
Teeth fall out from periodontal disease, advise what to do. Periodontal disease: how to save teeth and what medications help

atrophic processes in the periodontium, leading to a violation of the unity of the ligamentous apparatus of the tooth with bone tissue (alveolar processes of the jaw). It is characterized by a progressive course, manifested by a feeling of discomfort in the gums, tooth mobility, unpleasant odor and taste in the mouth. In the future, the necks of the teeth are exposed, the formation of wedge-shaped defects on the enamel occurs. Treatment of periodontitis is carried out by a separate specialist - a periodontist. If left untreated, periodontal disease leads to early tooth loss.



General information

- a disease of the teeth of a primary dystrophic nature. In the pathogenesis of periodontitis lies a violation of the nutrition of the jaw bone tissue, this leads to a violation of tissue renewal, a violation of mineral metabolism and a violation of the blood supply to the gums. Periodontal disease is diagnosed in 5-10% of patients who applied for dental care.

Reasons for the development of periodontal disease

The main cause of periodontal disease is pathogenic microorganisms found in dental plaque. As a result of their vital activity, the gum tissue becomes loose, the periodontal junction is destroyed, and plaque penetrates deeper. Once hardened, plaque damages the gums and tooth enamel. Periodontal disease is more common in people with pathologies of cardio-vascular system atherosclerotic nature, with pathologies digestive tract and endocrine diseases.

Metabolic disorders, especially due to hypovitaminosis, cause periodontal disease at an older age, when the natural weakening of periodontal tissues is more pronounced. In the pathogenesis of periodontal disease, in addition to the microbial factor and dystrophic changes, there are also anomalies in the development of the dentition. So, with pathologies of bite, anomalies in the position of the teeth, periodontal disease is diagnosed several times more often.

Symptoms of periodontal disease

Periodontal disease is a long-term gum disease that, over time, leads to bad breath and tooth loss. Periodontal disease and other gum diseases are the main cause of tooth loss in adulthood. With periodontal disease, a deep gum pocket forms, in which food debris, microorganisms and plaque accumulate. It is these inflamed gum pockets and are a source of bad breath and bad taste when eating.

Increased bleeding of the gums in periodontal disease during brushing or eating is due to loosening of the gums. In addition, the sensitivity of the gums to all types of irritants increases, they become painful and easily inflamed. This explains the irritability and nervousness of patients with periodontal disease. When the dentogingival connection is completely destroyed and the gingival pocket becomes deep and finally formed, the stage of formation of a microbial plaque on the root of the tooth begins. This is the final stage of periodontal disease, in which the root of the tooth and jaw bone are resorbed, granulation tissue develops, which leads to tooth loss.

Pathogenic microorganisms provoke the development of periodontal disease, but are not its main cause, since in some cases the pathological process in periodontal disease is non-infectious. After the formation of the gingival pocket, the necks of the teeth are exposed. This stage of periodontal disease is long, and, despite the almost complete exposure of the necks of the teeth, the teeth long time retain their grip well.

As it progresses, an increased sensitivity of the cervical part of the tooth and a feeling of itching in the gums join, sometimes with periodontal disease there may be a pronounced inflammation of the gums.

You should seek dental care if you have one of the symptoms that indicate the presence of periodontal disease. This is the pallor of the gingival papillae, bleeding gums or retraction of the gums with exposure of the neck of the tooth. Over time, the root part of the tooth is also exposed, which is why the teeth with periodontal disease look somewhat longer.

Depending on how pronounced the symptoms are, there are several degrees of severity of periodontal disease. At mild form periodontal disease, the intragingival part of the tooth is exposed by about a third, the medium and severe form is characterized by the exposure of the tooth by half or more. If the pathological process has become irreversible, that is, there are signs of gum atrophy and tooth mobility, then tooth loss is possible. Often, periodontal disease is combined with non-carious dental diseases - enamel erosion, tooth wear, wedge-shaped defect.

Diagnosis and treatment of periodontal disease

The diagnosis is made on the basis clinical manifestations and data instrumental examination dentist. Usually, periodontal disease is diagnosed by chance, during preventive medical examinations.

Fixation of mobile teeth is carried out by cable-stayed splinting or splinting with flex-arcs. If periodontal disease is accompanied by tooth loss, then a consultation with an orthopedist is indicated to resolve the issue of prosthetics. Replacement of the formed defects of the dentition is also possible by implantation of teeth. In parallel, they carry out a course of vitamin therapy and correction of diseases that could provoke the development of periodontal disease. Quitting smoking, maintaining oral hygiene and introducing foods that promote self-cleaning of teeth into the diet, regular visits to the dentist are measures to prevent periodontal disease.

A rare non-inflammatory ailment characterized by progressive course, discomfort in the gums, mobility of the teeth and an unpleasant odor from oral cavity called periodontal disease. Ignoring the symptoms of the disease is fraught with exposure of the teeth, as well as the formation of wedge-shaped defects on the enamel, and subsequently the loss of teeth.

