
The better to cauterize cervical erosion. What is the best way to treat cervical erosion? Consequences of cauterization

Many women heard at one time: "You have cervical erosion." The disease is a dysfunction of the mucous membrane of the cervix and requires therapy. Erosion usually occurs without any pain symptoms. after sex may indicate the presence of the disease. The symptomatology of erosion is also characterized by some discomfort during sex, as well as a sensation. Abundant whitish discharge occurs.

The causes of erosion can be age-related changes in the female body, especially in adolescence, early onset of sexual activity, infectious diseases and inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs, as well as mechanical damage, such as childbirth or abortion.

Each gynecologist, upon examination, will instantly determine the beginning erosion of the cervix. Therapy must be carried out quickly. Because it threatens the development of cancer cells. Before performing cauterization of erosion, the doctor will do an analysis for the presence of oncocells. This procedure is called a biopsy.

There are several ways to deal with the disease.

Cauterization of erosion is carried out using an electric current - diathermocoagulation is an old method. The clinics almost forgot about him. The consequences of such treatment is a burn on the cervix. With the help of diathermoconization (a type of diathermocoagulation), the damaged tissue is cauterized and completely removed from the erosive zone.

The procedure takes about twenty minutes. In this case, the uterus is greatly reduced and the smell of burnt meat is heard. The consequences of treatment are abundant discharge, clear and bloody, which lasts about a month. It happens that aching pains in the lower back are felt and there is a feeling of weakness.

In addition, diathermocoagulation often does not eliminate erosion the first time. Wound healing occurs in six to seven weeks. It is used only in women who have given birth.

Nitrogen cauterization of erosion or cryotherapy is a more modern method of treatment. Liquid nitrogen is fed through a special probe and freezes the damaged areas of the skin. This method is precise, so healthy areas of the skin are not exposed to nitrogen. The therapy takes about ten to fifteen minutes. If the patient wishes, local anesthesia is used. During the cauterization, aching pains in the lower abdomen are felt. After the procedure, there is weakness and copious watery discharge for about two weeks. The wound heals in about four to six weeks. It can also be used in nulliparous women.

Cauterization of erosion in ultramodern clinics is carried out using a laser. Laser therapy or laser destruction is considered the most painless and safest method. The rehabilitation period lasts about a month. In girls who have not given birth, it can also be used.

The only non-contact erosion therapy is the Radio wave stimulates the internal energy of cells, which contributes to the destruction and evaporation of damaged areas. Bloody discharge is often observed after the procedure. The method is absolutely painless. The body is rehabilitated for about a month. Those who have not given birth can safely be treated with radio waves.

Minor erosions are treated with chemical coagulation. Therapy involves the impact on the damaged area with medications. The most common is cauterization of erosion with Solkovagin. It is usually prescribed for young and nulliparous girls. Such cauterization of erosion is carried out in a course that contains up to five procedures. The process of complete healing is individual.

According to statistics, almost half of women are faced with a medical diagnosis - "cervical erosion".

The diagnosis is common for a number of reasons and is not in many cases harmless. But a huge number of women, according to the same statistics, do not seek qualified help, do not conduct examinations and do not receive adequate treatment.

It is not uncommon for patients to self-medicate using traditional medicine methods and lose precious time. What is cervical erosion, and in what cases it needs to be cauterized, we will talk with a gynecologist with 51 years of experience - Lozko Alla Grigoryevna.

Ectopia (an outdated name is cervical erosion) is indeed the most common pathology that affects women around the world. It seems - well, what's wrong with that? Any mucosal defects? But everything is not so simple.

Until the age of 18, and according to some reports, even up to 20 years, congenital erosion (dyshormonal ectopia) is diagnosed, which in most cases goes away without treatment and is the norm. For example, during the period of hormonal changes in a woman's body, including after the birth of a child.

The erosion that requires mandatory treatment is post-traumatic ectopia, which remains after childbirth or abortion. It cannot go away on its own and must be treated.

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We often hear that even experts do not have a single opinion on this matter - about the need to treat erosion. Is it so?

