
Why doesn't it come. What can cause missed periods other than pregnancy?

Delayed menstruation is one of the most common complaints at gynecological appointments. Although a missed period is an obvious symptom of pregnancy, the absence of a period can be associated with other conditions. In this article, we list the most common causes of missed periods.


If you are sexually active and have had sexual intercourse this month, then a delay of 3 days or more may indicate that you are pregnant.

If a pregnancy test is negative with a delay in menstruation, then other reasons listed below are possible.

Stress and physical fatigue

Problems at work, conflicts with loved ones, exams or thesis defense - any stressful situation can lead to failure menstrual cycle and delayed periods for a week or more.

Other possible reason delays are overwork, which can sometimes be combined with stress. An active lifestyle is certainly good for our body, however, if a woman overdoes physical activity and overworks, this can affect the regularity of the menstrual cycle. excessive physical exercise(especially when combined with a strict diet) disrupt the production of the hormone estrogen, which can lead to menstrual irregularities and delayed periods.

If your body mass index is below 18, or exceeds 25, then the delay in menstruation may be due to weight.

Normalization of weight usually leads to the restoration of a regular menstrual cycle.

Change of residence and time zones, travel

The habitual rhythm of life, or the so-called biological clock, is important for the normal regulation of the menstrual cycle. And if you changed day and night (for example, flew to another country, or began to work at night), the biological clock may go astray, which will lead to a delay in menstruation.

If the reason for the delay lies in a change in the rhythm of life, then the normal menstrual cycle usually recovers on its own within a few months.

Teenage years

Colds and other inflammatory diseases

Any disease can negatively affect the regularity of the menstrual cycle and lead to a delay. Think about whether you had a cold, exacerbation of chronic diseases or other health problems in the past month. If the reason for the delay lies in this, then the menstrual cycle will recover on its own within a few months.


Some medications can interfere with your menstrual cycle, causing your period to be delayed.

Reception birth control pills is the most common cause of missed periods due to medication. If you are taking oral contraceptives (for example, etc.), then the absence of menstruation between packs or on inactive tablets may be normal. However, in case of a delay while taking OK, gynecologists recommend doing it to make sure that the delay is not related to pregnancy.

If the cause of the delay is polycystic ovary syndrome, then the gynecologist may recommend taking birth control pills in order to regulate the menstrual cycle.

Thyroid dysfunction

Hormones thyroid gland regulate metabolism. An excess of these hormones, or vice versa, their lack, can affect the regularity of the menstrual cycle and cause a delay in menstruation.

At elevated level thyroid hormones, the following symptoms may be observed: weight loss, heart palpitations, excessive sweating, insomnia, emotional instability, etc. With a deficiency of thyroid hormones, weight gain, swelling, hair loss, and drowsiness are observed.

If you suspect that you have a thyroid problem, see an endocrinologist.

“No menstruation for a year” - a woman often encounters such a situation, remaining at a loss, since there can be many reasons that caused it. Regular periods are evidence women's health and their absence long time may be a sign of serious pathological disorders. It is impossible to independently determine the factors that violated the reproductive functions of a woman, and only a specialist can do this on the basis of the tests performed and after a thorough examination.

Amenorrhea symptoms

In the case of a delay and absence of menstruation for six months or more in a woman under the age of 45, when menopause is out of the question, one can judge the presence of a disease called amenorrhea. This condition is a consequence of serious disorders in the female body caused by hormonal imbalance, genetic predisposition, physiological factors or the psycho-emotional state of the woman.

Various types of disease

A delay in menstruation may different character, and in order to eliminate this violation, it is necessary to clarify the nature of this pathological situation. The main types of the disease are as follows:

  1. False amenorrhea, in which hormonal changes occur according to the correct pattern of the menstrual cycle, however, menstruation is absent. This can be caused by overgrowth of the hymen or vagina, as well as disturbances in the structure of the uterus. These causes can be easily detected on ultrasound.
  2. Amenorrhea true caused by hormonal imbalances. Ovulation at similar cases does not occur and pregnancy does not occur.
  3. Amenorrhea physiological, can occur in a teenage girl, in the postpartum period, while breastfeeding, or during menopause.
  4. Amenorrhea pathological , which is a serious violation of reproductive functions due to diseases of the internal organs. It can be primary, in girls who have not yet had menstruation, and secondary - when the absence of menstruation is observed in women with a normal cycle. Treatment of primary amenorrhea is quite effective, but in relation to the secondary, it will take time and some effort.

Causes of amenorrhea

As you know, there can be many reasons why menstruation is absent for a long time. This pathological condition, causing anxiety and anxiety, affects about 10% of the female population of reproductive age who have not reached the period of menopause. The most common of them are:

  1. Significant weight loss. Lack of menstruation can occur due to too low body weight. To eliminate this situation, it is necessary to gain the missing weight by increasing the caloric content of the diet to 3000 kcal. per day. Sometimes this is enough to make the symptoms of amenorrhea a thing of the past.
  2. Intrauterine adhesions- Synechia of the uterus. If menstruation is absent after the curettage, then this diagnosis is most often suspected. During surgery in the uterus, atrophy of the endometrial layer occurs with the formation of adhesions in the uterine cavity. This diagnosis can be confirmed by hysteroscopy, during which these adhesive processes and liquidate. Menstruation after such a procedure will soon resume. If it is necessary to carry out an operation using curettage, for example, removal of a polyp from the uterine cavity, hysteroscopy should be used. Using this method, the polyp is removed carefully and accurately, without injuring the uterus, and without subsequently causing accretion.
  3. Menopause. At prolonged absence menstruation, especially if hot flashes began to be felt, it is necessary to check the condition in which the ovaries are located. Perhaps they were exhausted and menopause set in. Usually menopause in women begins around the age of 50, but it can happen earlier. This phenomenon with the onset of menopause much earlier than normal is called early menopause. Most often, the age of menopause depends on genetic predisposition, but in some cases early menopause contributes to the use of some medicines, operations on the ovaries, on the uterus and other gynecological manipulations. In the absence of menstruation, it is necessary to take a blood test for FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone). If the indicators are high, then menopause has come. To improve well-being and prolong a full existence during menopause, you can take hormone replacement drugs.
  4. Hyperprolactinemia. A pathological condition when an increased content of the hormone prolactin is found in the blood. An increase in prolactin can be physiological and pathological in nature. Elevated prolactin can be the result of natural causes, after sex, during stressful conditions, during pregnancy, breastfeeding, and sexual arousal. Pathological deviation in terms of prolactin due to polycystic ovaries and liver disease. In the case of oncological neoplasms, a significant increase in prolactin is also possible.

