
The effectiveness of the use of modern pedagogical technologies. The use of modern educational technologies in training and education

A generally accepted classification of educational technologies in Russian and foreign pedagogy does not exist today. Various authors approach the solution of this topical scientific and practical problem in their own way. In a modern developing school, the personality of the child and his activities come first.



Modern pedagogical technologies and their effectiveness.

Global changes in the information, communication, professional and other spheres of modern society require adjustment of the content, methodological, technological aspects of education, revision of the previous value priorities, targets and pedagogical means.

It is necessary to understand the essential characteristics of the modern interpretation of the concept of "educational technology".

"Technology" is a detailed way of carrying out this or that activity within the framework of the chosen method.

"Pedagogical technology" is such a construction of the teacher's activity, in which the actions included in it are presented in a certain sequence and suggest the achievement of a predictable result.

It is possible to single out the criteria that make up the essence of pedagogical technology:

  1. unambiguous and strict definition of learning objectives (why and for what);
  2. content selection and structure (what);
  3. optimal organization of the educational process (how);
  4. methods, techniques and teaching aids (with the help of what);
  5. as well as taking into account the necessary real level of teacher qualification (who);
  6. and objective methods for evaluating learning outcomes (is this true).

A generally accepted classification of educational technologies in Russian and foreign pedagogy does not exist today. Various authors approach the solution of this topical scientific and practical problem in their own way. In a modern developing school, the personality of the child and his activities come first. Therefore, among the priority technologies are:

traditional technologies: referring to traditional technologies various types of training sessions, where any system of means can be implemented to ensure the activity of each student based on a multi-level approach to the content, methods, forms of organization of educational and cognitive activities, to the level of cognitive independence, the transfer of teacher-student relations to parity and much more;

gaming technologies;

test technologies;

modular block technologies;

developmental learning technologies;

technology of problem learning;

project-based learning technology;

Computer techologies;

and etc.

I think you will agree with me that teachers in our school use traditional technologies more often. What are the downsides?

Traditional technologies are technologies built on an explanatory and illustrative way of teaching. When using this technology, the teacher focuses on the translation of the finished educational content in his work.

When preparing for lessons, the teacher is concerned about finding the most effective options for presenting new material and the visualization that accompanies the story.

At the same time, the presentation of information to students, determined by the framework of the program, almost always takes place in the form of a teacher's monologue.

In this regard, many problems arise in the educational process, the main of which are the low level of communication skills, the inability to get a detailed answer from the student with his own assessment of the issue under consideration, and the insufficient inclusion of students listening to the answer in the general discussion.

The root of these problems lies not in the mood of the children, not in their "passivity", but in the procedure that the applied technology sets.

That is, the teacher must tell the material provided for by the program, force the student to learn it and evaluate the degree of diligence.

The teacher goes to the classroom with a ready task, he tries to include the student in his activity, to subordinate him to his regime. Students are personally not included in this process most often. The teacher pushes through information with the help of multiple repetitions, provides external acceptance of tasks through game forms and other techniques, stimulates obedience and performance.

Explanatory and illustrative technologies prescribe a special role and place for the teacher in the educational process. He has not just an active, but a super-dominant position in the classroom: he is a commander, a judge, a boss, he seems to be standing on a pedestal, but at the same time he is burdened with a depressing sense of responsibility for everything that happens in the class. Accordingly, the student plays a passive role, which is to observe silence and strictly follow the instructions of the teacher, while the student is not responsible for anything.

Students in the lesson do practically nothing on their own, do not think independently, but simply sit, listen or perform elementary tasks prescribed by the teacher.

A. Diesterweg also said: “A bad teacher presents the truth, a good one teaches to find it.”

The new living conditions in which we are all placed put forward their own requirements for the formation of young people entering into life: they must be not only knowledgeable and skillful, but thinking, proactive, independent.

With the traditional version of the organization of the educational process, personality development, of course, occurs. Children spontaneously develop, even if they are not given special attention and care.

But this process can be greatly strengthened if it is made the main goal of the teacher's work and reasonably organized.

New learning technologies do not discard the presentation of information to students. The role of information is simply changing. It is necessary not only for memorization and assimilation, but for students to use it as a condition or environment for creating their own creative product. It is well known that a person develops only in the process of his own activity. It is possible to teach a person to swim only in water, and to teach a person to act (including mental actions) is possible only in the process of activity.

The tasks of modern pedagogical technologies are focused on the education of a truly free personality, the formation in children of the ability to think independently, acquire and apply knowledge, carefully consider decisions and clearly plan actions, effectively cooperate in groups of various composition and profile, be open to new contacts and cultural ties. . This requires the widespread introduction of alternative forms and methods of conducting educational activities into the educational process.

The teacher can change the school, make it modern. The basis of such transformations is always the development of new technologies as a combination of traditional and innovative methods and techniques. I would like to emphasize: it is not calls for the modernization of the educational process, not the development of regular improvement and development programs that renews the school. It is updated by a teacher who has mastered new technologies for teaching and educating

Characteristics of some modern pedagogical technologies.

  1. Developmental training.
  2. Problem learning.
  3. Project training.
  4. Cooperation in education.
  5. Computer techologies.

Developmental training.

In order to make the lesson developing, the teacher must:

  1. replace the reproductive question-answer system of the lesson and the types of tasks with more complex ones, the implementation of which involves a wide variety of mental qualities (memory, attention, thinking, speech, etc.). This is facilitated by problem questions, search tasks, tasks for observations, solving practical problems, performing research tasks, etc.;
  2. change the nature of the presentation of new material and turn it into a problematic, heuristic, stimulating students to search;

Involve students in self-management and self-regulation of cognitive processes in the lesson, involving them in setting the objectives of the lesson, developing a plan for its implementation, monitoring and self-control, in evaluating, self-evaluating and mutually evaluating the results of activities. Students can act as laboratory assistants, assistants, teacher assistants, consultants.

In pedagogy, there is still no consensus on how to differentiate didactic material, how many levels of complexity should be distinguished, what kind of tasks should be included in each level.

According to the general opinion of the didacts, the first level of complexity should be tasks that are the simplest in content and aimed at testing reproductive knowledge; the second level - tasks that require the use of mental techniques; the third - tasks of a creative nature. In this regard, the taxonomy of educational tasks by D. Tollingerova is of interest, which offers a taxonomy containing five types of tasks, with each subsequent group of tasks including the operational composition of the previous groups.

  1. Jobs that require playback of data. These include tasks of a reproductive nature: on recognition, reproduction of individual facts, concepts, definitions, rules, diagrams, and reference notes. Tasks of this type begin with words: which one, what is it, what is it called, give a definition, etc.

2. Tasks requiring the use of mental operations. These are tasks for identifying, listing, describing facts (measuring, weighing, simple calculations, listing, etc.), listing and describing processes and methods of action, parsing and structure (analysis and synthesis), comparing and distinguishing (comparison), distribution (categorization and classification), identification of relationships between facts (cause - effect, goal - means, etc.), assignments for abstraction, concretization and generalization. This group of tasks begins with the words: set those of what size; describe what it consists of; make a list; describe how it goes; how we act when; What is the difference; compare; identify similarities and differences; why; how; what is the cause, etc.

3. Tasks requiring the use of mental actions. This group includes tasks for transfer (translation, transformation), presentation (interpretation, clarification of meaning, meaning), tasks for substantiation, proof. Tasks begin with words: explain the meaning, reveal the meaning, as you understand; on
what do you think that; determine, prove, etc.

4. Jobs requiring data reporting. This group includes tasks for the development of reviews, summaries, reports, reports, projects. That is, these are tasks that provide for solving not only mental operations and actions, but also a speech act. The student not only reports the result of the task, but builds a logical course of reasoning, reports, if necessary, about the conditions, phases, components, difficulties that accompany the task.

5. Tasks requiring creative mental activity. This includes tasks for practical application, for detection based on one's own observations, solving problematic tasks and situations, including those requiring knowledge transfer. Tasks of this type begin with words; come up with a practical example; pay attention; Based on your own observations, determine etc.

Problem learning.

One of the famous philosophers once remarked that education is what remains in the mind of the student when everything learned is forgotten. What should remain in the student's head when the laws of physics, chemistry, theorems of geometry and the rules of biology are forgotten? Quite right - creative skills necessary for independent cognitive and practical activity, and the conviction that any activity must meet moral standards.

At present, problem learning is understood as such an organization of the educational process, which involves the creation of problem situations under the guidance of a teacher and the active independent activity of students to resolve them.

This type of training:

  1. aimed at independent search by students of new concepts and methods of action;
  2. involves the consistent and purposeful presentation of cognitive problems to students, the resolution of which (under the guidance of a teacher) leads to the active assimilation of new knowledge;
  3. provides a special way of thinking, the strength of knowledge and their creative application in practical activities.

With problem-based learning, the teacher does not communicate ready-made knowledge, but organizes students to search for them: concepts, patterns, theories are learned in the course of searching, observing, analyzing facts, and mental activity.

The necessary components of problem-based learning are the following concepts: "problem", "problem situation", "hypothesis", "experiment".

What is a “problem” and a “problem situation”?

problem (from the Greek. problema- task) - “a difficult question, a task that needs to be solved” (SI. Ozhegov). The problem can be scientific and educational.

An educational problem is a question or task, the method of solving or the result of which is unknown to the student in advance, but the student has certain knowledge and skills in order to search for this result or method of completing the task. A question to which the student already knows the answer is not a problem.

Psychologists define a problem situation as a mental state of a person in which a cognitive need arises as a result of any contradictions.

Problem situations can be created at all stages of the learning process: during explanation, consolidation, control.

The technological scheme of problem-based learning is as follows: the teacher creates a problem situation, directs students to solve it, organizes the search for a solution and the application of the acquired knowledge in solving practical problems. Thus, the child is placed in the position of the subject of his learning and, as a result, new knowledge is formed in him. He masters new ways of acting.

When implementing problem-based learning, the teacher builds relationships with the class so that students can take the initiative, make assumptions, even incorrect ones, but other participants will refute them during the discussion (brainstorming). A distinction must be made between hypothesis and guesswork, which has nothing to do with problem-based learning.

The teacher should remember that problem-based learning can be based on solid knowledge. Therefore, students should be offered a reasonable amount of computational tasks aimed at memorizing formulas and operations, the use of which will allow them to solve problem situations in the future.

Stages of the implementation of problem-based learning in the practical activities of a teacher

Problem-based learning is possible under the following conditions:

  1. the presence of a problematic situation;
  2. readiness of the student to find a solution;
  3. the possibility of an ambiguous solution.

At the same time, the following stages of the implementation of problem-based learning are distinguished:

First stage - preparation for the perception of the problem. At this stage, the actualization of knowledge is carried out, which is necessary for students to be able to solve the problem, since in the absence of the necessary preparation, they cannot begin to solve.

Second phase - creating a problematic situation. This is the most responsible and difficult stage of problem-based learning, which is characterized by the fact that the student cannot complete the task assigned to him by the teacher, only with the help of his existing knowledge and must supplement them with new ones. The student must understand the reason for this difficulty. However, the problem must be manageable. The class may be ready to solve it, but students must be set to action. They will accept the task for execution when the problem is clearly formulated.

Third stage - the formulation of the problem is the result of the problem situation that has arisen. It indicates what students should direct their efforts to, what question to seek an answer to. If students are systematically involved in problem solving, they can formulate the problem themselves.

Fourth stage - problem solving process. It consists of several steps: putting forward hypotheses (it is possible to use the “brainstorming” technique, when even the most improbable hypotheses are put forward), their discussion and the choice of one, the most probable, hypothesis.

Fifth stage - proof of the correctness of the chosen solution, its confirmation, if possible, in practice.

For example, if we ask students in the 8th grade why the wa having the same quantitative and qualitative composition, have different properties, this most important chemical problem will not cause the need to solve it, since their knowledge is still insufficient.

Search (heuristic) conversation.

A heuristic conversation is a system of logically interrelated questions of the teacher and answers of students, the ultimate goal of which is to solve a holistic, new problem for students or part of it.

Independent search and research activities of students.

Independent activity of students of a research nature is the highest form of independent activity and is possible only when students have sufficient knowledge necessary to build scientific assumptions, as well as the ability to put forward hypotheses.

Cooperation in education

It has been proved that work in conditions of cooperation is a very effective mode of educational work. And it's not just that cooperation in learning allows you to better master the material and remember it longer. Learning in a cooperative environment also demonstrates other important advantages over learning in a competitive environment.

So, the activity in the conditions of cooperation provides:

1. Higher level of efficiency and productivity of the educational process:

  1. the level of comprehension of the material rises (works performed in the conditions of cooperation are more logical, reasonable, their provisions are deeper and more seriously argued than similar works performed individually or in a competitive environment);
  2. the number of non-standard solutions is growing (in conditions of cooperation, members of the group are much more likely to put forward new ideas, offer unexpected options for solving the problems they face);
  3. the transfer of knowledge and skills is carried out (the famous statement of L.S. Vygotsky “What children can do today only together, tomorrow they are able to do on their own”);
  4. well confirmed by experiments to test the transfer of knowledge and skills acquired in groups to the situation of individual work of schoolchildren;
  5. a positive attitude towards the material being studied is formed (schoolchildren have a better attitude towards the material that they studied in conditions of cooperation than to the material that they have to master individually or in a competitive environment; they are more willing to return to previous topics, deepen and expand their knowledge) ;
  6. a readiness is formed not to be distracted from the task being solved (under conditions of cooperation, schoolchildren are less likely to be distracted from the educational task and, on average, are engaged in it in the allotted period of time more than schoolchildren working independently or in a competitive environment).
  1. Formation of a more friendly, benevolent atmosphere in the classroom.
  2. Increasing self-esteem and communication competence of schoolchildren and, ultimately, greater mental health of students.

The fundamental provisions essential for the use of learning in cooperation (communication) in the educational process are:

  1. independent individual or joint activity in groups working on the project;
  2. the ability to use research, problematic, search methods, methods of joint creative activity;
  3. possession of a culture of communication in different small teams (the ability to calmly listen to a partner, to express one’s point of view with reason, to help partners in difficulties that arise in the course of work, focusing on a common, joint result);
  4. the ability to allocate roles (duties) to perform a common task, being fully aware of the responsibility for the joint result and for the success of each partner.

