
What can cause hypersensitivity? Main types of reaction. Hypersensitivity

Distinguish hypersensitivity of the delayed type and immediate. Regardless of the characteristics of the manifestations, each of them can lead to certain consequences. For example, cause anaphylaxis or dermatitis. Sensitivity has several types that occur due to various diseases.

Hypersensitivity - overreaction immune system for any substance. It is one of the manifestations of allergies. Occurs at any age.

Types of hypersensitivity:

  1. First type. It includes an immediate type of reaction. It manifests itself immediately after contact with an irritant-allergen. The manifestation depends on the functionality of the cells that are responsible for the antigen. including histamine. Popular allergic reaction immediate type for bee venom. Diseases such as asthma, psoriasis, urticaria, eczema, with GNT, they occur more often than others.
  2. Second type. This reaction most often occurs due to the incompatibility of the blood type during transfusion. The reason for its appearance is the association of antibodies with antigens on the surface of cells. As a result, phagocytosis occurs.
  3. Third type. Most often occurs with serum sickness. In this case, disturbances appear in the immune system and the number of antigens and antibodies increases. Then immune cells cannot cope with foreign bodies in the blood on their own. If such complexes are chronic, then the person is suffering from skin bacteria such as staphylococcus and streptococcus. Malaria and hepatitis (in this case B) are rare. Type 3 hypersensitivity is accompanied by neurological changes. Occurs after the use of serum for tetanus and serum sickness.
  4. Type 4 (delayed type hypersensitivity). Its appearance is provoked by various viruses, bacteria, fungi that penetrate the body. Often occurs when infected with helminths. There are many in the blood inflammatory reactions, especially with the participation of T-lymphocytes. These cells react negatively to the introduction of the tuberculosis vaccine (tuberculin component). There are unwanted reactions on the skin. Thus, there is a response to the penetration of foreign cells.

It is worth noting that each person hypersensitivity occurs individually. In all people, at the same time, the immune system overreacts to foreign allergen cells that enter the body repeatedly and initially. This is where the term "hypersensitive" comes from.

Hypersensitivity of immediate type

Allergic reactions of the immediate type are quite common.

These include:

  • angioedema;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • seasonal allergies, which are accompanied by rhinitis and itching;
  • almost all types of urticaria and rarely drug allergies.

Hypersensitivity of the immediate type occurs at the first meeting with the allergen. If a person first encounters an allergic reaction. For example, an allergy to a medicine or pollen. Antibodies focus on a specific stimulus. In order for them to fully perform their function, the consent of macrophages is necessary.

Hypersensitivity reactions are varying degrees difficulty: early and late. The immediate response depends on mast cells and basophils. After this, the participation of eosinophils begins. Initially, an allergy may be characterized by a slight increase in these cells. When an allergic reaction is actively manifested, the number of eosinophils increases rapidly.

The appearance of a hypersensitivity reaction of the immune system leads to an increase in vascular permeability. It causes damage to the kidneys, lungs, skin. An increased risk of developing vasculitis.

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Delayed type hypersensitivity

Delayed-type allergic reaction - occurs due to macrophages and Th1-lymphocytes. They are stimulating immune cells. This is the 4th type of hypersensitivity. It appears within 24-72 hours after the allergen-irritant enters the body. A slow reaction provokes inflammation and tissue hardening.

There are certain forms of such a reaction. Their characteristic:

  1. Contact - manifests itself in the period up to 72 hours. Provoke lymphocytes. In the form of a disease, the delayed type is defined as eczema and edema.
  2. Tuberculin HRT occurs in the form local reactions on the skin.
  3. Granulomatous has a characteristic fibrosis. It develops over 20-28 days. This process involves epithelioid and giant cells, macrophages. Lead to thickening of the skin.

Diseases such as tuberculosis, toxoplasmosis are infectious. A delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction provokes their development. In progress diagnostic tests perform subcutaneous allergy tests. An allergen-causative agent is introduced and the reaction is observed. Tuberculin, tularin, brucellin are used.

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Hypersensitivity in the human body

Hypersensitivity reactions may manifest as dysfunction of certain organs. Most common:

  • tooth hypersensitivity (hyperesthesia);
  • sensitivity of the head of the penis;
  • oversensitivity skin.

