
Where is Oksana Grischuk now? Oksana Grischuk (Pasha Grischuk) - biography, information, personal life

The future champion was born in 1972 in the city of Odessa. A year after the birth of the child, the father left the family. The mother wanted her daughter to become a figure skater, and at the age of four, the girl began training under the guidance of Valentina Kasyanova.
At the age of twelve, Oksana was transferred to Natalya Linichuk in a group of sports dances. Alexander Chichkov was identified as a partner for her. The couple successfully competed and won their first awards. The 1988 Youth World Championship brought a gold medal, but after the tournament they had to leave due to Sasha's injury. In 1989, Evgeny Platov became Grischuk's new partner.

Duet of winners

They made a stellar couple. Intensive training in the group of Natalia Dubova gave a result - they finished the next USSR championship with a bronze medal. But this achievement can be considered only a modest beginning of their rise. In 1991, they finish the national championship, hugging on the highest step of the podium.
In 1992, the pair switched to Oksana's previous coaches, Linichuk and Karponosov, and after two years of hard work, they came to their first really big victory. The 1994 Lillehammer Olympics brought them gold medals.

Further hard training and the will to win allowed the partners to repeat their success in 1998 at the Nagano Olympics.

Interesting to know: to date, Oksana Grischuk and Evgeny Platov are the only couple who managed to become Olympic champions in ice dancing twice. For this accomplishment, their names are included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Main awards

  • 2 gold Olympic medals;
  • 4 gold medals from world championships;
  • 3 gold medals from the European Championships;
  • Order "For Merit to the Fatherland";
  • Order of Honor.

Champion Love

Oksana Grischuk's personal life was less successful than her sports career, there was simply no time left for her. But love comes without asking about plans. A mutual feeling flared up between Oksana and Alexander Zhulin.

He was a talented figure skater and, like her, was preparing to win Olympic gold. At that time, Maya Usova performed with him.
The drama of the situation was that he was married. They tried not to advertise their relationship, but the life of the athletes passes in plain sight, and those around them guessed everything. Zhulin promised to divorce his wife, but was carried away by the eighteen-year-old Tatyana Navka and, completely losing his head, soon married her.

Interesting to know: Grischuk went by the name Pasha for some time. She changed her name in 1997. The reason, according to her, was the fact that she was sometimes confused with Oksana Baiul, an extraordinary figure skater who more than once distinguished herself by scandalous antics. Until now, in articles about Grischuk, the nickname Pasha is often added in brackets next to her name.

Prince of Monaco and figure skater

Acquaintance with Prince Albert took place in Nagano, where he participated in bobsleigh races. Ordinary friendly relations in 2000 grew into a serious romance. Since that time, there have been many photographs in which you can see them together at social events, vacations, and even at royal receptions.

Oksana was introduced to the King of Monaco - Albert's father, but the matter did not come to the wedding. She returned to America and soon met a new chosen one there, the future father of her daughter. Jeff is a fitness instructor.

Wonderful daughter

They got together and began to live without registering. Oksana herself calls the birth of her daughter a miracle. In 2002, she found out about her pregnancy, and soon after that she was informed about the abnormal development of the fetus, and that an operation was urgently needed. The diagnosis turned out to be erroneous, and it turned out only during the operation itself.
By some miracle, after anesthesia and surgery, the fetus remained alive, and moreover, when the time came, an absolutely normal girl was born. Oksana Grischuk's daughter was born not only healthy, but also beautiful, she was named Skyler Grace. Jeff soon left the family and subsequently never provided any assistance to his daughter.

After sports

In 2000, postponing the organization of her personal life for later, Oksana Grischuk tried to start a career in Hollywood, but nothing came of it. Her post-sport life is marked by such milestones:

  • 2001 - foundation of the figure skating academy, leadership and coaching. Attempts to become a choreographer in her academy.
  • 2002 - the birth of a daughter.
  • 2006 - successful participation in the television show "Dancing on Ice". Performed with Peter Krasilov. They won this show.
  • 2007 is not a very successful participation in the new season of Dancing on Ice. Petr Dranga became a partner on this show. During the performances, the skater was injured, but despite this, the couple took an honorable third place.

Today Oksana Grischuk still lives in California. He is engaged in raising his daughter and coaching.

