
What foods are non-allergenic for children. Common food allergens: a list of foods that are dangerous for patients with hypersensitivity of the body and increase the risk of adverse reactions

Allergy is a specific reaction of the body to allergens of various kinds, which in turn manifest themselves in the form of pain, swelling, red spots, sneezing, and so on. That is, the body's sensitivity to these "irritants" is very high.

Allergen products can cause the most unpredictable allergic reactions.

What is a food allergy and how does it happen?

Almost every one of you, at least once in your life, met with such a problem as - food intolerance. Allergic reactions to foods are on the rise every year. The reason for this is various chemical additives, as well as proteins that are found in purchased products. Absolutely every product can cause an allergic reaction, which will lead to a lot of unpleasant symptoms. There is the most famous list of foods that provoke a protective reaction of the body.

  1. Seafood;

    Sunflower seeds;

Allergenic foods such as fruits and milk make them wary. There is such a thing as lactose intolerance. This is when the body is not able to digest not only milk, but also all the products that contain it. For example, cottage cheese, cheese, sour cream, kefir, butter etc. As for vegetables and fruits, these allergenic products can be "neutralized" by heat treatment.

Allergy can cause absolutely any product.

Young children and allergies

Food allergies in children are the most common. The difficulty is that the manifestations themselves and treatment take much more time than in adults. Basically, all the first allergic signs occur at a young age. The reason for such frequent reactions in children to allergenic foods is that even during pregnancy, their mothers eat unbalanced meals, eat junk food and those foods that contain the greatest amount of allergens. Hence the constant toxicosis, general malaise, etc.

Read also: Allergy to citrus

When breastfeeding young children, it is very important to observe healthy diet, try not to replace breastfeeding with artificial.

Naturally, any food product that is not included in the above list can cause an allergy.

Children's diathesis is a kind of warning about possible allergic reactions and a predisposition to them. This phenomenon is characterized by red cheeks in a baby. It is worth paying attention to this and monitoring the health of your children.

Diathesis is not yet a disease. You don't need to treat him. But, you should definitely understand which of the products your child's body begins to react negatively to. Often, it is chocolate, sweets, all citrus fruits, mostly oranges.

At the first manifestations of diathesis in a baby, it is imperative, at least for a while, to exclude the allergenic product from his diet. Later, if you decide to start giving it to your child again, you should do it with caution, in small doses.

During breastfeeding, mothers need to carefully monitor their diet so that the baby does not have allergies.

Breastfeeding and proper nutrition chart

Every mother who loves her child will take care of his health. For this, when else happens breast-feeding You definitely need to watch your diet. After all, everything that will be consumed by the mother goes directly to the newborn through milk. At first, the baby's stomach will adapt to normal food intake, and not through the umbilical cord. He may have: frequent stools, abdominal pain, gas. This is normal in the early days of breastfeeding. After his body is already used to such a diet, mom can start eating new foods.

Mothers need to consume more dairy products because, during breastfeeding (breastfeeding), a large amount of calcium is removed from the body. But it needs to be restored somehow.

We will give a mini-table below so that all mothers can, looking at it, know what can and cannot be consumed.

Read also: Dry rhinitis: symptoms and treatment of the disease

Be sure to use:

    Milk, cottage cheese, cheese, kefir, fermented milk yogurt,

    Beef, turkey, chicken, rabbit,

    Drink more fluids (to replenish milk supply),

    Oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, corn porridge,

    Fruits and vegetables that are green in color

    Dried fruits.

It is not advisable to consume in large quantities such products as:

    Bakery and flour products;

  1. Pasta and all flour products;



    Sugar, salt;

The following foods should be excluded from your diet at the time of HB:

    All seafood, also fish caviar;

  1. Chocolate and cocoa;


    Fatty broths;

    Pineapple and kiwi;

    Fruits, vegetables and berries that are red or bright orange in color;

    Increasingly common in children Various types allergies. Proper Treatment and maintenance normal state body include the implementation of a whole range of activities, including the observance of a special diet.

    Many parents do not understand the principles and importance of a special diet for children with allergies. It is worth figuring out how necessary and important a hypoallergenic diet is for children (we recommend reading:). What can and cannot be eaten with allergies? How to make a menu and develop a diet for a baby and a child of 4 or 10 years old?

    A hypoallergenic diet is a very important component in complex treatment food allergies in children

    In what cases is a hypoallergenic diet prescribed for children?

    A specific diet is prescribed exclusively by an allergist based on the results of a patient's examination. With food allergies, it may differ depending on the type of provoking allergen (milk, nuts, animal protein, etc.).

    However, there is the concept of a "hypoallergenic diet" (HA), which is prescribed for any immune reactions of the body. This is an extensive basic diet that excludes all foods with high allergic activity (which most often provoke a reaction). That is, such a diet implies the complete exclusion of all allergen products.

    Its main task is to reduce the allergic load on the body (reduce the influence of irritating factors). In addition, a complex diet avoids cross-allergic reactions.

    Special nutrition is prescribed for:

    • food allergies;
    • hay fever (reaction to pollen);
    • hypersensitivity to insect bites, certain plants, materials and household chemicals(manifested on the skin);
    • allergies to medicines;
    • at the initial stages medical examination(with an acute reaction of the body until the precise determination of the pathogen protein).

    If the child's body does not perceive a certain product (or a number of products), it must be completely excluded from the diet. It must be ensured that it is not contained in the composition of finished store goods.