Indeed, there is an opinion that erosion is a medical myth. There are adherents of the theory that it is not necessary to treat erosion at all. According to some medical schools, erosion should not be touched even before the age of 45, provided that the woman is regularly observed by a gynecologist, undergoes a cytological and colposcopic examination, which does not show changes in the cells of the cylindrical epithelium.

So how do mere mortals deal with this issue? Even if experts argue?

For this, it is necessary to cite a few facts so that those reading this article can figure it out. Each of the facts that I will give, one way or another, speaks in favor of different points of view on the treatment of erosion.

For example, supporters of the fact that erosion does not need to be touched rely on the absence of the diagnosis “cervical erosion” in the classification of diseases. This classification is used in the USA and in some European countries.

Why is this diagnosis not in the classification of diseases? And in the medical scientific Western literature, it is also extremely rare? Perhaps there are some special women who do not have this pathology? Or does it go away on its own, without any health consequences?

REFERENCE. The diagnosis of "cervical erosion" is used abroad to refer to a rare pathology, which is an ulceration of the vaginal surface of the cervix. Since the word "erosion" is translated from Latin as "ulcer", such ulcers occur with cervical cancer, with severe mechanical injuries or burns.

The modern term used by our gynecologists is ectopic columnar epithelium.

Attention! I want to emphasize that in the post-Soviet countries they use the diagnosis "cervical erosion" in relation to pseudo-erosion, which is wrong. Such pseudo-erosions visually (to the naked eye) resemble erosion, but they are not. Pseudo-erosion up to a certain age of a woman is not considered a pathology and does not require treatment.

What should be done before cauterization?

- Pass tests - swabs for the presence of infections. Cauterization is performed only in the absence of infection and third-degree dysplasia. If an infection is found, one should be cured before proceeding with the cauterization procedure.

Reference. Dysplasia is a change in epithelial cells, determined by cytological examination. Dysplasia is a precancer.

Now tell us about the methods of cauterization.

There are several methods. The very first method that began to be used in gynecology is electrocoagulation, that is, cauterization with electric current (diathermocoagulation). The only plus is that it's cheap and easy. And that's it! The method is outdated today, as it is painful and causes scarring. Bleeding and the development of endometriosis are also possible. Not recommended for women planning pregnancy. By the way, any cauterization is not carried out with cancer and third-degree dysplasia.

More modern methods

Freezing with liquid nitrogen - cryotherapy or cryodestruction. This is an effective painless method that does not leave scars, scars, does not usually cause bleeding, is indicated for all women. The cost is available.

Nitrogen, which is in a special apparatus, enters the treated areas and does not affect healthy areas. Sometimes after the procedure there may be a slight swelling, which soon disappears and does not require treatment. Tissue regeneration is carried out within a few weeks.

After the procedure, abundant watery discharge is observed for two to three weeks. Treatment should be carried out only by a qualified doctor with extensive experience, since with poor-quality processing of the affected tissues, their complete restoration is impossible.

In addition, the cervix can be deformed (for example, during difficult childbirth). Then accuracy is required from the doctor, since it is possible to capture healthy tissues with the applicator of the device.
Viparation with a laser beam or laser coagulation (evaporation) is also an effective modern method in which a woman does not feel pain.

Does not leave scars and cicatricial formations, does not cause bleeding, can be carried out by all women. Contraindications include the presence of malignant neoplasms, pregnancy and the postpartum period. More expensive method.

Equipment for the procedure is available only in modern gynecological clinics.
Radio wave method - cauterization of the neck using radio waves. Relatively affordable, has no contraindications, is painless and does not give complications. The action is similar to viparization.

This is a very effective method, which is currently widely used in Europe and the United States. It is carried out using special equipment. We do not use this method in all regions.

Surgitron. With this device, it is possible to process the neck in just a few minutes. Radio waves evaporate erosion, while the likelihood of complications is practically reduced to zero.

The doctor warns the patient that there will be watery discharge and there may be a slight pulling pain in the lower abdomen, which is quite normal.

