
At night there are scratches on the body. Abnormal cases after the start of abstinence (fight against masturbation)

A scratch is a damage to the surface layer of the skin, which is limited in area and has a linear shape. The most common cause of scratches is careless handling of piercing and cutting objects at work or at home. In addition, the appearance of scratches may be associated with manifestations of aggressive behavior or careless communication with pets.

Types of scratches

Small scratches on the hands

Minor scratches can be obtained in the kitchen. This is especially common in women during cooking or doing household chores. But even a minor microtrauma can cause trouble if you do not treat it with due understanding and do not process it in time.

To prevent infection from getting into the wound, the first thing to do is wash it with cold water and soap. If there is hydrogen peroxide, then blot a cotton swab and apply it to the damaged area for ten to fifteen minutes. You can use other disinfectants - iodine, brilliant green, chlorhexidine or potassium permanganate. If a child has a scratch, then it is better to treat it with aqueous solutions of antiseptics, since alcohol can cause pain and burning. After treatment, small scratches can not be bandaged. Lubricate drying scratches regularly with ointments that accelerate healing and stimulate tissue regeneration.

Cat scratches on hands

Often, when playing with our beloved cat, we get scratches on our hands. In general, such damage is not dangerous, but in some cases there can be serious consequences.

The disease that occurs when cats scratch is called benign lymphoreticulosis. It is caused by the bacteria Bartonella henselae. Infection occurs when the teeth and claws of the animal penetrate the skin. Half of the cats are carriers of this bacterium, and look completely healthy. She gets to the cat through the saliva of blood-sucking insects and fleas. In Russia, about a quarter of a million patients annually seek medical help with a similar problem. Mostly they are children and young people. This happens more often during the cold season.

Once Pharaoh Akhenaten was carried away by a new passion. Then Nefertiti gave her a playful and aggressive kitten. The scratches caused the concubine to die of infection after a long illness. Nowadays, they don’t die from this, but you need to know how to protect yourself from unpleasant consequences.

The incubation period of the disease is several days or several weeks. In the damaged area, the lymph nodes become inflamed, and it swells. The temperature rises. After recovery, it happens that in people with reduced immunity, a secondary infection, damage to the nervous system, or meningitis may remain. The person is not a carrier of the infection. You should consult a doctor in the following cases:

  1. The wound does not heal for a long time.
  2. Increased body temperature and enlarged lymph nodes.
  3. Other signs of a disease state.

There are no specific drugs for treatment. The doctor prescribes immunomodulators and antibacterial drugs. It is necessary to carry out a long-term flea treatment and bathe the cat with disinfectant detergents. If during the game the cat releases its claws, try to wean it from this by stopping communication. If she scratched you, immediately treat the damaged area with an antiseptic.

Deep scratch on hand

Deep scratches on the hand can occur as a result of falling on broken glass or wood chips. If the scratch is caused by an animal or dirt is brought into the wound, then you need to see a doctor for the necessary treatment and consultation.

Scratches appear on their hands

Sometimes small scratches appear spontaneously on the hands. One of the reasons may be hypothermia, when the hands become weathered. In such cases, fat cream or sea buckthorn oil helps.

The second reason may be allergic urticaria. It occurs in every fifth person. One of the types of the disease is demographic urticaria, when irritation appears from physical or emotional stress, as well as in contact with substances that cause allergies. Irritation in the form of scratches on the hands occurs when rubbing against clothing or a blunt object. Allergies are aggravated by severe emotional stress. As a treatment, doctors recommend taking an antiallergic drug at night. The most common allergens include:

  • medications;
  • food products (fruits, nuts, eggs, fish);
  • pollen of grasses and trees;
  • viral infection;
  • nutritional supplements

An examination is needed to make an accurate diagnosis. Pass a general analysis of blood and urine, feces for the presence of helminths, liver and serological tests. It is also necessary to do a fluorography or chest x-ray. Treatment is with corticosteroids.

How to heal scratches

Due to soft tissue ruptures, scratches can take a long time to heal. If an infection occurs, then the regeneration process is even slower. It takes at least three days to get rid of scratches.

First, rinse the damaged area well, and then treat. You can make an iodine grid. If the scratch does not heal for a long time, use a special glue. This is not a cure, but it will reliably protect against infection. Lubricate the skin with regenerating ointment.

How to remove scratches on hands

In people with good immunity, scratches heal quickly. If you use a wound healing agent or colloidal silver, the process will accelerate.

Among herbal preparations, St. John's wort oil, aloe juice and plantain help well. If the damaged area is not inflamed, treat it with a decoction of oak bark. It has astringent and anti-inflammatory properties.

As much as you would like to cover the scratch with foundation before a crust appears, this should not be done. You can cause additional damage and infect the wound.

How to make a scratch on your hand

In order to make a scratch on your hand yourself, you can use office paper. Such scratches heal for a very long time.

