
Church hierarchy in Orthodoxy briefly. Christian hierarchy

The church hierarchy is the three degrees of the priesthood in their subordination and the degree of the administrative hierarchy of the clergy.


Ministers of the Church who, in the Sacrament of the Priesthood, receive a special gift of the grace of the Holy Spirit to perform the sacraments and worship, teach people the Christian faith and manage the affairs of the Church. There are three levels of priesthood: deacon, priest, and bishop. In addition, the entire clergy is divided into "white" - married or celibate priests and "black" - priests who have taken monastic vows.

A bishop is appointed by a council of bishops (i.e., several bishops together) in the Sacrament of the Priesthood by means of a special episcopal consecration, i.e., ordination.

In the modern Russian tradition, only a monk can become a bishop.

The bishop has the right to perform all sacraments and church services.

As a rule, a bishop stands at the head of a diocese, a church district, and ministers to all the parish and monastic communities included in his diocese, but he can also perform special general church and diocesan obediences without having his own diocese.

Ranks of bishops


Archbishop- oldest, most honored

Metropolitan - bishop of the principal city, region, or province
or the most distinguished bishop.

vicar (lat. vicar) - a bishop who is an assistant to another bishop or his vicar.

Patriarch- Chief Bishop of the Local Orthodox Church.

A priest is delivered by a bishop in the Sacrament of the Priesthood through priestly ordination, that is, ordination.

The priest can perform all divine services and sacraments, except for the consecration of the world (the oil used in the Sacrament of Chrismation) and antimins (a special board consecrated and signed by the bishop on which the liturgy is performed), and the Sacraments of the Priesthood - they can only be performed by the bishop.

A priest, like a deacon, as a rule, serves in a particular church, is assigned to it.

The priest at the head of the parish community is called the rector.

Ranks of priests

from the white clergy


Archpriest- the first of the priests, usually an honored priest.

Protopresbyter- a special title, rarely assigned, as a reward for the most worthy and honored priests, usually rectors of cathedrals.

from the black clergy


Archimandrite (Greek. head of the sheepfold) - in ancient times the rector of certain famous monasteries, in modern tradition - the most honored hieromonk, corresponds to the archpriest and protopresbyter in the white clergy.

hegumen (Greek. leading)

currently the abbot of the monastery. Until 2011 - Honored Hieromonk. Upon leaving the post
the abbot's title of abbot is retained. Awarded
the rank of abbot until 2011 and who are not abbots of monasteries, this title is left.

A bishop consecrates a deacon in the Sacrament of the Priesthood by way of deacon's ordination, i.e., ordination.

A deacon can directly participate in the commission by a priest or bishop and, but cannot perform them independently.

Sacraments and divine services can be performed without a deacon.

The hierarchy in the Orthodox Church has a large number of names (rank). A person who comes to church meets with clergymen who hold certain positions and are responsible, as true servants of the Almighty, for the flock.

Church hierarchy in Orthodoxy

Orthodox ranks

God the Father divided His own people into three types, depending on the proximity to His Kingdom.

  1. The first category includes lay people- Ordinary members of the Orthodox brotherhood who have not donned the clergy. These people make up the bulk of all believers and take part in prayer services. The church allows the laity to conduct ceremonies in their homes. In the early centuries of Christianity, the people had far more rights than they do today. The voices of the laity had power in the election of rectors and bishops.
  2. clergymen- the lowest rank, consecrated to God and dressed in appropriate clothes. To receive initiation, these people undergo a rite of ordination (ordination) with the blessing of the bishop. This includes readers, sextons (deacons), singers.
  3. clergymen- the stage where the highest clerics stand, forming a divinely established hierarchy. To receive this rank, one should go through the sacrament of ordination, but only after being in a lower rank for some time. White robes are worn by the clergy, who are allowed to have a family, in black - those who lead a monastic life. Only the latter are allowed to manage the parish.

About various ministers of the church:

At the first glance at the clergy, you understand that for convenience in determining the rank, the clothes of priests and holy fathers differ: few wear beautiful multi-colored robes, others adhere to a strict and ascetic appearance.

On a note! The church hierarchy is, as Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite says, a direct continuation of the "heavenly army", which includes the archangels - the closest subjects of God. The higher ranks, divided into three orders, through unquestioning service transmit grace from the Father to each of his children, which we are.

