
Improving games for the correction and prevention of health disorders in children in a preschool institution. Wellness games for preschoolers material (senior group) on the topic Healthy outdoor games for preschoolers

Kondusova Natalia
Improving games and exercises in the work of preschool educational institutions

Improving games and exercises in the work of the preschool educational institution.

The main task of our preschool institution is to preserve and strengthen the health of children.

The issues of physical culture and health work in preschool educational institutions are relevant today. According to the Ministry of Health of Russia, the level of children's health has deteriorated by more than 19%. 1 place - diseases of the respiratory system, 2 - digestion, 3 - infectious diseases, 4 and further - diseases of the eyes, diseases of the nervous system, skin, musculoskeletal pathologies.

When entering kindergarten, a significant number of children from 20 to 50% have low and below average age and sex indicators of the development of basic physical qualities. Not all parents in our time have the opportunity to provide their kids with enough time, space, and the necessary equipment for full-fledged physical development.

In the preschool period, there is an intensive development of organs and the formation of functional systems of the body. The trend of deterioration in the health of preschool children, mental and speech development, which has appeared in recent years, tells us about the need to change this situation. Hence, it can be assumed that only recreational activities can solve the stated problem. Conducting recreational games does not require a special site or special equipment. These games are held in order to restore a comfortable psychological state in children. Observing how children perform funny game tasks, one can to a certain extent assess the level of their physical fitness, the degree of development of physical qualities, and the level of maturity of nervous processes.

In my health work with children, I use:

Games for the formation of correct posture.

Violation of posture negatively affects the activity of the heart, stomach, liver, kidneys.

The objectives of the games include:

Strengthening the musculoskeletal system,

Strengthening the muscular "corset" of the spine,

Improving the functions of breathing, the cardiovascular system.

Games and exercises::

“Step over the rope”, “Get into the gate with a ball”, “Kite and mother hen”, “Sea figure”, “Fish and sharks”, “Football”.

“Kitty”, “Wings”, “Airplane”, “Boat”, “Bend”, exercises with gymnastic sticks.

Games to overcome obesity. With the constant conduct of such games, the emotional tone increases, shortness of breath, drowsiness is eliminated, and overall performance increases. Games that alternate between running and walking are recommended.

Games and exercises: "The fastest" "We are funny guys", "Burners" "Cat and Sparrows".

Games aimed at the prevention of diseases of the nose and throat, bronchopulmonary diseases.

Such games restore nasal breathing. These games are accompanied by sound-speech gymnastics, which is a kind of vibratory massager.

Games and exercises: “Who is louder”, “Who has a ball higher”, “Balloon”.

Games aimed at overcoming flat feet contribute to the strengthening of the ligamentous-muscular apparatus of the lower leg and foot. Flat feet, as a rule, occurs in weak, physically poorly developed children. With pronounced flat feet, games associated with jumping and jumping from a height should be excluded.

Games and exercises: “Sleeping cat”, “Skydivers”, “Nimble legs”, “Throw the ball, don’t lose it”, “Carry it, don’t drop it”, “Swan Geese”, “The most persistent”, “Catch a mosquito”, “ Relay race with a stick”, walking on a ribbed board, exercises with a ball, with a gymnastic stick and others.

Games to overcome the consequences of infectious diseases. With a sparing day regimen, such games will help the child gain self-confidence and improve his mental health. Games cause a cheerful mood, promotes proper breathing, blood circulation, digestion and recovery processes in the human body. Outdoor games that allow you to eliminate developmental delays should be aimed at educating useful skills of walking, running, climbing, crawling, etc.

Games and exercises: "Catch the ball", "Hedgehog stretched out, curled up." “Cossacks-robbers”, “We are funny guys”, “Burners”, “Catch the ball”, “Who will throw further”.

In addition, I would like to separately highlight the exercises with fitballs.

Exercises on balls have a healing effect, which is confirmed by the experience of many European specialists.

are reflexes.

The ball is multifunctional and can be used in exercises as an object, projectile or support. Complexes of exercises on balls can have a different focus:

To strengthen the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle;

To strengthen the abdominal muscles;

To strengthen the muscles of the back and pelvis;

To strengthen the muscles of the legs and arch of the foot;

To increase flexibility and mobility in the joints;

For the development of the function of balance and the vestibular apparatus;

For the formation of posture;

For the development of dexterity and coordination of movements;

For relaxation and relaxation as a means of preventing various diseases (musculoskeletal system, internal organs).

Since the leading activity of preschool age is a game, fitball-gymnastics classes are held in a game form and using outdoor games.

General requirements for recreational games:

It is necessary to choose games of a small psychophysiological load;

The duration of one game - up to 5 minutes, can be increased up to 10-15 minutes with breaks for rest, musical screensavers;

Health games should have a multifaceted impact;

The adult himself must "turn on" in the game;

It is necessary to ventilate the room before the game, clear the nose of mucus in order to properly carry out nasal breathing.

The criteria for body fatigue are the following signs:

a) the child is very agitated, fussy to no purpose, excessively distracted or lethargic;

b) movements are performed indistinctly, uncertainly, extra movements appear;

c) the skin becomes very red or pale, slight cyanosis under the eyes;

d) the child sweats a lot, especially the face;

To reduce the load it is necessary:

Reduce GCD time;

Reduce the number of repetitions of the same game;

Simplify the plot of the game;

Include a more frequent number of pauses (rest and breathing exercises);

And in conclusion, I would like to emphasize the value of gaming forms of recovery, which allow you to give a physiological effect on the body without sharp degrees of fatigue. It is easy for them to find a place during the day.

The result of targeted physical culture and health-improving work is a consistently low level of morbidity among pupils, a good level of physical fitness of graduates who continue their sports activities in city sports sections.

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At the 4th year of life a healthy child has the opportunity to develop a more accurate execution of movements. The child willingly obeys the rhythm of movement, becomes more independent in practical activities. He is not afraid to jump from a height of 30-40 cm, jumps 60 cm in length and climbs stairs without fear, especially if he has already been prepared for this. The task of parents is to develop the child's dexterity and speed of reaction, to develop in him the correct posture and an easy, beautiful gait. At this age, it is appropriate to start (in a playful way) learning to ski and swim.

At the 5th year of life the child quickly orients himself in new situations, is able to perform rhythmically coordinated simple movements, makes great strides in jumping, throwing and running, and, in order to keep up with development, needs more and more complex tasks.

On the 6th year of life the child must show that he has mastered all the basic types of movements. He needs to be prepared not only mentally, but also physically for the school lifestyle, for concentrated work. His motor abilities, if their development was consciously directed by his parents, are already quite large. The child, without experiencing difficulties, runs fast, jumps 100 cm long and 50 cm high; he has relatively strong legs and arms and does not tire easily. During the game, the child behaves honestly, does not try to achieve victory by fraudulent means, recognizing the superiority of adults or older brothers and sisters. He has already developed the correct posture; knows how to overcome fear in unusual positions; dexterous, inventive in movement and disciplined; knows how to listen to music and move to the beat.

But in order for the child to achieve all this, it is necessary to systematically direct his motor activity during the pre-school period, the key to which (especially if the child does not attend kindergarten) is only with the parents. From among the proposed exercises, parents choose those that they can use in a family environment, taking into account the level of development, temperament, abilities and interests of the child. Some exercises recommended for practicing at home are shown in Figures 1-4.

Wellness exercises

Recreational exercises require careful selection. It is impossible, for example, to include them in classes in the order in which they are given below. Then we would not be able to provide the child with a full workout, since the exercises are arranged taking into account their impact on individual muscle groups, as they say, "from head to toe." For the lesson, you should choose 1-2 exercises to strengthen the shoulder girdle (neck, shoulders, forearms, arms), torso (muscles of the back, chest and abdomen) and the hip region (muscles of the pelvis, thighs, feet). A low starting position (sitting, kneeling, lying) is more appropriate when performing health-improving exercises, since the correct curves of the spine are preserved in the child. In a standing position, the child can bend in different ways, so the exercise is not always performed correctly. Before embarking on health-improving exercises, the child is recommended to train a straightened position, pressing his back against the floor, door, wall - then during the exercises he will be able to maintain the correct position of the head, back, and pelvis.

The basis is health-improving exercises for younger children, so the child must first master them and often repeat them at the request of their parents. Older children will enjoy trying the games and exercises listed below in physical education classes.

Birdie. The child in the sitting position cross-bends his arms at the elbows, touching the shoulders (wings) with his fingers. The adult helps the child straighten his back by stroking his shoulder blades and pulling his elbows back as close to his body as possible. Then the child performs jumps in place.

Candlestick. The child is on his knees, arms to the sides. Then he bends his arms at the elbows; while the forearms are directed vertically upwards, and the elbows are laid as far back as possible. Rotation of the body alternately to the right and to the left.

Conductor. Conducting hand movements in the rhythm of 2/4: on “one” always point down (strong beat), on “two” - always up (weak beat). Perform exercises standing, kneeling, sitting, lying on your back (alternately with one and the other hand).

Rice. one

Rice. 2

Rice. 3

Rice. 4

Look at the socks! The child lies on his back, stretching his straight closed legs. Then he raises his socks and, at the same time, raising his head, looks at them. An adult controls the position of the spine: the child must press his whole back against the bedding. After 1-2 seconds, the child slowly lowers his head to the floor and then gradually lowers his socks. Repeat 6 times.

Clock. In the sitting position, legs crossed, hands on knees, the child shakes his head back and forth, right and left (beam-bom, tick-tock, tiki-taki). The adult makes sure that the back remains straight.

Who can? Lying on his back, the child tries to sit up without the help of his hands. An adult helps him by pressing his feet to the floor. Then, in a sitting position, the child leans forward low, lowering his face to his knees and reaching his socks with his hands.

Legs behind your head! From a sitting position, legs apart, the child moves to a prone position, then raises his legs up and strives to touch the floor with his toes behind his head. With a swing of the legs, the child returns to its original position, the back is straight. An adult makes sure that the child does not roll over back: performing a somersault back at preschool age is unacceptable. Repeat the exercise 4 times.

Scissors. Lying on his back, the child raises his legs almost 20 cm above the floor and performs cross swings with tightly straightened legs: legs to the sides, then up and down. An adult holds the child by the shoulders and presses him to the floor. Repeat the exercise 6 times and then after a short rest (lying on your back) - 6 more times.

Window. The child in a sitting position joins his hands, forming a "window", through which he alternately puts one or the other leg. The "window" should not "break". Repeat the exercise up to four times.

Sit on your heels! The child, kneeling, sits on his heels, the adult makes sure that the posture is correct.

On socks - on heels. The child alternates between a stretched out toe stand and a heel stand.

Backstroke. Lying on his back, the child raises his hands up (inhale) and then, moving his hands along the floor through the sides down, lowers them along the body (exhale). Exercise to combine with intense breathing.

Stretch - turn around. In the cross-legged sitting position, the child raises his arms and stretches upward as much as possible (the adult corrects the straightened position of the child, allowing him to lean on his shin with his back). Then he leans forward, lowers his head between his knees and clasps his legs under his knees.

Kitty. Standing on all fours, the child throws his head back and bends; then tilts his head forward and arches his back. An adult makes sure that the hands are constantly tense. This exercise promotes spinal mobility.

Picking up items. Teach your child to grab pebbles, a stick, a ball with his toes and toss them (first with one, then with the other foot). This exercise strengthens the arch of the foot.

Big and small. The child alternates walking on toes with walking in a squat, trying to keep his back straight. This is a very difficult exercise, but after repeated repetitions, squatting without the help of an adult can be mastered by all children.