There are other reasons besides menopause, when menstruation is absent for a long time. These include exorbitant physical activity, obesity, stressful situations, strong psychological shocks and many others that affect the cyclicity of menstruation and are not so common.

Necessary examination

If there is no menstruation during the year, it is necessary to undergo an examination to find out the cause of this violation. To do this, they prescribe the delivery of tests, by which one can judge the pathology in the body. Analyzes include a blood test for TSH, which allows to assess the state of the thyroid gland, FSH - to exclude the situation of ovarian exhaustion and premature menopause. A blood test for prolactin allows us to conclude that this hormone affects the delay in menstruation.

During a conversation with a gynecologist, you will need to more fully answer questions about the presence of diseases, bad habits, whether abortions or diagnostic curettage of the uterus were performed. More detailed information plays a significant role in the final diagnosis and the absence of menstruation in a woman.

Treatment of amenorrhea

In addition to the help of a gynecologist, a woman with a long absence of menstruation may need to consult other specialists. The support of relatives and friends also plays an important role in the treatment process.

First of all, the specialist finds out possible deviations physiological indicators of a woman's body, such as lack or excess weight. If necessary, a special diet is prescribed. If menstruation is absent due to polycystic ovaries, an appropriate therapeutic treatment is selected using hormonal drugs as oral contraceptives. An increase in prolactin is also managed with the help of hormonal agents, using the required dose of the hormone, determined by the results of the tests.

prolactin in women
usually returns to normal within two months. Worse if hyperprolactinemia is to blame benign tumor pituitary - microadenoma, detected during MRI. The situation is saved by treatment with drugs that can reduce the size of the pituitary microadenoma and thereby help the woman avoid brain surgery. If breastfeeding is to blame for the absence of menstruation, then after stopping breastfeeding all processes are quickly restored and menstruation comes the next month.

In conclusion, I would like to conclude that in order to identify the reasons for the prolonged absence of menstruation, a woman does not need to take dozens of different tests. During the examination, the doctor must put forward a presumptive analysis, and to confirm it, prescribe the necessary tests.

Not always the delay is caused by pregnancy. There are at least 10 reasons why menstruation did not start on time.

The length of time is different for every woman. Normally, this figure is in the range of 21-35 days. Sometimes menstruation comes 1-2 days earlier than the usual date, and sometimes it can be delayed for a couple of days. These phenomena are also within the normal range. But if menstruation does not start after 5 days, this is already considered a delay. The most common cause is pregnancy. But it happens that the tests stubbornly show a negative result, and critical days everything is not. Or the delay occurred in a woman who theoretically and practically could not get pregnant. There are at least 10 reasons why menstruation did not start on time, and all of them are the reason for a visit to the doctor.


The most common and most natural cause of delay in women of reproductive age. It may be accompanied by a change in taste and smell sensations, engorgement and soreness of the mammary glands.

An ectopic pregnancy can also cause a delay. In this case, the fertilized egg is attached to fallopian tube. It's a dangerous state life threatening women. In the early stages, its signs are no different from normal pregnancy. Pregnancy tests show negative results, or the strips are mild. Determination of the level of chorionic gonadotropin, the results of the examination and ultrasound will help determine the final diagnosis.

Ovulatory anomaly

The reason for the lengthening of the menstrual cycle may be acute inflammation, severe stress, lack of ovulation, or late ovulation in this cycle. For example, if a woman took, ovulation could occur 10-15 days later than usual.

Taking oral contraceptives

Late ovulation can also be caused by taking or abruptly stopping birth control in the middle of a cycle.

During oral administration or after discontinuation of the drug for several cycles, menstruation may be absent. This is the so-called ovarian hyperinhibition syndrome. If the drugs caused the development of such a syndrome, they are canceled. Usually within 2-3 months (maximum 6 months) ovarian function is restored. Otherwise, the woman is prescribed drugs to normalize the cycle.

Gynecological diseases

The most common diseases are ovarian cysts and polycystic ovaries.

Ovarian cysts are formed as a result of hormonal imbalance. The cells of these cysts produce the hormone progesterone, which disrupts the second phase of the menstrual cycle. Insofar as hormonal background does not provide timely rejection of the endometrium, menstruation is delayed.

Polycystic ovaries is accompanied by a violation of the production of hormones and prevents ovulation.

In addition, the delay can be caused by inflammatory processes in the uterus, in the uterine appendages, and ovarian dysfunction.

Diseases of the internal organs

Violation of the adrenal glands, pancreas, pituitary gland, hypothalamus, thyroid disease, diabetes mellitus can lead to a malfunction of the hormonal cycle, and, as a result, to disruption of the cycle.


Abortion (medical or arbitrary) leads to hormonal imbalance. In addition, too much tissue may be removed during instrumental curettage of the uterus, including some of the lining of the uterus that normally grows during the cycle. This layer needs to be restored, so after an abortion, menstruation can begin after 40 days or more.