    Doctors practice a specific elimination diet. It involves the alternate exclusion of products and monitoring the health of the baby. Such therapy becomes indispensable when it is impossible to carry out the necessary medical tests and tests.

    The conventional diet assumes a basic diet that includes the most "safe" foods for allergy sufferers. Hypoallergenic nutrition is mandatory for all types of allergies, including those that are manifested by a rash on the skin. It allows you to reduce the load on the body and prevent the occurrence of complications.

    Rules for small allergies

    When a strict diet concerns small child, it is important to take a responsible attitude to the preparation of the diet and fulfill all the appointments of the allergist. It must include the required useful substances and trace elements for proper development and baby growth.

    The menu of an allergic infant should be compiled according to the recommendations of a doctor; it is not worth making experiments in complementary foods on your own

    For stable positive result In children with allergies, you need to follow important rules:

    1. regularly visit an allergist and take tests (to monitor the condition of the child);
    2. strictly follow all medical prescriptions and not allow children to have "weaknesses";
    3. regularly adjust the diet (as you grow up by the age of 7-8, one food reaction may pass, and another may appear);
    4. monitor the environment of the child (avoid the accumulation of dust, exclude houseplants, pets, buy suitable hygiene products, etc.).

    List of allowed foods for allergies

    AT scientific theory lists of "safe" and "forbidden" foods have repeatedly been highlighted depending on how they affect the child. The tables below provide a detailed list of the most "friendly" foods that children can eat.

    Zucchini is a hypoallergenic, easily digestible vegetable that can be used to cook many delicious dishes.

    Speaking about the basic hypoallergenic diet, one cannot fail to note the Soviet scientist A.D. Ado, who formed an effective and popular diet among doctors and parents. Its basic principles are simple - dangerous and aggressive food is completely excluded, which is replaced by gentle products.

    The undoubted advantage of the Ado allergy-free diet is a clear and specific list of allowed and prohibited foods, without the “you can, but with caution” marks. This allows parents not to get lost when compiling a diet for a week. However, this diet is not suitable for children with hypersensitivity to certain trigger allergens (cow's milk, gluten, etc.). It has a basic focus without taking into account the individual characteristics of each baby.

    Safe foods and dishes according to Ado:

    • beef;
    • soups with cereals and vegetables;
    • dairy products and butter;
    • vegetable oil (sunflower, olive);
    • rice, buckwheat;
    • oatmeal;
    • inedible bread;
    • fresh cucumbers (more in the article:);
    • greenery;
    • baked apples, apple compote;
    • tea with sugar.

    Of fruits, allergic children should pay attention to green apples.

    What can't children with allergies eat?

    There are several lists of dangerous foods, according to the theories of various experts. However, they agree on many things. A sufficient list of products that most often provoke an allergic reaction of the body is highlighted.

    According to Borisova I.V.Union of Pediatricians of RussiaAccording to Komarovsky E.O.According to Ado A.D.
    Chicken eggs, cow's milk, fish, seafood, chicken, tomatoes, citrus fruits, bananas, cocoa and chocolate, nuts, melon, celery, herbs and spicesStrawberry, raspberry, grape, cherry, peach, apricot, citrus, melon, pomegranate, persimmon, kiwi, pineapple, tomato, beetroot, bell pepper, radish, pumpkin, carrot, chocolate and other sweets, fish, seafood, chicken, turkey , duck, semolina, cow's milkChicken eggs, chicken, soy products, peanuts and other nuts, milk, fatty fish and seafood, wheatCitrus fruits, nuts, poultry, chocolate, fish, seafood, tomatoes, spices, mushrooms, eggplant, eggs (chicken and quail), milk, strawberries, pineapples, strawberries, honey, pastries, smoked meats

    The table shows highly allergenic food from a non-specific (basic) diet. It is prescribed during an exacerbation of the disease, at the stage of diagnosis and treatment, and in other cases, as directed by an allergist. When the baby gets better, the doctor reviews strict regime nutrition and gradually expand the diet.

    In the presence of food allergies, when the trigger allergen is diagnosed diagnostically, the doctor makes up a specific diet. It involves the complete exclusion of the stimulus in any form.

    In case of lactose (casein) intolerance, cow's milk, butter and margarine, milk powder, condensed milk and whey are necessarily excluded. Fermented milk products also fall under the ban: kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, yogurt, cream, ice cream, etc. It is noteworthy that some children tolerate goat or cow's milk positively, but it can only be administered after a doctor's permission. It is important to remember that "milk" is found in almost all pastries and sweets.

    Gluten intolerance involves a complete rejection of cereals, pasta, bread and pastries. Fortunately, some manufacturers have begun to actively produce gluten-free products, which allows you to expand the meager menu of an allergic person.

    Sample menu for every day for children of different ages

    Drawing up a menu for an allergic child is a responsible and complex process. Parents who have recently experienced a problem should be assisted by an allergist and a nutritionist. Should be considered important factors that affect the health of the baby. Children are actively growing and developing. Their diet should be as balanced as possible and as diverse as possible.

    The necessary trace elements from prohibited foods must be replenished through other, “safe” foods. All dishes are steamed, baked, boiled or stewed. If the first courses are prepared with meat, the first broth must be drained. Before cooking, the cereals are soaked in cold water for a few hours.

    It should also be remembered that the menu needs regular adjustments. As the child grows older, a different set of trace elements and vitamins is needed. Over time (around the age of 10 years), some allergic reactions may go away on their own, while others may occur unexpectedly.