You can scratch with glass, it's less painful. If you want to use a sharp metal object, then this must be done with a quick movement. Do not forget that in all cases, an infection can enter the body.

How to draw a scratch on a hand

Sometimes we need to draw a scratch to perform in a tragic scene or as a make-up.

Take a marker or marker. In the right place on the arm, draw the required number of lines. They should be uneven and crooked. Add darker tones. After application, cover with glue, and after drying, you will get a real effect.


We do channeling sessions with the Higher Forces on various topics.

Scratches and bruises on the body after sleep

Good day. I don’t know how to describe what is happening to me, I will tell it like it is. I did not deal with any astrals and wasps and was not interested. but about a month ago I started having night vibrations. at first it seemed to me that the bed was vibrating, but then, listening to the nature of the vibrations, I realized that I was vibrating. moreover, the body remains motionless, but something inside me vibrates. I thought nervous - I drank a course of pills, but this did not change anything. at the moment of vibrations, I am seized by panic fear and I stop them (I open my eyes, I get up). only 1 time I had the courage not to cut them off immediately, but to see what would happen next. at that moment, the vibrations were supplemented by a sound effect - I began to hear my heart beating, and so clearly and loudly, as if I leaned my ear against my chest. the rhythm of the heart accelerated wildly and became so wild that I got scared and cut it off again.
But two days ago something else came up. Waking up in the morning I find traces of physical impact on myself. The day before yesterday I woke up from acute pain on the skin of my leg (feeling like a cut with a razor), turned on the light and saw 8-9 fresh scratches on my leg. according to the pain sensations, it was clear that I had just received them (and in the shower before going to bed, I would definitely notice them). I have no cutting objects near the bed. moreover, I was frightened by the nature of the scratches - they are thin and deep, like from the claws of a cat. but they are not straight, but some kind of meandering.
and yesterday morning after a dream, I (more precisely, my husband) saw something incomprehensible on my back - a bruise, but some strange, like a hickey, oval. there is no pain in its place. I remember my dreams during these nights (or does it just seem to me?), but there was nothing aggressive and traumatic there.
I also began to wake up from the feeling of the presence of someone in the room. I wake up and lie in some kind of incomprehensible fear. what does it all mean? and how to get rid of it? I will be grateful for any comments. you can in a personal. thank.

Lavazza writes:

I remember my dreams during these nights (or does it just seem to me?), but there was nothing aggressive and traumatic there.

I'm willing to bet that's not all. Everyone can remember two or three dreams per night, but they can dream of 8 pieces in one night. And those that are emotional are just the same hidden very deeply. And you might not remember them.

Lavazza writes:

I also began to wake up from the feeling of the presence of someone in the room. I wake up and lie in some kind of incomprehensible fear. what does it all mean? and how to get rid of it?

Well, it may be on a nervous basis, from the fact that you yourself could come up with that someone is following you, or wants to bite :)

Lavazza writes:

at that moment, the vibrations were supplemented by a sound effect - I began to hear my heart beating, and so clearly and loudly, as if I leaned my ear against my chest. heart rate accelerated wildly and became so wild that I got scared and cut it off again

It is one hundred percent similar to going into the astral plane. The feeling of presence can also be just the same because of the astral plane. Think less about him, sleep better. Since even if you are afraid of this, but still think, the chance that you will come out of self-hypnosis is even greater.
Well, if you still want to go out, then there are a lot of topics on the forum. Believe me - it's worth it.
One eye is enough to look there, and you yourself will want to overcome your fears. The heart beats quickly from fear, if you stop being afraid, then after 2-3 times it will beat normally.
Feelings of cod in the head, will not harm in any way. Sometimes it seems that the head can explode - but it will not explode)) that's for sure, then you will have fun even more and you will make them, or rather bring them to the end) There, like by the sea - the tide is out - louder / quieter.

about scratches is still here. 7 message.

thanks for the answer. I read topics about going to the astral plane, it’s interesting to me, albeit dumb somehow. but I was already determined to overcome my fear and move on. but after the appearance of scratches and a bruise, it seemed to me that even if I go out somewhere (although I don’t remember this), there is something very negatively tuned against me. and probably it is something else and strong, since it affects the physical body.
I talked to one woman on this topic, so she told me that there is astral damage. those. damage is induced on the astral body. some kind of astral being is created and endowed with energy, which forcibly pulls me into the astral and there it torments me and sucks out energy) it may sound funny, but energetically I really feel weak and in terms of health something is not a fountain. I understand that it is not necessary to be led now to this negativity and you need to tune in positively, but it's hard. during the day I look at all this with interest and without fear, but at night (and I sleep alone in the room) the picture changes

I have a similar story. Somehow, nightmares began with sleep paralysis, and in the morning scratches appeared on my face. One, two, a week. I was seriously scared, but I dreamed that something black was flying behind me. I run without looking at the road, and I get somewhere. Something like a net or cotton wool, I can't get out. Movements are constrained, I can not scream. I open my eyes and see the ceiling, but I lie and do not sleep anymore. Paralysis with fear and here it is! There is no blood in the scratches. I also started waking up at night from the fact that someone was crushing me. As if someone is sitting on top of the chest closer to the neck. I live alone, it was terrible ... What I did to get rid of:

(1) I learned the prayer "Our Father" and read it before going to bed every time, lighting church candles (thin ones).
(2) Every day she sprinkled all the rooms with holy water, and especially the bedroom.
(3) I took a Bible and several icons from the church and placed them on the bedside table.
(4) I bought and began to wear a pectoral cross. I'm baptized, but somehow I didn't wear it before. Now I wear it, it helps.

