
Lower back pain radiates to the arm. Why does back pain radiate to the arm? Acupuncture, manual therapy and exercise therapy

The human body is a complex mechanism, where different tissues are combined in each part of the body, generously braided by vessels and nerves of different calibers at the same time. In some areas there are more nerves, in others there may not be at all.

One nerve fiber can carry information from adjacent, but, nevertheless, different tissues (for example, from the capsule of the joint and the muscles that move it). In addition, there are nerves that are of sufficient length. They include fibers coming from the lower and higher organs. So they carry information about sensations (this is what sensitive nerve fibers do) from organs located far from each other and not connected to each other.

Why this lyrical digression? It is directly related to your question - what can cause pain in the shoulder joint. This symptom most often accompanies diseases of the structures of the joint itself and the muscles that are responsible for movement in it. But the causes of pain can also lie in the pathology of the internal organs. Large nerve fibers carry information about the sensitivity of the shoulder girdle, and, at the same time, the gallbladder (then it will hurt on the right), the heart (the pain is localized on the left), the diaphragm (it can hurt on both sides).


Below we will return to individual details of the anatomy. Now let's talk briefly.

The shoulder joint is the most mobile. It provides movement in any direction. So, the arm can be taken away from the body to the side and up, brought to it, raised up, wound behind the head or behind the back, rotated (this is the name of movement around its own axis) when bending at the elbow.

High mobility is determined by the shape of the joint, which is called spherical. Here the humerus ends in an almost full "ball", and it comes into contact with an almost flat "platform" on the side of the scapula (it is called the glenoid cavity). If this articular area was not surrounded on all sides by cartilaginous tissue, the head of the shoulder would “fly out” of the joint with every movement. But this articular "lip", as well as the ligaments abundantly braiding the articulation of the bones, hold the shoulder in place.

The articular capsule is a tissue formation similar in structure to the ligamentous apparatus. This structure "wraps" each joint, making it possible to circulate within this closed space. The peculiarity of the capsule of this particular joint is that it is wide, forms a space for the abundance of movements performed in the joint.

Since the joint makes a lot of movements, it must be surrounded by a large number of muscles, whose fibers will go in different directions and attach with their endings to different sides of the humerus, and to the chest, and to the scapula, and to the collarbone. The latter, although not considered part of the shoulder joint, is directly involved in its activity, being an additional support for the humerus rotating in all directions.

Muscles are attached to the humerus, and diverge from it in different directions. They form the rotator cuff of the shoulder:

  • the deltoid muscle is responsible for shoulder abduction;
  • subscapular - for the rotation of the shoulder inward;
  • supraspinatus - for lifting and abduction to the side;
  • small round and infraspinatus - rotate the shoulder outward.

There are other muscles, such as the biceps, whose tendon runs inside the joint. Which of them is inflamed can be indirectly judged by which movement is disturbed or causes pain (for example, pain that appears when you raise your hand indicates inflammation of the supraspinatus muscle).

All these structures - muscles, ligaments, articular cartilage and capsule - are permeated with sensory nerves that carry the sensation of pain to the brain if inflammation develops in any of the tissues, it is stretched or torn.

Here, motor fibers pass from the spine - along them there is a command to the muscles to move the limb in one direction or another. If they are pinched between bone or other structures, pain also occurs.

Please note that health workers call the upper third of the arm “shoulder” - from the shoulder to the elbow joint. The section from the neck to the shoulder joint is called in medicine the “shoulder girdle” and, together with the structures surrounding the scapula and collarbone, makes up the shoulder girdle.

Why does the shoulder joint hurt?

The causes of pain in the shoulder joint are conventionally divided into 2 groups:

  1. Pathologies associated with the joint itself and the surrounding ligaments, tendons or muscles. These include inflammation of the capsule that rotates the arm of the muscle cuff, articular bag, cartilage on articulating bones, muscles, tendons or the entire joint, some non-inflammatory diseases of these same structures.
  2. Pathologies with extra-articular localization. This group includes cervical osteochondrosis, inflammation of a sensitive nerve fiber (neuritis) or the entire large nerve, which is part of the brachial plexus (plexitis), chest disease, heart disease or digestive tract, whose inflammation or tumor "gives" to the area shoulder.

Consider each of the causes of pain in detail, starting with the first group of pathologies.

Tendinitis (inflammation of a muscle tendon)

Since, as we said, the shoulder joint is surrounded by many muscles that are attached here with their tendons, therefore, tendonitis can have a different localization. The symptoms of the disease will depend on this.

Common features of any tendinitis are:

  • occur most often in those who perform stereotypical shoulder movements (athletes, loaders);
  • the pain may be sharp, dull or aching in nature;
  • most often the pain in the shoulder area is sharp, occurs for no apparent reason;
  • hurts more at night;
  • the mobility of the arm decreases (that is, it becomes difficult to withdraw, bend, raise it).

supraspinatus tendonitis

This is a muscle that is located in the upper part of the shoulder blade and reaches the outer part of the head of the shoulder along a short path. Its tendon becomes inflamed most often in case of injury or if there is chronic inflammation of the bag lying under the acromial process of the scapula.

Here, the pain in the shoulder either intensifies or weakens - in periods. The maximum pain is noted if you take your hand to the side by 60-120 degrees. It will also hurt if you put pressure on your shoulder or pat on it.

A complication of untreated tendinitis is an incomplete rupture of this tendon.

Tendinitis of the biceps tendon

This muscle, which is often called the biceps (the word “biceps” is translated from Latin as “biceps muscle”), performs flexion in the shoulder and elbow joint, it makes it possible to turn the hands with the palms up.

Symptoms of this tendonitis:

  • recurring pains along the anterior surface of the shoulder, often they also give down the arm;
  • at rest there is no pain;
  • it hurts to bend the arm at the shoulder and elbow;
  • painful pressure on the forearm (the area from the elbow joint to the hand);
  • you can find a point in the region of the head of the humerus, the palpation of which causes a sharp pain.

This tendonitis can be complicated by a complete rupture or subluxation of the tendon. The last condition is the tendon slipping out of the groove on the surface of the bone in which it should lie.

