
How to pump the lateral abdominal muscles. Torso twist with the upper block

Flat toned belly and a thin waist are the obligatory attributes of a beautiful figure. And this statement applies to both men and women. Therefore, many people strive to pump up a beautiful and toned abs by doing at home or in gyms.

But due to the excitement that has played out, many do not pump the press completely. Often it is lateral muscles abdomen are ignored by athletes. Since they are not particularly noticeable against the background of the press cubes, many people simply do not pay attention to the oblique muscles. Although they are not so noticeable, it is these muscle groups that form a beautiful silhouette of the figure.

That is why it is important to pay attention to this area of ​​the abdominal press.

The Importance of Side Press Exercises

The lateral abdominal muscles are responsible for the following important tasks:

  • Spine support. The oblique muscles act as a kind of corset for the spine. This is very important not only for athletes, but also for the health of other people.
  • aesthetic appeal. Tightened oblique muscles effectively emphasize the beautiful figure of their owner, when the side folds simply remove the entire effect of the beautiful press cubes. In women, strong oblique muscles visually stretch the waist, making it thin and spectacular.

Often, the lateral muscles of the press are simply not loaded into Everyday life. In addition, some of them are located deep enough, which only complicates their pumping. Because of this, a novice athlete will have to put a lot of effort into pumping and strengthening them, but this will undoubtedly bear fruit.

Training the oblique muscles of the abdomen will not only make the figure beautiful and fit, but also remove unnecessary fat and folds from the sides and develop the correct posture. And, as with any other sports exercise, the whole body will become more enduring and stronger.

Oblique muscles of the press: where they are, what they are responsible for

The lateral muscles of the press are divided into two groups: external and internal.

External oblique muscles

The extrinsic muscle is the largest. It is seen better than all the other oblique muscles, provided, of course, that it is well developed. The extrinsic muscle is responsible for turning the torso: contraction of the left muscle turns the torso to the right and vice versa.

Internal oblique muscles

The internal muscles are located under the external ones. Because of this, they are not visible from outside. The inner muscle is located perpendicular to the outer. With the contraction of the left internal oblique muscle, the body turns to the left, with the contraction of the right, respectively, to the right.

Both the external and internal obliques are responsible for leaning forward when they contract together.

Who needs to pump the muscles of the oblique press

Some people, by virtue of their activities, simply cannot do without strengthened oblique muscles. This category includes:

For abdominal exercises, like any other exercises, you need to have the right approach. This will avoid many possible problems during training. These recommendations are quite simple and clear:

  • You should not exercise on an empty stomach, otherwise the lack of energy will not allow you to perform exercises with full efficiency. You can not overeat before training, or train immediately after eating - a full stomach can cause nausea and dizziness. The best option there will be a loose lunch (breakfast) two to two and a half hours before class.
  • Before any exercise, you need to warm up. The warm-up can consist of a simple run, jumps, or the same exercises performed in a simplified form.
  • Daily overload will not do any good. For effective development muscles need adequate rest. For the development of strong oblique muscles, training two to four times a week will be a sufficient load.
  • When the exercises are performed correctly, not only a feeling of tension, but also stretching should be felt. Otherwise, the execution technique will be incorrect.
  • You should not eat immediately after the end of the workout. Even if there is a strong feeling of hunger, it is worth limiting yourself to a light snack, and to full reception food should begin at least an hour later.
  • On the initial stages development, the abdominal muscles will be very tired from habit. Here you should not reduce or increase the amount of load, but continue to train at the previously set pace. Over time, the press will get used to the loads.

Home workouts

For effective pumping of muscles, it is not necessary to go to the gym. Studying at home, you can achieve almost the same results as in the gym, but you have to deal with insufficient motivation and distractions. Arriving at the gym, a person has no choice but to practice, and at home there are always a lot of other things to do and things that distract from sports. But of course, those who really want to achieve something will definitely achieve it! And in strengthening the oblique abdominal muscles, the exercises described below will come in handy.