This is not the norm and requires examination and treatment.


After 40 years, ovarian function begins to fade - the reproductive age of a woman ends. Delays in menstruation at this age are explained by the fact that ovulation often does not occur or is late. However, there is still a chance of getting pregnant.

Sudden change in weight

Being underweight, like being obese, can disrupt your cycle.

With rapid and severe weight loss, the body lacks vitamins, minerals and nutrients. The functions of many body systems are disrupted, which leads to failures.

Obesity is also often accompanied by hormonal imbalances and jumps in cycle length.

Abrupt climate change

The reaction of the female body to a sharp change in climate is one of the 10 reasons why menstruation did not start on time. The harder acclimatization is for a woman, the higher the likelihood of a cycle failure. On the other hand, a delay can be caused emotional shock due to change of place of residence/stay.

Excessive exercise

Regular intense sports activities and heavy lifting are reflected in the cycle. This is due to the physical and psychological stress that such activities cause to the female body, as well as low percentage fat in the body of athletes.

The absence of menstruation at the time when it is supposed to begin is called a delay in menstruation. If menstruation is absent for more than six months, then doctors talk about amenorrhea.

If you haven't had any for a long time blood secretions, you should first make sure that you are not pregnant. It is conception that is the main reason for the absence of the next menstruation.

You can clarify the situation at any time by buying a pregnancy test at a pharmacy. If a woman has had unprotected intercourse in the last two months, then the test should be done without fail.

After the first negative test, you can do a second one after waiting a few days. If he also showed a negative result, then you should understand in more detail the reasons that could provoke such a condition.

Reasons for delayed menstruation

Failure in the hormonal system is one of the main reasons. The menstrual cycle occurs as a result of complex and interrelated processes. The slightest change in the hormonal system can be manifested by the absence of menstruation. Normally, the cycle should be regular.

Its duration varies depending on individual characteristics organism. A normal cycle lasts about 28 days. The cycle is counted from the first day of menstruation to the date of the next menstrual flow.

If the period did not start at the right time and is absent for more than 5 days, then this is a delay. Experts claim that healthy women this can happen with a regular cycle, but not more than twice a year. If they are repeated constantly, then you should consult a doctor.

Let's figure out what factors can cause disturbances in the hormonal system

  • stress;
  • underweight or overweight;
  • malnutrition;
  • too high physical activity;
  • chronic diseases internal organs, poor health, weak immunity;
  • inflammatory diseases and pathologies of female organs (endometritis, adnexitis, dysfunction, etc.);
  • congenital or acquired ovarian defects;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • emergency contraception after intercourse (such methods deal crushing blows to the hormonal system);
  • long-term use of certain drugs;
  • miscarriages, abortions, violations in the position of the intrauterine device (cause changes in the hormonal status);
  • heredity;
  • a sharp change in climate, the abuse of sunbathing and solarium;
  • the abolition of hormonal contraceptives, which were taken for a long time;
  • menopause (after 40 years);
  • various gynecological procedures (colposcopy, cauterization of erosion, etc.);
  • bad habits and chronic intoxication (smoking, alcohol, drugs).

Main symptoms:

  • cycle lengthening;
  • menstruation did not start at the right time;
  • a few days have passed since the expected date of the start of menstruation, but there is no menstruation.

Gynecologists believe that regular cycle should be established within 2 years after the arrival of the first menstruation.

Gynecologists believe that a regular cycle should be established within 2 years after the arrival of the first menstruation.

But this statement is controversial, since there are healthy women who have irregular cycles throughout their lives.

But too long and frequent delays should cause concern. In this case, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a specialist.

Symptoms that may accompany this phenomenon (brown discharge, etc.)

  • bloody, pinkish spotting discharge from the vagina;
  • aching pain in the lumbar region;
  • pain of a pulling nature in the lower abdomen;
  • tension, pain and hypersensitivity chest.

Such signs indicate that menstruation will begin any day. You just have to wait a little. But for some women, these symptoms accompany the onset of pregnancy. Therefore, you need to do a pregnancy test to make sure your assumptions.

How is the diagnosis carried out

Diagnosis of the reasons for the absence of menstruation is based on the study of the patient's medical history, examination data, blood tests and ultrasound. The doctor determines secondary or primary amenorrhea. In the first case, it excludes pregnancy.

First delay of menstruation

The very first periods occur in teenage girls between the ages of 13 and 16. In some girls, they appear in more early age. The first menstruation is irregular. The correct cycle is established only a few months after the appearance of the first menstruation.

The very first periods come at significant intervals. Their duration varies. In such cases, we are not talking about delays. Irregular cycles in adolescents are normal.

Some girls have a long break after the first menstruation. The second time menstruation can begin in a few months. In the first year after the onset of menstruation, doctors do not talk about this phenomenon.

They are physiological, since the system of hormones is only being formed during this period. Everything will work out later, when the hormonal system comes to a stable state.

If, after 2 years after the appearance of the first menstruation, the cycle has not been established, then you need to contact a gynecologist.

What does white discharge mean?

curdled discharge white color- enough common symptom with prolonged absence of menstruation. They may be accompanied by mild itching in the genital area. Discharge may indicate candidiasis (thrush). Sometimes they are accompanied by violations in the genital organs.

If you notice white discharge, be sure to visit a gynecologist. In case of pregnancy, thrush can cause damage to the fetus.

An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a doctor. Thrush is not as safe as it may seem. Sometimes it proceeds almost asymptomatically, turning into chronic form.

Discharge may indicate candidiasis (thrush)

Whites sometimes occur during pregnancy in healthy women. They have a dense texture and are considered the norm. The body in this way protects the genitals from the penetration of pathogens.