Tendonitis of the infraspinatus muscle

This is a disease of athletes and workers of heavy physical labor. It has no obvious symptoms. Only pain during rotation of the entire limb, if at the same time press on the shoulder joint. Such pain is localized not only in the shoulder, but also spreads along the back of the arm to the elbow, and sometimes even lower - to the fingers of the hand.

A complication of this untreated condition is a complete rupture of the tendon.

Rotator cuff inflammation

Here, pain in the shoulder joint is found when raising the arm up (when you need to get something or when sipping).

This happens on the second day after a person has worked intensively with his hands, especially if before that he did not have to do such work (for example, whitewash the ceiling). The pain is sharp, severe, disappears when lowering the arm. Don't worry at rest.

If at the same time an X-ray examination of the shoulder joint is carried out, the radiologist will say that he does not see any pathology. The diagnosis will be made only by a traumatologist or sports medicine doctor.

Inflammation of the joint capsule (bursitis) and inflammation of the joint capsule together with adjacent tendons (tendobursitis)

Here, the pain in the shoulder joint is acute, occurs for no apparent reason, limits any hand movements, does not allow an outsider (for example, a doctor) to make passive movements with a sick hand.

Capsulitis (inflammation of the joint capsule)

This condition is rare, so you should think about it last, excluding more serious diseases, such as arthritis, rupture of the ligaments of the joint, or radiating pain in diseases of the abdominal organs.

Capsulitis of the shoulder joint is more common in women 40-50 years old, who had to lie down for a long time without moving their arm in full.

Inflammation develops gradually, imperceptibly to a person. At some point, he notices that it has become too difficult (as a feeling of "numbness") to perform a familiar movement with his hand, requiring it to be lifted up or behind his back. So, it becomes painful, for example, to play a musical instrument or to handle the fastener of a bra. This symptom is called "frozen shoulder".

Arthritis - inflammation of the internal structures of the joint

The disease develops due to:

  • joint contact with infected tissues;
  • penetrating wound with an infected object or operation with non-sterile instruments;
  • bacteria entering the joint with blood flow;
  • rheumatism caused by the bacterium streptococcus (usually develops after a sore throat or glomerulonephritis);
  • hemorrhages in diseases of the blood coagulation system, when the blood that has entered the joint cavity then suppurates;
  • joint injuries with subsequent development of inflammation and suppuration;
  • metabolic diseases (for example, gout), when the joint is irritated by uric acid salts that have entered it;
  • allergies to substances that have entered the body (often such a reaction occurs as a response to the introduction of protein preparations into a vein or muscle: serums, antitoxins, vaccines);
  • autoimmune damage, when the body considers joint proteins to be foreign and begins to produce antibodies against them (this happens with rheumatoid arthritis).

If arthritis is not caused by trauma, it may be bilateral.

The symptoms of arthritis cannot be ignored. This is:

  • severe pain in the shoulder joint;
  • it does not pass at rest, but increases with movement, especially when trying to put a hand behind the head, lift it up or take it to the side;
  • the pain is aggravated by palpation (palpation by a doctor) or a light touch of the joint;
  • it is impossible to raise a hand above a conditional line drawn horizontally through the axis of the shoulder joint (that is, above the shoulder girdle);
  • the joint is deformed due to edema;
  • the joint may become hot to the touch;
  • body temperature rises.

Arthrosis is a non-inflammatory lesion of the tissues of the joint

This pathology is associated with the development of changes in the articular cartilage lining the head of the humerus or the scapular articular surface. It develops most often as a result of often tolerated arthritis, as well as in the elderly - due to a violation of the normal blood supply to the structures of the joint.

The symptoms of arthritis are as follows:

  • sharp pain in the shoulder, which occurs with any movement of the arm, but passes at rest;
  • maximum pain - when lifting weights with this hand;
  • it hurts when you touch the collarbone and the bottom of the scapula;
  • poor mobility in the joint gradually develops: it no longer hurts, but it is impossible to raise your hand, throw your hand behind your back;
  • when moving in the shoulder, a crunch or noise is heard.

Shoulder injuries

The pain that appeared in the shoulder after a blow to this area, falling on its side, lifting weights, a sharp or unnatural movement of the arm, suggests that the person injured the shoulder joint itself or the surrounding ligaments or tendons.

If there is only pain in the shoulder, its motor function is not impaired, we are talking about a bruise of the periarticular tissues. If, after an injury, there is pain in the shoulder to the elbow, it hurts with the arm or it is impossible to move at all because of the pain, there may be a rupture of the tendons and muscle damage - only a traumatologist can distinguish these conditions.

Deformation of the joint after an injury with the inability to move the arm normally indicates a dislocation. If active movements are impossible, it is only possible to passively (with the help of the other hand or when it is done by an outside person) move this limb, while a crunch or some movement can be felt under the skin if the area of ​​the joint itself or below it is swollen, up to it it hurts to touch, then, most likely, there was a fracture.

Deposition of calcium salts in the tissues of tendons or ligaments

Such a condition - calcification of the soft tissues of the joint - can develop in a person over 30 years of age against the background of a deterioration in metabolic processes. Before this age, calcification occurs in a person suffering from diseases of the parathyroid glands, in which calcium metabolism is impaired.

The symptoms of this pathology are as follows:

  • constant shoulder pain
  • does not disappear at rest;
  • aggravated by raising the arm or moving it to the side;
  • its intensity increases with time.

Diseases of the spine

Pathologies in the region of 4-7 vertebrae of the cervical spine, whether it be:

  1. uncomplicated osteochondrosis;
  2. herniated discs;
  3. displacement of one vertebra relative to another (spondylolisthesis);
  4. inflammation of the vertebral bodies (spondylitis);
  5. subluxations or fractures of the vertebrae

will manifest as pain in the shoulder joint.

Dislocations and fracture-dislocations appear after an injury. Spondylitis most often appears against the background of tuberculosis, the manifestation of which was a dry cough, malaise, sweating, low temperature.

