the number of ampoules in the package, the location of the pharmacy (the center or sleeping areas), the promotion of the establishment itself, where various drugs are sold. So, on average, for 3 ampoules of this powder, you need to pay 3.5 thousand rubles.

The drug is released only upon presentation of a prescription from a doctor, certified by his signature and seal.


The drug "Allokin-Alpha" is a domestic product manufactured by several companies in Russia. Among them are the "State Research Institute of Highly Pure Biological Products", located in St. Petersburg, LLC "Brand-Pharm", Federal State Institution "RKNPC" of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia - EPMBP. It is simply impossible to find this medicine in other states, because even the structure of the drug is unique. Therefore, it can only be purchased in the Russian Federation.

Positive feedback from patients

The drug "Allokin-Alpha" receives mostly positive reviews. So, people who have been treated with this medication are satisfied with the result. After all, the tool has its therapeutic effect for a short period of time.

Patients who have been diagnosed with herpes write that unpleasant rashes after using the medication disappear on the third day. This is an excellent effect, because, unlike other drugs, injections with Allokin-Alpha are fast-acting.

For some women, gynecologists prescribed this remedy after cauterization of erosion. Patients claim that thanks to the medicine, everything healed quickly and without consequences.

Another advantage of the tool is that it has an immunomodulatory effect. Therefore, the risk of new herpetic formations comes to naught.

Also, this drug will be a real panacea for women who have detected papillomavirus types 16 and 18. But these are dangerous ailments that most often cause cancerous tumors. But the drug, to which the article is dedicated, is able to eliminate the activity of the virus, put it into a "sleeping" state, and the woman will not need to worry about the fact that she may be susceptible to cancer.

Negative responses from patients

Unfortunately, the drug "Allokin-Alpha" reviews are not only flattering, but also disapproving. Negative feedback is expressed as follows:

  1. Price. People are dissatisfied with the high cost of medicine. Indeed, for a package of 3 ampoules, on average, you have to pay about 3.5 thousand rubles. But they may not be enough. In some situations, the doctor may prescribe 6 or even 9 injections. Then the treatment will cost a decent amount. But something needs to be done to get rid of the problem. So there is no choice here. And it is better to pay once, but then the ailment would no longer bother.
  2. Conditions of storage and transportation. Many people note that the drug is inconvenient in terms of its savings, as well as transportation. Like, you only need to store it in the refrigerator and transport it, by the way, too. After all, if you neglect these conditions, then the medicine in the end can simply deteriorate.
  3. Not sold in every pharmacy. This is another drawback of the drug. After all, people sometimes, in search of the Allokin-Alpha drug, wander around all pharmacies in order to find it. And in the end they order it. Since the drug is expensive and requires special conditions for transportation and storage, pharmacists rarely bring it. More often they order it for patients by phone.

Now you know a lot about Allokin-Alpha: reviews about it, indications, contraindications, possible side effects. Found out that although the medicine is expensive, but it is worth the money. Therefore, if the doctor prescribes injections with Allokin-Alpha medication, then you should not even think about whether to buy it or not. If you want to quickly cure herpetic rash, hepatitis, then you need to use the prescriptions of a specialist and conduct appropriate treatment with this effective medicine.


The drug belongs to the category of antiviral, immunomodulating agents. The key active ingredient of Allokin Alpha is alloferon, the course of treatment of which is prescribed for hepatitis B and C, papillomaviruses, and influenza infections. The use of the drug helps to increase the activity of T-lymphocytes, which make up the human cellular immunity. These substances inhibit activity and destroy viruses.

Injections Allokin Alpha

This antiviral drug is used to treat such common diseases as papillomavirus and herpes. The causative agents of these pathologies live in the human body constantly, but make themselves felt only when immunity is weakened. Symptoms of diseases can be reduced with the help of local remedies such as ointments, but the virus still remains active in the body. Injections of Allokin Alpha solution are capable of suppressing the action of pathogenic bacteria.


The main active ingredient of the drug is a cytokine-like peptide called "alloferon". This substance is produced by chemical synthesis and is patented in a number of countries, including the USA, Japan, and some European countries. In view of its uniqueness, Allokin Alpha has no analogues in structure, but only substitutes with a similar effect on the body and viruses.