Standing bends

A simple exercise that can be further complicated:

  1. You need to stand on your feet, spread your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Connect your hands behind your head.
  3. Lean to the side as deep as possible.
  4. It is necessary to perform inclinations smoothly, without jerks.
  5. Perform 20 repetitions, 5-6 sets per workout.

You can complicate the execution by picking up any weights, or by performing the slopes more slowly and more smoothly.

Body and leg raises

Exercise is performed lying on the floor:

  1. Put one hand under your head.
  2. Straighten your legs.
  3. Raise the body and one of the knees and touch it with the body or elbow.
  4. Return to starting position, change hands.

Twisted body lifts

The exercise is also performed in the supine position:

  1. Hands should be folded at the back of the head, knees bent.
  2. Raise the body, and twisting with the right elbow touch the left knee.
  3. Go down, repeat the same on the other side.

Simulators and exercises

For pumping the press, many different simulators were invented. But most of them do not pump oblique muscles, or load them very weakly. And not in all the halls you can find special universal simulators for the press.

But in almost every room there is such a simple device as an inclined bench. Many underestimate it, but with its help you can perfectly pump almost any muscles of the lower body, including the lateral muscles of the press.

A strong load lies in the fact that the body of the athlete himself, protruding beyond the bench, acts as a weighting agent. There are only two main exercises - simple lateral lifts, and lifts with twists:

  1. You need to sit on the bench sideways and put your right foot under a special roller.
  2. The left leg should be lowered under the bench and the torso turned halfway to the left.
  3. Perform body lifts, twisting and holding hands behind the head or on the chest.
  4. After completing the approach, turn to the opposite side and repeat.

Performing simple side lifts, you need to do the same, but initially fix both legs on the bench and turn completely sideways. And accordingly, do not twist when lifting.

Weighting agents should only be used if you want to build more muscle mass on the side press.

Exercises for women

Women involved in pumping the press have slightly different goals than men. The difference is that men are concerned about the amount of muscle mass and the relief of the press. Women, on the other hand, strive to have a slender waist, with a beautiful and not “pumped” press. Therefore, exercises for women and men have quite significant differences.

Women's exercises make the abs work harder for endurance. In such exercises, there is no place for excessively large loads, and of course no additional weights.

Cross twist

The exercise is performed in the supine or semi-sitting position:

  1. The legs should be bent at the knees.
  2. The calves are supported by weight and should be parallel to the floor.
  3. Alternately, the legs are extended and held in this position for several seconds.

Two sets of fifteen movements are performed.

Tilts from side to side

Tilts are performed while standing:

  1. Put your feet shoulder width apart.
  2. Raise your hands up.
  3. Gently lean to one side, linger for a few seconds, and rising, immediately lean to the other, without stopping at the top.

For complication, you can increase the time of each rise and fall.

Lateral twist

To do this, lie on your back:

  1. Bend your legs at the knees and pull them up to your chest.
  2. With the help of the press, throw the legs from left to right. The body must remain completely motionless.

You need to perform the exercise smoothly, increasing the time of throwing to increase the complexity.

Oblique exercises for men

As described earlier, men need more complex exercises to develop greater strength and beautiful relief of the oblique muscles. Therefore, exercises for them are performed with weighting in the form of weight. own body or free weights.

Leg twists on the horizontal bar

An exercise for the press on the horizontal bar uses the entire lower half of the athlete’s body as a weighting agent:

  1. Hanging on the horizontal bar, pull up your knees.
  2. Raise your knees to your chest through the sides, or describe arcs with your knees from side to side.

To complicate the technique, the legs should be kept straight.

Simple slopes with additional weights

The exercise may seem difficult for those who have weak back muscles. In this case, you need to first perform slopes with very weak weights, or without them at all. Men with spinal diseases are strictly forbidden to perform this exercise without the permission of doctors!

Exercise is performed while standing:

  1. Spread your legs shoulder width apart. The weighting agent (preferably in the form of a neck from the bar) should be placed behind the trapezius muscles.
  2. Tilts to the sides to do as low as possible. At the bottom point, linger for a few minutes before lifting.
  3. Keep the body straight, when tilting to the side, do not deviate forward or backward.