Project training.

Project-based learning is a type of learning based on the consistent implementation of complex educational projects with information breaks to master basic theoretical knowledge.

Project-based learning is always focused on the independent activity of students - individual, pair, group, which students perform within a certain period of time.

Basic requirements for the use of project activities:

  1. The presence of a problem or task that is significant in research, creative terms, requiring search for its solution.
  2. The problem raised in the work should, as a rule, be original.
  3. The basis of the activity should be the independent work of students.
  4. Use of research methods.
  5. The work performed should demonstrate the depth of the author's knowledge of the chosen field of study.
  6. The work must meet the established formal criteria.

The most decisive link in this innovation is the teacher. The role of the teacher is changing, and not only in project-based research education. From a carrier of knowledge and information, an omniscient oracle, the teacher turns into an organizer of activities, a consultant and a colleague in solving a problem, obtaining the necessary knowledge and information from various (maybe non-traditional) sources. Working on an educational project or research allows you to build a conflict-free pedagogy, relive the inspiration of creativity together with children again and again, turn the educational process from boring coercion into productive creative creative work.

Wherever we are engaged in project or research activities with students, it must be remembered that the main result of this work is the formation and education of a person who owns design and research technology at the level of competence.

The presentation of the project is equally important. than the project itself. It's a skill and a skill. Which develop speech, thinking, reflection. During the presentation of the project, students get the opportunity to form the ability to speak in public. Evidence to answer questions, lead a discussion

The concept of information (computer) technology.

New information technologies are now becoming more and more popular in teaching. They develop the ideas of programmed learning, open up new, yet unexplored technological learning options associated with the unique capabilities of modern computers and telecommunications.Computer techologies -these are the processes of preparing and transmitting information to the student, the means of implementation of which is a computer.

The computer performs the function of the learning object:

  1. when programming;
  2. creation of software products;
  3. application of various information environments.

The collaborating team is recreated by the computer as

consequence of communication with a wide audience.

The pre-day environment is organized using:

  1. game programs;
  2. computer games over the network;
  3. computer video.

The work of a teacher in computer technology includes the following functions:

Organization of the educational process at the level of the class as a whole, the subject as a whole;

Organization of intra-class coordination and activation;

  1. individual observation of students, provision of individual assistance;

preparation of components of the information environment, their connection with the subject content of a particular training course.

Informatization of education requires computer literacy from teachers, which can be considered as a special part of the content of computer technology.

Based on the above functions of computer technology, there are at least three approaches to the use of computers in education that are widely used today. We are talking about a computer as a storage (and source) of information, about a computer as a developing environment, about a computer as a learning device.

The use of information and computer technologies opens up new opportunities for teachers in teaching their subject. The study of any discipline using ICT gives children the opportunity to reflect and participate in the creation of lesson elements, which contributes to the development of students' interest in the subject. Classical and integrated lessons, accompanied by multimedia presentations, tests and software products, allow students to deepen the knowledge gained earlier, as the English proverb says - "I heard and forgot, I saw and remembered." The use of modern technologies in education creates favorable conditions for the formation of the personality of students and meets the needs of modern society.

It is obvious to everyone that a modern multimedia computer is a reliable assistant and an effective educational tool in teaching various subjects. The use of a computer in the classroom and in extracurricular activities makes the teacher the glory of an advanced and progressive person.

Multimedia presentations have firmly entered the school life. The presentation quickly and clearly depicts things that cannot be expressed in words; arouses interest and diversifies the process of information transfer; enhances the impact of the speech.

Possibilities of using the computer as a super-efficient means of creating problem situations in the classroom. The teacher can, for example:

1. turn off the sound and ask the students to comment on what is observed on the screen. Then you can either watch again with sound, or not return to watching if the guys have successfully completed the task. The conditional name of this technique: "What would it mean?";

2. stop the frame and ask the student, having done a thought experiment, to try to describe the further course of the process. Let's give this technique the conditional name "And then?";

3. demonstrate some phenomenon, process and ask to explain, make a hypothesis why it happens this way. Let's call this principle "Why?".

Using electronic computers as an effective learning tool, it turned out to be insufficient to work only with ready-made information products, you should create your own. The use of slide films during lectures provides dynamism, visibility, a higher level and volume of information compared to traditional forms. When preparing a slide film for a lesson, you can use electronic textbooks, scanned drawings and diagrams, and Internet information.

In addition to lecture lessons, the use of a computer is effective in consolidating knowledge. At an intermediate stage between obtaining new information (lecture) and knowledge control (survey, test). It is necessary to organize the work of students to master the material of the topic, based on self-control. One of the effective methods is training testing. This activity involves the individual work of each student with a computer program. The student gets the opportunity to work at a pace convenient for him and pay attention to those issues of the topic that cause difficulties for him. And the teacher conducts individual work with those students who need help.

Thus, if technological capabilities are accompanied by an appropriate method of use, this makes teaching the subject more attractive for both teachers and students, can facilitate the work of the teacher, free him from routine work at all three stages of learning.

The result of using modern technologies.


The result of using technology

Ra Developmental learning

Comprehensive harmonious development of the child's personality, preparation of an educational base for gymnasium education

P Problem based learning

Multilevel training

Ra Development of multi-level tasks. Completion of training groups in accordance with individual capabilities

T Technology of level differentiation based on mandatory results

From Development of educational standards. Failure warning.


Research Skills Research

Time Development of research skills in the learning process in one lesson and in a series of lessons, followed by the presentation of the results of the work in the form of: abstract, report

P Project-based teaching methods

Transition to the level of socially significant results

Technology "Debate"

Developing Public Speaking Skills

L Lecture-seminar credit system

Game learning technology: role-playing, business and educational games

Improving the quality of education based on the development of educational standards of education.

Education Training in cooperation (team, group work)

Once the development of mutual responsibility, the ability to learn by virtue of their own capabilities with the support of their comrades

Information and Communication Technologies

Use of electronic textbooks.

ZZ Health-saving technologies

Strengthening the health-saving aspect of subject education

The development of personality in school takes place in the classroom, so the task of the teacher is to ensure that each child is included in different activities. A correctly chosen goal determines the selection of methods and forms of organization of educational and cognitive activity of students ...

Recall what the king of one planet said in Antoine de Saint-Exupery's fairy tale "The Little Prince": "If I order my general to turn into a sea gull, and if the general does not comply with the order, it will not be his fault, but mine." What can these words mean for us?

In fact, they contain one of the most important rules for successful teaching: set realistic goals for yourself and those you teach. Unfortunately, we often ignore this rule. We give long lectures, emotionally tell interesting things (in our opinion), we can give children the task of reading a huge passage from the textbook, retelling it, we can show a movie or play a whole lesson. But some time passes, and only fragments of the knowledge that they were supposed to master remain in their memory. This happens because the children do not have the opportunity, time and sufficient skills to reflect on the material being studied.

Therefore, the most important component of the pedagogical process should be the personality-oriented interaction of the teacher with students, where comfortable psychological well-being of teachers and students would be ensured, a sharp decrease in conflict situations in the classroom and during educational activities, where favorable prerequisites would be created for increasing the level of general cultural training; a favorable microclimate was created in the classroom, school.

We make weather in the classroom. So let's do it reasonably, efficiently and, if possible, sunny. And let's do only good weather!

After all, the changeable, unstable nature of the weather in the classroom has a bad effect on the health of people who are constantly in it. The sharply continental climate in the classroom is especially bad for everyone.

This is when different continents exist side by side in the classroom: the continent of teachers and the continent of students.

The sharply continental climate is characterized by sharp changes in the weather in the classroom, which has an extremely negative effect on school-sensitive people, who are the majority in school.

We don’t need anything sharp at school, in the classroom, let alone continental.

Hence - my "let wishes":

Let the teacher be the meteorologist who predicts the weather in the classroom.

Let the method of teaching your subject be changeable, but your professionalism, devotion to children and work, simple human decency remain unchanged.

Let the temperature of knowledge in your class always be positive and never drop to zero or below.

May the wind of change never turn into the wind in your head.

May the wind in your classroom be gentle and fresh.

Let the rainbow of discovery shine in your classroom.

Let the hail of “unsuccessful” and “twos” pass you by, and “fives” and successes flow like water.

Let the storm not break out at all in your class.

Let your class be a greenhouse - a greenhouse of love, kindness, respect and decency. In such a greenhouse, friendly mature, strong shoots will grow. And it will be a wonderful greenhouse effect.

Slides captions:

Modern pedagogical technologies, their effectiveness Blinova G.A., teacher of chemistry and biology

"Technology" is a detailed way of carrying out this or that activity within the framework of the chosen method.

"Pedagogical technology" is such a construction of the teacher's activity, in which the actions included in it are presented in a certain sequence and suggest the achievement of a predictable result.

Criteria that make up the essence of pedagogical technology: an unambiguous and strict definition of learning objectives (why and for what); content selection and structure (what); optimal organization of the educational process (how); methods, techniques and teaching aids (with the help of what); as well as taking into account the necessary real level of teacher qualification (who); and objective methods for evaluating learning outcomes (is this true).

Therefore, among the priority technologies, there are: traditional technologies: referring to traditional technologies various types of training sessions, where any system of means can be implemented that ensures the activity of each student based on a multi-level approach to the content, methods, forms of organization of educational and cognitive activity, to the level of cognitive independence, transfer of teacher-student relations to parity and much more; gaming technologies; test technologies; modular block technologies; developmental learning technologies; technology of problem learning; project-based learning technology; Computer techologies; and etc.

“A bad teacher presents the truth, a good teacher teaches to find it.” A. Diesterweg

The tasks of modern pedagogical technologies are accentuated: on the education of a truly free personality, the formation in children of the ability to think independently, acquire and apply knowledge; carefully consider decisions and clearly plan actions; to cooperate effectively in groups of diverse composition and profile, to be open to new contacts and cultural ties.

Not calls for the modernization of the educational process, not the development of regular improvement and development programs renews the school. It is updated by a teacher who has mastered new technologies of teaching and education.

Modern pedagogical technologies. Developing education Cooperation in education. Problem learning Computer technologies. Project training.

Developmental learning

In order to make the lesson developing, the teacher must: replace the reproductive question-answer system of the lesson and the types of tasks with more complex ones, the implementation of which involves a wide variety of mental qualities (memory, attention, thinking, speech, etc.). This is facilitated by problematic questions, search tasks, tasks for observations, solving practical problems, performing research tasks, etc.; change the nature of the presentation of new material and turn it into a problematic, heuristic, stimulating students to search; involve students in self-management and self-regulation of cognitive processes in the classroom, involving them in setting the objectives of the lesson, developing a plan for its implementation, monitoring and self-control, in evaluating, self-evaluating and mutually evaluating the results of activities. Students can act as laboratory assistants, assistants, teacher assistants, consultants.

Problem learning

A problem (from the Greek problema - a task) is “a difficult question, a task that needs to be solved” (S.I. Ozhegov). The problem can be scientific and educational.

Currently, problem learning is understood as such an organization of the educational process, which involves the creation of problem situations under the guidance of a teacher and the active independent activity of students to resolve them.

This type of training: is aimed at students' independent search for new concepts and methods of action; involves the consistent and purposeful presentation of cognitive problems to students, the resolution of which (under the guidance of a teacher) leads to the active assimilation of new knowledge; provides a special way of thinking, the strength of knowledge and their creative application in practical activities.

The technological scheme of problem-based learning is as follows: the teacher creates a problem situation, directs students to solve it, organizes the search for a solution and the application of the acquired knowledge in solving practical problems. Thus, the child is placed in the position of the subject of his learning and, as a result, new knowledge is formed in him. He masters new ways of acting.

The implementation of problem-based learning is possible under the following conditions: the presence of a problem situation; readiness of the student to find a solution; the possibility of an ambiguous solution.

Stages of implementation of problem learning: The first stage is preparation for the perception of the problem. The second stage is the creation of a problem situation. The third stage is the formulation of the problem. The fourth stage is the problem solving process. The fifth stage is the proof of the correctness of the chosen solution, its confirmation, if possible, in practice.

Cooperation in education

Activities in the conditions of cooperation provide: Higher level of efficiency and productivity of the educational process. Creating a more friendly, welcoming environment in the classroom. Increasing self-esteem and communication competence of schoolchildren and, ultimately, greater mental health of students.

Project based learning

Basic requirements for the use of project activities: The presence of a significant research, creative problem or task that requires search for its solution. The problem raised in the work should, as a rule, be original. The basis of the activity should be the independent work of students. Use of research methods. The work performed should demonstrate the depth of the author's knowledge of the chosen field of study. The work must meet the established formal criteria.

The concept of information (computer) technology.

Computer technologies are the processes of preparing and transmitting information to the student, the means of implementation of which is a computer.

There are at least three approaches to the use of computers in teaching that are widely used today. We are talking about a computer as a storage (and source) of information, about a computer as a developing environment, about a computer as a learning device.

The result of using modern technologies. Technology The result of using technology Developing learning Problem learning Project-based teaching methods Learning in cooperation (teamwork, group work) Information and communication technologies Comprehensive harmonious development of the child's personality, preparation of the educational base. The transition to the level of socially significant results, the formation of educational, cognitive, informational, communicative competencies. The development of mutual responsibility, the ability to learn by virtue of their own capabilities with the support of their comrades. Increasing the effectiveness of the lesson.

The development of personality in school takes place in the classroom, so the task of the teacher is to ensure that each child is included in different activities. A correctly chosen goal determines the selection of methods and forms of organization of educational and cognitive activity of students ...

Recall what the king of one planet said in Antoine de Saint-Exupery's fairy tale "The Little Prince": "If I order my general to turn into a sea gull, and if the general does not comply with the order, it will not be his fault, but mine." What can these words mean for us?

The most important component of the pedagogical process should be the personality-oriented interaction of the teacher with students, where comfortable psychological well-being of teachers and students would be ensured, a sharp decrease in conflict situations in the classroom and during educational activities, where favorable prerequisites would be created for increasing the level of general cultural training; a favorable microclimate was created in the classroom, school.

We make weather in the classroom. So let's do it reasonably, efficiently and, if possible, sunny. And let's do only good weather!