Hypersensitivity can manifest itself in a certain type and have varying degrees difficulties.

Tooth hypersensitivity

Hypersensitivity of teeth. In medicine, this type of reaction is called hyperesthesia. Easily determined by characteristic symptoms: severe pain that quickly passes. They arise due to the contact of the enamel with various irritants: oral care products, toothbrushes. Pain can occur for the following reasons:

  • due to cold and hot food and drinks;
  • the use of sweets;
  • sour fruits.

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Hyperesthesia has stages of development:

  • 1 - slight sensitivity, which is not accompanied by pain,
  • 2 - severe pain on contact with irritants.

In the presence of last stage a person may suffer from pain, even when inhaling cool air. Hyperesthesia belongs to the list - allergic reactions of an immediate type. This type of reaction is encountered in different ages. Most often it manifests itself after 25 years. This type of hypersensitivity is always present. Via medicines good results can be achieved. Do not forget about high-quality oral hygiene. In this case, it is necessary to use means for hypersensitive teeth.

Sensitivity of the head of the penis

Hypersensitivity of the glans penis is familiar to many men. This reaction causes discomfort, mainly in intimate area. Therefore, a man has problems in satisfying a woman. The type of temperament in such people is very characteristic. They are irritable, insecure, too emotional. It should be noted that the hypersensitivity of the head is formed at the genetic level. If it occurs throughout life, then it is enough to limit contact with irritants. It is important to distinguish types of hypersensitivity from premature erections and severe arousal. Condoms reduce the sensitivity of the head and prolong sexual intercourse. If at the same time you constantly use lubricant, you can significantly reduce hypersensitivity.

Skin hypersensitivity. Accompanied by a strong skin reaction to various allergens. This is a pathology of the skin that provokes violations of the central nervous system. Skin hypersensitivity reactions can manifest themselves in different ways:

  • 1 - locally;
  • 2 - all over the skin.

The following factors and diseases can contribute to the manifestation of skin hypersensitivity:

  • wounds;
  • skin infections;
  • burns.

Diseases such as atopic dermatitis, eczema, neuritis provoke the development of sensitivity. They have a bad effect on the type of temperament, as a person experiences irritation and suffers from insomnia. Diseases such as tumors, meningitis, encephalitis, sclerosis - indicate serious disorders of the nervous system. Because of this, there central form hypersensitivity.

Exist certain types hypersensitivity:

  1. Thermal.
  2. Polyesthesia.
  3. Hyperplasia.
  4. Paresthesia.

Type 1 occurs due to cold and heat influences. Accompanied by strong painful sensations. Polyesthesia is easily recognized by a characteristic tingling in the affected area. It seems to the patient that goosebumps run in this place. Hyperplasia is defined severe pain at the slightest touch to the affected area. Type 4 has less strong reactions. Limb ischemia may be accompanied by slight numbness. Allergic reactions of delayed type in each patient have different symptoms and degrees of complexity. Basically, treatment is aimed at eliminating the irritant. To do this, you need to see a doctor, and go through comprehensive examination. Allergic reactions of immediate type or delayed, require traditional treatment.

Delayed-type allergic reactions are treatable. In this case, damage to the immune system is important. To do this, it is necessary to release cells that affect changes in the functionality of tissues and all organs. Basically, an immediate-type allergy manifests itself in the form of urticaria, asthma, Quincke's edema. Belongs to type 1 hypersensitivity and requires timely treatment. For this, the following drugs are used:

  • antihistamine, antiallergic;
  • drugs to suppress immunological reactions;
  • drugs that prevent allergy mediators from being released;
  • glucocorticosteroids.

Delayed-type allergic reactions are treated with the following drugs:

  • immune suppressants;
  • preparations for the treatment of systemic connective tissue diseases.

Delayed-type allergies develop due to disturbances in cell function and immunity. It also depends on T-lymphocytes. A delayed reaction is also called the 4th type of hypersensitivity. Most often it manifests itself in the form of autoallergic diseases, as a negative reaction to the transplant.

In such cases, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • glucocorticosteroids;
  • collagens;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • anti-lymphocyte sera.

With the help of such treatment, tissue damage is reduced and the reaction of immune system cells is inhibited. A delayed reaction is treatable only with such drugs. correct dosage a doctor can help determine.

