
Botkinskaya Hospital, St. Petersburg: address, phone number, building layout, photos, reviews. Clinical and diagnostic laboratory Mirgorodskaya 3 Botkinskaya

Health care is an extremely important part of everyone's life. You have to study the information about a particular medical institution before contacting it. Today the Botkinskaya hospital will be brought to your attention. St. Petersburg is the region in question. Everything you can find out about this medical institution: working hours, a list of doctors working here, patient reviews, conditions of stay. Only then can one judge how well the hospital is doing its job.

Short description

The first step is to understand what the institution under study is. Botkinskaya Hospital (St. Petersburg) - what kind of organization is this?

This institution is represented by a hospital with several divisions. The institution is engaged in the study, diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases. Accordingly, the organization under study is an infectious diseases hospital. It provides for both a polyclinic center and a hospital.

It follows that the specialists in the institution are different, but they are all associated with the treatment or diagnosis of infectious diseases. This is not a multidisciplinary center, although tests and ultrasound examinations are performed here.

A bit of history

In general, the Botkinskaya hospital (St. Petersburg) began to exist in the 19th century. More precisely, it was opened in 1882, on April 17. In 1891, the institution was named after Sergei Botkin. Since its opening, the hospital has undergone a huge number of changes.

Initially, the institution was designed for 300 seats, but it expanded all the time. By 1915, the organization could accommodate 700 people. The pharmacy, located at the hospital, supplied various doctors, maternity shelters, and schools with medicines.

In 1918-1919, the decline of the hospital is noted. The barracks began to collapse, the water supply and heating systems suffered. There was a shortage of medicines in the institution. The staff was leaving the hospital, and the patients were starving.

In 1922, the Botkinskaya hospital (St. Petersburg) began to revive. They began to attract new personnel here, carried out repair work. Already in 1924, the institution was operating at full capacity. At this stage, the organization hosted already 800 people.

In wartime, the number of infectious diseases increased. This led to high mortality within the walls of the institution. In 1966, another reconstruction of the hospital was organized. The organization accommodated 1,600 beds and had 3 medical buildings. They could accommodate 828 people.

The Botkin Infectious Diseases Hospital (St. Petersburg) was one of the first in Russia to open an intensive care unit for people with infectious diseases in 1972. In 2002, the organization was named the largest infectious diseases hospital. It has a hospital for 1210 people.

The address

Where is the organization under study located? The address of the Botkin hospital in St. Petersburg may be different. It all depends on which department you are talking about. The hospital is located in one place, and the clinic is in another. This fact must be taken into account when contacting the organization.

The address of the Botkin hospital in St. Petersburg is proposed as follows - Russia, St. Petersburg, Mirgorodskaya street, house 3. It is here that you need to come for treatment and observation in the hospital.

But the clinic can be found elsewhere. There are several outpatient departments at the Botkin Hospital. One is located at the already indicated address. And the other is located in St. Petersburg, on Piskarevsky Prospekt, 49.

The organization no longer has branches or affiliates. Therefore, remembering the proposed addresses is not difficult. It is recommended to immediately contact the main building of the hospital. This will eliminate the need to move to the hospital for further treatment.

How to get there

Many potential visitors are interested in how to get to the institution under study. To do this is not so difficult. The location of the clinic allows you to reach it on foot.

It is clear where the Botkin hospital (St. Petersburg) is located. How to get to the inpatient department? To do this, it is recommended to use the subway. You will have to get off at the station "Alexander Nevsky-2 Square". Then walk about 500 meters.

In general, the infectious diseases hospital is located near the following metro stations:

  • "Alexander Nevsky Square-2" - 402 meters;
  • "Alexander Nevsky Square-1" - 512 meters;
  • "Ligovsky Prospekt" - 1 kilometer 200 meters.

Transport interchange near the clinic only pleases. Getting to it is not difficult. If you do not want to travel by metro, you can simply take a taxi and get to the institution at the addresses indicated earlier.

Structure of the hospital

What buildings of the Botkin hospital (St. Petersburg) are there? To date, the institution has a developed structure. Despite this, narrow specialists do not accept patients here.