The plane is planning. In the sitting position, legs crossed, the child spreads his arms to the sides and leans alternately to the right, to the left, touching the ground with his hand. An adult holds the child from behind by the shoulders and makes sure that the tilt to the side does not turn into a forward tilt.

Heaven is earth. The child, kneeling, bends back, then leans forward and arches his back. Exercise promotes better mobility of the spine. When the child masters it in a kneeling position, the exercise should be complicated by repeating in a standing position.

Dachshund dog. Walking on the outer arch of the foot as a preventive measure against flat feet. An adult shows the child an exercise, the child repeats it. Exercise to perform barefoot.

Puppet. Having mastered the relaxation of the body in the supine position (with proper relaxation, the passive movement passes from the hands to the entire shoulder girdle and neck, and the child’s head sways like a rag doll), you should master relaxation while lying on your stomach, and also from squat, standing and kneeling positions. The adult demonstrates free sliding to the floor so that the child understands the exercise, shows him a puppet.

Dear colleagues! I invite you to stand in a circle, passing the ball to each other, share the secrets of maintaining and strengthening your health (Participants of the master class complete the task)

Now tell us how you take care of the health of your pupils? (Participants of the master class perform the task)

Health games are designed to prevent fatigue caused by intense intellectual stress. In addition to the relaxation function, they perform communicative, entertaining and educational functions. Physical and mental components in wellness games are closely interrelated. They strengthen various muscle groups, train the vestibular apparatus, and contribute to the prevention of visual impairment and posture. The ease of the situation, the freedom of improvisation, the possibility of deviating from the given rules, the infinity of variations, the teacher's focus on creating an emotional upsurge in children, the absence of losers - all this creates a state of psychological comfort for the players.

As a result of the use of recreational games, we not only strengthen the health of children, but also contribute to the comprehensive harmonious physical and mental development, the formation of the necessary skills for coordinating movements, correct posture, dexterity and courage.

The organization of recreational games does not require special preparation of the site or special equipment. Games can be played individually or collectively. Observing how children perform funny game tasks, one can to a certain extent assess their level of physical fitness, the degree of development of physical qualities, and the level of maturity of nervous processes.

The duration of the games depends on their content and can vary from one to two minutes. The total duration of games is on average 4-6 minutes. Games can be played with or without music. But since game tasks are strictly limited in time, a distinct sharp sound signal is required. Games should not be repeated often so that children do not lose interest in them. Therefore, in the "arsenal" of the teacher should be a lot of games. There are no special age requirements for recreational games.

Used games extremely varied. They are constantly improving and becoming more complex. The content of games changes with the growth and development of the child.

In work recreational games can be used with preschool children:

Games that treat diseases of the nose and throat. (rhinitis, nasopharyngitis, sinusitis, chronic bronchitis, adenoids)

In diseases of the upper respiratory tract, it is necessary to restore nasal breathing. Proper nasal breathing contributes to the training of the respiratory muscles, improves local blood circulation, and protects against hypothermia. When playing games with children, it is necessary to simultaneously control the correct posture and closing of the lips.

Breathing games: “Blow out the candle”, “Pump”, “Don’t drop the ball”, etc. etc. d

Games according to the “Tell poems with your hands” method: “Mouse and Bear”, “Monkeys”, “Golden Autumn”, “Cockerel”, etc. etc.

Outdoor games: “Bubble”, “Owl is an owl”, “Catch your tail”, “Who is the loudest? ”(pronounce the sound mmm loudly, patting the right nostril with the index finger.)

Games for the formation of correct posture .

Violation of posture is a frequent companion of many chronic diseases. Defects in posture adversely affect the activity of the heart, stomach, liver, kidneys. The main prevention and treatment of postural disorders is the general training of the child's body.

The tasks of the games include strengthening the musculoskeletal system, strengthening the muscular "corset" of the spine, improving the functions of breathing, the cardiovascular system. In the process of conducting outdoor games, it is necessary to achieve training skills in keeping the head and torso in the correct position, correct walking. The development of steamy posture is helped by games for coordination of movements, balance. Alternate exercises in games with breathing exercises.

Acquiring correct posture is a long process, so the child needs to be repeatedly shown what correct posture is. Often parents limit themselves to the remark: “Don't hunch over! "," Don't slouch! ”is a mistake, since the particle “not” is not perceived by children.

It is necessary to give positive formulations: “Go straight”, “Higher chin” and show the correct position directly on the child’s body. And it is best to play more often in games for the development of posture.

Games: "Zoo" - children depict animals with facial expressions, movements, sounds, and "tourists" guess the beast. "Master of the ball" - children perform different types of tasks with the ball "Living Ring" - an exercise with a rope. "Long rope" - children run along a spinning long rope. “Big feet are on the road”, “Swallow”, “Break the chain”, “Controller”, “The sea is worried”, “Mice in the pantry”. And. etc.

Games aimed at correcting flat feet . Flat feet are most common in weak, physically poorly developed children. It negatively affects the posture and general condition of the child. Games should strengthen the ligamentous-muscular apparatus of the lower leg and foot, contribute to the general improvement of the body and the development of the skill of correct walking “without spreading the socks”.

These are games with walking on the outer edges of the feet, on toes, with bending the toes, grabbing various objects with the toes, squatting in the position: “toes inward, heels apart”. With pronounced flat feet, games associated with jumping and jumping from a height should be excluded.

Games: "Sleeping Cat", "Nimble Legs," "Running Rope", "Hare, Christmas Trees and Frost", "Carry it, don't drop it" (toes, "Geese - swans", "Catch a mosquito", "The most persistent" etc.

Games to overcome obesity in a child.

Obesity in children is a very serious problem. With this disease, the body undergoes changes similar to the aging process. Such a child is much more likely to suffer from diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, and cholelithiasis. He has the worst prognosis for injuries. For effective treatment, it is necessary that all family members, by personal example, could change the child's attitude to active outdoor games, exercise, and sports.

Outdoor games in this disease are carried out to increase the intensity of metabolic processes, increase the body's energy costs. With constant games, the emotional tone increases, shortness of breath, drowsiness is eliminated, working capacity increases, the functional state of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems improves.

Games that alternate between running and walking are recommended. To reduce the weight of a child, you can play the following games: "Cancer and Sparrow", "Slender Christmas Trees", "Cat and Sparrows", "Jumpers", "The Fastest", "We are Merry Guys", "Burners", "Tags", "Funny Kittens", "Hares and Fox", "Catch a Squirrel", "Bird Flight", etc. etc.

Games to overcome the consequences of common bronchopulmonary diseases (allergosis, bronchitis, acute respiratory infections and bronchial asthma.) With such diseases, it is necessary to strengthen the muscles of the chest, belt, upper limbs, develop rhythmic breathing with deep calm exhalation, dosed running.

The games "Owl - Owl", "Cockerel", "Golden Autumn" are also useful for this group of diseases. In addition, the following games are useful: “Firemen’s teaching”, “A goat is walking through the forest”, “Go forward faster, just don’t run”, “Train”, “Jump and blow”, “The strongest wind”.

Eye games and exercises that help strengthen eye muscles. Perform tasks without moving your head.

"Palms" - closing the eyes with the palms for thirty seconds to relieve eye strain.

"Owl" - the child is offered to close his eyes tightly, and then quickly open his eyes as much as possible and fix them for a few seconds.

"Far close" - a game during which the child shifts his eyes from an object in the room to an object far away outside the window.

"Leaves" - follow the eyes of the falling leaves with a motionless head.

"Sun" - repeat with the eyes the trajectory of the sun (up to the left and down to the right).

The value of game formsrecovery lies in the fact that they allow you to give a general and rather energetic physiological effect on the body without sharp degrees of fatigue. It is easy for them to find a place during the day. Theseeducators can play games during all regime moments without exception. Thus the processchildren's health improvement takes place constantly, and not only during specialized physical education classes.

Golden autumn

Purpose of the game: development of coordination of movements in small and large muscle groups, a sense of rhythm, the ability to coordinate their actions with the actions of the players; formation of correct posture; improvement of respiratory function; the ability to voluntarily relax the muscles; tonic and soothing effect on the entire body of the child.

Game progress

Children stand in a wide circle. The leader clearly shows the movements, the children repeat them. The host says:
"Big clouds swirl in autumn" (circular movements of the arms in front of the body ), “It’s drizzling - drip-drip ...” (shaking hands ).
"The sun is showing less and less" (
raising half-bent arms up ), smile (sun image ), squeezing and spreading fingers (sun rays ).
“Leaves are falling from the trees”: lifting on toes, stretching your arms up, and then smoothly lowering them and squatting with shaking your hands. Show how, circling, leaves fall to the ground.
“The wind is rustling in the forest”: a deep breath through the nose; exhale - as if the sound of the wind is heard - "shhh ..."
“Fogs are falling on the fields”: raising the arms with smooth movements to the side, turning the torso to the right, then to the left and lowering the slope - to depict how the fogs creep.
"Birds flock": building in small groups in columns one at a time (
depicting caravans of geese ), wedges (how crane flocks are built ), loose (like flocks of siskins ).
"Farewell cries of geese, cranes, voices of siskins are heard." imitate these sounds.
Birds fly away to warmer climes. Slow running around the site, then stop at the sign of the instructor.
“And first-graders are already studying at school in the fall. Let's show them how slender and straight they walk." Children are built in a column one at a time, go at the expense of the head, to the music. When performing, nasal breathing, closing of the lips is checked. Inattentive children "pay a fine" - after the game they perform various tasks of the leader.
Game variant : at the signal “Birds are gathering in flocks”, push the lower jaw (“beak”) forward.

"To make a child smart and reasonable,

make him strong and healthy"

J.J. Ruso


Raising healthy, beautifully built children is no easy task. Health is the foundation of our life, without health it is impossible to fully study and work. After all, a healthy person is successful in everything.

In today's world, it is difficult for children to be healthy. Many people do not value their health, do not care about it. Teachers and parents face three challenges:

1. Preserve and improve the health of children.

2. To form in children, teachers and parents an awareness of the need to take care of health and the need for a proper lifestyle.

3. To develop and correctly use the forces of health given to us by life.

To accomplish the second task, one must know the conditions of life reality well, adhere to the basics of a healthy lifestyle.

It has been established that the main cause of all diseases of modern children is rooted in the lifestyle of the family. If we learn to avoid the environmentally harmful effects of the natural environment on our body, create favorable living conditions, then we will be provided with good health for many years to come.

To fulfill the third task - to learn how to use the forces of one's health correctly - a person needs to know his purpose, meaning and purpose of his life.

Health is as contagious as disease. “To infect with health” is the goal of my work.

Proper organization of learning makes it possible to prevent overload and fatigue in preschoolers and younger students, and also helps children realize the importance of maintaining health.

Explanatory note

Educational and methodological recommendations "Health games for children of preschool and primary school age" are focused on understanding the essence of perfection as the most important component of human culture, which ensures that children master the opportunities given to them by nature to improve health.

The problem of children's health is relevant today more than ever. Only a healthy child can successfully learn.

These guidelines are compiled in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Standard and help to ensure the preservation of the physical health of students, and also provides the basis for self-organization of a healthy lifestyle. Currently, there is a rapid increase in the number of diseases of the musculoskeletal system - postural disorders, flat feet, etc.

