
Birch tar for dandruff. Birch tar in cosmetology for hair and face from acne

Birch tar has long been used for hair and face care. This viscous liquid with a pungent odor contains many nutrients that have a beneficial effect on the hair and skin of the face.

Birch tar is obtained from birch bark and is widely used to this day in traditional and folk medicine. Due to its unique composition, birch tar has a wide spectrum of action. It has pronounced antibacterial, antifungal, antiseptic, regenerating properties. Tar accelerates the healing of wounds and burns, has a local anesthetic and drying effect.

Birch tar for hair application

From time immemorial, beautiful strong hair in women was considered her pride and all women carefully look after and monitor the health of their hair. No matter what means the cosmetic industry offers, natural remedies were considered and remain the best. Birch tar just refers to such means.

Birch tar is used both by professional beauticians and in home remedies. Birch tar is considered a natural natural hair growth stimulant. It has a regenerating and drying effect on the skin. These properties allow it to be used for dry and oily seborrhea, dandruff and hair loss.

The irritating effect of tar improves metabolism and stimulates blood circulation in the bulbs, which promotes the growth of new hair.

The use of birch tar soothes irritated scalp, normalizes the sebaceous glands. It cleanses the scalp from the stratum corneum, which helps to saturate the cells with oxygen, accelerating the regeneration process.

Birch tar hair masks

In stores, you can now buy ready-made hair care products that contain birch tar. As a rule, the concentration of tar in such products is not so large. For hair and scalp problems, it is best to make your own home remedies. Birch tar can be bought at a pharmacy and its price is not very high. Usually it is 35-50 rubles.

In home remedies, birch tar can be used in pure undiluted form or mixed with other components useful for hair.

Mask with birch tar and glycerin

This mask is effective for damaged hair, with hair loss. Mix birch tar in a 1:1 ratio with glycerin.

Apply the mixture to the hair, rubbing well into the scalp. Put on a hat and leave for 30-40 minutes. Then remove with a swab and rinse your hair.

Mask with oils to strengthen hair

Mix 5 ml of calendula tincture with any oil: wheat germ oil, castor or burdock. You can take all these oils. Add a teaspoon of birch tar.

So that the smell is not too harsh, add essential oil. Stir and apply to hair, rubbing the mixture into the scalp.

Wear a hat or wrap your head in a plastic bag. Leave the mask on for an hour. Then wash your hair with shampoo. Do the mask once a week.

After a few months of using this mask, the hair will become strong and shiny, the volume of the hair will increase.

Moisturizing hair mask

Take a tablespoon of birch tar and mix with 20-30 ml of cosmetic hair oil. You can take burdock or burdock root oil, whichever you prefer.

Add a few drops of Aevit vitamin to this mixture. Mix everything well and apply along the entire length of the hair, starting from the roots.

Cover your head with a hat or bag and leave for an hour. Then rinse with shampoo.

To keep your hair from looking greasy, add lemon juice to your hair rinse water. The mask is recommended to be done no more than once a week.

Dandruff Mask

Mix a tablespoon of birch tar with two tablespoons of castor oil. Add 100 ml of vodka and stir.

Massage the mixture into the scalp with massage movements. Cover with a hat and leave for two or three hours. Then rinse your hair.

Mask with tar and henna

A mask with henna not only helps to get rid of dandruff, but also strengthens hair. For the mask you need colorless henna.

Dilute henna to make a slurry. Add a teaspoon of birch tar and stir.

Apply to hair along the entire length. Leave the mask on for an hour and then rinse your hair.

Mask for hair loss and growth

Birch tar can help treat premature hair loss better than professional products. With extensive hair loss, tar masks should be done several times a week.

This mask can also be done with seasonal hair loss in late spring, when the body lacks vitamins.

Mix a tablespoon of birch tar with 300 ml of pharmacy pepper tincture. Stir the mixture well for several minutes, shaking the container until the precipitation is dissolved.

Rub this product into the scalp with circular massage movements.

After several such masks, many note a significant decrease in hair loss, bald patches decrease, the metabolism in the hair follicles gradually improves and the hair becomes thicker.

Lightening hair with birch tar

Such lightening of hair will be doubly useful. It will stimulate hair growth, strengthen them, give a healthy shine. Of course, it will not be possible to lighten the hair strongly, but it is quite possible to make it one tone lighter.

To do this, dilute one bag of white clay with 200 ml of burdock oil. Add 5 drops of essential oils of cinnamon and lemon and a tablespoon of birch tar to this gruel.