Beginning of the hierarchy

The term "church reckoning" is used both in a narrow and a broad sense. In the first case, this phrase means a set of clergymen of the lowest rank that does not fit into the three-degree system. When they speak in a broad sense, they mean clerics (clerks), whose union makes up the staff of any church complex (temple, monastery).

Parish of the Orthodox Church

In pre-revolutionary Russia, they were approved by the consistory (an institution under the episcopate) and personally by the bishop. The number of lower-ranking clergy depended on the number of parishioners seeking communion with the Lord. The reckoning of a large church consisted of a dozen deacons and clerics. In order to make changes in the composition of this staff, the bishop had to obtain permission from the Synod.

The income of the reckoning in past centuries consisted of payment for church services (clergy and prayers for the needs of the laity). Rural parishes served by the lower ranks were provided with plots of land. Some readers, sextons and singers lived in special church houses, and in the 19th century they began to receive salaries.

For information! The history of the development of the church hierarchy has not been fully disclosed. Today they speak with confidence about the three degrees of the priesthood, while the early Christian names (prophet, didascal) have been practically forgotten.

The meaning and significance of the ranks reflected the activities that the Church authoritatively announced. Previously, the brethren and the affairs of the monastery were managed by the hegumen (leader), who differed only in his experience. Today, gaining church rank is like an official award received for a certain period of service.

About the life of the Church:

Sextons (deacons) and clergy

When Christianity arose, they played the role of watchmen of temples and sacred places. The duties of the gatekeepers included lighting the lamp during worship. Gregory the Great called them "guardians of the church". Sextons controlled the choice of utensils for rituals, they brought in prosphora, consecrated water, fire, wine, lit candles, cleaned the altars, reverently washed the floors and walls.

Today, the position of the deacon has practically been reduced to zero, the ancient duties are now assigned to the shoulders of cleaners, watchmen, novices and ordinary monks.

  • In the Old Testament, the term "clear" refers to the lower rank and the common people. In ancient times, representatives of the tribe (tribe) of Levi became clerics. The people were called all those who were not distinguished by their “true” generosity.
  • In the book of the New Testament, the criterion of a nation is omitted: now any Christian who has confirmed compliance with certain canons of religion can receive the lowest and highest ranks. Here the status of a woman who is allowed to receive an auxiliary position is raised.
  • In ancient times, the people were divided into laymen and monks, who were distinguished by great asceticism in life.
  • In a narrow sense, clerics are clergymen who stand on the same level as clerks. In the modern Orthodox world, this name has spread to priests of the highest rank.

The first level of the hierarchy of clergy

In the early Christian communities, the bishop's assistants were called deacons. Today, they serve the word of God by reading the scriptures and speaking out on behalf of the congregation. The deacons, who always ask for a blessing for work, cense the church premises and help to celebrate the proskomidia (liturgy).

A deacon assists a bishop or priest in the celebration of divine services and sacraments

  • Naming without specification indicates the belonging of the minister to the white clergy. The monastic rank is called hierodeacons: their clothes do not differ, but outside the liturgies they wear a black cassock.
  • The eldest in the rank of diaconate is the protodeacon, who is distinguished by a double orarion (a long narrow ribbon) and a purple kamilavka (headdress).
  • In ancient times, it was common to give the rank of deaconess, whose task was to care for sick women, prepare for baptism and help priests. The question of the revival of such a tradition was considered in 1917, but there was no answer.

A subdeacon is an assistant to a deacon. In ancient times, they were not allowed to take wives. Among the duties was the care of church vessels, the covers of the altar, which they also guarded.

For information! In the present, this order is observed only in the divine services of the bishop, whom the subdeacons serve with all diligence. Students of theological academies are becoming candidates for the rank more often.

The second level of the hierarchy of clergy

Presbyter (head, elder) is a general canonical term that unites the ranks of the middle order. He has the right to perform the sacraments of communion and baptism, but does not have the authority to place other priests in any place in the hierarchy or bestow grace on those around him.

The priest at the head of the parish community is called the rector.

Under the apostles, presbyters were often referred to as bishops - a term denoting "guardian", "overseer". If such a priest possessed wisdom and an honorable age, he was called an elder. The book of Acts and Epistles says that the elders blessed the faithful and presided in the absence of the bishop, they gave instruction, performed many sacraments and received confessions.

Important! The ROC puts forward rules that say that today this church level is available only to monks with a theological education. Presbyters are required to have perfect morals and be over 30 years of age.