Twist bends

This exercise is a modification of the previous one. It involves several other bundles of the oblique muscles of the abdomen, so it should be performed along with simple tilts:

  1. Hold the weighting agent behind the shoulders and do not shift to the neck.
  2. The body should lean both forward and to the side, twisting around the spine.
  3. The elbow should point towards the opposite knee.

You will find simple exercises for pumping oblique abdominal muscles in the following video:

The oblique abdominal muscles are an important part of the press, which, unfortunately, some athletes forget about. Pumping this part of the press will not only help the lower part of the body look attractive and spectacular, but also provide healthy state spine and protect against injury in professional sports sports. You can engage in strengthening the oblique muscles of the press both at home and in gym, but you can achieve complete success only with the technically correct execution of exercises, proper nutrition and complete rest.

In contact with

A pumped-up press is pride and a reason for admiration. A tightened and embossed belly can only be obtained as a result of training, the implementation of which allows you to always feel active and cheerful.

The involvement of the lateral muscles of the press occurs only when the body is rotated. This is due to the fact that they practically do not work in everyday life.

Most noticeable on the press oblique muscles. They pass along an inclined path, starting from the chest and ending in the lower abdomen. The contraction of the left external muscle occurs as a result of turning the body to the right, and the right - to the left.

The oblique internal muscles are located under the external ones and it is impossible to see them. The right internal oblique muscle contracts when turning the body to the right, and the left one to the left.

To pump up the lateral abdominal muscles, you need to know and follow the following rules:

  • 2-2.5 hours before training, you need to eat lightly;

Fasting is not recommended. Lack of energy does not allow you to give all one hundred percent and reduces the effectiveness of training. You shouldn't eat either. Exercising with a full stomach can cause dizziness, nausea, and other unpleasant consequences.

  • It is necessary to start training with a light warm-up;

To warm up the muscles, you need to jump, run on a treadmill or on the spot, perform such simple exercises as tilts, rotations, turns.

  • You should not overstrain - exhaust yourself;

Classes should be held two to four times a week. This is quite enough to pump up a relief and beautiful press.

  • When performing exercises, muscle tension should be felt;

When the feeling that the muscles in the abdomen are not tense, the exercise is performed incorrectly.

  • Do not eat after training for an hour.

When, after completing classes, he overcomes severe hunger, you can drink a glass of water or eat an apple.

The muscles on the abdomen lend themselves to stretching quite poorly and fatigue quickly - normal reaction muscles for stress. The main thing is to perform training according to the level of your preparation, moving from mastering light to more difficult exercises.

A set of exercises for the lateral abdominal muscles

Level one

The complex is designed for beginners, allows you to tighten muscles, is not designed to pump up large and voluminous muscles of a bodybuilder. The first level exercises will be an excellent start and preparation for moving on to more complex training. When performing the complex, the frame must be strained. The main thing is not to overdo it. Otherwise, you may get injured.

Feet are shoulder-width apart, hands are connected behind the head. The body is tilted to the maximum possible in one direction, and then in the other direction.

The slopes are performed smoothly, without haste, with the body fixed at the end point. For five or six approaches, do at least 20 slopes. To increase the load, if it is not enough, dumbbells, the weight of which does not exceed 10 kg, allow.

Abdominal exercises using dumbbells lead to a build-up of mass and a thickening of the waist. This is especially important for girls.

They lie sideways on the bench so that the legs are on it, but the body is not. The legs are fixed with a holder or a partner is asked to hold them. The body for several approaches from each side is lifted up 30 times.

To increase the load, weights are used.

An ideal training for pumping up oblique muscles if a horizontal bar is installed in the house.

Hanging on the crossbar, bent legs are alternately taken out to the right and to left side pulling them up to your chest. Hands should be shoulder width apart.

Level two

The complex of the second level allows you to give relief to the muscles of the press. Performing it on a regular basis, you can not only tighten the body, but also reduce the waist. All exercises of the complex are performed from 10 to 15 times, doing 3 or 4 sets.

Leg and body lifts

Lie down on a flat surface. Straighten legs. The hand is placed under the head. From the starting position, both the knee and the body are simultaneously raised so that they touch. Return to starting position and change hands.