In some cases, white discharge indicates hormonal disorders. Then the doctor conducts an examination and prescribes the optimal treatment regimen. Proper hormone therapy allows you to restore the normal functions of the hormonal system. Allocations disappear, and the menstrual cycle is getting better.

Another reason for white discharge is inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs. If a woman has a complex of signs - discharge, retention and abdominal pain, then she needs to be examined by a gynecologist.

The doctor will definitely take a smear to examine the microflora. If you suspect problems with the female organs, an ultrasound is prescribed.

Dangerous sign - lack of menstruation and discharge Brown. If there is a pregnancy, then this is a sign of problems (ectopic pregnancy, placental abruption). Therefore, with such a symptom, you should urgently run to the gynecologist.

If you notice signs, do not postpone the examination. By taking action in time, you can prevent and eliminate violations in the reproductive system.

How many days can it last

The menstrual cycle should normally be regular, but even in healthy girls it is not always accurate. Changes in the cycle can be triggered by many factors. Therefore, minor deviations from the date of the start of menstruation should not bother you.

Thus, doctors consider it normal if a woman's menstruation starts a little late a couple of times a year (no more than 7 days).

About delay we are talking in cases where, with a stable cycle, menstruation is absent for several days. There are women whose menstrual cycle is unstable. Therefore, it is very difficult for them to establish the fact. In this option, it is almost impossible to predict the exact date of the beginning of menstruation.

What to do if the test is negative

If you have not had a period for a long time, and the test showed a negative result, then it should be repeated in a week. In addition, you should purchase tests from different manufacturers. This will make it possible to accurately verify the absence of pregnancy.

If the test is carried out at a very early date, then it cannot yet determine the presence of pregnancy. Correct result can be seen 4–5 weeks after conception. It's very rare to get bad tests. That is why it is so important to purchase a second test from another manufacturer.

If the second test is negative, then there is no pregnancy. In this case, the delay is due to other reasons mentioned above.

If the second test is negative, then there is no pregnancy.

Most often, menstrual irregularities occur due to diseases. endocrine system or pathologies of the reproductive organs.

If in the adrenal glands, thyroid gland or the hypothalamic-pituitary sphere has undergone some changes, they can lead to ovarian dysfunction.

This leads to cycle disruptions and delays. Often, the absence of menstruation occurs due to inflammatory processes in the ovaries.

In this case, the test shows a negative result, but menstrual bleeding does not start. Very often, pathology is observed in women with polycystic ovaries. Such patients have an irregular menstrual cycle and suffer from infertility.

Chest pain

Sometimes the disease is accompanied by chest pain. These symptoms may be accompanied drawing pains lower abdomen. There can be many reasons for this. Pregnancy can have such signs. Therefore, it is first necessary to exclude its probability.

If the test showed a negative result, then chest pain, which is accompanied by a delay in menstruation, may indicate a number of diseases. It is necessary to be examined by a specialist. common cause chest pain is mastopathy. This disease is characterized by changes in the tissues of the breast.

Mastopathy is a common cause of chest pain.

The changes are of a benign nature. If you find a lump in your chest, you should immediately consult a doctor. If you start the pathological process, then later you will have to do an operation.

Breast pain and retention may occur after a strict diet has been followed for a long time. In this variant, it is sufficient to set correct mode nutrition to get rid of problems.

If you are too active in sports, then you too may experience these symptoms. Then you need to determine what is most important to you: sports or conservation reproductive function.

What to do

If the delay is observed in a woman who leads sexual life then the following steps should be taken:

  1. buy and do a home pregnancy test (if the result is negative, do a second test in a week);
  2. calculate what factors could have influenced the change in the menstrual cycle;
  3. consult a gynecologist in case of repeated and long delays.

If the woman is not sexually active:

  1. take into account factors that could affect the change in hormonal status;
  2. if menstruation is absent for more than a month, and there are no obvious reasons for this, then you should consult a doctor.

If a delay is observed in a woman after 40 years, then this may be a sign of the onset of the menopause. In this case, you also need to visit a gynecologist. If there is no blood after an abortion or if there are signs of gynecological diseases (abdominal pain), you should consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

Is treatment required

If you have lost your menstrual cycle, then this does not always indicate the need for treatment. Some women seek to get their period back by any means necessary to avoid unwanted pregnancies.

This is the wrong approach. If the pathology arose as a result of conception, then it is too late to prevent pregnancy. Indiscriminate use of various drugs leads to complications.

If there is no pregnancy, then you should look for the root cause of this condition. By eliminating the cause, you can restore a normal menstrual cycle.

Sometimes it is enough to establish a nutrition system and reduce physical activity so that the delay stops.

If it is caused by any disease of the female genital area, then the doctor draws up a treatment regimen for this pathology. By itself, the delay cannot be eliminated. She goes after proper treatment underlying illness.

Thus, there are no drugs that would eliminate the absence of menstruation. There are drugs that can cause menstruation, but they are used only under medical supervision. Such drugs are taken to provoke a spontaneous abortion. You can not take this type of medicine on your own, as you can get serious complications.

Minor and rare inconsistencies in the cycle do not cause concern. They usually go away on their own and do not require any action.

Pain in the lower abdomen

Pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation is common occurrence for many women. But if the pain is accompanied by a lack of blood, then this is a concern. Sometimes slight pulling pains and delay are the first signs of pregnancy. If chest pain is added to them, then many women know almost 100% that they are in an interesting position.

In this case, it remains only to do a test to confirm your guess. But if you did 2 tests that showed negative results, then the cause of abdominal pain should be looked for further. Absence of menstruation can be caused by many factors.

Most often, cycle disorders that are accompanied by aching pain are observed in those who suffer from polycystic ovaries.

