
Read lovingly historical novels by Roberts. Nora Roberts - Reflections

Nora Roberts


The wind was getting colder. He drove dark clouds across the sky, rustled in the leaves and hinted at the onset of autumn. The trees along the street were already more yellow than green, with splashes of scarlet and burgundy. Tomorrow is the first of September, and summer will turn into autumn.

The afternoon sunlight broke through the clouds, falling slantingly onto the road. The air smelled of rain. Lindsay walked quickly. She knew that the clouds could win at any moment. The wind tousled her silver-white hair, and she threw it back in irritation. It would be wiser to leave them tied in a knot at the back of her head, she thought.

Lindsay would certainly have enjoyed the walk if she hadn't been pressed for time. She would revel in the signs of the coming autumn and the impending storm. But now she hurriedly walked along the roadway, thinking about what else could fall on her head today.

Three years have passed since she returned to Connecticut and became a teacher, and during this time a lot of troubles have befallen her. But today took first place in the top ten unluckiest days. Replacing the studio's plumbing, a forty-five-minute lecture to an overly active parent about her child's abilities, two torn suits, a student with an upset stomach - and, on top of everything else, her car decided to show its character. He coughed and groaned as usual when Lindsay turned the key in the ignition, but instead of starting, he simply shook in place until the hostess admitted defeat. “This car is my age,” she thought with a sad smile, “and we are both tired.”

After a fruitless inspection of the engine, Lindsey gritted her teeth and decided to walk the two and a half miles from the studio to her house.

Looking at the fickle sun, Lindsay admitted that she could call someone. She sighed, realizing that she had simply lost her temper. Ten minutes of vigorous walking should cool her down. These are nerves. She's just nervous about today's concert. Although, not entirely because of the concert, she admitted, putting her hands in her pockets. The girls were ready, rehearsals went perfectly. The youngest students are so sweet that mistakes no longer matter. She was burdened by the time before and after the concert. And parents.

She knew that some would be unhappy with their children's roles. Worse yet, some will put pressure on her to increase the intensity of her training. Why isn't their Pavlova on pointe shoes yet? Why does Mrs. Jones' daughter have a larger role than Mrs. Smith's daughter? Is it time to move Sue up to middle class?

Too often, Lindsey's explanations of anatomy, growing bones, endurance, and load distribution only led to more advice. She usually used a mixture of flattery, stubbornness and intimidation to hold back the onslaught. She was proud of her ability to restrain her persistent, determined parents. After all, wasn't her own mother the same?

More than anything, May Dunn wanted to see her daughter on stage. May herself was slightly short-legged, with a small dense body. But she had the soul of a dancer. Thanks to determination and vocational training, she won a place in the corps de ballet of a small touring troupe.

When May got married, she was almost thirty. Accepting that she would never be a prima ballerina, she taught for a while, but disappointment made her a poor teacher. With Lindsay's birth, everything changed. Yes, May did not become a prima ballerina, but her daughter will.

Lessons for Lindsay began at the age of five and took place under the constant supervision of May. Since then, the girl’s life has been a whirlpool of rehearsals, concerts, ballet shoes and classical music. Her diet was constantly monitored, monitoring the slightest changes in height, until it became clear that Lindsay would not grow above five feet two inches. May was pleased. Pointe shoes added another six inches to her height, and made it much more difficult for the tall ballerina to find a partner.

The daughter inherited her mother's weight, but to May's delight, Lindsay's body was thinner and more delicate. After a transitional period, Lindsay transformed from an awkward teenager into a beautiful girl: soft blonde hair, ivory skin, Scandinavian Blue eyes and thin, naturally arched eyebrows. Her bone structure was graceful, hiding the strength acquired through years of training. The legs and arms are slender, with the long muscles of a classical dancer. All of Mae's prayers were answered.

Lindsey had the body of a ballerina, and she also had talent. May didn't need the teachers' opinions to confirm what she saw herself. My daughter had coordination, technique, stamina and ability. And even more - she put her soul into her performances.

At eighteen, Lindsay was accepted into the New York ballet troupe. Unlike her mother, she did not stay in the corps de ballet, but advanced as a soloist, and, at the age of twenty, became a prima ballerina. For almost two years, it seemed that May's dreams had come true. Then, without warning, Lindsay left the stage and returned to Connecticut.

For three years now her profession has been teaching. May was devastated, but Lindsay was philosophical about everything. She was still a ballerina. This will never change.