    It is worth regularly visiting an allergist, who, based on the state of health of the child, will adjust the menu

    Newborns and infants up to a year

    Children of the first year of life are usually breastfed, so a nursing mother follows a hypoallergenic diet. Depending on the type of disease, it can be nonspecific (general) or specific.

    If the baby was transferred to artificial feeding, the doctor selects the appropriate mixture. Almost every trademark produces food for newborns with allergies. Lactose free blends:

    • Nutrilon Pepti or Premium (we recommend reading:);
    • Nutrilak Peptidi;
    • Frisopep;
    • Pregestinil;
    • Nan is lactose free;
    • Celia without lactose, etc.

    For other types of allergies, you need to choose hypoallergenic food for babies. The most popular manufacturers are Nan, Nutrilon, Similak, Nestozhen, Nutrilak, Bellakt, Friso, Malyutka. It is not always possible to choose the right mixture the first time. When any side effects(rash, vomiting, insufficient or excessive weight gain) the diet needs to be changed.

    Complementary foods are introduced carefully and slowly, usually at six months. To do this, experts recommend choosing the safest products.

    Children 1-3 years old

    Compliance with a special diet at this age is of great importance. If all the rules are followed, the baby can practically get rid of the problem over time.

    • At 1 year old, cow's milk is completely excluded. "Sour milk" is introduced gradually, if the baby reacts normally to it. He should eat separately from the adult table. Dishes are prepared from natural raw materials, with a minimum of salt and without spices.
    • At 2 years old, it is possible to eat chicken or quail eggs (if the body tolerates them). Parents prepare food separately according to the same rules.
    • At 3 years old, the baby is gradually transferred to the "adult" table, eliminating the irritating allergen. The basic diet allows fish and nuts. Citrus and tropical fruits, tomatoes, mushrooms, strawberries, chocolate and cocoa remain under a strict ban.

    Sample menu for the day:

    1. Breakfast. Buckwheat with milk, tea, cottage cheese (cheese), apple.
    2. Dinner. Vegetarian noodle soup, meat cutlet, boiled rice, compote.
    3. afternoon tea. Kefir or yogurt, bread (dry cookies), an apple.
    4. Dinner. Fresh cabbage salad dressed with vegetable oil, potatoes with boiled meat, tea.
    5. Second dinner (before bed). Kefir, yogurt or fermented baked milk.

    3 years and older

    At 4, 7 or 8 years old, the menu differs from the adult only in the size of portions. Children are forbidden to feed "aggressive" foods, harmful sweets and sweet soda, fast food, convenience foods. Making a complete diet for a grown child is somewhat easier than for a baby. For older teenagers, coffee and alcoholic beverages are dangerous.

    The table shows several menu options according to the Ado system:

    BreakfastDinnerafternoon teaDinnerBefore bedtime
    І Oatmeal on the water, bread with butter, tea with sugarVegetable soup, boiled tongue with broccoli, cabbage salad, apple compoteDry biscuits, juice (peach)Mashed potatoes, beef meatballs, teaKefir (yogurt), gingerbread
    ІІ Rice porridge on the water, toast, hard cheese, chicoryBuckwheat, beef meatballs, teaDried apricotsCucumber salad with vegetable oil, vegetable puree soupRyazhenka, dry biscuits
    ІІІ Cottage cheese casserole, some jam, teaBoiled beef, coleslaw, chicoryCurd with bananaNoodles (other pasta), sausage, peach juiceYogurt and dried fruits

    Cottage cheese casserole with cherry jam and a small amount of low-fat sour cream

    3 Recipes for Delicious and Healthy Hypoallergenic Meals for Kids

    Parents of small allergies have a hard time. It is difficult to create a delicious menu from a limited number of products. Interesting diet recipes healthy dishes will diversify the daily diet.

    Rice porridge with apple

    2 cups of milk (goat, soy) or water put on fire and bring to a boil. Before boiling, add half a cup of washed rice, mix thoroughly to avoid sticking and lumps. Add a pinch of salt and a teaspoon of sugar, leave on low heat for about 20 minutes. When the cereal has become soft and boiled, remove it from the heat and add a peeled and grated green apple, mix well.

    If the baby tolerates cow protein (casein), season the porridge with a teaspoon of butter (any vegetable). Rice with an apple should be taken in equal proportions. After cooling, the porridge is ready.

    stuffed potatoes

    Wash potatoes (4 pcs.) thoroughly and bake for 20 minutes at 200°C. Meanwhile, finely chop a quarter of a small cabbage and grate 1 carrot. Other vegetables that are suitable for the child are also taken for the filling. Shredded carrots and cabbage stew with the addition of 1 tbsp. vegetable oil until half ready.

    Take the potatoes out of the oven. Carefully cut off the edge of the potato (a small hat), pull out most of the pulp with a teaspoon (the main thing is not to break the integrity of the peel). Mix stewed vegetables with potato pulp, mix and salt. Stuff the potatoes with the minced meat, place on a baking sheet, cover with foil and bake for another 15 minutes.

    Steam cutlets

    You need 250 g of turkey fillet, 2 slices of dried bread, half a glass of water. Cut the bread and soak in water. Pass the fillet through a meat grinder. Squeeze out the bread, mix with minced meat and pass through the meat grinder again. Add the remaining water to the minced meat (a little, so as not to overdo it), salt, mix thoroughly, almost beat for airiness. Shape into small patties and steam for 30-35 minutes.