Pathology is diagnosed in approximately 5% of patients who turn to the dentist. The main symptom of the disease is overreaction on thermal and chemical irritants, in particular on cold and hot food. Treatment of the disease must be timely. This is the only way to prevent premature tooth loss.

The main reason for the development of pathology is penetration into the oral cavity and further reproduction pathogens. As a result of vital activity, the gum tissue becomes loose, followed by destruction of the periodontal joints. The occurrence of the disease is more susceptible to people with the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract, as well as endocrine pathologies.

In addition, the appearance of periodontal disease may be due to:

  • changes in the hormonal background, this includes changes that occur in the body during pregnancy, menopause, menstruation, as well as puberty, all this to a lesser or more provokes an exacerbation of the sensitivity of the gums and makes them more susceptible to various destructions;
  • the presence of pathologies: diabetes, HIV, cancer;
  • inappropriate use or abuse of certain medications;
  • presence bad habits;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • insufficient blood supply;
  • violation metabolic processes.

Symptoms and photos of the disease

Periodontitis of the teeth is characterized by a slow course. The disease is accompanied by: blanching of the gums, exposing part of the root of the tooth, tooth wear, the formation of microbial plaque, a feeling of discomfort during chewing, as well as a sensation of pulsation in the gums and roots of the teeth. The initial stage of periodontal disease does not manifest itself in any way, since the process begins to develop under the gum. In the photo you can see how the teeth were exposed and the gums settled during periodontal disease. Read more about this disease.

The tooth tissue is destroyed without inflammation. At this stage, thinning and subsidence of the gums, exposure of the root of the tooth is noted. Further, the appearance of increased sensitivity of the teeth to chemical and thermal stimuli is noted. The next stage is characterized by the development of enamel erosion and discoloration of the teeth. See photo.

There are several forms of pathology. Light is accompanied by exposure of the tooth by a third, and medium and heavy - by exposure of the tooth by half or more. When the pathological process becomes irreversible, that is, when signs of gum atrophy and tooth mobility appear, tooth loss is possible.

What is the difference between periodontal disease and periodontitis?

Periodontal disease or periodontitis? These two names are confused not only by patients, but also by health workers. And this confusion is quite understandable. The fact is that both pathologies are characterized by damage to the periodontium - the tissues surrounding and holding the teeth. But at the same time, there is a significant difference between the diseases.

  1. Periodontal disease is systemic lesion periodontal disease, whereas periodontitis is an inflammatory disease. Now more about the main differences between ailments.
  2. Periodontitis is a rare disease (in about 5% of people who seek medical attention), while periodontitis is a common disease, occurring in more than 90% of people.
  3. The course of periodontal disease is slow, sluggish, almost asymptomatic. The progression of periodontitis is rapid.
  4. The development of periodontal disease is determined, as a rule, by a genetic predisposition, the presence of concomitant pathologies: diabetes, atherosclerosis, gastrointestinal diseases.
  5. Periodontal disease is characterized by the defeat of all teeth on the lower and upper jaw. Periodontitis can affect one or more teeth.
  6. Periodontal disease, unlike periodontitis, is not characterized by the following symptoms: inflammation, bleeding and swelling of the gums. Tooth mobility can be late stages.


The diagnosis is made on the basis of symptoms and data of instrumental examination. As a rule, the disease is diagnosed by chance, during a preventive medical examination.

In addition, the following is scheduled:

  • radiography;
  • reoperiodontography (study of blood flow in the vessels of the tissues surrounding the tooth);
  • laser Doppler fluorometry (study of periodontal structures);
  • ultrasonic high-frequency dopplerography;
  • echoosteometry (measurement of bone density in the area of ​​the alveoli);
  • polarography (study of oxygen concentration in the tissues holding the tooth);
  • blood sampling for general analysis.


Only a qualified doctor can choose the treatment. Tactics and method of therapy is selected depending on the symptoms and severity of the course. Treatment of the disease can be conservative and surgical. Often, experts prescribe the use of special toothpastes containing plant extracts and having an antiseptic effect.

As a rule, prescribe the use of the following toothpastes:

  • "Forest" - contains vitamins A, C, E, P, chlorophyll, beta-carotene, biologically active resins. The paste has a hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, regenerating, antiseptic and deodorizing effect;
  • "Forest Balsam" - contains extracts of more than 20 medicinal plants, in particular fir and oak bark. It has general stimulating, healing, antiseptic properties.
  • "Chamomile" - contains infusions of chamomile and St. John's wort and has anti-inflammatory, mild astringent, antiseptic effects.

People with this pathology need to brush their teeth exclusively with the most soft brushes. Many folk recipes in the article "".