This group includes archimandrites, hieromonks, abbots and archpriests.

The third level of the hierarchy of clergy

Before the Church Schism that occurred in the middle of the 11th century, the two parts of Christianity were united. After the division into Orthodoxy and Catholicism, the foundations of the episcopate (the highest rank) practically did not differ. Theologians say that the power of these two religious organizations recognize the power of God, not man. The right to rule is transferred only after the indulgence of the Holy Spirit in the ritual of consecration (ordination).

Only a monk can become a bishop in the modern Russian tradition

A Christian theologian named Ignatius of Antioch, who was a disciple of Peter and John, was positive about the need for one bishop per city. The priests of the lower levels must unquestioningly obey the latter. Apostolic succession, which gives the right to ecclesiastical authority over the flock, was regarded as a dogma in the doctrines of Orthodoxy and Catholicism.

Adherents of the latter support the unconditional authority of the Pope, which forms a strict hierarchy of bishops.

In Orthodoxy, power is given to the patriarchs of national church organizations. Here, in contrast to Catholicism, the doctrine of the catholicity of the hierarch is officially adopted, where each chapter is likened to the apostles, listening to the instructions of Jesus Christ and giving orders to the flock.

Bishops (archpastors), bishops, patriarchs have the perfect fullness of services and administration. This rank has the right to perform all the sacraments, the ordination of representatives of other degrees.

Clergymen who are in the same church group are equal "by grace" and act within the framework of the corresponding rules. The transition to another step takes place during the Liturgy, in the center of the temple. This suggests that the monk receives a symbolic vestment of impersonal holiness.

Important! The hierarchy in the Orthodox Church is built on certain criteria, where the lower ranks are subordinate to the higher ones. In accordance with the rank, the laity, clerks, churchmen and clergy have certain powers, which they must fulfill with true faith and implicitness before the will of the Supreme Creator.

Orthodox alphabet. Church hierarchy

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As well as many different religions, there are different church ranks of the Orthodox Church. Everything must obey a certain order. Knowing the ranks will help not only to understand the hierarchy, but also to know how to properly address a particular clergyman.

Orders in Orthodoxy

The Orthodox Church is made up of the people of God. It is divided into 3 types:

  • laity,
  • clergy,
  • clergy.

Laymen begin ranks in the Orthodox Church. This is the name of the ordinary people who are not called to the priesthood. It is from the laity that the Church chooses ministers for all the necessary steps. It is this part of the people that plays the most important role in the life of the church.

The clergy include a type of ministers who rarely stand out from the laity. They also play an important role in the life of the church. This type includes:

  • watchman
  • readers,
  • choristers,
  • altars,
  • elders,
  • workers,
  • catechists and others.

This type of people may have certain insignia on their clothes or not at all.

The church ranks of the Orthodox Church are completed by the clergy in ascending order. They are usually called clergy or clergy. There is also a division into black and white:

  • white is worn by married clergy,
  • black - those who are monastics.

Only the black clergy, who have no family concerns, can manage the church. Clear also has a certain hierarchical degree. So, the ranks in the church are divided into 3 degrees in ascending order:

  • diyakonov,
  • priests,
  • bishops.

The first 2 categories can include both monastics and married people. But in the third group there can only be those who have taken monastic vows. Relative to this order, all church titles are located, as well as positions among the Orthodox.

church hierarchy

The orders of holiness of the Orthodox Church originate from the Old Testament times. Deacons belong to the lowest level of the priesthood. This is considered the lowest rank, upon ordination to which grace is acquired, which is necessary for carrying out those actions during worship that are assigned to it.

This rank is forbidden to independently conduct rites, sacraments and services. His main role is to help the priest. A monk who has been elevated to the rank of deacon is called a hierodeacon. Those who have served in this rank for a long time and have proven themselves well receive a new rank: for whites - protodeacons, for blacks - archdeacons. The latter may serve under a bishop. If for one reason or another there is no deacon, then a priest or bishop can perform his functions.

The second stage of the priestly hierarchy includes other ranks that are ascending. A separate place is occupied here by priests, or as they are also called presbyters or priests, and in monasticism - hieromonks. This is already a degree higher than a deacon. They are able to perform most of the holy sacraments, except for ordination, as well as the consecration of the world and antimensions. They lead the religious life of rural and urban parishes, where they can hold the post of rectors.