    The introduction of complementary foods is associated with the risk of an allergic reaction to a new product. To avoid the development of food allergies, it is necessary to observe simple rules formulating a diet.

    When to introduce complementary foods to children with food allergies?

    The best food allergy prevention is prolonged breastfeeding. In this case, you must follow a strict hypoallergenic diet. Complementary foods for children at risk are introduced at a later date than their healthy peers - from 5-6 months of age.

    Complementary foods for children at risk

    • Pediatricians recommend starting complementary foods with one-component purees or cereals in order to be able to track the reaction of the baby's body.
    • If the child often has loose or unstable stools, if the child is not gaining weight well, give him porridge as the first complementary food. Children with overweight and constipation are given vegetable puree first.
    • For children with food allergies in the first year of life, 1 type of cereal, 1 type of meat, 1-2 types of vegetables and fruits is enough.
    • Beef has an antigenic affinity for cow's milk proteins and can also cause allergies. It is better to give piglet or turkey meat. Among meat purees choose those that do not contain broth, spices, salt.
    • Enter whole cow's milk after 1 year of life, whole eggs - after 2 years, fish and nuts - after 3 years.

    Introduction of complementary foods to children with food allergies

    • Introduce a new product only when the baby is healthy, starting with 1/4-1/2 tsp. and gradually increasing volume. In case of poor tolerance, temporarily exclude the product and try to give it again after a few days.
    • Give each new product 5-7 days in a row before introducing another to monitor the reaction of the baby's body.
    • Replenish the children's diet with only one-component products: the reaction to one or another ingredient is difficult to track when using multi-component products.
    • We give complementary foods from a spoon in the morning and afternoon hours in order to track the reaction to the product during the day.
    • ! If, for example, a pear is depicted on the front side of a jar of puree, this does not mean that the puree does not contain salt, sugar, starch, oils, flavors, food colors, preservatives. Their content is reported on reverse side packaging.
    • If you don't know what your child's body periodically "reacts" to, keep a food diary in which you write down everything your baby eats during the day. This will help identify a dangerous product.

    Foods with a low degree of allergenicity: zucchini, cauliflower, green apple, plum, pear, rice porridge, piglet, turkey.

    Products medium degree allergenicity: broccoli, potatoes, green peas, pumpkin, peach, banana, lamb, chicken.

    The most common food allergens: whole cow's milk, eggs, fish, nuts, soy, wheat, citrus fruits, honey, chocolate, strawberries, tomatoes.

    Will my child outgrow the allergy?

    food allergy most common in children under 2 years of age. For most of them, adverse reactions to allergenic foods decrease as immunity strengthens. However, allergies to nuts, fish, and seafood can persist for life. Give the child this food not earlier than the above terms.

    The assortment of the Gerber brand includes a large number of one-component fruit, vegetable and meat purees, juices and cereals, on the basis of which you can create an individual hypoallergenic diet for your baby.

    Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department and Adolescents at the Morozov Children's City Clinical Hospital Tatyana Nikolaevna Sorvacheva: "Growth atopic diseases around the world in recent years indicates the need to develop effective preventive measures, starting from the very early age child. The main areas of prevention are currently considered:

    • prolonged breastfeeding (at least 6 months), subject to a hypoallergenic diet by the mother or, if necessary, use hypoallergenic mixtures;
    • adequate timing of the appointment of complementary foods, in particular, somewhat later than for healthy children;
    • the use of specialized hypoallergenic complementary foods, in particular monocomponent gluten-free and dairy-free cereals, monocomponent meat, vegetable and fruit purees".


    And on a vegetable marrow there can be an allergy! for anything! and by the way, up to a year this is not an allergy, this is an enzyme deficiency, after a year there may not be any reaction! we gave a pumpkin at 5 months, then we could not cure it for three months. By the way, the allergist advised me to drink melted water - it will remove all the muck from the body and allergens too! life hack for you. Just buy any baby water, DO NOT BOIL! they just froze the baby water, then thawed it, and we already give it.

    You cannot accept any article as a 100% recommendation. Working with infants, I observe different opinions on the introduction of complementary foods. Depends on the literacy of the pediatrician, his medical intuition. The maturity of the gastrointestinal tract matters. If there are still functional problems, then accurate complementary foods are needed to create favorable conditions for ripening.

    In my opinion, there is too much contrived. From simple and unpretentious words of truth - only about a long-term GV. And then it started - something that has always touched me in this general pediatric line of the party: on the one hand, the introduction of complementary foods is too early, in my opinion (and they didn’t even hint at pediatric feeding), 5-6 months is already a late introduction for them . Well, well ... My son was almost at full breastfeeding until he was 9 months old, but since a year he has been eating with us at the same table and normally. And now I’m thinking, isn’t this special diet for children up to 3 years old the flip side of the introduction of early complementary foods: they tore the digestive tract ahead of time, now we’re blowing into the water. It used to be even cooler - Spock! This is something! "The child and how to deal with it" is the code name. They tried to feed my husband with porridge for almost 3 months, as a result, at 4, acute dyspepsia, from which the hospital was barely pumped out. Can this be called a hereditary predisposition, which they scare here, because of which I now keep my son on strict diet? Or, on the contrary, it speaks of endurance :) And another unpleasant moment: often children are discharged from the hospital with an infection - all sorts of stuff there, from which they are then treated for a long time. I think that this also affects their digestive tract in the future. This is how our medicine works: first we cripple, and then we treat, we treat ... :(

    Often, allergenic foods become almost the main food for children from a very young age. Often a child is not averse to eating chips, french fries, a hamburger or a sweet bar, but they can cause an acute allergic reaction, moreover, this food contains a considerable amount of additives harmful to the body. Children have health problems, this puts them at risk. That's why it's so necessary to build proper diet and prevent the appearance of allergens in order to strengthen and maintain health until old age.

