
Allokin alfa is a hormonal drug. Allokin alpha

Allokin-Alpha is an immunomodulator with a pronounced antiviral effect. It is actively used in the treatment of hepatitis B and C, influenza, herpes and papillomavirus. In particular, it is also effective against oncogenic types of HPV (human papillomavirus), but it does not provoke allergic, mutagenic, embryotoxic effects. But how to take this drug correctly? What is indicated in the instructions for use of Allokin-Alpha regarding side effects, contraindications? Is it possible to combine taking this drug with antibiotics, antiviral drugs, other immunomodulators?

Allokin-Alpha is positioned as an antiviral drug, but its pharmacological group is an immunostimulating agent. The composition of the drug includes alloferon - a substance that stimulates the synthesis of endogenous interferons, as well as enhancing the action of killer cells (promotes selective lysis by lymphocytes in blood cells).

Indications for the use of Allokin-Alpha are:

  • hepatitis B and C;
  • influenza viruses (including atypical ones that do not currently have a classification);
  • herpes of the 1st and 2nd types;
  • human papillomavirus (including its oncogenic subtypes);
  • chronic immunodeficiency.

It is allowed to use Allokin-Alpha for the prevention of the above diseases, but it is prescribed only at a high risk of infection. The completed course of treatment creates stable immunity, but it does not last long - up to 15 days after the last dose. Accordingly, in order to generally strengthen immunity, its use is not recommended - more advanced immunomodulators are used for this purpose.

The key advantage of Allokin-Alpha is the complete absence of side and negative effects. It does not change the chemical composition of the blood, does not change the rate of metabolism, unlike many other immunomodulators.

It is also worth noting that after the administration of the drug, the concentration of interferons increases already after 2-2.5 hours, reaching its peak value after 6-7 hours (the concentration will be increased by 6-8 times, compared with a healthy person). And the effect of lysis lasts up to 7-9 days after the introduction of the solution.

Release forms

Allokin-Alpha is a lyophilized powder for the preparation of injection solutions. Produced in glass ampoules of 1 milligram of the active ingredient without additional components (in a package of 1, 2, 3, 5 or 10 pieces).

Instructions for use

Allokin-Alpha is used to prepare an injection solution. To do this, mix the contents of the 1st ampoule (1 milligram of alloferon) with 1 milliliter of saline (sodium chloride). Enter subcutaneously 1 time in 2 days (every 48 hours). The course of treatment is as indicated by the attending physician.

The finished solution must be used immediately, it is strictly forbidden to store it.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the manufacturer indicates special storage conditions for the medicinal product - at a temperature of 2 to 8 degrees Celsius. Permissible shelf life is 2 years from the date of production (indicated both on the packaging and on the ampoule itself). Violation of the above conditions is the reason for the disposal of the medicinal product - it is prohibited to use it for therapy.

The injections themselves are carried out in the thigh or shoulder area. When used independently, it is better to give an injection in the stomach - according to doctors, this is the most convenient option for those who have not had to administer subcutaneous injections before.


According to the instructions for use of Allokin-Alpha, a contraindication for its use is the presence of the following diseases and symptoms in a patient:

  • individual intolerance to alloferon and its derivative components;
  • any pronounced autoimmune diseases (both during the period of exacerbation and at the stage of remission);
  • age up to 13 years (the manufacturer does not recommend the use of the drug in pediatric practice, referring to the lack of clinical trials in this direction).

It is also forbidden to use Allokin-Alpha during pregnancy. When breastfeeding, injections are also contraindicated.

If it is impossible to avoid the appointment of an immunomodulator, then the doctor necessarily raises the question of the forced termination of breastfeeding for the patient.

At a temperature, according to the instructions, the drug can be used, including in combination with antipyretics (Aspirin, Paracetamol and derivatives based on them).


  • 1 mg every 48 hours;
  • course of treatment - 3 injections;
  • course of treatment for hepatitis - up to 6 injections;
  • the maximum allowable course of treatment is up to 9 injections (this is prescribed, for example, in the treatment of oncogenic HPV with a high risk of transforming papillomas).

It is allowed to change the frequency of injections up to 24 hours, but the total allowable course should still not exceed 9 injections. Otherwise, there is a high risk of suppressing the natural protective function of the human body.

