
Damn cemetery, the cunning fox crawled out of the hole. Anomalous area

Damn cemetery

"Devil's Cemetery" is a clearing located on a gentle slope of a hill, near the old road from Karamyshevo (Krasnoyarsk Territory). It is known that since the beginning of the 20th century, people and livestock began to disappear in these areas; they said that there is a scorched piece of land in the taiga with a deep hole in the middle, which becomes the cause of all disappearances and even deaths. After the shepherds found the “black spot”, the road was moved three kilometers to the side, and a kind of sign was left on the old road - they cut out an image of the devil and an arrow indicating the direction to the clearing. The clearing is a section of scorched earth about 200 meters in diameter - round, according to some, and L-shaped, according to others. There is no consensus on which bank the clearing should be looked for, just as there is no exact data on the distance to the clearing from Karamyshevo.

One of the expeditions to the damn cemetery.

To search for the “Devil’s Glade”, efforts were made a large number of expeditions, but no convincing answer was received about its location and the nature of its influence on living organisms. Tags:

84 years ago, on June 30, 1908, at 7:15 a.m. local time, an explosion occurred in the Podkamennaya Tunguska River basin, near the village of Vanavara. It caused many unique phenomena in nature that affected a significant part of the Earth. Scientific expeditions have repeatedly examined the site of the supposed fall, but the “culprit” of all these events has not yet been found. The history of the “Tunguska meteorite” (TM) is quite mysterious, incl. and witness testimony about a change in the trajectory of the Tunguska object. The Vladivostok ufological group (VAUFON) also devoted several years of work to developing the hypothesis about a change in the trajectory of TM movement. Based on testimony showing that the heavy metal changed its trajectory at the epicenter of the explosion by 90 degrees to the south, we approximately determined the possible place where the object fell - the Angara River basin near Kezhma. Three years ago we learned about the Tashkent physicists - the Simonov brothers - who were developing the same hypothesis, and learned about their assumption that the place where TM fell was the so-called “devil’s cemetery” near the Kova River. The matter was complicated by the fact that today no one knew where exactly the “damn cemetery” or “disastrous place” was located. Both in the history of TM and in the history of the “damn cemetery”, there are many mysteries. There are no living eyewitnesses, there are only stories about the “lost place”, in which there is a lot of contradictory information.

"Devil's Cemetery" is a clearing located on a gentle slope of a hill, near the old road from Karamyshevo. It is known that after the shepherds found the “black spot”, the road was moved three kilometers to the side, and a kind of sign was left on the old road - they cut out an image of a devil and an arrow indicating the direction to the clearing. The clearing is a section of scorched earth about 200 meters in diameter - round, according to some, and L-shaped, according to others. There is no consensus on which bank the clearing should be looked for, just as there is no exact data on the distance to the clearing from Karamyshevo. Animals, livestock and people who visited the clearing died from the “heat”, the trees growing on the edge of the clearing were charred. After the publication of an article about the “damn cemetery” in “Technology for Youth” in 1985, search groups from all over the country rushed to Kova to search for the clearing. The inconsistency of the legend about the “lost place” led to the fact that the clearing was searched both on the right and left banks of the river, at the mouth and at Karamyshevo, which is more than a hundred kilometers from the mouth. Five years of fruitless searches, waning enthusiasm, and eventually the cessation of searches. In 1990-1991 no one tried to find the “lost place” except for the Vladivostok ufologists who went to Bratsk on the Kova-91 expedition.

Participants of the expedition to the "devil's cemetery" with a map of the area.

We received many contradictory answers from people with precognitive abilities; they drew us maps with the location of the “devil’s cemetery” and other anomalous zones, indicating not only where to look, but also when and to whom exactly. There were undoubted successes. Thus, Vladivostok psychic Olga I. painted Lake Deshembinskoe in the shape of a heart, although all sources claimed that it was an equilateral triangle. The Bratsk Tourist Club confirmed that now the lake really looks like a heart. In the anomalous places indicated by contactees, we actually observed unusual phenomena. Of course, there were reports that were not confirmed, there was also outright misinformation, there were attempts to intimidate us and dissuade us from carrying out the expedition. That is why, before leaving for the site, we very seriously considered all the information received and outlined a search route.

We lowered the rafts to Kova and the main, exploratory part of our expedition began. We set up our first base camp near the village of Karamyshevo, where we explored both the right and left banks of the river, but did not find anything resembling a “lost place.” Local residents arrived in these areas quite recently and know nothing about the clearing, so they had to rely only on their own information. We were equipped with ufological equipment of our own design: an electromagnetic radiation detector, a device for determining chronal effects, ionization sensors, but all the devices were silent and, having closed the camp, we rafted to the mouth of the Deshemba River, where we set up a second base camp. It was here, as it turned out later, that the main discoveries were made.

Rafting on the Kova River.

Walking up to 50 kilometers a day, we were able to examine all the “suspicious” places located in the area of ​​the Deshemba River and Deshembinskoye Lake, and were able to check all the anomalous zones reported by Vladivostok contactees.