People who suffer from any type of hypersensitivity must follow certain hygiene rules. Do not use synthetic fabrics, low-quality cosmetics, detergents, perfumes, shampoos.

All cosmetic substances must be of high quality with the mark "for hypersensitive skin." With hyperesthesia, be sure to use a very soft toothbrush. Usually it is recommended to be used by dentists after examination. This event will reduce sensitivity and prevent its occurrence in the future.

Hypersensitivity head is an inconvenience to many men. First of all, sexually. Hypersensitivity leads to too rapid ejaculation, which can cause psychological trauma to a man and leave his partner unsatisfied. In most cases, the hypersensitivity of the head has been laid since birth. The sensitivity of this organ is laid down at the genetic level, however, under the influence of many different factors, it can decrease and increase. If the excessive sensitivity of the glans penis is present in a man from birth, it will be quite difficult to fix it, but there is still a possibility. In the event that the increase in sensitivity occurred under the influence of any factors during life, it is necessary, first of all, to neutralize them.

Hypersensitivity and overexcitation: is there a difference?

It is very important to be able to distinguish between increased sensitivity of the glans penis and too strong arousal. These are two completely different concepts, between which there are a number of simple but unambiguous differences. As noted, an increase in the sensitivity of the head can lead to various diseases, including balanoposthitis and phimosis. However, these fairly common diseases are characterized not only by the presence of an increase in the sensitivity of the head, but also by many other unpleasant symptoms.

Much more often, such a violation is associated with excessive sensitivity of the nerve endings of the head of the penis. It is possible to recognize that a man is really dealing with hypersensitivity of the head of the penis, and not with overexcitation, by a number of specific features. The head of the penis with increased sensitivity has the following characteristic properties:

  1. Sensitivity does not come and go spontaneously, the duration of sexual intercourse is always approximately the same.
  2. When having sex with a condom, the head becomes less sensitive, and sexual intercourse lasts noticeably longer than without a condom. Similar changes are observed during sex with artificial lubrication: the more it is, the less sensitive the head becomes and the longer the act lasts.
  3. Ejaculation does not occur until the moment of direct sexual contact, with the exception of those cases when ejaculation occurs in the process of putting on a condom or due to friction of the head of the penis on underwear.
  4. The duration of sexual intercourse increases after taking alcohol.
  5. Sexual contact becomes longer if special lubricants or anesthetic condoms are used.

If the methods discussed above help to prolong sexual intercourse for some time, the man is dealing with increased sensitivity of the penis, and not with overexcitation. If desired, you can undergo treatment aimed at reducing the sensitivity of the penis. Treatment is recommended only if a man experiences discomfort from such features of his penis and / or his partner expresses dissatisfaction with their sex life.

Treatment options for penile hypersensitivity

The easiest way to reduce the sensitivity of the penis, in which you do not have to treat anything, is to have sex using a special spermicidal lubricant or condoms with similar properties. If a man is satisfied with a similar option to reduce the sensitivity of the penis, as a rule, nothing needs to be treated.

An increase in the sensitivity of the penis can be triggered by various psychological factors. In such situations, treatment begins with communication with a sexologist and psychotherapist. Qualified doctors have many techniques that allow you to cope with the increased sensitivity of the penis. Can be assigned special preparations, such as:

  • Prozac;
  • Paxil;
  • Anafranil;
  • Zoloft;
  • Celex.

In no case do not start treatment with these drugs without a doctor's prescription. Self-medication can lead to even more penis sensitivity and a host of other side effects hazardous to health. Recommendations for admission will be given by the attending physician.

Previously, some specialists practiced treatment with intracavernous injections. However, at present this is almost not practiced, because. such injections, firstly, are practically ineffective, and secondly, they harm the body of a man.

To reduce the sensitivity of the penis, various sprays and ointments are often used. Consult your doctor before using any remedy. He will be able to advise you effective remedy and give advice on how to use it. The principle of operation of such funds is extremely simple - they are applied to the parts of the penis listed in the instructions, some time before sexual contact. The funds are relatively inexpensive and have virtually no side effects. The only inconvenience is that you have to figure out what to do with the girl for a while until the remedy works.