After that, everything stopped! The paralysis is gone and there are no more scratches!

thanks for the advice. I have already made some of these recommendations (holy water, candles) and it was after that that scratches and bruises were added. as if something is angry with me for these church actions of mine. the only thing left is to buy a cross. it somehow happened that recently my chain broke and I lost it (maybe this is not an accident). Is it possible to change crosses in my life or do I need to walk with one all my life? By the way, I heard that the cross loses its protective functions over time and it must be periodically either changed or cleaned

I don't know much about these things, but what I know for sure is that the cross is an idol, as well as an icon and the like.
Say no?
Not an idol, but a symbol!
Does it matter to the demons how you look, how you are dressed?
Like no, for that matter they care about the heart of the soul?
And in whom do you believe in Jesus, holy water or a cross?
Who exactly will protect you?
Will Jesus not protect you without a cross? ;)

By the way, for me it is still a moot point how much you can believe in the bible, but if you believe, then take a closer look at what you believe<<<это просто совет, рассуждать насчёт этой темы пока не хочу! ;)

I even had a dream on this subject. (By the way, I often see religious dreams). about a year ago, my cross broke and I kept putting off buying a new one. so, dream. I go out into the street, there is no one and only a girl of 5 years old in a white dress is playing near the sandbox. I go to her. and on the way, a cross breaks off my neck and falls into the sand. I start looking for my cross in the sand and see that there are about a hundred of them (crosses), all of different sizes and types. I do not hesitate to take any and put on myself. this girl comes up to me and says - "this is not your cross. Look until you find exactly yours." I searched, but I didn’t find it, the dream ended. then in the church I immediately bought a new one, bought it without choosing and without hesitation. apparently he was not mine - because. I lost it very quickly (the chain broke)

Lavazza writes:

I don't quite understand what your answer means. You may not believe (or not believe) that a helmet provides protection when riding a motorcycle, or you may not believe that a condom protects against unwanted pregnancy, but all these means provide protection whether you believe it or not. I believe that the same is true with the cross. this is not just an attribute of my faith, but a talisman, protection.

Since crosses, "candles", holy water, let's say, are taken from the "Christian" faith (I will not talk about Satanists ...), as I understand it, you believe in Jesus, well, that is, in what is written in the Bible. Maybe I was mistaken, as far as I know, Jesus only in the Bible, and also slipped in the Koran, I personally did not read anywhere else. Therefore, based on what is written in the bible, I said icons, idols, >> talismans<<забыл добавить, защиты не дают! Исключение>>>if you BELIEVE in their protective action. But if you believe in their protective action, then you do not believe in God (which is according to the Bible), because the Bible clearly says that you need to turn to God and rely only on God, and not on idols ....! You cannot choose from the Bible only what you like, of course you can, but is it right? One must either believe (completely) in the Bible or not believe (completely). I hope I explained clearly? :) ;)

now everything is clear) by the way, I heard a version that it is blasphemy to endow material things (icons, crosses, water) with divine power. strength in faith, heart, head, in you, and not in things. but in real life there are so many examples when people were healed by icons, protected by talismans, treated by water. Or is it all self-hypnosis, but did faith really work in these cases? (so-called placebo effect)

does the following method (?) help to remove corruption - put a candle for your health three Sundays in a row in different churches? I just don’t know where to turn ... this effect will drive me crazy and has not had a weak effect on my health

Lavazza writes:

but in real life there are so many examples when people were healed by icons, protected by talismans,

It was their faith that healed, more than sure

Lavazza writes:

Here I don’t know for sure, any information can be put into water, and a person consists almost entirely of water.

Lavazza writes:

Or is it all self-hypnosis, but did faith really work in these cases? (so-called placebo effect)

I am 100% sure that faith (not necessarily in God, even in yourself) works, for that matter, you can break concrete walls without problems, lift tons and so on, the problem is that it’s hard to really believe in what Possibly. IMHO If it doesn't work out, then you don't believe enough. When I tried telekinesis)) that's when I started to doubt that I was doing it, at that moment I started to fail. And the placebo effect works, it's proven!))

Lavazza writes:

Does the following method help with removing damage?