Possible side effects

In most cases, Allokin-Alpha is well tolerated by patients. The manufacturer in the annotation to the instructions indicates only that:

  • in very rare cases, patients experience headache, dizziness (those who have previously been diagnosed with migraine are more prone to this);
  • in the treatment of herpetic infection, new foci of rash may occur - this is a kind of "response" reaction of a viral infection;
  • allergy (probability less than 0.0000001%).

It is also noted that taking Allokin-Alpha can provoke a decrease in the reaction rate. But this effect lasts only 2-3 hours after the injection. Accordingly, immediately after the injection, one should refrain from driving vehicles or from working with various kinds of equipment that require increased concentration of attention during operation.


The average price for Allokin-Alpha in the Russian Federation is 3750 rubles per package (3 ampoules). In other packages in pharmacies, the drug is practically not found.


There are no Allokin-Alfa analogues completely identical in composition in pharmacies of the Russian Federation. But with cheap analogues of Allokin-Alpha with a similar effect, but with a different composition, the following drugs can be distinguished:

  1. Kagocel. Synthetic interferon inducer, prescribed for many infectious diseases of viral etiology. Partially approved for use in pediatrics (from 6 years). The average cost is 232 rubles.
  2. Panavir. Significantly enhances the protective function of the immune system, is made from a natural base. It also stimulates the synthesis of alpha and gamma interferons. The average price in pharmacy chains is 1600 rubles (in the form of injections).
  3. Ergoferon. Stimulates the production of gamma interferons. It is mainly used for the treatment and prevention of acute infectious respiratory diseases. It has a prolonged action, but is not active against human papillomaviruses. The average cost is 290 rubles.
  4. Tiloram. The basis of the drug is Tiloron, which comprehensively strengthens the immune system and provokes the synthesis of interferons. Assign for the treatment and prevention of influenza, herpes. The average cost is 625 rubles (pack of 6 tablets).

However, the effect of all the above drugs is still somewhat different from Allokin-Alpha. Therefore, in most cases, they are not suitable for replacement therapy. Additionally, you should consult with your doctor about this.


The manufacturer is currently not aware of any cases of overdose. But given the fact that Allokin-Alpha stimulates the production of interferons, it can be argued that an overdose can increase the likelihood of side effects. And although this pharmacological agent is released exclusively by prescription, it is allowed to self-administer (subcutaneously).

The manufacturer also does not indicate information about the combination of drugs with Allokin-Alpha. It is only known that in combination with Acyclovir (an antiviral drug), the drugs enhance the effect of each other. It is also not recommended to take Allokin-Alpha simultaneously with other immunomodulators.

Allokin alfa is a Russian-made antiviral drug. Interferon analogue. Effective against herpes and HPV. Good reviews among doctors and patients - up to 98% cure.

Producer: FMBA of Russia.

About the drug

Trade name: allokin-alpha (see photo).

Active ingredient: alloferon. This is an analogue of human interferon.

Previously, alloferon was obtained from insect larvae. Currently, it is produced by chemical synthesis, that is, artificially.

In the human body Allokin:

  • stimulates the production of a person's own interferon
  • stimulates the work of natural killers - immune cells that kill the virus.

After an injection of Allokin-alpha, the therapeutic effect persists for 7 days.

A doctor's prescription is required to purchase.


Allokin-alpha showed itself well in the following viral infections:

  • Human papillomavirus, especially its oncogenic types ()
  • Herpes virus types 1 and 2
  • Hepatitis B virus
  • flu virus

Instructions for use

Allokin alfa is available in ampoules, in powder form. The box may contain 1, 2, 3, 5 or 10 ampoules. One ampoule - one injection.
Not available in tablets.

How to breed?

The powder in the ampoule is diluted with 1 ml of saline. solution (this is 0.9% NaCl) immediately before the injection itself.
Pause for 1-2 minutes until the powder dissolves.
The solution is drawn into a syringe.

Where to prick?

Injections are given subcutaneously: in the shoulder or thigh.

According to the instructions

Treatment for HPV infection produced by a course of 6 injections, which are given every other day. For the best effect, Allokin-alpha should be used in combination with other antiviral drugs and removal of papilloma or cauterization of the focus of cervical dysplasia (read information about cervical dysplasia).