In February of this year, millions of figure skating fans congratulated Pasha Grischuk and Evgeny Platov on the highest title of the first ever two-time Olympic champions in ice dancing. In July, it became known that Platov left his partner, with whom he had spent almost ten years on the ice, and decided to pair up with Maya Usova, and Grischuk began skating with Alexander Zhulin, with whom she has a long friendship and a relatively short love.

Changing partners at this level is extremely rare, but the "divorce" of two-time Olympic champions at the moment when all their long-term torments of training and competition are almost over, and it's time to receive interest on the capital of the invested forces is a phenomenon as unique as the successes achieved by the couple. .

Who is to blame for this gap? In an interview given to an American magazine, Platov named Pasha's decision to move to Los Angeles as one of the reasons for leaving. In turn, Grischuk accuses Zhenya of insufficient ability to work and that, without warning in advance of his departure, he brought her to a state of shock.

It is difficult to say through whose fault the legendary couple lost their legendary earnings, but I believe that Platov did not make his decision in haste. In the world of figure skating, the outstanding figure skater Oksana-Pasha Grischuk is known not only for her fanatical hard work, but also for her unfortunately difficult, quarrelsome character.

The future star was born on March 17, 1972 in Odessa. She began figure skating when she was four years old, starting her career in women's singles. Even then, the physically weak Grischuk developed a will of steel and a monstrous ability to work. The baby was ready to study from morning to evening, but Odessa did not suit the unchildish ambition of the former champion at that early time, so in May 1980, mother and daughter moved to Moscow. Oksana was shown in Dynamo to coach Elena Alexandrova, who immediately enrolled a capable figure skater in her group. From 1980 to 1984, Grischuk continued to practice solo skating, although the girl lacked physical fitness: she skated well, but jumped a little low.

Natalya Linichuk lured her into dancing. For the first six months, Oksana skated alone, then Linichuk paired her with an experienced figure skater Alexander Chichkov. At the 1987 World Junior Championships, Grischuk and Chichkov were silver medalists, and a year later they received their first gold medals. Soon, injuries forced Sasha to leave the big sport. Oksana was left without a partner. Fortunately for her, at about the same time, a good dancer Evgeny Platov was released from Natalya Dubova. Understanding what a stubborn, hardworking Odessa woman could be capable of in the hands of a good coach, Dubova really wanted to get her in a pair with Platov.

It is not known whether Oksana would have left her first dance coach, but at that time Linichuk gave all her time to the pair Angelica Kirchmayer - Dmitry Lagutin, whom she really wanted to make the 1990 world junior champions. Deprived of attention, Gri-pike was offended and, having quarreled with Linichuk, went to Dubova.

So in August 1989, a new dance duo Oksana Grischuk - Evgeny Platov appeared, who in December became third at the USSR Championship and received the right to participate in the 1990 European and World Championships in Leningrad and Canadian Halifax.

Natalya Dubova prepared two couples for the 1994 Olympics in Lillesammer: Maya Usova with Alexander Zhulin and Grischuk with Platov, apparently giving preference to the first. The latter did not like it very much and, having parted with Dubova not very friendly, by the beginning of the 1994 season they returned to Natalya Linichuk, with whom they won the Olympics in Lillehammer, showing rock and roll on ice, which went down in the history of ice dance along with " Kumparsita" Pakhomova - Gorshkova and "Bolero" Torvill - Dina.

The years of the "second coming" of Grischuk and Platov to Linichuk could have been a complete triumph for the coach, but, unfortunately, Linichuk did not have enough faith in Oksana and Evgeny, so they became two-time Olympic champions in Nagano with a new coach - Tatyana Tarasova. The "motor" of the couple in all the changes was Oksana Grischuk, who by that time had already become Pasha.

Today, Evgeny Platov maintains an excellent relationship with Tatyana Tarasova. A black cat of claims ran between Tarasova and Grischuk.

For figure skaters, this season is decisive: the Olympics in Turin sums up the four-year competitive cycle. By tradition, immediately after the Games, many amateur sports stars become professionals, and a reassessment of values ​​​​begins in amateur sports. With prominent representatives of the two camps of figure skaters - professional and amateur - at the height of the most important season, correspondents of Versiya talked.

- Oksana, your couple with Evgeny Platov is one of the brightest in the history of figure skating. You are the only two-time Olympic champions in dancesport. Can the audience hope to see you back on the ice together?