Take a prone position. Hands are folded at the back of the head, legs are bent at the knees. The body is lifted and rotated alternately in each direction, touching the knee of the opposite elbow. That is, the right knee touches the left elbow, and the left knee touches the right elbow.

Knee raises

Lying on your side, lean on your elbow, straighten your legs, put your free hand behind your back. Both legs are raised to the chest, without touching the floor. They turn to the other side and perform similar lifts.

Hanging on the crossbar, without bending the knees, perform lateral lifts. At the maximum point of lifting, the legs are delayed.

Level three

The complex is ideal for those who work on the press for a long time. The number of repetitions and approaches performed is controlled individually. It all depends on the level of physical fitness you have.

The legs are placed shoulder-width apart. A neck is placed on the trapezoid. Tilts are performed 15 times in each direction, lingering at the end point for a couple of seconds. Return to starting position.

The body must remain straight when bending and returning to its original position. Do not lean forward or backward. The feeling of muscle tension indicates the correctness of the exercise. To increase the load, pancakes are added to the bar.

Tilts with turns

A reinforced version of the slopes using a neck, in which bundles of oblique muscles are involved.

The bar can be used with or without pancakes. Being in a standing position, the slopes are carried out forward and to the sides. Each tilt is accompanied by twisting the body and turning the elbow to the opposite knee.

Turns on the horizontal bar

Hard exercise. A well-trained and strong person can do it.

Hanging on the horizontal bar, hands are shoulder-width apart. Legs straight at the knees are raised parallel to the floor. Feet in the air describe an arc. They try to make the amplitude of movement as large as possible.

You need to do the exercise giving all the best to one hundred percent. Turns are performed 10 to 15 times.

Perfect for reducing your waist.

To the frame you need to become sideways. With both hands, grasp the upper block and perform 12 chopping movements towards the lower leg, while twisting the body.

Pumped up lateral abdominal muscles will make the figure more toned and perfect. You do not need to immediately take on complex exercises if the level of preparation does not allow it. It is better to start from the first level and gradually increase the load, moving on to more complex training. The main thing is to practice regularly and diligently. This will guarantee excellent results. wellness and moods.

Wanting to pump up the press, we usually work out the upper and lower abdominal muscles first. But many non-professionals forget about the lateral muscles of the press. At the same time, without working with them, you will not achieve the perfect relief. This muscle group is almost never involved in everyday life, since it is responsible for the rotation of the body. With an athletic physique, the oblique external abdominal muscle can be clearly visible on the human body, which runs along an oblique from the sternum to the lower abdomen. By contracting, the external muscle provides rotation of the body in the opposite direction from itself. It is impossible to see the internal oblique muscles, since they are located under the external ones. They are also responsible for body rotation. Such a complex anatomy leads to the fact that working with the lateral muscles of the press is not so simple. But to cope with such a task as pumping up the side press is quite realistic if you approach this responsibly and engage in regularly.

There are many good exercise how to pump up the lateral muscles of the press. But first you need to familiarize yourself with general recommendations which will help to increase the effectiveness of the lesson:

  • Recommended loose eat in 2-2.5 hours before the start of the workout. If you are hungry, you can quickly get tired and not give your best, which will affect the effectiveness of the workout. And exercising on a full stomach is simply unpleasant and inconvenient, it can provoke poor health, nausea, dizziness.
  • Before exercising, it is recommended to warm up the muscles by a simple warm-up. It can be jumping in place, running, exercise bike, simple exercises, turns and rotations.
  • Don't overdo it. It is necessary to engage in regular exercise, but pumping the side press at home too often is pointless. 3-4 times a week will be enough.
  • With each exercise, the muscles should be stretched. You are doing everything right if you feel their tension.
  • Do not eat immediately after a workout. Experts recommend waiting at least an hour.

When exercising, we can quickly get tired. Don't worry, this is quite normal. The muscular frame is stretched rather badly, and such a reaction is quite natural.

Effective exercises for pumping the side press

With such a task, how to pump up the side press at home, many exercises help to cope. Some of them are quite simple and suitable for beginners, while others are more complex and suitable for those who already have some training.