The following medications will help save teeth from periodontal disease:

  1. For the treatment of the disease, the use is prescribed: vitamin-mineral complexes - help strengthen the body and immune system; immunostimulants; antibacterial drugs(in case of accession of an acute inflammatory process).
  2. With periodontal disease, injections of drugs into the gums are also prescribed;
  3. Biogenic stimulants: aloe extract;
  4. Lidases;
  5. Ribonucleases;
  6. Methyluracil.
  7. In addition, the use of physiotherapy is prescribed: electrophoresis, infrared laser therapy, ozokeritotherapy, darsonvalization, vacuum therapy, hydrotherapy, oxygen therapy.

Gum surgery for periodontal disease

Surgical treatment will be most effective on early stages development of the disease. The most popular types of surgical intervention for periodontitis include: open and closed curettage, and soft tissue graft transplantation.

Closed curettage is carried out on early stages diseases when the depth of periodontal pockets does not exceed five millimeters. They remove dental deposits, as well as granulations and epithelium with inside walls of dental pockets. The procedure is performed under infiltration anesthesia. Next, the wound is treated with an antiseptic solution.

After manipulation, you can not eat for three hours. Subsequently, the food should be as crushed as possible, warm. In addition, rinsing the mouth with a weak solution of potassium permanganate is prescribed.

The operation is carried out simultaneously on no more than three teeth. The stages of curettage are performed at intervals of three days.

As for open curettage, this operation is performed with moderate and severe pathology. This type of surgical treatment is referred to as patchwork operations. Under local anesthesia make an incision and detachment of the gums. Next, the root of the tooth is cleaned of stone, all granulations are removed and, if possible, they are polished and the shape of the jaw bone is restored.

After manipulation, the pocket is treated with a drug that stimulates bone growth. If the bone tissue is affected, it is replaced with a bone or artificial graft. After the operation, the wound is sutured. AT recovery period prescribed the use of painkillers, rinsing the mouth, keeping a sparing diet, giving up addictions and minimizing physical activity.

The transplantation of soft tissue grafts is used when the roots of the teeth are exposed. An autograft is sutured onto the affected area (often a section of the sky).

Radical methods

Radical methods of surgical treatment include: gingivectomy and surgery to remove teeth. With gingivectomy, the inflamed, compacted, overgrown gum or part of it is removed. This helps prevent the spread pathological process on dental roots and canals.

The operation, due to the risk of increased mobility and loss of teeth, is performed only if the bone is preserved. After excision of the gum or its area, the wound is treated with hydrogen peroxide - 3% solution and a swab is applied.

Surgery to remove teeth is prescribed in severe cases. Indications for this species surgical intervention: last stage periodontal disease; increased tooth mobility; bleeding gums; inefficiency of other methods; the impossibility of restoring the functions of the tooth. After the extraction of teeth, implantation or prosthetics are performed.

What should be the diet for periodontal disease?

You can not eat too hot and cold food, sweets, coffee. Food should be relatively soft. It is recommended to introduce more vegetables and fruits into the diet, in particular: sorrel, lettuce, lingonberries, apples, currants, carrots, herbs, radishes, kohlrabi cabbage, lingonberry and rowan juice.

gum massage

The procedure can be performed independently. How to carry it out, ask your doctor. Daily massage of the gums contributes to: improving blood circulation in the gums, as well as improving the nutrition of the gums. The procedure can be carried out as a prevention of gum pathologies.

Finger massage should be done with a large and index fingers. Grasp the gum on both sides and lightly press the gum: on the upper part, first down, then up and down again, and vice versa on the bottom. Massage all areas of the gums. Perform the procedure at least once a day, preferably at bedtime. In addition, during the massage, you can use toothpaste with biologically active substances.


In order to prevent the development of pathology, it is recommended:

  • observe oral hygiene (brush your teeth at least twice a day, rinse your mouth after each meal, use dental floss);
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • Healthy food;
  • visit the dentist twice a year;
  • promptly treat comorbidities.

What is periodontal disease? Periodontal disease is a systemic disease that affects the periodontal tissue (periodontium), which triggers destructive changes in the mucous membrane of soft tissues and bones, namely, the gums and the alveolar process gradually atrophy.

Below we will tell you what to do if periodontal disease of the teeth from something decided to appear in your mouth, what symptoms and treatment it has, and whether it is possible to get rid of the problem once and for all.

Many patients do not see the difference between periodontal disease and periodontitis, do not know how the problem appears and how to deal with it, but these two concepts have a significant difference in many medical criteria.

In fact, true periodontal disease is diagnosed extremely rarely - only 2% of patients, mainly in old age, while periodontitis occurs in 95% of people of different age groups. By the nature of the course, periodontal disease of the teeth is characterized by slow, sluggish, asymptomatic development.