You know, we have been discussing this topic with Zhenya for a long time, but he always has some excuses - he refers to health problems. However, we have excellent relations, and now we are very sorry that after the Olympics in Nagano we fled in different directions. Time seems to have gone forever ... Eugene says that he would love to ride in the show. We even had the idea to perform at exhibitions after the end of the World Cup, if we were allowed, of course. There is an idea to recall the 1998 Olympic program "Memory" and our other brightest numbers. But Zhenya's health doesn't allow him to perform lifts. So for now, it's just a dream.

- Recently, one often hears that ice dancing is in crisis ...

No, I don't agree with this. Look at the full halls - I'm sure the audience is still interested in dancing.

But you must admit that such bright programs as "Kumparsita" by Pakhomova and Gorshkov, "Carmen" by Bestemyanova and Bukin, yours with Platov's "Oriental Dance", now simply do not exist ...

Perhaps yes. In general, the level of dance couples leveled off. Perhaps this was the result of the introduction of new rules. Everyone must do a certain set of elements - rotations, paths, steps. Therefore, it seems that many couples are similar to each other.

How do you like the new judging system? The controversy around her does not subside ...

I believe that the new system has much more positive than negative. I am impressed that they introduced paired rotations, tracks, rotations in different directions, interesting supports, and allowed vocal musical accompaniment.

- Last year there were rumors that you were going to return to the ice ...

Yes, I planned to return to amateur sports and compete with five-time US ice dancing champion Peter Chernyshev. I wanted, you know, to participate in another Olympics. But it did not work out, because I lost my amateur status - only one professional tournament cost me the continuation of my amateur career ... Unfortunately, I was not allowed to return.

- And who was the initiator of the creation of the duet Grischuk - Chernyshev?

I said that after the birth of my daughter I wanted to return to amateur sports. After all, I got into shape very quickly after the birth of my baby! And then one day my agent called, she asked if she could give my phone to a person who wants to ride with me. A day or two later, Petya Chernyshev calls - I, of course, was amazed. I was very pleased, because he is a very titled dancer in the USA. So we decided to create a couple. They wanted to compete at the Turin Olympics, fight for medals...

- What was the reaction of sports functionaries?

I called Valentin Piseev, head of the Russian Figure Skating Federation. Decided to let him know first. True, in this case I would have competed for America, since Petya has been skating for the USA for a long time. And, you know, I didn’t even have time to finish the phrase, as Piseev said: “No, no. Take care of your daughter, don’t even think about returning ... ”At the same time, the Americans were ready to help, to do everything possible for us to perform. And this is interesting: a two-time Olympic champion in ice dancing can compete for an Olympic medal for the third time. I called the International Skating Union, they promised to give me an answer, but I never received it. They just didn't let me back.

Before the Games in Lillehammer, there was already an unprecedented decision to allow professionals to return to amateur sports...

Unfortunately, there was only one exception to the rule. Then Boitano, Witt, Torvill and Dean, Gordeeva and Grinkov returned. And I've been unlucky. On the one hand, of course, it's a pity. On the other hand, everything that is done is for the better. If my status was returned, I would have to leave sunny, warm California, which I adore, for the East Coast of the USA. It would be necessary to train six times a week, then I would not be able to pay attention to my daughter ... You know, I am a very optimistic person, I always look at everything positively.

- And now the main thing for you is your daughter?

Yes, I am a very happy person, because I have a daughter. She is number one in my life. Her name is Skyler Grace. She is the best thing that could happen to me in my life.

- Do you want her to figure skating?

You know, I think that a child should do what he wants. Some parents decide everything for their children and force them to carry out their decisions. I won't accept it! The child should do only what he wants, do what he chooses himself. If my Skyler chooses figure skating, I will not resist. She loves to watch competitions, I showed her records with my performances, brought her to the skating rink. I think she will be interested in riding. True, I would not want her to do this professionally. But in any case, it's up to her, because Skyler is already a small person.

Oksana Grischuk is a figure skater who, acting in pair skating with Evgeny Platov, twice became an Olympic champion. No Russian couple has been able to repeat such success on the ice so far. So, Oksana Grischuk. The biography of this athlete is ups and downs, victories and defeats, happiness and despair ...