Sections: School administration

A school is an open socio-pedagogical system created by society and designed to perform socially significant functions. As society is updated and the social order changes, so does the school. The fundamental state documents of recent years call the idea of ​​development the key in the ideology of the new school, highlighting three important postulates:

  1. the school is the most important factor in the development of the individual;
  2. the school must become an effective and promising factor in the development of Russian society;
  3. the education system and the school must be constantly developed.

The development of the school without the development of new ideas is impossible, an innovative process is necessary.

The focus on personal development involves the selection of the following as the main criteria for an innovative educational system:

- free access of students to information, familiarization with culture, creativity;
– preservation of life, physical, mental and moral health of students;
- the ability of the education system to include not only cognitive, but also social programs aimed at solving the life problems of students;
- the ability of an innovative educational system to adapt to the needs of each child, to individualize education and upbringing; ensure the moral and psychological comfort of students;
- a democratic arrangement of the joint life of students and teachers.

These criteria for an innovative educational system are reflected in the School Development Program for the 2006-2010 academic years. One of the tasks successfully solved by the school staff is the use of modern educational technologies, which are a prerequisite for the intellectual, creative and moral development of students.

What is the effect of using modern educational technologies?

To do this, you need to understand the meaning of the term “effect”.

An effect is a means, a technique for creating a certain impression, as well as the impression itself; results of any cause. Thus, the effect is an action, an impression. Therefore, it is necessary to find out how to produce this impression, by what action. The meaning inherent in this concept can be deepened by single-root words. For example, effective, which means productive, productive, efficient.

Often the problem of measuring effectiveness is limited to determining the quality of learning, although it is obvious that the concept of the effectiveness of a particular educational technology depends on its potential, on its focus. Therefore, the scientific and methodological council of the school determined the criteria for determining the effectiveness of the use of innovative technologies:

  1. The level of use of modern educational technologies.
  2. The level of computer equipment and PC proficiency.
  3. The level of readiness of teachers for innovative, experimental activities.
  4. The level of development of the cognitive sphere of students.
  5. The level of motivation for learning.
  6. Participation of students in project activities and creative competitions.
  7. Formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle.
  8. The degree of satisfaction with the school life of students and parents.

During the analyzed period (3 years), there is a positive trend in the use of modern educational technologies. During the diagnostics, the following systemic effects were noted.

100% of teachers have information about modern pedagogical technologies.

The school staff uses:

Developmental learning technology - 82%

Efficiency of use: the formation of the ability and desire to learn, the development of initiative, interest in learning. Comprehensively harmonious development of the personality of the child.

Problem-based learning technology - 78%

Efficiency of use: mastering the methods of independent activity, the ability to see the problem, look for solutions, form conclusions.

Technology of multi-level education - 95%

Efficiency of use: involvement of all students in learning activities, learning in accordance with individual capabilities.

Design technology - 72%

Efficiency of use: the formation of research, information, communication competencies. Creation of conditions for organized activity and cooperation.

Game technology - 84%

Efficiency of use: realization of the individual's need for self-expression. Formation of a creative attitude to reality.

Collaborative learning technology - 82%

Efficiency of use: the development of mutual responsibility, the ability to learn by virtue of one's own abilities with the support of one's comrades.

Health-saving technology - 100%.

Efficiency of use: creating and strengthening the physical and mental health of children.

Information and communication technology - 85%

Efficiency of use: increasing the efficiency of the lesson through the use of multimedia tools, Internet technologies. Formation of information and communication competencies.

Computer literacy of teachers.

Effective use of ICT tools by all participants in the educational process is possible with appropriate training. 60% of teachers were trained in the use of ICT. The school holds courses and consultations for teachers on the topics “Creating tables and diagrams”, “Working on the Internet. E-mail”, “Working with interactive equipment”. In order to increase the efficiency of work, the school relies on the formation of its own personnel policy, which contributes to the creation of a team of teachers who are ready for creativity and innovation. Close attention is paid to the issues of certification of teaching staff.

The composition of teachers with VKK increased by 11%, which is proof of the effectiveness of methodological work.

A teacher who is capable and ready to carry out innovative activities at school will be able to take place when he realizes himself as a professional, has a mindset for the creative perception of the existing innovative experience and its necessary transformation. On the basis of the school in 2007, a regional experimental site was opened on the topic: “Complex information and educational environment in the cognitive activity of students”. We faced the problem of teachers' willingness to participate in experimental activities. Therefore, the idea of ​​identifying and studying the innovative potential of a teacher, which determines his readiness to improve his pedagogical activity and confirms the availability of means and methods to ensure this readiness, has become the core of diagnosing OER.

The level of readiness of teachers for innovative, experimental activities.

The advanced pedagogical experience of teachers is generalized and disseminated in the school, district, region through open lessons, master classes, speeches at conferences. This academic year alone, teachers spoke at regional conferences: “Competency-Based Approach in Education as a Basis for the Implementation of Second Generation Standards: From Theory to Practice”, “Professional Portrait of a Teacher”, held open lessons as part of regional advanced training courses, and a regional seminar “Features of UMK Harmony”, etc.

Over the past three years, the number of publications by teachers has increased, revealing effective pedagogical technologies used at school.

Publications of teachers.

The use of modern educational technologies has made it possible to prepare a contingent of students who have the opportunity to study at an increased level of requirements. The school implements pre-profile training and profile education, which made it possible to create conditions for personal and professional self-determination of schoolchildren, new curricula (economics, law, information modeling) are being tested, elective courses have been developed and are being conducted. To form a stable motivation for learning activities and the formation of career guidance, an elective course “In Search of Your Vocation” is being conducted. At the senior level, a socio-economic profile is implemented, which is the most in demand in the microdistrict. Implementing this profile, the school actively cooperates with higher educational institutions: the Russian State Social University, the Institute of Management, Marketing and Finance.

The number of school graduates enrolled in universities.

The number of school students in grades 10–11 studying according to individual plans increased from 10% to 16%.

The most important component of the pedagogical process should be the student-oriented interaction of the teacher with the students, where comfortable psychological well-being of teachers and students would be ensured, a sharp decrease in conflict situations in the classroom and during educational activities, where favorable prerequisites would be created for increasing the level of general cultural training, a favorable microclimate would be created in the classroom and at school. According to the results of psychological research for three years, the level of school anxiety decreased by 10% and the level of motivation for learning increased by 8.5%.

Today, like hundreds and thousands of years ago, the teacher and the student meet. Between them is an ocean of knowledge and reefs of contradictions. And that's okay. Any ocean contradicts, hinders, but it will endow those who overcome it with constantly changing landscapes, the vastness of the horizon, the hidden life of its depths, a long-awaited and unexpectedly growing coast.

Creative success and effective work.

Everything is in our hands, so we can not lower them

Coco Chanel

Peculiarity federal state educational standards of general education- their activity character, which makes the development of the student's personality the main task. Modern education refuses the traditional presentation of learning outcomes in the form of knowledge, skills and abilities; the wording of the Federal State Educational Standard points to real activities.

The task at hand requires implementation in a modern school system-activity approach to the organization of the educational process, which, in turn, is associated with fundamental changes in the activities of the teacher who implements the new standard. Teaching technologies are also changing.

What is educational technology?

. A set of techniques is an area of ​​pedagogical knowledge that reflects the characteristics of the deep processes of pedagogical activity, the features of their interaction, the management of which ensures the necessary efficiency of the educational process;

. A set of forms, methods, techniques and means of transferring social experience, as well as the technical equipment of this process;

. A set of ways to organize the educational and cognitive process or a sequence of certain actions, operations related to the specific activities of the teacher and aimed at achieving the goals (technological chain).

Under these conditions, the traditional school, which implements the classical model of education, has become unproductive. Before me, as well as before my colleagues, the problem arose - to turn traditional education aimed at accumulating knowledge, skills, skills, into the process of developing the child's personality.

Leaving the traditional lesson through the use of new technologies in the learning process makes it possible to eliminate the monotony of the educational environment and the monotony of the educational process, create conditions for changing the types of activities of students, and make it possible to implement the principles of health saving. It is recommended to make a choice of technology depending on the subject content, the objectives of the lesson, the level of preparedness of students, the possibility of meeting their educational needs, the age category of students.

In the context of the implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards, the most relevant are technology:

v Information and communication technology

v Critical thinking development technology

v Design technology

v Developmental learning technology

v Health-saving technologies

v Problem-based learning technology

v Gaming technologies

v Modular technology

v Workshop technology

v Case - technology

v Integrated learning technology

v Pedagogy of cooperation.

v Tier differentiation technologies

v Group technologies.

v Traditional technologies (class-lesson system)

one). Information and communication technology

The use of ICT at various stages of teaching mathematics

Information technology, in my opinion, can be used at various stages of a mathematics lesson:

- independent learning with the absence or denial of the teacher's activities;

- partial replacement (fragmentary, selective use of additional material);

– use of training (training) programs;

— use of diagnostic and control materials;

- performing home independent and creative tasks;

- use of a computer for calculations, plotting graphs;

- the use of programs that simulate experiments and laboratory work;

- use of gaming and entertaining programs;

— use of information and reference programs.

Since the visual-figurative components of thinking play an extremely important role in human life, their use in studying material using ICT increases the effectiveness of learning:

- graphics and animation help students understand complex logical mathematical constructions;

- the opportunities provided to students to manipulate (explore) various objects on the display screen, change the speed of their movement, size, color, etc. allow children to assimilate educational material with the fullest use of the sense organ and communication connections of the brain.

The computer can be used at all stages of the learning process: when explaining new material, consolidating, repeating, controlling, while for the student it performs various functions: a teacher, a working tool, an object of study, a collaborating team.

When choosing the conditions for the use of ICT, it is necessary to take into account:

one). the availability of programs relevant to the topic being studied;

2) the readiness of students to work using a computer;

The use of information technology must be considered in the inseparable unity of all components of the educational process:

creation of lessons using ICT;

creative project work of students;

distance learning, competitions;

mandatory elective classes

Creative interaction with teachers

Forms of use of ICT

In the process of teaching mathematics, information technology can be used in various forms. The directions I use can be represented in the form of the following main blocks:

· multimedia scenarios of lessons;

Checking knowledge in the classroom and at home (independent work, mathematical dictations, control and independent work, online tests);

Preparation for the OGE, Unified State Examination

2) Technology of critical thinking

Critical thinking - this is the ability to analyze information using logic and a personal psychological approach in order to apply the results obtained to both standard and non-standard situations, questions and problems. This process is characterized by openness to new ideas.

1. Critical thinking - thinking independent

2. Information is the starting point, not the end point, of critical thinking.

3. Critical thinking begins with asking questions and understanding the problems that need to be solved.

4. Critical thinking is based on persuasive reasoning.

5. Critical thinking - social thinking

RKM technology allows solving the following problems:

-educational motivation: increasing interest in the learning process and active perception of educational material;

- information literacy: developing the ability for independent analytical and evaluation work with information of any complexity;

-social competence: formation of communication skills and responsibility for knowledge.

TRCM contributes not only to the assimilation of specific knowledge, but to the socialization of the child, the development of a benevolent attitude towards people. When learning using this technology, knowledge is assimilated much better, since the technology is not designed for memorization, but for a thoughtful creative process of understanding the world, for posing a problem, searching for its solution.

Methodological techniques for the development of critical thinking, including group work, modeling of educational material, role-playing games, discussions, individual and group projects, contribute to the acquisition of knowledge, provide a deeper assimilation of the content, increase students' interest in the subject, develop social and individual skills.

Functions of the three phases of technology for the development of critical thinking


Motivational(incitement to work with new information, awakening interest in the topic)

Informational(call "to the surface" of existing knowledge on the topic)

(non-conflict exchange of opinions)

Making sense of the content

Informational(obtaining new information on the topic)

Systematization(classification of the received information into categories of knowledge)


Communication(exchange of views on new information)

Informational(acquisition of new knowledge)

Motivational(an incentive to further expand the information field)

Estimated(correlation of new information and existing knowledge, development of one's own position,
process evaluation)

Basic Methodological Techniques for the Development of Critical Thinking

§ Reception "Cluster",

§ table,

§ educational brainstorming,

§ intellectual warm-up,

§ zigzag,

§ zigzag -2,

§ reception "Insert",

§ Essay,

§ Reception "Basket of ideas",

§ Reception "Compilation of syncwines",

§ method of control questions,

§ Reception "I know .. / I want to know .. / I found out ...",

§ Circles on the water,

§ role project,

§ Not really,

§ Reception "Reading with stops"


The mechanism of development of students' knowledge in the mode of technology for the development of critical thinking.(developed by S.I. Zair-Bek)

Physics lesson in grade 7. "Communicating vessels and their applications": (call stage):

“The fisherman, in order to keep the fish he caught alive, made an improvement in his boat: he separated part of the boat by placing two vertical partitions, and made a hole in the bottom in the fenced off part. Will the boat not flood and sink if it is lowered into the water? - he thought before testing his improvement, but what do you think? (pin the picture of the boat on the album sheet to the board).

(The class listens to the opinions of the guys.)

-To give an accurate answer to these questions, we will have to remember some of the studied physics and learn something new.

front poll.



- “Somehow the Baby Elephant, the Monkey, the Parrot and the Boa constrictor, blew soap bubbles. The bubbles were spherical. The monkey fiddled for a long time and made herself a tube with a square hole. But the bubble didn't turn into a cube! Why? And why did these bubbles rise up?

According to Pascal's law: The pressure exerted on a liquid or gas is transmitted to every point in the medium without change.

Because the air inside them is warmer than the outside.

What is the formula for finding pressure? (We write this and other formulas on the board.)



What formula is used to calculate pressure?



- And how to determine the pressure of a liquid at any depth in it?


(Formulas write on the board)

What does the pressure in a liquid or gas depend on?

From the density of a liquid or gas,

from the height of the liquid or gas column.

(listen to answers.)

Let's remember this information, it will be useful to us today.

(reflection stage):

Question: reconsider the drawing with the boat. What will you say to the fisherman? (The compartment in the boat and the river bed are communicating vessels. The water pouring into the compartment will not reach the edge of the side, but will be at the same level as in the river. The boat will not flood, and it will float.

Question. Is the surface of the water in a river horizontal? And in the lake? (In the river - no: it leans towards the flow of the river; in the lake - yes.)