Apply along the entire length of the hair and leave for an hour and a half. Then wash off with shampoo.

Mask with birch tar for gray hair

Beat one chicken yolk with 65-70 ml of tar water. Add a tablespoon of motherwort tincture and mix. Apply the mask to the hair and leave for 30-60 minutes. Then wash your hair with shampoo.

You need to make such a mask once or twice a month. The mask strengthens the hair, restores the natural color of the hair, helps to get rid of dandruff. Hair becomes strong and shiny.

Oily hair mask

This mask regulates the sebaceous glands and helps to get rid of excess oily hair.

To prepare the mask, mix a small amount of castor and burdock oil with 50 ml of vodka. Add a tablespoon of birch tar. Mix and apply to the hair, rubbing into the scalp.

Cover your head with a hat or plastic bag and leave for one or two hours. Then rinse your hair.

Shampoo with birch tar

Such a shampoo can be made on the basis of the cheapest herbal shampoo. You should not buy an expensive shampoo, as it may contain components that can react with tar. And this, in turn, can lead to undesirable consequences.

In a container, mix half a glass of shampoo with two tablespoons of birch tar. Mix well and add up to 20 drops of essential oil. Pour into a bottle and shake to mix.


It is worth coming to a store that sells hair growth products - your eyes immediately run wide. Often we fall for the bait of marketing tricks, we buy dozens of expensive drugs, however, we never achieve the desired effect. Let's not rush to throw money away, but remember the inexpensive products created by nature itself, which solve problems with hair. This article will discuss the use of birch tar for hair growth and strengthening.


This is a natural resinous substance recreated by dry distillation of the upper part of the bark of a birch tree (birch bark). It is a thick dark liquid, specific in smell and glossy to the touch. The tar contains many valuable components, such as benzene, phenol, xylene, hydrocarbons, cresol, toluene, phytoncides, resins and thousands of other organic acids and compounds.

How it works

At a time when synthetic antibiotics and medicines were not popular, birch tar was used to heal wounds in humans and animals, prepare drugs for tumors, cleanse the skin of the face and restore the natural strength of the hair.

The tool is a powerful antiseptic, has an antimicrobial, reducing and insecticidal effect. Affects the work of the sebaceous glands, eliminates excessive subcutaneous secretion, stimulates the processes of blood supply, disinfects and relieves inflammation.

The principle of operation of birch tar for hair is extremely simple, and all components are not harmful to health. It has a number of properties that make it so useful for curls:

  • improves basal blood supply;
  • regenerates the epidermis;
  • saturates the hair with useful substances;
  • accelerates growth;
  • prevents baldness;
  • dries out excessive greasiness of the scalp;
  • relieves seborrhea and psoriasis.

Attention! Due to the natural complex composition of phyto-components, tar makes hair strong, elastic, shiny and strong.

In what form is it used

Individual connoisseurs of birch tar extract the substance on their own. To do this, it is necessary to plan the upper layer of the bark of a young birch, let it burn out using a special technology, and collect the “thickness” that flows down when the birch bark burns. But, most readers will not bother with the difficult preparation of tar, so you can safely go to the pharmacy and buy the finished product.

Birch tar is used in several forms:

Purified substance

Purified substance in vials. The most common form of natural product. It is inexpensive. A jar of 30 ml will cost 40–60 rubles.


Ointment based on birch tar has a large-scale field of application. Under production conditions, the familiar ointments of Vishnevsky, Wilkinson, Konkov, etc. are made by everyone. The drug will cost the buyer from 45 rubles. for tuba.


Essential oil is widely practiced for skin diseases and is a super-strong remedy for hair loss. Oil extracted by steam distillation of tar costs from 400 rubles per bottle. Used quite economically.


Ready-made cosmetics - soaps, shampoos, balms. Represented on the market quite widely. The pricing policy of products is also unlimited. From cheap tar-based soap to expensive imported hair products.

Tablets, balms, pastes

On the basis of birch tar, tablets, capsules, pastes, talkers, balms are also used.

The most commonly recognized hair strengthening agent is purified tar, which is sold in dark bottles, without additives. This type of use reduces the likelihood of cross-allergic reactions.

What problems can be solved

The use of birch "black nectar" helps to overcome the problem of baldness. The substances that make up its composition strengthen the cover, and make dormant bulbs wake up.

The substance stimulates blood flow to the surface of the skin, supplies the hair root with nutrients, and local irritation of the skin leads to accelerated hair growth. Also, the tool heals minor wounds and scratches, has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, similar to the action of local antibiotics.