The most common disease of the spine that causes pain in the shoulder is osteochondrosis. This is a condition when the cartilaginous formation located between the vertebrae (intervertebral disc) along the periphery becomes thinner, and its central jelly-like section shifts towards the spinal canal. When such a nucleus or the remaining "bare" vertebrae compresses the root of the fourth, fifth or sixth cervical spinal nerve, and shoulder pain occurs.

For diseases of the spine, the following is characteristic:

  • pains occur in the shoulder and arm: they spread from the shoulder joint to the elbow, and sometimes to the hand;
  • aggravated by turning and tilting the head;
  • along with pain, the sensitivity of the hand is disturbed: it freezes or, conversely, feels hot;
  • goosebumps often run along the sore arm, numbness or tingling is observed.

Osteochondrosis is often complicated by humeroscapular periarthritis, when the tendons of the muscles that move the shoulder, as well as the capsule and ligamentous apparatus of this joint, become inflamed. Periarthritis can also occur with shoulder injuries or reactive inflammation as a result of a chronic infectious process in the body (tonsillitis, inflammation of the kidneys or bronchi)

Here is the pain in the shoulder:

  • appears abruptly, for no apparent reason;
  • increases gradually;
  • occurs at night;
  • aggravated by raising the arm, as well as attempts to bring it behind the back, lay it behind the head or take it to the side;
  • during the day, at rest, the pain subsides;
  • localized pain in the shoulders and neck
  • after a few months, even without treatment, the pain syndrome disappears, but the joint loses its mobility: it becomes impossible to raise the arm above the horizontal line or put it behind the back.

Shoulder nerve neuritis

Here, the shoulder joint experiences pain, being, together with the tissues surrounding it, in perfect condition. Pathology is characterized by the appearance of a “lumbago” in the shoulder, after which acute pain remains. It gets worse with hand movement.

Shoulder plexitis

With this pathology, one, two or three large nerve trunks are affected, passing just below the collarbone. They carry commands to the neck, arm and collect information about sensations from there.

Pathology develops after:

  • injuries: fracture of the collarbone, sprain or dislocation of the shoulder joint;
  • birth trauma - in a newborn baby;
  • long stay in a forced position: with complex and lengthy surgery on the organs of the chest or abdomen, with the features of professional activity that require a long position with an abducted or raised arm;
  • vibrations;
  • wearing crutches;
  • a common infectious disease (diseases caused by viruses of the herpetic group are especially capable of this: mononucleosis, herpes zoster, herpes simplex, chickenpox);
  • hypothermia of the shoulder area;
  • as a result of a violation of metabolic processes in the body: with diabetes mellitus, gout).

The disease requires urgent care and is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • severe pain radiating to the shoulder, but localized in the area above or below the collarbone;
  • aggravated by pressure on the area below the collarbone;
  • becomes stronger when moving the hand;
  • characterized as shooting, breaking, drilling or aching;
  • may feel like pain in the shoulders and neck;
  • the hand loses sensitivity on the inside (where the little finger is);
  • the hand turns pale, may even acquire a bluish color;
  • the brush may swell;
  • "goosebumps" that "run" along the inside of the arm, but more in its lower part;
  • the hand does not feel hot / cold, pain.

Other reasons

A symptom, more often described as pain in the muscles of the shoulder, less often as pain in the shoulder or shoulder joint, can occur not only with bursitis, inflammation of the tendons, humeroscapular periarthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis. There are also other diseases and conditions:

  1. narrowing syndrome (impingement syndrome);
  2. cervical-brachial plexopathy;
  3. myofascial syndrome;
  4. myelopathy.

There are no subjective symptoms characteristic of these diseases. The diagnosis is made by a doctor - mostly a neurologist, but a consultation with a rheumatologist or traumatologist may be necessary.

Reflected pain

In the shoulder can give pain in diseases of the internal organs:

  1. Angina pectoris is a condition where the heart suffers as a result of insufficient oxygen supply to it. Here the pain will be localized behind the sternum and at the same time - in the left shoulder joint. It occurs against the background of physical activity of any nature, whether it is walking against the wind, lifting weights or climbing stairs, it does not have to be a movement with the left hand. The pain goes away at rest. May be accompanied by a feeling of interruptions in the work of the heart. Learn more about the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of angina pectoris.
  2. Myocardial infarction manifests itself in a similar way to angina pectoris. But here the main symptom - even if the site of death of the heart muscle is small - is a violation of the general condition. This is a violation of the heart rhythm, sticky sweat, trembling, fear, there may be a loss of consciousness. The pain is very severe, requiring emergency medical attention. Learn more about myocardial infarction.
  3. Pain in the shoulders and shoulder blades is characteristic of inflammation of the pancreas. In this case, the pain is severe, radiates to the upper half of the abdomen, accompanied by nausea, loose stools, and fever.
  4. If the pain syndrome affects the right shoulder and shoulder blade, this may mean the development of cholecystitis - acute or chronic exacerbation. In this case, nausea, a bitter taste in the mouth, and fever are usually noted.
  5. Upper lobar pneumonia can also be accompanied by pain in the shoulder from the diseased lung. At the same time, there is weakness, lack of air, cough - dry or wet. The temperature often rises.
  6. Rheumatic polymyalgia. If pain in the shoulder appeared after a person had a sore throat or scarlet fever, especially if before that there was an increase and soreness of the knee joint, most likely he developed a complication - rheumatism. A pain syndrome in the shoulder is one of the manifestations of this disease.
  7. Tumors of the tissues of the chest cavity. For example, cancer of the apex of the lung, which will cause pain in the shoulder and between the shoulder blades.