Release form

The injection is produced in the form of a powder, from which a solution is prepared. Allokin Alfa is packaged in 1 mg ampoules. One package contains 1, 3, 5 or 10 doses for injection, as well as a file for opening glass vessels. Shelf life of the drug - 2 years, subject to storage from 2 to 8 degrees. In Russia, the drug is produced by such pharmaceutical companies:

  • "Brand Pharm";
  • "RCNPK of the Ministry of Health and Social Development - EPMBP";
  • State Research Institute of Especially Pure Biopreparations FMBA Federal State Unitary Enterprise.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Alloferon, which is the main active ingredient of the drug, activates natural killers in the body and stimulates the production of endogenous interferons. In addition, the active substance quickly detects and destroys cells infected with cytotoxic lymphocytic structures. During therapy with Allokin Alpha, immunity is strengthened (the drug acts as an immunomodulator). In this case, the drug has no toxic effects.

The main pharmacological effects of Allokin Alpha are:

  • absolute relief from the symptoms of viral hepatitis, HPV, herpes infection;
  • reduction in the duration of exacerbation of pathology;
  • reducing the likelihood of complications;
  • guarantee of the absence of a recurrence of the disease.

Under the influence of allofen, the action of T-lymphocytes, which make up the immunity of cellular structures, is launched. Such substances during interaction with drugs actively destroy the virus that has entered the human body. After a course of treatment with Allokin Alpha, stimulation of nerve impulses occurs, as a result of which neurocellular excitability is regulated. In addition, under the influence of the drug on smooth muscle tissue, the effect of histamine, serotonin, acetylcholine and oxytocin is enhanced.

Indications for use

Allokin Alpha is prescribed for severe immunodeficiency, which is often observed in viral infections. To prevent the progression of the pathological process, the drug is used as an immunomodulator. This antiviral medication is usually prescribed for the prevention of cervical cancer and treatment:

  • viral hepatitis types B or C;
  • herpes;
  • erosion of the cervix (the drug is prescribed by a gynecologist);
  • warts, papillomas, warts;
  • flu, SARS;
  • labial herpes;
  • genital herpes;
  • mixed infections of urogenital localization.


A domestically produced agent is widely used to suppress the human papillomavirus. Injections are effective for strengthening the links of immunity, in addition, they increase the activity of T-lymphocytes, due to which viral cells divide more slowly and completely disintegrate. Allokin Alpha is contraindicated:

  • to kid;
  • pregnant, lactating woman;
  • with pronounced autoimmune diseases;
  • in the presence of intolerance or hypersensitivity to alloferon, other components of the drug.

Allokin Alpha - instructions for use

The drug stimulates the production of interferon in the body, which strengthens the immune system and actively fights infections. Alloferon Alpha belongs to low-toxic drugs, therefore it does not cause allergic reactions, does not have a mutagenic, teratogenic or embryotoxic effect, or a carcinogenic effect. However, like any other drug, it should be used as prescribed by a doctor and according to the instructions.

How to dilute the solution

Powder from one ampoule is mixed in isotonic sodium chloride solution (1 ml). To prevent the manifestation of side effects, it is not recommended to dilute the agent in other drugs. In addition, you can not combine several medicines in one medical syringe. The ready-made solution should be used immediately after preparation, without leaving it until the next injection, since the drug quickly loses its therapeutic effect.

How to inject an injection

Before the procedure, it is important to ensure thorough hygiene of the injection site; for this, the puncture area is treated with alcohol. How to inject Allokin Alpha yourself at home:

  • the drug should be administered subcutaneously, for which the skin is collected in a fold and the needle is injected at an angle of 45 degrees;
  • the introduction of the needle should not be deep: you need to immerse it no more than 2/3 of the length;
  • the drug is injected slowly and, as a rule, in the shoulder, thigh, abdomen or under the shoulder blade;
  • the frequency of injections and the concentration of Allokin Alpha is prescribed by the doctor, based on the type of disease, the severity of symptoms, etc.


The standard course of therapy with Allokin Alpha consists of three injections, which are performed at intervals of a day. However, with a severe degree of pathology or neglect of the disease, the duration of the course increases, and the doctor adjusts the treatment regimen. To prepare the solution, it is important to use only the means indicated in the instructions. Standard dosage for the treatment of viral diseases:

  • for diseases that were caused by oncogenic types of papillomavirus, 1 ml of the drug is administered every second day, while the treatment lasts 12 days;
  • for the treatment of viral hepatitis C or B, 1 injection is indicated three times a week (a total of 9 procedures);
  • after a recurrence of herpes, the patient is given 1 ampoule of the drug every other day, while the course of treatment includes 3 injections.

special instructions

During treatment with Allokin Alpha, activities that require increased concentration and quick reactions should be abandoned, since there is a possibility of dizziness, drowsiness, and chills. In addition, it is important to be careful when driving a car, and if possible, to completely abandon this activity for the duration of therapy. If the use of the drug is aimed at suppressing viral hepatitis, complex treatment begins after 6-7 days of the appearance of severe symptoms of jaundice, such as:

  • fever;
  • dark urine;
  • yellowing of the skin, eye sclera;
  • pain in the right hypochondrium.