At preschool age, posture has not yet been formed; adverse factors most strongly affect children during the period of rapid growth (5-7 years). Flat feet is also a violation of the musculoskeletal system. Posture is the pillar of our body, and any developmental defect can be reflected in posture. At preschool age, the foot is in the stage of intensive growth, its formation is not completed, therefore, any adverse external influences can lead to the occurrence of certain functional abnormalities. Insufficient development of the muscles and ligaments of the feet has a bad effect on the development of many movements, leads to a decrease in motor activity and can become a serious obstacle to recovery.

Therefore, there was a need to develop methodological material that would help parents and teachers of physical education to organize work aimed at the maximum correction of dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system. Only a systematic approach to the organization of physical culture and correctional activities will effectively carry out the correction of violations in the development of the child.

The main directions of the system of physical culture and correctional measures in work with children with impaired functions of the musculoskeletal system are:

· Acquaintance with the basics of a healthy lifestyle and educating the need for it;

· satisfaction of the child's natural biological need for movement;

· implementation of the correction of existing disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

· formation of correct posture;

· strengthening the muscles involved in the formation of the arch of the foot;

· development and training of all body systems through optimal physical activity.

One of the ways to combat this disease is preventive measures to improve the health of preschoolers and younger schoolchildren. These are corrective mobile health games.

Outdoor games are the most accessible and effective method of influencing a child. The advantage of outdoor games over strictly metered exercises is that the game is always associated with initiative, fantasy, creativity, flows emotionally, and stimulates motor activity. The game uses natural movement mostly in a fun way. Positive emotions, creativity are the most important factors of recovery.


Health promotion, prevention of clinical and functional abnormalities. The impact of purposeful emotional, physical stress on the child's body with his own active help.


1. Prevention and correction of violations in the state of health of children.

2. Formation of a conscious attitude to health as a condition for a full life.

When choosing a game, the age of the children, the state of health, the degree of physical fitness of the children are taken into account.


· Games for violation of posture.

· Games with flat feet.

· Games when the body is weakened (frequent colds, respiratory disease).

· Games for muscle hypotension.

The methodological basis for the development of these recommendations is a three-component model health is the unity of the mental, physical and moral in a person.

The need for physical activity of children of preschool and primary school age is very high. Restriction of activity at this age can lead to mental and speech development of the child. It is important to encourage various forms of physical activity: outdoor and sports games, exercises for the development of vital movements (walking, running, climbing, throwing, balance exercises). In the game you need to use various movements of the arms, legs, torso. It is useful to use music, singing. Each outdoor game should contribute not only to the improvement of certain conditions of movement, but also to the education of the moral qualities of a small citizen.

The attention of children of preschool and primary school age is unstable, so the duration of one game can be increased from 5 to 10-15 minutes.

It must be borne in mind that consecutive games that require concentration of attention tire the child, so games should be combined and combined in such a way that they have a versatile effect on the body.

When playing games, you need to follow some hygiene rules:

1. Before class, children should blow their nose so that nasal breathing is free.

2. It is necessary to pay attention to the accuracy of clothing.

3. Before class, you need to ventilate the room.

During outdoor games with children of preschool and primary school age, it is necessary to pay special attention to the insurance of the child when performing exercises and in cases where there is a risk of falling, bruising, correct the position of the head, torso, limbs. To ensure the formation of the correct posture, limit exercises with various sags, unwinding on the arms, etc., as they put a lot of stress on the joints, ligaments, muscles of the arms, belt, upper limbs, and can lead to narrowing of the chest and stoop. Do not allow a child to jump from a height.

It is necessary to take into account the reaction of children to the game. This is important as games are harder to dose than exercise. In addition to purely physical activity, outdoor games also carry an emotional burden.

Children about posture

Posture is how we sit or stand. Good standing posture means that the shoulders are slightly back, the chest is straightened, and the torso is straight. When we sit, good posture means that our backs are straight and our heads are held high. Look at the wonderful posture of Cinderella or the handsome Prince from a fairy tale! But the Gray Wolf has a bad one: he is all bent over, his back is a wheel, and his shoulders are pushed forward.

Do you know why good posture is so important? If a person, constantly hunched over, sits at a table or a desk at school, an incorrect posture will become a habit with him over the years, because of this, a not very beautiful figure will form and the look will always be lax. A person with poor posture will always appear shorter than he actually is. When we stand up straight, we look much taller than when we slouch.

Look at the image of the spine and compare how much taller you can look if you maintain good posture, and how much shorter you can look if you stand hunched over or leaning forward.

Correct posture is not only more beautiful, it is also healthier. If you teach yourself to stay straight from childhood, then at an older age you will not be tormented by back pain. This is explained by the fact that bad posture, which has become habitual, leads to overstrain of the muscles, ligaments and tendons that attach to the spine. This tension causes back pain. A person with bad posture cannot become an athlete or a dancer.

Some children develop a disorder called scoliosis. This means that the spine is curved in a zigzag pattern. For some reason, scoliosis occurs more often in girls, but it also occurs in boys.

Many cases of scoliosis can be corrected by regularly performing special gymnastic exercises. In more severe cases, scoliosis cannot be corrected by gymnastics, and the patient is prescribed to wear a corset or put his body in a plaster cast for several months. If these methods do not correct the curvature of the spine - you have to resort to surgery.

Guys, remember the camel. What a humped back he has! Do you know. That the hump of a camel is his camp food supply? With such a "backpack" you can not eat for several days. This is important in the desert.

What if the person has a hunched back? You've probably seen older people with hunched backs. These people from childhood did not follow their posture. And here is the result: the bones and cartilage (discs) of the spine were damaged in this person. Now he does not have a beautiful figure and his back and head hurt. This can happen as early as 10-15 years old, if the spine is not taken care of, its flexibility is not developed.

Help your spine!

1. Do gymnastics every day.

2. Strengthen the muscles of the back and abdomen, develop the flexibility of the spine.

3. Stand and sit as straight as possible.

4. If you sit for a long time, every 15-20 minutes, change your position, stretch. Move your legs and arms.

5. Sleep only on a hard bed with a low pillow.

6. Do not lift large or heavy loads.

7. Do not walk in high heels (while your body is growing).

How to stand?

1. Stand near a smooth wall, connect your heels, lower your arms freely along the body.

2. Touch the wall with your heels, buttocks, shoulder blades.

3. Look ahead.

4. This is the correct, beautiful position of the body when standing.

How to sit correctly?

1. When you sit, keep your torso straight, you can tilt your head slightly forward.

2. Both shoulders should be at the same height.

3. Place both feet on the floor with the whole foot.

Leg disorders

flat feet

This defect in the structure of the foot in children is more common than any other. With flat feet, the arch of the foot is not strong enough and does not form the correct bend. As a result, the entire surface is adjacent to the floor when the child is standing. The cause of flat feet is usually weakness of the muscles of the ligaments of the foot. Wearing the wrong shoes may not cause flat feet in children with normal feet, but if the child has even mild flat feet, then the wrong shoes will worsen the condition of his feet and the flat feet will become more pronounced.

Here's how you can try to get rid of flat feet :

1. Pick up buttons from the floor with your bare toes. Small balls. After holding the ball for a while with your toes, then put it in a bowl on the floor.

2. Stand facing the wall at a distance of 20-30 cm and rest your palms on it. Gently sway back and forth without lifting your soles and heels off the floor.

3. To correct flat feet, orthopedic doctors advise wearing arch support insoles or special orthopedic shoes.

Sometimes flat feet do not bring any trouble, in other cases, the feet and legs of a child with flat feet hurt from physical exertion. Regardless of whether the child's legs hurt or not, he does not need to refrain from active games. On the contrary, with flat feet, it is recommended to run and jump as much as possible. Physical training strengthens the weak muscles and ligaments of the foot and helps to get rid of flat feet.

Rules for children

When walking:

1. You need to walk, stepping from heel to toe, with a light, vigorous, springy step.

2. Do not spread your legs too wide apart and do not turn your socks out too much.

3. Make free movements with your hands - back and forth.

4. Look a few steps ahead.

When running:

1. Do not strain your arms, do not lift your shoulders high and do not clench your fingers into a fist.

2. Do not tilt your head back and do not tilt forward.

3. Start running at a slow pace. Having outlined a point in front of you, try to look at it all the time, run on your toes.

4. Good short-distance runners take long strides.

Useful exercises for the foot "Funny legs"

1. Keeping your heels on the floor, raise your toes as high as you can.

2. Alternately, with the toes of each foot, lift the rope from the floor.

3. Standing with toes on the board, heels on the floor, rise on your toes and lower on your heels.

4. Lying on the bed, bend and straighten your feet.

5. Walk barefoot.

6. Walk on your heels back - forward.

7. Walk alternately on your heels (8 steps) and on your toes (8 steps).

How to take care of your feet

Human feet have a hard time. They are loaded much more than the paws of four-legged animals, because a person has only two legs to support the weight of the whole body. In order for a person to walk and run, both legs must be healthy, while animals can run on three legs if one of them is out of order for some reason.

It is important that an orthopedist checks the condition of the child's legs from time to time. The doctor will immediately notice any deviation from the norm and prescribe treatment.

Children love to run barefoot around the house and down the street. This brings undoubted benefits if the following rules are followed:

· do not walk barefoot on the floor, if the house is cold - you can catch a cold.

· do not run barefoot down the street where there is broken glass, nails or other objects that can injure or splinter your leg:

· on a hot day, do not run on hot asphalt, you can burn your feet.

How to protect and take care of your feet

1. If the shoes are too tight. So you've grown out of it. Do not wear shoes or boots that are too small for you.

2. If you often experience skin irritation on your heels, then the shoes are too big.

3. If you have a callus on your big toe, then you probably need wider shoes.

4. Toenails, and especially the thumbnail, should always be cut straight without rounding the corners.

5. Feet should be washed thoroughly every day. Dirty feet carry germs that can enter the body and cause disease.


We are often surprised by how much energy our children have! No wonder they say that inside they have "perpetual motion machine, perpetual runner, perpetual jumper." Unfortunately, adults often cannot stand the activity of children and get annoyed: “Sit still, don’t turn around, don’t run, don’t jump!...” But the brain of a child (especially of preschool age) receives nutrition and oxygen precisely when the child moves. I hope that the proposed games and exercises will help direct children's energy in the right direction.

Movement is life, development!

Move, play with children and be healthy and happy!

Corrective games and exercises

Motor activity is the biological activity of the body, on the degree of satisfaction, which determines the health of children, not only their physical, but also their general development.

The game is a treasure trove of human culture. The teacher can offer the children a game of their own choice or play with the children in the game that the children themselves offer. When choosing a game, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the children, their age, the degree of motor activity, the level of motor skills, and the place where the game is held. Some children, on their own initiative, move a lot, love active games. Other guys prefer quiet sedentary games. Both overly active and inactive children need help in organizing outdoor games.

Each age and body type has its own motor capabilities.

Each game has certain rules that each participant must follow. Today's children know few games. Therefore, taking into account the individual characteristics of children, they must first be taught, introduced to the rules of a particular game, helped to organize themselves so that in the future children can play games on their own.

An important role in the correction or prevention of violations of posture, flat feet, as well as the improvement of children of preschool and primary school age is played by outdoor games and physical exercises at home, on a walk. During free movement. Games are used to normalize muscle tone and develop strength qualities.

1. "Divers"

Children stand in a circle, holding hands. The facilitator announces: “We are all divers, we go in a circle, and I count: 1,2,3, etc. If you hear the number 3, then squat (divers plunged into the water). If I don't say the number 3, then we're going in circles."