They report directly to the bishop. After a long and impeccable service in the white clergy, he can be promoted to the rank of archpriest or protopresbyter, and in the black - hegumen. Among monasticism, an abbot may be appointed to the position of rector of a parish or an ordinary monastery. If they plan to appoint him to the post of rector of a monastery or a large monastery, then he should be introduced to the rank of archimandrite. It is this degree that forms the episcopate.

Next come the bishops. They are also called bishops, or rather the chiefs of the priests. They already have the right to perform all the sacraments without exception. They may also ordain deacons to the priesthood. The most meritorious bishops are called archbishops. Those in the capital are called metropolitans. If situations arise in which one bishop is appointed to assist another, then he should hold the title of vicar. They can stand at the head of regional parishes, which are called dioceses.

The highest rank in the Orthodox Church is the patriarch. This position is elective. He is appointed by the Council of Bishops and, together with the Holy Synod, leads the entire local church. This dignity is for life, but in certain cases the court of bishops can remove the patriarch and send him to rest. While the seat is vacant, a locum tenens may be elected, who will perform his functions until the legitimate election of the patriarch.

It must be remembered that there is still a certain group of people - the clergy. These are psalm-readers, subdeacons, sextons. They take their place without ordination, but with the blessing of an archpriest or bishop.

Knowing such subtleties, you will never again feel uncomfortable when addressing the clergy.

The Lord is always with you!

Ministers of the Church who, in the Sacrament of the Priesthood, receive a special gift of the grace of the Holy Spirit to perform the sacraments and worship, teach people the Christian faith and manage the affairs of the Church. There are three levels of priesthood: deacon, priest, and bishop. In addition, the entire clergy is divided into "white" - married or celibate priests and "black" - priests who have taken monastic vows.

  • A bishop is appointed by a council of bishops (that is, several bishops together) in the Sacrament of the Priesthood by way of a special episcopal consecration.
  • In the modern Russian tradition, only a monk can become a bishop.
  • The bishop has the right to perform all sacraments and church services.
  • As a rule, a bishop stands at the head of a diocese, a church district, and ministers to all the parish and monastic communities included in his diocese, but he can also perform special general church and diocesan obediences without having his own diocese.

Ranks of bishops

  1. Bishop
  2. The archbishop is the oldest, most honored bishop.
  3. A metropolitan is the bishop of a principal city, region, or province, or the most distinguished bishop.
  4. Vicar (lat. viceroy) bishop - an assistant to another bishop or his viceroy.
  5. Patriarch - chief bishop in the Local Orthodox Church
  • The priest is ordained by the bishop in the Sacrament of the Priesthood through priestly ordination.
  • The priest can perform all divine services and sacraments, except for the consecration of the world (the oil used in the Sacrament of Chrismation) and antimins (a special board consecrated and signed by the bishop on which the liturgy is performed), and the Sacraments of the Priesthood - they can only be performed by the bishop.
  • A priest, like a deacon, as a rule, serves in a particular church, is assigned to it.
  • The priest at the head of the parish community is called the rector.

Ranks of priests

From the white clergy

  1. Priest
  2. Archpriest - the first of the priests, usually an honored priest.
  3. Protopresbyter - a special title, rarely assigned, as a reward for the most worthy and honored priests, usually rectors of cathedrals.

From the black clergy

  1. Hieromonk
  2. Hegumen (Greek leader) - in ancient times the abbot of the monastery, in the modern Russian tradition, an honored hieromonk.
  3. Archimandrite (Greek head of the sheepfold) - in ancient times the abbot of individual famous monasteries, in modern tradition - the most honored hieromonk or abbot of the monastery.
  • A bishop consecrates a deacon in the Sacrament of the Priesthood by way of deacon's ordination, i.e., ordination.
  • The deacon assists the bishop or priest in the performance of divine services and sacraments.
  • The participation of a deacon in worship services is not required.

Ranks of deacons

From the white clergy

  1. Deacon
  2. Protodeacon - senior deacon

From the black clergy

  1. Hierodeacon
  2. Archdeacon - senior hierodeacon


Servants of the Church who are appointed to their position not in the Sacrament of the Priesthood, but through ordination, that is, with the blessing of the bishop. They do not have a special gift of the grace of the Sacrament of the Priesthood and are assistants to the clergy.