Shoulder pain by location

Consider the characteristics of pain that can develop in any shoulder joint:

When it hurts What is it
When raising the arm forward or moving it to the side supraspinatus tendonitis
When rotating the arm around its axis towards the thumb, if the elbow is pressed to the body Tendonitis of the infraspinatus muscle
When rotating the arm in the shoulder around its axis towards the little finger, when the elbow is pressed to the body Inflamed muscles located in the subscapular region
  • Pain in the front of the hand when the forearm is turned towards the little finger
  • It hurts to open the door with the key
  • Shoulder pain gets worse when lifting weights
  • When bending the arm at the elbow, the shoulder hurts
  • Pain pierces from elbow to shoulder
Inflammation of the biceps tendon
The joint hurts with any movement. Pain worsens when turning the head or moving the neck Inflamed joint capsule
It hurts only when lifting weights, even small ones. Inflamed deltoid tendon
Pain when moving arms back Tendonitis or sprain of the supraspinatus tendon
Shoulder hurts when arm is raised vertically Arthritis or arthrosis of a small joint between the process of the scapula and the collarbone, when the muscles surrounding it become inflamed
Shoulder hurts when trying to comb, style hair, throw hands behind head or rotate them around the axis towards the thumb Stretched infraspinatus or teres minor tendon
The pain is aching, appears only when you put your hands behind your back, when you try to get an object from your back pocket. It hurts to lie to the side of the little finger Injured (stretched or inflamed) subscapularis tendon
Shoulder and neck pain
  • arthritis
  • osteochondrosis
  • myalgia
  • plexitis of the shoulder joint
  • arthrosis
  • arthritis
Shoulder and arm pain
  • Intervertebral hernia
  • tendinitis
  • bursitis
  • humeroscapular periarthritis
Pain from elbow to shoulder
  • Shoulder-shoulder periarthritis
  • osteochondrosis
  • bursitis
  • inflammation of the cartilage of the elbow joint (epicondylitis or "tennis elbow", "golfer's elbow")
  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • elbow dislocations
  • arthritis or arthrosis of the shoulder joint
  • gouty arthritis of the shoulder
Shoulder and back pain This indicates muscle spasm due to a long stay in an uncomfortable position, the same type of muscle work, hypothermia, compression syndrome.
Shoulder and collarbone pain
  • Clavicle fracture
  • infringement and inflammation of the roots of the spinal nerves
  • brachial plexus neuralgia
  • intercostal neuralgia
  • humeroscapular periarthritis

If your right shoulder hurts

Pain in the right shoulder is typical for:

  1. bursitis;
  2. tendonitis of the biceps;
  3. joint injuries;
  4. myositis of one of the muscles of the shoulder;
  5. calcification of periarticular tissues;
  6. humeroscapular periarthritis;
  7. right-sided pneumonia;
  8. exacerbation of gallstone disease.

The following signs indicate damage to the right shoulder joint, not muscle tissue:

  • pain is constant;
  • pain at rest, aggravated by movement;
  • diffuse pain;
  • all movements without exception are limited;
  • visible enlargement of the joint.

Pain in left shoulder

This is a more dangerous localization of the symptom: pain in the left shoulder may be accompanied by myocardial infarction. It may even be that in addition to this symptom, a heart attack has no other signs, only sudden fear and a sharp "throwing into a sweat."

Pain in the shoulder on the left can also talk about another pathology of the heart - angina pectoris. Then this symptom accompanies physical activity, walking against the wind (especially cold), climbing stairs. Usually the pain disappears at rest and is relieved by taking nitroglycerin.

Pain in the left shoulder occurs when:

  • shoulder periarthritis;
  • tendon calcification;
  • impingement syndrome;
  • spinal nerve root entrapment
  • shoulder joint injuries;
  • shoulder tumors.

Diagnosis depending on the intensity of pain

Consider which disease can cause one or another subjective characteristic of shoulder pain.

Strong pain

This is how pain is described when:

  1. Stretching of the tendons of the shoulder. Then the person remembers that on the eve he endured heavy things or could sleep in an uncomfortable position.
  2. Shoulder dislocation. In this case, you can also remember the episode when someone pulled his hand or had to grab onto a moving object.
  3. A fracture of the humerus will also be accompanied by severe pain in the shoulder area. But here, too, trauma is noted at the beginning of the disease.
  4. Arthritis. In that case, the joint turns red, deformed, it is very painful to touch it.
  5. Bursitis. The pain occurs suddenly, does not allow the person himself or the doctor conducting the examination to move his hand.
  6. Tendinitis. Pathology is manifested by pain when performing various movements, which depends on which tendon is inflamed. Symptoms of the main tendinitis are described above.
  7. Intervertebral hernia. At the same time, pain is not only in the shoulder, but also in the neck and face. The hand freezes, goosebumps run along it, it does not feel cold, warm.
  8. Diseases of the lungs, liver or spleen. They are described above.

Sharp pain

If pain in the muscles of the shoulder can be described as sharp, this may indicate the development of such a neurological disease as idiopathic brachial plexopathy. The cause of this pathology is unknown. It is believed that it is inherited, but more often its appearance is provoked by vaccination. This disease is characterized by the fact that, on the one hand, short branches extending from the brachial plexus become inflamed. It usually develops at the age of 20-40.

Here the pain occurs in one shoulder, suddenly, has a sharp character. It hurts not only the shoulder, but also the shoulder girdle. This goes on for a few days, then it goes away. Muscle weakness appears: it becomes difficult to raise your hand, lay it behind your back, turn the key in the door and comb your hair.

Also, sharp pain in the shoulder will be accompanied by other diseases:

  • arthritis of the shoulder joint;
  • capsulitis;
  • pleurisy;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • intervertebral hernia.

acute pain

This syndrome is accompanied by:

  1. joint injury;
  2. tendinitis, tendobursitis;
  3. arthritis or arthrosis;
  4. rupture of the shoulder tendon;
  5. intervertebral hernia, localized in the cervical or thoracic region;
  6. angina;
  7. liver pathology;
  8. myocardial infarction.

Nagging pain

This is how pain is described in humeroscapular periarthritis. It occurs for no apparent reason, at night. It is localized not only in the shoulder, but also in the neck, aggravated by putting it behind the back, raising the arm. During the day the pain subsides. If treatment is not carried out, the joint becomes stiff.