During pregnancy and lactation

Despite the fact that the main active ingredient of Allokin Alpha does not give any teratogenic or mutagenic effects, the use of the drug during pregnancy and while feeding is prohibited. If there is a need to use this medication for the treatment of viral pathologies, the child should be transferred to milk formulas, weaned for the duration of therapy from the breast. Allokin Alpha and pregnancy are categorically incompatible.

Interaction with other drugs

Allokin Alfa for HPV and other viral diseases is often prescribed in combination with other drugs. For example, chronic herpes is treated by combining an injectable drug with Acyclovir (or its analogues), since both drugs are antiviral and complement each other. To suppress hepatitis B, Allokin Alpha is used as part of basic therapy.

Interaction with alcohol

During drug treatment, it is necessary to stop drinking alcohol, since Allokin Alpha increases the percentage of interferon in the blood, which is highly sensitive to any changes at the chemical level. The final reaction of the body can have unpredictable consequences. Despite the fact that research in this area has not been conducted, scientists do not doubt the negative effects of mixing alcohol with the drug: this will at least reduce the effectiveness of treatment, and in extreme cases will cause harm to health.

Side effects

Injections for HPV, hepatitis, herpes, and other viruses are generally well tolerated by patients. However, in rare cases, the drug can provoke the appearance of negative effects, which are often caused by an overdose of the drug, non-compliance with hygiene standards, and combination with other drugs. Possible side effects:

  • dizziness;
  • muscle weakness;
  • headaches;
  • decreased excitability of the nervous system;
  • allergic reactions;
  • the appearance of new foci of herpetic eruptions.


Some preparations of Russian and foreign production have an effect similar to Allokin Alpha. These funds include:

  • Amizon;
  • Arpeflu;
  • Isoprinosine;
  • Panavir;
  • Oksolin;
  • Amiksin;
  • Kagocel;
  • Groprinosin;
  • Gardasil;
  • Cervarix.

The main analogue of Allokin Alpha is Panavir, which has a similar antiviral and immunomodulatory effect. The tool has about the same cost and effectiveness, so it is difficult to determine which drug is better. Each doctor chooses a medication for the patient, based on individual factors: the patient's condition, the type of pathology, its severity, etc.

Price Allokin Alpha

The cost of an antiviral drug is affected by several factors at once - the number of ampoules in a box, production, pharmacy pricing policy and its location. You can buy Allokin Alpha only by prescription, certified by a seal and signature. The table below shows the average cost of a drug in different pharmacies in Moscow.

Allokin-alpha is a drug that activates the body's immune defenses, which is used to fight viral infections.

The basis of this drug can be denoted by the short word "alloferon", but in composition it is the most complex compound of amino acids, which is perceived by the human body as a substance similar to interferon.

In this article, we will consider why doctors prescribe Allokin-Alpha, including instructions for use, analogues and prices for this drug in pharmacies. Real REVIEWS of people who have already used Allokin Alpha can be read in the comments.

Composition and form of release

Allokin is produced in the form of a powder intended for the preparation of a solution for further injection use. The drug is packaged in 1 mg ampoules in cardboard packs from 1 to 10 pieces per cell.

  • One ampoule of Allokin-Alpha contains 1 mg of alloferon.

Clinico-pharmacological group: antiviral and immunomodulatory drug. interferon synthesis inductor.

Indications for use

Allokin-Alpha has a wide range of effects on the human immune system. This drug is most often prescribed in the following cases:

  1. erosion of the cervix;
  2. Urogenital infections;
  3. Acute respiratory diseases and influenza;
  4. Papillomavirus infectious diseases;
  5. Herpes of the genitals and other herpetic infections;
  6. Hepatitis B and C chronic form;
  7. labial herpes.

pharmachologic effect

Allokin-Alpha is an antiviral drug that is active against influenza viruses, hepatitis C and B, the first and second types of the herpes virus, and the human papillomavirus (in particular, against oncogenic strains of human papillomavirus). Allokin-Alpha contains alloferon, an oligopeptide that induces the synthesis of endogenous interferons and activates natural killer systems. Alloferon promotes the recognition and lysis of defective cells by cytotoxic lymphocytes.