2. "Grandma from Brazil"

All players stand in a circle (facing the center of the circle). The host shows the movements: jumps, movements of the arms, legs, head, which are accompanied by the phrases: “I have a grandmother in Brazil”, “she has such a head”, “she has such a hand”, “she jumps and screams”, “ I am the most beautiful grandmother in the world."

3. "Come on, tell me!"

The children are sitting on the bench. Every child has a sheet under their feet. It is necessary to grab this sheet with the fingers of one foot, never dropping it, to bring it by any means to the opposite end of the hall. Repeat the same with the other leg.

4. "Kach-Kach"

Children lie on the floor, on their backs, legs extended. At the signal of the educator, the feet are swayed to the sides (to the right and left), they are bent and unbent. The movements are accompanied by the words: "Kach-kach." Repeat 2-6 times.

5. "Spruce, Christmas tree, Christmas tree"

The teacher invites the children to go to the forest. “There are tall fir trees in the forest, stand exactly like these slender fir trees, stretch, straighten up.” Children stop, take a pose of correct posture (head, torso, legs are straight, arms are spread slightly to the sides - these are branches, palms forward). "Let's go further into the forest, see if the tall spruce has sisters?" Children walk around the hall "Here are the sisters of the Christmas trees, they are shorter, but also slender, beautiful." The teacher invites the children to stand up like Christmas trees - to take the correct posture, but in a half-squat. “Come, children, let's look for more sisters of firs. Here they are, very small, but daring - beautiful and also slender. The teacher asks the children to become small Christmas trees. Children squat down, head straight, back straight, hands slightly apart with palms to the sides. Repeat 3-4 times.

6. "Frog"

The child sits on his haunches, leaning on his hands (on all fours). The teacher grabs him by the belt and encourages him to straighten his bent legs (first one, then the other, then both legs at the same time), for a moment the child leans only on his hands (with the help of an adult). Repeat 3-4 times.

7. "Where are the legs?"

Children lie on their backs, stretching their straight, closed legs, raise their socks and at the same time their head, look at their legs at the expense of 1-2-3-4. Then slowly lower the head to the mat, then the legs. An adult controls the position of the child's spine, which should be pressed against the mat with his whole back.

8. "Train with watermelons"

The game is played while sitting on the floor. The players sit in a circle. Children pass the ball to each other in turn (the teacher stands behind the circle), he takes the ball from the children. It was "loading watermelons on the train." Children make circular movements with their hands, saying: "choo-choo-choo." The train is moving in 2 minutes. The train stops. Children say: "Sh-Sh-Sh." After that, the “unloading of watermelons” begins - the same movements as during the “loading”. When pronouncing the sound "Sh-Sh-Sh", the lips fold into a tube.

9. "Chickens"

The children stand, leaning lower, freely hanging their “wings” arms and lowering their heads. They say: “tah-tah-tah”, at the same time slapping their knees - exhale, straightening up, raise their hands to their shoulders - inhale. “Chickens murmur at night. They beat their wings "tah-tah" (exhale) Let's raise our hands to our shoulders (inhale). Then let's omit - "tah"

10. "Warm-up"

We kick top top. We clap-clap!

We are eyes in a moment. We shoulders chik-chik.

One - here, two - there, turn around.

Once - sit down. Two - got up. Everyone raised their hands up.

They sat down, they got up, they sat down, they got up, they seemed to become Vanka-vstanka.

They pressed their hands to the body and began to do jumps.

11. Finger game "Castle"

There is a padlock on the door. Who could open it ? (twist fingers together)

Pulled. Twisted. They knocked and opened. (pull the arms to the sides without disengaging the fingers, circular movements with the hands, fingers interlaced, tapping the “lock” on the knees, disengaging the fingers, spreading the arms to the sides)

12. Posture

Stop pulling your back. You have to lie down and rest.

Well, are we lying down? We'll take a look at that.

The heels, shoulders, shoulder blades lie exactly.

The back is flat, straight, but could be curved.

It's good for us to rest, but it's time to get up!

Squeeze your fists tighter, lift them higher.

Everyone sat down, stretched, stretched, smiled!

Now it's time for us to get up, our cheerful day to continue.

13. "To the watering place"

On a hot day, the animals went to the watering place along the forest path. (follow each other)

I stomped after my mother Moose ... .. (calf) (walk in stomping steps)

Sneaked after mom Fox ... .. (fox) (walk on tiptoe)

For mom Hedgehog rolled ... .. (hedgehog) (go in a squat)

Behind Mom Bear walked ... .. (bear cub) (go on the outer arch of the foot)

They rode for mother Squirrel ... .. (squirrels) (jump up)

Behind Mom Hare oblique ... .. (hare) (jump on two legs)

The she-wolf led ... .. (wolf cubs) (walk with a wide stride)

All mothers and children want to get drunk ... .. (kneel down, relying on hands, “lacking”)

14. Finger game "Pies"

One, two, three, four, deftly kneaded the dough. (squeeze, unclench fingers)

We rolled mugs and blinded pies, (circular movements palm on palm)

Pies with filling: sweet raspberry, (alternately clapping one hand on the other)

Carrots and cabbage are very, very tasty.

They took it out of the oven, began to treat everyone. (stretch hands forward showing palms)

15. "Grandma Malanya"

At Malania, at the old woman,

lived in a small hut. (they walk around the grandmother standing in the center)

Seven sons, seven daughters. (perform movements showing grandmother)

All without eyelashes, all without eyebrows, with such ears,

With such eyes, with such a long and snub-nosed nose,

With such a head, with such a beard,

They didn’t eat anything, they looked at her, they did it like this.

16. "Let's play with the Bear"

Teddy bear, Teddy bear, stop sleeping, stop sleeping!

We want to play with you, Mishka, play!

You catch up with the funny kids, catch up!

Come on, Mishka, come on, Mishka, catch us! Catch us!

17. "Children and forest dwellers"

(children walk in a circle)

They see a fleet-footed gray hare galloping across the lawn. (a bunny jumps into the middle of the circle)

And now the bunny was threatened with a finger: (children wag their fingers at him)

"Run away, baby, hurry! And don't be afraid of the children! (the bunny gets back into the circle)

Children walked through the forest, looking for berries in the grass. (go around in circles)

They see that a red-haired girlfriend came out to the edge of the fox. (the fox runs into the circle)

Everyone clapped their hands and said to her more sternly:

“You fox, run away and don’t scare the kids!” (the fox stands in a circle)

Children walked through the forest, looking for berries in the grass.

They see a wolf stalking. He clicks and clicks with his teeth.

All the guys trembled and ran away from the wolf.

Friends run fast, it is impossible to catch up with them.

18. "Mishka went out to the meadow"

Mishka went out into the meadow, we all gathered in a circle.

The bear claps his hands, he is so good with us.

Clap with Misha guys

Come on, together: one, two, three ... And now - freeze!

Mishka went out into the meadow, we all gathered in a circle.

The bear runs like the wind - he is the fastest in the world.

Hey guys, catch up!

The bear went out into the meadow, we all gathered in a circle.

The bear is crawling! Which one of you will catch up with him?

Come on, kids, don't be shy!

Come on, together: one, two, three ... And now - freeze!

The bear went out into the meadow, we all gathered in a circle.

The bear laughs merrily, he is so good with us!

Laugh with Misha, guys.

Come on, together: one, two, three ... And now - freeze!

19. "Hedgehog"

Here the hedgehog curled up into a ball, because he was cold.

(lying on their backs, children wrap their arms around their bent legs to their chest, exhaling deeply)

The ray touched the hedgehog, the hedgehog stretched sweetly.

(children stretch, take a deep breath)

Repeat 5-6 times.

20. "Mower"

The mower goes to mow the stubble. Zu-zu-zu-zu-zu.

Come mow with me. Zu-zu-zu-zu-zu.

We swing to the right, and then we swing to the left.

And that's how we handle the stubble.

21. "Do not confuse"

On the right is a quiet clearing, on the left is a fast river.

We turned around, and now it's the other way around:

On the left is a quiet clearing, on the right is a fast river,

Has my left hand become right?

We turned around, and now it's the other way around:

This is the right hand, this is the left hand

On the right is a quiet clearing, on the left is a fast river.

One two Three! One two Three! Find your side!

22. "Rails, rails"

Children play in pairs, one child lies on his stomach with his hands under his chin, and the other makes different movements with his hands on his back. Then they change places.

Rails, rails. (longitudinal movements with the ribs of the palms up the back of the lying person)

Sleepers, sleepers. (transverse movements with the ribs of the palms along the back up)

The train was running late. (light tapping on the back up)

Peas were waking up from the last carriage.

(jerky touches with the fingertips of the back)

Chickens came, pecked, pecked. (tapping fingertips on the back)

Geese came, nibbled, nibbled. (pinching fingers on back)

Horses came, galloped, galloped. (light tapping on the back with fists)

An elephant came, trampled, trampled. (with a fist with effort to press in different places of the back)

An elephant came, trampled, trampled. (same with less effort)

An elephant came, trampled, trampled. (same abruptly, with less force)

Mice came running, ran, ran. (run your fingertips along your back)

The snakes crawled, crawled, crawled. (stroking with the whole palm on the back up)

The janitor came, swept everything, swept, swept. (with fingertips lightly touching the back)

23. "Guess the drawing on the back"

One child lies on his stomach, hands under his chin, and the other draws different drawings on his back with his fingers. It is necessary to guess what they have drawn for you, then they change places.

24. "Salting cabbage"

We chop cabbage, chop, (movements with straight palms up and down)

We salt-salt cabbage, (put fingers in a pinch, salt)

We three or three cabbage (rub the fist of one hand on the fist of the other)

We press cabbage, we press, (clench and unclench fists)

We three or three carrots, (movements of fists away from themselves)

And then. We put cabbage in our mouths.

We are funny monkeys, we play too loudly.

We clap our hands, we stomp our feet,

We puff out our cheeks, we jump on our toes,

And even to each other, we will show our tongues,

Let's jump together to the ceiling, stick out our ears,

Let's put the foot to the mouth,

Tail on top,

We will open our mouths wider, we will make grimaces.

How do I say "one, two, three" ----- all freeze with grimaces!

26. "Warm-up"

Stretching the lower back, we will not be in a hurry.

Turn left and right, look at your neighbor.

To become even smarter, we twist our neck a little.

One and two, one and two, dizzy.

One, two, three, four, five. We need to stretch our legs.

Finally, everyone knows how to always walk in place.

27. "Don't drop the bag"

Walking on toes, heels, on the outside of the foot, with a bag on the head. Squatting with a bag on your head. Sit on the floor, put your legs forward, holding the bag on your head. Repeat 6-8 times.

28. "Swinging chair"

Lie on your back, bending your knees, press their chests, clasp your knees with your hands, raise your head. Swing on your back to the right, to the left. Pause. Repeat 3 times.

29. "Kayaking"

Sitting on the floor, legs bent at the knees. Pushing off with their hands and feet from the floor, they "floated".

30. Caterpillar

Get on all fours, pull your knees to your hands, keeping your feet on the floor. And then rearrange both hands at the same time forward, as far as possible. And move like a caterpillar.

31. "Kitty"

Get on all fours with support on your knees and hands. “The cat is angry” - the back is round, lower the head as low as possible. “Kind kitty - bend your back, raise your head.

32. Kalachi

“Kachi-kachi-kachi-kachi. Do it, my friend kalach.

(sitting on the floor, hands in support behind, legs together, pull your legs towards you, wrap your arms around them)

33. "Cat and kittens"

How our cat's guys grew up

(standing on all fours, bend and arch your back)

The guys have grown up, fluffy kittens.