Constant pain

If your shoulder hurts all the time, it could be:

  1. tendinitis;
  2. sprain or rupture of ligaments, fracture - if this pain was preceded by an injury;
  3. arthrosis: pain accompanies any movement, accompanied by a crunch;
  4. humeroscapular periarthritis. Pain occurs at night, gradually increases, increases with pain;
  5. disease of internal organs: hepatitis, cholecystitis, pneumonia, myocardial infarction.

Blunt pain

This is how they describe:

  • tendinitis. In this case, the pain increases with movement;
  • humeroscapular periarthritis. Pain is also related to movement;
  • diseases of the abdominal organs;
  • infringement of the intervertebral hernia of the lower cervical or upper thoracic region;
  • myocardial infarction.

Burning pain

The syndrome of such characteristics is inherent in diseases of the spine. Here the pain increases with active movements of the hand, but if the limb is fixed, the pain disappears.

In addition to pain, the sensitivity of the hand is disturbed, “goosebumps” periodically run along it. The strength of the muscles of the upper limb decreases. She can get cold.

Shooting pain

Such pain is characteristic of inflammation of the spinal nerve root, which can occur with osteochondrosis, spondylosis, and spinal injuries.

Pain with numbness of the arm

This symptom is accompanied by:

  • humeroscapular periarthritis;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • chest tumors;
  • bursitis;
  • shoulder dislocation.

What to do if you have shoulder pain

In order for the treatment of pain in the shoulder joint of the arm to be correct, it is necessary to determine its cause. First of all, they begin with a consultation with a therapist, whose examination is aimed at excluding life-threatening pathologies, such as myocardial infarction, acute cholecystitis, pneumonia, acute pancreatitis, angina pectoris. If the doctor confirms suspicions of internal diseases, he either refers to the appropriate specialist (surgeon, gastroenterologist, cardiologist), or writes out a referral for hospitalization in a multidisciplinary hospital.

If a life-threatening pathology is excluded, a person is recommended to consult an orthopedist-traumatologist. This specialist will check the movement along each of the axes of the limb, probe the joint. He may prescribe the following types of research:

  • x-ray of the joint: it will show the pathology of the bones: fracture, dislocation, fracture-dislocation;
  • radiography of the cervical and thoracic spine;
  • Ultrasound of the joint, which will reveal inflammation of the muscles, rupture or sprain of ligaments and tendons, the presence of inflammatory fluid in the joint;
  • CT scan of the joint or spine - if the x-ray did not provide comprehensive information.

If the orthopedist excludes the pathology of the musculoskeletal system, he refers to a neurologist. This specialist checks sensitivity, reflexes, and if he thinks about a pathology of a neurological nature, then to clarify the diagnosis, he focuses on the data of such studies:

  • CT scan of the lower cervical and upper thoracic spine;
  • electromyography;
  • Ultrasound with dopplerography of large vessels of the head, neck, upper limb.

Treatment for shoulder pain depends on the diagnosis. Before arriving or visiting a doctor, you can take painkillers only:

  1. in the form of an ointment or gel: Diclofenac (Voltaren), Ibufen, DIP;
  2. only on the area of ​​the shoulder joint and surrounding tissues;
  3. only if the connection of pain with movement.

It is impossible to stop your own pain immediately before visiting a specialist: this way the doctor will not be able to determine the cause or direct him to the diagnostic method that is needed in the first place.

If there is a connection of pain with a certain movement of the arm, it is also necessary to immobilize (immobilize) the affected limb by bending it at the elbow and bringing it to the body. In that case, before you get to an orthopedist or neurologist, you can take painkillers in the form of tablets: Analgin, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac.

If joint pain occurs after an injury or training, the above rules for immobilization and taking painkillers also apply here. First aid is supplemented by applying to the diseased joint:

  • on the first day - ice: for 15-20 minutes every 3 hours;
  • from the second day - dry heat (heating with a blue lamp or heating pad) - 3 times a day, for 20 minutes.

Independently - before consulting a therapist - you can not take any folk remedies, perform a shoulder massage or exercise therapy. All this is assigned by a specialist.

The difference between osteochondrosis is pain in organs, parts of the body that are not related to the spine. Often, osteochondrosis is disguised as other diseases, treatment is ineffective. Pain in the hand with osteochondrosis of the neck is taken for arthrosis of the joints of the hands, fatigue of the fingers due to work that requires subtle movements. Pain that accompanies osteochondrosis of the hand - numbness of the area of ​​​​the hand, arm, burning, aching in the fingers.

Pain, numbness of the left hand is a symptom not only of diseases of the joints and spine. Cardiovascular diseases often cause symptoms similar to osteochondrosis, arthrosis. It is worth consulting a doctor for a detailed examination, diagnosis.

Symptoms and diagnosis of osteochondrosis of the hands

The appearance of pain, numbness of the upper limbs is caused by various reasons - from metabolic disorders in the body to complications of infectious diseases. Often the symptoms are inherent in osteochondrosis of the upper spine.


  1. Pallor of the skin of the hands when in a cold room, on the street in the autumn-spring and winter. Osteochondrosis of the neck is caused by a decrease in the discs between the segments, which provokes insufficient blood supply to the upper body. Should alert short-term blanching of the fingers in the cold.
  2. Numbness with repeated repetition of small movements of the fingers. Osteochondrosis of the hands is accompanied by numbness due to constriction of blood vessels in the neck, compression of nerve endings in the region of 3-5 vertebrae. These nerve endings are responsible for the sensitivity of the hands. When they are squeezed by the displaced segments of the spine, the hand becomes numb, causing inconvenience.
  3. Cervical osteochondrosis gives pain to the arm, therefore, with a diagnosis of cervical osteochondrosis, pain in the arm is expected. Pain occurs at rest, with movements of the hand, fingers. There is a slight tingling sensation, a strong ache. The pain subsides after the cessation of movement.
  4. Morning stiffness of the fingers, passing after kneading the hands with light massage movements.
  5. At the beginning of the disease, imperceptible subcutaneous formations in the form of balls on the joints of the fingers. Then they increase, the skin over them acquires a pinkish tint.

