
Hvorostovsky's disease what kind of tumor. Neurooncologist on Hvorostovsky's diagnosis: Brain tumor can masquerade as migraine and pressure problems

Official sources said that Dmitry Hvorostovsky died - the cause of death is already known to his many fans. The biography of the opera performer was very rich and eventful interesting facts He was known all over the world.

Two years ago Dmitry was given terrible diagnosis- brain cancer. Singer long time struggled with cancer, but, unfortunately, the treatment did not work, and on November 22, 2017, the artist died in London at his country house.

In 2015, fans learned that Dmitry Hvorostovsky was diagnosed with a terrible diagnosis - brain cancer. Doctors strongly recommended that the artist perform as little as possible and rest more. Dmitry did not want to give up performances, but nevertheless the singer got worse, because of which he had to cancel several scheduled concerts.

From the very beginning of treatment, Hvorostovsky sincerely believed in his healing, and continued to enjoy life, although brain cancer caused a serious deterioration in well-being.

How the artist struggled with a dangerous diagnosis

Today, the biography and cause of death of a famous singer are being actively discussed, because he died at night.

As friends and relatives of the artist say, Dmitry has been visiting hospitals very often in the past few weeks, as his health has deteriorated significantly, and the disease has progressed. The last year was especially difficult for the singer, he was very upset by his illness, and was depressed.

The singer's relatives claim that the last few weeks before his death, Dmitry tried to avoid any meetings with them, and was more often alone.

Some time ago, photos appeared on the Internet where Dmitry looks happy, hugging his family. But fans noticed that during the period of illness he had aged a lot and began to look very tired. Nevertheless, the singer did not give up until the last moment and struggled with his illness.

Even when the disease worsened, Dmitry did not lose hope of defeating the tumor. For this reason, the artist did not cancel, but postponed all his performances and concerts. Hvorostovsky devoted all his free time to procedures in the hospital, as well as to rehabilitation therapy, but, unfortunately, the treatment did not give positive dynamics.

Death of a famous artist

As it became known, Dmitry Hvorostovsky died at 3:36 at night. At the moment, the singer's biography and the cause of death are the most discussed topics, because millions loved him.

Some time ago, on October 11 of this year, an announcement about the death of the artist appeared on the Internet, but this information found no confirmation. Today, the singer's relatives and friends confirmed the fact of Hvorostovsky's death.

An entry from the family of the deceased appeared on the official Facebook website, which states that Dmitry died at the age of 55 from brain cancer.

Two years of fighting oncology did not give any result, the tumor increased and led to the death of the artist. The record says that the singer died near his home in London, and before his death, his whole family was next to him.

Biography of an opera performer

Dmitry Alexandrovich Hvorostovsky was born in 1962 in the city of Krasnoyarsk, it was there that he graduated from a regular school, and then entered a pedagogical school.

After the singer graduated from the faculty of choral singing, he was able to enter the Institute of Arts, where he received new knowledge. The artist's parents early age taught Dmitry to opera music, so already at school Hvorostovsky knew who he would become in the future.


Dmitry's father was a chemist by education, but Alexander had an excellent voice and was very fond of music.

All his life, Dmitry's father taught his son to music, often sang and even knew how to play the piano. Classical music was played in Hvorostovsky's house from early childhood, to which Dmitry was taught by his parents from the first days of his life.

From childhood, parents taught Dmitry to classical music.

At the age of four, the artist first tried to sing an excerpt from the aria, and hit the notes almost perfectly. It was then that his father decided to teach Dmitry to play the piano.

A few years later, Hvorostovsky went to study at a music school, where he successfully played the piano, the teachers were sure that Dmitry would have a bright future, but at that time everyone saw him as a music performer. However, the artist preferred to sing in the choir, and he liked this activity. more game on the instrument.

As Dmitry himself said, he studied very poorly in a regular school, they wanted to expel him several times for poor progress. When the long-awaited certificate was received, the singer was able to continue his path to success without being distracted by school classes in the evenings.

Musical career

When Dmitry was in his third year at the school, he was invited to take part in the troupe of the Krasnoyarsk Opera House. After just a few weeks of work, the singer was taken to perform solo parts in productions and lead roles. Often Dmitry took part in competitions for young performers, and won prestigious awards in them.

At first, Hvorostovsky gave concerts in London, but later he was invited to Russian cities, most often concerts were held at the Mariinsky Opera House. This is the first opera singer who was able to perform on Red Square, but Dmitry himself preferred to perform directly at the Kremlin Palace in Moscow.