Most effective method reducing the sensitivity of the penis is circumcision. Foreskin cut off, which allows you to increase the duration of sexual intercourse up to 2-3 times. This is ensured, first of all, by the fact that the head of the penis is constantly in contact with underwear, gradually gets used to it and becomes less sensitive. However, not all men agree to such an operation, so special condoms, ointments and sprays remain the most common means to reduce sensitivity. Additionally, you can use traditional medicine.

Folk recipes to reduce the sensitivity of the penis

There are many folk recipes, which allow you to increase the duration of sexual intercourse.

Before using any prescription, be sure to consult your doctor to rule out the possibility of hypersensitivity and individual intolerance to the components of the recipes.

Eating currant and raspberry leaves will contribute to a decrease in sensitivity. Mint juice can help - they need to lubricate the penis. You can prolong sexual intercourse with the help of alcohol, but you should not get too carried away with such a tool.

A decoction of oak bark has a good effect on the duration of sexual contact. Shortly before sex, you can use an infusion of cornflower flowers - this will also prolong the pleasure.

A mixture of 15 g of motherwort, 5 g of hops and 800 ml of boiling water has proven itself well. The mixture must be infused for 6-7 hours. The infusion is filtered and taken three times a day, approximately 100 ml each. The duration of the course is 4 weeks.

Periwinkle has good properties. You need to take 20 g of periwinkle and pour them into a glass clean water. Put the mixture on a steam bath and boil for about 10 minutes. Take 10 drops morning and evening. The course lasts 5 days. A break is made for 3 days and the course is repeated.

You can get rid of too fast ejaculation with a mixture of viburnum, rosehip, mountain ash and nettle. The ingredients must be taken in equal quantities. A tablespoon of such a mixture is placed in a thermos, poured with a glass of boiling water, infused for half an hour, filtered and taken twice a day, 1 glass before meals.

The following herbs can be used to reduce sensitivity:

  • yellow capsule;
  • motherwort;
  • lemon balm;
  • valerian;
  • hop;
  • white water lily;
  • oregano, etc.

Remember, the main thing is not to get hung up on the increased sensitivity of the penis and rapid ejaculation. If everything suits you and your partner, you can ignore it. Otherwise, you can consult a doctor and undergo the recommended treatment. Be healthy!

Sensitivity is a feature of a person’s character; in psychology, this term is understood as certain behavior and personality characteristics: a person is often shy in an unfamiliar situation, feels embarrassed, anxious, afraid new situation communication with other people. In general, this phenomenon characterizes the excessive sensitivity of the individual to various events and phenomena surrounding him.

This heightened sensitivity to circumstances may correspond to certain age or persist as a characterological feature throughout life. It can be smoothed out in the process of life, and sometimes its manifestation increases. It is related to the events that a person is experiencing.

There are a number of reasons for the appearance of sensitivity:

  • heredity;
  • organic brain damage;
  • features of education;
  • age periods.

By heredity, one must understand the temperament that is transmitted to the child from the parents. The strength and speed of the nervous system (this is temperament) affects a person's susceptibility to various life situations.

People with a melancholic type of temperament are most prone to the manifestation of sensitivity. They are highly impressionable, suspicious and anxious. It is hard for them to experience resentment and failure, they are prone to blaming themselves for all troubles, first of all. Phlegmatic and sanguine people, on the contrary, react less to life's ups and downs.

There is the concept of "family anxiety", when hypersensitivity is characteristic not only for one person, but for the whole family. Here fears and fears concern health, conflicts, prolonged absence family members.

People with organic brain lesions are also characterized by increased sensitivity to different situations. Sensitivity is one of the symptoms of their underlying disease. It manifests itself along with irritability, fatigue, dizziness, nausea and other symptoms.

The peculiarities of upbringing should be understood as the emotional rejection of the child by parents, excessive severity, various kinds of moral violence in the family, and others. wrong methods education.

The psyche of the child is too susceptible to such situations. They may be for him. psychological trauma, which, being fixed in the subconscious, leads to the development of increased sensitivity to certain life problems. When too many demands are placed on a child, he experiences a fear of not meeting them. Such experiences can be fixed in the character little man manifesting itself through hypersensitivity.

Many scientists (Vygotsky, Ananiev, Zaporozhets and others) spoke about sensitive age periods when a person is sensitive to environmental influences. This phenomenon is characterized here positive side, as it means a period of heightened perception of a child and an adult to the development of certain qualities and skills.