Question In front of you are two coffee pots of the same width, but one is high, the other is low (Fig. 6). Which one is more spacious?

(The capacity of the coffee pot and the spout are communicating vessels. Since the holes of the spouts are located at the same height, the low coffee pot is just as capacious as the tall one; the liquid enters them only up to the level of the spout.)

3) Design technology

In the context of the modernization of Russian education, aimed at improving the quality, accessibility and effectiveness of education and defining the formation of key competencies of students as one of the directions, the problem of implementing the tasks set at school is particularly acute.

One of the most important problems of education is the decrease in the learning motivation of students, which especially noticeable in adolescence. 15% of successfully studying children at school are obedient children, conscientiously doing their homework, all the requirements of the teacher. At the cost of their health, they achieve the maximum possible success for themselves, and 85% of students remain out of school education. Many teachers ask the question: "Why are not all children included in the educational process?" One of the reasons for this is the individuality of each child, which determines the individual path to knowledge. The use of various modern pedagogical technologies makes it possible to diversify the educational process and thereby involve more students in the active process of cognition. One such technology is the Project Method. The educational potential of project activities lies in the possibility of: increasing motivation in obtaining additional knowledge and improving the quality of education.

The project method is not fundamentally new in pedagogical practice. The design method is understood as a generalized model of a certain way to achieve the goal, a system of techniques, a certain technology of cognitive activity. The project method is one of the main methods, as it allows the student to become the subject of learning and his own development. I will take the liberty of expressing my opinion that the method of projects, the method of cooperation in organizing the work of students, to a large extent correspond to the indicated provisions. Studying and analyzing the results of the work of colleagues, I tried to organize and conduct similar work in physics lessons.

The main distinguishing feature of the project method is learning on an active basis, through the expedient activity of the student, which corresponds to his personal interests. This method is based on the development of students' cognitive skills, the ability to independently construct their knowledge, the ability to navigate in the information space, the development of critical and creative thinking. The project method is always focused on the independent activity of students - individual, pair, group, which students perform for a certain period of time. The project method always involves solving a problem.

The main goal of any project is formation various key competencies, which in modern pedagogy are understood as complex personality traits, including interrelated knowledge, skills, values, as well as the willingness to mobilize them in a necessary situation.

Stages of work on the project


Student activities

Teacher activity



Choosing a project topic, determining its goals and objectives, developing the implementation of an idea plan, forming microgroups.

Formation of participants' motivation, advising on the choice of topics and genre of the project, assistance in the selection of necessary materials, development of criteria for evaluating the activities of each participant at all stages.


Collection, analysis and systematization of the collected information, recording interviews, discussion of the collected material in microgroups, putting forward and testing a hypothesis, designing a layout and poster presentation, self-control.

Regular consulting on the content of the project, assistance in organizing and processing the material, consultation on the design of the project, tracking the activities of each student, evaluation.


Project design, preparation for defense.

Preparation of speakers, assistance in the design of the project.


For example:

Geometry lesson grade 8.

Topic: Quadrangles.


Student activities

Teacher activity



They are divided into groups (the number of groups corresponds to the types of quadrangles) develop the main ideas, goals of their work, draw up a plan

Formation of participants' motivation, advising on the choice of topics and genre of the project, assistance in the selection of necessary materials, development of criteria for evaluating the activities of each participant at all stages


Collection, analysis and systematization of the collected information about the properties and features of the quadrilateral, recording material in microgroups, putting forward and testing a hypothesis, designing a layout and poster presentation, self-control.

Consulting on the content of the project, assistance in systematization and processing of the material, consultation on the design of the project, tracking the activities of each student, evaluation.


Designing your project, protecting it

Assists in arranging


Evaluation of your activities. “What did the work on the project give me?”

Evaluation of each project participant.

As a result, the overall result of the activities of all participants and groups is the creation of a classification of quadrilaterals.

4). Problem learning technology

In the conditions of modern society, ever higher demands are placed on the student as a person capable of independently solving problems of various levels. There is a need to develop an active life position in children, a stable motivation for education and self-education, and critical thinking.

In this regard, the traditional learning system has significant drawbacks compared to problem-based learning.

Today, problem-based learning is understood as such an organization of training sessions that involves the creation of problem situations under the guidance of a teacher and the active independent activity of students to resolve them.

When using this technology, I rely on the main provisions of the theory of problem-based learning (M. I. Makhmutov). I adhere to the peculiarities of creating problematic situations, the requirements for the formulation of problematic questions, since the question becomes problematic under certain conditions: it must contain a cognitive difficulty and visible boundaries of the known and the unknown; cause surprise when comparing the new with the previously known, dissatisfaction with existing knowledge and skills.

To activate the mental activity of students and develop their mental abilities, I use cognitive tasks, based on the typology of tasks proposed by the psychologist V. A. Krutetsky.

I use problem-based learning technology mainly in the classroom:

Studying new material and primary consolidation;


Block problem classes - trainings.

This technology allows:

Activate the cognitive activity of students in the classroom, which allows them to cope with a large amount of educational material;

To form a stable educational motivation, and learning with passion is a vivid example of health saving;

Use the acquired skills of organizing independent work to gain new knowledge from various sources of information;

To increase self-esteem of students, because when solving a problem, any opinions are listened to and taken into account.

A problematic situation can be created when a discrepancy between the existing knowledge and skills and the actual state of things is discovered. In order for students to discover this discrepancy, the teacher asks students to recall the well-known formulation of the concept, rules, and then offers for analysis such specially selected facts, in the analysis of which there is difficulty.

The second type of problematic presentation of new material - a problem situation is created when children are asked a question that requires an independent comparison of a number of studied facts or phenomena, and the expression of their own judgments and conclusions, or a special task is given for independent solution. In the process of such heuristic search, stable attention is created and maintained.

The survey can be carried out as a solution to educational and cognitive tasks that require not only the reproduction of what has been studied, but also the establishment of deeper connections in the concept. Each of these tasks requires not only the reproduction of the material, but makes it necessary to analyze what has been learned, which contributes to the intellectual activation of the class.

In general, the structure of the problematic lesson is as follows:

1) preparatory stage;

2) the stage of creating a problem situation;

3) students' awareness of a topic or a separate issue of a topic in the form of an educational problem;

4) putting forward a hypothesis, assumptions, substantiation of a hypothesis;

5) proof, solution and conclusion on the formulated educational problem;

6) consolidation and discussion of the data obtained, the application of this knowledge in new situations

Example 1: "Triangle Inequality"

Creating a problem situation in the lesson "Geometry Grade 7" "Is it possible to build a triangle with sides of 2 cm, 5 cm and 9 cm using a compass and a ruler?"

Example 2. "Finding a fraction from a number."

1) Let's solve the problem: “The garden occupies 6 ares of land. Potatoes are planted in 1/3 of the garden. How much of the total area of ​​land is occupied by potatoes? Can we solve the problem? How?

2) Describe the task. Let's move away from the garden and potatoes, let's move on to the values. What do we know? [whole]. What to find? [part]

3) Let's take the same problem, but change the values ​​of one value: “The garden occupies 4/5 of the land. Potatoes are planted in 2/3 of the garden. How much of the total land area is occupied by potatoes? Has the mathematical meaning of the problem changed? [No]. So, again, the whole is known, but we are looking for a part. Does replacing 6 with 4/5 affect the solution? Is it possible to decide? [No].

4) What kind of situation did we get?

[Both tasks are about finding a part of a number. But we can solve one knowing certain fractions, the concept of the numerator and denominator, and we cannot solve the second]. Problem: we do not know the general rule for finding a fraction from a number. We need to get this rule out.

Example 3. "Archimedean force"


Investigate the dependence of the buoyancy force on:

1. body volume;

2. liquid density.


Investigate whether the buoyancy force depends on:

1. body density;

2. body shape;

3. diving depths.

Benefits of problem-based learning technology: contributes not only to the acquisition by students of the necessary system of knowledge, skills and abilities, but also to the achievement of a high level of their mental development, the formation of their ability to independently acquire knowledge through their own creative activity; develops interest in academic work; provides lasting learning outcomes.

Disadvantages: large expenditures of time to achieve the planned results, poor controllability of the cognitive activity of students.

5). Gaming technologies

The game, along with work and learning, is one of the main types of human activity, an amazing phenomenon of our existence.

A-priory, a game- this is a type of activity in the conditions of situations aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience, in which self-management of behavior is formed and improved.

Classification of educational games

1. By area of ​​application:

— physical


— labor



2. By (characteristic) the nature of the pedagogical process:


— training


- generalizing

— cognitive



3. Game technology:

— subject



— business

— imitation


4. By subject area:

—mathematical, chemical, biological, physical, environmental

— musical

— labor

— sports


5. By gaming environment:

- no items

— with items

— desktop

- room

— street

— computer


- cyclic, with vehicles

What tasks does the use of this form of training solve:

- Carries out more free, psychologically liberated control of knowledge.

- The painful reaction of students to unsuccessful answers disappears.

— The approach to students in teaching is becoming more delicate and differentiated.

Learning in the game allows you to teach:

Recognize, compare, characterize, reveal concepts, justify, apply

As a result of the application of game learning methods, the following goals are achieved:

§ cognitive activity is stimulated

§ mental activity is activated

§ information is spontaneously remembered

§ associative memorization is formed

§ increased motivation to study the subject

All this speaks of the effectiveness of learning in the process of the game, which is professional activity, which has the features of both teaching and labor.

Example 1"Rectangular coordinate system on a plane" (Grade 6)

Game "Competition of artists"

The coordinates of the points are written on the board: (0;0),(-1;1),(-3;1),(-2;3),(-3;3),(-4;6),(0; 8),(2;5),(2;11),(6;10),(3;9),(4;5),(3;0),(2;0),(1;-7 ),(3;-8),(0;-8),(0;0).

Mark each point on the coordinate plane and connect it to the previous segment. The result is a certain pattern.

This game can be played with the reverse task: draw by yourself any drawing that has a polyline configuration and write down the coordinates of the vertices.

Example 2

The game "Magic Squares"

A) In the cells of the square, write such numbers so that the sum of the numbers along any vertical, horizontal is equal to 0.

B) Write in the cells of the square the number -1; 2; -3; -4; 5; -6; -7; eight; -9 so that the product of any diagonal, vertical, horizontal is equal to a positive number.

6). Case - technology

Case technologies combine role-playing games, the project method, and situational analysis at the same time .

Case technologies are not a repetition after the teacher, not a retelling of a paragraph or an article, not an answer to a teacher's question, it is an analysis of a specific situation that makes you raise the layer of knowledge gained and put it into practice.

Characteristics of the case method

1. The main emphasis when using the method of a specific situation is placed not so much on the development of problem-solving skills, but on the development of analytical thinking, which is necessary to identify the problem, formulate it and make a decision.

2. The case method is a fairly effective means of organizing learning, but it cannot be considered universal, applicable to all disciplines and solving all educational problems. The effectiveness of the method is that it can be quite easily combined with other teaching methods.

§ Promotes the development of skills:

§ Analyze situations;

§ Evaluate alternatives;

§ Choose the best solution;

§ Make a plan for the implementation of decisions

Results possible when using the "Case method" method:



1. Assimilation of new information

2. Mastering the data collection method

3. Mastering the method of analysis

4. Ability to work with text

5. Correlation of theoretical and practical knowledge


2. Education and achievement

personal goals

3. Level Up

Communication skills

4. Emergence of experience of acceptance

decisions, actions in the new

situations, problem solving

Student's work with a case

Stage 1 - acquaintance with the situation, its features;

Stage 2 - identification of the main problem (problems),

Stage 3 - suggesting concepts or topics for brainstorming;

Stage 4 - analysis of the consequences of making a decision;

Stage 5 - case solution - the proposal of one or more options for a sequence of actions.

Actions of the teacher in case - technology:

1) creating a case or using an existing one;

2) distribution of students in small groups (4-6 people);

3) familiarization of students with the situation, the system for evaluating solutions to the problem, the deadlines for completing tasks, organizing the work of students in small groups,

definition of speakers;

4) organization of presentation of solutions in small groups;

5) organizing a general discussion;

6) a generalizing speech of the teacher, his analysis of the situation;

7) assessment of students by the teacher

What gives the use
case - technologies


to the apprentice

Access to the database of modern educational materials

Organization of a flexible educational process

Reducing the time spent preparing for lessons

Continuous professional development

The possibility of implementing some elements of the educational process outside of class time

Working with additional materials

Permanent access to the database of consultations

Opportunity to prepare yourself for certification

Communication with other students in the group

Mastering modern information technologies


1. The first steam locomotives were created in Great Britain in 1803 (R. Trevithick) and in 1814 (J. Stephenson). In Russia, the first original steam locomotive was built

E.A. and M.E. Cherepanovs ( 1833 .). For over a century, steam locomotives were the most common type of traction until 50

x years. XX century, when they began to be replaced everywhere by electric locomotives and diesel locomotives. Since 1956, the production of steam locomotives in the USSR has been discontinued, although they are still in operation on some low-density lines.

railways and industrial enterprises. The main reason for replacing steam locomotives with other types of locomotives is their low efficiency: the efficiency of the best models did not exceed 9%, the average operating efficiency is 4%.
Great Soviet Encyclopedia

2. In order to assess how fully and profitably the heat received from fuel combustion is used in a steam locomotive, the concept of efficiency factor (COP) is usually used. The efficiency of a steam locomotive is the ratio of the amount of heat that is used to work on moving the steam locomotive and train (that is, the useful heat used) to the amount of heat available from the fuel thrown into the furnace of the steam locomotive. The efficiency of a modern, even the most advanced steam locomotive of conventional design rarely exceeds 7%. This means that out of every ton of coal burned, only 70 kilograms . Rest 930 kilograms literally “fly out into the pipe”, that is, they are not used for work on the movement of trains.

Due to the extremely low efficiency of a steam locomotive, thousands of tons of precious fuel - “black gold” are thrown into the wind. Continuing the great undertaking of their compatriots, the famous Russian mechanics Cherepanovs, our steam locomotive builders step by step increased the power and efficiency of the steam locomotive. A radical solution to the problem of increasing efficiency was carried out at the beginning of the 20th century, when superheated steam was first used on steam locomotives. However, it was not possible to achieve noticeable results in increasing the efficiency of steam locomotives: since the time of the Cherepanovs, the power of a steam locomotive has increased by more than 100 times, the speed has increased by almost 15 times, and the efficiency of a steam locomotive has only doubled.