First, consider what pumping can be side press for newbies. We will use simple exercises. Make sure that during the training the muscular frame is tense, but do not overdo it to prevent injury. The simplest exercises, of course, will not make your muscles incredibly voluminous, but they will pump them up, tone them up and prepare them for more serious loads in the future.

1. Tilts

The simplest exercise is how to pump the lateral muscles of the press. Stand straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart. Now you just need to bend as much as possible to the sides alternately. Perform slopes smoothly, do not rush, reaching the maximum point, fix the body in it. Repeat 5-6 sets of 20 times. If you feel that the load is not enough for you, you can use small dumbbells in hand.

2. Lateral body lifts

For this exercise, you need a bench. You need to lie sideways on it, so that half of the body is located outside the bench. Feet need to be fixed or ask someone to hold them. Raise the body up 30 times, make several approaches. Then turn over to the other side. To increase the load, you can use weighting agents.

3. Twisting on the horizontal bar

Another exercise that helps to pump up the lateral muscles of the press in the presence of a horizontal bar. You need to hang on the crossbar, place your hands shoulder-width apart. Bent legs should be raised to chest level, but not in front of you, but alternately moving them to the left and right.

These are the simplest exercises. If you have already mastered them, and they seem too easy, it's time to move on to the second level exercises that help pump the side abs. Each complex must be repeated 3-4 sets of 10-15 reps.

4. Leg and body raises

You need to lie on a flat surface, put one hand under your head, straighten your legs. Raise your body and one knee at the same time until they touch each other. Repeat for the other side.

5. Alternate body lifts

This exercise, how to pump up the press of the lateral muscles, recommends lying on a flat surface, folding your arms at the back of your head, bending your legs at the knees. Raise your body and turn at the same time, touching your right elbow to your left knee, and then vice versa.

6. Knee lift

You need to lie on your side, leaning on your elbow. Straighten your legs, put the hand that is at the top behind your back. Both legs should be raised to the chest without touching the floor. Do the same steps on the other side.

7. Exercise on the horizontal bar

It is made from hanging with hands shoulder-width apart. Without bending your legs, do lateral lifts and linger at the maximum points.

And the exercises below, how to pump the lateral abdominal muscles, are good for those who have been working on their muscles for a long time. You can adjust the number of repetitions and approaches yourself, depending on what your physical fitness is.

8. Simple bends with weights

This exercise is quite difficult, because for it your lower back must be trained enough. Despite this, it remarkably helps to pump up the side press. You need to put your feet shoulder-width apart, put the neck on a trapezoid. Do 15 tilts in both directions, trying to go down to the maximum. Having reached the maximum point at the bottom, linger in this position for a couple of seconds, then return to the starting position. The feeling of muscle tension indicates that you are doing the exercise correctly.

If you are underweight, you can add pancakes to the bar. When tilting, keep the body straight, not allowing the body to tilt forward or backward. Return to the starting position without deviation vertically.

9. Tilts with a turn

This exercise, in fact, is an enhanced version of the previous one. By doing it, we load the bundles of oblique muscles and swing the side press.

It is done standing. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Grip on trapeze. Do tilts forward and to the sides, 15 times, while twisting the body. When performing twists, point the right elbow towards the left knee and vice versa.

10. Hanging twists

This exercise, how to swing the side press, requires a horizontal bar and serious preparation, as it is really difficult. Starting position - hanging with hands shoulder-width apart. You need to raise your straight legs so that they run parallel to the floor. Hold them in this position, and with the maximum possible amplitude, describe the arc. It is recommended to repeat such turns 10-15 times.

11. Lumberjack

This exercise helps not only to pump up the sides of the press, but also to make the waist narrower. You need to stand sideways to the frame, with both hands grab the handle of the upper block. Then make 12 chopping movements so that the body twists towards the opposite lower leg.

Dumbbell exercises build up muscle mass. This is good for men, but not always appropriate for girls, so it is important for them not to overdo it with additional weights.