The structure of the Botkin hospital in St. Petersburg can be divided into the following departments:

  • reception;
  • profile (about 20 branches);
  • obstetric;
  • surgical;
  • resuscitation and intensive care (2 departments);
  • hyperbaric oxygenation;
  • extracorporeal hemocorrection;
  • polyclinic;
  • pathological;
  • instrumental diagnostics;
  • laboratory diagnostics;
  • AIDS/HIV prevention;
  • health center for homeless people;
  • immunological center.

As already mentioned, the Botkin Infectious Diseases Hospital in St. Petersburg is one of the largest in Russia. All of the above departments are open as usual. The hospital is provided here around the clock.

Working mode

What mode of operation of the Botkin hospital (St. Petersburg) is offered to the population? As already mentioned, the hospital operates around the clock. It can be used to treat infectious diseases. The front desk is also open all the time. But polyclinics have special schedules.

For example, the branch on Mirgorodskaya is open from Monday to Friday. Saturday and Sunday are holidays here. The treatment room is open from 8:30 a.m., doctors are open from half past 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The polyclinic of the Botkin hospital on Piskarevsky Prospekt is open only on weekdays. She works from 9:00 to 18:00. This is the schedule that the institution adheres to.

Visiting the sick

Botkinskaya Hospital (St. Petersburg) allows you to visit patients. This fact pleases almost all citizens. It is enough to remember the reception hours.

Today, visiting patients is allowed both on weekends and holidays, and on working days. On weekdays, you can visit a citizen undergoing treatment at the Botkin Hospital from 4 to 7 in the afternoon. On weekends, visits are allowed from 12.

There are no other rules regarding visiting hours. Remembering them is not difficult. Patients and their relatives do not complain about the time allotted for visiting. You can be sure that during the allotted intervals, visitors will be allowed to see the sick.


Now the work schedule of the Botkin hospital (St. Petersburg) is clear. The time of visiting patients is also known. Another important factor is contacts to communicate with the institution. There are a lot of them. The specific number will depend on the purpose of the citizen's appeal to the organization.

For example, you can use a universal multi-channel combination. It allows you to call the hospital hotline and contact any of its departments.

Clinics also have different numbers. All of them can be found on the official website of the institution.

In addition, there are separate combinations for questions related to vaccination, medical commissions for foreigners, drug tests, as well as to clarify the condition of patients in the hospital.

It is not difficult to reach the institution. The main thing is to call in accordance with the established schedule of the hospital.


What specialists work here? What does the Botkin Hospital (St. Petersburg) offer? Doctors working within the walls of the institution, as a rule, are associated with infectious diseases. Or rather, their diagnosis and treatment. There are no narrow specialists here. They are invited individually, if necessary, from other medical institutions. This must be remembered by all potential visitors.

There are no more specialists in the institution. Only they are offered by the Botkin Hospital (St. Petersburg). The doctors who work here do their job to the fullest.

About services

Special attention should be paid to the services provided in the hospital. The thing is that the main direction in which the institution operates is the provision of medical care free of charge. To do this, a citizen must have a CHI policy.

Optionally, you can use paid services. They allow you to get medical advice out of the general queue, as well as stay in more comfortable hospital conditions. There is nothing surprising in this. It is quite normal for any medical institution in Russia.

Botkin Hospital (St. Petersburg) offers the following paid services:

  • consultations of all infectious disease doctors;
  • the possibility of quick delivery of tests (blood, urine, sputum);
  • wards of a round-the-clock hospital of increased comfort;
  • vaccination;
  • conducting medical examinations;
  • removal of warts and nevi;
  • ultrasound studies;
  • radiography.

There is nothing surprising in this. No one inclines patients to paid treatment. It turns out, as already mentioned, at the discretion of the visitors.

About prices

Of course, paid services involve certain expenses. The Botkinskaya Hospital (St. Petersburg) is a very large medical organization that employs a huge number of experienced specialists. Therefore, some believe that paid services will have to spend a lot.

Actually it is not. Numerous reviews indicate that the prices for servicing the population at the Botkin Hospital are average. They cannot be called too high or low. Rather, within the normal range.

Despite this, the Botkin Hospital (St. Petersburg) receives a variety of reviews. There will always be patients who point out the overpriced cost of paid services provided within the walls of the institution. This is normal. Nevertheless, the citizen must understand that the proposed prices for Peter are indeed low.