If you are 100% sure that it will help you, then it will help ... if it does not help, then you doubt

Lavazza writes:

I just don’t know where to turn ... this effect will drive me crazy and has not had a weak effect on my health

Surely someone will give you some advice. I have not encountered damage, love spells, lapels and I hope I will not. :)

people, I'm even worse. cuts on the skin and sometimes bruises with yellow-purple undertones appeared in the morning after sleep, but I did not look at it. I thought I hit somewhere. and the day before yesterday I woke up, and I have a huge cut on my whole leg! as if someone had run a sharp claw along the leg! I'm in shock, still stressed. what to do, where can such terrible wounds come from? huge red streak and swollen skin around it! cats and nails are excluded! And it's amazing how fast it heals! almost no trace left!

I myself have not received an answer to this question. Today I was offered another option - there was an assumption that it was a brownie. and he is offended that they do not feed him)) so he scratches. although this version seems crazy to me, firstly, I never fed him and he seemed to be silent, and secondly, the refrigerator is not empty, take it and eat))

Lavazza, do you believe in God? We must sincerely believe! Do you read the prayer sincerely, or do you pronounce it like a spell?

This is what I encountered myself. Almost every morning I find cuts on my skin that appear from nowhere. Places are different, most often on the arms and legs. In appearance, these are such thin lines a centimeter long. They look like cuts from a light touch of a razor. The cuts are as straight as a line. I told my husband, showed. He laughed and replied that I was a complete fool. He said that nothing was noticeable. It is strange that a few days ago, after these words, he also got cuts! We do not keep animals, there are no sharp corners anywhere. The bed is always neatly made, clean and soft. All this is strange. Didn't go to the doctor. Maybe some kind of allergy?

Lavazza writes:

that it is a brownie. and he is offended that they do not feed))

My friend told me so. She has no cuts.

Milenka, I believe in God, I don’t just believe, but I turn to him from time to time, I go to church. prayer is more difficult. I am ashamed to admit, but I do not know a single prayer, I communicate with God in my own words and thoughts, as it seems to me, I do it sincerely.
Simonova, I was advised here what to do. put in the corners of the room in which you sleep black (namely black, not gray, not light brown) bread (in pieces) for the brownie. At least I got better with cuts after that.


Aron writes:

God lives in each of us. Is God going to pray to himself? Or ask for something?

Right.. but the question is a bit wrong. God lives in each of us, but at the same time we are part of it, that is, each of us is part of a single whole, but at the same time we ourselves are not gods, we are, as it were, a component of it. Therefore, here the appeal is not to oneself, but to the creator of our spirit.


But if you are talking purely about thinking ... that they say "if I think that I am a god, I can develop like him" that's another song ..

damn it happened again today! I woke up in pain and found 6 long scratches on my thigh, 15 centimeters each. I can't figure out what it is. for some reason, this only happens to me on weekends, when I sleep with my husband (we can only see each other on weekends), and I get all the scratches only on the left side (I sleep on the right). I thought for a long time, analyzed, I can not figure it out. as if someone is against the fact that we sleep together. and this happens in both apartments - in his and in mine. I don't even know where to go to deal with this?

Yes, it was a joke :lol:

thanks for the answer. everything just fell into place :)

No offense, resentment is an imposed feeling. It's just a joke, it's just a joke. Your cuts are not from vibrations and not from the astral plane, because you have not been there. Domovoi vryatli. Maybe the cat did while sleeping?

As far as I know, in the astral one can get psychological problems, especially for people who are not familiar with this phenomenon. If you apply logic, then this is what happens, the consciousness separates from the body and travels there, the body is here, in our reality. How can they transfer damage to the body through what is traveling there? Did you see who did it to you, or maybe you saw a dream?

Lavazza, read the forum thoughtfully, thoughtfully. And then everything will fall into place.

I thoughtfully read everything and thoughtfully analyze what is happening. that is why (following the logic) I excluded the brownie, the cat, myself (my nails), my husband. I do not exclude the astral plane, because firstly, I read about such injuries in other sources, and secondly, I have signs of the beginning of astral exits. yes, I don’t remember going out there, I don’t remember dreams with physical violence, but that doesn’t mean that they didn’t exist! maybe I just don't remember them! the only dream that I remember (and then through the fog somehow), as if I was talking to someone (I don’t remember the picture, it’s voices), there were two of them - one is the one who causes these injuries to me and the second is some on defense. I talk to the first one and ask why he is doing this and why he chose me, he answers something (but I don’t remember what), and the second (protection) tells me "wake up! don't talk to him, wake up!" and I wake up covered in sweat. my husband says I was talking in my sleep at this time. said "yep. yes."
and if you (anyone) have any idea what it could be, could you tell me? why direct me to read the entire forum (half of which I will not understand due to lack of knowledge and practices? I just ask you to help me ((((

There is one suggestion, he will turn to the tank with a question, he should, by virtue of his knowledge, resolve this issue, he seems to know more than all of us here together, but there is a catch, he left the forum, but I think he will appear again soon. There is one more person, this is a drone, ask him, I think all the information on the site has been collected.