Fotek is an erosion treatment without trauma, so the patient does not feel pain and discomfort. The development of repeated erosion is practically excluded.

Like Surgitron, Fotek is a fast method, the procedure lasts only a few minutes. The exposure time depends on the size of the neck and the treated area.

Chemical coagulation - cauterization with acid solutions (solkovagin). Inexpensive and effective method. But it can only be used if the erosion is not too large. It often takes several treatments to get a good result.

And finally, treatment with ionized gas is a non-contact method. Argon, probably many have heard this name. Not a very common method with us, but it has advantages - minimal trauma, preservation of adjacent tissues, and the absence of pain.

Local anesthesia is used for anesthesia. Does not leave scars and scars, does not cause bleeding. Infection is ruled out. And another plus - it can be carried out for all patients, including those who have not given birth. The procedure lasts about fifteen minutes, that is, longer than with the radio wave method.

I want to emphasize that with the help of modern methods of cauterization of the cervix, not only erosions are treated, but also other pathologies, for example, leukoplakia.

There are discharges after the procedure. The regeneration process takes longer than with radio wave and laser therapy and cryodestruction. The recovery period can last from a month and up to two or two and a half, in some cases.

How to choose the best method?

You need to contact an experienced specialist in a reputable clinic. Your doctor will recommend the method that is right for you.

What should be done after the procedure? Are there any special recommendations?

Certainly. For a certain period, which is determined by the attending physician, it is necessary to refrain from sexual contact. No need to take a hot bath, visit the bath and sauna. Heavy physical activity should be avoided, do not use tampons, only pads. All this is necessary for better healing.

And, of course, follow-up medical supervision is necessary. If there are unpleasant symptoms, you can take painkillers, for example, Nosh-pu, pentalgin or spasmalgon.


If you have been diagnosed with cervical erosion, do not try to treat it yourself

So, a very common folk method is sea buckthorn oil. Sea buckthorn is a great remedy, but not in this case. Sea buckthorn oil can be used only after the cauterization procedure, and then only as directed by a doctor.

Cervical erosion is found in more than half of Russian women, and many of them are under 25 years old. This is a very insidious disease: it can be asymptomatic for a long time, but one day the result of the lack of treatment may be the development of cervical cancer. And cervical cancer is one of the most common causes of female death.

However, despite the possibility of such serious consequences, gynecologists do not always prescribe treatment. Why? Can erosion be avoided? And how to treat it? Answered these and other questions Olga Viktorovna Veselova, gynecologist-endocrinologist at Diagnosis Medical Center.

- What is erosion?

- Many people think that erosion is a common wound, an ulcer. In fact, this is not so, therefore, it is by no means impossible to treat it like an ordinary wound. Cervical erosion is a pathological process in which damage and subsequent desquamation of the epithelium of the vaginal part of the cervix occurs. The affected area of ​​the neck becomes a "gateway" for chlamydia, gonococci, herpes simplex virus. In the acidic environment of the vagina, cervical erosion cannot exist for a long time - the process of "self-healing" begins. However, this process does not always go well. Healing erosion is a favorite place for the human papillomavirus, sexually transmitted. Therefore, when cervical erosion is detected, it is necessary to conduct a biopsy of the pathological site in order to recognize the nature of the inflammatory process and diagnose cancer in time.

What are the symptoms of this disease?

- Most often, a woman does not feel anything special, and the gynecologist detects erosion at the appointment, during an extended colposcopy. Sometimes the symptoms of erosion are spotting after intercourse. And if inflammation has joined the erosion, leucorrhoea appears.

What are the causes of erosion?

- There are many reasons: hormonal imbalance, genetic predisposition, decreased immunity, vaginal dysbacteriosis, inflammation of the female organs, early onset of sexual activity, promiscuity, vaginal injury. The latter can occur during childbirth, abortion, improper use of certain types of contraceptives (chemical and barrier), improper douching.

- As far as I know, erosion is not treated in young nulliparous women. Is it so?