Often doctors combine injections of allokin and interferon in suppositories. At the same time, not 6 ampoules, but 3 ampoules are taken for the course of treatment. But in any case, the volume and treatment regimen is selected in each case individually, depending on the prevalence and neglect of the process in the patient.

Herpes treatment. Allokin-alpha is placed every other day, 1 ampoule - for a course of 3 injections. It is also recommended to combine this drug with acyclovir for a better and lasting effect.

Hepatitis B treatment. Allokin-alpha is placed every other day, 1 ampoule - a course of 9 injections.

Attention: the sooner the treatment of all viral diseases is started, the faster the cure will come. Delays in treatment may lead to a lack of effect from the use of Allokin and other antiviral drugs.

At an early stage - a cure in 98% of patients.

In the later stages - much less (by 20-30%).

Analogues of Allokin-alpha


  • Panavir ().
  • Genferon (candles).
  • Other interferon preparations under various trade names.


  • Epigen intimate ().
  • Isoprinosine ().
  • Imiquimod, or Aldara cream -.

Side effects and actions

Weakness, dizziness, sometimes an increase in rash or allergy to Allokin. It is not recommended to combine with alcohol, as dizziness increases.
There is almost never pain at the injection site.
Side effects on Allokin appear very rarely.


  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Children under 18
  • During pregnancy is contraindicated!
  • Nursing mothers - for the duration of treatment, stop breastfeeding.


It was never!


The cost of allokin-alpha is high. One ampoule costs from 1000 rubles (Russian). The most common pack is 3 ampoules of Allokin. Its price is 3500 rubles (pictured below).

The cost of 6 ampoules is almost 7000 rubles.

The description is up to date 07.08.2014
  • Latin name: Allokin-Alfa
  • ATX code: J05AX
  • Active substance: Alloferon (Alloferonum)
  • Manufacturer: State Research Institute of Highly Pure Biopreparations FMBA Federal State Unitary Enterprise (Russia)


1 ampoule of the drug contains 1 mg alloferon .

Release form

The pharmaceutical preparation is supplied to pharmacies in the form of a lyophilized powder for the preparation of a solution for subcutaneous administration, placed in ampoules of 1 mg each. Ampoules are fixed in a cassette blister pack made of polymeric materials, 5 or 10 pieces each. The set also includes an ampoule knife in a single copy. A cardboard box contains, as a rule, 2 blisters for 5 ampoules or 1 for 10.

pharmachologic effect

Allokin-Alpha is a pharmaceutical drug that belongs to the group of antiviral agents. The drug is active against viruses , and , the first and second type of virus , (the drug also suppresses oncogenic strains this type of microorganism).

Biologically active substance acting as an active ingredient is alloferon - an oligopeptide that stimulates the production of endogenous interferon fractions and activates natural killer system (natural killers). Also, the component contributes to the identification and destruction of damaged and non-functioning cells by cytotoxic species. .

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Allokin-Alpha is used for subcutaneous administration, after which it quickly penetrates into the systemic circulation and interacts with immunocompetent cells . In the course of clinical studies, it was found that the metabolites of the active component of the pharmaceutical preparation are similar in structural structure to blood plasma proteins, therefore it is difficult to establish the time to reach the maximum concentration, its level.

Within two hours after using the drug, an increase in the level of endogenous compared with the usual background by 2-2.5 times. This amount of protein with immune properties is stored for the next 6-8 hours. Increased quantity natural killers noted for 7 days after a single use of the pharmaceutical preparation.

Indications for use

  • chronic papilloma virus infection (may be associated with oncogenic types of human papillomavirus);
  • warts , flat and plantar ;
  • flu and ;
  • chronic relapsing herpes first and second type;
  • prevention of dysplasia and ;
  • urogenital diseases that are of an infectious nature (including a mixed one);
  • spicy Hepatitis B and With moderate severity (as part of the complex therapy of this pathology).


  • individual hypersensitivity, hereditary or acquired intolerance to the constituent components of the pharmaceutical preparation;
  • pronounced ;
  • period or ;
  • in pediatric practice, the drug is not used.