I don't know why. And I don’t really want to write about incubi. I can only express my personal opinion about what I personally would do in the event of scratches.

I already figured out who to contact. but the problem is that I don't have the ability to write private messages. and in a common fund, addressing someone specific is somehow .. ugly. Drone, I read about succubi and incubi (briefly). in general, it’s scary to read such things about all sorts of entities, then I wind myself up and get even more afraid (and they can feed on fears). and it is very interesting to hear your personal opinion about what can be done

To mess with the astral - you need to be cold as ice, I'm talking about all sorts of feelings and all that. Don't do it right away.

After discovering the scratches, I would have done what Alagel did when he had all sorts of scratches on his face and body - that is, nothing. And rightly so, to bother with such nonsense - well, what's the point? To freak out, to frighten her husband and children? Sometimes you cut yourself to blood, spat - and went. And then there are scratches, well, you think, scratches. Nothing falls off, no temperature, no runny nose, nothing - only visual effects and some possible short-term sensations. Smear with green and score, that's all. Yes, there is nothing to smear there :) Recently, a photo of such scratches was posted here - it's okay.

For complacency, you can undergo examinations and take tests, because the same bruises can appear due to problems in the body. Get results - if pathologies are found, then treat them. If nothing is found, or too lazy to go to the doctor - calm down and ignore the scratches. Everything that can be done has been done.

Lavazza and more, beautifully not beautifully treated - these are concepts that do not exist in the universe, they exist in the minds of people no more. Your reasoning is that someone jumps from the tenth floor, and you follow him, i.e. you have to jump after him, as this seems to be the way it should be. Perhaps my thoughts do not quite reach, but I try to convey them correctly.

Lavazza write one more message, and a personal will open in which you can write to any person on this forum.

Drone, yes, these scratches do not really interfere with my life (although after the last ones it hurts to sit on the priest))), but their appearance is not normal! and another question arises - where is the limit of physical damage? every time they are more serious.
and about incubi. read more. there is something in this (there are reasons to think so). But I couldn't find a way to get rid of them anywhere. almost everyone who has experienced it loves it!

another question about the dead in a dream. I sometimes dream of one dead person, he was close to my sister, but for some reason I dream. every time I see him in a dream, I understand perfectly well that he is already dead and I dream about him. there was a certain short story in the dream, then it ended, I wanted to see it again and put it in a dream in a player with a treadmill, set it to start from the very beginning, but Lyosha (that person) smiled (like "naive") and the dream ended . after waking up, I go to my sister and tell my dream (it was for her) and cry during the story. then I wake up again, already in real life and start crying, probably roared for half an hour. this always happens when I dream about him or my dog. I can't explain why I'm crying. these are not tears of sadness, not tears of loss, it is as if something comes out of me in the form of tears. why is this happening?

What happens? The dead are serious, especially generic ones.

Emotions - it's understandable why, plus the warehouse of the psyche is such - not very stable and impressionable. Understanding that he is not alive is also understandable. Why dream? There may be a combination of reasons. As a rule, when the dead dream of something, these are very vivid dreams that stick well into memory. But what they are about - only the subject who saw the dream can accurately understand. A dream is encoded in a manner understandable to the person's transpersonal part, and if a person is fragmented - an ordinary layman, in whom the mind almost completely replaces awareness, he can rarely understand why he had such a dream. In general, the inhabitants rarely understand when they are dreaming at least something. In this case, the question surfaced only because I dreamed of a dead one - and this is kind of scary, the dead, death - you don’t want to think about it, you involuntarily try it on yourself - it scares.

Has he died long ago?

I meant why do I cry after dreams in which I see the dead?
These dreams don't scare me. I would even say the opposite - they always seem to me bright and kind. and for some reason there is a feeling that such dreams are dreaming of something good. I can decipher such dreams, they are figurative, but the images are very simple and understandable for me. he died about 4 years ago, he was my sister's boyfriend, but she dreamed only 1 time, and I already had 5-6 times. why doesn't he come to her dreams if he leaves messages for her in my dreams?

Lavazza writes:

and another question - why do the dead in a dream not allow themselves to be asked questions? they can't talk to us about many things?

I’m also interested in this, I also often asked my father and he didn’t answer, once he said that it’s too early for me to know, but he didn’t explain what it was too early to know)).

Well, Valera, as usual, does not catch up, but in general, I said how to get answers in a dream. There is even an article about it. You ask your dead ones, turn to them, but only do it right, and wait for an answer. In the dream itself, it is already too late to do something. Try to get intelligible answers from other sprites by asking them questions in a dream without prior preparation - see what happens.

Lavazza writes:

I cry after dreams in which I see the dead?

Well, I already answered.

Drone writes:

Emotions - it's understandable why, plus the warehouse of the psyche is such - not very stable and impressionable.