    Chemical ingredients added to foods to prevent spoilage cause irreparable harm to the body. Monosodium glutamate, which is part of the finished dish, can cause serious disturbances in the stable functioning of the intestines and stomach, and also reduces the nutritional value of the product. You should not buy potato chips, vegetables and fruits prepared by pickling and canning, instant noodles.

    Chemical additives and gluten (a special protein) cause intestinal irritation, and bread made from such flour can cause allergic manifestations The child has. After drinking drinks containing the additive "yellow 5", a runny nose and urticaria occur. In children, an acute allergic reaction begins, which is expressed in excessive drowsiness and redness of the eyes.

    Cereals and cereals

    Of the cereal products, wheat and rye are the most dangerous. May cause allergic manifestations in an unhealthy child also semolina, especially with the inclusion of fruits and vegetables . Often, instant porridge is used in the diet, when the grains are subjected to special processing, after which the dish turns out to be crumbly and tasty. Cause an allergic reaction millet and corn grits. Also, for example, Artek wheat porridge, consisting of crushed grain, can cause allergic rash, diarrhea, pruritus.

    Food rejection of semolina dishes is caused by the presence of gluten in semolina. It is a complex protein that affects the absorption of vitamins and minerals. Sometimes prolonged ingestion of semolina provokes the occurrence skin rash, fever, cough and runny nose. Not recommended for cooking goat milk. In addition, gluten thins the lining of the intestines, resulting in diarrhea in the child.


    Tangerines, oranges, grapefruit are foods that contain vitamin C and strengthen the immune system. However, sometimes their value can fade into the background, because they can cause an allergic reaction in a child, sometimes in a severe form.

    Oranges are the most popular citrus fruits that can cause anaphylactic shock. Do not cook food that contains citrus juice, such as cakes, sugary drinks, jams.

    Excessive consumption of citrus fruits is a big burden on the child's digestive system, contributes to shortness of breath, rash, diarrhea. Appears profuse lacrimation and runny nose. You should keep a special diary, where entries are made indicating the body's reaction to the addition of new foods to the diet.

    Most often, children who eat duck and chicken eggs suffer from allergies. They contain a protein that causes an immediate allergic reaction. Allergy symptoms appear when specific proteins, such as lysozyme, ovomucoid, albumin, enter the child's body. They provoke a rapid reaction of the immune system.

    Chicken eggs occupy the first line of the list of allergenic foods. Nevertheless, it must be remembered that the lack of dietary proteins disrupts the synthesis of hormones, is the cause of disorders in the work of the heart, vascular and urinary systems. If it is impossible to eat chicken eggs, they can be replaced with quail eggs, which are less allergenic and do not destroy intestinal epithelial cells.

    In cases where the child does not follow the diet, signs of individual intolerance may develop - anaphylactic shock or angioedema. The ban applies not only to chicken eggs themselves, but also to dishes prepared with their addition.


    Chocolate contains cocoa powder, which is a highly allergenic product. If ingredients such as milk powder or palm or peanut butter are added to it, its danger increases.

    Lactose intolerance, as well as the presence of an antioxidant (E322), can lead to an allergic reaction. Walnuts are sometimes added to chocolate. For the patient, this is unacceptable. Dates and raisins are also excluded from the diet.

    Chocolate contains chitin, which belongs to the group of natural polysaccharides. When ingested, it can often cause skin rashes leading to unpleasant itching. In the presence of asthma, eating chocolate causes choking attacks with symptoms such as itching and swelling. oral cavity reddening of the sky, tingling of the tongue.

    Dark chocolate in children under 6 years of age causes loose, greenish stools, abdominal pain, dry cough, impaired normal functioning of the kidneys.


    Some children who are allergic to protein do not consume dairy products. For them, the consumption of the following foods that contain proteins may be associated with health risks:

    • biscuit;
    • cakes;
    • ice cream;
    • margarine;
    • pies.

    In some cases, the child may not tolerate sheep or goat milk. The casein protein is determined by the cells as foreign, which causes an acute allergic reaction of the body. If breastfeeding is not possible, specialized milk formulas are used.

    A child older than 1 year should consume up to 500 ml per day of liquid dairy products. In case of an allergy to milk protein, a diet correction is needed in favor of other products that are similar in their vitamin and mineral composition to milk. Some children during the artificial feeding period do not tolerate milk-based complementary foods. The baby starts hives, there are signs of atopic dermatitis, swelling of the neck and head, coughing and wheezing. AT similar cases immediate consultation with the attending physician is necessary.


    It happens that a child eats an apple or a handful of red currants and, after a while, begins to feel bad. Colic begins in the abdomen, headache, vomiting, sweating, weakness. And the minimum amount of allergenic substance is enough for an immediate response of the body. This is due to a lack of enzymes that are responsible for the digestion and absorption of fruit sugar.

    Eating currants (both red and black) provokes an allergic reaction, since these berries contain ascorbic acid in large quantities. Their use can even lead to suffocation.