Almost immediately we discovered a "white spot". It is a clearing, about 25 meters in diameter, surrounded by a birch grove. All the birches located along the edges of the clearing bent their tops into the center of the clearing and formed arches, bending down to the ground. In this position, the trees continue to grow, and some, having reached their tops to the ground, go a little deeper into it, and then, bending again, stretch their tops towards the sun. Such unusual trees are found everywhere along the banks of the Kova, but singly, but here all the trees surrounding the clearing grow like this. In the area of ​​the “white spot”, instruments showed the presence of strong electromagnetic radiation and, perhaps, trees are growing, thus, under the influence of field lines. It should be noted that we encountered mutant trees precisely in places where electromagnetic radiation was amplified. What is the nature of this radiation? We can hypothesize the existence in the area of ​​the left bank of the Kova of a paleovolcano “trunk” that was preserved without destruction, active several million years ago and with its “roots” in a layer of conductive magma. Energy of currents in the form of alternating magnetic field will be carried to the surface of the Earth. We would supplement this assumption of the Simonov physicists with the assumption of preserved “shafts” in the trunk of the volcano. Closed at the top relatively thin layer lands, such mines lead deep underground. If a large object, which could be HM, flew into the shaft of a paleovolcano, then could it “clean out” the mine and, accordingly, increase the flow of underground fire that destroys all living things? Among the stories about the "damn cemetery" there are many references to animals falling through. V.S. Salyagin (the agronomist who first began studying the clearing) also found a well and tried to measure its depth by lowering a spool of thread. The action of the clearing intensified precisely during the period of the fall of TM (after “cleaning” the channel?), and then gradually subsided, although it continued to destroy all living things. So far this is only our guess, not confirmed by factual material.

Expedition "Kova-91".

On the second day of work near the Deshemba River, we found the old road from Karamyshevo. We can say that we were very lucky, and this luck continued the next day. Having walked about five kilometers from the crossing over Deshembu, having crossed the ridge, we found a pillar on the gentle slope of the hill. It would be more correct to say a tree trunk, but with the branches and top cut off. The “face” of a devil was carved on it: round small eyes, a long and thin curved nose, thick lips and horns, more like the ears of a cat. The arrow above the image was much darker than the trunk and pointed to the right of the road. The bark from the tree was completely stripped. Remembering the stories about the “damn cemetery,” we assumed that we were on the edge of the clearing. The electromagnetic radiation detector glowed crimson, the compass needle pointed to the north as if soldered in and did not even hesitate. Among the legends about the “lost place” there is this: coming out to the edge of the clearing, people felt a strange pain in their bodies, as if they were saying goodbye to life. Not knowing what to expect from the clearing, only the leader of the expedition left the road and went in the direction of the arrow. After a few meters, a feeling of slight tingling and increasing excitement arose in the body. I had to limit myself to these subjective sensations and, after taking a few pictures of the pillar, leave the unusual place. As it turned out, this minute was enough to feel the impact of the clearing. An hour later the numbness started right side bodies, which lasted for the next two days, became swollen and painful knee joints, and arose in the roots of the teeth It's a dull pain, reminiscent of itching. It is possible that the clearing had nothing to do with it, and all these phenomena were caused by fatigue, or the backpack straps pinched the veins. The next day, returning to the clearing, we did not dare to experiment on ourselves again, but marked the clearing with stripes and left notes in plastic bags hung on the trees. Notes describing the clearing and its possible negative impact We left them in the next two winter huts. We did not have medical equipment and were able to conduct research in the hospital only upon arrival in Vladivostok; on the spot we decided not to risk it and return to the base camp. And visually, the “damn cemetery” looked like an ordinary clearing - 30 meters in diameter, grass, moss, ordinary trees along the edges and fog near the surface of the earth.

A photograph of one of the trees taken by a member of the Kova-91 expedition.

So, let's sum up the results of the expedition. The right and left banks of the river near the village of Karamyshevo were examined, and the Deshemba River and its surroundings were examined. An old, abandoned road from Karamyshevo was found, a tree trunk with a carved image of the devil and a signpost was found. The effect of the clearing on the human body has been tested. Presumably, the found clearing is a “damn cemetery.” According to the description, the clearing should be near the old road from Karamyshevo, on the slope of the hill, next to the sign-post on which the image of the devil is carved. All this is present in our case, but in one place we found, it does not coincide with the classic description of the clearing - there is no area of ​​scorched earth and charred trees along the edges. Now there are no people alive who could confirm or deny the discovery of the clearing. We believe that the clearing could have changed: either its activity has decreased, or it “works” periodically, or it has adapted to unusual conditions plants. A detailed study of the clearing is needed to make sure that this is the “damn cemetery.”

A sign left on a tree.

It was not possible to find evidence of a connection between TM and the clearing, but this is also only possible by studying the clearing itself. There is a small fall of forest in this area, but we were unable to determine the cause.