For example, at 2-3 years old, a child actively forms new words, he learns to speak and form sentences. If you use such periods in the life of a child correctly, he will be able to fully cognize the reality around him with the help of an adult who is significant for him.

Manifestations of hypersensitivity

Among the main symptoms of hypersensitivity are:

A receptive person can manifest this character trait in different ways. He evaluates speech, behavior, can draw the right conclusions about the mood of the interlocutor. A sensitive person from the first minutes of communication pays attention to the appearance, speech, behavior of other people. Such people are able to predict the feelings and thoughts of others. They accept individual characteristics surrounding.

Such moderate manifestations of sensitivity are not deviations of human behavior. But if hypersensitivity is observed, a person cannot sleep before an exciting event, cannot fully rest after it or any difficult conversation, this has a bad effect on his mental and physical well-being. In this case, it is necessary to consult a specialist psychologist, psychotherapist or psychiatrist.

Feeling of own insolvency, inferiority, minimal social activity, anxiety, prolonged painful experience life changes- the first alarm bells indicating the need for expert advice.

Hypersensitivity, impressionability can prevent a person from obtaining a profession, self-realization, establishing a happy personal life, and adapting to society. Therefore, sensitivity is a pathology with which it is better to fight.

Methods of correction and treatment

If you do not attempt to support the nervous system, do not work with feelings of anxiety, resentment, do not live through difficult life situations correctly, sensitivity can be transformed into character accentuation and psychopathy.

To prevent this, you need to properly deal with hypersensitivity.

Medical therapy

Sensitivity is not a separate nosological unit ( mental illness), but it refers to one of the symptoms of complex mental illness, as well as a pathology of personality development, if you do not work on this characterological feature.

When used medical devices? Doctors prescribe drugs for severe manifestations of hypersensitivity. If a person has severe anxiety, a tendency to depressive behavior, a psychiatrist (psychotherapist) prescribes antidepressants, sedatives. In the case when a person is worried about an upcoming event, sleeping pills helping a person to relax and have a good rest.

Psychotherapeutic methods

To overcome the consequences of improper upbringing, to reduce the manifestations of the melancholic type of temperament, to correct organic brain damage, not only medications are used.

Hypersensitivity decreases in its intensity in a complex solution to the problem.

Specialists actively use several methods of psychotherapy:

  • gestalt therapy;
  • psychoanalysis;
  • hypnosis;
  • individual therapy.

Gestalt therapy is used in working through the situation "here and now". In working with a specialist, the patient has the opportunity to show all his emotionality and feelings. Emotions can be both positive and negative. But only reacting emotions does not give therapeutic effect. A specially trained Gestalt therapist helps a person to analyze and evaluate their feelings, images and experiences. For elaboration, the current state of the patient is important, since the picture of ongoing events and emotions is formed in the process of work.

Methods of psychoanalysis are aimed at working out the past experience of a person. Especially often, such methods are used for hypersensitivity, which arose due to improper upbringing and emotional rejection by the parents of their child. In this case, a positive image of the past is formed, traumatic situations that led to this sensitivity are worked out.

Specialists use hypnosis to fix a specific message in the psyche. This works with a pronounced sense of inferiority, a focus on failure and a reduced level of claims.

Methods of individual psychotherapy Adler. In this direction, the task of a psychologist, psychotherapist or psychiatrist is to form a positive picture of the future in a person with increased anxiety, complex adaptation in society with social hypersensitivity.

Increased sensitivity to surrounding events, experiences and anxiety significantly impair the process of self-realization and adaptation in environment person.

To solve this problem, it is important to contact a specialist in time, who will help physiologically and psychologically support the patient.


Enrich your sexual life acquired sexual reflexes: visual, auditory, olfactory and tactile. Partners can create their own various exciting techniques that will become a habit and will act as stimulants (smells, twilight, water in the bathroom, etc.). This is a powerful factor for increasing sexual sensitivity. It will be enough just to turn on familiar music, and sexual arousal will already increase.