Why does periodontal disease occur? Physicians have not established unambiguous causes of periodontal disease, but it is noted that people with a genetic predisposition, pathologies of the digestive system, atherosclerosis, and diabetes mellitus are susceptible to the disease. Also, do not forget about the key negative factor that gives impetus to all dental problems - this is low level oral hygiene.

Features of periodontal disease by manifestations:

  • simultaneous defeat of all teeth of the upper and lower jaw;
  • gums bleed extremely rarely during brushing, there is no swelling;
  • the presence of mobility of the dentition is observed in the later stages, with damage to periodontal tissues by half or more;
  • pathological periodontal pockets are characterized by total absence or shallow depth;
  • the main indicators that may indicate the development of periodontal disease are wedge-shaped defects, increased sensitivity to cold and chemical stimuli;
  • gaps appear in the interdental space, which affects the position of the teeth over time.

Differences between periodontitis and periodontal disease.

Oksana Shiyka


Since periodontal disease is systemic, that is, it practically does not manifest itself. clinical signs and is detected in most cases on examination by chance, doctors see the need for lifelong preventive treatment to achieve sustained remission.

Methods for the treatment of periodontal disease

Can periodontal disease be cured? Yes, but, unfortunately, often not forever. The therapeutic algorithm is developed individually, the doctor takes into account the stage, the degree of damage to soft and bone tissues. To achieve the most positive result, complex therapy, which is combined from a set of basic and auxiliary methods.

Oksana Shiyka


If the patient has chronic diseases internal organs predisposing to the appearance of periodontal disease, they must be treated in without fail- without eliminating the cause of periodontal disease, it will not be possible to achieve stabilization of the condition, so a person should undergo complete diagnostics body to identify pathological foci.

Treatment methods for periodontal disease may vary slightly, but in general, therapy consists of the following areas:

  • initial consultation and examination by a periodontist;
  • direction for X-ray examination;
  • it is mandatory to remove superficial and subgingival dental deposits in the form of soft microbial plaque, tartar;
  • conducting general and local drug therapy;
  • physiotherapy procedures that improve blood circulation in the gums;
  • treatment of existing dental diseases- sanitation of the oral cavity;
  • if the teeth are already too loose, but still preserved, then splinting is prescribed;
  • in advanced stages, there is a need for surgical treatment;
  • prosthetics;
  • supporting measures: training proper hygiene, laser treatment, injection effect, special massage for gums in case of periodontal disease, the use of the “Vector” apparatus.

Medical therapy

It is recommended to prescribe the preparations after performing professional hygiene - that is, all dental deposits will be removed and the oral cavity will be sanitized. This situation will significantly enhance the effectiveness of therapy, since the drugs will be able to better affect the periodontal tissues.

It should be emphasized that the treatment of periodontal disease of the gums requires, first of all, the appointment of vitamin-mineral complexes and immunomodulators.

Oksana Shiyka


It also happens that the fight against periodontal disease can occur long years. This is because people do not know how to identify it on initial stage, and when the disease begins to actively manifest itself, it is too late to completely cure and get rid of it.

advanced stage of the disease.

When it comes to the parallel accession of concomitant periodontal diseases, the plan is supplemented additional medicines(without them, periodontal disease is treated much longer and more difficult):

  • for local treatment, directly in the mouth, the periodontist usually prescribes anti-inflammatory applications with special gels (Cholisal) and antiseptic rinses based on Chlorhexidine, Miramistin. Such a course is designed for 10 days, during which the patient needs to perform procedures after brushing his teeth and having breakfast. After applying a local medicine, you need to refrain from eating for several hours;
  • with advanced forms of the disease, when the first symptoms of periodontal disease were not noticed in time, parallel administration of antibacterial drugs in tablet form or administration of solutions for intramuscular injections is indicated;
  • it is possible to prescribe injections directly into the gums in order to remove the inflammatory process, eliminate dystrophic changes periodontium and saturate it with oxygen.

Physiotherapy for periodontal disease

The essence of physiotherapy is to eliminate soft tissue hypoxia, oxygen saturation, and improve blood supply. Types of physiotherapy procedures to treat periodontal disease of the gums:

  • the method of darsonvalization and dynamic currents helps to improve blood flow, reduce the periodontal sensitivity threshold. The treatment is carried out with a special apparatus for 10 minutes, and the duration of the entire course consists of 30 sessions;
  • laser treatment is aimed at eliminating the infection that has affected the periodontal pockets. Manipulation starts the processes of tissue regeneration, relieves swelling, soothes inflammation of the gums;
  • vacuum treatment nourishes periodontal tissues, stops their decline;
  • respiratory physiotherapy with a negatively ionized air flow is aimed at expanding capillaries, normalizing blood morphology;
  • a combination of calcium gluconate and electrophoresis - the technique is aimed at reducing hypersensitivity in the cervical region of the teeth (hyperesthesia).