The conclusion is clear: a serious study of the clearing is needed. We have completed our task - an anomalous place has been found, its study is the task of subsequent expeditions. Near the village of Kova of the same, according to eyewitnesses, there is supposedly an oval area of ​​scorched earth measuring up to 200 m in diameter. It is called the “Devil’s Glade”, or “Devil’s Cemetery”. There is very sparse vegetation here, the branches of the surrounding trees are for some reason charred, there are almost no animals, and people who find themselves in this zone experience headaches and an inexplicable feeling of fear. In the clearing lie the remains of animals and birds, even cows, and for some reason they do not decompose.

In one decade - from 1980 to 1990 - about 75 people died in the taiga when they went in search of a mysterious clearing. Three organized groups disappeared without a trace. So, in 1992, a tourist group from Naberezhnye Chelny went to the taiga and did not return.

Not a single expedition was able to reach the clearing itself. Several times, researchers lost maps where they marked search areas.

In 1991, an expedition of Vladivostok ufologists set out in search of the “Devil’s Glade”. One of its participants, Alexander Rempel, describes the events this way: “The compass needle froze and seemed to be glued to the letter “N.” By evening, people began to feel tingling sensations in their bodies, and some had toothaches. Everyone also noted the growing excitement. At ten o'clock in the evening we approached the clearing. The connection stopped, the transistor went numb. After this, the ufologists turned back.

Members of the fraternal research group “Phenomenon” also made two expeditions to the Devil’s Glade area. But on approaching the anomalous zone, the equipment broke down, and the researchers did not dare to move further.

Here is the story of the group leader Nikita Tomin:

“So, on the afternoon of October 25, 2002, our search and research group left in two GAZ-66s from the village of Energetik (Bratsky district) towards the mysterious Kova River. After 3 hours we met farmer Vasily, who had been living in a village on the banks of the Kova for about ten years. Naturally, on our part, all sorts of questions began about the “Devil's Cemetery,” but we learned little, and even disappointing news. It turns out that our unpredictable Siberian climate gave us a surprise, namely: even our all-terrain vehicles will not be able to drive along the new Kovinsk road, getting stuck in unfrozen swamps.

Despite the hopelessness of the situation, we did not want to retreat; moreover, we had interesting information. Even before the trip, Yuri, a member of our expedition, managed to talk with a hunter who hunted precisely in those areas. places and somehow came across the legendary lost place. This point in the area exactly coincided with our previous calculations and corresponded to one of the planned squares.

Therefore, with an excessive amount of stubbornness, the expedition moved further towards Kova. However, late in the evening we received disappointing news: the locals confirmed what Vasily had said earlier about the impossibility of getting to the place. But it’s good that we had a so-called plan “B”, which consisted of checking A. Bryukhanov’s version. The fact is that in 1952, Bryukhanov, together with his grandfather-hunter, discovered some kind of disastrous clearing in these parts, which he called “Devil’s Glade”. In addition, there is a hypothesis that “there are actually several “damn glades”, at least two. In this regard, quickly and perhaps even spontaneously, we decided to move on. But this section of the road was the most terrible on our trip, a terrible carnage (one of the expedition members even managed to break a rib). But still, thank God, in the first hour of the night we reached a small village, where we spent the night.

The morning greeted us with the frosty Siberian sun, so a good mood was simply in the air. We decided to immediately conduct a survey of the village. Of course, village is too strong a word. Three houses and a couple of barns are the only “urban” elements of this primitive site, although apparently of some archaeological value. Everything was filmed on video and film. They turned on the devices, but they were silent like fish, no magnetic disturbances or terrible radiation for you. But it is worth noting that my X-ray meter showed much lower background radiation values ​​here than elsewhere. Having completed our research activities, we packed up the all-terrain vehicles and moved on.

By hook or by crook, after 4 hours we finally reached the stream, which was the last geographical landmark in Bryukhanov’s description, and, apparently, this particular place was supposed to become our camp. After having a little snack, we “charged” our magical devices called JPS, “staked out” a parking spot, and divided into two groups. One group remained in a makeshift camp, while the second moved into the forest along the stream, and although we had walkie-talkies, we decided not to communicate between the groups.

Having walked 2 km in this direction, the second group came across a strange dilapidated structure located right on the stream.

A detailed examination of the latter showed that it was an old water mill. It resembled a neglected, lopsided winter hut in a miniature version. Nearby, in the snow, we found several forged nails (these were still made at the beginning of the 20th century). We also found a couple of nails of a modern design, but in principle they were also quite old. Apparently, someone tried to repair it 30-50 years ago.

After visiting the mill, a discussion broke out in the group about the origin of this structure. It was quite strange, because the nearest settlement is 5-6 km away, and the mill was erected right here, in the wilderness. Perhaps the old residents of these places at one time saw it as expedient to build a mill in this very place and nowhere else, which we, the descendants of the modern city, could not notice. Leaving our find alone, the group moved further along the stream. We walked, peering intently into the snow-covered forest in search of a strange, anomalous piece of terrain, trying to solve an almost century-old mystery... But only the dull silence of the Siberian taiga was our involuntary companion. The devices showed only standard, background values.