Side effects

Side effects in the treatment of this pharmaceutical preparation are quite rare, since the composition of the drug is fully described by the active ingredient. In isolated cases, there may be:

  • weakness;
  • the appearance of new elements of the rash during therapy herpetic infection .

Instructions for Allokin-Alpha (Method and dosage)

How to dilute the solution for injection?

The contents of the ampoule (lyophilized powder) should be dissolved in 1 ml isotonic sodium chloride solution . It is not recommended to use any other solvent, even from the crystalloid group. If conservative therapy consists of several pharmaceutical preparations that must be administered subcutaneously, then it is strictly forbidden to mix medicinal solutions in a syringe. It is necessary to use Allokin-Alpha ready for injection immediately, since over time the therapeutic effect of the drug is lost and its administration will be impractical.

Allokin-Alfa injections, instructions for use

The medicinal solution is administered in the form subcutaneous injection . How to inject subcutaneously should be discussed with qualified medical personnel. Below is the general sequence of actions:

  • Treat your hands hygienically.
  • Help the patient to take the right position (depending on the injection site).
  • Put on sterile gloves and clean your hands with a cotton ball with 70% alcohol.
  • Centrifugally or from top to bottom, treat the skin with the first cotton ball over a wide radius, and pass the second ball directly at the puncture site.
  • Take the skin at the injection site in a fold.
  • Inject at an angle of 45 degrees to the skin surface, insert the needle shallowly - approximately 15 mm (2/3 of the entire length).
  • Use your index finger to fix the cannula of the needle.
  • Inject the drug slowly.
  • Remove the needle by holding it by the cannula, and cover the injection site with a cotton ball moistened with alcohol.

Where to inject is determined by the representative of the medical personnel who performs the manipulation. As a rule, subcutaneous injections are carried out in the upper third of the outer surface of the shoulder, the subscapular region of the back, the anterolateral surface of the thigh, or the lateral surface of the abdomen.

Scheme and dosage

The conservative course of treatment with Allokin-Alpha is determined by the doctor, as it is individual and depends on the disease and the severity of the patient's condition:

  • pathologies caused oncogenic types of human papillomavirus - 1 ml of medicine every 48 hours through 6 injections;
  • recurrent herpes infection - shows the introduction of 1 mg alloferon every 48 hours for 3 injections;
  • acute hepatitis B or With - 1 ampoule of the drug three times a week after a reliable confirmation of the diagnosis by laboratory tests (the total course increases to 9 injections).


Clinically confirmed cases of overdose have not been described.


Care should be taken when combining Allokin-Alpha and drugs groups in complex therapy. Recommended regular diagnostic blood tests with the inevitability of the simultaneous use of these drugs.

Combining Allokin-Alpha with in complex therapy of chronic relapsing form is allowed, since due to the different mechanism of action of the active ingredients of pharmaceuticals, their antiviral effects potentiate each other (the overall therapeutic efficacy is significantly increased).

Terms of sale

Released only upon presentation of a prescription form, certified by the signature and seal of the attending physician.

Storage conditions

Store ampoules with injection solution should be in a dry, dark place out of the reach of children at the recommended temperature range of 2 to 8 degrees Celsius.

Shelf life

2 years (it is forbidden to store the finished solution).

special instructions

At hepatitis B and With complex treatment should be carried out no later than the 7th day from the onset of active manifestation of symptoms jaundice :

  • scleral icterus and skin (characteristic coloration);
  • (described in medical reference books as " strong tea" or " dark beer»);
  • steatorrhea - pale or uncolored stools with drops of fat;
  • , chills ;
  • pain in the right hypochondrium (upper abdomen).

During the course of a conservative course of treatment, one should refuse to independently drive a car or other potentially life-threatening mechanisms, as there have been isolated cases of dizziness during the use of a pharmaceutical preparation.

Allokin-Alpha analogues

Coincidence in the ATX code of the 4th level:

The pharmaceutical preparation is practically unique in its kind, since the indications for its use cover a fairly wide range of different viruses, and side effects or adverse effects are observed only in isolated cases. Therefore, analogues of Allokin-Alpha are presented only alloferon .


The use of the drug is strictly contraindicated in pediatric practice (it can be used in complex therapy only after 18 years).