3. On October 27, 2010, a Lekker Mobil electric car converted from an Audi A2 microvan made a record mileage on a single charge from Munich to Berlin 605 kilometers in conditions of real traffic on public roads, while all auxiliary systems, including heating, were preserved and operated. An electric car with a 55 kW electric motor was created by lekker Energie based on the Kolibri lithium polymer battery from DBM Energy. 115 kWh was stored in the battery, which allowed the electric car to cover the entire route at an average speed 90 km/h (the maximum speed on certain sections of the route was 130 km/h ) and keep after the finish 18% of the initial charge. According to DBM Energy, an electric forklift with such a battery was able to work continuously for 32 hours, which is 4 times more than with a conventional battery. A representative of lekker Energie claims that the Kolibri battery is able to provide a total resource mileage of up to 500,000 kilometers .
Venturi Streamliner Sets
new world Speed ​​Record 25 Aug 2010

4. Traction efficiency electric motoris 88-95%. In the urban cycle, the car uses about 3 l .with. engine. Urban transport can be replaced by electric vehicles. Electric vehicles still have one big drawback - the need to charge the battery. The process is long and requires some specially equipped charging point. Thus, it becomes unsuitable for long and long trips. But technologies have already been developed that allow charging lithium-ion batteries with electrodes made of nanomaterials up to 80% capacity in 5-15 minutes. In a hybrid car, this drawback is eliminated. Refueling is carried out according to the usual scheme, with conventional hydrocarbon fuel, when necessary, and further movement can be immediately continued.

4. Once Vintik and Shpuntik didn't say anything to anyone, they closed themselves in their workshop and began to make something. For a whole month they sawed, planed, riveted, soldered and showed nothing to anyone, and when the month passed, it turned out that they had made a car.

This car ran on sparkling water with syrup. In the middle of the car, a driver's seat was arranged, and a tank of soda water was placed in front of it. The gas from the tank passed through a tube into a copper cylinder and pushed an iron piston. The iron piston, under the pressure of the gas, went here and there and turned the wheels. Above the seat was a jar of syrup. The syrup flowed through the tube into the tank and served to lubricate the mechanism.

Such carbonated cars were very common among shorties. But in the car that Vintik and Shpuntik built, there was one very important improvement: a flexible rubber tube with a tap was attached to the side of the tank so that you could drink sparkling water on the go without stopping the car.

So far, the most realistic solution to the problem is to reduce the harm from cars by reducing fuel costs. So, if today an average passenger car consumes 6-10 liters of gasoline per 100 kilometers way, passenger car engines have already been created that consume only 4 liters. In Japan, Toyota is preparing to release a car model with a fuel consumption of 3 liters per 100 kilometers way.

Atmospheric pollution by cars is also reduced by replacing gasoline with liquefied gas. Special additives-catalysts are used to liquid fuel, increasing the completeness of its combustion, gasoline without lead additives. New types of car fuel are being developed. Thus, in Australia (Canberra city) an environmentally friendly fuel was tested, which contains 85% diesel fuel, 14% ethyl alcohol and 1% special emulsifier, which increases the completeness of combustion of the fuel. Work is underway to create ceramic car engines that will increase the combustion temperature of fuel and reduce the amount of exhaust gases.
"Ecology. Big Dictionary of Ecological Terms and Definitions”3 � ���� �%�
100 kilometers way.

Atmospheric pollution by cars is also reduced by replacing gasoline with liquefied gas. Special additives-catalysts are used to liquid fuel, increasing the completeness of its combustion, gasoline without lead additives. New types of car fuel are being developed. Thus, in Australia (Canberra city) an environmentally friendly fuel was tested, which contains 85% diesel fuel, 14% ethyl alcohol and 1% special emulsifier, which increases the completeness of combustion of the fuel. Work is underway to create ceramic car engines that will increase the combustion temperature of fuel and reduce the amount of exhaust gases.
"Ecology. Big Dictionary of Ecological Terms and Definitions»

Analyze the proposed information, identify the main problems of heat engines, their causes, suggest solutions.

In the process of work, students should pay attention to the following aspects and answer the questions:

1. Low efficiency of heat engines and the value of efficiency. How to explain?

Here, the participants need to apply the knowledge gained not from the materials of the case, but, for example, from the material covered in the course of physics (“Thermal Phenomena”).

1. What are alternative car engines?

Assess their strengths and weaknesses.

2. Compare the impact of each type of engine on the environment, depending on various factors. Are there any well-known engines that are environmentally friendly and have a high efficiency?

3. How to reduce the negative impact of the car on the environment (except for the solutions proposed in the case)?

4. What ways would you suggest to improve the environmental situation in cities?

What ways to improve the efficiency of heat engines would you suggest?

7). Modular learning technology

Modular learning emerged as an alternative to traditional learning. The semantic meaning of the term "modular learning" is associated with the international concept "module", one of the meanings of which is a functional unit. In this context, it is understood as the main means of modular learning, a complete block of information.

In its original form, modular education originated in the late 60s of the XX century and quickly spread to English-speaking countries. Its essence was that a student, with a little help from a teacher or completely independently, can work with the individual curriculum offered to him, which includes a target action plan, an information bank and a methodological guide to achieve the set didactic goals. The functions of the teacher began to vary from information-controlling to consultative-coordinating. The interaction between the teacher and the student in the educational process began to be carried out on a fundamentally different basis: with the help of modules, the conscious independent achievement of a certain level of preliminary preparedness by the student was ensured. The success of modular training was predetermined by the observance of parity interactions between the teacher and students.

The main goal of the modern school is to create such a system of education that would provide the educational needs of each student in accordance with his inclinations, interests and abilities.

Modular learning is based on four fundamental concepts:

1. Educational block-module (modular program).

2. Time cycle (completed material block module).

3. Training session (very often this is a “paired lesson”).

4. Educational element (algorithm of the student's actions in the lesson).

The module includes: 1) an action plan with specific goals;

2) information bank;

3) methodological guidance to achieve these goals.

When compiling a module, the following rules are used:

1) At the beginning of the module, an input control of students' skills is carried out to determine their level of readiness for further work. If necessary, knowledge is corrected by additional explanation.

2) Be sure to carry out current and intermediate control at the end of each training element. Most often, this is mutual control, reconciliation with samples, etc. Its purpose is to identify the level of gaps in the assimilation of the educational element and eliminate them.

3) After completion of work with the module, output control is carried out. Its purpose is to identify the level of assimilation of the module with subsequent refinement.

In modular lessons, students can work individually, in pairs, in groups of constant and variable composition. The boarding form is free, each of them has the right to choose: he will work alone or with one of his comrades.

The role of the teacher in the classroom is to manage the learning process, advise, help and support students.

Modular learning technology creates a reliable basis for individual and group independent work of students and brings up to 30% savings in learning time without compromising the completeness and depth of the material being studied. In addition, flexibility and mobility are achieved in the formation of knowledge and skills of students, their creative and critical thinking develops.

Benefits of modular learning

Disadvantages and Limitations of Modular Learning

1. Learning objectives are accurately related to the results achieved by each student.

2. The development of modules allows you to condense educational information and present it in blocks.

3. An individual pace of learning activity is set.

4. Staged - modular control of knowledge and practical skills gives a certain guarantee of the effectiveness of training.

5. Learning becomes less dependent on the pedagogical skills of the teacher.

6. Ensuring a high level of activation of students in the classroom.

7. Primary formation of self-education skills.

1. High labor intensity in the design of modules.

2. The development of modular curricula requires high pedagogical and methodological qualifications, special textbooks and teaching aids.

3. The level of problem modules is often low, which does not contribute to the development of the creative potential of students, especially highly gifted ones.

4. In the conditions of modular training, the dialogue functions of training, the cooperation of students, and their mutual assistance often remain practically unrealized.

5. If for each new lesson, lesson, the teacher has the opportunity to update the content of educational material, replenish and expand it, then the "module" remains, as it were, a "frozen" form of presenting educational material, its modernization requires considerable effort.

For example:"Solution of systems of equations of the second degree by the method of addition and the method of introducing a new variable"

Lesson value.

one). The use of modular learning allows for a student-centered approach to teaching mathematics. At this stage, students have already mastered the basic level of solving systems of equations. Therefore, in this lesson, students have the opportunity to test their basic level of assimilation of the topic and get acquainted with new ways of solving systems of equations with two variables (advanced level) at their own pace.

2). The use of modular learning technology includes each student in a conscious learning activity, forms the skills of self-learning and self-control in each student.

3). As a result of mastering the content of the module, students should be able to:

I-level solve systems of equations with two variables by way of substitution and

Graphically according to the algorithm

II-level solve a system of equations with two variables, where both equations are second

Degrees, choosing your own solution method

III-level apply acquired knowledge in non-standard situations

The purpose of the lesson:

one). Practice the skills of solving systems of equations using the substitution method and the graphical method

2). To ensure that students learn other ways of solving systems of equations of the second degree in various ways

3). To form in each student the skills of self-study and self-control

4). Include each student in conscious learning activities, provide an opportunity to advance in the study of the material at an optimal pace for themselves.

Lesson plan:

1).Updating knowledge

3). Input control

4). Learning new material (task 1 and 2)

5).Final control

6). Reflection

7). Homework

Lesson content:

one). Knowledge update

Frontal work with the class, at this time assistants (chosen from the students selectively check their homework).

What is called the solution of a system of equations of the second degree

What does it mean to solve a system of equations

How do you know how to solve systems

How to solve a system by substitution method

How to solve a system graphically

2). Motivational conversation, setting the goal of the lesson

Guys, we already know how to solve systems of equations graphically and by substitution. Look at the system of equations

What is the possible way to solve it.

Indeed, it is not possible to solve this system by known methods. There are other ways to solve systems of equations of the second degree, which we will get acquainted with in this lesson.

The purpose of our lesson is to test the basic level of assimilation of the topic and learn how to solve systems in new ways.

3).Input control

Purpose: to assess the initial level of your knowledge in solving systems of equations of the second degree

1 option.

1. (1 point) The figure shows the graphs of two functions.

Using these graphs, solve the system of equations

(1 point) Solve a system of equations

BUT). (2;3); (-2;-3) B). (3;2);(2;3) B).(3;2); (-3;-2)

3) . (2 points) Solve a system of equations

4). Learning new material.

Purpose: to learn how to apply the addition method when solving systems of equations with two variables of the second degree.

Block 1.

If the system consists of two equations of the second degree with two variables, then finding its solutions can be very difficult. In some cases, solutions can be found by applying addition method

(let's add these equations)

Answer: (4;-1), (4;1), (-4;1) , (-4;-1).

When applying the addition method, we obtain an equivalent equation, from which it is easier to express one of the variables.

We independently solve the system (3 points)

No. 448 (b)

Answer: (6;5) (6;-5) (-6;5) (-6;-5)

We check the solutions, if you decide correctly, then write down three points in your record-card.

Block 2.

Purpose: to learn how to solve systems of equations with two variables using the method of introducing a new variable.When solving systems of equations of the second degree, the method of introducingnew variable.

In this system, it is quite difficult to express one variable in terms of another. So let's introduce a new variable.

Let's denote each of the expressions with a new letter

We get a system of equations

Answer: (5;-2)

If the solution is obtained independently, then 4 points.

If the teacher helped the student once, 3 points.

If the student, on his own without the help of the teacher, could not solve, then only 1 point.

5). Final control.

Purpose: to assess the level of assimilation of new material.

1. (4 points) Solve the system by addition method

2. (4 points) Solve a system of equations by introducing a new variable

Check the task and put the number you have entered into your record-card

6). Reflection

Last name First name_________________________________

Training module number

Number of points

Input control

Block 1

Block 2

Final control

Total points


You need to calculate the number of points, evaluate your work

Score "5" - 14 to 19 points

Score "4" - 9 to 13 points

Grade "3" - 6 to 8 points

7). Homework.

nine). Health saving technologies

Health is the greatest value of a person.

Health, according to N.M. Amosov, can be defined "as an indispensable condition for effective activity through which happiness is achieved." The health of each person is not only an individual value, but, above all, a public one.

In recent years, the health status of children and adolescents has deteriorated. Currently, healthy children make up only 3-10% of their total number.

According to the Ministry of Health of Russia, only 5% of school graduates are healthy. Children's health is a common problem for physicians, teachers and parents. And the solution to this problem depends on the introduction of health-saving technologies into the learning process. Health-saving educational technologies are understood as all those technologies, the use of which is used to preserve the health of students.The health of students is determined by the initial state of his health at the time of entering the school, but the correct organization of educational activities is no less important. Working as a teacher of mathematics in the organization of educational activities, I pay attention to the following factors:

- integrated lesson planning, including tasks that have a health-improving orientation;

- observance of the sanitary and hygienic conditions of training (the presence of an optimal light and thermal regime in the office, safety conditions corresponding to the SanPiNs of furniture, equipment, optimal painting of the walls, etc. Airing is organized before and after classes and partial - at breaks. Wet cleaning of the office is carried out between shifts)

- the correct ratio between the pace and the information density of the lesson (it varies according to the physical condition and mood of the students);

- building a lesson taking into account the performance of students;

- favorable emotional mood;

- conducting physical education sessions and dynamic pauses in the classroom.

Physical culture minutes and pauses during the lessons of mathematics and physics are a necessary short-term rest, which relieves stagnation caused by prolonged sitting at desks. A break is necessary for the rest of the organs of vision, hearing, the muscles of the body (especially the back) and the small muscles of the hands. Physical education helps to increase the attention, activity of children at the next stage of the lesson. Basically, the lesson uses physical exercises for the eyes, for relaxation, for the hands. So gymnastics for the eyes prevents visual fatigue in schoolchildren.

For example,

I).gymnastics for the eyes according to the method of G.A. Shichko.

1.Up-down, left-right. Move your eyes up and down, left and right. Close your eyes to relieve tension, counting to ten.

2.Circle. Imagine a big circle. Circle your eyes first clockwise, then counterclockwise.