We did not notice how it began to get dark, but our JPS spoke about sunset to the minute. Reluctantly, the decision was made to return to camp. Why reluctantly? Yes, because everyone understood that tomorrow morning (Sunday) it was necessary to set off home, since most of the members of our expedition needed to show up at work on Monday, and the road back would be difficult and long. We took with us several structural elements of the mill in order to transfer them to the Bratsk Museum of Local Lore.

We returned home and took stock. On the one hand, our examination of the area indicated in Bryukhanov’s description did not reveal the presence of any anomalous zone, on the other hand, we did not examine this territory thoroughly enough, therefore, we cannot speak 100% about the absence of a disastrous clearing in these places . Also during this expedition, we managed to find out that our summer calculations regarding the presence of the “Devil’s Glade” in two squares coincided with the story of a local hunter who hunted in those places.”

According to N. Tomin, the anomalies of the “Devil’s Glade” are associated with the fall Tunguska meteorite. According to the stories of local residents, passed down from generation to generation, then, in 1908, “a star fell from the sky” and the shepherds went to look for it. Along the way, they came across a burnt-out area of ​​taiga with a hole in the middle near the road along which cattle were grazing. Because of this, the road was later moved three kilometers to the side - they were afraid that the cattle would wander into the “Devil’s Cemetery” and die by falling into the hole. But despite this, the cows continued to graze without permission in their usual places and, of course, did not escape the “devilish” clearing. The mass death of livestock forced residents of the nearby villages of Kostino, Chemba and Karamyshevo to move to another place.

At the end of the 20s of the last century, livestock specialist N. Semenchenko became interested in rumors about the clearing. He threw a string with a weight at the end into a hole in the center of the clearing. She sank several tens of meters into the hole, but never reached the bottom. Semenchenko noticed that the corpses of birds in the clearing lay only near the hole, and their meat was a strange crimson color.

In addition to the “meteorite” one, there is another version of the explanation of the phenomenon. In the 80s of the last century, a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, a member of the commission on meteorites of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Viktor Zhuravlev, put forward the hypothesis that an underground fire was slowly flaring up under the “Devil’s Glade”. The border of the Tunguska coal basin lies in this area. When there is a lack of oxygen, coal combustion is accompanied by the release of carbon monoxide, which is colorless and odorless, but has a poisonous effect on living organisms. True, poisoning carbon monoxide, alas, it is impossible to explain either the missing research maps or the failing instruments.

And geologists of the All-Russian Institute of Mineral Resources, having studied ancient geological structures, suggested that strange phenomena in the atmosphere after the Tunguska explosion are associated not with any celestial body, but with a powerful release of energy from the bowels of the earth.

Disastrous Lakes

There are countless legends about lost lakes and ponds. Like, people are constantly drowning there under mysterious circumstances, and all sorts of evil spirits are found there. Perhaps there really is some kind of special energy in stagnant bodies of water - a closed environment! Judge for yourself...

Do lakes zombify people?

On the shores of Loch Neagh in Ireland (not to be confused with the Scottish “Loch Ness”!) you can see the ruins of pagan temples - it was once a cult place where blood sacrifices were held. However, in the Middle Ages, the reservoir was considered healing - its waters were supposedly cured of leprosy and other diseases.

Now the lake is used exclusively notoriety. People are drowning here under mysterious circumstances. One day the engine of a fishing boat failed. Although the vessel was made of light plastic, it quickly sank. All the fishermen, except one, managed to jump out of the boat. Their hesitant comrade instantly disappeared into the water funnel.

One day a certain Jack Callogen arrived here. Leaving his car on the street in the nearby town of Antrim, he walked to the lake and, without undressing, entered the water. Not paying attention to the screams of the people nearby, Jack, as if under hypnosis, went deeper and deeper until his head disappeared under the water...

According to the Irish researcher O'Haggan, closed bodies of water have the property of accumulating psychic energy. But on the shores of Lake Lough Neagh, pagans once prayed and sorcerers did their dirty deeds... Not to mention the loss of life! Hence the “destructiveness” .

O'Haggan took a sample of water in the very place where Callogen died and sent it for analysis to one of the research centers. It turned out that the composition of the liquid was normal, but incredibly powerful magnetic radiation emanated from it. A small touch - one of the researchers, who carried out the examination, soon without visible reasons committed suicide. Perhaps we are talking about the mental impact of the magnetic field?

Lough Neagh is not the only body of water with such gloomy properties. In October 1994, Americans, and the entire civilized world, were shocked by the news of a terrible crime. Susan Smith, a young mother from Union, North Carolina, intentionally allowed her car to roll off a boat dock and into John D. Long Lake. Susan's sons, strapped into the back seat, drowned. Their mother received a life prison sentence for premeditated murder, but, as it turned out, this was not the end of the story. Almost two years later, another car crashed from the same pier into the same lake, in which three adults and four children were sitting. At the same time, the car spontaneously rolled between the monuments to Michael and Alex Smith, Susan’s young sons. This sight was reminiscent of an episode from a horror film. All seven passengers of the jeep drowned; one of the eyewitnesses tried to save them, but choked and also died. The investigation found that the car was on the handbrake.