It is noticed that literally after 2-3 applications, birch tar completely cures the problem of dandruff and itching of the scalp. Hair looks more manageable, lush and heavy. Hair loss is reduced by 10-20% after the first month of use. On average, hair growth is doubled.

Important! With the use of tar, you need to be careful with the owners of dry and split strands. But for oily hair types, this is an excellent drying agent.

Possible contraindications

In the vast majority of cases, tar excludes harm to health or deterioration of the hairline. However, there is still the possibility of local allergic reactions in the form of itching and inflammation of the skin. So Be sure to consult your doctor before using this remedy. It is also desirable to carry out a skin test reflecting sensitivity to tar.

It is worth refusing to use at elevated body temperature, with hypertension, general disorders of the body and chronic diseases.

Photos before and after

Application features

  1. The product is rather difficult to wash out of the hair, has a heavy structure and the property of accumulation in scales. Over time, the hair may look untidy, stick together. To avoid this, it is necessary to take short breaks in the treatment of hair with birch tar.
  2. Soap or shampoo must first be rubbed on the palms, and only then dispersed along the entire length of the hair.
  3. If after the tar the hair sticks together and becomes greasy, it is worth rinsing the curls with decoctions of herbs (nettle or chamomile).

Advice. You can eliminate the strong specific smell of tar by final rinsing your hair with water and lemon juice. This simple procedure will make the hair silky and supple, and also eliminates the remnants of the smell of tar in the hair.

Application methods

Consider the most popular and effective ways to use tar to strengthen and grow hair.

in the form of a shampoo

This use of the natural component is the most simple and convenient. It is possible both to add a tablespoon of a pharmacy dermatotropic agent to the usual shampoo before washing your hair, or to buy a ready-made shampoo based on birch tar.

- a special substance, which is actively used in medicine and cosmetology, due to its anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antiseptic properties. These remarkable properties allow birch tar for hair for the preparation of both professional and homemade hair masks that help to cope with a variety of scalp problems and significantly improve the appearance of hair.

Birch tar for hair - healing properties

The life-giving power of birch tar is due to its following characteristics:

In addition, birch tar for hair helps to quickly get rid of seborrhea - dry and oily - and dandruff, soothes scalp irritation and stops hair loss.

Stimulating properties of birch tar for hair growth

Birch tar stimulates hair growth due to its irritating effect on the scalp, which improves blood circulation. Blood flow to the scalp promotes better nutrition of the hair follicles and accelerates hair growth. But that's not all. There are passive follicles in the scalp, which the tar activates, which, in turn, increases the density of the strands.

Birch tar hair masks

Strengthening mask recipe:

  1. mix a spoon (st.) of birch tar with an alcohol tincture of calendula (buy 1 bottle at a pharmacy);
  2. add fifty grams of cosmetic castor oil to the resulting mixture and mix again;
  3. apply this mass to dry hair roots and wrap the head with plastic wrap;
  4. on top of the film we warm the head with a bath towel;
  5. after an hour, unfold the towel, remove the film and wash your hair with shampoo;
  6. rinse clean hair with a decoction of herbs or vinegar solution.

This mask, in addition, eliminates dandruff, soothes irritated scalp. With its regular use for several months, the quality of the hair will improve, they will become shiny and strong.

Recipe for a strengthening treatment mask with tar for hair loss:

  • peeled birch tar for hair (1 tablespoon) is mixed with an alcohol pharmaceutical tincture of pepper (300 ml);
  • by shaking for several minutes, thoroughly mix the liquid so that no lumps remain;
  • using cotton pads, apply the resulting preparation to the scalp and, carefully rubbing into the hair roots, leave for an hour;
  • after an hour, wash your hair with moderately warm water and shampoo.

By regularly repeating this procedure once or twice a week, it is quite possible to cope even with such a scourge as diffuse.

Birch tar for dandruff hair

To combat dandruff, as well as itching of the scalp and oily hair, we prepare a mixture of tar (10 g), castor oil (20 g) and alcohol (100 g) and rub it into the scalp shortly before washing. However, in this case, it must be borne in mind that an allergic reaction in the form of dermatitis or pigmentation is possible, so a sensitivity test to this drug must first be done.

Treatment of eczema with birch tar

Birch tar is effective in the treatment of chronic eczema. To achieve maximum effect, it is necessary to remove flaky fragments before applying the tar. Then we rub tar into the affected area, and powder it with talc on top. After two or three hours, we remove everything with a cotton swab, moistening it with vegetable oil. You need to repeat the procedure twice a day.