Allokin-Alpha and alcohol

Formally, alcoholic beverages do not interact with the constituent components of the pharmaceutical preparation, however, it is recommended to completely exclude alcohol from the diet during the course of drug treatment. This precaution is explained by the effects that Allokin-Alpha has on the human body.

Under the action of a biologically active substance, the concentration of circulating interferon , and this plasma fraction is quite sensitive to changes in the chemical composition of the blood. Because alcohol-containing drinks can cause unpredictable side effects.

During pregnancy and lactation

The pharmaceutical preparation should not be used during periods of pregnancy and breastfeeding, since the active component may have adverse effects on the developing child's body, however mutagenic , teratogenic or fetotoxic effects no drug was found in clinical trials.

If during lactation it is not possible to replace the therapeutic effect of an antiviral agent, it is recommended to discuss the issue of interrupting breast milk feeding with a qualified specialist.

Reviews about Allokin-Alpha

The pharmaceutical drug has a good reputation, based on various forums or other Internet resources. The vast majority of people who have been treated with this drug are satisfied. Allokin-Alpha exerts its therapeutic effect within a short period of time and shows really good results, since the active ingredient is extremely active.

Reviews at herpes once again confirm the opinion of patients, especially if you use complex therapy with Allokin-Alpha and Acyclovir , because their action potentiates each other, which greatly increases the productivity of conservative treatment. Unpleasant rashes disappear already on the second or third day after the start of active medical rehabilitation, in contrast to monotherapy with any of the means (a noticeable therapeutic result can sometimes be expected up to two weeks).

Reviews of doctors about Allokin-Alpha are also favorable. Of course, the medical staff of state institutions complains about the price of the drug, but from the point of view of pharmacy, Allokin-Alpha is really unique in its kind. Efficiency rates amaze even people far from medicine: the prevention of dysplasia and cervical cancer is successful in 98 percent of all cases, and the treatment of human papillomavirus - in 96 percent.

Price Allokin-Alpha, where to buy

The price of Allokin-Alpha 6 ampoules on the territory of the Russian Federation largely depends on the place of purchase of the pharmaceutical product. So Yekaterinburg offers a cost of 3200 rubles, you can buy Allokin-Alpha in Moscow for 3400 rubles, and in Krasnoyarsk the price of the drug ranges from 3500 rubles.

The price of Allokin-Alpha in Ukraine is more stable. In all regions of the country, the average cost of the drug is at the limit of 1000 hryvnia.

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Information about medicines on the site is a general reference, collected from publicly available sources and cannot serve as a basis for making a decision on the use of medicines in the course of treatment. Before medicine use Allokin-Alfa surely consult with the attending physician.


Allokin-alpha is very effective against HPV, I was convinced by my own experience. I was treated for HPV with pills for a long time and unsuccessfully for 3 months. Unfortunately, so much time has been wasted. But the good news is that only 6 subcutaneous injections of Allokin saved me from HPV. The control PCR confirmed the absence of the virus. I strongly recommend!

I am very grateful to this drug for helping to cope with HPV. Than only with the partner were not treated! Only Allokin helped us. The disease is quite dangerous, so it is necessary to treat it, everyone is healthy!

Allokin pierced - HPV was not detected. The gynecologist said, you can live in peace, only periodically checked. But my boyfriend and I were treated together, so 100%.

I also pricked Allokin for herpes. Herpes got very strong. I have tried all kinds of medicines. Some helped, but only temporarily. I pierced the course of Allokin, somewhere for a year there were no rashes. Analyzes show the presence of herpes, but the titers have decreased.

Alexander, you will excuse me, but probably they were not treated correctly, Allokin helped many. Me including. For many years I was tormented by herpes, four or five times a year, I pierced Allokin injections immediately felt better, after a couple of hours the burning sensation and itching stopped. And since September 2018, there has never been a rash.

Treated cervical erosion. Moreover, in the analyzes they found HPV 16/18. The doctor said that complex treatment is needed. I burned the erosion and prescribed injections of Allokin-alpha No. 6 every other day. It pierced as it was supposed to. Three months later, PCR control. HPV was not detected! Very satisfied!!!