According to nearby residents, the misfortunes occurred for one single reason: Lake John D. Long is enchanted. Of course, the judicial authorities do not take such explanations seriously and are not going to reconsider the case of Susan Smith. But lakes in which people die under mysterious circumstances do exist, and a very extensive section of “magical” folklore and literature about the supernatural is devoted to them.

One of the most notorious killer lakes is called Whitney. It is located north of the town of Waco in the US state of Texas and seems to be more harmful than Lake John D. Long. For many years now, a wide variety of cars have been continually rolling off the docks in Witney, and the number of drowned people here has been steadily growing. Police divers found several dozen (!) cars on the muddy bottom of the lake, but never found human remains. Many of the cars lying in the lake simply shouldn't have rolled there: their parking brakes were on, as was the case with Susan Smith's car in North Carolina. Worth mentioning is the fact that during the “alien parade” in Calvert (Texas) in 1974-1975. Two UFOs landed on the shore of Lake Whitney, leaving scorched bald spots on the ground.

The second largest country in the world, Canada, is rich in lakes that are very notorious. In June 1966, an elderly couple and their teenage son went fishing at Lake Anion, located in an abandoned quarry thirty-three kilometers north of Thunder Bay, Ontario. Arriving at the place and not finding a single living soul there, the fishermen were happy at first, but soon they felt terrified. Suddenly there was pitch darkness. The frightening silence was only occasionally broken by a strange grinding sound, which, according to one of the few witnesses, was accompanied by a sharp, suffocating smell of steel being sanded. And then, to the horror of the parents, their fifteen-year-old son suddenly disappeared, either going underwater, falling underground, or disappearing into thin air. The father and mother called for the boy for a long time, but never received an answer. When the mysterious haze that had shrouded the lake in broad daylight cleared, the parents saw their son, who appeared out of nowhere and, terribly worried, reported that he had seen “some kind of round plane.” The boy ran to him, but did not remember what happened next. Soon the amnesia turned into a mental disorder, and the boy was placed in a mental hospital, but he could not be cured.

"Sleeping Dragons"

The African lakes Nyos and Monoun (Cameroon) are surrounded by picturesque fields and hills. It seems that nothing foretells a tragedy caused by the unbridled forces of nature. Meanwhile, these innocent-looking reservoirs constantly threaten the death of hundreds of people!

Lake Nyos is the crater of a volcano that erupted five centuries ago. At the bottom of it remained magma, cooled and compressed under water pressure. The second lake - Monoun - is located 95 km southeast of Nyos. Due to deep volcanic activity carbon dioxide comes out through the pores, mixes with groundwater and ends up in the lake. Gradually, this mixture accumulates in the bottom layers. If they are disturbed by something (for example, strong winds, a landslide or an earthquake), carbon dioxide begins to be released from the solution. It literally shoots up. The gas cloud kills all living things for many kilometers around... So, in August 1984, the “explosion” of Lake Monone killed 37 people. And on August 21, 1986, in a village on the shores of Lake Nyos, all residents (about 1,800 people), as well as domestic animals, livestock and poultry, were killed. The streets were literally littered with corpses...

Meanwhile, carbon dioxide continues to accumulate in lakes...

In 1999, scientists from Cameroon arrived different countries to investigate the deadly phenomenon and try to avert the threat from the population. However, no funds have yet been allocated for the project to clean water bodies of toxic substances.

The Cameroonian lakes have a “relative” in Central Asia. The high-altitude Lake Sarez, located in the Tajik Mountainous Badakhshan, is called the “sleeping dragon”. The lake was formed in 1913, when several mountain villages were flooded as a result of an earthquake in the Pamirs. One of them was called Sarez, and this was the name given to the reservoir.

Sarez lies at an altitude of about 3000 meters above sea level, and the volume of water in it is 17 million cubic meters. The water in the lake is so clean and transparent that from a great height you can see the color of the stones at the bottom. The lake itself often changes color: on fine days the water is bright blue, on cloudy days it is black.

Anomalous phenomena are also observed here: at night some sounds are heard from the direction of the reservoir, and if silence reigns here, people experience an incomprehensible state of anxiety.

In addition, scientists talk about the danger of a landslide - in this case, part of the territory of Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan and Turkmenistan will be flooded and a huge part of the population - at least 5 million people - will suffer.

Related information.

There are many mysteries in Siberia that scientists still cannot explain. The most famous of them is the riddle Tunguska meteorite . There is another mystical place that is often associated with the fall of the Tunguska meteorite: the Devil's Cemetery. What kind of place is this and why is it unusual, said Sergei Rostovtsev, a researcher of anomalous zones in Siberia. For 10 years now he has been trying to find a mysterious clearing and reveal its secret.