With seborrhea or focal hair loss, rubbing tar into the scalp in its pure form or mixed with medical alcohol or glycerin in a 1: 1 ratio will help. We rub with a stiff brush every other day, alternating with the days when I wash my hair with shampoo.

Tar shampoo is also effective, but it should be borne in mind that blond hair can change its color when used.

For itchy scalp, oily skin and dandruff, a mixture of 10 g of birch tar, 20 g of castor oil and 100 g of alcohol is recommended. You need to rub the mixture a few hours before washing your hair. However, after applying birch tar, contact dermatitis and pigmentation are possible, especially if the body is sensitive to tar.

Rubbing tar water into the scalp greatly contributes to the growth and density of hair.

In chronic eczema with a predominance of peeling, tar is rubbed into the affected skin for 4-6 hours 1-2 times a day (Behrend G., 1884, op. 21). To enhance the therapeutic effect, before applying the tar, crusts and scales are removed using compresses or baths.

On top of the tar, after its slight drying, the skin is often plentifully powdered with talc or an indifferent ointment is applied. After 2-3 hours, tar and talc are removed with a swab with vegetable oil. Pospelov A.I. (1905) recommends using a mixture of talc and tar for skin folds.

Rubbing tar with eczema of the scalp can be done even with wetting 1-2 times a day (Lesser E., 1896, op. 21).

With focal hair loss or seborrhea, rubbing pure tar or diluted in half with 90 ° alcohol or glycerin is carried out in rows with a stiff brush. Excess tar is removed with a cotton swab. Rubbing is carried out every other day, alternating by day with washing the head.

After any hot baths, it is useful to lubricate the body with pure birch tar - this is an old Russian remedy for treating rheumatism.

Contact of coal tar with normal, healthy skin is usually not harmful. The higher the concentration of tar, the more powerful the product is. Good for treating scalp psoriasis. Tar can irritate, cause redness, and dry the skin.

A coal tar bath is not effective for psoriasis, but it does help reduce itching and flaking. Test the product with tar on a small area first. If redness occurs, try applying over your moisturizer.

As a rule, the drug (not shampoo!) is applied to the skin for at least 2 hours, unless otherwise indicated on the label or prescribed by a doctor.

The agent with tar is usually applied 2 times a day.

To gradually increase the effect of drugs, the following treatment regimens are used:
1 week: the drug is simply applied to the affected areas,
2 weeks: the drug is rubbed into the affected areas,
Week 3: the drug is applied to the affected areas under clothing (probably long-term wear, without washing off the product).

How to use coal tar shampoos:
Wet skin, lather generously with shampoo, leave for 5 minutes, then rinse. Repeat procedure and then thoroughly rinse hair and skin. This procedure is usually performed 2 times a week, once every 3-4 days. The course of treatment for psoriasis is 8-12 weeks.

If there are strong crusts and scales on the skin, then their preliminary removal with salicylic acid products increases the effectiveness of tar shampoos.

Tar shampoo can change the color of blond hair.

A study was conducted on 20 patients with psoriasis to determine the effectiveness of shampoo with tar. Shampoo was used 2 times a week, a total of 10 procedures. In the process of treatment, 3 people developed an allergic reaction, and their use of shampoo was discontinued. By the end of the first week, patients noted the disappearance of itching.

The skin was cleared of crusts:
on the 4th day in 3 patients,
on the 7th day in 3 patients,
on the 10th day in 10 patients,
on the 17th day in 1 patient.

Inflammation has been significantly reduced.
on the 3rd day in 1 patient,
on the 6th day in 5 patients,
on the 9th day in 7 patients,
on the 13th day in 2 patients,
in 2 patients the inflammation remained after the course of treatment.

Peeling has been significantly reduced:
on the 3rd day for 5 people,
on the 5th day in 6 people,
on the 7th day in 6 people,
on the 9th day in 1 person.

However, in 11 patients, sparse dry scales remain at the sites of injury even after a course of treatment.

Research results:
significant improvement was achieved in 12 patients with psoriasis,
improvement in 5 people,
- complications were observed in 3 patients: 2 people after 2-3 procedures had allergic reactions in the form of redness, itching, and the third patient received complications from the use of products with coal tar. The use of shampoo by these patients was discontinued.

Recipe from Ami
I do this: I buy something very useful for hair (a mask or a thick balm, preferably intended for application to the scalp, and not just to the hair.) If there is no money, you can use sour cream ... non-greasy (moisturizing) cream, like rubles for 20. I add pharmacy tar- by sight and feel. From a couple of drops to a couple of teaspoons. I used it for a very long time - I did not notice any harm. Sometimes more, so that the resulting thick mixture was dark brown. Sometimes - so, a little, for prevention only. A spoonful of olive oil (especially if there is a lot of tar). If not laziness, also vitamin A (or D) oil drip.