Inflammatory diseases of the female genital area are the most likely factors for abdominal pain. If the delay lasts more than a week, and the pain does not go away, then you should consult a gynecologist. If you want to preserve childbearing function, then such symptoms must be treated very carefully.

If you start the inflammatory process in the female organs, this will lead to infertility. Frequent delays in menstruation are bad sign, which points to hormonal problems. If in this condition there is also pain in the abdomen, then the woman should urgently visit a doctor.

You should not delay the examination, as serious hormonal disorders turn into infertility and miscarriage in the future.

Severe abdominal pain and lack of menstruation is a very dangerous sign. This happens with an ectopic pregnancy. If you do a test, it will show a positive result. But pregnancy develops in the wrong place. Therefore, there are strong pain sensations.

Sometimes pulling pains in the lower abdomen indicate premenstrual syndrome. It also appears increased irritability, tearfulness, aggressiveness, nervousness, increased appetite, drowsiness, fatigue, swelling.

If you have a combination of such signs, then wait for the arrival of menstruation. To get rid of pain in the lower abdomen before menstruation, you need to healthy lifestyle life and eliminate all chronic diseases. Only your gynecologist can give specific recommendations on this issue.

Delay in pregnancy

Any woman who is sexually active, in the absence of menstruation on time, immediately thinks about pregnancy. Conception leads to a change in hormonal levels. An embryo appears in the uterus, and the body creates optimal conditions for gestation. Normally, during pregnancy, menstruation should not be. But there are times when after conception they do not stop. In this case, you need to urgently see a gynecologist.

Immediately after childbirth, the menstrual cycle is unstable. They are restored a couple of months after the birth of the baby. If the mother does not breastfeed the baby, then the menstrual cycle is restored faster. For lactating women, these terms are individual. Therefore, during this period of life it is very difficult to predict the onset of ovulation.

If you become pregnant, you will be able to notice the delay at least 2 weeks after conception. The development of pregnancy at this time cannot be stopped with the help of emergency contraception. Folk and home remedies can only harm. In this option, there is only one relatively safe procedure for a woman - an abortion.

Do not attempt to terminate a pregnancy on your own. This leads to dangerous consequences. Sometimes there are also deaths. If you are in the mood for an abortion, then you should not delay it. The most easily tolerated procedure is made on early stages pregnancy.

Medicines that can cause periods


Duphaston is widely used in gynecological practice. It is analogous to sexual female hormone progesterone. It is this hormone that is responsible for the second phase of the menstrual cycle. The drug acts on the principle of progesterone.

It makes the endometrium thicker, which makes it more likely to bleed. Sometimes the endometrium grows too fast under the influence of duphaston. In this case, a woman may have bleeding between periods.

Duphaston is prescribed for ovarian dysfunction, with painful periods, and also to alleviate premenstrual syndrome. Pregnant women take the drug with a lack of progesterone. This helps prevent miscarriages.

Duphaston is an indispensable medicine in many cases. It is used for carrying out replacement therapy as well as in the treatment of infertility. At total absence menstruation duphaston is taken along with estrogens. It is also prescribed during menopause.


Duphaston is considered safe drug. It rarely causes side effects. If they occur, it is only due to an incorrect reception scheme. Therefore, this drug can only be prescribed by a gynecologist.

The dose of this medicine is always selected individually. The doctor takes into account the state of the patient's hormonal system. Usually, the daily dose of duphaston is divided into parts, taking them evenly throughout the day.

If a woman does not have menstruation, then the drug is prescribed together with estrogens. Such combined treatment carried out within 3 months.


If the menstrual cycle fails, the doctor may prescribe the hormonal drug Pulsatilla. It is considered very effective and is often used in the treatment of such disorders. The medicine is considered homeopathic. At its core, Pulsatilla is a sleep-grass or backache. It has been used in homeopathy for over 200 years.

If the menstrual cycle fails, the doctor may prescribe this hormonal drug

The drug helps to establish a normal menstrual cycle. It is taken in the form of granules. The optimal dose is 6-7 granules per dose. But here much depends on the characteristics of the patient and the severity of the disease. Therefore, the right dose should be selected only by a doctor.

The granules should be placed under the tongue. Pulsatilla can bring a positive result after the first application. She does not provide side effects and does not violate general state female body. This medicine is prescribed by a specialist after an examination.

Elecampane (instruction)

Elecampane is a powerful herbal remedy from the arsenal traditional healers. It causes menstruation in the shortest possible time. A few doses of the decoction are enough for a woman to start menstruating. This remedy is used by many women who want to induce menstruation.

A decoction of elecampane is useful for uterine diseases. It is also drunk when the uterus is prolapsed. To induce menstruation, you need to drink 50 ml of decoction 2 times a day. It usually helps within the first day.


Buy elecampane root at the pharmacy. Pour a large spoonful of grass into 200 ml of boiling water. Boil the decoction for about 5 minutes. Then it should be infused for half an hour. After that, it must be filtered and taken orally. Decoction of elecampane has a bitter taste. In pregnant women, it causes spontaneous abortion.


  • pregnancy (abortion occurs a few hours after taking the decoction);
  • menstruation (drink causes severe bleeding).

If the delay was too long, this could be due to serious problems. Do not postpone the appointment with the gynecologist, because it is better to underdo than overdo.

Delayed menstruation is the absence of cyclic bleeding for more than 35 days in a woman of reproductive age who has not entered into menopause. There can be many reasons for such a violation of menstrual function, they are caused by physiological, organic and functional disorders.

As for the age at which the delay is observed, it can be different, starting from the period of puberty of the girl and ending with the period of premenopause. Statistics indicate that 100% of women have faced this problem at least once in their lives.

What are the reasons for delayed menstruation?