In this case, the question surfaced only because I dreamed of a dead one - and this is kind of scary, the dead, death - you don’t want to think about it, you involuntarily try it on yourself - it scares.

The question is actually incorrect. Why do I cough when the neighbors doorbell rings? :rolleyes: From this opera.

And there is some contradiction in all this:

Lavazza writes:

I can decipher such dreams, they are figurative, but the images are very simple and understandable for me

Lavazza writes:

why doesn't he come to her dreams if he leaves messages for her in my dreams?

For whom is the decryption, for a sister or what?

Four years is a decent time, you have to pick the dreams themselves and look at the details of the plots, their transcripts and the real events to which they relate.

yes, my psyche is unstable and I am impressionable. but I always understand why I cry - from disappointment, resentment, grief, loss, fear, PMS. but after dreaming with SOME dead, I just have an inexplicable fountain of tears! I emotionally feel fine at this moment, but for some reason the tears come on their own and cannot be stopped. it can be compared with the effect of weed on the body - it throws you into an endless causeless rzhach. but here at least there is an explanation - a chemical effect.
and something is not entirely clear (to be honest, it is not at all clear)) the answer is about questions to the dead. that is, they need to be asked in real life, and not in a dream, in order to get an answer in a dream?
And what does it mean to see yourself dead in a dream? (Or is there no general interpretation here and should we consider a special case?)

Drone writes:

Well, Valera, as usual, does not catch up, but in general, I said how to get answers in a dream.

:) So it’s not a wasp, I’m talking about when a person dreamed once, for no reason, it’s clear about the answers in a dream and I read the article, but I’m not interested in this, I know what works, as it happened a couple of times, but I'm not interested, I'm not interested. I’m talking about something like that, I’m not consciously dreaming, I see why it’s coming and I’m surprised in a dream and I tell him you died (I don’t have any idea that this is a dream), but I don’t have it, I just left, well, and in that spirit. ...

Valerie, change your readings:

Valera writes:

he also often asked his father and he didn’t answer, once he said that it’s too early for me to know, but he didn’t explain what it was too early to know))

Valera writes:

I see why it’s coming and I’m surprised in a dream and I tell him you died (I don’t have any idea that this is a dream), but he doesn’t tell me, I just left, well, in that spirit ....

Labuda is :) and its price is zero kopecks.

Valera writes:

I have a dream that is not lucid, I see why it’s coming and I’m surprised in a dream and I tell him you’re dead

in-here, and I have it. I understood in a dream that this person was dead, but at the same time I did not understand that this was a dream. I realized that this was a dream when it ended and I wanted to repeat it.
p/s/ where can I read this article?

Your questions in an unconscious dream are part of the plot of the dream, and in the absence of integrity of yourself, you need to think about why you asked or said.

Lavazza, almost all the necessary articles are posted on the main page of the site. How to get answers in a dream is the fifth or sixth article from the top.

maybe it's some kind of "stigmata"?

You are not the first person with this pathology, most likely caused by violations on the subtle plane, more likely resentment or negativity, or anger at someone, maybe a protest, disagreement with something. You need to analyze the memories and understand what has been preventing you from living a normal life for many years. Most likely one of the above.

Vladoz, analyzed. I came to only two options - on a nervous basis, I may have seized a disorder (at work lately I have been straining) or an external negative impact (in the form of damage). I'm leaning towards the second option. but I don't know how to deal with it. already seems to have calmed down and scored

Weak for damage.

weak? but that's not all. all other consequences (diseases without a diagnosis, pain in the teeth with good pictures, endless quarrels with my husband and it is not clear where his drunkenness came from (he is an athlete, he never drank)) I did not voice here, because. here it was inappropriate and off topic. But in fact the problem is much broader than it seems at first glance. and you also need to take into account WHAT the damage was done, for what purpose

Then it turns out that the problem is complex?

yes, you can say that. there are enough symptoms) and it is difficult to find specialists in this field

natalie zabarina:

Drone, tell me, please. I wake up and I have terrible bruises on my leg and stomach. What it is?

You hit in a dream, this is sleepwalking :) I got up - went, fell, returned, woke up :)

I now have bruises added to the scratches after sleep. moreover, in such places and such sizes that even fighting all night against the wall you won’t earn such ones (on the calf, and on the back thigh). moreover, I got normal on the thigh along the way, for the third day even the muscle hurts. and the most interesting thing is that all injuries are on the left side

A friend of mine had a similar case, as she woke up from a blow, in the morning a hematoma appeared under her eye and she had to go to the sun for a week. glasses. And all because the husband, tossing and turning in his sleep, turned so that with all his stroke his hand was on her face. And before that, he managed to hook her with his knees, and also in a dream. Could something similar happen to you?