What is this Devil's cemetery?

The damn cemetery has nothing to do with real human cemeteries. This is the so-called anomalous zone, located in the Angara taiga in the area of ​​the Kova River basin (a tributary of the Angara).

The first mentions of it in the press date back to the early 80s. According to the first eyewitnesses, it was an uneven round clearing with a diameter of about 15 meters. This is a scorched clearing where all living things die - animals, even low-flying birds. If an animal falls on it, then either poisoning occurs or the influence of some other factors occurs. Maybe radiation or something else.

Over time, this clearing began to lose its anomalousness and subsequently began to be overgrown with grass. There is information that at present it has already lost its activity and has moved into some other phase. Now this clearing is very difficult to find, especially without evidence. But I still do not lose hope of at least finding the place that the first researchers referred to. There are several possible places for the Devil's Cemetery, all of them are supposedly located in the Kova River basin, some closer to the river, some further. One of the versions said that the clearing is located just below the Tunguska fall.

What versions are there?

There are several versions, I’ll tell you about the main ones.

The first version, which was not confirmed anywhere except on Wikipedia: on Google maps the clearing was designated as the Devil's Cemetery. This clearing was visited before us by Polish extreme sports enthusiasts, who set out to visit the anomalous zones of Siberia for their YouTube channel. A year later, their materials came out, and they showed what they saw there. The Poles were disappointed. We went there in the footsteps of these Poles in 2016. An ordinary dry swamp, no consequences of the anomaly (I don’t think it was there) remained.

Second version. A certain Kulyukin referred to it. He turned to researchers of the Tunguska phenomenon and told them about the clearing. Then there was research into the Tunguska phenomenon and everything that was connected with it was studied. And therefore information appeared that there was a certain scorched clearing, which could be attributed to the fall of a fragment of the Tunguska meteorite. Kulyukin wrote down the words of a local man (he himself was not in the clearing, but retold rumors) and drew up diagrams based on them. These schemes contradict each other. It turned out that the clearing was on different banks of the Kova. We did not rely on these rumors. But there was a person who was interested in this version, we agreed to help him. We went there. The places there are apocalyptic, but they didn’t impress us.

Third version. This was the version of Rempel, Vladivostok ufologists. They walked through the taiga and completely accidentally found this place, which is completely impossible to do. Just like that, jump out 50 meters from the clearing, rushing blindly into the taiga. But Rempel said that he had found this Devil's cemetery. Subsequently, this version came to the fore. And only now it has been significantly pushed back, because a direct witness has appeared. Before this, there were no direct witnesses and few people knew about the place. Rempel's version was not confirmed. There are many inconsistencies in it, and in 2016 I closed it. Now I rely only on Kolpakova’s testimony.

There is also a version of the old-timers of Karamyshevo. They all pointed to the Moore Trail. This northwest direction from Karamyshevo. Rempel points to another place. Now this is my central version, which is worth checking out. The places there are really creepy.

Have you communicated with those who saw everything that happened at the Devil's Cemetery with their own eyes?

We were able to find a direct eyewitness just recently, in 2016, - this is Tatyana Grigorievna Kolpakova. She actually lived with her father in Karamyshevo in 1950. Somewhere at the end of September, Tatyana Grigorievna accompanied her father-hunter to the winter hut, which is located within a day's walking distance along the trail.

The first trail they walked along was the Murskaya Trail. It connected Kovu and Mura (this is the second river, it also flows into the Angara). They walked from Karamyshevo to the first winter quarters. Having reached it, the father and daughter turned off the road to the north and went towards their father’s winter hut. Along the horse trail they reached the Devil's Cemetery. Tatyana Grigorievna described that on a hill there was a beautiful forest and near it stood what she called a plate. A black, black plate, there is some kind of gray ash that sways. She didn’t see any animal carcasses; everything that got there fell into this unsteady mass. Her father said that wild animal whoever got there drowned.

It was not water, not a swamp, not a burnt clearing. It was some kind of gray mass that was in a semi-liquid state. And the strange thing is that all this was on the rise of a hill. If it were gases or something like that, it would slide down. But here this mass did not flow anywhere. After meeting with the clearing, he and his father went to the hunting winter quarters. She took her father, dropped off her things there, and her father wanted to send her back, but she was afraid to go through the cemetery alone. He also warned her not to go near the clearing and to tie the dog so that it wouldn’t get lost. As a result, her father walked her through the clearing and returned to the winter hut, and she went home. The first researcher of this anomaly had the same description of the place in the late 30s.

Why did you start studying this topic?

Hard to say. In 2006, I began studying the sacred places of Siberia. Many researchers scatter their efforts, working on very distant objects. This is mainly abroad (those who have money), Khakassia (it is very accessible in terms of transport). But Siberia is absolutely not covered.

I believe that the main secret of this clearing lies somewhere deeper. All this mysticism, internal sensations when you find yourself in this territory - this suggests that the entire taiga in this place is anomalous. In general, you experience that the taiga is some kind of living organism. Walking alone along it and looking for this 15-meter clearing is very difficult. But some internal sensations and the need to look for this anomalous zone did not weaken.