Personal life

The first wife of Dmitry was the ballerina Svetlana Ivanova, he met her in his hometown. In 1996, the artist had two twins, but the marriage broke up just three years after the birth of the kids, as Dmitry found out about his wife's infidelities.

Later, the singer had new love, the girl's name was Florence Illy, some time after the start of the relationship, the couple got married, and Florence gave birth to Dmitry two children.

Soon, the artist was diagnosed with a brain tumor, it was operable, but he refused surgical intervention. According to the media, the death of Dmitry Hvorostovsky came on the night of November 22, 2017.

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  • On November 22, the world was shocked by the news and photos that Dmitry Hvorostovsky, a people's artist and opera singer, had died, and the cause of death was a disease - brain cancer. The maestro died surrounded by his family, who supported him throughout the entire period of treatment.

    A month before Dmitry Hvorostovsky died, he turned 55 years old: looking young in the photo, with big plans for life and career development, the artist struggled with the disease for 2 years, because the cause of death - a brain tumor was discovered in 2015.

    Singer long time was in the clinic, where he successfully underwent treatment. And in between chemotherapy courses, he performed with his concerts, not wanting to stop the planned tour.

    PHOTO: Dmitry Hvorostovsky

    Carier start

    The opera singer was born on October 16, 1962 in the city of Krasnoyarsk. AT school years Dmitry Hvorostovsky studied music - he played the piano and sang in a deep baritone, and after graduating from secondary educational institution entered the Pedagogical College, choosing the specialty "Music teacher".

    From a young age, Dmitry devoted himself entirely to one path, taking a great interest in hard rock. He joined an up-and-coming rock band, with whom he played concerts in the city. Even then, Hvorostovsky realized that he would devote his life to music, because for him it was not only a hobby, but also a way of expressing his feelings and emotions.

    In the photo, Dmitry Hvorostovsky in his youth

    Therefore, the young man entered the Krasnoyarsk state institute arts at the Faculty of Vocal, and in the third year he transferred to the Krasnoyarsk State Opera and Ballet Theater. The inborn vocal abilities of a talented singer required serious preparation.

    Road to glory

    While still studying at the theater, Dmitry Hvorostovsky went with his classmates to the Cardiff Voices International Opera Singing Competition. He managed to attract the attention of the jury and the public, showing his talent and entering the group of the best and receiving the Grand Prix. The performances of the contestants were filmed in real time and broadcast on TV screens around the world. The only country that did not participate in the transmission of the broadcast in the background cold war, was the USSR.

    Therefore, in the 90s, when many famous folk artists were left without work and barely earned their livelihood, the 30-year-old singer went to work in London. A decade later, he achieved stunning success in his career, soaring to incredible heights. He began to be recognized. Tickets were pre-booked for concerts, and fans planned a trip to the theater a year in advance.

    Dmitry became one of the leading voices at the New York Metropolitan Opera, worked at the Mariinsky and other well-known theaters. And Hvorostovsky's repertoire included the most famous works of Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Gioacchino Rossini, Giuseppe Verdi. And during individual performances, he performed romances and songs of the Second World War, striking the audience with his strong and penetrating voice.

    Despite working abroad in world-famous opera theaters and concerts on the world stage, Dmitry Khvorostyany was respected and loved in his homeland:

    1. He was not only a world opera singer, but also an Honored Artist of the RSFSR and a People's Artist of Russia.
    2. He was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree.
    3. A heavenly body was named after him. The asteroid was discovered on August 4, 1983 in the Republic of Crimea. An employee of the Simferopol astrophysical laboratory, admiring the talent of Hvorostovsky, entered the singer's name in the astronomical annals.

    In recent years, Dmitry Hvorostovsky planned to impress the world audience with new works, and his students with fame from concerts all over the planet, but cancer, as the cause of death, prevented the fulfillment of his plan (see photo). The maestro was developing a separate program of "amateurs" romances and had already planned the tour.

    Unfortunately, the artist did not manage to bring his plans to life.

    PHOTO: Still full of hope D. Hvorostovsky

    Fight for life

    Hvorostovsky performed not only for ordinary spectators. His repertoire included charity concerts funds from which went to help orphans and the disabled. The artist took an active part in the search and promotion in Big world little-known but talented young musicians. The generous, kind and sincere Dmitry impressed his audience not only with his voice, but also with the strongest positive energy that he shared with them at his concerts.

    Many friends and colleagues of Hvorostovsky expressed the assumption that the artist simply burned out on stage, exhausted himself. Indeed, at concerts, he completely surrendered to the public, charging it with his warmth.