Way to success

The future star was born in 1972. Her mother, Lyudmila Rokhbek, was an engineer-economist, and her father, Vladimir Grischuk, was a football player. Unfortunately, the happy family broke up. A year after the birth of their daughter, their father abandoned them.

Oksana Grischuk first stepped on the ice when she was only four years old. Her mother dreamed that her daughter was a figure skater, so she seriously approached the preparation of her daughter. Oksana's first coach was Valentina Kasyanova, with whom the girl trained as a single skater. The start to the beginning of a sports career was an invitation to the anniversary evening of Leonid Brezhnev. The Secretary General noted the talent of a ten-year-old figure skater. So, Oksana was assigned to the Dynamo Moscow school to continue her career.

At the age of twelve, Oksana joined the dancesport group with a coach. Alexander Chichkov became Grischuk's first partner. Together with Sasha, they won more than one award among juniors. So, in 1988, the couple won the youth world championship. However, during the tournament, Alexander was injured and could not continue his career. In the summer of 1989, the couple broke up. So Oksana Grischuk got a new partner - Evgeny Platov.

lucky duet

It was Evgeny Platov who became Oksana's partner, with whom she achieved her highest awards and sporting achievements.

So, the couple rolled up so quickly that already three months after the start of training they won a bronze medal at the USSR Championship. However, this was only the beginning. They were not going to give in and dreamed of the highest step of the pedestal. And in 1991 they did it - Oksana Grischuk and won their first gold at the national championship. The next goal was Olympic gold.

At their first Olympics - 1992 - Oksana and Evgeny took fourth place. Then there were bronze medals in the World and European Championships. At this time, the couple trained with Karponosov and Linichuk. Two years of continuous preparation, as well as self-confidence and an unshakable will to win, did their job: Platov and Grischuk became champions for a year in Lillehammer!

And in 1998 in Nagano they repeated their success, becoming two-time Olympic champions. For this achievement, they even got into the Guinness Book of Records. After all, no one before them did anything like this, and even today he could not repeat this.

Crazy Love

However, despite the success and high athletic level that Oksana Grischuk achieved, her personal life did not work out. Because of the constant training, she didn’t even have time for anything. But love always comes unexpectedly...

And Alexander Zhulin became her chosen one - her colleague and rival at the same time. He, like Grischuk herself, danced on ice with his partner Maya Usova. And dreamed of Olympic gold. The feelings that Oksana experienced for Alexander Zhulin were like madness. She wanted to be by his side all the time. But he was married, they met secretly. However, coaches and colleagues were still aware of their romance ...

According to Oksana herself, Zhulin told her that he would definitely divorce his wife, with whom he lives solely for the sake of a sports image and the press. And he promised the girl that he would announce to everyone about the divorce, as well as about the relationship that exists between them, only after Oksana quit the sport. And the figure skater in love hung up her skates. This happened shortly before the Olympics. Unfortunately, later Oksana Grischuk found out that her lover preferred another - a very young figure skater Tanya Navka. The offended and offended girl returned to the sport again. And together with Zhenya Platov she won gold, while Zhulin and her partner became only the second.

Prince of Monaco and figure skater Oksana Grischuk

The photo of this couple often appeared in print media. Grischuk herself admitted that at first she considered Prince Albert only a friend, but he persisted, and she relented.

They met in the Olympic village in Nagano. The Prince of Monaco took part in the bobsleigh race. At first they were just friends, but in 2000 Oksana and Albert started a serious romance. The couple always appeared together at royal receptions in Monaco, on Bill Gates' yacht, and at various social events. Albert even introduced Oksana to his father, the King of Monaco. However, this romance did not end with a wedding. During a tour of America, Oksana met her new love - fitness instructor Jeff.


Oksana and Jeff began to live together. And in the spring of 2002, Grischuk found out that she was pregnant. However, the lovers were in no hurry to register their relationship. Oksana considers her little daughter a miracle. And not in vain. The child was born, and this is even despite the fact that the woman had an abortion!

Oksana Grischuk named her daughter Skyler Grace. The name Skyler means "heavenly", and the name Grace, meaning "grace", was given to the girl in honor of the mother of the Prince of Monaco, actress Grace Kelly. A couple of months after the birth of his daughter, Jeff left Oksana and disappeared in an unknown direction.