    Allergic symptoms can occur when eating fresh fish, crabs, shrimp, shellfish. As a result, the following symptoms are observed:

    • skin rashes;
    • purulent blisters on the body;
    • chills;
    • bouts of dry cough.

    The protein, which is found in large quantities in crab meat, causes severe toxic poisoning as a result of the reaction. The child may temporarily lose sight and hearing, the work of the central nervous system, falls blood pressure, there is a violation of the respiratory rhythm. Intolerance to seafood persists even after heat treatment.

    Allergy in babies

    Excessive consumption of sweet cereals with milk and cow's milk can lead to unpleasant consequences in the form of numerous spots on the face, diarrhea and nausea. In some cases, product intolerance is judged by the appearance of sores in the gum area.

    In order to prevent undesirable consequences for the child's body, mothers are advised to exclude the following foods and dishes from their diet:

    Low-allergenic foods and dishes from them will minimize the manifestation of allergy symptoms in the acute period. Complementary feeding of a child is introduced according to the doctor's indications after six months of age. Cauliflower, zucchini, broccoli are shown for cooking. Carrots and potatoes can only increase the course of the disease.

    Proper and rational nutrition, taking into account foods that cause allergies, will allow you to avoid allergic exacerbations in a short time.

    • Komarovsky about allergies
    • food allergy
    • Allergy tests
    • Diet

    Allergic diseases often cause skin rashes in a child. They itch a lot, which brings significant discomfort to the baby's body. Combing red spots, he can easily bring an infection under the skin. In such cases, more severe inflammatory reactions already occur. Such secondary infection can cause streptoderma or systemic damage to the body by staphylococcus aureus.

    Why are skin rashes dangerous and what provokes their appearance?

    Often the cause of the appearance of red vesicles or spots on the skin are various types of allergic reactions. When an allergen product enters the child's body, a whole cascade of inflammatory changes is launched within a few minutes. Such reactions are called hypersensitivity. They are of fast and slow type.

    When an allergen first enters the body, protective blood cells are not yet ready to meet it. For this reason, an allergic reaction does not occur immediately, but after some time. This usually happens 6-8 hours after the allergen enters the body.

    The cells of the immune system, recognizing the foreign component as allergic, immediately begin to actively fight it. A large number of different biological substances which trigger the inflammation process.

    A large number of cells of the immune system are found in the blood and in the skin. When foreign allergenic substances enter the battle, they are the first to enter the battle. A few hours after the onset of the disease, the skin reacts with red itchy elements. It can be papules, vesicles, spots. It all depends on the individual sensitivity and tenderness of the child's skin.

    In infants, spots usually appear more often. In most cases, they are localized on the extensor surfaces of the forearms and arms, buttocks, hands and on the delicate skin of the child below the chin, on the neck.

    In children aged 2 years, spots are more often formed in combination with vesicles. This is largely due to the structure of the skin and subcutaneous tissue of a child of this age. Toddlers become restless, naughty. Children of kindergarten age (4-5 years) during the period of exacerbation of an allergic reaction should not attend preschool for the entire period of treatment. In the garden, they can easily pick up a secondary infection or bring microorganisms into wounds, scratching itchy spots on the skin.

    In severe cases of allergic reactions, not only skin lesions appear. In babies, the temperature can even rise to 38-39 degrees. There is redness in the throat, allergic rhinitis, dry cough. At allergic rhinitis and laryngitis, be sure to show the child to an immunologist-allergist. He will conduct additional examinations for individual sensitivity to specific allergens. After that, the doctor will prescribe a full range of measures and recommend an anti-allergic diet.


    The hypoallergic diet, among others, is quite strict. As the child's body grows older, it may appear new hypersensitivity to various products.

    • When an allergy occurs for oranges after some time, intolerance to all citrus fruits is formed.
    • For allergies for chicken eggs sensitivity to all foods (including baked goods) that contain chicken yolk or melange. In 5% of children, a cross-allergy to quail eggs is also possible. In this case, it is required to completely exclude eggs from the child's diet and monitor the composition of all dishes where any egg components can be added.

    If your child has allergic tests cross-sensitivity has been established, the immunologist will definitely recommend that you exclude all combinations in which the development of an allergic reaction is possible.

    • For children with allergies for flowering trees any shrub fruits and berries should be completely excluded from the diet. The cells of the immune system, having a system memory, when any substance from the prohibited list enters the body, they will consider it an allergen. An allergic reaction in a child will be equally acute when pollen blooms or after eating a plum or an apple.

    Try to avoid contact with the allergen, given the flowering time of the trees.

    AT recent times doctors note that many children have increased the number of cases of intolerance to dairy products. Such children are assigned a dairy-free diet. It is shown to all babies with an allergy to milk. It cannot be called protein-free, it belongs more to the category of low-protein ones.

    In the nutrition of babies on a dairy-free diet, you need to carefully monitor the optimal intake of protein in the body. Add more meat products and side dishes containing vegetable protein. It can be lean meat or fish (with good tolerance), poultry.

    From vegetable protein, you can choose green or regular beans and well-boiled pea porridge. Enter into the diet green peas: it contains much less substances that can cause allergies.

    Grocery list

    Currently, there are many classifications of allergenic products. They divide all products into different categories (depending on the possibility of causing allergic reactions).

    Every day, scientists add new sources of allergens to the lists. This is due to the fact that every year the number of children with allergic pathologies increases several times.

    Babies born in the city are many times more likely to suffer from intolerance to various foods than village ones. Doctors attribute this to the influence of adverse environmental factors and high level pollution in big cities.