Very satisfied! Allokin alfa saved me from HPV. The injections are not painful, there were no difficulties with buying medicine either. One minus, I couldn’t inject myself, I had to go to the clinic every other day

I weighed all the pros and cons, and in the fall I started a course of HPV treatment with Allokin. For me, injections are preferable to pills and ointments, there is more faith in them, and the pills still don’t know how the body will backfire later. Last week I received my results: negative - no virus. So I recommend it, it really works.

A solution of alloferon in the form of antiviral injections of Allokin-Alpha can cause weakness and dizziness. In some cases, a rash appears, but such phenomena are very rare; it is not required to stop treatment with Allokin-Alpha when such symptoms appear. The action of the drug is based on high activity against infections that provoke the development of herpes, hepatitis and influenza viruses. The use of the drug Allokin-Alpha allows you to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect in the treatment of these diseases.

Pharmacological action of the drug

Alloferon (the main active ingredient) quickly penetrates into the blood because it is injected subcutaneously. There, the substance binds to the cells of the immune system and produces the synthesis of endogenous interferons, thereby supporting cellular immunity. The described component stimulates the recognition of cells that are defective.

After the start of the use and administration of the drug Allokin-Alpha, it very quickly appears in the blood, which contributes to increased conduction of impulses through the cells of the nervous system and an increase in the acting force of histamine, serotonin and oxytocin on smooth muscles.

Release form and components of the drug

This drug is presented in the form of a white powder. Sometimes, instead of the powder in the ampoule, you can find a porous mass, which is normal. From the contents of the ampoule, it is necessary to prepare a solution for subcutaneous administration. The main active ingredient of the drug is alloferon at a dosage of 1 mg.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

At its core, the drug is an oligopeptide, which makes it similar to interferon. The tool recognizes the affected cells of the immune system and stimulates the synthesis of interferons.

Conducted scientific experiments have confirmed the effectiveness of alloferon against viruses that cause influenza, hepatitis, human papilloma. It is important that the active substance is non-toxic, hypoallergenic, does not affect the ability to reproduce. It can be used by a wide variety of people.

The substance penetrates into the blood very quickly due to the fact that it is injected subcutaneously. The drug remains most effective for 6-8 hours, after which it decreases and becomes almost zero after 20-24 hours.

The drug is effective in various viral infections, the course of which is accompanied by a decrease in the protective functions of the body. According to the instruction, treatment with Allokin-Alpha is justified in the following pathologies:

  • papilloma virus (including oncogenic variations);
  • plantar warts, warts;
  • ARI and influenza;
  • herpes that recurs (types 1 and 2);
  • urogenital infections;
  • hepatitis B and C in the acute phase.

It is possible to use Allokin-Alpha for prevention purposes. Treatment with the drug can prevent the development of cervical dysplasia and cancer.

The use of Allokin-Alpha in the treatment of infectious diseases involves subcutaneous administration according to a predetermined scheme, depending on the diagnosis:

  • 1 mg of the drug is used every other day. For a course of treatment - 3 ampoules.
  • Dosage - 1 mg three times a week. The course of treatment - 9 injections.
  • Enter 6 injections every other day.

Treatment of other diseases is carried out in courses in accordance with the instructions for the drug. A pronounced therapeutic effect is achieved fairly quickly. It is important that a solution for the administration of the agent can be prepared from sodium chloride at a concentration of 0.9%. The amount of solvent is 1 ml per ampoule.

List of contraindications for use

Treatment with the drug should not be carried out during pregnancy and lactation. Alloferon is not recommended by pediatricians. The use of Allokin-Alpha is possible only after the patient's age reaches 18 years.

The remedy also has some other contraindications:

  • intolerance;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • alcoholism;
  • increased sensitivity.

If the patient's history is aggravated by one or more of these factors, treatment with Allokin-Alpha is contraindicated.

Possible side effects

Side effects during therapy with alloferon are quite rare, because the composition of the drug does not include any auxiliary components. The medicine contains only the main active ingredient. In some situations, patients may experience the following symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • weakness;
  • the occurrence of allergies;
  • migraine;
  • increased symptoms of the disease being treated.

If treatment with the described agent leads to side effects, then the use of Allokin-Alpha must be discontinued.

Over the entire period of application of Allokin-Alpha, no cases of overdose have been identified. This means that treatment with this medication is completely safe.