Have you tried to explore the place before?

By 2012, the topic was almost completely abandoned; almost no one knew about the search engines of the late 80s. I went to the regional library, tried to restore the chronology, tried to figure out the routes that were explored. I contacted other researchers in Kodinsk, Krasnoyarsk, and Ust-Ilimsk.

At first, from 2008 to 2010, I conducted reconnaissance raids of sorts, we were working on secondary versions of the Devil’s Cemetery locations. We tried to unravel the secrets of the expedition of Vladivostok ufologists, because we believed that they had found this place, but for some reason they hid it. This later turned out to be false information.

Swamp instead of the supposed Devil's Cemetery

Then in 2012 I met researcher Vladimir Zhatkov, it was already a full-fledged expedition, although unsuccessful - they explored a place not far from the Shaitansky stream, and found a fairly large clearing there. She was pronounced. It turned out that this was an ordinary dry swamp.

Later, I realized that I need to focus not on the information of followers and researchers, but on the information of eyewitnesses.

We recorded the words of Tatyana Grigorievna Kolpakova, I tried to check this story alone in 2017, but starting from 2008 and ending with the present years, the taiga does not allow anyone to approach this topic. The people I invited were ready to go on an expedition. But as soon as the time came, they left various reasons. I was actually left alone.

How was the last expedition?

In 2017, I planned a reconnaissance raid. I wanted to at least walk along the Murskaya Trail, try to find the winter hut from which they turned north, try to analyze which winter huts remained from pre-war times. And so we got together, but my partner let me down and some unfortunate circumstances happened. It was necessary to carry out an expedition urgently, and I went alone. Something completely incomprehensible was happening with the weather: this was the first time I had seen this. For Kova, this weather condition is uncharacteristic - it rained there for a week without drying out. I tried to get through, the roads were broken. Moreover, there is a feeling that there is some danger ahead. I didn't go there alone. It was a disastrous first expedition.

I'm planning a major expedition in 2019 anyway. I will use the resources of my website, YouTube and try to gather at least a small group to walk along this road before the winter hut. I think everything will work out.

Not scary?

Well, it’s scary - not scary, but there is excitement. This is the mystery of the century, like the Tunguska phenomenon. It is necessary to set, if not an end point, then an intermediate point in these studies. Find at least what the first researchers who saw the clearing referred to.

The Devil's Cemetery or Devil's Glade is one of the most mysterious anomalous zones in Russia, about which there are many rumors. This disastrous place is located on the border of the Irkutsk and Krasnoyarsk regions, in the remote Angara taiga, where the Kova River flows into the Angara. Not far from this place is the village of Ust-Kova. It was from the residents of this village that the first information about the Devil’s Cemetery was received.

Presumably, this anomalous zone arose in 1908, shortly after the fall of the Tunguska meteorite. The meteorite itself fell 400 km north of this place. More than a century has passed since then, but the story of the anomaly’s occurrence is firmly entrenched in the memory of eyewitnesses and was passed down from generation to generation until it was recorded by journalists in every detail.

In the year the meteorite fell, residents of the village of Ust-Kova discovered a strange and ominous hole in the ground in the taiga forest, similar to a crater from a giant shell. Black smoke was pouring out of the pit, and there was such intense heat around it that it was impossible to get closer. It was from the moment the pit was formed that the area acquired anomalous properties. After some time, the entire clearing around the hole burned out, and a large black round bald spot formed. The trees around her were charred. All living creatures caught in this disastrous circle died immediately, and soon the clearing was covered with the corpses of animals and birds. Because of this, the clearing was nicknamed the Devil's Cemetery.

Since then, no vegetation has grown in the clearing; the earth has remained black, loose, covered with ash. There was no snow on it, so even in winter it was easy to find. The anomalous zone was initially a burnt area of ​​taiga with a diameter of 15–20 m and an area of ​​200–250 m2. At first it was round, then, over time, according to eyewitnesses, its shape changed, the anomalous zone stretched out and became oval.

Locals for a long time avoided this place. And the next mention of the Devil’s Cemetery appeared only 12 years later, in 1920. Over such a long period of time, the terrible impressions gradually faded from memory. People began to decide again to approach the lost place. There was no longer any smoke or unbearable heat around the clearing. But on the black soil, the bones of dead animals, bleached by time, were clearly visible. Of course, no one dared to enter the clearing itself. Yes, she herself didn’t seem to let anyone come to her. As soon as they approached the Devil's Cemetery ten meters, people began to feel pain throughout their bodies - their teeth ached, their joints ached, their heads began to hurt. As they approached the clearing, the pain increased, and along with it, people developed an irrational feeling of fear, panic, and causeless horror.