I put it all on and put on a hat. You can even leave it overnight if there is no one around (I actually wash my hair first, and then I rub all these tricks when I dry out). Well, or at least for an hour or two or three before washing. At the same time, I also lubricate the hair itself (but already without tar, of course). Then I wash it off, not sparing shampoo (if there is, T-gel is good ... especially since the effect is obtained from a mixture of birch and coal tar then) plus conditioner.

Well, now you can live then, and even be proud of your hair (only from the tar, the bangs grow very quickly).

Veronika Sadalskikh


Articles written

Birch tar is a natural antiseptic, which is made by liquid distillation of tree bark. The product is a thick oily liquid with a characteristic odor. It contains various useful components (phenols, cresols, phytoncides), which have a beneficial effect on the skin and hair. Birch tar for hair is used in the form of balms, shampoos and pastes. Sometimes it is used in its pure form. Before use, be sure to do a test for the absence of an allergic reaction.

Therapeutic procedures using this natural product will help you strengthen hair roots, get rid of oily seborrhea, improve the appearance of curls, and get rid of eczema. Unfortunately, increased hair growth after using this miracle remedy is not always observed. You should also not treat dandruff with it. In order to get rid of it, it is better to consult a trichologist and choose special therapeutic shampoos and ointments.

How it is applied

Cosmetic products containing birch tar can only be used by people with oily hair. Shampoos are applied 1-2 times a week, and masks - 1 time per week. Masks are applied only to the skin. A natural antiseptic from birch bark can be purchased in its pure form and make masks yourself. To make a homemade cosmetic product, you will need ½ teaspoon of a natural antiseptic. The course of masks consists of 8-10 procedures. Be sure to focus on the condition of your hair and scalp. If you notice that the skin began to peel off, and the curls became dry, stop using it.

Use to treat severe eczema

For the treatment of this disease, a pure pharmacy product is used. Treatment consists in lubricating the affected areas of the scalp. In order to remove the remnants of the product, simple vegetable oil is used.


Take 1 part tar and 1 part glycerin, mix in a small bowl until smooth. Apply the resulting mixture before washing your hair 4 times a week (every other day).

Tar for hair can also be used in the form of tar water. It will improve their growth, make them thick and pleasant to the touch. You can apply water 2-3 times a week. In order to prepare it, take 50 g of tar and dilute it in a liter of water. Please note that it does not dissolve well, so it will take some time. Leave the prepared product for 3 days in any dark place, not forgetting to shake it. At the end, collect the foam that has formed on top and pour the tar water into a separate bottle. All the sediment should remain at the bottom - you won't need it anymore.

Hair loss mask

To prepare a homemade mask, you will need:

  • birch tar - a tablespoon
  • sour cream - 100 g
  • vitamin A - a few drops

Mix all ingredients thoroughly. The resulting mixture is applied a couple of hours before shampooing. It must be carefully rubbed into the skin and wrapped with a film. The mask is washed off with water. Please note that this process will be quite lengthy.

There is another effective home remedy. Take 4 tablespoons of burdock oil, add 6-9 drops of b.d. and a few drops of vitamin A oil solution into it. Rub the mixture well, wrap your head with a film. After half an hour, you can wash off.

In order to get rid of itching in the head area, prepare a tincture of 20 g b. e, 40 g of burdock oil and 200 ml of pure alcohol. The tincture is applied to the scalp, thoroughly rubbed, and then washed off with water.

Remember that birch tar has a specific smell, which in some cases can remain on the strands for several days. To get rid of it, add a few drops of pine or juniper essential oil to your shampoo.

If you do not have time to prepare cosmetics at home, you can purchase them ready-made. However, they are not as effective because they contain a large number of artificial components.

  1. It is necessary to apply cosmetic products and home remedies with some interruptions, as the curls will become very dry. Take a break after a month of use. After a few months, the application of tar can be repeated again.
  2. Shampoo and soap before use must be thoroughly shaken in the palms to get a thick foam. Only in this form they must be applied to the strands and scalp.
  3. To get rid of a specific smell and get a beautiful shine, rinse the curls with water with the addition of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar.

Birch tar is a real lifesaver for treating and improving the appearance of hair. It allows you to get rid of itching, seborrhea, prolapse, gives curls elasticity and shine.