Interaction with other medicines

The main substance of the drug Allokin-Alpha does not interfere with the action of other drugs, therefore, when diagnosing genital herpes, you can safely combine alloferon therapy with acyclovir or its derivatives. Against the background of the development of an acute form of hepatitis B, the drug is also prescribed in combination with the main course of drugs.

special instructions

The drug is non-toxic, does not affect human reproduction. Its use is almost completely safe, but it is still worth considering some points:

  • to increase the effectiveness of therapy for genital herpes, alloferon can be combined with Acyclovir;
  • treatment of the papilloma virus with the use of the drug as the only remedy is permissible in the absence of lesions of the cervix;
  • interaction with other immunomodulators requires constant medical supervision;
  • the use of Allokin-Alpha for acute hepatitis B should be started within a week from the onset of the first symptoms.

If treatment with the drug provokes the appearance of dizziness and severe headaches, you should refrain from using the drug.

Use during pregnancy

During pregnancy and lactation, the use of Allokin-Alpha is not recommended, because the active substance has the ability to affect the developing fetus. If the potential benefit to the mother from the use of the drug is very high, then the child should be transferred to artificial nutrition for the period of treatment.

The immunomodulatory and antiviral agent Allokin-alpha is a popular remedy for strengthening cellular and humoral immunity. The drug shows a high level of effectiveness in the fight against viral hepatitis C and B, SARS, herpes, human papillomavirus, urogenital infectious pathologies, warts and condylomas. The use of Allokin-alpha is contraindicated in patients with autoimmune pathologies (for example, diffuse toxic goiter, scleroderma, and others), hypersensitivity to the elements of the drug, as well as children under 18 years of age, lactating and pregnant women.

Dosage form

The release form of the drug Allokin-alpha is a lyophilized powder or a porous white mass intended for the preparation of an injection solution for subcutaneous administration. The smell of the powder is absent. The product is packaged in ampoules of 1 mg. Each carton contains 3 ampoules.

Description and composition

1 ampoule of Allokin-alpha contains 1 mg of alloferon. The active substance is a cytokine-like oligopeptide consisting of amino acid residues linked by amide bonds.

Pharmacological group

Alloferon, which is the active element of Allokin-alpha, is an oligopeptide that exhibits pharmacological properties similar to alpha. The antiviral effect of the drug is to induce the formation of endogenous interferon proteins and stimulate the activity of the natural killer cell system. Alloferon promotes the recognition and dissolution of defective cells by cytotoxic lymphocytes.

A wide range of clinical studies proves the high degree of effectiveness of Allokin-alpha in relation to infectious pathologies caused by strains of herpes viruses of types 1 and 2, influenza A and B, human papilloma and hepatitis C and B.

The main pharmacological effects of Allokin-alpha are:

  • elimination of symptoms of the current infectious pathology of a viral nature;
  • suppression of the development of the disease;
  • reduction in the duration of exacerbation;
  • reducing the likelihood of complications;
  • exclusion of the risk of recurrence of pathology.

The active substance of the product does not have an embryotoxic effect, does not cause allergic manifestations, does not affect the reproductive system, and also does not have carcinogenic, mutagenic and general toxic properties.

Indications for use

The use of Allokin-alpha is justified in case of a sharp decrease in the patient's immune defense and, as a result, an outbreak of a viral infection. The drug is used to suppress the development of pathology and strengthen the immune system to effectively combat the cause of the disease.

for adults

Allokin-alpha is highly effective in combating the following pathologies:

  • labial herpes;
  • genital herpes;
  • human papilloma virus;
  • SARS;
  • dysplasia of the uterine neck;
  • chronic form of viral hepatitis C and B;
  • flu;
  • mixed forms of urogenital infectious diseases;
  • pathology of herpetic nature;
  • condylomas and warts.

for kids

Children under the age of 18 are strongly discouraged from taking Allokin-alfa.

Despite the absence of embryotoxic action, the drug is strictly contraindicated for use in pregnant and lactating women. During lactation, Allokin-alpha can be used only in conditions of complete refusal to feed the child with breast milk.