Now you know how to pump the lateral muscles of the press, and you can actively work on your figure. We stock up on patience, motivation and swing the lateral muscles of the press. Do not immediately take on heavy exercises - start with simple ones and gradually increase the load. This approach to pumping the muscles of the press, in particular, the lateral one, is considered the most correct.

Video exercises for the side press

The desire and desire to look chic - not only spiritually, but also physically - leads people to the fact that they suddenly lean heavily on pumping the press. It should be noted that there are a lot of benefits for pumping the “front” muscles, but how to pump up the side press? Here you can turn to professionals and pay them a round sum.

Those who want to become beautiful do not look for easy ways, so they prefer to practice at home. Whereas how to pump up the side press at home - this question haunts everyone who cannot find time to go to the gym. It should also be noted that doing exercises for pumping the press at home is much easier and more interesting. Firstly, training is carried out at any convenient time. Secondly, during the exercises, you can watch an interesting movie or talk show. Having determined all the advantages of home pumping of the muscles of the sides, you should proceed with immediate implementation.

Before pumping up the lateral muscles and the press, in particular, you should study the basic rules and recommendations from specialists.

Here are the following features:

  • Unlike other workouts, pumping the press in the morning on an empty stomach is prohibited - the effectiveness is significantly reduced. Before performing pumping exercises, you should eat a solid meal 2.5 hours in advance.
  • A preliminary warm-up is mandatory - it is important to warm up the muscles of the abdomen and the press, in particular. Here you can just jump to increase blood circulation.
  • To pump the lateral muscles and achieve a relief press, you can do it only 2-3 times a week.
  • The abdominal muscles during training should be tense - otherwise the complex is performed incorrectly.

To effectively pump the press with the lateral muscles, after training, you should refuse to eat for an hour. The set of exercises for men and women is no different - the only difference is the reduced number of repetitions, but if you have physical fitness, you can go on a par with the strong half.

Pump the press: the involvement of the lateral muscles

To strengthen the sides, a whole complex is proposed, which consists of three stages. In each stage, all muscles will be involved with distinctive exercises. Proper exercise on the lateral abdominal muscles at home will ensure that the goal is achieved quickly and efficiently.

Stage one for the press

In the manual on how to properly swing the side press, training starts with a simpler intensity.

Here are the following exercises:

  • Pumping the lateral muscles is possible with simple tilts to the sides - here you should spread your legs shoulder-width apart and tilt. To increase the load, you can use dumbbells, which are simply held in your hands. Perform at least 20 tilts in each direction.
  • Lateral muscles and abs require the use of a bench - position the body so that the legs are on the bench, there is no torso from the waist. To carry out inclinations, having previously fixed the feet.
  • If you have a horizontal bar at home, you can do twisting - hanging on the crossbar, you need to bend your legs, while pushing them to the sides.

Follow the exercises - if performed incorrectly, pumping will be ineffective and the desire to become beautiful may disappear in principle.

Stage two for the press

As soon as the above exercises become insufficient to strengthen the press, you can proceed to the second stage. Here you should continue with the tasks listed above in order to maintain the side press

And add the following to them:

  • In the supine position, remove one hand behind the head. Perform body raises so that the arm behind the head and the "one-sided" leg are in contact. Switch sides and do at least 20 lifts.
  • In the previous starting position, it is necessary to bend the legs at the knees and remove the hands behind the head, securing them at the back of the head. Do twisting - lift the body, trying to reach the opposite knee with the elbow. This is the right way pump up the side press.
  • You can pump up the side press with the same exercise on the horizontal bar - only now it is necessary to fix in a position with raised bent legs at the knees for the maximum available time.

A pumped abs and lateral muscles is an intense workout followed by a characteristic burning sensation in the muscles. If this is not the case, then the intensity and complexity will have to be increased.

Stage three for the press

For guys and girls, pumping the side press is a characteristic relief not only on the stomach, but also on the sides. The lateral muscles will have to be pumped constantly - the lateral muscles are less involved in the implementation of simple movements during the day. In order not to lose the already acquired attractive forms, you will have to go to the third stage of the exercises.