3.Square. Have the children imagine a square. Move your gaze from the upper right corner to the lower left - to the upper left, to the lower right. Once again, simultaneously look at the corners of an imaginary square.

4. Let's make faces. The teacher suggests depicting the faces of various animals or fairy-tale characters.

II).Finger gymnastics

1. Waves. The fingers are interlocked. By alternately opening and closing their palms, children imitate the movement of waves.

2. Hello. Children alternately touch the thumbs of each hand with the thumbs of that hand.

III). Physical education minutes

They got up together. bent over

One - forward, and two - back.

Stretched. Straightened up.

We squat quickly, deftly

Here, the trick is already visible.

To develop muscles

You have to sit down a lot.

We're walking on the spot again

But we don't leave the party

(walking in place).

Time to sit down

And start learning again

(children sit at their desks).

With a skillful combination of rest and movement, various activities will ensure high performance of students during the day.

To teach children to take care of their health. In the lessons, you can consider tasks that are based on factual material. All this contributes to the fact that students get used to, appreciate, respect and protect their health.

Let's consider some tasks:

1. The product of two consecutive natural numbers is 132. Find the sum of these numbers and you will find out how many pairs of chromosomes are in the human chromosome set.

Answer: 23 pairs.

2. During the day, the heart can pump 10,000 liters of blood. How many days would it take a pump of this power to fill a pool 20 meters long, 10 meters wide and 2 meters deep?

Answer: 40 days.

3. The mass of vitamin C, daily necessary for a person, refers to the mass of vitamin E, as 4:1. What is the daily requirement for vitamin E if we need to consume 60 mg of vitamin C per day?

Answer: 15 mg.

The use of such technologies helps to preserve and strengthen the health of schoolchildren: preventing overwork of students in the classroom; improvement of the psychological climate in children's groups; involvement of parents in the work to improve the health of schoolchildren; increased concentration of attention; reduction in the incidence of children, the level of anxiety.

10). Integrated Learning Technology

Integration - this is a deep interpenetration, merging, as far as possible, in one educational material of generalized knowledge in a particular area.

The need for emergence integrated lessons due to a number of reasons.

  • The world surrounding children is known by them in all its diversity and unity, and often the subjects of the school cycle, aimed at studying individual phenomena, break it up into separate fragments.
  • Integrated lessons develop the potential of the students themselves, encourage active knowledge of the surrounding reality, to comprehend and find cause-and-effect relationships, to develop logic, thinking, and communication skills.
  • The form of conducting integrated lessons is non-standard, interesting. The use of various types of work during the lesson maintains the attention of students at a high level, which allows us to speak about the sufficient effectiveness of the lessons. Integrated lessons reveal significant pedagogical possibilities.
  • Integration in modern society explains the need for integration in education. Modern society needs highly qualified, well-trained specialists.
  • Integration provides an opportunity for self-realization, self-expression, creativity of the teacher, promotes the disclosure of abilities.

Advantages of integrated lessons.

  • They contribute to increasing the motivation of learning, the formation of the cognitive interest of students, a holistic scientific picture of the world and consideration of the phenomenon from several sides;
  • To a greater extent than ordinary lessons contribute to the development of speech, the formation of students' ability to compare, generalize, draw conclusions;
  • They not only deepen the idea of ​​the subject, but broaden their horizons. But they also contribute to the formation of a diversified, harmoniously and intellectually developed personality.
  • Integration is a source of finding new connections between facts that confirm or deepen certain conclusions. Student observations.

Patterns of integrated lessons:

  • the whole lesson is subject to the author's intention,
  • the lesson is united by the main idea (the core of the lesson),
  • the lesson is a single whole, the stages of the lesson are fragments of the whole,
  • the stages and components of the lesson are in a logical and structural relationship,
  • the didactic material selected for the lesson corresponds to the plan, the chain of information is organized as “given” and “new”.

Interaction between teachers can be built in different ways. It can be:

1. parity, with equal share participation of each of them,

2. one of the teachers can act as a leader, and the other as an assistant or consultant;

3. The entire lesson can be taught by one teacher in the presence of another as an active observer and guest.

Methods of the integrated lesson.

The process of preparing and conducting an integrated lesson has its own specifics. It consists of several stages.

1. Preparatory

2. Executive



2. organization of the creative team,

3. designing the content of the lesson,


The purpose of this stage is to arouse the interest of students in the topic of the lesson, in its content. Ways to arouse the interest of students can be different, for example, a description of a problem situation or an interesting case.

In the final part of the lesson, it is necessary to summarize everything said in the lesson, to summarize the reasoning of the students, to formulate clear conclusions.
At this stage, the analysis of the lesson is carried out. It is necessary to take into account all its advantages and disadvantages

for example : "Resultant force" (integrated lesson in grade 7)

(literature and physics)

You can beat Krylov's fable "Swan, rk and pike"

When there is no agreement among comrades,
Their business will not go well,
And nothing will come out of it, only flour.

Once a Swan, Cancer and Pike
Carried with luggage, they took it,
And together the three all harnessed themselves to it;
They are climbing out of their skin, but the cart is still not moving!
The luggage would have seemed easy for them:
Yes, the Swan rushes into the clouds, the crayfish moves back, and the Pike pulls into the water.
Who is to blame among them, who is right, is not for us to judge;
Yes, only things are still there.

1. Why do you think the cart is not moving?

2. What would you advise the characters in the fable to do in order to move the cart with luggage?

3. What bodies interact?

4. What can be said about the resultant of these forces? - Is it equal to zero?

"Scale" (integrated lesson in grade 6) (geography and mathematics) \

Mathematic teacher: let's write this concept as the topic of the lesson "Scale" in notebooks in mathematics. Are you guys familiar with this topic? Where have you already met her? What do you already know about this topic?

Geography teacher: What definition of scale did we give in geography lessons?
What types of scale do you know?

Mathematic teacher: for successful work in the lesson, we need to remember questions from mathematics, namely: the definition of a relationship; definition of proportion;
basic property of proportion; types of proportional dependence between quantities; ratios between length units: 1 km = ? m = ? cm.

Why do you think that after studying the topic “Relationships and Proportions” in mathematics, we have an integrated lesson on the topic “Scale”?

Write down the scales of the geographical maps of the atlas, highlighting the large-scale map and the small-scale one, determine which of the scales is the largest. Determine the distance between the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg and Petrozavodsk, etc.

eleven). traditional technology

The term "traditional education" implies, first of all, the organization of education that developed in the 17th century on the principles of didactics formulated by Ya.S. Komensky.

Distinctive features of the traditional classroom technology are:

Students of approximately the same age and level of training make up a group that maintains a basically constant composition for the entire period of study;

The group works according to a single annual plan and program according to the schedule;

The basic unit of lessons is the lesson;

The lesson is devoted to one subject, topic, due to which the group students work on the same material;

The work of students in the lesson is directed by the teacher: he evaluates the results of study in his subject, the level of learning of each student individually.

The school year, school day, lesson schedule, study holidays, breaks between lessons are attributes of the class-lesson system.

By their nature, the goals of traditional education represent the upbringing of a personality with given properties. In terms of content, the goals are focused mainly on the assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities, and not on the development of the individual.

Traditional technology is primarily an authoritarian pedagogy of requirements, learning is very weakly connected with the inner life of the student, with his diverse requests and needs, there are no conditions for the manifestation of individual abilities, creative manifestations of the personality.

The learning process as an activity in traditional education is characterized by a lack of independence, weak motivation for educational work. Under these conditions, the stage of implementation of educational goals turns into hard work with all its negative consequences.

Positive sides

Negative sides

The systematic nature of learning

Orderly, logically correct presentation of educational material

Organizational Clarity

The constant emotional impact of the teacher's personality

Optimal resource costs for mass learning

Template construction, monotony

Irrational distribution of lesson time

The lesson provides only an initial orientation in the material, and the achievement of high levels is shifted to homework

Students are isolated from communication with each other

Lack of autonomy

Passivity or visibility of student activity

Weak speech activity (average speaking time of a student is 2 minutes per day)

Weak feedback

Average approach
lack of individual training

Levels of mastery of pedagogical technologies

Today, there is a fairly large number of pedagogical learning technologies, both traditional and innovative. It cannot be said that one of them is better and the other is worse, or that only this one and no other should be used to achieve positive results.

In my opinion, the choice of a particular technology depends on many factors: the contingent of students, their age, level of preparedness, the topic of the lesson, etc.

And the best option is to use a mixture of these technologies. So the educational process for the most part is a class-lesson system. This allows you to work according to the schedule, in a certain audience, with a certain permanent group of students.

Based on the foregoing, I want to say that traditional and innovative teaching methods should be in constant relationship and complement each other. Do not abandon the old and completely switch to the new. Remember the saying

"Everything new is well forgotten old."

Internet and literature. « First of September”, 01/16/2001, 3 pp.

  • Abstract - Physical development and physical fitness in the system of educational institutions (Abstract)
  • New information technologies in education: materials of the international scientific-practical conference (Yekaterinburg, March 1-4, 2011). Part 1 (Document)
  • Orlova E.V. Evaluation of the economic efficiency of technical solutions in graduation design (Document)
  • Kuznetsova N.I., Tuvaev V.N., Orobinsky D.F. Determination of the economic efficiency of technologies and equipment in animal husbandry (Document)
  • Tishchenko M.N., Nekrasov A.V., Radin A.S. Helicopters. Design Options Selection (Document)
  • Mazurova I.I., Belozerova N.P., Leonova T.M., Podshivalova M.M. Analysis of the effectiveness of the enterprise (Document)
  • Coursework - Development and implementation of a system of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) at the enterprise (Coursework)
  • Guzeev V.V. Teaching. From Theory to Mastery (Document)
  • n1.docx

    Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus

    State educational institution

    "Academy of Postgraduate Education"

    Faculty of Executives and

    top education specialists
    Department of Pedagogy and Philosophy of Education

    Criteria for the effectiveness of the application

    educational technologies

    Minsk 2011


    Main part

    Chapter 1. Understanding Educational Technology

      1. The concept of technology and the concept of educational technology……………………………………………………………...

      2. Modern educational technologies
    (according to the classification of G.Selevko and N.Zaprudsky)…………………….

      1. Systemic features of educational technology…………………
    Chapter 2. Criteria for determining effectiveness

    Applications of educational technology

    2.1. Definition of the term “criterion”……………………………………….

    2.2. Criteria for the effectiveness of pedagogical technologies …………….

    2.3. Some aspects of defining criteria

    Efficiency of application of educational technologies…………

    2.4. Criteria for the effectiveness of pedagogical technologies

    For domain-specific technologies……………………….

    2.5. Criteria for the effectiveness of pedagogical technologies

    For personality-oriented technologies………………………..


    List of used literature………………………………………...



    In the last decade, special attention has been paid to the problems of theoretical substantiation, development and implementation of modern technologies in the educational process, aimed at achieving high and sustainable results of pedagogical activity. Achieving the efficiency and high quality of education, the development of its humanitarian, environmental and practical orientation, the improvement of pedagogical technologies are the leading goals and objectives of modern education.

    “Thoughts should not be taught, but thoughts should be taught,” these words of I. Kant fully express what a modern teacher should follow when considering the strategy, tactics, methods of teaching his subject. The modern, ever-changing world requires the teacher to be ready, willing and able to be at the forefront of modern science, since teaching requires a scientific approach in the system of transferring knowledge to students: in the modern educational space, the forms and methods of teaching are changing; ability to be flexible, mobile; the ability to change with the world. The school is one of the most conservative public institutions (which is not a negative characteristic - it is conservatism that gives stability to school education), however, it is impossible to ignore the processes that take place in the modern educational space and it is impossible not to change along with the world in order to be interesting, creative , a successful teacher.

    Chapter 1. Understanding Educational Technology

      1. The concept of technology and the concept of educational technology

    The last decades in pedagogical science have been painted in the "colors" of the technologization of the educational process. Points of view on the use of various educational technologies in teaching were polar: from the categorical denial of the possibility of technologizing the educational process as a process in the field of the humanities, to the full approval of technologies. Moreover, in the encyclopedia "Wikipedia" in the article "Educational technologies" it is said: "the concept is not generally accepted in traditional pedagogy..." 1 (pedagogical, school) technology”, and to the very fact of the existence of educational technologies (up to the denial of their existence). At the same time, it is impossible not to take into account the fact that in modern pedagogical literature there are many studies devoted to the description, detailed characteristics, and description of the methods of using educational technologies.

    The concept of "technology" is found in dictionaries (and we are talking purely about the production process): " Technology(from the Greek. techne - art, skill, skill and ... logic), a set of methods of processing, manufacturing, changing the state, properties, form of raw materials, material or semi-finished products carried out in the production process. The task of technology as a science is to identify physical, chemical, mechanical and other regularities in order to determine and use in practice the most efficient and economical production processes” 2 . As you can see, in the article of the dictionary, published in the 80s. of the last century, there is not even a hint of the possibility of using the concept of "technology" in the educational field as a humanitarian sphere of public life. But at the present time we hear about electoral technologies, technologies for "promotion" of this or that phenomenon, event, i.e. In the modern world, we are faced with the fact that the concept of "technology" has long penetrated into the humanitarian sphere, not only as a term used "out of habit", but also due to the fact that technology implies a clearly described algorithm, a system of actions that will lead to some guaranteed result. That is why modern pedagogical dictionaries give a definition of pedagogical (educational) technology: “ educational technology
    1) this is a process system of joint activities of students and a teacher in designing, planning, organizing, orienting and correcting the educational process in order to achieve a specific result; 2) (Education technologies) is a systematic method of planning, applying, evaluating the entire process of learning and mastering knowledge by taking into account human and technical resources and the interaction between them to achieve a more effective form of education;
    3) the solution of didactic problems in line with the management of the educational process with precisely defined goals, the achievement of which should be amenable to a clear description and definitions” 3 . "Educational technologies - a system of activity of a teacher and a student, based on a certain idea, principles of organization and the relationship of goals, content and methods of education" 4 .

    At the same time, in modern pedagogical science there are different views on technology, or different participants in the educational process perceive and understand the concept of "technology" in different ways: technology as the development, use of technical teaching aids; as a way of communication; as a field of knowledge that constructs optimal educational systems; as a process that includes all of the above aspects. Modern pedagogical science, despite many years of experience in the use of educational technologies in pedagogical practice, still determines its attitude to this phenomenon.