— buy Cialis Until recently, this is exactly what happened. Firstly, in young girls, erosion is usually uncomplicated, therefore it does not require treatment, but you still should not forget about it. The best tactic in this case is observation. If the erosion is complicated, treatment is necessary, but before starting it, it is necessary to cure concomitant diseases: inflammation, irregular cycle - sometimes after such treatment, erosion decreases in size.

Secondly, cauterization, which used to be the only radical method of treatment, leaves a scar on the cervix. The cervix becomes less elastic, and this can have negative consequences in childbirth. And conservative methods - douching with decoctions of herbs and tampons with sea buckthorn oil - do not work.

I note that now there are methods of treating erosion that are not only effective, but also do not leave a scar, which means they can be used even for young girls.

What methods of treatment of cervical erosion are used now?

– The main methods are:

  • diathermoelectrocoagulation,
  • Cryotherapy,
  • laser treatment,
  • radio wave surgery,
  • Argon plasma coagulation.

Tell me more about each of them.

- I’ll clarify right away that the last two are more modern. However, both cryotherapy and diathermoelectrocoagulation are still used to treat erosion. Regarding laser treatment of erosion, the opinions of doctors differ.

a) Diathermoelectrocoagulation (DEC)

This method, in fact, is thermal cauterization (even doctors among themselves call it cauterization), but with the use of electric current. There is a deep burning of the damaged tissue with the help of current. In antenatal clinics, DEC is still one of the most popular treatments for erosion.

Pros: The method is effective and easy to implement.

Minuses: The method is painful, after it a scar remains on the cervix, so usually DEC is not done to nulliparous women, it can cause menstrual irregularities, the cervix heals for more than a month, complications may occur.

b) Cryotherapy

This is a method of influencing erosion with low temperature using a cryoprobe. Its essence is that the damaged area is frozen to a healthy tissue.

pros: A more gentle method than DEK, when using it, only pathological cells die, and healthy ones remain intact, the method is practically painless, bloodless, almost does not leave scars, so the cervix remains elastic after it.

Minuses: The method is not used for deep injuries, the healing time is 1-2 months, it does not make it possible to conduct a biopsy, with extensive erosions, the method is difficult to perform.

c) Laser treatment

With the help of a laser, the pathological tissue area is evaporated. Regarding this method, the opinions of experts differ: some consider it perfect, others - on the contrary.

pros: Does not leave a scar, painless method.

Minuses: It does not allow a biopsy, manipulations with a laser require more precision from the doctor than with other methods of treatment, there is always a risk of damaging healthy tissue.

The safety of this method remains controversial. Laser coagulation in Penza is not used.

d) Radio wave surgery

The modern method, which uses the so-called radioknife, is an alternative to a surgical scalpel. With the help of radio waves, the affected area is cut off, as they say "like clockwork." This only sounds scary, in fact it is almost a jeweler's work, which uses electrodes thinner than a human hair.

pros: The method is bloodless, atraumatic, there are no pain sensations after the procedure, healing occurs quickly, a very accurate procedure, in which there is no deep intervention - the thinnest layer of pathological tissue is removed. Damaged tissue is not burned out, but cut off, so the method is ideal for biopsy. It can be used in nulliparous women, as there is no scar left.

Minuses: Rapid healing occurs only in the absence of genital infections, so a preliminary examination is necessary.

e) Argon plasma coagulation

I note that this modern method in Penza began to be used relatively recently, but is gradually becoming more and more popular. This method is unique: when using it, argon gas is sprayed onto the damaged areas. There is heating and "evaporation" of the damaged tissue, in place of which a dry crust is formed, and under it healing occurs.

pros: The method has no contraindications for age, can be used in nulliparous girls, and in women in menopause. The APC method is non-contact, healthy tissues of the cervix are not damaged, the procedure is absolutely painless, does not cause discomfort, and takes little time. In addition, during the APC, the specialist clearly sees the area of ​​influence, which eliminates the possibility of medical error. Healing occurs much faster than after cryotherapy and diathermoelectrocoagulation, no scars remain.

Minuses: Inability to perform a biopsy.

- In what cases it is impossible to treat erosion?