A special place in the treatment of periodontal disease is given to gum massage, which is performed by a special apparatus. This technique helps to improve metabolic processes, increase blood flow to periodontal tissues. With the permission of the doctor, you can do self-massage. It should be carried out after oral hygiene with clean hands, and the exercises consist in lightly massaging the gums 2 times a day.

Another way to self-massage:

  • with an index finger wrapped in gauze, you need to take a little vaseline;
  • perform vertical or circular stroking of the gums;
  • massage is carried out on each side of the gum for 5 minutes, and the whole procedure should take at least 15 minutes.


The operation is performed at advanced stages of periodontal disease, when it is necessary to resort to building up the destroyed periodontium - soft and bone tissues, alveolar process.

To replace the destroyed areas of bone tissue, there are many osteoreplacing drugs, membranes, graft materials that are sutured into the subgingival space. These funds begin to take root and, over time, start the processes of bone tissue synthesis. Successful treatment portends a favorable prognosis - mobile teeth are strengthened, and the atrophied own alveolar process is restored again.

Cell cultures used for regeneration:

  • the use of stem cells contributes to the reproduction of new tissues, increased healing rate, renewal of cellular structures;
  • the use of fibroblasts ensures the formation of collagen structures that will make tissues elastic, durable, and also increase local mucosal immunity;
  • platelet growth is due to protein structures. Growth factor is necessary for angiogenesis, during which new blood and lymphatic vessels are formed, which ensures the full functioning of the gums.

Osteoplastic surgery with cell cultures is the most expensive way to treat periodontal disease, but the final result justifies itself.

Some other types of surgery:

  • patchwork operation - the surgeon excises a small area of ​​​​the gum and transplants it onto a bare fragment of the tooth root. It is noted that in almost all cases, the transplanted tissue takes root well, and the gum recovers quickly enough;
  • less effective method treatment of periodontal disease - the doctor cuts the gum and sutures it to lift the tissue to cover the root of the tooth. The operation can be performed with a depth of gum pockets of at least 5 mm, and also if the dentition is loosened, there is displacement and bleeding of the gums;
  • curettage - the doctor cleans the gum pockets, removes tartar.

About splinting and prosthetics

Splinting is used at the stage of tooth mobility in order to prevent a change in their location, fan-shaped divergence. Splinting is necessary in preparation for surgical treatment, and also prevents the destruction of periodontal tissues.

How to cure periodontal disease in the absence of teeth? When a person is missing even a few teeth against the background of a fan-shaped discrepancy, then the problem can be solved with the help of metal-ceramic bridges, which simultaneously perform aesthetic and splinting functions.

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Oksana Shiyka


Is it possible to stop periodontal disease and is this gum disease treated? According to doctors, it is possible to completely get rid of periodontal disease only in the initial stages of the disease. In spite of different reasons and treatment, gum disease can not always be completely cured.

Be ready for constant preventive therapy throughout life. As practice shows, patients go to the doctor already at the time of progression of the disease, when there is a significant loss of bone tissue, leading to tooth mobility. This is due to the meager clinical manifestations of periodontal disease and the ignorance of adult patients on how to treat periodontal disease at an early stage. Therefore, a person simply does not suspect the development of a pathological process.

Therefore, the conclusion is obvious - it is necessary to show the dentist once every 6 months, since only a doctor can identify the disease, knowing the first signs of periodontal disease. As a preventive measure, it is worth taking vitamins selected by a specialist, performing regular independent and professional hygiene oral cavity.

Periodontal disease is not frequent illness, like gingivitis and periodontitis: it occurs only in 3-10% of people, it does not develop in one day, month or even a year.

For a distinct clinical picture, 10-15 and even 20 years are required, so its course is always chronic. Periodontal disease can be mild, moderate or severe. The degree of severity can only be determined by a doctor by x-ray and by measuring the amount of root exposure.

How to treat periodontal disease correctly? Let's see what periodontal disease is and how to treat it according to modern dental developments. We learn how to get rid of the disease by means traditional medicine what measures are needed to prevent this disease, which specialist should be contacted.


The causes of periodontal disease are not precisely established, it is believed that important role plays a hereditary predisposition. Often occurs when systemic diseases, diabetes mellitus and other disorders of the activity of the endocrine glands, with chronic diseases of the internal organs (,), as well as bone lesions (osteopenia).

It is believed that the cause of periodontal disease is insufficient blood supply to the gum tissue, which in severe, neglected cases leads to its atrophy and, as a result, to loss of teeth.

Symptoms of periodontal disease

The disease begins with rarefaction of the bone tissue of the dental alveoli, resulting in their atrophy. Radiologically, this is manifested by a decrease in bone marrow spaces, the appearance of a fine-mesh pattern of the bone, a decrease in the volume of bone tissue between the teeth, and foci of osteoporosis.