    As a result of the above, it appears actual problem not only and not so much an understanding of the essence of educational (pedagogical, school) technology, but an understanding of the effectiveness of those essential moments of the technologization of education that will convince the pedagogical community, parents, students that the use of technology in the practice of teaching leads to a qualitative improvement in education, contributes to the development of students . But understanding this is impossible without determining the effectiveness of the application of educational technology, because The main task of education is not only to transfer a certain amount of knowledge to students, but to teach students the ways of mental activity, the ability to acquire knowledge on their own. The problem of the effectiveness of the educational process (as a result, the possibility and necessity of using modern educational technologies in everyday pedagogical practice) is of particular relevance in connection with the innovative processes taking place in education at the present stage, in connection with modern requirements for the quality of education. Evaluation of the effectiveness of educational technology is very important, as it helps to orient the teacher in choosing the direction of the teacher's movement in the adoption of technology, in the way they are used, in improving and developing both technologies and the learning process - their work.

    The purpose of this work is the coverage of issues devoted to the problem of determining the criteria for the effectiveness of the application of educational technologies.

    The task of the presented work- to determine possible criteria for the effectiveness of the application of educational technologies.

      1. Modern educational technologies
    (according to the classification of G.Selevko and N.Zaprudsky)
    Taking into account the fact that there are scientifically formulated concepts of educational technology, we will briefly describe the existing classifications of technologies used in education. G.K. Selevko identifies the following educational technologies:

    • Modern traditional education.

    • Pedagogical technologies based on the personal orientation of the pedagogical process.

    • Pedagogical technologies based on the activation and intensification of students' activities.

    • Pedagogical technologies based on the effectiveness of management and organization of the educational process.

    • Pedagogical technologies based on didactic improvement and reconstruction of the material.

    • Private subject pedagogical technologies.

    • Alternative technologies.

    • Natural technologies.

    • Technologies of developing education.

    • Pedagogical technologies of copyright schools 5 .
    Over the years since the publication of G.K. Selevko’s book “Modern Educational Technologies”, the classification of educational technologies has been refined, rethought, and therefore the following idea has become relevant: “At present, two leading trends in the modernization of the pedagogical process are becoming more and more active: approach to its design and implementation, the second - with the humanization and humanitarization of education” 6 . Based on the above trend, subject-oriented and person-oriented technologies are distinguished. This means that there are different approaches to working with technologies that are in the field of subject-oriented and, accordingly, in the field of person-oriented, which, therefore, means that there will be different criteria in evaluating the effectiveness of the application of these technologies.

      1. System features of educational technology

    The technology is determined by a number of system features - criteria that allow you to draw a clear boundary, to distinguish between the concepts of "methodology" and "technology". G.K. Selevko defines the following criteria for the manufacturability of the educational process:

    Conceptuality. Each pedagogical technology should be based on a certain scientific concept, including the philosopher's psychological, didactic and socio-pedagogical justification for achieving educational goals.

    Consistency. Pedagogical technology must have all the features of the system: the logic of the process, the interconnection of all its parts, integrity.

    Controllability involves the possibility of diagnostic goal-setting, planning, designing the learning process, step-by-step diagnostics, varying means and methods in order to correct the results.

    Efficiency. Modern pedagogical technologies exist in competitive conditions and must be effective in terms of results and optimal in terms of costs, guaranteeing the achievement of a certain standard of education.

    Reproducibility implies the possibility of using (repeating) pedagogical technology in other educational institutions of the same type, by other subjects 7 .

    Thus, "the main thing that characterizes the use of pedagogical technologies in teaching is the fundamentally different foundations of the educational process, a special way of setting pedagogical goals, which consists in the fact that these goals are formulated as the expected result of students' activities in the form of specific skills" 8 .
    Chapter 2. Criteria for determining the effectiveness of the application of educational technology
    2.1. Definition of the concept of "criterion"
    The concept of a criterion is very important for determining (recognizing, applying) educational technology: it helps to determine whether a certain style of teaching is a technology, methodology, or some method of teaching that has not yet been described in the pedagogical literature. Equally important are the evaluation of the effectiveness of any educational process and the criteria that will help determine the effectiveness of this process. In order to determine the criteria of any process, it is necessary to determine the process or phenomenon that is supposed to be "measured" with the help of the criterion being determined.

    To determine the criteria, consider the meaning of this word.

    Criterion [German] Kriterium assessments, judgments 9 . Merilo (book) sign, on the basis of which you can measure, evaluate, compare something 10 . sign . Indicator, a sign, a sign by which you can find out, determine something 11 . Indicator. 2. That by which one can judge the development and course of something 12 . Indicator - in most cases, generalized characteristic any object, process or its result, concept or their properties, usually expressed in numerical form 13 . Characteristic - a set of distinctive properties of someone or something 14 . Grade. An opinion about the value, level, or significance of someone or something. Estimate . 1. Determine the price of someone - something. 2 . Set the quality of someone-something 15 .

    Following the given logic of definitions, we can say that criterion - this is a set of distinctive properties (characteristics), a sign that allows you to determine (find out, establish), evaluate the properties, qualities of a process, result, object. Thus, criteria are the main tool for determining the effectiveness or quality of something.

    Often the problem of determining the effectiveness is limited only by determining the quality of knowledge, the degree of formation of skills and abilities (note that this parameter is important in the educational space), but it is necessary to take into account the fact that the effectiveness of a particular educational technology largely depends on the pedagogical concept, methodological the basis on which this educational technology operates. Therefore, it seems appropriate to talk about the effectiveness of educational technology, which is understood as the degree of compliance of the results of the implementation of the technology with the predicted goals focused on the performance of the functions of education.

    2.2. Criteria
    In the educational system of the Republic of Belarus, considerable attention is paid to the problems of theoretical substantiation, development and implementation of modern technologies in the educational process, which, first of all, are focused on achieving high and sustainable results of pedagogical activity. The state is interested in the efficiency and high quality of education, in the development of its humane, humanitarian, environmental and practical orientation. To assess achievements in the field of education, some tools, meters, criteria are needed that can determine the level of achievement of the goals set. Back in 1989, V.P. Bespalko wrote about the absence of “criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the didactic process as a whole” 16 . Modern society, the world put forward special requirements for the quality of education that is received at school. In this regard, the effectiveness of educational technology can be assessed according to the following criteria:

    The integrity of the reflection in the content of the tasks of education, upbringing and development;

    Reflection in the content of the current level of development of science and technology;

    Compliance of the content with the age and psychological characteristics of students;

    Informativeness of educational material;

    The adequacy of the methods to the goals and content of the educational material;

    The diversity of the use of methods and the variability of the implemented teaching methods;

    Ensuring the principles of visibility and accessibility of training;

    Versatility of use and ease of use of teaching aids;

    The degree of teacher assistance to students in organizing their independent activities, etc.

    The criteria listed above do not affect all aspects of evaluating the effectiveness of the use of educational technology, however, they can serve as a measure of evaluating the effectiveness of not only educational technology, but also a traditional lesson.

    S.S. Kashlev in the book "Technology of Interactive Learning" directly highlights the following criteria effectiveness of pedagogical technologies :

    • high level of technological culture of the teacher;

    • high level of teacher's mastery of technological methods;

    • own experience of using pedagogical technologies by the teacher;

    • opportunities for creative transformation of technology;

    • creating a situation of success in the activities of students and teachers in the process of implementing technology;

    • organic interconnection of technology components;

    • a fairly complete description of the technology;

    • the possibilities of technology in the actualization, self-development of students and teachers;

    • organization of interaction between the teacher and students;

    • significant changes in the state of students (in their motivation for activities, knowledge, skills, emotions, etc.) 17 .
    These criterial aspects relate directly to the scope of educational technologies. At the same time, these positions, while determining the effectiveness of all technologies in general, do not give a detailed idea of ​​how to determine the effect of using modular technology in the classroom or the effectiveness of using the technology of pedagogical workshops in the lesson.

    2.3. Some aspects of defining criteria

    the effectiveness of the application of educational technologies
    Let us consider some aspects of determining the criteria for the effectiveness of the application of educational technologies.

    S.B. Savelova writes: “It can be argued that the criteria for the effectiveness of the training are at least two descriptions of the expected results (desirable for the organizers - teachers and students), equipped with specific, clearly distinguishable signs and methods for their “detection” (diagnostics), which for organizers of the educational process determine the necessary ways and means of constructing a methodology (technology) for conducting classes (course)” 18 . Therefore, starting to work with technology, it is necessary to know in advance those criteria that will show the effectiveness of work in a particular technology (or with a particular technology) at two levels: efficiency criteria for the teacher, efficiency criteria for the student; they will certainly be different. In order to determine the criteria for the effectiveness of the application of educational technology, it is necessary to have a toolkit - a set of indicators (data, figures, results) and ways to measure them. These indicators include:

    • the depth of knowledge of students in the subject;

    • the practical orientation of knowledge, which is expressed in the readiness and ability of students to apply the acquired knowledge in a similar or changed situation;

    • systematic knowledge, which is characterized by the presence in the mind of structural and functional links between heterogeneous elements of knowledge 19 ;

    • awareness of knowledge, which can be expressed in the student's understanding of the connections between different areas of knowledge, ways of obtaining knowledge, and the ability to prove it.

    2.4. Criteria for the effectiveness of pedagogical technologies

    for domain-specific technologies
    Another important note: the criteria for the effectiveness of pedagogical technologies for subject-oriented and student-oriented technologies will be different. N.I. Zaprudsky writes: “The lessons conducted within the framework of:

    1. traditional explanatory-reproductive education;

    2. technological approach;

    3. student-centered learning.
    … Along with a certain set of mandatory and invariant parameters of the lesson (psychological climate, sanitary and hygienic conditions, literacy of the teacher's speech, etc.), specific parameters can be identified for each technology for the assessment and self-assessment of the lesson” 20 .

    For subject-oriented technologies (technology of complete assimilation, technology of level differentiation, concentrated education, university technology, etc.), such parameters will be (according to the classification of N.I. not only to analyze the lesson, but also to identify the degree of its effectiveness, if each of the parameters is correlated with the ideal-example.But the following philosophical question arises: how to determine the criteria and parameters of that ideal-example, which will be correlated with some real lesson?):

    Lesson Components

    Estimated parameters

    The purpose of the lesson.

    Compliance with the curriculum in the subject and the place of the lesson in the topic. Concreteness and the possibility of identifying the degree of achievement. The reality of achieving the objectives of the lesson. Compliance of goals with a tiered approach. Acceptance of goals by students.


    General erudition and professional competence. Possession of pedagogical techniques. Speech (tempo, diction, figurativeness, emotionality, literacy). The style of pedagogical communication with students. The focus of the teacher on learning activities, the development of which by the students of the class is the goal of the lesson.


    The level of motivation, cognitive activity and performance. Stability, volume, switching attention. Organization and implementation of uniform requirements adopted at the school. The development of oral and written speech. Student independence and ability to interact with classmates. Formation of self-control skills.

    Lesson content.

    Conformity of the content to the objectives of the lesson. Scientific nature and compliance with the curriculum. Highlighting the main content of the lesson. Relationship between content and life. Availability and differentiation of content. Educational and developing potential of the content of the lesson.

    Logical sequence and interconnection of the stages of the lesson. The optimal distribution of time and the pace of the lesson. Optimal choice of methods and forms of training. Rationality of selection of teaching aids. Compliance with the rules of labor protection, sanitary and hygienic regime.

    Lesson result.

    An opportunity to assess the degree of achievement of the goal at the lesson itself. Awareness of the teacher about the degree of achievement of the goal by each student. Children's knowledge of the content of their own mistakes and difficulties. The degree of achievement of the objectives of the lesson. Focusing homework on identified gaps in students' knowledge and skills.

    Since "in domain-specific technologies ... the content is set by the curriculum, textbooks and has a complete character" 22, the effectiveness of the application of domain-specific technologies can be determined in each specific case of applying a particular technology. The priority criterion in determining the effectiveness of the application of technology is the students' knowledge of the educational material. For example, university education technology involves lectures and seminars in the form of classes, passing tests. Consequently, the successful passing of tests, the quality preparation of students for entrance exams (based on the results of the entrance campaign) gives an idea of ​​the effectiveness of using this technology in the learning process.

    The degree of assimilation by students of the content of curricula, the degree of formation of information and managerial competencies can be clarified in the classroom by questioning students or in the course of their performance of any tasks provided for by the curricula; the quality of the performance of these tasks will give an idea of ​​the effectiveness of the use of integrated technology in the lesson.

    Complete assimilation of knowledge by all students, mastery of the necessary skills and abilities using the technology of complete assimilation of knowledge can be verified by performing control (test) tasks. Thus, when determining the effectiveness of the application of subject-oriented technologies, the criteria for effectiveness will be: knowledge, skills, skills acquired by students in the learning process. It is possible to reveal the depth, consistency of the acquired knowledge, the formation of skills and abilities through evaluation (test, test, etc.) work. Thus, the criterion for the effectiveness of the application of subject-oriented technology will be the knowledge gained in the course of work in the classroom and in independent work along the trajectory set by the teacher, which is determined by the logic of the technology.

    2.5. Criteria for the effectiveness of pedagogical technologies

    for student-centered technologies
    For student-centered technologies (technologies of pedagogical workshops, modular training, problem-modular training, training as an educational research, collective mental activity, educational design, technology of cooperative learning, development of critical thinking, Dalton technology), such parameters will be (according to the classification of N.I. .Zaprudsky) 23:

    Lesson Components

    Estimated parameters

    The purpose of the lesson.

    Focus on the personal development of students. Participation of the students themselves in determining the objectives of the lesson. Self-determination of schoolchildren on the result of the lesson. The teacher's definition of goals through appropriate conditions and situations. Using goals as indicators for assessing activities in the lesson.


    Focus on the strategy of cooperation in the lesson. Possession of knowledge on the subject, the ability to arouse interest in the topic of the lesson. The ability to create educational situations of a developing type. Ability to respond flexibly to changing situations in the classroom. Speech (tempo, diction, figurativeness, emotionality, literacy).