  1. Subdeacon - participates in hierarchical worship as an assistant to the bishop.
  2. Psalm reader / reader, singer - reads and sings during worship.
  3. The sexton / altar boy is the most common name for assistants in worship. Calls believers to worship by ringing bells, helps in
    altar during worship. Sometimes the duty of ringing the bells is entrusted to special ministers - bell ringers, but such an opportunity is far from being in every parish.

Russian Orthodox Church as part of the Universal Church, it has a three-level hierarchy that arose at the dawn of Christianity. The clergy are divided into deacons, presbyters and bishops. Persons on the first two levels may belong to both the monastic (black) and white (married) clergy. The institution of celibacy has existed in the Russian Orthodox Church since the 19th century.

in latin celibacy(celibatus) - unmarried (single) person; in classical Latin, the word caelebs meant "without a spouse" (both a virgin, and a divorcee, and a widower). In the late antique period, folk etymology connected it with caelum (sky), and so it came to be understood in medieval Christian writing, where it was used when talking about angels, embodying an analogy between virgin life and angelic life. According to the Gospel, in heaven they do not marry and do not get married ( Matt. 22, 30; OK. 20.35).

In practice, celibacy is rare. In this case, the clergyman remains celibate, but does not take monastic vows and does not take tonsure. Priests can marry only before taking the ordination. For the clergy of the Orthodox Church, monogamy is mandatory, divorces and remarriages are not allowed (including for widowers).
In a schematic form, the priestly hierarchy is presented in the table and in the figure below.

stepWhite clergy (married priests and non-monastic celibate priests)Black clergy (monks)
1st: DiaconateDeaconHierodeacon
Archdeacon (usually the title of chief deacon serving with the Patriarch)
2nd: PriesthoodPriest (priest, presbyter)Hieromonk
3rd: BishopA married priest can only be a bishop after becoming a monk. This is possible in the event of the death of the spouse or her simultaneous departure to a monastery in another diocese.Bishop
1. Diaconate

Deacon (from Greek - servant) does not have the right to independently perform divine services and church sacraments, he is an assistant priest and bishop. A deacon may be ordained protodeacon or archdeacon. Deacon Monk called hierodeacon.

San archdeacon is extremely rare. It is held by the deacon, who is constantly officiating His Holiness Patriarch, as well as deacons of some stavropegic monasteries. There are also subdeacons who are assistants to bishops, but are not among the clergy (they belong to the lower degrees of the clergy, along with readers and singers).

2. Priesthood.

Presbyter (from Greek - Senior) - a clergyman who has the right to perform church sacraments, with the exception of the sacrament of the Priesthood (ordination), that is, the elevation to the holy rank of another person. In the white clergy is priest, in monasticism - hieromonk. Priest can be elevated to the dignity archpriest and protopresbyter, hieromonk - to the dignity abbot and archimandrite.

Sanu archimandrite in the white clergy hierarchically correspond mitred archpriest and protopresbyter(senior priest in cathedral).

3. Episcopate.

Bishops also called bishops (from Greek prefixes archi- senior, chief). Bishops are diocesan and vicar. Diocesan Bishop, by succession of power from the holy Apostles, is the primate of the local Church - dioceses, canonically governing the diocese with the conciliar assistance of the clergy and laity. Diocesan Bishop elected Holy Synod. Bishops bear a title that usually includes the names of the two cathedral cities of the diocese. As needed, to assist the diocesan bishop, the Holy Synod appoints vicar bishops, whose title includes the name of only one of the major cities of the diocese. A bishop may be elevated to the rank archbishop or metropolitan. After the establishment of the Patriarchate in Russia, only bishops of certain ancient and large dioceses could be metropolitans and archbishops. Now the rank of metropolitan, just like the rank of archbishop, is only a reward for the bishop, which makes it possible for even titular metropolitans.
On the diocesan bishop has a wide range of responsibilities. He ordains and appoints clerics to their place of service, appoints employees of diocesan institutions, and blesses monastic tonsure. Without his consent, not a single decision of the diocesan administration can be carried out. In its activity bishop accountable His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. The local ruling bishops are authorized representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church in front of state authorities and administration.

Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia.