- You can not treat erosion during pregnancy and in the presence of inflammatory processes. With a genital tract infection, healing takes a very long time or does not even occur at all.

What are the criteria for choosing a particular treatment method?

- Before prescribing any of the methods of treatment, it is necessary to undergo a complete examination, to identify the nature of erosion, the causes of its occurrence. It is advisable to undergo the following examinations:

  • Bacteriological examination - a smear to identify the inflammatory process, infections;
  • Cytological examination - the study of the structural features of the cells of the cervix;
  • Analysis for STIs;
  • Sanitation - removal of an infectious agent from the genital tract;
  • Biopsy - to determine the nature of the pathology;
  • Blood for RW, HIV, hepatitis-B and -C;
  • Colposcopy - to determine the nature and extent of damage to the cervix.

Video colposcopy is widely used in the Diagnosis Medical Center, which allows the doctor not only to see the pathological changes in the epithelial tissue of the cervix, but also to show them to the patient. Erosion cannot be treated without colposcopy, since only this examination method allows you to identify most of the changes and find out how dangerous they are.

- Is it possible to somehow avoid the occurrence of cervical erosion?

- By and large, no. This is such a multifactorial process that it is more than difficult to prevent it. Indeed, even in newborn girls, this disease is sometimes found. To reduce the risk of erosion, you need to follow the general recommendations: observe hygiene, regularly visit a gynecologist for preventive examinations, not be promiscuous, take care of your health and strengthen your immune system. Another tip: use protection if you are not planning a pregnancy, because any abortion injures the cervix, which means it increases the risk of erosion. In addition, even if erosion already exists, “unpleasant consequences” can be avoided. To do this, you need to be observed by a gynecologist and be sure to undergo treatment. You should not be afraid, modern methods have gone far from the old ones, they are more gentle, less painful, and after some there is not even a scar left. So even after erosion treatment, a woman may not be afraid of pregnancy and childbirth.

Nadezhda Fedorova

Cervical erosion is a benign pathological process. Its manifestations are rounded formations of red color, the localization of which is located in the zone of the mucous neck. In diameter, such foci sometimes reach two centimeters.

Description of the disease

Most of the representatives of the weak half of humanity know firsthand about cervical erosion. After all, this disease is one of the most common ailments of the female genital area. What happens when there is erosion on the cervix? The course of the pathology is characterized by the replacement of normal mucous epithelium with cervical cylindrical. This process occurs only in the area affected by the disease.

A similar pathology occurs in almost half of women of reproductive age. Ladies who have crossed their forty-year milestone are not observed by gynecologists about erosion due to the fact that this ailment most often does not occur in them.


What provokes erosion in the cervical region? The main causes of the disease are:

Hormonal changes characteristic of puberty, the beginning of a sexual life, pregnancy, taking contraceptives and hormonal pills;

Early, promiscuous or frequent sexual intercourse or, on the contrary, an abrupt onset of an intimate life after the preservation of innocence until adulthood;

Inflammatory processes in the genital organs, as well as infections taking place;

Chemical or mechanical damage to the mucous membranes of the uterus and vagina, as well as their injuries (abortions, the use of contraceptives that cause allergic reactions, operations on the genital or reproductive organs);

Viral acute infections;

Malfunctions of the immune system and the endocrine system, expressed by irregular menstrual cycles, pathologies of the adrenal glands or thyroid gland.

The disease in most cases does not manifest itself in any way and is asymptomatic. The diagnosis is made by the doctor during a periodic examination.

However, it should be borne in mind that there are still some signs of the disease. Among them:

Discharge of a bloody type in the period between critical days, aggravated after sexual intercourse;

Drawing pains in the lower abdomen;

Menstrual irregularities.

Possible consequences

Erosion in the cervix must certainly be eliminated. After all, this pathology can cause the penetration into the body of a woman of various kinds of pathogenic bacteria (Trichomonas, Candida and others) or infections, including such formidable ones as HIV and HPV. Erosion sometimes causes female infertility. In rare cases, the disease develops into a cancerous tumor.