Apply a variety of caresses. Physiologically, stroking the whole body, and not just the erogenous zones, gives an amazing effect. The tissues of the body begin to be actively supplied with blood, the skin turns pink, and a shine appears in the eyes. Accordingly, the genitals are also filled with blood, which is very important for stimulating sexual arousal. At the same time, a woman begins to perceive sensations to the fullest, which contributes to an increase in arousal and, as a result, leads to an orgasm.

A contraindication to the introduction of the gel is an allergic reaction to hyaluronic acid, infectious diseases, blood diseases, venereal diseases, mental disorders, age up to 18 years. Before this method the patient must undergo correction necessary research and does tests. You may need to consult a physician. Next, the doctor decides what kind of anesthesia will be carried out. Most often, an increase in the labia with hyaluronic acid is performed under local anesthesia.

Before the procedure, it may be necessary to preliminarily excise excess tissues for a more aesthetic appearance of the labia. The gel is administered in small doses to avoid incorrect distribution. After, with the help of a massage, the lips are given desired shape. The patient goes home the same day, immediately after the procedure.

After surgery, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics for more fast healing and prevention inflammatory processes. In the area where the procedure was performed, swelling and pain may be observed for some time. During recovery period not recommended for excessive physical exercise eating heavy meals. Only cotton light underwear should be worn, it is forbidden to allow hypothermia of the body and take alcohol. It's important to follow the rules intimate hygiene and recommendations prescribed by the doctor. The operation does not cause severe discomfort and does not affect future childbirth. There is a noticeable improvement appearance labia and increased sensitivity in this area, which significantly improves the quality of life.


  • how to increase excitability

When the words " hypersensitivity», « sensitive person", and even the term that has already become commonplace sounds - HSP (highly sensitive people), it becomes immediately clear we are talking about something that goes beyond the average, some statistical majority.

Many, having heard hypersensitivity" And " sensitive person", imagine a kind of muslin young lady, regardless of her real gender, who just faints" from an excess of feelings.

Someone thinks that all this is whims, and it is enough to “get together”, “stop winding yourself up”, and immediately this sensitivity will pass. All this, they say, from spoiled.

Still others, who are in the minority, believe that hypersensitivity- a gift, sensitive person, most likely talented and prone to creativity.

Let's try to figure out what HSP actually is, and, most importantly, how to live with it among those whose level of sensitivity is mostly lower.

It is obvious that if there is an increased sensitivity, there is also a certain average, one might say - a statistical majority, something that many are accustomed to starting from as a norm.

Sensitivity in general is the ability of the human nervous system to perceive various stimuli coming from outside and respond to them. If you do not delve into the structure of the nervous system and physics, then in general we can say that human sensitivity exists within certain limits.

For example, human hearing recognizes sounds in the range of 20 - 20,000 hertz, or light human sensitivity is in the range of 380 - 760 nm, but everything that is inside these frames has very individual shades.

For example, to one person, the conversation of neighbors behind the wall will seem like a light, barely noticeable noise. Others won't hear anything at all. Third, every word will be heard. So it can be with color and with other sensations - taste, smells, touch. So it can be with the sensation of pain - any physician will tell you that pain threshold a person is individual.

At the same time, the researchers note that the population of the earth by about 15% - hsf highly sensitive people. The rest have the same average sensitivity, which is usually perceived as the norm. Rarely, there are cases of complete or partial loss of sensitivity, which are mainly associated with diseases of the central nervous system or with severe psychological shocks.

Why is that? Here, scientists so far agree that hypersensitivity is an innate characteristic. How is it defined hereditary factors- it is difficult to say, because in some cases it is possible to observe the appearance of children with high sensitivity in the family of parents with average indicators.

True, no one will say for sure whether at least one of the child's parents really did not have hypersensitivity, or whether he simply actively suppressed it and skillfully hid it. There is not much research on this topic yet, but so far there are a few obvious signs of HHL.

HSP signs


This is the very case when the conversation of the neighbors behind the wall seems loud and distinct to you, unlike the others. You are annoyed by pungent odors, too bright light, you are susceptible to light touches, distinguish the slightest shades of taste, temperature, your body reacts quite noticeably to many interventions - drugs, caffeine, other psychoactive and stimulant substances, you have a lower pain threshold (pain comes earlier , from less visible stimuli than for most).


You have a heightened sense of empathy, you are quite easily imbued with the situation of another person and easily "pick up" his emotions, it is easy for you to feel the state of the people around you, sometimes - regardless of your desire, you easily feel the atmosphere of some place, you are more receptive to art, you are able to experience strong emotions from “little things”.