(kneeling, stretch your hand up, sit on your heels)

The backs are arched, the tail is played,

(standing on all fours, stand up straightening your knees)

And on their paws, sharp scratches,

(I.p. the same, raise the right and left hands in turn)

They love to wash themselves, scratch their ears with their paws

(sitting on the floor, foot "scratch" behind the ear)

And lick your tummy

Everyone lay down on the side and curled up in a ball.

And then they bent the backs, climbed everything into the baskets.

34. "A goat is walking through the forest"

A goat is walking through the forest, through the forest. (all children walk in a circle and sing)

Found a goat princess, princess. (choose one of the children)

Come on, goat, let's jump, let's jump. (jump on two legs)

And we kick our legs, we kick. (Jumps, putting alternately one leg forward)

And clap, clap, clap.

And with our feet we stomp, we stomp, we stomp. (then another "goat" is chosen)

35. "Journey to the Forest"

Hello forest, beautiful forest, (spread arms wide apart)

Full of fairy tales and wonders! (turns to the right - to the left with outstretched arms)

What are you talking about with foliage, dark, stormy night.

(hands up, swaying left and right)

Who is hiding in your wilderness? What kind of animal? What bird? (look into the distance, imitate)

Open everything, don't hide it. (spread arms wide apart, raise shoulders, lower)

You see - we are ours, (bring your palms to your chest, spread your arms to the sides)

As soon as we entered the forest, mosquitoes appeared.

(imitate bites, brush off mosquitoes)

We already know how to jump, we will jump more boldly. (long jump)

Behind now the water! We raise our hands higher, breathe evenly and easily.

The wind is blowing in our faces, the tree is swaying. (imitate)

The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter - the tree is higher, higher. (imitate by text)

One - squat, two - jump. This is a rabbit load.

And the cubs, when they wake up, like to stretch. (rub eyes, blink, stretch)

Be sure to yawn, and wag your tail. (imitate)

And the cubs - bend their backs and lightly jump. (imitate)

Well, the bear is clubfoot, paws wide apart,

Now one, then both together, marking time.

And to whom charging is not enough - we start all over again.

36. "Cat"

Be careful like a cat

From the sofa to the window, I'll walk on tiptoes.

I'll lie down and curl up in a ring.

Now it's time to wake up, stretch, stretch.

I will easily jump off the sofa, I will arch the back.

And now I'm sneaking like a cat, I'll bend my back a little.

I drink milk from a saucer with my tongue.

With a paw, I will wash the breast and tummy like a cat.

And again I will curl up like a cat near a warm stove.

37. "Kittens"

The kittens woke up, stretched together.

They turned from side to side, floundered.

The cat showed its paws and scratched behind the ear.

The cat with a tail played, hissed and snorted.

The cat arched its back and quietly sat down in the basket.

The cat licked his mouth, quietly "Meow" he said.

38. Soup back massage

Chiki-chiki-chiki-scha, here's cabbage for borscht. (clap hands)

I will crumble potatoes, beets, carrots, (tap the ribs of the palms)

Half a head of an onion, and a clove of garlic. (beat fists)

Chiki-chok-chiki-chok - and the borsch is ready. (pinching fingers)

39. Game "Do so"

If you eat fish, do this: “Moore! Moore! (licking)

If you eat fish, then do not hide a smile in your mustache.

If you eat fish, do this: “Moore! Moore!

The dog is meeting you - the sworn enemy - do this: “Fyr! Fyr! (puff out cheeks)

The dog is meeting you - the sworn enemy - give him a paw in the face.

The dog is meeting you - the sworn enemy - do so “Fyr! Fyr!

Here the pussy catches the mouse - do this: “Tsap - scratch!”

If a pussy catches a mouse, give her a sausage for that.

Here the pussy catches the mouse - do it like this: “Tsap - scratch!”

If people love a cat, do this “Kiss! Kis!

If people love a cat, the cat will be a true friend.

If people love a cat, do this: “Kiss! Kis!

40. Foot massage "Hammers" »

Hammers pounded in the workshop again. (sitting on the floor, rub your feet with your palms)

We are ready to fix shoes for everyone. (tap fist on foot)

Knock - knock - knock - knock - a knock is heard everywhere. (flex toes)

There is no melancholy in our work: our hammers (vigorously run fingers along the foot)

Hammer thin nails into heels (scratching fingers on foot)

Strength, shoemaker, do not be sorry. Get the pads

And we will put new soles on the glue.

Children about eyes

Today, myopia is widespread throughout the world. According to scientists - hygienists, every fifth suffers from this disease. Through vision, we receive information about the world around us.

Our eye is very similar to a camera. The eye lies in the dimple, as in a mink, it is called the eye socket. The shape of the eye is round, like an apple, which is why they say the eyeball. The black circle in the center of the eye is the pupil. We say to see, but in the old days they said to see. From this word came the name pupil. The pupil is black. The colored ring around the pupil is called the iris. It depends on the color of your eyes. If you look into each other's eyes, they are different and beautiful. The eyes are called the mirror of the soul (they reflect the state of a person).

And when we feel very bad or we cut onions, tears flow from our eyes. What are tears for? (for our eyes to work properly, the shell is clean and moist) We blink our eyes every 6 seconds. And every time, a tear fills my eye. And if a mote gets into the eye, tears flow in a stream, they flow to wash the mote out of the eye. Our eyes reliably protect the eyelids, eyebrows, eyelashes. But there are many dangers to the eyes - injuries, microbes.

Cleanliness is very important for the eyes. When washing, you need to rinse thoroughly and, but you can not rub much.

General execution rules

eye training exercises

1. Exercises are best to start with simple movements, gradually increasing their complexity and speed.

2. Never make an effort to see an object, except in the exercises where specifically stated.

3. During the exercise, you need to breathe deeply.

4. The eye must be in constant motion - as provided by nature.

5. In almost all exercises, you need to blink.

6. Do the exercise little by little, but more often.

7. Try to include exercises of all types in your complex.

8. It is necessary to gradually increase the time of a single workout to 10-15 minutes, starting from 3-5 minutes, to conduct 2-3 workouts a day.

Visual Pause Exercises

1. Look straight into the distance for 2-3 seconds, look at the tip of your finger in front of your eyes at a distance of 25-30 cm and look at it for 2-3 seconds. Repeat 5-6 times.

2. Close your eyes tightly for 3-5 seconds, and then open them for the same time. Repeat 6-8 times.

3. Blink quickly for 10-12 seconds. Open your eyes, relax. Repeat 3 times.

4. Close your eyes, with the pads of three fingers, lightly press on the upper eyelids. Repeat 4 times.

5. Close your eyes, perform circular movements with your eyeballs for 10-15 seconds. Repeat 2 times.

6. "Through your fingers"

Bend your elbows, open your fingers. Make smooth turns of your head left and right, while looking through your fingers, into the distance, and not at them. Hands should “swim” past you, it should seem to you that they are moving.

7. Movement of the eyeballs: eyes to the right-up, left-down, right-down, eyes left-down. Repeat 3-4 times. Close your eyes, rest.

8. Close your eyes tightly squeezing the eyelids, open as wide as possible. Repeat 3-4 times.

9. Only the eyes work, keep the head straight, look to the right, left, down, up.

10. The children's eyes are tired (blink eyes)

Look everyone out the window (look left-right)

Oh, how high the sun (look up)

We'll close our eyes now (close eyes with hands)

Let's build a rainbow with our eyes

Let's go up the rainbow (look at the rainbow up-right, up-left)

And then we roll down, squint hard, but hold on,

(close your eyes, open and blink them)

11. "Letter by the nose"

The tip of the nose is a pen with which to write. Close your eyes and draw pictures, letters, etc. with your nose.

12. Sitting, look at the end of the finger of an outstretched hand located along the midline of the face. Slowly bring your finger closer, without taking your eyes off, until the finger begins to double.

13. Close the eyelids, massage them with light circular movements of the finger, 20-30 seconds.

14. Close your eyes tightly for 3-5 seconds. Then open 3-5 sec. Repeat 6-8 times.

15. Sit with closed eyes, relaxing the muscles of the face, 10-15 seconds.

16. Look into the distance for 2-3 seconds, blink quickly for 4-5 seconds. Repeat 8-10 times.

17. Follow with your eyes the slow circular movements of the finger of your right hand clockwise at a distance of 40-50 cm from the eyes. The same change of hand and direction. Repeat 4-6 times.

18. Look into the distance in front of you for 2-3 seconds. Look at the tip of the nose and hold for 3-5 seconds. Repeat 6-8 times.

19. "Reading at a Distance"

Set the book in a sufficiently lit place, approach it at a good visibility distance and, reading the text slowly, move away, trying to keep the blurry letters. When you feel that it is impossible to read, you should immediately get closer just enough so that it is again distinguishable. When performing the exercise, you can not squint.

20. "Curious Barabara"

Curious Barabara (raise and lower shoulders)

Looking right, looking left. (eyes roll over text)

Looks up, looks down. (eyes turn over the text)

Slightly sat down on the ledge, and rolled down from it.

21. Look at the tip of your nose until you feel tired. Then relax for 5-6 seconds.

22. Blink quickly, close your eyes, relax, make 3-4 circular movements with your eyes to the right side, the same amount to the left side. Relax your eye muscles.

23. Tilt to the right side, blink with the right eye. The same to the left.

24. Imagine a rotating hoop in front of you, marking a certain point on it, watch the rotation of this point.

25. "Eye Interaction"

From paper in a cage, you need to make two strips, on one of which, one cell in size, draw “+”, on the other “0”. We hold the image "+" in one hand, and "0" in the other. By moving them relative to each other, spreading and shifting, bringing them closer and further away from the eyes, the child must achieve the fusion of the image. Then it is necessary to slowly move apart to the sides and move away from the eyes until they diverge.

26. "Moving the gaze with closed eyes"

Close your eyes, relax your brows. Slowly, feeling the tension of the eye muscles, move your eyes to the extreme left position. Slowly, with tension, move your eyes to the extreme right position. Repeat 10 times.

27. "Two Clowns"

Guys, imagine that you are in a circus. (open eyes wide, surprised)

There are two clowns in the arena, we will portray them.

Cheerful clown (children smile, laugh, make faces, play with their eyes)

Sad clown (lower shoulders, make sad eyes, bat eyelashes)

Repeat 5-6 times.

28. "Finger"

The finger jumped to the right, each finger saw.

(eyes follow to the right)

Finger jumped to the left, everyone saw with a glance. ----------

(track eyes to the left)

Finger to the right, finger to the left.

Oh, what a bold finger of ours!

The finger jumps up and down, look at the finger.

The finger hid from us, we do not need to open our eyes.

29. Eyes

We look to the right - nobody, we look to the left - nobody.

One - two, one - two - dizzy. (eye circles)

The eyes were closed, the eyes rested.

As we open our eyes, we look up: yes - yes - yes.

Lower your eyes down, raise them up again.

Stroke your eyes with your fingers, it's time to rest.

Eye massage

Eye massage enhances blood circulation, improves metabolism in the tissues of the eyes. Before massage, rub your palm against your palm well. This will revitalize the blood circulation in the hands and keep them warm.

Acupressure is performed by pressing with the thumb or forefinger. The fingers are not placed vertically - they press with a pad, without rubbing movements, but the direction of pressure should be strictly vertical. The duration of impact on the point is 9 turns clockwise and 9 turns counterclockwise.