The clouds covered the sun again. Lindsey winced, wishing she had remembered the jacket she had thrown onto the front seat of the car in a fit of anger. Now her arms were bare, and only a thin light blue leotard covered her shoulders. She was wearing jeans and also leg warmers, but she still thought longingly about the jacket. And since the thoughts themselves did not warm her up at all, she accelerated her pace to an easy run. Her muscles responded instantly. Lindsey's movements were always fluid and graceful, more instinctive than planned. Soon she began to enjoy her run. It was natural for her to seek and find pleasure in everything.

Suddenly it started to rain, as if someone had pierced the clouds. Lindsay stopped and stared at the dark, gloomy sky.

What else?

The answer was a powerful clap of thunder. She shook her head with a half smile. Moorfield House was just down the road, just across the road. She decided to do what she should have done from the start - ask Andy to take her home. Rubbing her hands, she went out onto the road.

The sharp beep made my heart jump to my throat. Lindsey turned her head and saw the vague outline of an approaching car behind a thick wall of rain. She jumped sharply to the side, slipped on the wet asphalt and splashed into a puddle.

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Author's full name: Eleanor Marie Robertson Aufem-Brinke Wilder
Famous American writer of modern romance and detective novels. She also published under the pseudonym J.D. Robb.
No matter how you look at Nora Roberts's career, she truly turned out to be a phenomenon. The numbers speak for themselves. Heart of the Sea, published in December 2000, became her 56th New York Times bestseller. In 2000 alone, 14 of her books, including two written under the pseudonym J.D. Robb, appeared on the New York Times bestseller lists. By the end of 2001, the number of her published books will reach 141. The circulation of her books is growing every year. In the US alone, a Nora Roberts book is sold every 4 minutes. Her book sales already rival Danielle Steel's.
But there's more to the Nora Roberts phenomenon than just facts and figures. And many fans who send reviews of her books and those who talked with the writer on-line agree on one thing - Nora Roberts’ books touch hearts. Publishers Weekly said it best: "When Roberts puts his finger on the pulse of a novel, legions of fans feel the heartbeat."
"It's a celebration of emotion," Roberts says of his work. “It’s such a flow of feelings, as if you were in love for the first time.”
Success as a writer is the result of hard work and honed skill. Twenty years ago, Roberts was a stay-at-home mom with two children living in Western Maryland. When a snowstorm forced her to stay home for a week in February 1979, she looked for something to keep her sane. Taking out a notebook and a couple of pencils, she began to write down one of the stories spinning in her head.
“I've always loved to read and I've always had a story or two floating around in my head,” she explains. “But the thought of starting a writing career never crossed my mind. Writing down stories during that long week in February 1979 was more about keeping me sane than it was a step in my writing career."
By the time Nora Roberts's first novel, Irish Throughbred, was published in 1981, she had already had three years of hard work and several rejected manuscripts under her belt. Only a combination of perseverance, discipline and desire helped her continue her work.
"I don't believe in waiting for inspiration," she says. "It's my job to just sit down and figure out what I'm going to write about."
And there's no denying that Nora Roberts is bad at this kind of work.
Nora Roberts is a distinguished member of the Romance Writers of America (RWA) and its Washington chapter. She gave the keynote address at the society's national conference in New York in 1994.
She was the first author to be inducted into the RWA Hall of Fame and the author to receive the society's 100th award for her 100th novel, The Sinner's Daughter (Montana Sky). She was also awarded the RWA Lifetime Achievement Award in 1997. In addition to RWA awards, she has also received a Lifetime Achievement Award from Waldenbooks, B. Dalton Booksellers, the New Jersey Chapter of Romance Writers of America, and BookRak Distributors.
She is also a member of the Mystery Writers of America, Sisters in Crime, The Crime League of America and Novelists Inc.
Nora Roberts' books "Sanctuary" and "The Reef" have been made into films. The film Sanctuary, starring actors Melissa Gilbert and Costas Mandylor, was officially released on February 28, 2001. Her book This Magic Moment became the basis for the television series Magic Moments, starring John Shea and Jenny Seagrove.

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Books by author Nora Roberts are divided into author series: Queen Brothers. Brothers Hornblower. In the garden. Washington detectives. Gallaghers of Ardmore. Gift of the Donovans. Eva Dallas. Eve Dallas: Short Stories. Calhoun women. Stars of Mithra. Sign of Seven. Boonesboro Inn. Jackie's story. Quartet of brides. Keys. Royal family of Cordina. Circle of Six. O'Dwyer cousins. McGregors. Night stories.