You carefully consider and weigh your words, any incoming information, you tend to reflect on it, you have increased attention to details, nuances (for example, you notice grammatical errors and typos, are susceptible to all sorts of carelessness, negligence in the surrounding space, which others may not notice at all for a long time), you are able to see many meanings in any external object.

This division, of course, is conditional - it is impossible to disassemble a person, like a mechanism, into parts, therefore, of course, everything is connected. But a sensitive person is not necessarily one who has all the senses "at the limit."

Let's say he can have a very high auditory and visual sensitivity, while he may show a normal pain threshold or, say, not be highly sensitive to drugs. Or, let's say a person has high empathy, but he is not inclined to go deep into intellectual meanings.

Therefore, now we will talk about what are the nuances of high sensitivity, touch on common myths about sensitivity, talk about how this relates to other aspects psychological characteristics person - for example, introversion / extraversion, psychotype, temperament, degree of neuroticism, and whether this can be a symptom of some other condition, illness.

In general, hypersensitivity is not an innate characteristic of a person, but a consequence of certain conditions of the body. For example, sensitivity can increase in the presence of chronic lack of sleep, constant fatigue, severe stress (as, however, a partial decrease in sensitivity can also be a reaction to stress, as if “freezing” in the presence of very strong and indigestible feelings).

Hypersensitivity may accompany some mental disorders And somatic diseases especially related to the CNS. But this mention is only so that you can decide for yourself whether your characteristic is permanent or temporary. Here we will talk mainly about those whose hypersensitivity is constant, you yourself remember yourself like this all your life, and you have not observed any other serious deviations in the field of health.

So far, I have not come across studies in which it would be clearly possible to trace which psychotypes are more often associated with increased sensitivity. However, our own practice gives enough reason to assert that hypersensitivity is neither the fifth type of temperament, nor any special psychotype, HSPs are found among representatives of different temperaments and psychotypes.

It can be said that some psychotypes appear among HSPs more often than others, but a clear correlation has not yet been traced. That is, a sensitive person can be born like that with any other character traits.

Many people assume that HSPs tend to be more introverted. This is logically understandable: a sensitive person needs more time to recover from contact with the outside world, because external stimuli act on him more than others, and he needs to disconnect from strong stimulation more often.

But I have also met extroverts among HSPs. Yes, such a person also needed to retire from time to time, to have time to recover, but the focus of such a person’s attention was still directed to the outside world, and not to the inner one, like introverts.

With temperament, too, it is not possible to establish a clear connection. It would be logical to assume that HSPs are more suited to people with fast arousal and slow deceleration, in other words, they are easy to turn on but difficult to calm down (which are melancholics), but this is more like speculation about what a sensitive person should be, or could be in the opinion of the middle majority, not on reality.

And the logic can be completely different. Sometimes heightened sensitivity fits, say, into a phlegmatic person who does not look like a sensitive person at all. However, the phlegmatic temperament creates good protection for the carrier of subtle sensitivity, and it even blossoms inside him in a lush color, since outwardly she is little threatened.

In general, here we can say that hypersensitivity is not directly related to specific features of the psychotype, temperament or focus of attention, it exists as a separate psychophysiological characteristic that is built into other personality parameters.

But a person not only experiences feelings, he also interprets them. For example, the fact that he is more responsive to the people around him and their condition, needs more rest from this stimulation, he can interpret in different ways.

He can calmly say to himself: “Yes, it’s already too much for me today, I want to be in silence” - and calmly retire. Or he can start to wind himself up in the spirit of “all people are like people, but I’m not like that, probably something is wrong with me, since everything starts to annoy me so quickly ....”

Often, HSPs are confused with people who are prone to anxiety, suspiciousness and thinking out on this basis for others. But heightened sensitivity and anxiety reinforced by fantasies are two different things.

A sensitive person will be able to capture the real state of another person - for example, he will be able to feel that his boss has already entered the office irritated and tense, and further scatter of employees only followed from his initial state. Therefore, a sensitive person is unlikely to take it personally. However, he may be hurt for another reason - too loud, too bright, too hard.