To prevent negative consequences, it is necessary to treat erosion, and do it in a timely manner and in full. The course of therapy is almost always the path to complete healing. Sometimes the pathology even goes away on its own. But there are also cases when erosion begins to progress. The foci of pathology increase in size and significantly worsen the condition of the mucous tissues, which causes the appearance of bloody discharge. In this case, you will have to immediately begin intensive care.

The main method of treatment

How to get rid of the disease? The basic option for treating pathology is cauterization. With its help, not only erosion is treated, but also many other inflammatory processes that occur on the cervix. A good method of cauterization is to remove polyps and cysts, as well as pre-cancer neoplasms such as transformation zones, cervical dysplasia and postoperative granulomas. Carry out the procedure of cauterization and to eliminate the consequences that are caused by human papillomavirus. This procedure is used as an opportunity to stop a sudden onset of bleeding, as well as after a polypectomy or biopsy. In the treatment of malignant tumors, cauterization is not used.

Significance of the procedure

What is cauterization of cervical erosion? Reviews of experts suggest that this name is common. It applies to a whole group of therapeutic techniques used to influence pseudo-erosion and contribute to its complete elimination. Due to the wide spread of the disease, such procedures are constantly being improved, and their list is expanding. At the same time, cauterization of cervical erosion, according to doctors, is most effective in treating pathology.

It is worth noting that the use of the above name is not entirely correct. The term "cauterization" does not mean at all the heating of the epithelium and the formation of a burn on its surface. What do experts think? For example, according to their reviews, cauterization of cervical erosion with liquid nitrogen can most likely be compared with freezing. And when using a laser, the pathogenic layers of the epithelium are simply evaporated. Nevertheless, the entire group of techniques aimed at eliminating such a pathology is called cauterization.

We apply this method only to pseudo-erosion. True or congenital pathology cannot be eliminated by cauterization. The formation of pseudo-erosion occurs when the processes of delaying true erosion are disturbed. These are cases when some part of the squamous stratified epithelium is replaced by a cylindrical one, which "left" the cervical canal. The area formed as a result of this differs from normal zones not only in its appearance, but also in structure. It is this area that is being destroyed.

Cautery methods

What is offered by modern clinical gynecology for the physical elimination of the disease? Experts can best answer this question. Judging by their reviews, cauterization of cervical erosion is very effectively carried out using a number of techniques. Among them are especially distinguished:

1. Diathermocoagulation. With this method, cauterization of cervical erosion is carried out by current. Feedback on healing after its use suggests that it is the most traumatic of all currently existing methods. And, apparently, this is not accidental. After all, experts consider diathermocoagulation one of the outdated methods.

2. Cryodestruction. This is cauterization of cervical erosion with nitrogen. Reviews of gynecologists confirm that the described method is the most gentle in eliminating the pathology. It is based on the freezing of pathological cells, as well as their further destruction.

3. Laser vaporization. The principle of this technique becomes clear already on the basis of its name. To eliminate the pathology in this case, the laser finds its application. Judging by the reviews of specialists and women who underwent this procedure, this technique is very effective and at the same time painless.

4. Radio wave coagulation. What is this procedure? This is cauterization of cervical erosion by radio waves. Reviews of gynecologists evaluate this procedure as one of the most promising and progressive for the healing of damaged areas.

5. Argon plasma ablation. With this method, erosion is eliminated with the help of argon. For this, special devices are used. Passing through them, argon is ionized using high-frequency currents and a plasma beam. At the same time, it acquires the ability to accurately influence the pathogenic site.

6. Electroconization. Judging by the reviews of gynecologists, they use this technique for severe dysplasia. This type of cauterization allows you to rid the mucosa of atypical cells, even in its deepest layers.

7. Ultrasound. With this method, the pathology is eliminated using ultrasonic waves.

8. Drug and chemical cauterization. Most often, when using this technique, cauterization of cervical erosion is performed with Solkovagin. Reviews of gynecologists confirm the effective action of this drug, which is aimed at the initial creation of tissue necrosis, further formation of a scab in the lesions, which is subsequently replaced by a new epithelium.