Naturally, the most common reason that the next menstrual cycle does not start on time is pregnancy. In addition, a woman's taste sensations change, morning sickness and even vomiting may occur, appear pain in the mammary glands. All these signs are associated with a change in the hormonal background in a woman's body after conception.

However, pregnancy is an obvious reason for the onset of a delay and it is not difficult to determine it using a special test.

If the result is negative, then other reasons should be considered, including:

    Increased emotional stress, for example, severe stress, study load before exams. Do not underestimate the impact of stress on a woman's body. It can cause serious malfunctions in the areas of the brain that are responsible for hormonal regulation. Under severe stress, menstruation can stop even for several years.

    Increased physical stress associated, for example, with increased sports training or harsh working conditions.

    Professional heavy sports.

    Early menopause, which can occur even at the age of 30 years. This is most often associated with diseases of the endocrine system.

    Radical changes in the usual way of life, for example, changing jobs, places of residence, moving to another climatic zone or time zone, etc. In this case, the delay in menstruation is due to the adaptation of the body to changed conditions.

    Conducted gynecological operations. In the event that a woman has a delay after surgery, she needs urgent consultation doctor (in the event that the doctor has not previously reported possible failures in the regular cycle).

    Genetic diseases.

    Diseases of the cardiovascular and hematopoietic systems.

    Changes in hormonal status, which may be associated with the onset of the period of premenopause, with the onset of puberty. Often, cycle delays occur in adolescent girls, such delays in the first two years after the onset of menstruation are the norm. After this time, the cycle should be established.

    Excessive production of testosterone in the body. With such a violation, the woman begins to grow hair over upper lip, in inguinal region the skin becomes greasy. You should not hesitate to consult a doctor, as this can ultimately lead to infertility.

    Refusal to take hormonal contraceptives. This delay is due to the fact that the functionality of the ovaries is reduced against the background of a long supply of hormones from the outside. A deviation from the norm in this case is the absence of more than 2-3 cycles.

    Taking medications with high content hormones used as emergency contraceptive methods. For example, such means as Postinora, Escapeli, etc.

    Violations of the maturation of the follicle, which is expressed in its atresia or persistence.

    The period after childbirth, when the delay is due to hormonal changes due to the onset of lactation. The body begins to produce prolactin in excess, which contributes to the suppression functionality ovaries. A woman needs to know that if the baby does not receive a breast, then menstruation should begin after two months. If the mother feeds the child, then menstruation should be restored after the cessation of lactation.

    Viral infections, such as SARS and influenza.

    Exacerbation of chronic diseases: gastritis, stomach ulcers, diabetes. In addition, violations of the functionality of the thyroid gland, kidneys, etc. can have an impact.

    Taking medicines. Antidepressants, corticosteroids, chemotherapy for oncological diseases can have an effect.

    Weight gain, obesity. The risk of developing amenorrhea is especially high in concomitant stressful situations.

    Inflammation of the genital organs - oophritis, adnexitis.

    A benign tumor is uterine fibroids.


    Polycystic ovaries causing hormonal disorders. Associated symptoms become: seborrheic dermatitis, increased growth hair, acne

    Cyst corpus luteum ovary. It is formed due to violations of the production of hormones in the body of a woman.

    Avitominosis. The lack of vitamins will lead to the fact that the immune system will begin to suffer, this will lead to a slowdown in all metabolic processes, which means it will inevitably affect the hormonal background of a woman. Vitamin E deficiency, as well as its overabundance, has a particular effect.

    Irregular sexual relations. It has been noticed that when a permanent sexual partner appears in a woman's life, violations in the menstrual cycle often resolve themselves.

    Oncological diseases of the body of the uterus, cervix.

    Digestive disorders that may be due to strict diets, diseases, overeating, metabolic disorders, etc.

    Abortion. In this case, either hormonal disorders or mechanical damage lead to a delay.

    Ectopic or missed pregnancy. Both cases require immediate surgical intervention.

    Miscarriage in the early stages after conception.

    Marked weight loss. A disease such as anorexia can lead to a complete shutdown of the functionality of the ovaries.

    Alcohol abuse, intake drugs. Often, a delay in menstruation can occur in women who prefer beer to all alcoholic beverages.

    Hypothermia of the body, as well as its overheating, can provoke a delay in the next cycle.

    An increase in the level of prolactin in the blood, which can become a symptom of a brain tumor.

Reasons for delaying menstruation by 2-3-4-5 days

Failure in the menstrual cycle for a short period of time - up to 5 days or less, is considered the norm. However, if after this time the menstruation has not resumed, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

There may be several reasons for such a short delay, and most often they are explained by natural physiological processes occurring in the body. So, in the puberty period, when the formation of the cycle is still taking place, such breaks are not any deviation from the norm. Temporal fluctuations with delays of up to 5 or even 7 days can be observed for 1.5-2 years. After that, the menstrual schedule should return to normal. If this does not happen, then you should seek the advice of a doctor.

In addition, such a delay is a frequent companion of the premenopausal period, when there is a progressive slowdown in menstrual function. The rhythms of a woman's body change, as well as the timing of each cycle. At this time, delays in menstruation can be replaced by their complete absence.

Sometimes such temporary delays can also occur in women. childbearing age. Most often, women themselves are able to determine the reason for such a short delay - this is the onset of pregnancy, breastfeeding, refusal to take oral contraceptives, acclimatization and other natural physiological causes. But if such violations become regular, then this indicates pathological processes occurring in the body and a doctor's consultation is necessary in this case.

According to doctors, a short single delay in menstruation for up to five days is a physiological norm and most often does not require special treatment. However, no one knows her body better than the woman herself. Therefore, if there is reason to be concerned about a delay of even a few days, then you should not put off going to the doctor.