Here are the following:

  • You can support the strengthened oblique muscles by tilting with weighting - a barbell is placed on the shoulders for uniformity and tilts to the sides.
  • The previous exercise can be improved by tilting with turns of the body.
  • If training was carried out regularly, it means that the muscles of the sides are already trained and endurance has increased. To pump even more press with side components, you should hook on the horizontal bar and raise your legs in a straight position parallel to the floor. In this position, without stopping, it is necessary to describe the arc with your feet.

It is difficult to cope with the task, but it is possible. To do this, one should have not so much physical fitness and endurance as strength of mind and responsibility to oneself. Surprisingly, most of those who decide to transform gradually stop doing the exercises - not only at home, but in principle. The beauty of the body itself will not please you all the time - you will have to work hard to keep your shape.

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The inflated press attracts attention, causing delight in both men and women. To get a beautiful and embossed figure, you have to work hard. Many people dream of a perfect body, so they want to know how to pump up the oblique muscles of the abdomen.

Everyone can achieve the desired result. Regular training, a well-chosen program, control over the diet will soon lead to a beautiful figure.

Anatomy of the oblique muscles

The abdomen consists of several types of muscles: oblique, straight, transverse. Each type has certain functions. A comprehensive study of all types allows the athlete to maintain excellent physical shape.

Lateral muscles are divided into two types: internal and external region. inner zone muscle is attached near the pubic crest and next to the cartilages of the lower ribs. External or external muscles originate in inguinal ligament, end near the eight lower ribs. This is the largest part of the oblique muscles. It is most visible in the press, located above the internal oblique muscles.

What are they needed for

The main function of the oblique muscle of the abdomen is rotation chest in different directions. Muscles support the back, promote flexion and extension of the torso. They are involved in the process of childbirth, during acts of defecation.

The pumped oblique muscle zone tightens the stomach, constant exercises improve work digestive system prevent bloating. Regular exercise reduces the load on the spine, forming thin waist and good posture.

Pumping helps you perform better physical exercise: bench press, barbell lifting, squats. The zone is carefully pumped by athletes, figure skaters, bodybuilders, gymnasts, team sports players.

Organization of training

You can pump the press both at home and in the gym. Each method has advantages. Not everyone has the time and opportunity to buy a subscription to a fitness room, take classes from an instructor. In this case, homework will be the solution to the problem. But they require self-discipline and regularity.

In the fitness center, a trainer will help you, he will show you how to do the tasks correctly, correct you if necessary. In the gym you can use exercise equipment, fitballs, dumbbells and other weights.

Basic exercises are suitable for pumping the press. They are easy to perform, do not require the purchase of simulators. When organizing training, regardless of the place where they are held, the following rules should be observed:

  • You can not train on an empty or full stomach, have a snack 2 to 3 hours before class;
  • Don't overdo it while exercising. This does not lead to good results. Novice athletes will easily get muscle strains or may be injured;
  • Before training, you need to stretch your muscles well: jump rope or take a light jog;
  • To pump the oblique muscles of the press, it is enough to do 2 to 4 times a week. But classes should be regular, otherwise there will be no relief muscles;
  • When exercising, you need to listen to the body, feel the oblique muscles. If the muscle zone is not tense, then you will not get a 100% effect;
  • After training, it is not recommended to eat tightly. It is better to have a fruit snack or drink a protein shake.

Leveling difficulties

The oblique muscles are the same in men and girls. Both genders can perform the same ab exercises. But a girl should not do exercises with weights (dumbbells or pancakes). Excess load will highlight the muscles, making the waist wide. And it will be very difficult to remove the oblique muscles.

All movements are performed according to a certain technique, any violations can lead to stretching. In this case, the structure of the muscles is disturbed, the temperature may rise in a person, bruising may occur.

Body twist twist

Option to perform on a Roman chair

It is considered the main exercise. Works out oblique (internal and external) and transverse abdominal muscles. At home, it is done on the floor, and in the fitness room - on a Roman bench.


  • lie down on a gymnastic mat, bending your knees;
  • put your hands behind the back of your head (elbows should be spread apart);
  • using the press, tear yourself off the floor, touch your left knee with your right elbow and lie down on the floor again;
  • Repeat the exercise, touching your left elbow to your right knee.