1. With three fingers of both hands (index, middle, ring) in a circular motion, rub the forehead along the entire height from the bridge of the nose to the temples, then stroke. Repeat 2-3 times.

2. With three fingers of both hands we press on the eyebrows from the bridge of the nose to the temples. Repeat 3-5 times.

Stop at the highest part of the eyebrow and massage this point. Is she sick? This is the eye point. Do not move the skin, but only press the eyebrows to the bone.

3. Grab the eyebrows with the thumb and forefinger and, slightly pulling them away, squeeze between the fingers, and then release. We start moving near the bridge of the nose and continue to the temples. Repeat 3-5 times.

4. Massage the temples in a circular motion with two fingers (index and middle) in one direction or the other 9 times.

5. With three fingers of both hands, with pressing movements, go along the upper edge of the cheekbone from the bridge of the nose to the temples 3-5 times. Pressure must be applied from the bottom up.

6. Do the same with the lower edge of the cheekbone, directing the movement from the temples to the bridge of the nose.

7. Massage the points at the inner edge of the incision of the eyes (near the bridge of the nose) with circular movements 7-9 times in both directions.

8. Massage the pits at the tragus of the ears 9 times in one direction and 9 times in the other direction.

9. With a fork of the index and middle fingers of both hands, rub well in front of and behind the ears.

10. Thoroughly knead the earlobes with your thumbs and forefingers, and then rub the edges of the auricles from top to bottom.

11. Use your index fingers to rub the top curls of the ears.

12. Lightly pat your fingertips around the eyes, along the edges of the eye sockets, along the bridge of the nose - in the place where the glasses would be, as well as on the side of the temples.

13. Extend the patting massage to the forehead and chewing muscles and finally to the back of the head.

14. Lightly pat on the base of the skull, on the ears.

15. Finish the massage by stroking from the center outward.

16. "Undress the bow"

They took off their thin frock coat, took off their red shirt. (rubbing fingers)

They took off the yellow shirt, everyone around cried. (closing eyes, stroking them)

This is how we undressed onions in the kitchen yesterday. (blink eyes often)

Breathing exercises

Most often, people do not think about how they breathe, and how important proper breathing is for their health. The normal supply of oxygen to the blood, as well as the rhythm of the heart and blood circulation in the body, depend on breathing. Even a slight lack of oxygen reduces the efficiency of the brain, often causing a headache.

The first and most important condition for proper breathing is to breathe through the nose. When breathing through the nose, cold air is warmed, freed from dust. In addition, the dry air in the nose is humidified, and the secretions of the nasal mucosa have a detrimental effect on the microbes in the air. Thus, the air enters the deep respiratory tract cleaned of microbes and dust, warmed and moist.

Breathing through the mouth is more shallow, so the body receives less oxygen. In cold weather, such breathing can cause cooling of the airways and lead to colds.

In order to preserve and strengthen health, it is necessary to persistently develop the habit of correct breathing - to breathe through the nose, deeply, evenly. Rhythmically.

Each person must learn to breathe correctly and master breathing exercises. It is necessary to breathe with all the lungs, and not just with the diaphragm, or the tops of the lungs.

Breathing exercises are contraindicated after meals and at bedtime, as they excite the nervous system. Exercises are carried out in a well-ventilated room.

Respiratory gymnastics increases a person's working capacity, protects him from many diseases, including pulmonary and cardiac diseases.

Our main task is to teach children to breathe through the nose, to strengthen the diaphragm of the lungs.

Preventive exercises for the upper respiratory tract

1. "Watch"

I.P. - legs in a narrow jay, arms lowered. Making swings with straight arms back and forth, pronounce “tic-tac”. Repeat 6-8 times.

2. "Rooster"

I.P. - legs apart, arms to the sides. Clap your hands on your hips, exhaling, say “ku-ka-re-ku”.

3. "The balloon burst"

I.P. - legs in a narrow stance, arms lowered. Spread your arms to the sides - inhale. Clap in front of you - exhale at the sound of sh-sh-sh-sh.

4. "Deep breathing"

Make 8 - 10 breaths and exhalations through the right (left) nostril, in turn pinching it with your index finger.

5. "Weightlifters"

Quickly pull the stomach inward, at the same time exhaling sharply through the nose.

6. "Controller"

I.P. - legs in a wide stance, one arm raised up, the other - to the side. Change the position of the hands with a sharp movement (inhale). Change the position of the hands again (exhale).

7. "Drum"

When inhaling through the nose, resist the incoming air by pressing on the wings of the nose with your fingers. During a long exhalation, the resistance should be variable due to tapping on the wings of the nose.

8. "Trumpeter"

Standing, squeeze your hands into a tube, raise your hands up - inhale, say “p-f-f-f” as you slowly exhale, at the end of the breath. Repeat 3 times.

"Whistle" sitting, in one hand a glass of water, and in the other a plastic tube. Inhale through the tube, exhale into the glass with the sound "oooo". Repeat 3 times.

9. "Belly breathing »

Hands on the stomach, inhale and exhale through the nose. Hands behind your back, inhale and exhale through your nose.

10. Woodcutter

Standing, hands above the head are folded in the "castle" - inhale. As you exhale, lean forward with the sound “uuuuuh”, imitating an ax blow. Repeat 3 times.

11. "Helicopter"

I.P. - feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides. Inhale deeply, without changing the position of the hands, turn to the right - exhale, return to I.P. - inhale, the same to the left. Repeat 4-5 times.

12. "Hello sunshine"

I.P. - Feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind the back lowered. Slowly raise your arms up, sliding along the body, arms wider than shoulders, raise your head up - inhale, return to I.P. - exhale.

13. "Fungus"

I.P. - deep squat, hands clasping the knees (small fungus). Slowly straighten up, spreading your arms to the sides and slightly moving your head back, inhale (the fungus has grown). Repeat 6-8 times.

14. "Clapperboard"

I.P. - feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides. Inhale deeply, lean forward, clap your hands on your knees - exhale. Return to I.P. - breath. Repeat 4-5 times.

15. "Butterflies"

Each child takes a “butterfly” attached to a stick by a string and blows on it.

16. "Blow off the balloon"

Children put a balloon in front of them and at the same time begin to blow on it. Whose ball is next.

17. "Echo"

Get it together, kids! (children: Ra! Ra!)

The game starts. (children: Ra! Ra!)

Don't feel sorry for the palms! (children: Lei! Lei!)

Hit your hands more fun! (children: Lei! Lei!)

What time is it (children: An hour! An hour!)

How much will it be in an hour? (children: An hour! An hour!)

And it's not true: there will be two! (children: Two! Two!)

Think, think, head! (children: Wa! Wa!)

How does the rooster sing in the village? (children: Wow! Wow!)

Yes, not an owl, but a rooster ?! (children: Wow! Wow!)

Are you sure it is? (children: So! So!)

But really how? (children: How! How!)

Is it an ear or a nose? (children: Nose! Nose!)

Or maybe some hay? (children: Woz! Woz!)

Is it an elbow or an eye? (children: Eye! Eye!)

Are you always good? (children: Yes! Yes!)

Or only sometimes? (children: Yes! Yes!)

Tired of answering? (children: Chat! Chat!)

I allow you to be silent.

18. "Let's blow"

Blow on the shoulder, blow on the other.

The sun hotly baked us during the daytime.

We blow on the stomach, as the pipe becomes a mouth,

and now to the clouds and stop for now.

19. "Snowflakes"

Children are divided into two groups: "snowflakes" and "winds". "Winds" stand aside, and "snowflakes" scatter all over the site. The leader says: "The winds are blowing." "Winds" begin to blow "sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh". "Snowflakes" are spinning on toes, the presenter says: "Frost." “Snowflakes squat with their hands around their knees, saying “ah-ah-ah”. The host again says: "Wind." Children without straining blow "fu-fu-fu-fu-fu". "Snowflakes" smoothly fly on toes. Then the teams switch roles.

20. "Rain"

This hour, we will turn into a cloud (legs wide, arms in a semicircle above our heads, cheeks puffed out). It starts to rain, drip-drip-drip-drip (we blow off our cheeks and exhale). The rain is getting faster, the rain is over, smelled what fresh air.

21. "Blow out the candle"

Children stand opposite each other, forming a wide passage. An adult carries a lit candle along the formed corridor. The children try to blow out the candle.

22. "Bees"

The bees sit in the hives and look out the window.

(crouching on your toes, inhale through your nose, hold your breath)

They wanted to frolic, they flew one after another.

(exhale with the sound "z-z-z-z", running around the hall on toes)

23. "Sea air"

Nose sniffed. (children sniffing)

Smells like sea air. (harsh breath in through the nose)

And we saw the sea, beautiful big.

We breathe sea air. (deep breath through nose)

Breathe through your nose, not your mouth.

We do not raise the shoulders, we help with the stomach.

24. "What happened?"

What's happened? What happened?

Somewhere, something failed?

Did something explode somewhere? (“Bang!”, “Bang!”)

Spilled? ("Bul-Bul-Bul" in one breath)

Shaken? (“Tr-r-r”, hold out the sound “P” for a long time)

It hissed, it rustled. ("Sh-Sh-Sh")

It buzzed, whined. ("Bl-l-l", "U-u-u-u")

It hummed, growled. ("Goo-goo-goo, r-r-r-r")

25. "Accordion" (chest breathing)

Standing, palms on the ribs. Full exhale. A deep breath, the ribs move apart like accordion bellows, the chest does not rise. Retention of breath. Exhale through loosely compressed lips with the pronunciation of the sound "F".

26. "Growl"

(Long growl on the exhale, baring your teeth, bending tense fingers like claws)

Somewhere the dogs were growling "R-R-R!"

In the stall, the cows mooed "MU-MU-MU!"

In the room, the flies were buzzing: "W-W-W-W!"

They ran past the car: “TR-R-R-R!”

All the wires buzzed from the wind: "ZN-ZIN!"

Water dripped from the tap in the kitchen: "Ding!"

The trains called to each other in the night: "U-U-U-U!"

The leaves rustled in the wind: "TS-S-S!"

The snakes in the forest hissed: "SH-SH-SH-SH!"

And the mosquitoes all sang: "Z-Z-Z-Z!"

The fidget ball does not want to calm down day and night: “PA! PAM!

The dolls are coughing in bed - during the day they ate ice cream: “KX! KX!"

27. "Thunder"

Thunder rumbles throughout the district: "R-R-R" - angrily.

Thunder is glad as a friend: "R-R-R" - joyfully.

With a crash, with a roar, it rattles so that everything around trembles: "TR-R-R."

Oh, thunder! Fire all around! "Bang bang."

Russian folk games

Russian folk games have a long history, they have been preserved and come down to our days from ancient times, passed down from generation to generation, incorporating the best national traditions. Boys and girls gathered in the evening on the village street or outside the outskirts, led round dances, sang songs, ran tirelessly, playing burners, tags, competed in dexterity, playing bast shoes. In winter, entertainment was of a different nature: skiing from the mountains, snowball fights were organized; riding horses through the villages with songs and dances. All folk games are characterized by the love of a Russian person for fun, daring.

Games can be divided according to the types of movements: games of running, jumping, throwing; some of them can be carried out both in the warm and in the cold season. There are games of low mobility, suitable for inclement weather in a limited area.

Russian folk games for children are valuable in a pedagogical sense, they have a great influence on the education of the mind, character, will, develop moral feelings, physically strengthen the child, create a certain spiritual mood, interest in folk art. They are quite diverse in their content, themes and organization.