Following the bone changes, changes appear on the part of the gums - they begin to thin out, fall, exposing the roots of the tooth. Teeth at the same time become sensitive to chemical and temperature factors.

Generally The symptoms of periodontitis are::

  1. Slight plaque on the teeth;
  2. Partial exposure of the tooth necks (sometimes with increased sensitivity in these places);
  3. The gums are painted in a pale color;
  4. The presence of itching in the gums;
  5. The necks of the teeth are exposed without the formation of gum pockets and without the accumulation of pus in them (that is, without the inflammatory process).

Periodontitis develops very slowly and at first does not show itself at all. It is conditionally possible to distinguish 3 stages of the disease:

  1. Asymptomatic development of pathology. There are changes in the periorbital tissues. Usually destructive processes are not accompanied by pain or discomfort.
  2. Slow movement of teeth. Gingival dystrophy leads to the translucence of the neck of the teeth through the gums. There is a gradual increase in the gaps between the teeth. Increased sensitivity of teeth and gums to external stimuli.
  3. Violation of the fixation of the teeth, their shakiness, possible loss. Up to this point, periodontal disease "grows" in 10-15 years.

The sooner periodontal disease is detected, the more effective and painless the treatment will be.

Periodontal disease: photo

What periodontal disease looks like, a photo of the clinical manifestations of the disease is presented below.


In making a diagnosis, the dentist relies primarily on the clinical picture of periodontal disease, which includes all of the above symptoms, as well as on the patient's complaints.

In the clinic the most important feature, by which it is possible to determine the stage of the disease, further treatment and prognosis is atrophy of the alveolar process. In order to determine the degree of atrophy, visual examination is usually not enough. Dentist prescribes additional research- radiography. The picture clearly shows the degree of resorption of the bones on which the teeth are held.

Treatment of periodontal disease

Treatment of periodontal disease is carried out by a periodontist and should be aimed at restoring the gingival connection, while during the treatment of periodontal disease, it is necessary to take into account individual characteristics patient, comorbidities and age. So, in the group of older patients with periodontal disease, there are often pathologies of the cardiovascular system, endocrine diseases and metabolic disorders.

The scheme of treatment of periodontal disease includes the following manipulations:

  1. Primary inspection.
  2. X-ray photo, other diagnostic studies.
  3. Removal of plaque, calculus.
  4. General and local pharmacotherapy - the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamins, hormonal agents.
  5. Physiotherapy treatment - activation of the blood supply to the gums.
  6. Sanitation of the oral cavity - treatment of caries, removal of decayed teeth, roots.
  7. Splinting - reducing the mobility of loose teeth.
  8. Surgery.
  9. Prosthetics.

Thus, the dentist will conduct treatment aimed at improving the oral cavity and preventing the occurrence in the mouth and the spread of infection throughout the body, inflammatory processes and other diseases. However, in order to exclude the reverse effect (deterioration of the condition of the teeth and periodontal tissue as a result of internal malfunctions in the body), regular monitoring and treatment of the underlying disease is necessary.

How to treat periodontal disease at home

When it comes to periodontal disease, home treatment with folk remedies is possible only in parallel with treatment under conditions dental clinic. According to reviews, complex therapy gives the fastest and most effective result.

We will present you the most effective and reasonable folk recipes that our grandparents still used:

  1. Well proven folk treatment of periodontitis with salt. After only three procedures, the symptoms of periodontal disease will become much less pronounced. With fine salt or strong saline solution massage the gums. Massage is performed until all the ichor comes out of the gums. Then the mouth is rinsed with a solution of hydroperite, consisting of 1 tablet of hydroperite and a glass of water.
  2. Treatment of periodontal disease at home can be carried out with the help of ordinary sauerkraut . Cabbage should be chewed for a long time, and rinse your mouth with cabbage juice. In just 7 days you will feel significant relief.
  3. Dried lingonberry leaves, the amount of six grams, you need to pour a glass of boiling water and boil for about 20 minutes. Strain and cool at room temperature and rinse your mouth with the resulting decoction at least 5 times a day.
  4. This is a very effective folk remedy for dental treatment. Calamus penetrates into the roots of the teeth and anesthetizes them, and propolis fills all microcracks. Take half a liter of 40% vodka and pour half a glass of calamus roots. This is the first infusion. To prepare the second one, take another half-liter of 40% vodka and add 15-20 grams of ground propolis. Both infusions need to be infused for 7-10 days. Both tinctures are used simultaneously. Mix one tablespoon of calamus tincture and a teaspoon of propolis tincture. Rinse your mouth with this composition for 2-3 minutes. The procedure is done before bedtime, or can be done during severe pain. After 1-3 days, the pain will completely disappear. The duration of treatment is 3-5 weeks.
  5. If you want to cure periodontitis with folk remedies, you can use alcohol extract of propolis. To do this, 20 drops of propolis tincture are diluted in 1 glass (200 g) of water. Used for rinsing the mouth.