Avoid using inertia, while pumping, focus on the work of the press. Do crunches at a slow pace. And when practicing on the Roman bench, use a short range of motion, keep your back in a rounded state.

To get results, it is worth doing 15-20 approaches 3-4 times.

Side bends with dumbbells

Strengthen the oblique and anterior muscles of the press, pump the lower back and hips. You can use a weighting agent: dumbbells, barbell pancakes or an ordinary water bottle. Dumbbell tilts reduce the sides and.

But you need to bend strictly to the side, without bending the body to the floor. Too much dumbbell weight can lead to spinal injuries, it is worth choosing dumbbells of small mass.

  • stand on the floor with your feet shoulder-width apart;
  • raise your hands up, clasping them in the lock;
  • lean to the right, the back cannot be bent, then return to the starting position and lean to the left.
  • Repeat the exercise 15 times on each side for 3 sets.

Hanging pelvic rotations

An effective technique that pumps the entire press, especially the oblique muscle zone. Static load falls on the arms, back and shoulders. This exercise should be done on the horizontal bar.

  • hang on the crossbar, bending your knees;
  • perform knee lifts to the chest, first to the left, then to the right;
  • at the top point, you should stop for a couple of moments and fix the position of the knees.

It is recommended to repeat each turn 20 - 25 times, making three sets. There are three types of exercise: lifting the legs that are bent at the knees, lifting the straight legs and lifting the legs to the bar itself. The latest variations are classified as advanced. If you have weak hands, then use the straps that secure the brushes on the crossbar.

Turns on the horizontal bar

It's quite complicated, but effective exercise. It develops coordination by strengthening the oblique muscle. The load is more suitable for athletes who have already pumped up the press a little.

The execution method is very simple. It is necessary to take hold of the crossbar, raise your legs, keeping them parallel to the floor. Legs should be kept closed, they should not be spread apart or bent at the knees. Describe an arc with straight legs. The higher the amplitude, the more load on the oblique area of ​​the abdomen.


One of the most popular exercises recommended by professional fitness trainers. It is done with a block, you can use dumbbells or other weights. The exercise trains all the muscle zones of the press, back, arms and legs.

  • stand on the floor with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • sit sideways to the simulator, picking up the handle of the block;
  • turn your torso to the left, pull the handle to your thigh. Return to initial position and repeat on the other side.

When performing the exercise, do not bend your arms at the shoulders, in this case, the main load will fall on the oblique muscles. Keep your back straight, a rounded back will injure your spine.

Turns of the torso on a fitball

This exercise strengthens the oblique abdominal muscles. Usually it is done in the gym. It is also available at home if you have a fitball.

It is necessary to lie with your back and buttocks on the fitball, rest your feet on the floor. Lock your hands behind your head. In the next step, tighten your abs and lift your torso. turn in right side and fix your position for a couple of moments. Return to the starting position and twist your torso to the left.

It should be performed 15-20 times 3-4 sets.


Usually, the exercise is done last, it allows you to comprehensively refine the relief of the press.

  • lie on your back, on a gymnastic mat, at the same time lift your body and legs;
  • having reached the top point, turn the case to the left;
  • return to the starting position and lie down on the floor. Then repeat the exercise, turning the body to the right;

Repeat 8 sets on each side. Over time, a guy or an older man can use weights: dumbbells or kettlebells. At home, a bottle of water is also suitable. Take the weighting agent in your hands and, holding it, make turns. Girls are encouraged to engage without additional equipment, working only with their own weight.

Training program

A high-quality program will help strengthen the press and work out the oblique muscle zone of the abdomen. At home, the following complex is suitable:

  1. Lateral twists - develop oblique, straight and transverse zones. Do 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps.
  2. Side bends - do them with a weighting agent. If there is no dumbbell, then take a bottle of water, repeat 10 - 12 times in each direction.
  3. Repeat 10 - 15 times the rotation of the pelvis on the horizontal bar. This exercise develops the oblique and transverse muscles.
  4. V-turns - make eight turns in each direction.

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