Absolute contraindications to the use of the drug Allokin-alpha are:

  • children's age up to 18 years;
  • the patient has autoimmune pathologies (for example, Liebman-Sachs disease, diffuse toxic goiter, scleroderma);
  • the period of breastfeeding;
  • individual intolerance or excessive sensitivity to the composition of the drug;
  • pregnancy.

Also, throughout the entire period of use of the drug, it is necessary to abandon the use of alcoholic beverages and alcohol-containing medicines.

Applications and doses

Allokin-alpha is used exclusively as an injection solution for injection under the skin. In order to prepare the solution, it is necessary to dissolve the contents of the ampoule in 1 ml of saline (0.9%). It is forbidden to dissolve the product with other drugs or foreign solvents. It is also contraindicated to mix several medicines in one syringe. Allokin-alpha solution should be applied immediately after its preparation. For the most effective therapy, the regimen and dosage of the drug is selected by the attending physician on an individual basis.

for adults

The drug should be administered exclusively subcutaneously.

In case of recurrence of herpetic disease, the use of 1 mg (1 ampoule) of the drug every other day is prescribed. The total amount of medication in the therapeutic course is 3 ampoules.

For the treatment of an exacerbation of moderate hepatitis B, the agent should be administered immediately after the final confirmation of the diagnosis in an amount of 1 mg (1 ampoule) 3 times a week. The duration of treatment is 3 weeks (9 ampoules).

The dosages of the medication required to treat other pathologies from the list of indications are selected purely individually.

for kids

Children and adolescents under 18 years of age is an absolute contraindication to the appointment of the drug Allokin-alpha.

for pregnant women and during lactation

During pregnancy and during breastfeeding, the use of the drug is strictly prohibited. If the patient refuses to breastfeed, the use of the drug is possible only under the supervision of a specialist.

Side effects

In most cases seen in medical practice, patients exhibit a high level of drug tolerance. The main factors contributing to the development of side effects against the background of the use of Allokin-alpha are:

  • non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • improperly made subcutaneous injection;
  • ignoring the doctor's prescriptions and information in the instructions for the drug;
  • simultaneous use of incompatible medicines;
  • the use of too large dosages of the drug;
  • non-compliance with the regimen.

The above factors can provoke such side effects as:

  • muscle weakness;
  • feeling dizzy;
  • exacerbation of herpetic disease.

Interaction with other drugs

During therapy for the chronic form of recurrent genital herpetic disease, Allokin-alpha can be used in conjunction with, as well as with its derivatives. Both drugs complement the medicinal effects in the fight against viral infectious pathologies, despite the differing mechanisms of pharmacological action.

In the treatment of acute hepatitis B, the drug is used simultaneously with the drugs included in the complex of basic therapy.

There is no information on other drug interactions of Allokin-alpha.

special instructions

The use of the drug should be started immediately after the first manifestations of symptoms of pathologies. If a patient is suspected of having hepatitis B, treatment should begin as soon as symptoms of jaundice are detected.

Due to the fact that the drug may cause a feeling of dizziness, during the period of use of Allokin-alpha, it is recommended to refuse to drive any vehicles, as well as to engage in extreme activities and work with high-precision or dangerous mechanisms.


With the introduction of excessively high dosages of the drug increases the risk of side effects. In this case, it is necessary to carry out symptomatic therapy.

Storage conditions

Allokin-alpha should be stored in a place strictly protected from light and children's access at a temperature of 2˚C to 8˚C.

Shelf life - 2 years. Do not use expired product.

The drug is released strictly according to the prescription.


The most common analogues of Allokin-alpha are the following drugs:

  • . The dosage form is represented by lozenges. Active ingredient: complex of antibodies to histamine, human gamma and CD glycoprotein
  • Tiloram. The active substance is tilorone. Produced in the form of tablets. It is prescribed for the treatment of leukoencephalitis, tuberculosis and chlamydia. Can be combined with a number of antibiotic medicines.
  • . It differs from Allokin-alpha in the content of the active component of plant origin. Available in the form of a solution for intravenous injection, gel, as well as rectal and vaginal suppositories.
  • . The active ingredient isne. The active element is of plant origin. Produced in tablet form. It is most often used to treat herpes, herpes zoster and chicken pox.


The cost of Allokin-alpha is an average of 3750 rubles.