Life after sport

After leaving the sport, Oksana Grischuk founded where she trains young athletes.

In 2006, she took part in the First Channel show "Dancing on Ice", where her partner was Peter Krasilov. Their duet took first place.

In 2007, Oksana was invited to take part in the continuation of Dancing on Ice. And the skater gave her consent. This time her partner was Petr Dranga. And again Oksana was in the favorites - the third place.

Oksana Grischuk lives in California with her daughter. The woman trains young figure skaters and dreams that she will meet such a man with whom she will be happy.

After breaking up with the Prince of Monaco and her American boyfriend, the figure skater wants to reunite with Yevgeny Platov. Figure skater Oksana Grischuk and actor Pyotr Krasilov became the winners of the TV show Dancing on Ice, which ended on the Rossiya channel.
Grischuk is the only two-time Olympic champion in ice dancing in the world. In a duet with Evgeny Platov, she won the Games in Lillehammer -1994 and Nagano - 1998. Eight and a half years ago, she retired from figure skating. She spoke about what happened to her next in an exclusive interview with the correspondent of Rodnaya Gazeta.

Killer in a white coat

At the Olympics in Nagano, Oksana sported a hairstyle in the style of Marilyn Monroe. She dreamed of conquering Hollywood, but the actress did not come out of her.

- In Nagano, I met Prince Albert of Monaco - a great sports fan, he even participated in bobsleigh competitions. We started a relationship. Albert invited me to his place in Monaco, and I spent some time there in his palace. But for obvious reasons, the prince could not marry me ...

- Excuse me, Oksana, is your four-year-old daughter the fruit of love with Albert?

– No, I returned from Monaco to America (Grischuk has been permanently living in the USA since 1994 – author's note). And one day I met Jeff, who worked as a fitness model. He was insanely handsome, and I, of course, fell in love.

In the 1990s, Grischuk and Platov conquered the planet...

... Stallone was also not averse to being next to Oksana ...

... in the end, the skater liked the Prince of Monaco

In the spring of 2002, I found out about my pregnancy. My joy knew no bounds. However, when I went to the antenatal clinic to a doctor I knew, he said that the pregnancy was developing incorrectly and an urgent operation was needed.

Guess the diagnosis was wrong! Moreover, the doctor realized this when I was lying under anesthesia on the operating table. And yet he decided to have an abortion in order to "cover up his tracks." But by some fate this baby was destined to be born: after the operation, anesthesia, he remained alive.

And when not even a hundred, but two hundred percent healthy beautiful girl was born, for me it was like a gift from God. Jeff and I named our daughter Skyler Grace. Skyler in English means "heavenly", this name was chosen by her father. And the second - Grace - I came up with, because it means "blessed by God." In addition, we baptized our daughter in a Russian church, where she was also given an Orthodox name - Maria.

- Jeff, probably, was in seventh heaven with happiness?

- It so happened that we soon parted. Jeff considers himself free from any obligations. Doesn't pay child support because we weren't married. And when I turned to him with a request to help us financially, he firmly answered: “No!” (Sighs).

Private lessons

- Is that why you, a star of the first magnitude, were forced to participate in second-rate American Disney ice shows for the sake of earning money?

- Of course, I need to earn money, because I can only rely on my own strength. I need to help my mother, who lives in Germany, pay off the loan for our house in California with my daughter - I live in the small town of Newport Beach. I had to perform both alone and in pairs - in the ballets The Nutcracker and Cinderella. I needed a partner to perform the adagio, and they brought me an Englishman, Michael Elgy.

As for Disney, it's not really a very prestigious revue. And his level is low. But I don’t pay attention to this, because it doesn’t matter to me what kind of athletes are nearby, the main thing is that they are good people. I was always very happy to help, to suggest to those who needed my advice. And they praised me in this show, they waited with flowers and gifts ...

How many days a year do you spend on the show?

- Now I don’t skate, but I train in Newport Beach, I have been giving private lessons for more than three years (in the USA, a coach receives $ 100 for one hour of classes. - Approx. Aut.).

Students come to me - this is how in America it is customary to call students from 5 to 45 years old. Personally, I prefer to work with those who can ride, but I do not refuse to work with kids. Let's say a mother comes to the skating rink with her daughter and says: “We adore you. Daughter watches your performances on video all the time. Can I take a lesson from you?" This is so touching.