Causes of a delay in menstruation for 10-15 days or more, the test is negative

Prolonged absence of the menstrual cycle is a delay of 10-15 days or more. If the pregnancy test carried out did not give positive result, that is, it makes sense to start worrying about your own health. Most often, such a prolonged absence of menstruation indicates the presence of any disorders in the body. Only a doctor can correctly diagnose the cause of the delay and prescribe treatment.

Of course, the cycle can recover on its own if the delay was caused by stress or acclimatization.

But, if this does not happen, and the delay is 15 or more days, then this may be due to the following reasons:

    Oligomenorrhea, which is characterized by a weakening of menstruation. They are becoming not only scarce, but also rare. The interval can be from 15 days to six months. This pathology occurs in about 3% of women.

    Polycystic ovary syndrome, when multiple cystic formations begin to grow inside and outside them. It occurs in both young girls and older women.

    Endometriosis can delay the menstrual cycle.

    Endometritis, which is expressed in inflammation of the mucous layer of the uterus.

    Hypoplasia of the uterus, that is, its underdevelopment. Pathology is detected in adolescence.

    Inflammation of the appendages, localized in the ovaries and tubes. Reduced immunity, viral infections, hypothermia, penetration of bacteria, etc. can lead to a pathological process.

Naturally, these are not all the reasons that can lead to a delay of 15 days or more, but they are the most common and require treatment without fail. To provoke the absence of the next menstruation can be injuries received during abortions, malnutrition, oncological diseases, appendicitis, uterine fibroids, maturation of the follicle without ovulation, atresia of the immature follicle and other factors. In any case, such a long break in the cycle requires immediate appeal to the gynecologist.

Reasons for missed periods after age 40

After a woman crosses the line of 40 years, she begins the natural process of fading of the menstrual function. The ovaries produce hormones in a smaller amount, cycles without ovulation can be observed 1-2 times a year, which causes a delay. In addition, menstruation becomes irregular, short-term, scarce.

Although worldwide data indicate that the decline of fertility should occur after age 45, this age often declines. This “rejuvenation” of menopause is due to the fact that most women by this age have chronic diseases that are aggravated against the background of frequent stress, viral infections, heavy labor activity previous abortions, etc.

Asked for medical assistance a woman aged 40 and older can hear the following diagnoses that are very common for this age category:

    Delayed menstruation due to psychological stress. Moreover, at this age, the reasons for increased nervous tension becomes even more than in youth: the problems of grown children, exacerbation of chronic diseases, the natural aging process, etc. At 40, any stress is much more difficult to endure than at 20.

    Heavy physical exertion, overwork. Often it is at this age that a breakdown occurs, but despite this fact, a woman continues to work at the same pace, and sometimes even more. This affects the state of the body as a whole and increases the likelihood of a delay.

    Any chronic disease, among the most common: urolithiasis disease, cirrhosis, pathologies of the cardiovascular and hematopoietic systems, gastritis, heart attack, celiac disease, etc. All disorders in the body can cause a malfunction in the functioning of the ovaries.

    Any severe course colds: acute respiratory infections, influenza, bronchitis, SARS, etc.

    Endocrine pathologies: thyroid disease, diabetes mellitus.

    Increased body weight, which is observed in most women over 40 years of age. Thinness can also be a causal delay, however, at this age, women do not suffer from anorexia as often as from obesity.

    Alimentary causes caused by imbalance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, lack of vitamins, microelements supplied with food.

    Any major life change. Delays may appear against the background of the fact that adaptive and adaptive mechanisms work much worse with age. Even a short trip to the sea can have an effect.

    Reception medications, the number of which increases significantly as a woman ages. Any medicine can provoke a delay, but most often at this age it is observed against the background of taking antipsychotropic drugs, drugs to get rid of endometriosis - Zoladex, Diferelin, Buserelin, and also due to the use of Duphaston, Lanazol, Methyldopa, etc.

    Any diseases of the reproductive system, for example, polycystic ovaries, benign and malignant tumors, vaginal colpitis, etc.

Given these factors, a woman should seek the advice of a specialist if the delays become regular and exceed the physically acceptable limits of 5 days.

What are the dangers of constant delays in menstruation?

If a single delay in menstruation within physiologically acceptable limits is not a threat to a woman's health, then regular failures are fraught with danger. It lies in the fact that the cause that caused the delay will not be diagnosed and eliminated in time.

It is important to seek medical attention if you frequently frequent violations cycle because:

    The delay may be caused by the growth of a microadenoma, a malignant brain tumor. Cycle disorders are caused by an increase in the level of prolactin in the blood.

    Inflammation of the uterus and appendages can cause not only delays, but also lead to anovular infertility, the formation purulent process, sepsis, pelvic thrombophlebitis, parametritis. In addition, depletion of the follicular apparatus due to regular delays due to inflammation of the appendages often leads to an early menopause, at the age of 35 and younger.

    Any neglected female diseases threaten the development of complete infertility, and they can begin with the usual delays in menstruation.

    Polystosis of the ovaries, often manifested in delayed menstruation, can lead to the development of gestational diabetes, obesity and arterial hypertension. As a result, the entire cardiovascular system suffers, up to blockage of the veins, heart attack and stroke.

    Any hormonal disruption not only disrupts a woman's well-being, but also causes miscarriages, uterine fibroids, is fraught with the development of asthma, diabetes, atherosclerosis, malignant cancerous tumors. In addition, in addition to delaying menstruation, hormonal disorders significantly impair a woman’s quality of life (pain in the joints, mammary glands, sleep is disturbed, sweating increases, etc.) and lead to changes in her appearance (obesity or thinness, underdevelopment of the mammary glands, increased body hair growth, oily skin and acne, etc.).