What does the Botkin hospital (St. Petersburg) look like? The photos below show that the organization has a good cosmetic overhaul. The situation here is evaluated according to different criteria.

Some say that repairs are normal in outpatient departments, but in a hospital it leaves much to be desired. There are no claims only to paid chambers. The renovations are fresh, the furniture is updated whenever possible. Feels more comfortable. Outwardly, there are no special claims to the type of institution today. Although a few years ago they were. Patients complained about old furniture, lack of repair and unsanitary conditions.

Despite this, the Botkin Hospital (St. Petersburg) earns reviews for the situation not the best. Patients say that there is a certain heaviness in the air. State Infectious Diseases Hospital - that says it all. One gets the feeling of being in a place that will either give hope for a normal life, or become a permanent place of residence for a person.

In general, the organization under study is not much different, according to reviews, from any state clinic. Some say the facility needs a major overhaul or relocation. Such opinions are not uncommon. But they don't turn away patients.

The work of doctors

Treatment of hepatitis C in the Botkin Hospital (St. Petersburg), like any other infectious diseases, is carried out quite effectively. Many visitors to the institution note that despite the difficult situation and the lack of the latest repairs, the doctors here definitely know their stuff. Not all, but many.

Very often you can find positive reviews about the treatment of certain infections. Someone says "pulled out of the other world", "gave hope for a new life", "saved". Such statements are not uncommon.

But sometimes you can find far from the best reviews about the activities of the organization. Botkinskaya Hospital (St. Petersburg) is a place where not everyone can be cured. Some specialists here may not cope with the assigned tasks, be rude to patients. But such claims are rare. And this fact pleases. It is not for nothing that the institution under study has a good reputation among the country's major infectious diseases hospitals.

Stay in the hospital

What else is the Botkin Hospital (St. Petersburg) famous for? Analyzes are not faked here, doctors try to work conscientiously. But being in a hospital is something that many patients often find fault with. Especially those who are undergoing treatment without paid services.

The food in the clinic is good. And this fact is noted by the majority of patients. At the same time, attention should be paid to the claims of the population. Visitors say that the conditions of stay in the hospital often leave much to be desired, the service is not very well organized, and "chaos reigns" in some wards and departments. For example, some patients may be cared for by relatives who come into the room in the middle of the night and start making noise. All this happens on illegal grounds - nurses are allowed for a certain reward.

Fortunately, there is no evidence that the institution violates established rules. Yes, it feels like being in a state clinic. But, as some visitors say, the conditions in the Botkin hospital are not terrible. Often, terrible reviews about how bad it was in the hospital for treatment are refuted by positive opinions.

No unsanitary conditions - everywhere they constantly clean, keep order. We can say that the service here, as well as the stay in the hospital, is generally worthy.

Treatment effectiveness

What do they say about the effectiveness of treatment in the institution? As already noted, reviews are divided into several categories - positive and negative. Neither opinion is documented. Therefore, we can only hope for the best.

Some visitors can be seen talking about the quick and effective treatment of a variety of infectious diseases. Analyzes are done quickly, diagnoses are rechecked, no one is intimidated. The effectiveness of the treatment is excellent.

But sometimes there are reviews pointing to the exact opposite. Someone complains about the long absence of a diagnosis, some complain about ineffective treatment. As was emphasized, no one can prove the validity of such opinions. Therefore, they are not often paid attention to.

Results and conclusions

From now on, it is clear what the new Botkin Hospital (St. Petersburg) is. The address of this institution, its mode of operation, telephone numbers and main reviews were studied. What can be summed up?

In general, the institution under study does not look very good. It is currently in need of minor repairs. The Botkin Hospital in St. Petersburg provides professional medical care both on a paid and free basis. The latter occurs most often.

The living conditions here are acceptable. Not the best, but not terrible either. The bulk of doctors and nurses are highly qualified specialists who know exactly what they are doing. They help cure many visitors.

However, there is no guarantee that the patient will be 100% satisfied with the services provided. This is normal for any public hospital. The institution under study today is the largest infectious diseases hospital in Russia. It serves thousands of people every year.

Some visitors are glad that they ended up in the Botkin hospital. It is impossible to say with certainty that the institution is perfect. He has his shortcomings. But they pale in comparison to the benefits expressed by the successful treatment of most infectious diseases. You can safely entrust your health to specialists working within the walls of the organization.