The players choose a hostess and a cockerel, all the rest are hens. The cockerel leads the hens for a walk, to peck the grains. The hostess comes out and asks the cockerel: "Cockerel, cockerel, didn't you see my chicken?"

- "And what is yours?" - asks the cockerel.

- "Ryabenkaya, and the tail is black."

- "No, I didn't see it."

The hostess claps her hands and shouts "Kshsh! Kshsh!" The hens run into the house, and the hostess catches them, the cockerel protects the hens. The hostess takes all the caught hens to the house.

Hens run into the house only to the words: "Kshsh! Kshsh!"

The cockerel, protecting the hens, should not repel the hostess. He, spreading his wings wide, stands in her way.

The houses of the hostess and the cockerel with hens need to be made as far apart as possible (10-20 m). To complicate the game, the chickens on the way to the house overcome obstacles, fly over the fence (jump over a stretched cord) or run along the bridge through the stream. In their house, they fly up to a perch (on a bench).

"At the bear in the forest"

The players choose a bear, determine the place of his lair. Children go to the forest for mushrooms, for berries and sing a song:

"I take mushrooms, berries from a bear in the forest!

The bear got cold, froze on the stove!

The bear wakes up, leaves the den, slowly walks across the clearing. Suddenly, he quickly runs after the players and tries to catch someone. Caught becomes a bear.

The bear leaves the den only after the children sing a song.

Children, depending on the behavior of the bear, may not immediately run to their house, but repeat their song, provoke him.

It is better to place the bear's den at the other end of the site. The bear must get out of the den (climb over the log, get out of the box, basket).

"Swan geese"

The participants in the game choose the wolf and the owner, all the rest are swan geese. On one side of the site is a house where the owner and geese live, on the other - a wolf under a mountain. The owner releases the geese into the field for a walk, to pinch the green grass. Geese go far from home. After a while, the owner calls the geese:

- "Geese-swans, home!"

Geese answer:

- "The old wolf under the mountain!"

- "What is he doing there?"

- "It nibbles gray, white hazel grouses."

- "Well, run home!"

The geese run home, and the wolf catches them. The one caught is out of the game. The game ends when all the geese are caught. Geese can fly home, and the wolf can catch them only after the words: "Well, run home!" Geese, leaving the field, should disperse throughout the site.

"Sparrows and a cat"

All players represent sparrows and are outside the circle. Leading - the cat stands in the middle of the circle. Sparrows then jump into the circle, then jump out of it. They collect grains (chips are scattered inside the circle). The cat runs around and tries to catch them. Sparrow, touched by the cat, pours out all the collected grains, then begins to collect them again. At the end of the game, the most agile sparrows are celebrated.


Children stand in a circle at a small distance from each other. In the center is the leader, he rotates the cord with a load at the end (a bag of sand) in a circle. The players carefully follow the cord, when it approaches, they jump up in place so that it does not touch the legs. The one whom the bag touched becomes the driver.


Children are divided into pairs and stand at a distance of 3-5 steps from each other. Couples depict fighting roosters: jumping on one leg, they try to push each other with their shoulders. The one who lost his balance and stood on the ground with both feet is out of the game. Before the start of the game, children agree on how they will hold their hands: on the belt, behind the back, cross in front of the chest or hands to hold the knee of the bent leg. Players must approach each other at the same time. You can't push each other with your hands. Most often, in a pair, one player leaves the game, one remains the winner. Winners from different pairs can unite and continue the game. A cockfight can also take place in a different position, for example, in a squat, the hands of the players are kept on their knees.

"Salka on one leg"

Children disperse around the playground, close their eyes, hands behind everyone. The host passes among them and imperceptibly puts a handkerchief in the hands of one. To the word "One, two, three, look!" children open their eyes. Standing in place, they carefully look at each other: "Who is the lark?" A child with a handkerchief suddenly lifts it up and says: "I'm a tart!" The participants of the game, jumping on one leg, try to get away from the tag. The one whom he touched with his hand goes to drive. He takes a handkerchief, lifts it up, quickly says the words: "I'm a salt!" The game is repeated.

If the child is tired, he can jump alternately, then on the right foot, then on the left. When the tag is changed, players are allowed to stand on both feet. Salka must also jump, like all the players, on one leg.


Children choose the owner and two buyers, all other players - paints. Each paint comes up with a color for itself and quietly calls it to the owner. When all paints have chosen a color, the owner invites one of the buyers. Buyer knocks:

- "Knock Knock!"

- "Who's there?"

- "Buyer."

- "Why did you come?"

- "For the paint."

- "For what?"

- "For the blue."

If there is no blue paint, the owner says:

- "Go along the blue path, find blue boots, wear them, and bring them back."

If the buyer guessed the color of the paint, then he takes the paint for himself. There is a second buyer, the conversation with the owner is repeated. And so they go in turn and take apart the paints. The buyer who guessed the most colors wins. When the game is repeated, he acts as the owner, and the players choose the buyers.

The buyer must not repeat the same paint color twice, otherwise he gives way to the second buyer.

The game is played with children, both indoors and for a walk. The owner, if the buyer did not guess the color of the paint, can give a more difficult task, for example: "Ride on one leg along the blue path." If there are many children playing, you need to choose four buyers and two owners. Buyers for paints come in turn.


Before the game starts, the chorus players say:

Firstborns, bells,

The bells rang.

By the fresh dew

In a different lane.

There are cups, nuts,

Honey, sugar. Silent!

After the word "Silence!" everyone should shut up. The host tries to make the players laugh with movements, funny words and nursery rhymes, comic poems. If someone laughs or says one word, he gives the presenter a phantom. At the end of the game, the children redeem their forfeits: at the request of the players: they sing songs, read poetry, dance, perform interesting movements.

1. The host should not touch the players with his hands.

2. Forfeits for players should be different in color, shape

The game can be played in different conditions. You can also play a phantom as soon as one of the players laughs, smiles, or speaks. This will take the pressure off the children at play .


All children sit in a row: whoever sits first, that phone. The leader quickly says a word or a short sentence in his ear. The one that he heard passes to his neighbor, who, in turn, passes this word to the next player, and so on until the last player. After that, everyone says what they heard. The first one who confused what was said sits at the end, the players move closer to the phone. Each child can play the role of a telephone once, after which they sit down at the end of the row.

"Flies - does not fly"

This game takes place at the table. The players put their fingers on the table, the leader calls birds, animals, insects, flowers, etc. When naming a flying object, everyone should raise their fingers up. Whoever raises his fingers when naming a non-flying object or does not raise it when naming a flying one - pays a phantom. Sometimes they play like this: everyone stands in a circle and when naming a flying object, all players jump. If a non-flying item is named, they stand still.


"Ordinary bugs"

One of the players - blind man's blind man is blindfolded, taken to the middle of the room and forced to turn around several times, then they talk to him, for example:

- "Cat, cat, what are you standing on?"

- "On the kvass".

- "What's in the pot?"

- "Kvass".

"Catch the mice, not us." After the words, the participants in the game scatter, and the blind man's blind man catches them. Whoever he catches becomes a blind man.

If the buffalo comes close to any object that can be hit, the players must warn him, shout: "Fire!"

You can't shout "Fire!" in order to distract the blind man's blind man from the player who cannot escape from him.

Players should not hide behind any objects or run very far. Players can dodge blind man's blind man's buff, squat, walk on all fours. The blind man's blind man should recognize the caught player, call him by name, without removing the bandage.

The game can be played both in the room and on the site. The boundary of the playing area must be precisely defined, and the participants in the game must not go beyond it. If the boundary of the playing area is crossed by a blind man, then he should be stopped with the word "Fire!" Children should run inaudibly near the hide-and-seek. Brave players can quietly approach him, touch his shoulder, back, arm, and just as inaudibly run away; they can say a short word behind the blind man's back: "Ku-ku!", "Ay!"


Everyone who wants to take part in this game, stand in a circle, choose a blind man and a player whom he will look for. The blind man's blindfold is blindfolded, the other child takes the bell. At the ringing of the bell, the blind man's blind man should catch him. The game ends when the blind man's buff caught a child with a bell.


Children take the names of birds for themselves - a sparrow, an owl, a tit, a sandpiper, etc. A participant depicting a "sparrow" lies down and pretends that he is sick. Near the "sparrow" the "owl" is busy. A “titmouse” approaches the “owl” and asks:

Is the sparrow at home?


What is he doing?

Sick, lying down.

What hurts him?


Go, owl, into the garden, pick buckwheat herbs, steam his shoulders.

Soared, titmouse, soared, sister. He does not take steam, only gives heat.

The "tit" leaves, and the "jay" approaches the "owl":

Is the sparrow at home?


What is he doing?

Sick, lying down.

What hurts him?


Go, owl, into the garden, pick the grass of the burdock, steam his belly.

Soared, soyka, soared, dove. He does not take steam, only gives heat.

Then it's the turn to ask the "wader":

Is the sparrow at home?


What is he doing?

Sick lies.

What hurts him?


Go, owl, into the garden, pluck the herbs of the mint, sting his heels.

Walked, kulichok, soared. His steam takes, the sparrow stands on its legs.

All the "birds" approach the "owl" and ask:

Is the sparrow at home?


What is he doing?

He snoops around the yard, collects crumbs, does not spend the night at home, steals hemp.

"Birds" run after the "sparrow", tease him and sing:

Oh, you are a sparrow

gray neck,

Don't sleep in the field

Don't steal hemp.

The watchmen will come

Your legs will be broken.


According to the counting rhyme, the “burning” one is selected, all the rest become pairs one after another and join hands.

Burn, burn brightly so that it does not go out,

Look at the sky, the birds are flying

The bells are ringing!

The last couple runs forward, while the “burning” one tries to knock down one of them. After hurting someone, he says: “You are “burning”!”, And he takes the hand of the partner of the new “burning” and stands in front of him.

"Geese and wolf"

One participant in the game in the middle of the round dance depicts a "wolf", the other - a "womb", all the rest - "geese". The "womb" is talking to the "geese":

Geese, my geese,

Where were the geese?

And we were in the field

On the blue sea.

Who the hell have you seen?

And the gray wolf.

The wolf took the gosling

Instead of a pig

For the handle, for the leg,

For the white sleeve!

After the words “the wolf took the gosling”, the “wolf” runs out of the round dance. "Geese" stand in a row, hugging each other by the belt. Ahead is the "womb". The "wolf" is trying to pull one "goose" out of the row, but the "womb" interferes with him - she turns to the "wolf", and the whole row follows her. "Mother" screams:

- Geese, my geese,

Pinch the wolf!

Yes drive:

On the mosses, on the swamps,

On steep pillowcases!

"Geese" pounce on the "wolf" and pinch him.


The players stand in a circle and hold hands. A “hare” sits in the middle - one of the participants. Two "wolves" walk around the circle. The circle moves alternately, then to the left, then to the right, everyone sings:

Zainka, walk around the garden, walk,

Grey, walk around on green, walk!

There is nowhere for the hare to jump out,

Nowhere to jump gray.

Your gates are shut

The clasps are firmly attached to them.

At each gate, two watchmen sit,

Two gray wolves roar.

Then they talk with the "hare":

- Where have you been, bunny?

- In the garden.

- Who saw you, hare?

- Gray wolves.

- Didn't they beat the hare?

- They beat, beat, beat.

- How were you beaten, bunny?

- On the back with a club, on the back of the neck with a twig.

- You would, zainka, left.

- I didn’t leave, I didn’t run away.

- You would, hare, a groove.

- The groove is narrow, and the cabbage is low.

- You would, hare, crawling.