The effectiveness of Allokin-Alpha in the treatment of diseases caused by human papillomavirus, influenza virus (including type B and type A), hepatitis C and B, and herpes simplex virus type 2 and 1 has been proven.

Instructions for use

According to the instructions for Allokin-alpha, the drug is administered subcutaneously. To obtain a solution for injection, it is necessary to dissolve the drug in 1 ml of physiological sodium chloride solution (NaCl). Usually, the course of treatment with Allokin-alpha is 6 ampoules.

The conservative course of treatment with Allokin-Alpha is determined by the doctor, since it is individual and depends on the disease and the severity of the patient's condition:

  • pathologies caused by oncogenic types of human papillomavirus - 1 ml of medication every 48 hours through 6 injections;
  • recurrent herpetic infection - shows the introduction of 1 mg of alloferon every 48 hours for 3 injections;
  • acute hepatitis B or C - 1 ampoule of the drug three times a week after a reliable confirmation of the diagnosis by laboratory tests (the total course increases to 9 injections).

Where to inject is determined by the representative of the medical personnel who performs the manipulation. As a rule, subcutaneous injections are carried out in the upper third of the outer surface of the shoulder, the subscapular region of the back, the anterolateral surface of the thigh, or the lateral surface of the abdomen.


In the instructions for Allokin-Alpha, it is noted that the drug should be abandoned in case of severe autoimmune diseases, in the presence of hypersensitivity to Allokin-Alpha components, as well as during lactation and pregnancy. In addition, the drug is not recommended for children.

Side effects

Allokin-alpha can cause allergic reactions that manifest as skin rashes. In rare cases, dizziness and weakness may occur.

Allokin-Alpha analogues

Structural analogues for the active substance: Alloferon.


The average price of ALLOKIN-ALFA, in pharmacies (Moscow) is 3,750 rubles.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is dispensed by prescription.

  1. Jeanne

    Allokin, if properly treated, the result will be in 9 out of 10 cases. The gynecologist did not warn me that I should use a condom to protect myself, my husband would be treated. Of course, after the first time, HPV was again. I consulted with another gynecologist. She said that we would try again, only with her husband, a condom is a must (together with the epigen). And take your time, tests - after 3 months. Result - HPV was not detected.

  2. Zinaida

    Than just did not treat erosion, but it only increased. I went to another doctor, she prescribed an analysis for HPV - they found 16, 18, 52 types. They treated it with injections of allokin alfa, epigen spray, the erosion was re-cauterized (it didn’t heal after the first time, it may have been burned badly). It's been 8 months. HPV was gone after three months. The neck is good, there is no erosion. Allokin-alpha helped me.

  3. Rose

    Allokin helped. The injections are not painful. There were no side effects. She was treated for genital herpes. After the course, I have never had a rash.

  4. Nastya

    At the beginning of 2018, genital herpes and going to the doctors. On the recommendation of a doctor, I pierced Allokin. There are no more rashes and the tests are normal. Now I can safely recommend the drug, I checked it myself.

  5. Monica

    I decided to radically overcome the herpes that got me and pierced with Allokin. He gave 3 injections. For a year and a half I have been living without any vile rashes.

  6. Peter

    We all know that herpes sore is quite annoying. I was not lucky enough to meet him. I went to the doctor, and he prescribed Allokin. I pierced the course and now I live without herpes. It seems to me that even 6 injections were not necessary, but nevertheless the money was paid, why not go all the way, right? Very pleased with the result.

  7. Spark

    The main thing is to get to a competent doctor who knows that HPV can and should be treated. I was lucky - I immediately got to an experienced gynecologist who prescribed Allokin. She healed quickly and painlessly. I hope I don't get this infection again in the future.

  8. Zoya

    Allokin Alfa helped me from HPV type 16 on the cervix. The virus can cause cancer. She took her treatment seriously. Treated with my husband. I get tested for HPV every year. Three years since the virus is gone, clean.

  9. Dana

    Allokin can say saved me from HPV. The doctor said that all this is fraught with cancer! But after the Allokin course, the tests returned to normal, I hope I don’t have to go through all this stress anymore ...

  10. Svetlana

    My husband and I were treated with Allokin alfa, we did injections. I removed the condylomas surgically, a year has passed, everything is normal, there are no new neoplasms. Two times handed over on HPV purely.

  11. Anton

    I was treated for herpes zoster by Allokin. The pain was severe, I did not believe that after 4 hours after Allokin's injection, the pain had passed. I even slept well that night. Pricked 6 injections. The rash dried up immediately. In a word, thank you very much. cured