Another method that involves taking an oral remedy for periodontal disease is the use of hydrogen peroxide. A couple of drops of hydrogen peroxide can also be added to toothpaste or rubbed on the gums with a solution diluted in water. The most important thing in the treatment of periodontal disease with hydrogen peroxide is not to overdo it in the dosage:

  1. One drop of hydrogen peroxide per 50 ml of water: taken half an hour before meals or 2 hours after meals and no more than 3 times a day. If within 1-3 days no side effects, then the course of treatment can be extended up to 10 days.
  2. To wipe the gums: no more than 10 drops of hydrogen peroxide per 50 ml of water.
  3. General recommendation: no more than 30 drops of peroxide diluted in water per day.

Honey is also successfully used from beekeeping products: it is rubbed into the gums (honey and salt are taken by weight in a ratio of 2: 1 and mixed until the salt is completely dissolved). The gums are rubbed with this mixture (use a soft toothbrush or a small dose is wrapped (like a prison) in a small cloth.


When it comes to prevention pathological changes periodontal disease, the main measure for preventing the disease is timely and high-quality treatment common diseases described in the section on the causes of periodontal disease.

In addition, a full-fledged sanitation of the oral cavity is also important, that is, regular visits to the dentist, elimination of dental deposits, treatment of caries, gingivitis, periodontitis and other similar ailments.

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People who are far from medicine, and, unfortunately, newly minted doctors often confuse two completely different diagnoses. What unites them is that both diseases are associated with inflammation of the tissues that hold the tooth in the bones.


  1. If a periodontal disease - the diagnosis is not comforting, and occurs in only a few percent of cases, then periodontitis suffer about 95% adult population.
  2. Periodontitis develops rapidly and often worries a person, while the second disease can progress for many years and not give itself away obvious symptoms.
  3. The causes of periodontitis are known and easy to identify, while The etiology of periodontitis has not yet been fully elucidated.
  4. Periodontal disease always affects all teeth of both jaws., and with periodontitis, both one tooth, and several or all, can suffer.
  5. Bleeding gums when brushing, tooth mobility in the early stages, the presence of deep pathological pockets, swelling of the gums and an unpleasant odor seen only in periodontitis. For periodontitis, these symptoms are not typical or appear very rarely.

Despite significant differences, the diseases have one main similarity: they are related to periodontal disease. However, periodontitis inflammatory disease, and periodontal disease is dystrophic. The most annoying thing is that sometimes they can exist at the same time. In this case, diagnosis and treatment are especially difficult.

The consequences of periodontal disease

If periodontal disease is left untreated, more and more dangerous and unpleasant changes in the oral cavity, which over time can pass into other organs and tissues of the body. Initially, the gums suffer and come to a state in which the necks of the teeth are exposed. Roughly speaking, gums just "disappear". After that, the teeth and roots are vulnerable to bacteria, which is why complications occur.

Photo 1. Periodontal disease at an advanced stage. The gums are severely affected, thinned, the roots of the teeth are exposed.

Periodontal disease progresses to a stage where the diagnosis already sounds like "periodontitis". The tissues in which the teeth "sit" are destroyed, osteomyelitis of the jaw. Inflamed submandibular and cervical lymph nodes.

Attention! Osteomyelitis can go beyond the jaw: a purulent-inflammatory process begins bones, bone marrow surrounding soft tissues.

Another consequence of the lack of treatment is gum destruction. Teeth start to fall out. A person cannot eat normally - he has nothing to chew food with. This leads to disruption gastrointestinal tract.

And the prospect of being left without teeth is unattractive in itself. Total destruction of the jaw makes it impossible even prosthetics and installation of implants.

At-risk groups


Periodontal disease does not occur from nowhere, it is always preceded by some factor. Initially, soft plaque forms on the teeth, and then tartar.

It's impossible to notice naked eye This requires a dental diagnosis. After that, the doctor removes it using ultrasonic or mechanical teeth cleaning or other methods.

In smokers, tartar appears many times more often and faster. Can pass less than six months until the moment when hard plaque “clings around” the teeth. People with this bad habit are advised to do professional cleaning teeth at least once every 6 months. Those who neglect this, and most of them, are at risk of periodontal disease. Smoking increases the likelihood of gum disease by 30%.


High level blood sugar increases the rate at which bacteria multiply. In diabetics 1 and 2 types there is a predisposition to inflammation of the gums, especially if sufficient oral hygiene is not observed.

Diabetics are known to high concentration of glucose in gum fluid. This environment is favorable for the reproduction of bacteria, which is why tartar forms faster.

At the same time, the integumentary tissue of the gums in diabetes communicates well with the deeper layers of tissues, and the infection penetrates not only quickly, but also deeply.