With osteochondrosis of the right hand, they consult a doctor earlier than with symptoms on the left side. Firstly, with pain on the right side, working capacity decreases. Secondly, they complain more often about pains resembling those of a heart, they go to a cardiologist.

Professional training of doctors allows palpation of the neck, hands to determine the cause of pain. If the cause is a disease of the skeleton of the hands, spine, then the examination will help to establish the picture of the disease, determine the treatment. The main thing is a timely response to the appearance of signals from the hands, the whole body.

Osteochondrosis of the hands occurs at a young age and affects small joints. Developing inflammatory processes affect large ligaments, bones. The disease at the initial stage does not manifest itself, but over time it spreads to all joints of the hand, causing suffering. If left untreated, degenerative processes in the tissues become irreversible, which leads to loss of mobility of the fingers and hands.

It is enough to conduct a self-diagnosis of the presence of osteochondrosis, which causes pain in the hands. It is necessary to tilt the head several times to the right shoulder, then to the left. The appearance of a crunch, slight pain means the presence of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. The absence of discomfort indicates other diseases localized in the joints of the hands.

A disease of the skeleton, including the spine, hands is a serious disease that requires prompt response. After the diagnosis is made, treatment prescribed by a doctor is necessary, which will take into account the details of the condition, the degree of damage to the joints of the hands with osteochondrosis.

Treatment of osteochondrosis of the hands

Osteochondrosis is a difficult disease to treat, it is almost impossible to cure completely. When treating pain in the hands and fingers, it is necessary to establish the exact localization of osteochondrosis lesions in the joints in order to choose the right treatment. If the hand hurts due to osteochondrosis of the cervical region, it is necessary to deal not with the hand, but with the neck.

Types of therapy for the treatment of osteochondrosis:

  • Drug therapy consists of regular intake of drugs containing analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs, chondroitins that restore cartilage tissue. It is necessary to take vitamins - pills, injections. Common use of ointments, rubbing, bringing relief from acute pain.
  • Physiotherapy procedures that relieve tension in the muscles, inflammation in the joints, restoring blood circulation. The procedures are carried out in specialized rooms using electrophoresis, laser. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

  • Therapeutic massage, manual therapy. With pain in the hands due to cervical osteochondrosis, the chiropractor will correct the position of the vertebrae, which will improve the patient's condition. After a course of manual therapy, a steady improvement occurs, the pain recedes, becomes weaker.
  • Therapeutic gymnastics is prescribed to everyone, except for those experiencing an acute period of the disease. Gymnastics is based on exercises that strengthen the muscles that support the skeleton in the correct position. Daily exercise improves muscle elasticity, promotes better blood circulation in areas affected by osteochondrosis.
  • In the absence of cervical osteochondrosis, doctors recommend daily exercises for the fingers and hands. As a warm-up, it is worth tapping on the outer surface of the hand with a clenched fist. Change hands after the appearance of warmth in the limbs. With hands clenched into fists, make claps, while the joints of the thumbs should touch, then the joints of the little fingers. The next exercise is to bring the fingers of both hands into the lock. The fingers at the beginning of the exercise are widely separated, after the contact of the palms - tightly clenched together.

To prevent the subsequent occurrence of pain in the hands, fingers, it is recommended to protect the hands from strong cooling. In the cold season, wear warm gloves, mittens, do not wash dishes in running cold water, and do the exercises recommended by the doctor every day. Follow a diet that lacks grapes, sorrel, rich broths, dishes containing a lot of salt.

The article was written for general educational development. To establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment, ALWAYS consult a doctor

Pain in the right upper limb can occur at any age, the underlying cause should be determined based on the site, the nature of the pain, the age of the patient, and the results of examinations. Often the pain is combined with back pain, numbness, shoulder blade or neck, trembling fingers. In children, symptoms rarely appear, but even minor complaints should be consulted by a doctor.

There can be many reasons for the complaint, ranging from myocardial infarction to intervertebral hernia / cervical protrusion. Since for most people the right hand is the main one in work, signs often occur in programmers, builders.

Pain localization:

  • Elbow joint on the right;
  • Right shoulder or forearm;
  • Muscles of the hand;
  • Right hand brush;

Discomfort in the fingers of the right hand, in 90% this indicates damage to the nerve roots in the neck or the places where they pass. Diseases such as cervical osteochondrosis, spondylarthrosis, spondylosis, etc. All fingers of the hand can be affected, the right ring finger and little finger, index and middle fingers are more often disturbed. May be disturbed by numbness of the fingertips, a feeling of cold, slight tingling.

Pain in the forearm and shoulder in young people indicates periarthrosis of the right shoulder joint. At a later age, arthritis or arthrosis may appear. Muscle pain - can talk about physical overstrain or injury. In the elbow joint of the right hand, epicondylitis or post-traumatic conditions can be found.

It is also possible that you may need to contact a cardiologist, rheumatologist, endocrinologist, etc.

Note! Online counseling is NOT available. Contact phone records.

    Right arm hurts a lot
    ... from shoulder to fingers.. aching unbearable pain ... 3rd day. especially at night. what kind of painkiller can you drink?

    Pain in the right shoulder and soft tissues from the shoulder to the elbow, some movements are limited with them, the pain has been intensifying for two months now, the soft tissues have been hurting on the outer and inner sides, there is also pain in the left side of the back in the region of the scapula below and above it, certain points of pain are aching, pulling aching feeling of heaviness what is it and what to do

    The right hand hurts up to the elbow and only at night. I wake up from pain 3 times a night, I feel like 5 minutes and quickly passes. The pain is terrible. Tell me what to do? Thank you.

    My right arm hurts like it's being shot through. It happens before important events.
    The pain starts in the elbows and goes to the wrists. External factors do not affect the pain if (if you press on the painful place)

    My right hand hurts. From the elbows to the wrist, as if they were shooting through.