    Every year, all the leading scientists, doctors and nutritionists of the world gather at international councils and congresses to discuss the nutritional problems of children prone to developing allergic reactions. Special tables were compiled in which all products are entered taking into account their possible negative impact on the child's immune system:

    1. Foods with a high potential to cause allergic reactions are called highly allergenic.
    2. Foods that are less likely to cause allergies - medium sensitizing.
    3. Foods that are practically incapable of causing an allergic reaction in a child (or cause in a much smaller number of cases) are called neutral.

    Foods that can be safely included in the diet of a child with food allergies include:

    • All fruits and vegetables are green. White fruits and berries. An excellent basis for any side dish for children with a tendency to allergic reactions is broccoli, as well as cauliflower. Potatoes are also suitable, but they contain a lot of starchy substances. It is better to mix when cooking mashed potatoes cauliflower with a small amount of potatoes, preferring cabbage.
    • Protein products: lean beef meat, with care - white varieties of fish. Red (and especially sea) fish are banned! Its use can provoke an allergic reaction. Do not give your baby seafood or seaweed. Adding them to the diet often causes cross-allergies.
    • With good tolerance to dairy products - sour milk with a small percentage of fat (cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt). All types of cheeses, sour cream, homemade butter and margarine should be excluded. They can provoke food allergies and adversely affect the liver and gallbladder. Frequent use of these foods may cause chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract.
    • Cereals and cereals. They are selected strictly individually. It should be noted that they may be contraindicated for babies with allergies and gluten intolerance. Buckwheat and rice should be introduced into the diet with caution, since they have an average allergenic potential.

    If, after the introduction of cereal complementary foods, the child's skin remains clean and color pink, he almost certainly tolerates these foods well. Be sure to monitor the condition of the baby's skin and his mood after the introduction of each new complementary food. This will allow you to determine if you are allergic to a particular new food.

    If the baby is prone to the development of allergic reactions or you, close relatives have serious allergic diseases, pay attention to what you are preparing for the child. In any case, you should consult and show the baby to an immunologist-allergist. He will conduct a series of simple and painless scratch tests that will identify all cross-allergen variants.

    There are even special panels in which all allergens are listed according to certain antigenic characteristics. Such a study is very convenient and allows you to establish with high accuracy all prohibited products from several groups at once.

    It is important to note that adherence to such a diet is worth a lifetime. The immune system human being is very precise. Even after one encounter with an allergen, the memory of it remains for life. With each new encounter with this product, the body reacts more strongly.

    An allergic reaction starts almost instantly. For a long course of the disease, damage to other organs is already characteristic: most often the respiratory and the cardiovascular system, and in this case, more serious treatment by a doctor is already required.

    What should parents of preschool children remember?

    • Carefully plan and create a menu for your child. Eliminate all products that do not suit him. Keep a diary and write down all the changes that occur in the baby after eating. Reflect the condition of his skin, as well as the estimated time when the manifestations occur. This will make it easier for you to understand which foods have allergenic characteristics and can harm the child's body.
    • If your child attends kindergarten, be sure to tell the kindergarten health worker that your baby is allergic. Describe what foods are contraindicated for him. Educator and medical worker should carefully monitor what the baby eats while out of the house. In kindergarten, they are responsible for his health. It would be great if there was a choice of dishes in the garden. Now this principle is practiced frequently. If not, the healthcare professional should eliminate the side dish or main dish for allergic babies and replace it with something else.
    • All children with allergic diseases or intolerance to certain foods should be observed by an immunologist. With a calm course of the disease (without frequent exacerbations and rashes), visit a doctor at least once a year. This is necessary for dynamic monitoring of the state of the child's body.
    • Do not indulge the whims of the child! All kids love sweets. However, it should be understood: if the baby has an allergy, then such pampering can even be deadly. In severe cases, after meeting with the allergen, the child's body may react with Quincke's edema or spasm of the larynx. This is very dangerous complication, which requires the immediate provision of qualified medical care.

    If suddenly, after eating or snacking, your baby begins to choke or turns blue, urgently call a children's ambulance. It is necessary to act very quickly, since the time to save a child's life goes by in minutes.

    Teach your child healthy eating habits. At the table, it is better to eat about the same food that the baby eats. So you show him that he is not at all some kind of sick or deprived of something. This is simple healthy eating and so everyone eats. Be sure to praise your baby when he eats the right and healthy foods well.

    Look after yourself! If you allow yourself to snack or drink tea with chocolates or cakes, then do not be surprised why your baby reaches for the "yummy". All kids from two years old are similar in behavior to little monkeys, which is due to the development of their psyche. In their behavior, they accurately copy those around them or their parents. Be a real good example for your child. His health now and in the future depends on you.

    Menu for children over 1 year old with Ado diet

    In Soviet times, the famous scientist and pathophysiologist A. D. Ado began to study the problems allergic diseases and the development of special diets that can prevent new exacerbations of the disease.

    It was he who first established that there are certain foods that can trigger a number of inflammatory changes in the body and easily cause an allergic reaction. He also noted that there are products that have the opposite properties. They are safer for the body and practically do not cause allergies.

    The result of it scientific activity became a system proper nutrition by Ado. This is the prototype of a hypoallergenic diet. It excludes all products that may cause skin rashes, with the obligatory inclusion of neutral products. Ado compiled his diet so that all the incoming substances were selected in sufficient quantities for the active growth and development of the child's body.