The microflora of the oral cavity of diabetics is more susceptible to attack and reproduction of bacteria. Yes, in diabetic patients in 85.9% of cases found in saliva viridescent streptococcus, almost in 19% - fungi of the genus Candida.

It is interesting not only that the incidence of periodontal disease in diabetics reaches 51—98%, but also what diabetes sometimes a dentist diagnoses for the first time, not an endocrinologist.

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Abnormal hormonal background

Changes in the hormonal background affect the sensitivity of the gums to destructive factors. For example, testosterone is responsible for the absorption of calcium, and calcium is the basis healthy teeth. Hormonal disruptions are very often provoke the development of bone diseases including periodontitis.

Gum and jaw injuries

Dislocations, bruises, jaw fractures, gum burns and other injuries increase the chances of getting periodontal disease, especially if the treatment was not carried out on time or of poor quality.

Photo 2. Injury to the gums with bleeding. Such damage can lead to periodontal disease.

One of the factors in the development of periodontal disease is poor blood supply and malnutrition of the gums. Both of these processes can be suspended or hampered by trauma to the gums and jaw, so there is a risk of gingivitis progressing over time to periodontal disease.

Features of the course of the disease in pregnant women

high risk the appearance of periodontal disease in pregnant women is associated, of course, with hormonal changes in the body. Decreased elasticity of the gums connective tissues, bacteria increase activity.

The features of the course of periodontal disease in pregnant women include:

  • pale gums;
  • teeth appear longer due to destruction of the gums;
  • there is no bleeding;
  • teeth begin to loosen;
  • possibly damage to the tissues of the tooth(wearing, erosion of enamel, etc.).

The complexity of the treatment of gums and teeth in pregnant women

The main difficulty of treatment lies in the fact that not all methods of diagnosis and therapy are possible during pregnancy. For example, Impossible to x-ray the jaw.

Anesthesia is also dangerous during pregnancy. Usually, a dentist takes risks by agreeing to pain relief during treatment. This issue is discussed with the patient, if necessary - collectively with other doctors. Assessed possible risks for child and mother and possible benefit.

Used during pregnancy only gentle treatments(massage, use of folk remedies, professional cleaning, drug treatment). Full therapy is possible only after the birth of a child.

Features of the course of the disease in children

Parodontosis in children, though rare, but still occurs. It is most often diagnosed at age 8-12 years old.

There is no cure for periodontal disease in children. the best measure is to identify the cause of the disease.

Most often it is preceded by other pathologies, such as diseases of the cardiovascular, endocrine, digestive systems, weakened immune system, diabetes mellitus, allergy, hereditary predisposition.

First an alarming symptom periodontal disease in children is called hypersensitivity to hot and cold foods. The paradox is that not always children will tell their parents about the problem because of the fear of dentists, and visually this symptom cannot be determined in any way.

Then other signs appear:

  • Itchy gums.
  • Bad smell from mouth.
  • Feeling like teeth are longer.
  • The mucous membrane of the mouth becomes paler.
  • Possible loosening of teeth.
  • Accumulation of deposits (hard and soft) at the base of the teeth.

When periodontal disease is detected in a child, a small patient sent initially for consultation with other doctors(cardiologist, endocrinologist, etc.). It is important to establish the root cause of the development of the disease.

Dentists, on the other hand, try to limit themselves to gum massage as much as possible, recommend taking vitamins, treat teeth for caries, carry out professional cleaning, and prescribe physiotherapy.

What does the disease look like on an x-ray

The first diagnostic method for suspected periodontal disease is an x-ray examination. The picture will show a progressive loss of bone tissue, depletion of tissues around the tooth.

At the initial stage of the disease, x-rays will show uniform reduction in wall height between the alveoli without signs of osteoporosis and expansion of the periodontal gap.

At the middle and severe stages, the height of the interdental septa is reduced by more than by 1/3.

Useful video

Watch a video in which a dentist talks about what periodontal disease is, its causes and symptoms.

What to do in case of illness

With periodontal disease timely diagnosis is important. The main difficulty of this is that it appears and develops asymptomatically (in most cases).

Some dentists believe that periodontal disease cannot be treated. Others use everything possible methods to reverse the process.

Surgical intervention, massage, taking pills or using ointments- the method of treatment depends on the age of the patient, the degree of development of the disease and the state of health of the patient.

Photo 3. Scheme for performing gum massage in periodontal disease. The arrows show the direction of movement of the fingers.

To increase the chances of recovery, do not forget about preventive measures. visits to the dentist every six months(the more often the better). This increases the likelihood of a timely diagnosis. Take this into account especially if you belong to risk groups, have chronic diseases of the endocrine or digestive systems, or are prone to bad habits.

And, of course, it plays its part. oral hygiene. Quality teeth cleaning twice a day The use of dental floss is the key to not only a beautiful, but also a healthy smile.