The Primate Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church is its Primate, bearing the title - His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. The Patriarch is accountable to the Local and Bishops' Councils. His name is ascended at divine services in all churches of the Russian Orthodox Church according to the following formula: About the Great Lord and our Father (name), His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia ". A candidate for the Patriarchate must be a bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church, have a higher theological education, sufficient experience in diocesan administration, be distinguished by adherence to the canonical legal order, enjoy a good reputation and the trust of hierarchs, clergy and people, "have a good witness from outside" ( 1 Tim. 3.7), be at least 40 years of age. San Patriarch islifelong. The Patriarch is entrusted with a wide range of duties related to the care of the internal and external welfare of the Russian Orthodox Church. The patriarch and diocesan bishops have a stamp and a round seal with their name and title.
According to clause IV.9 of the Charter of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia is the diocesan bishop of the Moscow diocese, consisting of the city of Moscow and the Moscow region. In the administration of this diocese, His Holiness the Patriarch is assisted by the Patriarchal Vicar as a diocesan bishop, with the title Metropolitan of Krutitsy and Kolomna. The territorial boundaries of the administration exercised by the Patriarchal Vicar are determined by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia (at present, the Metropolitan of Krutitsy and Kolomna manages churches and monasteries in the Moscow region, minus stavropegic ones). The Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia is also the Holy Archimandrite of the Holy Trinity St. Sergius Lavra, a number of other monasteries of special historical significance, and governs all church stauropegia ( word stauropegia derived from the Greek -cross and - erect: the cross established by the Patriarch at the foundation of a temple or monastery in any diocese means their inclusion in the Patriarchal jurisdiction).
His Holiness the Patriarch, in accordance with worldly ideas, is often called the head of the Church. However, according to Orthodox doctrine, the Head of the Church is our Lord Jesus Christ; The patriarch is the Primate of the Church, that is, the bishop who prayerfully stands before God for his entire flock. Often, the patriarch is also called First Hierarch or High Hierarch, because he is the first in honor among other hierarchs equal to him by grace.
His Holiness the Patriarch is called the Hieroabbot of stavropegic monasteries (for example, Valaam). The ruling bishops, in relation to their diocesan cloisters, may also be called Holy Archimandrites and Holy Hierarchs.

Bishops' robes.

Bishops have a distinctive sign of their dignity mantle- a long, fastened at the neck, cape, reminiscent of a monastic mantle. In front, on its two front sides, above and below, tablets are sewn - rectangular plates of fabric. On the upper tablets are usually placed images of evangelists, crosses, seraphim; on the lower tablet on the right side - the letters: e, a, m or P meaning the rank of bishop - e piskop, a archbishop, m metropolitan, P patriarch; on the left is the first letter of his name. Only in the Russian Church does the Patriarch wear a mantle Green colour, Metropolitan - blue, archbishops, bishops - purple or dark red. In Great Lent, members of the episcopate of the Russian Orthodox Church wear a mantle black color.
The tradition of using colored hierarchal robes in Russia is quite ancient; the image of the first Russian Patriarch Job in a blue metropolitan robe has been preserved.
Archimandrites have a black robe with tablets, but without sacred images and letters denoting rank and name. The tablets of archimandric robes usually have a smooth red field surrounded by gold lace.

During worship, all bishops use a richly decorated staff, called a rod, which is a symbol of spiritual power over the flock. Only the Patriarch has the right to enter the temple altar with a rod. The remaining bishops in front of the royal doors give the baton to the subdeacon-assistant, who stands behind the service to the right of the royal doors.

Election of bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church.

According to the Charter of the Russian Orthodox Church, adopted by the Jubilee Bishops' Council in 2000, a man of the Orthodox confession at the age of at least 30 from monastics or unmarried persons of the white clergy with obligatory tonsure to monasticism can become a bishop.
The tradition of electing bishops from among the monastic ranks developed in Russia already in the pre-Mongolian period. This canonical norm has been preserved in the Russian Orthodox Church to this day, although in a number of Local Orthodox Churches, for example, in Georgia, monasticism is not considered a prerequisite for placing one in the hierarchal ministry. In the Church of Constantinople, on the contrary, a person who has accepted monasticism cannot become a bishop: there is a position according to which a person who has renounced the world and taken a vow of obedience cannot lead other people. All the hierarchs of the Church of Constantinople are not mantle, but cassock monks. Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church may also be widowed or divorced persons who have accepted monasticism. The elected candidate must correspond to the high rank of bishop in moral qualities and have a theological education.

The prefix "sacred"

The prefix "sacred" is sometimes added to the name of the rank of clergy (priest archimandrite, priest hegumen, priest deacon, priest monk). This prefix is ​​not attached to words denoting a spiritual rank and already being compound, that is, protodeacon, archpriest ...