People accustomed to private medicine will not be too comfortable here. But for public service, the service in the clinic is not arranged in the worst way. The bulk of similar institutions is significantly inferior to the Botkin hospital in the provision of medical services.

The clinical diagnostic laboratory of the Botkin Hospital is equipped with modern equipment that allows for comprehensive laboratory research. The laboratory equipment park is represented by biochemical and hematological analyzers, a flow cytometer, immunochemical and enzyme immunoassay analyzers, an automatic coagulometer, automatic systems for evaluating bacteriological cultures, blood cultivation, and a PCR diagnostics laboratory.

Every year, more than 3.3 million analyzes are performed in the divisions of the clinical diagnostic laboratory for all major types of research.

The CDL consists of 3 departments:

  • Department of planned laboratory diagnostics;
  • Department of emergency laboratory diagnostics;
  • bacteriological department.

The departments have 133 specialists, including 30 doctors.

Thanks to advanced equipment, the laboratory performs a wide range of research:

  • More than 30 parameters of biochemical studies;
  • General clinical blood analysis for 36 parameters, including reticulocytes and their additional characteristics;
  • Clinical analysis of urine, cerebrospinal fluid, feces, sputum, cytological studies (punctures, aspirates, exfoliative material);
  • More than 20 types of immunological studies, including infections, tumor markers, hormones, specific proteins;
  • A wide range of bacteriological studies, including the diagnosis of campylobacteriosis, helicobacteriosis, intestinal and vaginal dysbiosis.

The laboratory conducts daily quality control of performed studies using commercial control materials. Since 1997 KDL has been a permanent member of the Federal System of External Quality Assessment.

For 75 years, the CDL and the Department of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics of the RMAPO have been working as a single educational and methodological complex for the training of specialists in clinical laboratory diagnostics. Clinical residents and interns of RMAPE are trained annually on the basis of CDL

Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital named after S.P. Botkin is, in fact, the only specialized hospital in St. Petersburg that ensures the epidemiological well-being of the city.

The structure of the hospital has about 20 specialized infectious diseases departments for the treatment of all infectious diseases without exception. Every year, 30,000 to 40,000 patients receive medical care in our hospital.

One of the most important tasks for our hospital is the organization and conduct of medical, including resuscitation, measures in emergency epidemic situations, including the occurrence of cases of especially dangerous infections.

The Botkin Hospital is in constant readiness in case of admission of patients with especially dangerous infections. Hospital employees annually participate in exercises simulating the appearance of certain especially dangerous infections in the city. This is especially true today, given the existing potential threats of bioterrorist attacks.

On the basis of the Botkin Hospital, the City Center for the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases was organized, uniting all the infectious diseases departments of the city, the departments of infectious diseases of all medical universities, the City Virological Center, the infectious and epidemiological Organizational and Methodological Departments.

A lot of scientific work is constantly being carried out within the walls of the hospital. Almost all candidate and doctoral dissertations on infectious diseases in adults are prepared on the basis of the richest factual material of the hospital. Employees of infectious diseases departments of universities constantly publish methodological manuals, monographs, guidelines on the most relevant infectious diseases.

The hospital administration and staff of the departments organize and conduct conferences, symposiums, seminars with domestic and foreign specialists. Within the walls of the hospital, seminars and trainings for infectious disease specialists, internists, cardiologists from Finland, Sweden, Mongolia, Belarus are regularly held.

Since 1998, the Infectious Diseases Hospital has been participating in international multicenter clinical trials in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation and the international rules of GCP (Good Clinical Practice) on medicines. Since 1998, the Botkin Hospital has been licensed to conduct clinical trials and is in fact the base of Rospotrebnadzor to perform such work. Studies are carried out on behalf of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation after the approval of the Central Ethical Committee of the Russian Federation. To conduct these studies, the hospital organized its own local Ethics Committee. All project participants are GCP certified.

Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital. S.P. Botkin, which has a large detachment of experienced qualified specialists, is a real outpost of the infectious service of St. Petersburg. This is a school of infectious disease specialists and epidemiologists with preserved Botkin traditions and continuity. This is an uninterrupted multifunctional system capable of solving complex organizational, infectious-epidemiological scientific and practical problems at all times.