    Hello. I am 22 years old. Recently in the gym after a year break, I overworked a little. During the sport, I noticed that my back ached and immediately stopped training. For a couple of days my legs (thighs, calves) hurt terribly, the pains were so strong that I could not move in the literal sense, I could not sleep at night. But my back didn't hurt at all. After a while, everything subsided, but there was pain in the right arm, and it has not gone away for a week. Approximately from the elbow to the wrist. Aching, tiring, at times subsiding, disappearing for a while (an hour or two) in general. The pain gets worse when I do something with my right hand. This is starting to bother me, although I smear voltaren and hepotrombin. Thanks in advance!

  1. Hello! I am 31 years old, my right hand is bothering me and it gives back to my legs, it aches and gets on my nerves ... I can’t sleep because of the aching pains. In 2015, I went to a neuropathologist and she diagnosed osteochondrosis and the fact that the curvature on the right spine may have been an injury in childhood. She prescribed an injection of actovegini 2.0 and ac.nicofinici, but I didn’t do them, because the pain was gone and now it hurts again.

    You need to undergo an MRI scan of the spine, after that, treat the spine. Check out our methodology and sign up for a consultation. Sincerely

Sketch for pain in the arm and chest

Briefly - the story of a man who suffered a summer ... physical injury and nearly made its effects chronic. But he came in time for a cure.

"Physical Trauma"

In early August, a healthy, strong man was lifting something like a barbell, on outstretched arms. It was necessary to put the "barbell" on the top shelf of the pantry.

The posture is uncomfortable (bending over, raising his arms, almost on tiptoe), the load is far away and, according to the rule of the lever, created a high load. Well, the man himself - although strong, but detrained, at that time.

Three components coincided - and he was shot. Sharp pain, he only by an effort of will did not drop the “barbell” down onto something valuable. I stuffed it somehow, waved my hands, warmed up, smeared it with ointment - and it became easier.

Then again the pain, no longer with such an extreme load .. Again a warm-up, again ointments. Summer. He swam a lot, went in for physical education, which is actually good. But the pain was at times.

I went to the hospital, they did an x-ray - they didn’t seem to find anything criminal. Also good. But there is pain!

Hands do not rise - they hurt

At the time of examination, due to pain, the movements of the arms up were limited. There is strength up to the horizontal, and then the strength disappears and the pain "paralyzes" the hands. The pain in the arm went down by autumn, and almost the whole arm began to hurt - from the elbow to the shoulder joint. Especially at night!

Upon careful examination, there were also pains in the chest. When breathing, with uncomfortable movements. It's good that he is not a hypochondriac - otherwise he would already be in the cardio center.

Fast results in a week

During the examination, I found several old triggers, painful lumps in the shoulder girdle. And I found to the right of the shoulder blade the probable immediate cause of this unpleasant condition. The muscle running along the lateral surface of the chest from the scapula was injured and signaled its trouble.

It is clear that we have just begun therapy, and that for a cure it would be necessary to remove all possible weak points, inflamed areas in his back and neck. But he raises his hands already freely, without pain! And breathe easy too

Often, most of the people who began to hurt their arms and legs, and adverse symptoms appeared, do not seek to find out their causes, trying to get rid of pain in the neck with the help of drugs. This method will not solve the problem of changes occurring in the spine, but will only aggravate the situation, postponing it for an indefinite period, when the pain becomes completely unbearable.

The causes of cervicothoracic osteochondrosis are:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • excessive physical activity and carrying excessive weights in one hand;
  • various injuries (arms, legs, back);
  • nervous strain, depression;
  • prolonged stay in one position (at a computer, driving a car, routine work on your feet);
  • crooked posture.

The intervertebral cartilage is inherently like a shock absorber that carries out the load placed on it, which controls the coordination of movements and the correct maintenance of the body's posture. Cartilaginous tissue, which wears out during the performance of its functions, has the ability to regenerate (restore), which decreases due to certain circumstances, which leads to displacement of the intervertebral disc due to the onslaught of the vertebral bodies.

Symptoms of cervicothoracic osteochondrosis

This disease, in which the arms and legs hurt, is inherent in any age and is most often the result of a number of factors that contribute to injury to the vertebrae and the joints between them.

The development of cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis is favored by a long stay in an uncomfortable and incorrect position, for example, during prolonged sedentary work, when the arms, legs and back are in the same position, or the habit of talking on the phone, supporting it with a shoulder.

Symptoms of the disease

A sedentary lifestyle combined with poor nutrition, genetic predisposition, poor posture, uncomfortable postures during sleep are all factors that cause cervicothoracic osteochondrosis, the occurrence of which is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • aching pain in the cervical region, gradually moving to the shoulders, arms and legs. The sharp pain that often manifests itself in the morning during the day gradually fades away, leaving behind constraint in movements and an excruciating feeling of discomfort in the legs and throughout the body. Toward evening, the pain syndrome rolls with yet another force, forcing the patient to experience complications with breathing and coughing. Often at the same time, the patient falls asleep in the wrong position only in order to maximally alleviate the pain in the arm or leg;
  • dizziness and headaches are invariable signs of cervicothoracic osteochondrosis, which are accompanied by pressure surges and develop into fainting. They are accompanied by lethargy, impotence of the muscles of the hands, a crunch of the neck when turning the head. Hearing impairment, constant ear ringing, numbness of the facial region and tongue, deterioration in the quality of vision, double vision may appear;
  • drawing pain in the chest region on the left, radiating into the arm, which becomes numb, burning and tingling are felt. The skin on the shoulders and arms becomes thin, dry and cold to the touch, itchy. There is an unpleasant sensation of electric current flowing through the skin of the hands and feet;
  • pain and burning sensation between the shoulder blades, in the cardiac, iliac region and in the hypochondrium on the right;
  • disruption of the normal functioning of the heart and lungs;
  • impaired coordination, accompanied by staggering when moving;
  • violations of the functioning of the intestines, bladder, stomach, genital organs;
  • disruption of natural sleep.

Stages of the course of the disease and methods of its diagnosis

Cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis, starting in a mild, subtle form, at first does not cause significant inconvenience. At the initial stage, in order to avoid the development of further complications, when the arm goes numb and the legs hurt, it is necessary to improve the conditions and quality of work, an energetic lifestyle, adherence to proper and healthy nutrition, and the eradication of bad habits.