    The level of motivation and cognitive activity. The degree of influence of students on the goals, content and methods of work. Ability to work in a group. The presence of evaluation activities of the students themselves. Participation of students in dialogue, discussions. Creation by schoolchildren of their own educational products.

    Lesson content.

    Scientific and accessible to students, connection with life. The presence of problematic situations. Accounting for the subjective experience of students. The presence of the activity content of the lesson. Availability of educational products for students.

    Organizational forms, methods and means of teaching.

    The general atmosphere of the lesson. A combination of individual, group and frontal forms of work. The predominance of active teaching methods. Providing students with the necessary materials. Valeological assessment of the lesson.

    Lesson result.

    The degree of originality of educational products of students. Participation of students in the evaluation of the activities and results of the lesson. Students discovering unresolved problems. The presence of self-determination of students for further work on the topic. Satisfaction with the lesson of students and the teacher himself.

    In student-centered technologies, a student can present his knowledge / results of educational / developmental activities in various forms: an essay, a project, an essay, a solved problem, a table, a graph, a presentation, a herbarium, etc. In this case, the criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of the application of educational technology will be “his [student's] ability to reconstruct his previous knowledge and build new ones. The LOT evaluates the ability to critically perceive the textbook, think independently, see alternatives, and reasonably disagree. At the same time, the main "evaluator" of the student's activity and its results is the student himself" 24 . And one more important addition: “... LOT does not fully meet the criteria of manufacturability, since, in particular, they are not focused on obtaining a predetermined guaranteed result. … Learner-centered technology is more of a an ordered sequence of developing educationtelny situations. …“Living through” these situations, students master the appropriate cognitive and social competencies, acquire adequate personal increments” 25 . This remark seems to be necessary, since indicates that the criteria for the effectiveness of the application of personality-oriented technologies are rather “blurred”, they cannot always be clearly formulated, and therefore diagnosed, have a delayed result that can manifest itself after a certain (sometimes quite long) period of time. It seems logical that the criterion for the effectiveness of the application of student-centered technology lies to a greater extent in the emotional plane, when it is not the knowledge acquired during the lesson that becomes important (and sometimes it is not knowledge in the traditional sense of the word), but satisfaction from joint creativity, understanding the importance of the student's movement along the trajectory set by his personal development. But this area is difficult and sometimes impossible to diagnose, to “feel” right away.

    Thus, the criteria for determining the effectiveness of the use of educational technology in the practice of the teacher's work will be different depending on what technology the teacher uses in his work, which puts at the forefront of his pedagogical work.

    Like any branch of human activity, education is characterized by a specific set of technological processes. Technology is usually understood as: a) systematic knowledge about the production process; b) knowledge of the methods and processes of processing raw materials into commodities and means of production; c) knowledge transmitted and applied to solve many problems that arise in the life of society. Usually technologies are fixed in the form of inventions, useful models, samples, equipment, information.

    Educational technology is a way of using human resources and various means of communication to transfer information in the provision of educational services. The basis of educational technologies is the scientific, methodological and legal support of the educational process. Educational technologies in the 21st century will become the leading way of learning in educational institutions.

    In order to determine the effectiveness of the use of educational technology, it is necessary to determine how it meets the requirements for a process called "use of technology in the educational process";

    determine its belonging to subject- or personality-oriented technologies;

    in the process of reflection, determine to what extent the set diagnostic and diagnosable goals have been achieved.

    The criteria for the effectiveness of the application of educational technology will be the knowledge, skills acquired in the lesson, the emotional state of the participants in the educational process, the tasks formulated for further development, the presence of situations of success in the lesson for each student, the desire to move on.

    List of used literature

    1. Bespalko, V.P. Components of pedagogical technology / V.P. Bespalko. – M.: Pedagogy, 1989. – 115 p.

    2. Bim-Bad, B.M. Pedagogical encyclopedic dictionary / B.M.Bim-Bad. - M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia, 2002. - S. 174.

    3. Wikipedia. Free Encyclopedia / [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: . - Date of access: 20.05.2011.

    4. Gorbich, O.I. Modern pedagogical technologies for teaching the Russian language at school: lectures / OI Gorbich. - M .: Pedagogical University "First of September", 2009. - 15 p.

    5. Zaprudsky, N.I. Modern school technologies: A guide for teachers / N.I. Zaprudsky - 2nd ed. - Mn., 2004. - 270-271 p.

    6. Zaprudsky, N.I. Modern school technologies-2 / N.I.Zaprudsky. - Minsk: Sir-Vit, 2004. - 18 p.

    7. Kashlev, S.S. Interactive learning technology / S.S. Kashlev. - Minsk: Belarusian Verasen, 2005. - 17 p.

    8. Krysin, L.P. Illustrated explanatory dictionary of foreign words / L.P.K lynx. - Moscow: Eksmo, 2008. - 379 p.

    9. Educational technology // Dictionary of pedagogical use / edited by L.M. Luzina. - Pskov: PSPI, 2003. - S. 71.

    10. Ozhegov, S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language / S.I. Ozhegov. - Moscow: Russian language, 1987.- 418 p.

    11. Savelova, S.B. Scheme for assessing the effectiveness of the educational process (training) / S.B. Savelova [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: - Access date: 06/03/2011.

    12. Selevko, G.K. Modern educational technologies: Textbook / Selevko G.K. - M .: National education, 1998. - 17 p.

    13. Visual Dictionary / [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: - Access date: 05/29/2011.

    14. Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary / Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary / Editor-in-Chief A.M. Prokhorov. - Moscow: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1984. - P. 1321. - Access date: 06/03/2011.

      20 Zaprudsky, N.I. Modern school technologies: A guide for teachers / N.I. Zaprudsky - 2nd ed. - Mn., 2004. - 268 p.

      21 Zaprudsky, N.I. Modern school technologies: A guide for teachers / N.I. Zaprudsky - 2nd ed. - Mn., 2004. - 268-269 p.

      22 Zaprudsky, N.I. Modern school technologies-2 / N.I.Zaprudsky. - Minsk: Sir-Vit, 2004. - 15 p.

      23 Zaprudsky, N.I. Modern school technologies: A guide for teachers / N.I. Zaprudsky - 2nd ed. - Mn., 2004. - 270-271 p.

      24 Zaprudsky, N.I. Modern school technologies-2 / N.I.Zaprudsky. - Minsk: Sir-Vit, 2004. - 18 p.

      25 Zaprudsky, N.I. Modern school technologies-2 / N.I.Zaprudsky. - Minsk: Sir-Vit, 2004. - 19 p.

    teacher - speech therapist MBOU "Secondary School No. 1"

    Use of modern educational technologies and methods in the educational process

    The use of modern educational technologies and methods in the educational process.

    Modern pedagogical technology in the educational process is a model of joint pedagogical activity for the design, organization and conduct of the educational process, thought out in all details, with the unconditional provision of comfortable conditions for students and teachers, i.e. content technique for the implementation of the educational process.

    Modern technologies used in training and education

    1. Technologies of correctional and developmental education.
    2. Game technologies.
    3. Technologies of differentiated learning.
    4. Technologies of the collective way of learning.
    5. Technology of individualization of education.
    6. Project-based learning technologies
    7. Problem-Based Learning Technologies
    8. Health saving technologies.
    9. Person-Centered Technologies
    10. Information and communication technologies.


    These technologies allow the most flexible response to the educational needs and opportunities of each child.

    The priority areas of pedagogical correction are:

    1. improvement of movements and sensorimotor development;
    2. correction of certain aspects of mental activity;
    3. development of basic mental operations;
    4. development of various types of thinking;
    5. correction of violations in the development of the emotional and personal sphere;
    6. speech development;
    7. expansion of ideas about the world around and enrichment of the dictionary;
    8. correction of individual problems in knowledge.


    The concept of "game technologies" includes a fairly large group of methods and techniques for organizing the pedagogical process in the form of various pedagogical games.

    Unlike games in general, a pedagogical game has an essential feature - a clearly defined learning goal and a pedagogical result corresponding to it, which can be substantiated, explicitly identified and characterized by a cognitive orientation.

    The game form of classes is created by game motivation, which acts as a means of inducing, stimulating students to learning activities.

    The implementation of game techniques and situations in the lessons takes place in the following main areas:

    - the didactic goal is set for schoolchildren in the form of a game task;

    - learning activity is subject to the rules of the game;

    - educational material is used as its means;

    - an element of competition is introduced into the educational activity, which translates the didactic task into a game one;

    - the successful completion of the didactic task is associated with the game result.

    The place and role of game technology in the educational process, the combination of game and learning elements largely depend on the teacher's understanding of the functions and classification of pedagogical games.

    The psychological mechanisms of gaming activity are based on the fundamental needs for self-expression, self-affirmation, self-regulation, self-realization.

    The goal of gaming technologies is to solve a number of problems:

    didactic (expansion of horizons, development of cognitive activity, formation of certain skills and abilities necessary in practical activities);

    developing (development of attention, memory, speech, thinking, imagination, fantasy, creative ideas, the ability to establish patterns, find optimal solutions);

    educating (education of independence, will, formation of moral, aesthetic and worldview positions, education of cooperation, collectivism, sociability, etc.);

    socializing (initiation to the norms and values ​​of society; adaptation to environmental conditions, etc.).


    A differentiated (multi-level) approach to learning is considered as an opportunity for individualization of learning in a subgroup/group. A differentiated approach is one of the components of the psychological comfort of students, since it involves removing, if possible, all stress-forming factors of the educational process, creating an atmosphere in the classroom that unchains children, in which they feel “at home”, and in which the quality of education improves.


    The use of the method of collective organization of educational activities increases the effectiveness of correctional and developmental education:

    - promotes the development of independence, activity of educational activities;

    — increases the level of speech development and communication skills.


    Such an organization of the educational process, in which an individual approach and an individual form of education are a priority.


    The project method is not new in world pedagogy. It was proposed and developed in the 1920s by the American philosopher and educator George Dewey and was based on humanistic ideas in philosophy and education. J. Dewey proposed to build learning on an active basis, using the purposeful activities of students, taking into account their personal interest in this knowledge, and eventually getting a real result.

    The project method is based on:

    - development of cognitive skills and abilities of students;

    - ability to navigate in the information space;

    - the ability to independently construct their knowledge;

    – the ability to integrate knowledge from various fields of science;

    - the ability to think critically.

    Design technology involves:

    - the presence of a problem that requires integrated knowledge and research search for its solution;

    - practical, theoretical, cognitive significance of the expected results;

    - independent activity of the student;

    - structuring the content of the project, indicating the phased results;

    — use of research methods.


    The problem of organizing learning using active methods has attracted the attention of many researchers, since it is in the process of problem-based learning that this knowledge and skills will be formed most effectively. The use of elements of problem-based learning contributes to an increase in the level of scientific education, the development of students' independence, their mental and creative abilities, emotional and volitional qualities, and the formation of students' cognitive motivation for learning.

    Learning is carried out in such a way that the assimilation of knowledge proceeds not only on the basis of memorization, but to a greater extent on the conscious application of knowledge in the process of solving cognitive problems. In this case, students learn to reason and use the available information.

    In the process of organizing training, the following are used: problem questions, programmed tasks, differentiated tasks on cards at the stage of testing and consolidating knowledge, didactic games. All this didactic material provides various types of assistance (organizing, stimulating, teaching) in the process of forming mental operations.

    Thus, we can conclude that training usually requires not one, but a number of methods, their complex. The variation of teaching methods will intensify the cognitive activity of students. The combination of methods makes it possible to best take into account the specifics of the content of the educational material, to choose the most rational methods of mastering knowledge.

    Based on the use of active learning technologies, conditions are created for the comprehensive development of the student's cognitive abilities.


    Children's health is a common problem of physicians, teachers and parents. And the solution to this problem depends on the introduction of health-saving technologies into the school.

    The goal of health-saving educational learning technologies is to provide the student with the opportunity to maintain health during the period of study at school, to form in him the necessary knowledge and practical skills in a healthy lifestyle, to teach him to use the acquired knowledge in everyday life.

    Modern health-saving technologies are a real chance to solve the problem of preserving the health of children consciously, comprehensively and systematically. Classes are built taking into account an individual approach to students, taking into account the peculiarities of their mental development. Only with this approach can the principle of "health through education" be realized.

    So, health-saving technologies include:

    - articulatory gymnastics

    – The use of fairy tale therapy

    - Breathing exercises

    - visual gymnastics

    — Elements of relaxation

    - Dynamic pauses in combination with speech material.

    - Finger gymnastics with the use of self-massage.

    - Elements of psycho-gymnastics.

    Long-term practice shows that the creation of an educational environment that ensures the elimination of stress-forming factors, an individual approach to schoolchildren, which allows creating a situation of success for each child in any kind of activity, the creative nature of the educational process using active and diverse forms and methods of teaching, the rational organization of motor activity allow to increase the adaptive capabilities of the child's body, and therefore, to become a means of preserving and strengthening the health of children.


    They put the personality of the child at the center of the entire school educational system, providing comfortable, conflict-free and safe conditions for its development, the realization of its natural potentials. The personality of the child in this technology is not only a subject, but also a priority subject; it is the goal of the educational system.

    Person-centered technology is the embodiment of humanistic philosophy, psychology and pedagogy. The focus of the teacher's attention is on the child's unique integral personality, striving for the maximum realization of its capabilities (self-actualization), open to the perception of new experience, capable of making a conscious and responsible choice in various life situations. In contrast to the usual (formalized) transfer of knowledge and social norms to the pupil in traditional technologies, here the achievement by the individual of the above qualities is proclaimed the main goal of training and education.

    Person-centered technologies are characterized by:

    - humanistic essence;

    - psychotherapeutic orientation;

    - set a goal - the versatile, free and creative development of the child.


    It's no secret that the rapid development of information technology in recent years has affected all aspects of human activity. Information technology allows a person to interact more actively with the outside world, to receive the maximum amount of information in a minimum period of time and with a minimum effort to search for it.

    The potential of the computer, as the main learning tool, allows the most complete use of the cognitive capabilities of students.

    The need to use information technology in remedial education is undeniable, as it is a promising direction in the development of remedial education.

    The use of computer technology gives a positive result in learning to work on a computer, as well as in consolidating the acquired knowledge.

    The use of these technologies in a holistic system helps to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of correctional activities, as evidenced by the positive dynamics of the development of the correctional program.