Or a lady of Balzac's age came, whose husband died of cancer. She said that she once skated and wants to return to the ice in order to somehow escape from the terrible depression. Of course I helped her!

- How did other coaches react to the appearance of the Russian Olympic champion at the rink?

- I was received with hostility, because figure skating in the States is a business. True, it cannot be that you come and say: “I am Oksana Grischuk, now I will take all your business from you.” Here everyone is fighting for their place. Each has a certain number of students. And when a specialist with titles comes to any American ice rink, the coaches begin to worry: they say, they will beat off the students. But my conscience is clear - I did not beat.

Taste of victory

In Dancing on Ice, Grischuk conquered everyone again. This time with actor Peter Krasilov

Grischuk was moved to tears when, as the winner of Dancing on Ice, she was presented with an exclusive bouquet of flowers. This victory is very important for her, because she has already forgotten her taste. (Plus, according to our information, all project participants received at least 50 thousand US dollars. - Approx. Aut.)

And the audience watched with delight as Grischuk and Platov performed a demonstration number to the music from the song "You and I" ("You and I"). Together, the partners did not skate for more than eight years, despite the fact that they were destined for a brilliant professional career.

Zhenya complained about Oksana's difficult character - she could break off the tour at any moment and leave for the shooting. And once she allegedly announced that she was leaving for good, so the duet broke up.

However, Grischuk denies these rumors:

- I did not part with Platov! It was he who abandoned me. Having won the Nagano Olympics, I was going to skate with him in professional shows. She said to Zhenya: "Let's hire an agent." He replied: “Yes, yes, we will think about it.” And then suddenly I find out that he is already rehearsing with Maya Usova (world champion in 1993 - ed.). I almost fell off my chair! And right away I didn’t even believe it, because Zhenya didn’t thank me for the ten years that we spent as a couple. I forcibly forced him to skate, he planned to leave back in 1995 due to injuries ...

- Oksana, you must admit that you are not a gift either, apparently, at some point, Zhenya simply could not stand your antics and left.

– I agree, I used to be really impulsive. But now everything has changed! Everyone tells me: “You have become so calm, just different. What happened?" And nothing happened! I just suddenly discovered that there is another life besides sports. Gone is the bitterness that came when I “lost” the ice and glory. Time has healed...

- The fact that you again skated with Platov in a demonstration number testifies to your reconciliation?

- Yes, although at one time we did not communicate, moreover, we did not greet each other when we met. But I cannot hold a grudge for a long time, even if they hurt me very much. I leave quickly, maybe because a lot of things have happened in my life: I live in sunny California, I go to the beach, I gave birth to a wonderful daughter. Well, why shouldn't I rejoice and forgive those people who offended me in the past?

- How did you reconcile?

- We phoned (I don’t remember who called whom first) and began to say to each other: “What fools we are! So much has been lost! We could make a dazzling career, ride in prestigious shows, earn money for old age.”

In short, we agreed that if there is an opportunity to go on the ice in some kind of figure skating show, if only to say goodbye to the public, to skate our Olympic numbers, then we will do it.

On the other hand, it seems too early to say goodbye to performances. We are still young, we can ride. For example, friends, acquaintances, impresario call me. And everyone wants to see a pair of Grischuk - Platov on the ice! On this occasion, Zhenya and I had lengthy negotiations. He doesn't mind playing together. But he, unfortunately, has a long-standing shoulder injury, so our return is still postponed.

Interviewed by Daria SREBNITSKA

From the first appearance of young Oksana on the ice, the mentors had no doubts - this is a future star!

Oksana GRISCHUK. She was born on March 17, 1971 in Odessa. She performed in sports dances on ice. Olympic champion 1994, 1998 World Champion 1994 - 1997 European Champion 1996-1998 Partner Evgeny Platov. In 1996, Grischuk and Platov were awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland. Trained with Natalia Dubova, Natalia Linichuk, Tatyana Tarasova. In 1998, Oksana went into professional sports. Bronze medalist of the World Championship among professionals - 1998, paired with Alexander Zhulin.

Daughter Skyler Grace Maria, 4 years old. Lives in the USA.

SHE lost ice and glory; does not receive alimony for the daughter; dreaming of a farewell show.