Prevention means control over the correct posture, the adoption of correct and comfortable postures while sitting and sleeping, courses of therapeutic exercises that can cure both thoracic and cervical osteochondrosis.

With progression, accompanied by backaches (severe arching pains), cervicothoracic osteochondrosis can last several weeks, taking on a more serious pathological character. In this case, the urgent use of complex therapy is required, including massage, wearing collars intended for this, physiotherapy and physiotherapy exercises.

Body diagnostics

For the correct diagnosis of cervicothoracic osteochondrosis and its differentiation from diseases with similar symptoms, it is required:

  • medical examination with a detailed survey of the patient;
  • conducting laboratory tests, including electrocardiography, ultrasound of the heart and blood vessels, electroencephalography and dopplerography;
  • radiography, which fixes destructive changes in the spine with the help of pictures taken in direct and lateral views. The changes taking place in the cervical region are clearly visible in the pictures with the mouth open; they can also detect bone expansion around the spine and a decrease in the height of the intervertebral discs;
  • magnetic resonance imaging, which determines the degree of violation of the structural components of the spine.

Medical medical therapy

Therapeutic therapy of cervicothoracic osteochondrosis should be carried out in a complex manner, including the use of medications.

The pain syndrome is primarily eliminated by drugs. These can be tablets ("Ketanov", "Ibuprofen", "Ketolong", "Indomethacin"), ointments and compresses for osteochondrosis are especially relevant. Effectively relieve pain in the arm and cure osteochondrosis paravertebral - placed next to the spine - novocaine blockade. The concept of "blockade" means a temporary shutdown from the total amount of a link with a pain reflex. In addition to therapeutic, the blockade has a diagnostic value, helping to make a correct diagnosis with similar symptoms. But anesthesia, in addition to satisfying pain, does not solve all the problems caused by this pathology.

Strengthening the immune system will help the use of immunostimulants, vitamin complexes, as well as stabilizing tissue metabolism drugs. Restoration of the affected cartilage will enhance glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate - agents that affect the metabolic processes in the tissue structure and participate in its construction. Anxiety and depression, which may occur after the doctor has prescribed a diagnosis of cervicothoracic osteochondrosis, are eliminated by the use of tranquilizers and sedatives.

Physiotherapy procedures

Physiotherapeutic procedures, as well as therapeutic exercises in the complex, enhance the effect of general and local therapy, which requires the simultaneous adherence to a balanced diet with a high protein content, the intake of vitamins and mineral complexes. They are carried out at all stages of the treatment of cervicothoracic osteochondrosis. They help reduce pain, balance metabolism and improve blood circulation. With the help of such procedures, it is possible to reduce the doses of the drugs used, and in the best case, completely replace them.

Procedures during the treatment of osteochondrosis

The following procedures are effective:

  • electrophoresis - the introduction of drug solutions through the skin by passing an electric current;
  • Darsonval on arthrosis has - electric impulse exposure to high voltage current;
  • Amplipulse - exposure to modulated currents (SMT), which promotes pain relief and anti-inflammatory action;
  • ultrasound is characterized by resolving, analgesic and antiphlogistic action;
  • laser therapy helps to relieve moderate pain and improve blood circulation. In the stage of remission of the disease, it prevents its exacerbation.

Acupuncture, manual therapy and exercise therapy

Manual therapy and acupuncture are effective methods of treatment of cervicothoracic osteochondrosis, allowing you to effectively relax the muscles and release the vessels and nerve plexuses from the state of tightness. Along the way, they improve blood flow and trophism (nutrition and adaptation to perform their functions) of the affected areas, which reduces pain, swelling and other signs of inflammation. Restore the structure of the spine, strengthening muscles and eliminating pain. Since the neck is an anatomically vital area, these procedures must be performed by specialists to avoid risk when exposed to affected lesions.


Physiotherapy is focused on relaxing the spasmodic state of the muscles of the neck, legs and arms, on expanding the spaces between the vertebrae, restoring blood circulation, and releasing pinched nerves.

During the warm-up, with which gymnastics begins, exercises for the muscles of the upper limbs are initially performed, the shoulder and lumbar sections are gradually involved, then the back, the chest area and after that the neck muscles. Gymnastics is performed standing or sitting, and in case of violations of the vestibular apparatus, it is better to prefer a sitting position. The patient relaxes his arms alternately on each side, making swinging movements in the joints: wrist, shoulder and elbow; and exercises begin with a healthier side of the body.

Then the neck muscles are loaded by pressing the palm on the forehead, cheeks and cheekbones for 10 seconds.

Then the head is tilted in different directions, tilting it back and bringing the chin to the chest. Head rotation is not recommended. If the pain increases, the exercises should be stopped immediately.

Massage for cervicothoracic osteochondrosis

With massage, the same effect is achieved as with physiotherapy exercises. In this case, the muscle groups involved in the destructive process are massaged. Massage is carried out by kneading, stroking, tapping and rubbing. With an asymmetrically flowing disease process, massage procedures must be started from the healthy side. It is necessary to act on the paravertebral points located on both sides of the cervical vertebrae, excluding massaging the midline. In the acute stage of cervicothoracic osteochondrosis and if there are concomitant diseases, massage is unacceptable.

How to avoid the appearance of cervical osteochondrosis

In the treatment of cervicothoracic osteochondrosis, it is necessary to control nutrition by giving up alcohol, limiting oneself in the use of fatty and salty foods, sweets and carbonated drinks. It would be appropriate to switch to a low-calorie diet containing protein foods, vegetables, nuts, fruits. More often you need to eat seafood and fish, eat meat only in boiled form.

The fight against physical inactivity, a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, alternation of rest and physical activity will help to delay the onset of this disease or avoid it altogether.

Be sure to consult your doctor before treating diseases. This will help to take into account individual tolerance, confirm the diagnosis, make sure the treatment is correct and exclude negative drug interactions. If you use prescriptions without consulting a doctor, then this is entirely at your own risk. All information on the site is presented for informational purposes and is not a medical aid. You are solely responsible for the application.