    Early menopause leads to premature aging of the skin, weakening of the immune forces of the body, to the development of atherosclerosis, to premature extinction of the reproductive function, to an increased risk of developing diabetes, etc.

Due to the fact that regular menstrual irregularities can cause serious health problems, women should definitely consult a gynecologist and other necessary examinations to determine the cause of the failure.

Popular questions and answers:

Can thrush cause missed periods?

Many women often trace the relationship between thrush or vaginal candidiasis and a delay in the menstrual cycle. However, the disease itself cannot cause the untimely onset of menstruation, although such phenomena often coincide.

The reason lies in the fact that thrush is often the result of stress, increased emotional stress, as well as many diseases of the body. Severe cold or exacerbation chronic illness can cause both candidiasis and delayed menstruation.

That is why the combination of these two is so often observed. pathological conditions for the female body. But the thrush itself cannot unequivocally become the cause of the untimely onset of the cycle. However, a visit to the doctor in such situations is mandatory.

Can cystitis cause a delay in menstruation?

This question is quite relevant, since after suffering from cystitis, women often observe a delay in menstruation. This is due to the fact that cystitis provokes the development of inflammation in the pelvis and often becomes chronic. Naturally, all adjacent organs suffer: ovaries, tubes, uterus. As a result, their functionality is impaired and a woman experiences a delay after an illness.

In addition, ovarian dysfunction can have a direct impact on the development of cystitis, because it is well known that estrogen levels affect functionality. Bladder. The lower the level of the hormone, the thinner its wall becomes, which means that it is more susceptible to various infections. As a result, due to hormonal disorders a woman develops cystitis, the manifestations of which are difficult not to notice.

After treatment, there is a delay, which the woman associates with the disease, although in fact its cause, like the cause of cystitis, was a violation of hormone production. So, after an illness, a delay may occur, it can be caused by both chronic cystitis and a violation of hormone production.

Can a cyst cause a delay in menstruation?

The answer is definitely positive. The fact is that with cysts that form on the ovaries, a wide variety of violations of the menstrual cycle can occur, including its delay.

This situation is especially common in young girls when they develop functional cysts of the corpus luteum, follicle, etc. Most often, a delay is observed even before the cyst itself is formed. That is, the delay precedes the cyst, disrupting the process of the menstrual cycle and contributing to its formation. Therefore, doctors often predict cystic growth after the appearance of such disorders.

As for the delay, as a rule, they do not exceed one week. Similar phenomena can be observed from month to month until the cyst is diagnosed and its treatment begins.

What to do if there is a delay in menstruation?

If there are regularly repeated delays in menstruation or the delay exceeds the maximum allowable physiological limits of five days, then you should consult a doctor. After finding out the reasons, the woman will be prescribed appropriate treatment. Most often, therapy is carried out using hormonal pills. However, in no case should they be taken on their own, without medical advice. This is extremely dangerous for a woman's health and can disrupt the entire hormonal system, and therefore lead to serious problems with health.

Among the most common hormonal drugs, doctors prescribe the following:

    Postinor. It is a drug used for emergency contraception. This remedy is used if it is necessary to induce the menstrual cycle as soon as possible. However, it is recommended only for regular menstruation, since its use can provoke cycle disorders, and if used very often, lead to infertility.

    Duphaston. They are used if the delay in the menstrual cycle is caused by insufficient levels of progesterone in the body. Only a doctor should adjust the dose, based on the studies. If there is no pregnancy, and the delay does not exceed 7 days, then postinor is prescribed for a period of 5 days. After this time, menstruation should begin two or three days later.

    Mifepristone can be used to induce menstruation early in pregnancy up to 42 days. However, it should never be used if an ectopic pregnancy is suspected. reception should be carried out under the supervision of a physician, since the indiscriminate use of mifepristone leads to a violation of the hormonal background.

    Pulsatilla. Another hormonal drug that can be prescribed for delayed menstruation. This is the most safe remedy, which does not lead to weight gain, does not affect nervous system. However, it should not be taken by girls who have an irregular cycle.

    Non-ovlon, a drug that stimulates the onset of the menstrual cycle, is able to prevent acyclic bleeding. It contains estrogen and progestin. Most often, with a delay, two tablets are prescribed after 12 hours. However, before using it, a mandatory consultation with a specialist, since the drug has side effects and can disrupt the functioning of the reproductive organs.

    Progesterone is an injectable hormone. It is used to call menstruation, the selection of the dosage is carried out strictly individually. Increased intake of progesterone in the body can cause a lot of side effects, including excessive hair growth, weight gain, menstrual irregularities. Never more than 10 injections. The effect is based on stimulating the work of the glands located in the mucous membrane of the uterus. The tool has a number of contraindications, including: uterine bleeding, liver failure, breast tumors, etc.

    Norkolut, causes menstruation, as it contains norethisterone, which in its action is similar to the action of gestagens. And their lack often provokes failures in cycles and their delay. The course of treatment should not exceed five days, it is not used during pregnancy, as it threatens with miscarriage and bleeding. It has a large number of contraindications and side effects, so a preliminary consultation with a doctor is necessary.

    Utrozhestan. It is an agent that suppresses estrogen and stimulates the production of progesterone, which is what causes it. healing effect. In addition, there is a stimulating effect on the development of the endometrium. The drug can be administered vaginally, which is its undoubted advantage, however, this remedy also has some contraindications.

Naturally, the use of hormonal drugs to induce menstruation is not safe method. They must be taken correctly, as they can cause irreparable harm to health.

It should be understood that any intervention in the hormonal background must be justified. Each medicine is selected strictly individually and subject to clear medical recommendations. This is the only way to preserve your own health and avoid negative consequences. But long delays should not be ignored either. Therefore, the most correct decision will be a trip to the doctor and the passage of reasonable and adequate therapy.