excluded. that night I slept alone

It doesn’t apply to you, but still, today for the second time in a row, very strange dreams have appeared. Today I had a very creepy dream about this: I was standing in the room, suddenly the cabinet began to move, to the right to the left, drops of blood began to appear on it, and then they disappeared. I wake up in a frenzy with fear. And yesterday was such a dream. I’m standing in the house, I’m looking from the window of the veranda at the house at the place where the antenna is, it’s raining outside, and suddenly lightning starts to strike it, and not just once, but as if caught and holding, then again intermittently, and once strongly struck that the light in the house went out, then I woke up again. The most interesting thing is that in front of them I had attempts to exit, which I was very happy about, because for half a year from the astral plane, not in a dream, not in spirit. And here on you such a bun is again tucked up. I just want to clarify one point, I realized that I began to vibrate and exit, with my eyes I already saw the astral, but it seemed to me that I did not leave the body, because I did not have a coma. I then decided to just get out of bed, because I already saw with my eyes the astral plane and not the real one, and then everything went dark, everything just disappeared, as if I had closed my eyes, I tried to feel it, but it turned out that it was not blindness, but simply everything that was , became chaos - the world disappeared, and instead of walking, I flew in different directions, but unfortunately not far. Because everything was dark. And one more minus - I don’t remember how I got back, because after that the floor of the exit immediately had a dream with a poltergeist who moved the cabinet. Over the past month, not only bruises appear on my legs in the morning, but also thin, thin scratches.
Recently, having told a friend about this, she began to be interested, I remembered, and that's the point.
1. Bruises began to appear to go down a week. ...- day 4-5 in this apartment, we found children's things in the closets, we put them in bags and put them away! And we washed the children's toys and put them on the shelves, we play in general.
Since then, the bruising began. The bruises are point like from fingers on all legs, and there are also large bruises.
2. A friend has a child, at that time he was 2 months old. They noticed that while lying in the cradle in the kitchen, he looked at one point and laughed merrily and twitched his arms and legs ... - he behaved like that only when they played with him! He is serious with us and in order to have so much fun you had to play with him.
3. At night, we hear rustling and some sounds near the refrigerator. sometimes quiet, but there are also such frightening knocks, as if kicking on the refrigerator.
4. In the morning we usually don't sleep around 4... yesterday I heard someone say my name... so long and in a whisper. I looked, but I was not sleeping alone, everyone was sleeping. In the morning I told my friend about this ... I began to tell that it seemed to me that I heard my name and myself, and she had already begun to describe to me exactly the sound that I heard. And she said that she heard her name more than once, but she thought it through a dream. ..
5. It is also strange that throughout this apartment, in every corner, there is a long, rectangular, thin mirror. And it's in every corner of every room. What are these mirrors for? ??? Maybe the owners were scared by something happening in the apartment ??? the residents got scared, ran to the apartment below the floor and it turned out that the same grandfather they saw did not smoke at all and their balcony had been boarded up for a very long time and no one went out there. one of the tenants immediately moved out. but just like that, that tenant will not get rid of that essence.
according to this example, it’s better to think several times before removing those mirrors in the corners

Well, this, the phantom of the girl can her soul, the girl was calm? If not, then it's probably her soul. In general, things need to be burned, and indeed everything that was there when this girl was still alive, all things, mirrors are like a portal, from there to here, they store memories, etc. with the replacement of everything, up to the wallpaper, you can add spruce ash and holy water from the church to the wallpaper glue, the rituals performed with water in the church make it holy, the magician can do the same, it is also desirable to put a pumpkin face for 13 days as for Halloween with a candle inside. It is possible to drive away with the help of a mirror corridor, but this is difficult to do for the inexperienced.

It's all about the person, are you afraid? Fear is a lesson that needs to be learned, or you have problems in life and life has given you a surprise. The main thing is not to be afraid, but in general, if this is the creature’s house, then it’s better to just leave there and let it live peacefully in its own world.

Looking for another apartment, but it's time. And he took things. they cleaned it up, carefully folded it and moved it.
Of course, this did not cause us any problems at first. But now these blows to the refrigerator. And it's scary to hear your name ..

Thank you for your concern and for such an example. No. We weren't going to take them off, we don't even approach them.

I would like to get an explanation for such a phenomenon as stigmatism in your understanding. From what does this phenomenon occur - from God or from other forces? Some time ago, scratches of unknown origin began to appear on my body. There was no way to get such scratches from objects around me. I don’t feel the appearance of scratches themselves, they appear when water gets on the body, they resemble traces of cat claws, but are located much closer to each other, some swelling and burning first form. Soon the scratches will dry up. Their appearance was also noticed by close people. It is impossible to inflict such scratches on my own, especially since I have short-cut nails. How can this be explained and what should be done?