What is the method of cauterization of cervical erosion? Reviews of gynecologists say that everything will depend on the age of the woman, her condition, the presence of other diseases, etc.

Laser application

In order for the treatment of a pathological site using this method to give a positive result, one cannot do without a thorough preliminary examination. Indeed, in some cases, the most effective will be low-intensity exposure, in others - high-intensity, and in others - carbon dioxide.

In this case, the magnitude of the area of ​​the affected area, as well as the duration of the pathology, is of great importance. So, with chronic erosion, a more intense impact will be required. In addition, a woman should not have any infectious diseases. Otherwise, additional therapy will be required.

Doctors say that in medicine such a procedure is not called cauterization at all. This is nothing but laser valorization. It is carried out on an outpatient basis. When using this method, does cauterization of cervical erosion hurt? Patient reviews say no. That is why such a procedure is carried out even without local anesthesia. The doctor uses a laser to outline the boundaries of the pathological zone, and then he begins to evaporate the atypical cells. The duration of all actions is no more than 7 minutes.

Can there be any negative consequences of cauterization of cervical erosion? Reviews of gynecologists suggest that for 3 weeks after the manipulation, a woman sometimes has small mucous discharges. In this case, the complete recovery of the problem area will come in about a month and a half. This method is quite suitable for women who have not yet given birth.

Among the advantages of laser treatment, experts highlight the absence of the risk of bleeding. After all, the vessels instantly coagulate.

Radio wave treatment

According to doctors, this method is the most effective and safe compared to others. What are the advantages of cauterization of cervical erosion with radio waves? Reviews of specialists make it possible to understand that such a procedure is contactless, less traumatic and painless. In addition, after its implementation, the risk of bleeding, as well as possible complications, is minimized. However, this method is not yet widely used due to its relative novelty.

Preliminary preparation for radio wave treatment is a histological examination. A woman needs to take a smear on the microflora in order to eliminate the likelihood of sexually transmitted diseases.

Radio wave therapy is carried out during the first half of the menstrual cycle. The most suitable term for her appointment is the fifth to tenth day from the beginning of the critical days. This is necessary in order to minimize the negative consequences of cauterization of cervical erosion by radio waves. Reviews of experts suggest that tissue restoration, subject to the optimal timing of the procedure, is much faster.

The essence of the technique lies in the fact that the radio waves created with the help of special equipment, when exposed to the cells of the treated mucosal area, increase the temperature of the liquid in them. It heats up and then evaporates. Due to this, the vessels located around the cells coagulate very quickly.

A wave-emitting electrode has a direct effect on the pathological area. However, it does not come into contact with the surface of the mucous membrane of the cervix. Such a gentle effect allows you to form a thin film after processing, and not a scab.

When using the radio wave method, does cauterization of cervical erosion hurt? Reviews of women say that during the procedure they experience some discomfort. It can be compared to minor menstrual pulling pains. But sometimes gynecologists still resort to local anesthesia. It is necessary for women who have a low threshold of sensitivity to pain. The recovery period after the end of the manipulation does not exceed, as a rule, one month. At this time, a woman may experience a slight discharge that disturbs her. However, after 10 days they usually disappear completely.

This type of coagulation is suitable for almost all women. Cauterization of cervical erosion by radio waves and nulliparous is recommended. The doctors' comments only warn of some rules that must be observed during the first 4 weeks after the session. Among them, the restriction of physical activity and the rejection of sexual activity, the ban on visiting saunas and baths, as well as swimming in open water.

If we consider the disadvantages of this safe and progressive method, we can only note the high cost of the procedure. In addition, there are currently no devices for this modern type of treatment in municipal clinics. There are no relevant specialists in state institutions.