But life in the surrounding villages went on as usual. Near the ruined clearing there was a convenient path for pasturing cattle. And one day it happened that, due to the shepherd’s oversight, several shelters wandered into the Devil’s Cemetery. He rushed after him, but froze in horror - the poor animals died a few moments after they found themselves in a disastrous clearing. No, they did not burn or char, as was the case in the first years after the formation of the anomaly. But when several fellow villagers, overcoming body aches and terrible fear, managed to drag the corpses of the cows to a safe place, they saw a strange phenomenon. The meat of the dead animals acquired an unnatural bright red color. Subsequently, similar observations were recorded more than once. All animals that died in the anomalous zone had the same color of meat.

After this incident, it was decided to move the road for pasturing cattle 3 km away from the old one, passing near Devil's Glade. And next to it, a sign was cut out on the tree - an image of the devil and an arrow showing the direction towards the black spot.

Years passed. After the Great Patriotic War residents of the Angara villages were resettled to more populated and developed areas on the banks of the Amur. The anomalous zone was forgotten for several decades. But in the 80s. last century, against the backdrop of a general fascination with everything unknown and supernatural, someone remembered the old story of the Devil’s Cemetery, and researchers of anomalous zones awoke a burning interest in it.

Numerous expeditions of enthusiastic enthusiasts began to prepare, who for a long time tried to find the Devil's Cemetery in the remote taiga. It was difficult to do this; there were almost no landmarks left. The villages located near the ominous place had already disappeared by that time. And no written documents have been preserved about the location of the anomalous zone. I had to search almost blindly, relying on the stories of former residents of those places, retold and distorted dozens of times.

It was possible to find the Devil's Glade only in the 1990s. This turned out to be possible only for one of many expeditions - a group from Vladivostok led by Alexander Rempel. The clearing has changed, it has become smaller in size, slowly began to be overgrown with grass. But its anomalous properties still remained. People approaching her still experienced the same causeless fear and pain throughout the body. Dogs that ran into a clearing for a few minutes returned from there lethargic, exhausted, and refused food for a long time.

The negative impact on people’s well-being was so great that no one dared to enter the clearing itself. People who wandered through the taiga for several weeks in search of an anomalous zone, who spent considerable money on equipment for the expedition, gave up at the very last moment. They decided to postpone the exploration of the clearing until the next day, thinking that they would rest and gain strength. However, the next morning it turned out that all members of the expedition began to have health problems. Some have swollen knee joints, others have developed muscle numbness, and others have sharp pains in the spine. To all this was added moral depression, a depressed state of mind, a sudden outbreak of irritability and anxiety. This alone speaks volumes about the power of the destructive impact of the anomaly on human body and psyche. All that the expedition members were able to do was photograph the Devil’s Cemetery from a distance and take some measurements in its surroundings. The expedition leader reported that when approaching the anomalous zone, the compass malfunctioned, and the device recording electromagnetic radiation began to show the maximum value. This led the researchers to the idea that all the mysterious phenomena occurring in the Devil's Cemetery area were caused by a colossal magnetic field anomaly in this place.

The version about the action of a geomagnetic anomaly is currently the main one. Only its origin is unclear. Most researchers tend to think that the anomaly is somehow connected with the Tunguska meteorite.

This place is located in Krasnoyarsk region, in a swimming pool tributary of the Angara - the Kova River, four hundred kilometers from the site of the Tunguska meteorite fall. There are other names for the anomalous place - Devil's Cemetery, Devil's Cemetery, Glade of Death, Lost Place.

The clearing has a round shape, its diameter is about two hundred meters. Some unknown factors (possibly radiation, evaporation) act in the clearing, killing all living things. The ground in the clearing is bare, there are no plants. The trees around are stunted and charred. People experience overwhelming fear and severe headaches. Animals and birds that find themselves in the clearing die.

They say that one day shepherds driving cows accidentally found themselves next to a clearing, as they were looking for two cows that had strayed from the herd. They came out to a clearing and saw a bare place where their dead cows lay. The dogs that were with them, by inertia, jumped out into the clearing, but rushed away howling and died a few days later. Fortunately for the shepherds, they were taken away from there by a local hunter who saw all this, saying that this was the same Devil’s Glade, and everyone would die there.

Local residents try to avoid this terrible place. According to a local hunter, freshly cut branches thrown into a clearing dry out and become charred before our eyes.

At the end of the 1980s, the archives of the Siberian Academy of Sciences were published, containing documents from 1908, from which it followed that Devil's Glade is a geopathogenic zone. Research into this anomalous zone has been carried out since the 1920s. In order to get to this place, you need to walk part of the way by water, then about 50 kilometers on foot through swamps covered with forests (mshars). Local guides are needed to navigate the moshars.

Local residents do not approach the lost place closer than two kilometers; they stop, let the researchers go to the clearing and wait for them to return. Returning from a trip to the clearing, the guides first go to church and only after that head home.

This area experiences frequent seismic activity of low intensity, which produces low-frequency sound waves, negatively affecting animals and plants. These fluctuations have led to the fact that only mosses and lichens grow in the clearing, which, however, also die with increased activity. The death of animals occurred due to exposure to infrasonic vibrations with a frequency of up to 25 Hz.