- Pure field is wide, dark forest is far away.

- You would, hare, under the bush.

- The bush is sparse, and the bunny is gray.

- You would, hare, under the Christmas tree.

- Oh, you can’t under the tree, oh, I’m afraid I’ll prick myself on needles.

- You would, hare, go to the village.

- There are people in the village, they drive the bunny from the gate.

At the end of the dialogue, the "wolves" run to catch the "hare". Children, raising and lowering their hands, let the “hare” in and out of the circle, the “wolves” run only around the circle. The caught "hare" is lightly beaten with a branch or twig. The "wolves" who did not catch the "hare" wear it on their backs for several circles. Then new "hare" and "wolves" are selected, the game continues.


They choose a bunny and surround him with a round dance. The bunny dances all the time, looking at how to jump out of the circle, and the round dance walks around, singing:

Zainka, dance,

Grey, jump

Turn around sideways

Circle, turn sideways!

Zainka, clap,

Gray, in the palm of your hand,

Turn around, turn sideways

Circle, turn sideways!

There is a hare where to jump out,

There is a place for gray to rise,

Turn around, turn sideways

Circle, turn sideways!

At the same time, some of the players loosen their hands, indicating where the bunny can break through. The bunny falls to the ground, looks for a place to jump out from, and, breaking through where it was not expected, runs away.

"Golden Gate"

Before starting this game, the guys draw a small circle on the ground and stick a birch branch in the center. Children line up in pairs one after another next to the circle, hold hands and raise them up, forming a "golden gate".

Mother spring is coming, open the gate.

The first of March came, white snow came down.

And behind him, April opened the window and the door.

And as May came, invite the sun to the tower!

One participant, left without a pair, "leading", went to the "golden gate" and separated the hands of one of the pairs with the edge of his palm. The guys who were standing in this pair ran in different directions, to the circle. The first one, who pulled out the branch, went to the “golden gate”, and the “loser” paired up with the “leader” in front of everyone.


One of the participants in the game is the driver. He takes the ball - "jug" and, hitting it on the ground, sings:

I dropped the pitcher

And smashed it on the floor.

One, two, three, catch him, Vanya!

Immediately after the end of the song, the driver hits the ball hard on the ground, and the participant whose name was mentioned in the song catches it. The participant who caught the ball steps aside. And everyone raises their hands, forming a “circle-wheel” above their heads, and sing:

We know everything that the guys say:

Olya, Kolya, green oak,

white lily of the valley, gray bunny,

Drop it.

The participant with the ball sings:

I know everything that the guys say:

Green oak, lily of the valley, poppy,

I throw the ball - like this!

and throws the ball, trying to hit one of the children in their hands clasped above their heads. Whoever hits the ball in the "circle-wheel", he leads.


The children sit down to play. One of them puts a basket on the table and says to his neighbor:

- Here's a box for you, put in it what is on the "ok", you will say something - you will return the deposit.

Children take turns saying words in rhyme with "ok":

“I will put a ball in the box; and I am a scarf; I am a lock, a knot, a box, a boot, a slipper, a stocking, an iron, a collar, sugar, a bag, a leaf, a petal, a bun, etc.

At the end, pledges are played: they cover the basket, and one of the children asks:

- Whose bail will stretch, what should he do?

Children in turn assign a ransom to each pledge - for example, jump around the room on one leg or do something in four corners: in one - to stand, in the other - to dance, in the third - to cry, in the fourth - to laugh; or tell a fable, guess a riddle, or tell a fairy tale, or sing a song.

The game of "ringers"

And they played it in Russia like this. Two guys were selected: one with a bell - "ringer", the other - "blind man's blind man". All the players stood in a circle, and the ringer and blind man went to the middle of the circle. "Zhmurka" was blindfolded.

The “ringer”, saying: “Digi-don, digi-don, guess where the ringing is from!”, Dodged the “blind man's blind man”, who, by the sound of the bell, tried to catch him and wrap his belt around him.


They drew a large circle around which the players sat down. The driver walked around the circle. Suddenly, he threw a rope - a “snake” into the middle of the circle. Everyone jumped up, trying to get on top of her as quickly as possible. Those who do not have enough space are eliminated from the game. The driver, throwing the “snake” into the circle, gradually shortened it until only one participant in the game could stand on it. This participant became the driver, and the game started over.

"Fishermen and Fish"

According to the counting rhyme, two guys are selected - "fishermen", the rest - "fish". They dance and sing:

Fish live in the water

There is no beak, but they peck.

There are wings - do not fly,

There are no legs, but they walk.

Nests do not start

And they take the kids out.

Having finished the song, the "fish" scatter in different directions. "Fishermen" join hands and catch "fish". The “fish” caught by the “fishermen” (a “fish” is considered to be caught, which the “fishermen” grab with their hands) make up a “net” with the “fishermen”. They join the "fishermen" and catch the remaining "fish".


The participants in the game choose "hops", enter into a circle with the words:

- As behind the vine behind the green, behind the white flower behind the wild cherry, behind the scarlet flower behind the currant, we sowed hops, saying: “Grow, our hop, up the stamens! Without you, hoppy, there is no round dance, without you, hoppy, the game is not played!

And then they sing:

Grow, grow, hop,

You are our garden hop,

Grow up, grow up

Braid on tyn:

deep root,

wide leaf,

golden poppy,

With all its beauty.

We'll take you

We will take you down

In white bags

In oak chests.

Hammer asks:

- How did they plant me?

- That's it, that's how they planted it! - the players show with movements how they did it (and in the future all the works are depicted).

How did they water me?

- That's it, that's how it was watered!

- How was I raised?

- That's it, that's how they raised it!

Who were they raised for?

- For Ivanushka.

The contestant whose name has been called walks over to the "hop" and takes it aside. "Hmel" says:

- If they don’t pour me, they won’t keep me - neither in oak barrels, nor in iron hoops. I’ll swing around the yard, take off the hoops, break the boards!

Participants sing "hops":

Hops, you are our hops,

You grow seven weeks!

We will water you

And we will braid.

Hops, you are our hops,

You are our garden hop!

One of the participants shouts:

- Tear hops, pull!

"Hop" breaks out of the circle, the players chase him, and having caught, they "pinch".

Merry Relays

"Bactrian Camel"

You need 4 volleyballs (these will be humps). 2 participants, bending down and standing one after another, hold the humps with one hand, the other hold on to the belt of the other. Who quickly?

"Turtle Traveler"

Basins are installed on the backs of slow, clumsy "turtles". They must, without losing their shell, run to the finish line and back.

"Cancer Fleeing Danger"

When escaping, the crayfish backs up and keeps its claws ready for defense. The participant on all fours moves with his back and returns back in the same way.

"Kangaroo with a cub"

For the relay, you will need two backpacks, inside of which is placed a volleyball - a “cub”. By jumping, the player gets to the finish line and back, passing the "cub" to the next player.


Clutching a tennis ball between their knees, the participant waddling like a penguin carries the ball to the finish line and back.

"Frog on the Hunt"

Fins are required here. Putting on flippers, jumping to the finish line, the first participant catches a "mosquito", which hangs at the level of the child's outstretched arm, on a rope. And he comes back, gives flippers to the next participant.

"Industrious Ants"

One gymnastic stick is required for each team. The first "ant" with a stick runs to the finish line and back, grabs another "ant" to help. Etc.

"Back and forth"

Participants stand in pairs with their backs to each other and grab a partner with arms bent at the elbows. On command, participants run to the finish line and back. At the first stage, one participant moves with his face, the other with his back on the way back.

"Running in pairs"

Participants stand in pairs at the start line. The right leg of one and the left of the other are tightly bound. At the signal, the couples run to the finish line and back.

"Get in the hoop"

The hoop, placed on the floor, is held by assistants. The player measures 10 steps from him, then they blindfold him and offer to make 5-7 turns around. After that, the player must, measure 10 steps, climb into the hoop.

"Put the mace"

An inverted stool is placed on the floor. 4 participants of the attraction with maces in their hands are located three steps from the stool, each against the leg. Blindfolded, they go to the stool on command and strive to put the mace with one hand, each on its own leg.

A.V. Borgul Tips for parents Games 14 Aug 2019

The games in this series are designed to prevent fatigue caused by intense intellectual workload. In addition to relaxation, they perform communicative, entertaining and educational functions.

"Heron". Children are invited to take off their shoes and stand on a signal in a circle. The host announces a competition for the best heron. On a signal, the children should bend their right leg at the knee, turn it 90 degrees relative to the left and press the foot to the thigh of the left leg as high as possible. Hands on the belt. The eyes are closed. You need to stay in this position for as long as possible. Children who have succeeded become leaders in the outdoor game "Frogs and Herons". The game "Heron" trains the vestibular apparatus and develops the ability to concentrate, and also always makes children laugh very much.

"Paratroopers". The host announces to the children that now they will practice skydiving. He suggests bending his arms at the elbows and holding them at the waist, squeezing the imaginary parachute lines. The jump is to, without ceasing to "squeeze the lines", jump up as high as possible, and go down as softly as possible. When jumping, you need to pull your toes down. When landing, the legs should work like springs. The landing ends with a soft and deep squat. Without stopping the movement from a squatting position, the next jump is made. Children, on a gong signal, perform jumps for 45 seconds. The host thanks the paratroopers, marks each child, and then offers to relax and massage the muscles of the legs. This exercise strengthens the ligaments and tendons in the feet and ankles. It is a prevention of possible falls (for example, in ice).

"Buffoons". Children are invited to alternately slap themselves behind the buttocks with each foot. At the same time, the legs are thrown back as much as possible so that the heel strike on the buttocks is felt and heard. The assistant listens whose spanking will be louder. The task is executed on a signal within 30 seconds. This game tones the whole body, develops the calf muscles, and makes the lower back flexible.

"Wheelbarrow". Children are divided into pairs. One gets on all fours and "turns" into a wheelbarrow. To do this, the partner takes him from behind by the legs and carries him. The owner of the wheelbarrow must skillfully manage it and, at the signal of the leader, turn to the right, to the left, drive it either faster or slower. The wheelbarrow requires complete obedience to its "owner". The facilitator evaluates how effective the interaction in pairs is. The exercise is carried out for 30 seconds, then the partners change places. Exercise strengthens the muscles of the hands and is very popular with children, excites them.

"Cat". The facilitator invites the children to kneel down and rest their palms on the floor. Now we will depict a cat. At first, the cat is unhappy. She arches her back as much as possible up. Now the cat is stretching. The back bends down. Movements should be energetic, but at the same time smooth and graceful. Movements alternate for 2 seconds. Then the children are asked to lie on their back, quickly and gracefully roll over to one side and then to the other, while simultaneously performing sipping movements with their arms and legs on one side and a curling movement on the other, as a cat does when it is very pleased. The exercise is performed within 2 seconds. The leader thanks the children. The most graceful cats become drivers in the game "Cats and Mice". The game promotes emotional uplift, creates a feeling of looseness and trains the muscles of the back and abdominals, developing flexibility and strength.

"Geese". Children line up in one line, squat down and, at the command of the leader, run in a goose step waddle. The hottest win. You can run, if space does not allow, on the spot. The game strengthens the calf muscles, trains the cardiovascular system.

"Paper Cap Run". At the signal of the gong, the children stand in two teams. Everyone wears a large paper cap or hat on their heads. The hat is larger than the head and it will not be easy to run in it. At the command of the leader "Start", the children run to the finish line and back. The game strengthens the muscles of the neck, develops dexterity, promotes the development of coordination mechanisms of the nervous system.