    The advantages of his method include:

    • detailed analysis of all products that trigger allergic reactions, and their complete exclusion from the children's menu;
    • elimination of all allergens from the diet immediately allows you to quickly remove inflammation and eliminate all adverse symptoms of the disease;
    • Possibility of gradual introduction of new products, with mandatory monitoring of the child's condition after such an introduction.

    Of course, there are also disadvantages:

    • Diet prescription all children without prior examination and laboratory determination of individual sensitivity to different products. Ado formulated his diet at the end of the twentieth century, when there was not yet ample laboratory capacity to conduct such highly accurate tests.
    • Low specific sensitivity. The diet is used for all children and adolescents without taking into account the individual level of immunity and concomitant chronic diseases.

    Among the most common allergens, A.D. Ado excretes cow's milk, yolk chicken egg and fish.

    Sometimes hypersensitivity occurs to gluten or wheat, banana and rice proteins. The body's sensitivity to potatoes, buckwheat, corn, soy and legumes is less common.

    At the same time, A.D. Ado highlights foods that, if you are allergic to, should be wary of "cross" foods in the diet.

    The treatment table according to Ado can be represented as follows. Please note that occasionally the menu includes products with an average allergenic potential.

    Carefully monitor the condition of your child, because when drawing up a diet, individual characteristics must be taken into account: there is no universal menu suitable for all children.

    First day of the week

    • Breakfast: Oatmeal on the water. A couple of dry crackers.
    • Lunch: Yogurt.
    • Dinner: Soup with lean beef meat (without carrots). Cucumber, Chinese cabbage and corn salad dressed with vegetable oil.
    • Afternoon snack: Pear jelly with dry biscuits.
    • Dinner: Steam quenelles from lean lamb with chopped cauliflower. Apple compote.

    Second day

    • Breakfast: Buckwheat flakes with kefir.
    • Lunch: Butter sandwich.
    • Dinner: Boiled lean veal with mashed potatoes and cauliflower. Kissel from berries.
    • Afternoon snack: Low-fat cottage cheese with sugar.
    • Dinner: Stewed low-fat lamb with vegetables and peas.

    The third day

    • Breakfast: Millet porridge with dried fruits.
    • Lunch: An apple baked in the oven.
    • Dinner: Beef meatballs with noodles. Salad of zucchini and herbs.
    • Afternoon snack: Biscuits with kefir.
    • Dinner: Stewed with vegetables and boiled buckwheat.

    Fourth day

    • Breakfast: Buckwheat pancakes with yogurt.
    • Lunch: A glass of kefir.
    • Dinner: Shchi with sour cabbage and boiled veal. Cucumber and dill salad.
    • Afternoon snack: Bun with kefir.
    • Dinner: Veal meatballs stuffed with vegetables.

    Fifth day of the week

    • Breakfast: Pancakes with curd.
    • Lunch: Biscuit crackers with unsweetened tea.
    • Dinner: Stewed stew with horsemeat. A piece of bran bread.
    • Afternoon snack: Yogurt without additives with a little sugar.
    • Dinner: Oven baked lean beef cutlets with rice.

    Sixth day

    • Breakfast: Multi-cereal porridge on the water.
    • Lunch: Slice of bread with apple jam. Unsweetened tea.
    • Dinner: Vegetable stew with beef meatballs.
    • Afternoon snack: Low-fat cottage cheese with kefir and sugar.
    • Dinner: Ragout of vegetables with veal.

    Seventh day

    • Breakfast: Corn porridge with diluted milk.
    • Lunch: Baked apple.
    • Dinner: Low-fat veal broth with freshly prepared homemade noodles. Cucumber and parsley salad.
    • Afternoon snack: Biscuits with pear jelly.
    • Dinner: Stewed cabbage and beef meatballs.

    Recipes for children 3-7 years old

    Oatmeal and raisin biscuits

    • Take a glass of small oatmeal. Add one egg, ½ teaspoon salt and 1 tablespoon sugar. Pour in ½ cup rice milk. Instead, you can use regular cow's milk if the child does not have an individual intolerance to dairy products. Mix everything well with a whisk. Let the dough stand for 10 minutes for the oatmeal gluten to swell.
    • Rinse the raisins with plenty of running water. Pour boiling water over, let stand 10 minutes. During this time, you will have time to preheat the oven. Set the mode to 200 degrees. Prepare a baking sheet by lining it with baking parchment. Lubricate with a small amount of butter or vegetable oil.
    • Spread the biscuits moistened with water on a baking sheet. Let them be at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other, so nothing will stick together during baking. Bake for 18-20 minutes. The biscuits are ready when browned on top. Check doneness with a wooden skewer or toothpick.
    • Cooled biscuits can be served with yogurt or kefir, and they will also be an excellent dessert for tea.

    Steamed beef patties with cauliflower sauce

    • Take 500 g of cooked ground beef . Pay attention to the composition written on the package. Minced meat should not contain chemical additives, dyes and flavor enhancers. If you don't trust store-bought ground beef, you can make it at home.
    • Add some water to the mince. Salt. Separately, soak a couple of crackers in water and add them to the minced meat, kneading well with your hands. Stir. Cook in a slow cooker or steamer in steam mode. Cooking time - 20-25 minutes.
    • Separately, boil the cauliflower until soft. Cool down. Blend vigorously with a blender until the consistency of a thick sauce. Salt to taste. Chop the dill and add to the sauce.
    • food allergy
    • Allergy tests
    • Diet