Dear Svetlana, I would divide your question into two parts. You can read about what stigmatism is in the "Encyclopedic Dictionary" of F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron. St. Ignatius Brianchaninov also writes about the Orthodox understanding of stigmata in his writings. You can read a summary of this issue in the article by Professor of the Moscow Theological Academy A.I. Osipova. As for the application of this phenomenon in relation to myself, I would not be in a hurry to explain the appearance of scratches after a night's sleep on your body with such supernatural reasons. Perhaps it is worthwhile first to conduct a fundamental medical examination: anything happens to a person that he does not notice in relation to himself and his behavior in a dream. What may appear to us as streaks resembling cat claw marks may be a manifestation of some kind of skin disease or metabolic disorder, which would be wise to consult a medical professional.

Basically, bullshit. For 8 months of pure abstinence, I did not notice any clear anomalies.

I fell asleep without a T-shirt, woke up in a T-shirt, although I never wear this T-shirt at home. "I put it on to keep warm, and then I forgot it" is out of the question. There was a blanket nearby.

It definitely smells like some kind of bullshit in general.

In what sense bullshit? I think this sleepwalking.



  • Maximum period without masturbation: From January 1, 2015 (but at that time I watched porn, and from 11/15/2015 a complete rejection of masturbation and porn)
  • Without masturbation: 4 years, 4 months, 7 days



  • I am the Chief Energy of the Forum, Champion of Tzeentch, Destroyer of the Foundations
  • Maximum time without masturbation: 480
  • Without masturbation: 8 days

I used to have something ... but that's it, it's more fun)))) ... there are curtains hanging on the side of the room (I mean, I'm sitting at the computer and I always see these curtains with peripheral vision). So .. lately it began to seem to me that the head is hanging on the curtains and the reptile is looking at me .. it’s creepy sometimes. This is simply the end of the curtains bent, forming an image due to distortion of vision (lateral zone). Nevertheless, I didn’t notice this before .. but as I noticed, I was already frightened. It’s just that once I was very sick and something terrible happened at night, since then I’ve been afraid of all evil spirits.

Well, it looks like there was nothing like that. On the contrary, I wake up better, I sleep normally, etc.

Yes, you can’t see anything with peripheral vision, especially when a mirror hangs a little behind and to the side, it even becomes creepy. And at my last job, a girl worked with me and she told me that she and her husband were sitting in the room watching TV, and then suddenly her mother’s screams were heard from the next room. They ran there, turned on the light and her mother told them that someone had just climbed on her and was lying on her, she already felt the heaviness of the body from above, but after searching the apartment they did not find anyone, they thought maybe it was a brownie.

Incubus, infa 100% there are enough such stories for ghost stories. And I was pinned by one case described - an incubus began to pester one girl at night, she first prayed something there - and then she sent him an English obscenity in three letters - and he disappeared! But everyone knows that among us Russians (and Slavs in particular) mat is considered a talisman against evil spirits, with which it is quite possible to expel it much more EFFECTIVELY than prayers!

Well, Tesla has confidence, how many things he invented!

PS: I surfed Tesla's research topics in the field of extrasensory perception on an Internet - I would never have thought (respect to Kulu) that he had such serious research! I thought that he was a talented inventor and nothing more.

By the way, for the sake of interest, I analyzed YGS: out of 16270 stories, only 183 with evidence of "sticky" spirits with sticky actions (some in real life, some in a dream, some in a "borderline").

Of them: with women - 130, with men - 53. So the percentage of the total: 1.12%, that is, vanishingly small.

  • Lyoshka1985 and Oliver5678 like this



In principle, I'm not surprised that the majority considers everything strange to be glitches - it's easier to live that way. The funny thing is that on yourghoststories the same rubbish, but the site is more or less serious, then to anyone who unsubscribes about the presence of certain spirits (such as incubi, etc.), a crowd of fanatics immediately gathers there, offering to hang themselves with crosses. crucifixes, put the bible under the pillow, sprinkle holy water, etc.

Although women often wrote there that the buzz from incubi is much cooler than from a man (in principle, it is not surprising - the incubus works immediately with the energy body, and the man with the physical body, well, some of it is transferred to the subtle body, that is, the sensations are greatly "cut down").

The easiest way to explain all the oddities is glitches and the fact that the witness is supposedly a schizo.

But since there are witnesses of oddities, it means that something is really happening.

I don't think you're a jerk

but when considering any issues, I go with the most correct steps, where the correctness is determined by the degree of probability

most likely here

Sleepwalking or other similar phenomenon

then goes

Serious mental illnesses that need to be treated

and only then comes the option where you can be right or some other option that no one has suggested here

Has history preserved the memory of any case in which the majority turned out to be right?

(c) R. Heinlein

Skeptics take note

dich- Do you think that a demon or another entity will come to you and say: well, what a skeptic, so I came? You didn't believe?!

After all, any photo or video can be refuted!

the trouble is that pictures and videos just distort reality the most

besides that, I already wrote to you that Tesla said the human eye is capable of both magic (according to normal telekinesis) and complete delirium (seeing something that the other does not see) the difference between delirium and really otherworldly is minimal

  • Kortu likes this.