But an anxious person just may not feel the real state of the authorities, he is mainly occupied with his experiences, and therefore he will easily attribute the dressing to himself alone, and then he will worry for days about his alleged worthlessness and failure.

It is also easy to confuse people who are able to loudly and vividly demonstrate their feelings (it is not at all necessary that the feelings are sincere, and that they generally exist) with HSP. But demonstration and real feeling are very different things. HSPs are just not in a hurry to share their feelings so quickly, much less so loudly: the demonstration attracts attention even more, makes them digest a lot more external stimuli, and further exacerbates the fatigue from their own reactions.

And here it is very logical to mention a few common myths about sensitivity.

HSP: myths and reality

In fact, rather the opposite. Among them, many strong people who control their feelings much better at times than the representatives of the average majority.

Why? Yes, because from childhood, such a child understands that he is different from others, that his feelings are sometimes not taken seriously by others. Parents and other adults are not always ready to take feelings (and even more so - so subtle!) into account and sometimes even declare them abnormal.

Naturally, in response to this, the child develops defenses. And one of them is the formation of the skill of tracking and controlling your emotions. Yes, sometimes this leads to sad options - a habit is formed to suppress their feelings, low self-esteem, a feeling of constant misunderstanding and rejection.

But increased sensitivity also gives its bonus, especially in the presence of high intelligence: after all, the mass of feelings inaccessible to others is a mass of information, this is a more complete and rich knowledge of the world, this is a more subtle insight into the essence of human motives and relationships, and as a result - a more effective strategy of action, and in the long run - a more comfortable place in life.

In general, HSPs are less likely to act rashly “on emotions”, they are more likely to think about the nuances of their reactions and behavior, they can more effectively cope with difficult life situations if only simply because life taught them very early to deal with their feelings in a world of the less sensitive.

Myth: A sensitive person is open, kind, and therefore very vulnerable.

This is also from the realm of fantasy. HSPs tend to keep their feelings away from others most of the time, or at least that's what experience teaches them. Not every closed person belongs to the HSP category, but we can say that among the HSPs there are many who are considered to be closed. And especially with experience different perceptions themselves, HSPs are very selective in communication.

The capacity for empathy, which HSPs certainly have to a large extent, is not a reason for kindness, let alone naivete. The experience of subtle feeling can be applied in many ways, but think about it: subtle sensitivity involves feeling all spectrums.

And this means that a sensitive person feels not only the wonderful feelings of people filled with positive. In principle, there are not enough of them in the world, to put it mildly. And it turns out that the main content of empathy is a very different, and far from always positive state of people.

What conclusions can HSPs draw from this? - yes, whatever. You can find yourself in a helping profession in order to attach this empathy, to give it a place. And you can hate the whole human race for the constant violation of boundaries and for that very joyless inner content. And for example, to become a charming villain like Hannibal Lecter, who, in addition to killing, enjoys delicate dishes from their liver or brain, decorates the house with exquisite paintings and listens to rare performances of the opera.

Therefore, in terms of moral guidelines, HSPs can be at any pole of society, and sensitivity will only impart certain shades to their actions, but it in no way limits their choice in terms of their own ethics.

Myth: Sensitive people are talented and smart

This is partly true, of course, because hypersensitivity itself is an indication for certain types of activities in which it is needed - many areas of art and science (especially where intuition matters), in general, a creative environment that helps professions - psychologists, doctors, social workers.

But at the same time, increased sensitivity also imposes certain restrictions - for example, a sensitive person cannot always work in the conditions in which the majority can work. And sometimes it becomes an obstacle to career development in the standard way accepted in society and a particular profession.

I have known people who have a high sensitivity combined with low intelligence. This is perhaps the most difficult of all HSPs, because there is not enough resource to realize their uniqueness, while fully integrating into the world ordinary people they don't always succeed either.

Summing up, we can say that HSPs are just people with separate characteristic, which is combined with different personality traits. Of course, increased sensitivity to one degree or another leaves an imprint on the formation of a psychotype, and on interaction with temperament, and on behavioral habits.

And this is, of course, a variant of the norm, which, however, differs from the majority and creates certain problems for such people. And in the next part of the article, we will dwell in more detail on the development of a sensitive child and talk about what parents should do, whose child is just like that: “ Sensitive child: features of the development of a sensitive person».