Electricity treatment

As already noted, this method is on the list of the most outdated methods of cauterization of cervical erosion. Reviews of gynecologists testify to its undeniable advantages, such as widespread availability and fairly high efficiency. In medicine, cauterization of affected areas with current is called "diathermocoagulation." Before treatment in this way, the doctor sanitizes the vagina, eliminating any infectious and inflammatory process that occurs in it. Further, with the electrode, with the help of which current discharges are created, the gynecologist pointwise touches the lesion. Such contact lasts until the entire affected area is covered with a scab. What are the consequences of cauterization of cervical erosion in this case? Reviews of experts make it possible to understand that in the place of erosion, after the manipulation, a bleeding wound is formed, covered with a crust from above. The process of its epithelialization ends only after two months.

Due to the fact that the vessels during this type of procedure do not instantly coagulate, what feedback does cauterization of cervical erosion receive with current? Women note that during the recovery period they had spotting blood. In addition, a serious disadvantage of this technique is the formation of a rough scar on the connective tissue. In the future, this sometimes negatively affects the course of childbirth. In this regard, cauterization with current is not recommended for nulliparous girls.

Use of liquid nitrogen

The basis of this technique is cold treatment. During the manipulation, damaged tissues are treated with liquid nitrogen using a cryoprobe. As a result, pathological cells first crystallize and then die, being replaced by new ones. This procedure is one-time and takes no more than 5 minutes. The best time for its implementation is from the seventh to the tenth day of the cycle.

Cauterization of cervical erosion with liquid nitrogen is contraindicated in fibroids and pregnancy, mucosal injuries, the size of which is more than 3 cm, and also in the presence of a tumor.

The procedure is considered painless, however, patients during its implementation note slight tingling or a slight burning sensation. In this regard, at the request of the woman, she can be given local anesthesia. The liquid nitrogen method has its own advantages. So, it can be used to treat all women, including those who have not yet given birth. In addition, the procedure does not cause bleeding. Another clear advantage of this method is its speed and conduct in an outpatient setting.

But besides the positive aspects, the technique also has its drawbacks. So, after it is carried out, watery discharge is possible. According to reviews, cauterization of cervical erosion with nitrogen does not allow the doctor to process deeply affected tissues. In this regard, sometimes there is a need for repeated therapy.

Chemical coagulation

This type of procedure is the treatment of an eroded surface with special medications. Previously, doctors used, as a rule, the Vagotil remedy, but now it has been replaced by the more effective and modern Solkovagin.

What is a chemical coagulation procedure? During it, the doctor dries the damaged areas with a cotton swab. Next, the erosion zones are treated with a second swab, thoroughly soaked in the drug. The duration of the procedure is three minutes. If excess of the pharmaceutical preparation remains on the mucous membrane, then their doctor removes it with a cotton swab. In order for the application to be as accurate as possible, the session is carried out under the control of calposcopy.

The procedure is painless. It does not even require local anesthesia. The use of chemical coagulation is suitable for everyone, including nulliparous women. However, the technique will not give the desired effect in the presence of erosion, which is more than 1 centimeter in diameter. In addition, for a complete cure, several sessions will be required, since the drugs act on damaged tissues much softer than physical treatment.

Possible consequences

Judging by the opinion of gynecologists, despite all the achievements of modern medicine, the ideal procedure for the treatment of erosion in the cervical region has not yet been invented. Each of the above methods, in addition to advantages, has disadvantages.

So, reviews after cauterization of cervical erosion suggest that the consequence of any procedure can be:

Exacerbation of inflammation in the fallopian tube or simultaneously in it and in the ovaries;

Bleeding with significant loss of blood;

Disruptions in the menstrual cycle;

Stenosis or complete scarring of the cervical canal;

Reappearance of erosion in the same area;

Scarring of the tissue of the underlying layer;


Similar complications sometimes occur in the first eight weeks after exposure.

Can there be a treatment for cervical erosion without cauterization? Reviews of gynecologists suggest that softer conservative therapy is carried out in cases where the area of ​​damage in its diameter does not exceed 2 cm. This takes into account the general condition of the body, since a woman will need to take immunomodulators, drugs that fight inflammation and infections and hormonal drugs. But if after 14-21 days of the course of therapy the desired result is not obtained, then cauterization will still be the only way to get rid of the pathology.