    Dmitry Hvorostovsky always said: "My voice is a part of me." He believed that singing for him was the same as breathing. Despite the fact that the disease began to progress and the artist knew that he would most likely die, Dmitry Hvorostovsky continued to fight the tumor, keeping a smile on all the photos, and did not stop treatment, hoping that he could overcome the cause of death - cancer. Unfortunately, after he returned to the stage after a long year of treatment, the singer again had to go to the clinic.

    Dmitry Hvorostovsky during the period of illness - photo

    In the summer of 2018, Dmitry Hvorostovsky, already knowing that he could not beat cancer, gave farewell concerts in St. Petersburg. It was important for him to return to the stage and perform in the opera of his beloved city in a symphony orchestra in order to feel whole again and full of life. But after only a couple of months, the maestro's body could not stand the fight against cancer, and the talented singer died on November 22, leaving behind memory and respect from fans from all over the world.

    Friends and relatives of the singer said that in recent months the artist had health problems. Dmitry confessed to his father that he was suffering from dizziness and loss of balance. After the diagnosis at the end of June of this year, it became clear what was the cause of poor health. The singer was forced to cancel a big opera concert in Munich, as well as all summer concerts.

    What is the stage of the disease and where will Hvorostovsky be treated

    Dmitry has been living in London for several years. He decided to be treated in one of the most best clinics the British capital, where members of the royal family often turn. From treatment in Russia, as well as from any financial assistance, the artist categorically refused. He assured fans that he was able to pay for his treatment and stay in the clinic. However, it is still unknown what his chances of recovery are. Specialists of the British clinic have not yet commented.

    The other day, journalists from the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper got through to Dmitry's father, Alexander Stepanovich. He admitted that his son's speech was disturbed, his eyesight worsened, he was thrown from side to side, but he still did not experience problems with his voice. Alexander Stepanovich was not told what stage of the brain tumor Hvorostovsky had.

    According to his father, Dmitry never spared himself: he performed on the street in severe frost, was constantly nervous before concerts, passed everything through himself, and once he ended up in the hospital with a hemorrhage due to some Korean pills.

    A close friend and producer of Hvorostovsky, Yevgeny Finkelstein, cheered up Dmitry's fans a little, saying that the disease was discovered on early stage. He is sure that treatment in London will give positive result, and already in November the singer will continue his concert activity.

    Is there any chance of defeating the tumor?

    Since the details of the singer's illness and treatment are unknown, fans can only guess what chances Hvorostovsky has. As it became known to the press, Dmitry has a bad heredity: at the age of 55 from cancer bone marrow his aunt died. It happened 20 years ago. However, modern medicine able to cope with cancer if treatment is started at an early stage.

    Modern medical practice can name a lot of stars who have beaten cancer. Among them are Kylie Minogue, Daria Dontsova, Laima Vaikule and Christine Applegate, Joseph Kobzon, Rod Stewart, Michael Douglas, Vladimir Pozner, Robert de Niro.

    How does Hvorostovsky feel today

    The singer himself is optimistic. AT telephone conversation with a journalist Komsomolskaya Pravda he said that he felt pretty good. He also wrote words of gratitude to the fans on his Facebook: Hvorostovsky is touched by such powerful support and warm words addressed to him, which come from different parts of the world.

    The artist's wife, Florence, and his children are now in London next to Dmitry. According to the wife of the composer Igor Krutoy, Olga, who is close to the Hvorostovsky family, at the moment the singer spends a lot of time with his family.

    The artist is actively supported by his stage colleagues. Philip Kirkorov wrote a comment on Instagram in support of Dmitry: “Dima - fight! You are strong, you will win!”

    Opera singer Dinara Aliyeva, with whom Hvorostovsky recently performed, also spoke out in support of her colleague. She said that in recent times did not notice any alarming changes in the artist's state of health. And this means that there is hope, and the chances of recovery are great.

    Biography of Dmitry Hvorostovsky

    The 52-year-old singer has always been a darling of fate. He quickly achieved fame. In 1989, the artist received the title " Best Voice” at the Singer of the World television competition in the UK (on the BBC). After that, the leading opera houses of the world dreamed of getting a Russian opera genius who reinforced his singing talent with an incredibly emotional presentation.

    Hvorostovsky performed on the stages of "Carnegie Hall" (New York), "Musikverein" (Vienna), "WigmoreHall" (London), "Chatli" (Paris). He gave solo performances in Europe, Japan, Latin America, Australia, Canada and other countries.